An imprecatory newszine produced for the Australian National Science Fiction
Association by Marc Ortlieb, P.O. Box 215, Forest Hill, Vict, 3131, AUSTRALIA
	Postal subscriptions $6-00 for ten.(Cheques made out to Marc Ortlieb
please. Stamps accepted). Available for items of gossip. E-mailed direct, a once
off $10 fee.  Free copy from aus.sf on Internet or at


	Rod Marsden passes on the sad news of the death of Sydney writer,
publisher and artist Don Boyd. I didn't know Don well. We did correspond in the
1980s, with Don contributing letters and artwork to my fanzine Q36.  I remember
him as passionately concerned for the local writing scene. Rod worked with him
on several projects and contributes the following

	"Last week a very good friend of the Science fiction community in
Australia passed away. Don Boyd lost his fight against cancer and we are all the
poorer for it.
	Don might be remembered for the letters and articles he wrote which
appeared in Ron Clarke's The Mentor. He might also be remembered for the short
stories he wrote, which have appeared in magazines as far afield as Russia.
	Don explained nanotechnology to me and wrote numerous wonderful stories
around the subject. He also played with the concept of future nightmarish cities
and understood a great deal about Egyptian mythology.
	Don was a fair artist and was working on a number of movie scripts, one
of which is on its way to becoming a movie. He was into martial arts, bikes and
hiking in the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains were a special place for Don.
	Don was my co-publisher for Prohibited Matter  a magazine devoted to
works of grim S/F, horror and crime, now in its tenth issue. He also wrote
stories and articles for the magazine. In addition he was the co-publisher,
writer, ideas' man etc for Masque Noir   a magazine that also delves into S/F,
crime and horror, but which doesn't take itself too seriously. The third issue
of Masque Noir will be dedicated to Don. It is hoped that, through continuing
issues of Masque Noir, Don will live on  his inspiration will not die.
	He believed in giving people a fair go and was never short of a kind
word or friends. He will be missed.
	I hope to gather enough letters from people who knew Don to create a
fitting tribute to him in Masque Noir 3. Materials should be sent to Rod Marsden
P.O. Box 19, Spit Junction NSW 2088."

	Ion Newcombe notes "AntipodeanSF 15 features the following Aussie
fiction: "Green Keeping", by Geoffrey Maloney, "The Queen's New Lover",  by
Charles Ferguson plus  fiction from overseas authors:"Rivals", by Lida
Broadhurst"Lecky's Luck", by John Hayes and poetry by Lloyd Michael Lohr: "The
Dance of Shambala"."


Russell B. Farr notes "The latest in Australian SF ezines, Ticonderoga On-line,
is now up and running.
	The feature story for the month of May is "Rare Justice" by Sean
Williams, a crossover between his D-Mat and Evergence work. Many more features
will be added soon, including an expose on "The Glamorous and Sexy World of


	Star Wars stuff tends to dominate the media this fortnight, with W.A.
Star Wars collector and fan Cameron Owen getting a photo spread in The
Australian 21/5/99.  The Herald Sun 1/6/99 had a photo of four Star Walking
fans, including Shane Morrissey, in full uniform - all uniforms from the
previous trilogy, but what the heck. (Another photo from the same shoot appeared
in The Herald Sun 2/6/99)
	Damien Broderick notes "Transcript of a radio interview I did with
Ramona Kova, at: and, for
what it's worth, today's Ockham's Razor (wow, are they fast or what?): Damien also
contributes reviews of an assortment of science books to The Australian Weekend
Review 29-30/5/99.
	Mark Loney reports his own Media stint "After reporting the Millennium
Bug Insurance website ("By the Year 2000 you could triple your money") to the
Australian Securities and Investment Commission in early April. The site,, was subsequently revealed to be a hoax by ASIC - albeit one
that raised $4 million dollars in a month from 223 gullible investors. I was
subsequently interviewed for stories in both The Weekend Australian (8-9 May)
and The Canberra Times (17 May). No one seems to have noticed the fleeting
mention of me on page 2 of The Weekend Australian even though the story began as
the photo lead on page one. The local reaction to a photo and longer article on
page 14 of The Canberra Times, however, has definitely provided me with my
fifteen minutes of fame. For those interested, the MBI website is still online
at - although it is now acknowledged to be a hoax. "


Rumours of those likely to be at Aussiecon Three and those not likely to be
attending are starting to spread. Eve & John Harvey's British end of the Auld
Lang Fund raised enough money for Dave Langford to get to Australia, and the
Australian end raised enough to cover the difference and to cover dave';s
expenses here. Aussiecon Three have kindly donated Dave's convention
accommodation. Judith Hanna and Joseph Nicholas won't be over for Aussiecon, but
may be in Australia later in the year. Joe and Gaye Haldeman will be over and
are bringing Rusty Hevelin with them. Anzapan Jeanne Mealy of Minneapolis is
travelling over. Feel free to add to this list!

