E The letter which occurs most often in English -- but for no good reason, since it's often silent or obscure. As an initial it's relatively infrequent; the E space on the Swisher checklist was blank till Dick Wilson intentionally launched a fanzine beginning with E, Escape. EASTERCON (DAG) or All-Fools' Con (Latter name from the date). A small but select conclave held at Fond du Lac, Wisc, on Easter Sunday 1 April 1956. Attending were Dean and Jean Grennell (their home), Redd Boggs, Curt Janke, and Dick Eney. It coincided with the date of the British convacation at Torquay that year, and the name "Eastercon" was in honor of the Westercon. A one-shot was produced and the Nuclear Fizz established in Wisconsin. EAVESDROPPINGS (Willis) began with HYPHEN #4, October 1953. They are a sort of bacover-quote, a lot of "-actual incredible things fans have said to one another."- EDITOR The jerk who founds a fanzine, names it, decides what kind of material it shall carry, selects and puts together material for an issue, and/ or publishes it; and his successors. There are also positions called art editor, assistant editor, contributing editor, etc, which may mean much assistance in the dirty work or none at all. Much blood has been shed over the question whether an editor should be allowed to make any changes in the mss of his writers before publishing them. many competent writers resent it as unnecessary interference with their communication to the readership; it is defended as taking the place of the drafting and rewriting that the authors ought to do and don't. EDITORIAL STUFF We distinguish this from articles in a fanzine which happen to be written by the editor. Editorials, contents page, mastheads, expiration notices, forecasts for the next issue, pleas for material, ads, fillers, interlineations, and bracketed comments in letters and other departments are usually tho not always by the editor. JACOB EDWARDS A mythical neofan. Originally a pename under which Ted White reviewed stf pbs for his fanzine ZIP. In the fall of 1954 TEW and Bob M Stewart decided to create a real hoax, and Edwards began to publish his own fanzine, MINI, and feuded with White. The hoax was very successful, since the Jacob Edwards personality was far more evident and White was a nonentity at the time -- so much so that most sided with Edwards in his imaginary battle, and White dropped the hoax after one issue of MINI had been published. Since then it has been an open secret and Jacob Edwards has been used by various fen as a serconfanfiction character, usually as a good-natured neofan. EGO Byname of Arthur C Clarke, You guess why. It has been depicted as a separate being, a sort of astral projection, which embodies Clarke's dizzier characteristics in extreme form. EGOBOO That which boosts the ego. The force that impels fans in their tireless activity. In fandom, egoboo is usually gained by seeing one's name in print, preferably in someone else's publication. Spoken egoboo, tho transitory, is pleasant. Most common sources are favorable comment on one's fanac, but include indirect things like success of projects, volcanic reaction from the target of one of your needles, and unsatiric parody. If the egoboo of fame is unobtainable, notoriety is better than no egoboo at all. Fandom may be defined as an infinitely complex system for the production of pure egoboo. Indeed, the universe itself was created for egoboo (Psalms 145:10) if we are to believe the stories. EGOBOO POLL The annual poll in FAPA which determines the best work of the year in several categories. The old Laureate Poll gave actual awards but when this was discontinued in the Little Interregnum relative standings in the annual VP's poll were still published. This came to be called the Egoboo Poll because that was the only reward for winners. EGOISM A noticeable characteristic of the typical fan is the high esteem he has for himself. No true fan but will freely admit he's uncommonly intelligent, tho the antics of some who claimed genius have rather put us off pretensions to superhuman IQs. There is much foundation for this estimate of fan intelligence, but in youths aged around twenty it frequently takes a Byronic turn. ELDER GODS Background races in the Shaver and Lovecraft Mythos. In the latter they were responsible for exiling the Great Old Ones to Earth but rarely appeared themselves. In the [ptui!] former they were an immortal race, some of whom originally inhabited Earth. When Sol began to give off Dis they built the Caves to escape its effects, but, finding these inadequate, migrated, leaving behind their dis-soaked machinery and a few hopeless cases of dis-infection, the Abandondero. They supposedly still exist out in space. ELDERS A quasi-Insurgent group of Washington fans; Bob Pavlat, Chick Derry, and Bob Briggs. They opposed Washingtonian efforts to get the 1950 con on the ground that all the cons since 1946 had been in the East and the rotation idea, not to mention fairness, demanded one in the West. The group lasted for several years, picking up Lee Jacobs, Frank Kerkhof, and others, but gradually died thru lack of anything to fight against. EMBLEMS Many fan organizations have adopted emblems. The earliest one, for stf in general, was Gernsback's "Scientifiction" coat-of-arms, arrived at after a prize contest. By permission the ISA modified and used this. According to Dan McPhail the only generally accepted symbol for SF is the rocket -- the SFL button, for instance, which is Paul's drawing of the Geryon from Otto Willi Gail's The Shot Into Infinity. The emblems of FAPA and the WSFS are typical of this in that they symbolize SF rather than