Noreascon Two
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Noreascon Two was held August 29-September 1, 1980 in Boston, MA. The GoHs were Damon Knight, Kate Wilhelm, and Bruce Pelz.
Photos, Audio and Video
Photo Album
GoH speeches on YouTube
PR 0
(0.2 MB; 2 pp)
PR 1
(8.2 MB; 36 pp)
PR 2
(7.4 MB; 36 pp)
PR 3
(6.5 MB; 50 pp)
PR 4
(9.9 MB; 72 pp)
PR 5
(1.2 MB; 16 pp)
Program Book
(33.5 MB; 161 pp)
Pocket Program
(1.0 MB; 16 pp)
Program Supplement
(0.6 MB; 8 pp)
Memory Book
(60.0 MB; 68 pp)
Lobster Tales #1-12
(2.9 MB; 20 pp)
Voice of the Lobster
Voice of the Lobster #1
(3.3 MB; 36 pp)
Voice of the Lobster #2
(4.9 MB; 44 pp)
Voice of the Lobster #3
(5.8 MB; 56 pp)
Voice of the Lobster #4
(4.0 MB; 49 pp)
Voice of the Lobster #5-6
(10.1 MB; 102 pp)
Voice of the Lobster #7
(4.6 MB; 52 pp)
Lobster Tales excerpts
(0.5 MB; 2 pp)
WSFS Materials
WSFS Business Meeting Minutes
(1.0 MB; 12 pp)
WSFS Constitution as of August 1980
(1.2 MB; 12 pp)
1982 Site Selection Ballot
(0.2 MB; 2 pp)
Committee ribbon
(1.1 MB)
Name badges
(0.5 MB)
Costumes, Creatures, and Characters
(5.8 MB; 36 pp)
Dealers' Directory
(1.3 MB; 20 pp)
Film Info
(0.6 MB; 12 pp)
Tote Bag
(1.3 MB)
Convention Reports
Mike Glyer's convention report
(1.2 MB; 12 pp)
The Noreascon Two Proceedings
(10.9 MB; 25 pp)
Bid Materials
Boston in 80 ad
(0.2 MB)
Boston in 1980 flyer (from 1977)
(3.6 MB; 4 pp)
Boston in 1980 Boskone 15 Flyer
(0.4 MB; 2 pp)
Hoax Bids
Flushing in 1980
(0.4 MB; 1 pp)
Flushing in 1980 Bid Prospectus
(7.2 MB; 26 pp)
Flusing in '80 - What's Going Down (Shiffman)
Stockholm in 1980 Flyer
(0.1 MB)
FANAC on YouTube
Seacon '79
Denvention Two
Rich Lynch; Alan Stewart; Mike Ward; Leslie Turek
Sunday January 19, 2025 01:53:54 PM EST
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