	Visitors might consider the following: "The Ian Gunn Memorial Fund is
running a zoo trip, the Tuesday morning after the worldcon. Mainly to see Ian's
sponsored Fijian Banded Iguana but also a wide variety of Australian wildlife.
If I get enough interest, I will hire a bus to take people there and they can
wander back when they are finished. I need some ideas of numbers to get a
discount. People should email me directly at Mrs KPG  I'll
put them on the list."


	Seattle, the true spiritual home of SpawnCon, is holding two major
conventions within a weekend of each other, Potlach 9 February 25-27 2000 and
Corflu 2000 - the fanzine convention March 3-5 2000. Both will be at the
University Plaza Hotel, and the committees are offering a discount to attend
both.  Contact Corflu/Potlatch P.O. Box 31848, Seattle WA 98103-1848 USA.

On the local front, the Armageddon Pulp Culture Expo sent details of a
competition to schools around Victoria.  Cath Ortlieb was given a copy by her
principal, but she's not sure whether it was because she is a science fiction
fan or an English teacher. The favourite line mentioned prizes that would be
given at the judges' desecration.


ARMAGEDDON PULP CULTURE EXPO June 5-6 1999 Melbourne Expo Centre

GRAIL QUEST June 10-14 1999  Conference/festival centred on the legend of King
Arthur. Sydney University $200 Contact: Sophie Masson
or Cathy Simpson at

FRIENDS OF SCIENCE FICTION June 13 1999  GsoH Aron Eisenberg, John Cook &  Chuck
McKenzie $35 FSF members, $45 for non members. Tickets available from FSF, P.O
Box 797 Fairfield, NSW 1860, (02) 9523 8385 or from Galaxy Bookshop Sydney and
Phantasia at Penrith.

FORCE THREE June 12-14 1999 3rd National Star Wars Convention Karralyka Centre
Ringwood Vict GsoH Michael Stackpole, Timothy Zahn, Don Bies & Iain McCaig  $150
until 1/6/99. P.O. Box 427 Northcote Vic 3070 (03) 9416-8998

AUSSIECON THREE The 57th World Science Fiction Convention. September 2-6 1999
World Congress Centre, Melbourne GsoH George Turner, Greg Benford and Bruce
Gillespie.  Special Guest J.M Straczynski. Aussiecon Three, GPO Box 1212K,
Melbourne, 3001, Australia Attending $250 Supporting $45 Child in tow  $45 email

SPAWNCON TWO The 38th Australian National Science Fiction Convention. September
2-6 1999 World Congress Centre, Melbourne P.O. Box 215 Forest Hill Vic 3131

THYLACON THREE Just after Aussiecon 3.No GOH.  No program.  Group travels to
Launceston, Bicheno, and Hobart withour own bus, sightseeing and relaxing

CONQUEST 99 Reflections October 1-3 1999  Special Guest Richard Arnold $135
until March 31st, $175 thereafter. GPO Box 1376 Brisbane Qld 4001.  ph 0412-649-727

SWANCON 25  39th National Australian Science Fiction Convention April 20th-24th,
2000.  Ascot Inn, Belmont, WA. GsoH Connie Willis and Ian Nichols. Gratuitous
interstate guest  "Mitch" Other guests include Stephen Dedman, Sue Isle, Jack
Dann, Janeen Webb, Sean Williams and Tess Williams

CHICON 2000 The 58th World Science Fiction Convention August 31 to September 4,
2000 - Hyatt Regency Chicago IL GsoH Ben Bova, Bob Eggleton, Jim Baen, Bob and
Anne Passovoy, Toastmaster: Harry Turtledove $US135.00 for residents of North
America $US125.00 rate for bona fide residents of other continents P. O. Box
642057, Chicago IL 60664, fax: 312-946-3779

THE MILLENNIUM PHILCON The 59th World Science Fiction Convention August 30 to
September 3, 2001 The Pennsylvania Convention Center & Philadelphia Marriott
Hotel GsoH Greg Bear, Stephen Youll, Gardner Dozois, George Scithers
Toastmaster: Esther Friesner. $US 125 Attending until April 5 1999. Supporting
$US 40  Suite 2001, 402 Huntingdon Pike Rockledge, PA 19046 USA

