Star Science Fiction Stories No. 2
	Frederik Pohl	Ballantine Books	Artist: 
	vi+196 pages	$0.35	 53		4.3"x7.1"
	vi		IN			 Frederik Pohl	Editor's Note
			X			 Frederik Pohl	Star Science Fiction Stories No. 2
	1		NT			 Alfred Bester	Disappearing Act
	22		S			 Theodore Sturgeon	The Clinic
	37		S			 Algis Budrys	The Congruent People
	50		S			 Hal Clement	Critical Factor
	66		NT			 Jerome Bixby	It's a Good Life
	86		S			 Lester del Rey	A Pound of Cure
	111		S			 James Blish	F Y I
	121		S			 Anthony Boucher	Conquest
	133		S			 Fletcher Pratt	Hormones
	141		S			 Robert Sheckley	The Odor of Thought
	154		S			 Jack Williamson	The Happiest Creature
	170		S			 C. M. Kornbluth	The Remorseful
	178		S			 Richard Wilson	Friend of the Family

The Petrified Planet
	Anonymous	Twayne Publishers	Artist: 
	263 pages		 53		5.75"x8.5"
			X			  Anonymous	The Petrified Planet
	8		A			Dr. John D. Clark	Introduction
	16	R	NA			 Fletcher Pratt	The Long View
	74		N			 H. Beam Piper	Uller Uprising
	198		NA			 Judith Merril	Daughters of Earth

More Than Human
	Theodore Sturgeon	Ballantine Books	Artist: 
	188 pages	$0.75	 53		4.2"x6.9"
			Y			 Theodore Sturgeon	More Than Human
	1		NA			 Theodore Sturgeon	The Fabulous Idiot
	63		NA			 Theodore Sturgeon	Baby Is Three
	119		NA			 Theodore Sturgeon	Morality

Star Science Fiction Stories
	Frederik Pohl	Ballantine Books	Artist: 
	viii+206 pages	$0.35	 53		4.3"x7.1"
	v		IN			 Frederik Pohl	Editor's Note
			X			 Frederik Pohl	Star Science Fiction Stories
	1		NT			 William Morrison	Country Doctor
	25		S			 C. M. Kornbluth	Dominoes
	35		S			 Lester del Rey	Idealist
	51		S			 Fritz Leiber	The Night He Cried
	59		S			 Clifford D. Simak	Contraption
	69		NT			 John Wyndham	The Chronoclasm
	91		S			 William Tenn	The Deserter
	107		S			 H. L. Gold	The Man with English
	117		S			 Judith Merril	So Proudly We Hail
	135		S			 Ray Bradbury	A Scent of Sarsaparilla
	143		S			 Isaac Asimov	"Nobody Here But..."
	155		S			 Robert Sheckley	The Last Weapon
	165		S		W	 Henry Kuttner	A Wild Surmise
	165		S		W	 C. L. Moore	A Wild Surmise
	177		NT			 Murray Leinster	The Journey
	195		S			 Arthur C. Clarke	The Nine Billion Names of God

Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
	 pages		Feb 53		"x"
			S			 James H. Schmitz	Crime Buff

Amazing Stories
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, In	Artist: Arnold Kohn
	162 pages		Jan 53	V27 #1	7.0"x10.0"
	6		N			 Paul W. Fairman	Frontiers Beyond the Sun
	64		S			 Charles Creighton	Luna on the Left
	74		A			 Sid Overman	No Glamor in Space
	76		A			 Sid Seeman	The Art of Lapping
	77		A			 C. Wainwright	"So Shall Ye Reap"
	78		N			 E. K. Jarvis	Death From Beyond the Veil
	122		A			 Sam Dewey	Slide-Rule Robots
	123		A			 Sid Overman	Frontiers Unlimited
	123		A			 June Lurie	Power From the Sea
	124		NT			 Rog Phillips	The Sorceress
	152		A			 Charles Recour	Direct Conversion
	153		A			 June Lurie	Charting Electrons
	154		A			 Omar Booth	A Check on Einstein
	154		A			 Peter Dakin	STF Goes on Forever
	155		A			 E. Bruce Yaches	"Not Just for a Day"
	155		A			 Tom Lynch	Air Brake for Jets
	158		A			 Lee Owen	Sub-Killer
	159		A			 Jugo Brant	Can We Make Saturn?
	160		A			 Dee Arlen	Hydroponics - Exact Science
	161		A			 Roy Small	The Laboring Mountain
	162		A			 E. Bruce Yaches	Short-Short Short Story

Amazing Stories
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, In	Artist: Robert Frank
	162 pages		Feb 53	V27 #2	7.0"x10.0"
	4		A			 June Lurie	Soaring Cities
	4		A			 John Booth	Rocketry Strides Ahead
	8		NA			 Guy Archette	Outlaw in the Sky
	75		A			 Sam Dewey	Cycles Call the Trun
	75		A			 Faye Beslow	Kill That Bug
	76		S			 Chester S. Geier	The Floating Lords
	87		A			 Salem Lane	The Big Trigger
	87		A			 Art Norman	Filling the Sky
	88		NA			 Franklin Bahl	The Lady Killer
	108		A			 Lee Pope	Line of Fire
	108		A			 Neal King	The Big Wind
	114		S			 Ivar Jorgensen	The Curse
	121		A			 Merritt Linn	Lethal Synthesis
	121		A			 L. A. Burt	Mars in the Parlor
	123		S			 Walt Crain	You Can't Stay Here
	134		NT			 Clyde Woodruff	The Heat's On
	155		A			 Sid Overman	Pick the Winner
	155		A			 Dee Arlen	New Face for Terra
	155		A			 Omar Booth	Hot and Cold Bats
	155		A			 Roy Small	No Two Alike
	161		A			 Joe Coons	Astronomical Jargon
	162		A			 Sid Overman	Dried-up World

