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this grand support, and pointed out with pleasure the number of young people
present, Don meanwhile, kept teasing me along the lines of - "If anything
rattles at you on the camping trip, just you rattle right back:" He kept
thinking up new ones in this vein, so that the tragic ending of the play was
lightened as we drove back to the Lupoffs. However when I phoned Bjo it was
to have her tell me sadly and very huskily that the trip as off as ahe had
been ill. Still: it was grand to hear her (and Ron Ellik who kept butting in
with jokes) and I assured her that I would get to California. It was blise-
fully warm that night and tbe only bedclothes I required was a sheet. I had
meant to lie awake a little and reflect upon the day gone past but once again
I fell asleep immediately, far faster than I ever did at home. This was to
continue throughout nearly all my visit, and certainly so in the beginning.
  This never having time to 'think through' the day helped to give the
feelIng of events crowding upon me too fast; and when thought upon briefly at
the start of another day, they had an almost dream-like quality.

Thursday August 23rd. 3rd Day ------------------------------------
Elsie called for me and we drove to the United Nations Building. Imposing as it seems from a distance, and particularly so at night, as we approachad my first delight was with the rows of colourfutl flags of the member nations. The entrance lobby of the Conference Huilding is quite stunning, and I looked up to the 95 feet high ceiling with pleasure at the spacious feeling it gave. We went for lunch to the Delegate's Dining Room, (possible because Elsie is a member of the Ieague of Womon Voters), and this had a magnificent view of the Last River. We then joined one of the guided tours. Our guide was a Swiss girl, with a lovely speaking voice, who sounded warmly enthusi- astic about the aims of the UN. The various Chambers all had a quiet dignity and beauty and she explained to us that much of this beauty had been gifted by member nations. I kept watching this girl's pretty and engaging young face and wondering if one day this truly would be the home of all the nations united. I think she believed this would happen - she made us feel hopeful too. After the tour we went down to the shops where I bought postcards and souvenirs. I would loved to have lingered but we still had our Around Manhatten Island Cruise before us. This left from Pier 13 on the Hudson River. Elsie had to drive hurridly across town so giving me a chance to admire her driving skill. There are so many one way streets in New York