GoH = Guest of Honour O.C.P. = Other Commitments Permitting tba= to be


Daniel Klein reports that Gallifrey are running a Frazer Hines Day. 6th June,
1pm to 6 pm Elwood Beach House 63a Ormond Esplanade Elwood Contacts: email: GPO Box 910G, Melbourne 3001 Phone 9850 7275
Multiverse are presenting a preview screening of "The Mummy" Monday June 21st
1999 7:00pm, Greater Union Russell Cinemas, 131 Russell Street Melbourne For a
ticket order form or further information, check out the Multiverse web page at or email


Note that there is an annual calendar available on the Vicnet SF web site at


SOUTHERN SCIENCE FICTION GROUP  June 19 12:30pm D II D Cafe Beverly Hills Postal
Address 15 Shade Place Lugarno (02) 9534-3595.

FRIENDS OF SCIENCE FICTION July 11 Lidcombe Catholic Club, 24 John St Lidcombe  P.O Box 797 Fairfield NSW 1860 Phone/ Fax (02)9523 8385


CONQUEST June 6  10:00am Valentine Verses Virus & SGM Red Cross Centre 409
Adelaide St Brisbane GPO Box 1376 Brisbane Qld 4001

NEW ALLIANCE June 6 PO Box 12083 Elizabeth St/BC Brisbane Qld 4002

VORTEX July 4  Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane GPO Box 2004 Brisbane
Qld 4001

HIGHLANDER DOWN UNDER July 18  Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane PO Box
198 Brisbane Albert St Qld 4002


FRIDAY NIGHT MOB June 4  Anzapa Collection Night June 11 ANZAPA distribution
June 18 6-7.30pm. Informal eating and nattering. Myers Cafeteria Melbourne

AUSTREK June 5 2:00pm Starfleet Exam Russell Blackford on Australian S F St
Mark's Church Hall Cnr Canterbury & Burke Rds, Camberwell GPO Box 5206AA
Melbourne 3001 03 9489 8743

SKYFORCE June 5  Melbourne Uni, Copeland Theatre, Economics and Commerce
Building 1:00pm to 5:00pm P.O. Box 427 Northcote 3070

GALLIFREY June 6 Frazer Hines Day GPO Box 910G, Melbourne 3001 9850 7275

Predictions. How accurate are they. (Think Space 1999...), Meeting Room
Dandenong Library Stuart St Dandenong Ann McGann P.O. Box 706 Frankston Vic 3199
Phone Daniel 9544 9775 e-mail

ENTERPRISE  June 19  Star Fleet Olympics.Postal Address P.O. Box 466 World Trade
Centre Melbourne 3005 9515 3226 (7pm to 10pm only)

MULTIVERSE June 21 1999 7:00pm "The Mummy"Greater Union Russell Cinemas, 131
Russell Street Melbourne

AUSTRALIAN COSTUMERS GUILD June 27 Ross House in Flinders' Lane Melbourne PO Box
322 Bentleigh Vic 3204

NOVA MOB July 7 James Allen on J. Michael Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5 13
Frederick St Brunswick.


OSCILLATION OVERTHRUSTER 12 & 13 Sue Ann Barber P.O. Box 1169 Bibra Lake WA 6965

CHALLENGER 6 & 9 Guy H. Lillian III P.O. Box 53092, New Orleans LA 70153-3092

PHILOSFY #12 Alexander R. Slate 8603 Shallow Ridge San Antonio TX 78239-4022 USA

MASQUE NOIR #2 Rod Marsden P.O. Box 19 Spit Junction NSW 2088

PROHIBITED MATTER No 10 Rod Marsden P.O. Box 19 Spit Junction NSW 2088


Bullsheet #122			June 15 1999. ANZAPA 188
June  7 1998 SpawnCon Short Story		August 13 1999 Ditmar Votes
August 27 1999

This Fanzine Supports The Minneapolis in '73 WorldCon Bid The Toronto in 2003
WorldCon bid and Aussiecon Three. Other Allegiances are still for sale.

What I mentioned in the Stop Press for the web version of issue 119, and
then totally forgot to mention in the paper version of issue 120 was that the
FAAN Award for Best Artist went to Ian Gunn and the FAAN Award for Best New Fan
went to Karen Johnson.

LETTERATURE Jane Bramley notes "I have been ringing around the WA shops on your
pages looking for a book and I have found out some email addresses that you
might want to add
	Magic Circle Bookshop -
	Supernova Books -
	I have tried the Intergalactic Trading Zone and their phone is
disconnected - I don't know this shop so I don't know if it is still there but
they haven't changed their phone number."