fan activities; on the other hand, the Hyphen lighthouse is symbolic of fandom (to which H is a guiding Light) and that of the Morgan Botts foundation also expresses fan interests. Emblems have been reproduced on mastheads, letterheads, and similar places, and some have been made into flags or lapel buttons. The editors of Nova (II) offered to work up coats of arms for local groups, guaranteed heraldically correct. (Heraldry is trickier than you probably think; unless you are practiced in it, better stay away from the shield-shape for your emblem.) A few publishing houses, like ASP, have also had emblems; that shown for Cosmic also served for Taurasi Publications, United, and Taurasi-Thompson Publications. ENCHANTED DUPLICATOR The very bible of Serious Constructive Insurgentism. Walt Willis and Bob Shaw wrote this fannish epic of Jophan's journey from the Land of Mundane to Trufandom, where he found the Enchanted Duplicator with which to publish the Perfect Fanzine. Such locations as the Glades of Gafia, Hekto Swamp, Mountains of Inertia, ktp, entered fan legendry from this work. EO Emergency Officer, a post in SAPS. This group has only one functional officer, the Official Editor; the Emergency Officer's duty is to act as a replacement in case the OE is drafted, bombed, or disenchanted. EPHLESS EL Elmer Perdue, from the missingness of the F key on his typer when he entered fandom. EPIC To be called an epic a composition should fulfill all but one or two of the following conditions: it is in verse; is narrative; employs a formal style; idealizes characters and actions; concerns events of great importance, involving great conflict and strife; and relates the adventures of a slightly supernatural hero, who embodies the highest ideals of a people. The great "natural" epics probably known to the reader are the Iliad, the Odyssey, Beowulf, the Poem of the Cid, Nibelungenlied, Song of Roland, Volsunga Saga, etc. Literary epics (those with a single known author, who may draw on previous sources) include the Aeneid, Paradise Lost, the Columbiad, perhaps Hiawatha and the Idylls of the King, and of course the Enchanted Duplicator. There are also mock epics such as the Rape of the Lock, Hudibras, ktp. EE Smith's Skylark and Lensman Series are often called "epics" with dubious authority. EPICENTER (E%TRE) (VinĀ¢ Clarke) A slanshack at 84 Drayton Park, London, occupied by Ken Bulmer and Vince Clarke before they married (no, not each other, you goof!) and set up elsewhere. The name means roughly "the place around which things happen". EPIPHENOMENA ('Pataphysique:Linard) are just full of ding an sich. A sort of materialized blankthot -- an object presented out of the context which would make it a really meaningful part of the universe. Jean Linard began the fad of sending such things around in letters, like quote- cards. EROTICISM Writing or drawing which emphasizes sexuality. Futurians, Moonrakers, Insurgents and others have at times published works which would probably be barred from the mails if they were inspected, but often in these productions they are laughing at sex at the same time they exploit it, for literary, artistic, or humorous purposes. Lowndes defends the practice as necessary to offset the goody-goody element which is from time to time strong in fandom. ESCAPISM The seeking of satisfaction in literature or other fields unrelated to the great pressing problems of the day. It has frequently been said that fantasy is escape literature; Wollheim has remarked that the peculiar advantage in escapism that it has over other literature is that the reader need not imagine himself as someone other than he is, but only as being himself in a future world, where more power is available to everyone. While the Wollheimists did not necessarily condemn escapism as a measure of relief, they demanded that fans turn about and take an interest and a part in social problems also. Rothman's ironically titled "Science Fiction is Escape Literature" points out how many SF stories have dealt with social problems, and provided new angles for thinking upon them. ESFA Eastern SF Association of New York City and New Jersey; Sam Moskowitz' group. It was first organized as the Null-A men in December 1945 ("Just missed being named the Odd Johns", records Kennedy) with such members as SaM, Alpaugh, and Joe Kennedy. 28 April 1946, after this group had put on the FPWESFC, the club was reorganized as the ESFA, incorporating new blood turned up at the con. ESP Extra-sensory perception; the ability to perceive objects not within range of the ordinary senses. It's usually described as a sort of X-ray vision, like Superman's. Some use it as synonymous with Psi, which is wrong. ESPERANTO An artificial language invented for international auxiliary use. The roots for its words come from European languages, the root being chosen in each case which appears in the greatest number of languages. The spelling is nearly phonetic, and the grammar highly simplified. This language has a few thousand advocates scattered over the world, among whom were Ackerman and Morojo. They made some converts among fans. ET (DeCamp) An extraterrestrial; a native of another world. Any resemblance to DTs is probably not wholly coincidental. ETAOIN SHRDLU First two rows of letters on a linotype keyboard, used in many connections -- e g to designate a small printing press owned by Wollheim and Michel, at one time. ETRO Extra-Terrestrial Research Organization. A group interested in the flying saucers, operating on the assumption that the discs are interplanetary. Jim Schrieber was the leading light of the group (floreabat 1952). It claimed 70 members (March '52) in the US, Canada, England, and France. A sort of fanzine, called ETRON, was the OO. EX-CHAIRMAN OF THE LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION SOCIETY An honor next to deification, granted to chieftains of godlike and incredible virtue. It is said that King Richard I considered this rank the highest that it was in his power to bestow. It is denoted by the initials ECLSFS following name and other titles. EXCERPTING Taking the pages containing a particular story out of a magazine (either all-stf, or an adventure mag like the old Argosy which prints an occasional fantasy), and binding them separately. Few fen are so barbarous as to tear up all-fantasy proz like this unless they have an extra copy to go into file complete. Famous serials or series may be specially bound together, a professional bookbinder sometimes being employed. EXCHANGES Subzine publishers ordinarily announce that they are willing to trade on an even basis (all my issues for all your issues) with other regularly-appearing fanzines. And many will send each monthly or bimonthly issue faithfully, when the other editor only turns out one or two little ratty issues a year. Complications occur when one fan publishes more than one good-sized periodical, or when more than one share equally in the work of putting out a fanzine and each wants a copy of exchanged pubs for his collection. The solution to much of the exchange problem is FAPA. EXCLUSION ACT The Triumvirs, in planning for the NYCon I, considered excluding their feud-opponents the Futurians from the gathering to avoid such conflict as had marred the Newark Convention. No decision was reached, but when the conventioneers began arriving Taurasi stopped Wollheim Lowndes Kornbluth and Gillespie and told them they couldn't enter the hall. (It appears that some pushing and shoving was done about this time, but no blood drawn.) Moskowitz came out and they talked and argued for about fifteen minutes, SaM telling Wollheim that they would admit the four if the Futurians promised "not to do anything to harm the progress of the convention." Wollheim refused to accept conditional admittance but in another passage of the conversation said they could be ejected if they didn't behave. Moskowitz sent for the superintendent of the building, but couldn't get in touch with him. Finally he went looking for Sykora to consult with him, but on the way found a stack of Michelistic sheets and pamphlets (which Pohl and others had run off the night before for distribution at the con) where Pohl and Michel had cached them behind a radiator. In the end, all six -- Wollheim Lowndes Kornbluth Gillespie Pohl and Michel -- were refused admittance. Police had been called but were not put into service by the Triumvirs. Many attendees, including Morojo of LA, Hart of Texas, and Mrs Swisher of Massachusetts, urged the convention committee to admit the six, and other members of the FSNY including Kyle Wilson Rubinson and leslie perri were not barred. In the afternoon, Kyle gained the floor on a pretext and held it to make a motion that the excluded fans be admitted. But Sykora as chairman talked a while and changed the subject. (There was no fan discussion period, and no motions were recognized, during the convention.) On the third day of the con, while most attendees were watching a fan baseball game on Flushing Flats, the Futurians and their sympathizers met at a Futurian Conference to discuss the Exclusion Act, but this was not a part of the convention. Because of its dramatic quality, as well as the issues involved, the X Act came to dominate talk about the convention as time passed. The Triumvirs tried to do as they had done in rising to power -- ignore the existence of fan feuds -- but finally, at the PhilCo in the fall, Moskowitz published their side of the matter (theretofore unrepresented and uninquired about) adding charges that the Futurians' refusal to make the promise asked showed that they wanted to be excluded, in order to better their strategic position in the feud if they weren't able to upset the convention itself. Resentment over the thing decreased somewhat thereafter but the Triumvirs were never forgiven. The Second or Little Exclusion Act, so called, was a piffling affair at the NYCon II when the con committee briefly refused to allow any attendees who had not paid for the banquet ($7) to listen to the dinner speakers from the balcony overlooking the hall. But this was resented rather as fuggheadedness than malice. EXTRAPOLATION (DeCamp) Prediction from present knowledge and trends, or speculation based thereon, as distinguished from mere guessing; but always keeping the imagination consistent with the knowledge that one started from. This, of course, is just what we have in science-fiction. There are few really impressive examples; Verne is very weak (about like a modern predicting a landing on the moon shortly). [You people who are reading this at Tycho Station, kindly remember that we write in mid-1959.] The bomb story that got ASF raided was on a par with this; there'd been free speculation in prozines (and even comic books) about the explosive virtues of U235. Perhaps the Future Histories of Heinlein and Poul Anderson may be considered examples of extrapolation. EYETRACKS When you read a new book you get eyetracks all over it. Then it isn't mint any more. Nearsighted James White is the only fan who leaves a nosetrack between his eyetracks. It's said by John Trimble that the reason so many fans wear glasses is to keep from getting eyetracks on their precious volumes.
Updated January 8, 1999. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.