Amazing Stories
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, In	Artist: Harris Levey
	162 pages		Mar 53	V27 #3	7.0"x10.0"
	8		A			 Charles Recour	Pig in a Poke
	10		N			 Paul Lohrman	The Imposter
	58		A			 June Lurie	After Armageddon
	60		S			 E. K. Jarvis	Operation Tombstone
	75		A			 Sam Dewey	Women Won't Work
	76		N			 Robert Eggert Lee	Side Road to Glory
	96		S			 Rog Phillips	Your Funeral is Waiting
	110		S			 Paul W. Fairman	Time Trap
	126		NT			 Noel Loomis	Thousand-Legged Agent
	143		A			 Lee Owen	Prison on Luna
	149		A			 Dee Arlen	Mercurian Pendulum
	150		S			 D. A. Addams	Forest of the Night

Amazing Stories
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, In	Artist: Barye Phillips / Jack Coggins
	162 pages		AprMay 53	V27 #4	5.5"x8.0"
	4		S		W	 Jack Lait	Mars Confidential
	4		S		W	 Lee Mortimer	Mars Confidential
	20		S			 Robert A. Heinlein	Project Nightmare
	40		S			 H. L. Gold	No Charge for Alterations
	62		S			 Theodore Sturgeon	The Way Home
	70		S			 Alfred Coppel	Turnover Point
	76		S			 Ivar Jorgensen	Belly Laugh
	80		S			 Ray Bradbury	Here There Be Tygers
	92		S			 Richard Matheson	The Last Day
	107		S			 Murray Leinster	The Invaders

Amazing Stories
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Copmany	Artist: Barye Phillips
	162 pages	$0.35	JunJul 53	V27 #5	5.5"x7.6"
	4		S			 Arthur C. Clarke	Encounter in the Dawn
	18		S			 Walter M. Miller Jr.	I, Dreamer
	30		S			 Robert Sheckley	Restricted Area
	46		S			 Gordon Dewey	The Collectors
	58		S			 Curtis W. Casewit	Transfusion
	64		S			 Ivar Jorgensen	The Days the Gods Fell
	72		NT			 Boyd Ellanby	The Big Freeze
	98		S			 Graham Doar	So Wise, So Young
	108		NA			 Harriet Frank Jr.	The Man From Saturn

Amazing Stories
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company	Artist: Gaylord Welker
	162 pages	$0.35	AugSep 53	V27 #6	5.5"x7.6"
	4		NT			 Ivar Jorgensen	The Senator and the Robot
	26		NT			 Algis Budrys	Dream of Victory
	51		S			 Kendall Foster Crossen	The Closed Door
	68		S			 Henry Kuttner	Or Else
	78		S			 Charles V. DeVet	Never Go Back
	92		NA			 Walter M. Miller Jr.	The Yokel
	140		S			 Philip K. Dick	The Commuter
	152		S			 Rog Phillips	The Phantom Truckdriver

Amazing Stories
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Copmany	Artist: Art Sussman
	146 pages	$0.35	OctNov 53	V27 #7	5.5"x7.6"
	4		S			 Paul Lohrman	The Big Tomorrow
	19		S			 Robert Sheckley	Beside Still Waters
	24		NT			 Theodore Sturgeon	A Way of Thinking
	50		S			 Richard Matheson	Little Girl Lost
	62		S			 Arthur Feldman	The Mathematicians
	66		S			 Richard Wilson	Visitor from the Void
	78		S			 Richard A. Sternbach	The Hands
	80		S			 Vern Fearing	The Sloths of Kruvny
	88		NA		W	 H. L. Gold	The Enormous Room
	88		NA		W	 Robert Krepps	The Enormous Room

Amazing Stories
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Copmany	Artist: Mel Hunter
	130 pages	$0.35	DecJan 53	V27 #8	5.5"x7.6"
	4		S			 William P. McGivern	I Love Lucifer
	22		S			 Jerome Bixby	One Way Street
	40		S			 T. D. Hamm	The Weapon
	42		S			 Evan Hunter	Million Dollar Maybe
	58		S			 Philip K. Dick	The Builder
	70		PI			 Ernest C. Schroeder	A Portfolio
	74		S			 Robert Bloch	The Pin
	88		S			 Wallace West	Eddie for Short
	101		S			 Bill Peters	Star Child
	118		S			 Robert Sheckley	The Perfect Woman
	122		S			 Bruce Elliott	The Man Next Door

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: Pawelka
	168 pages	$0.35	Jan 53	V50 #5	5.5"x8"
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	"Postulate an Alien Who..."
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: The Basic Science Fiction Library
	9		N			 Poul Anderson	UN-Man
	82		A			 Alfonso Tammaro	The First Power Pile
	93		A			 Robert S. Richardson	The Earth's Ghostly Compantion in Space
	98		NT			 E. B. Cole	These Shall Not Be Lost
	122		S			 Lee Cahn	Secret
	127		S			 Julian Chain	The Captives
	148		S			 Steve Benedict	Stamp from Moscow

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: H. R. van Dongen
	168 pages	$0.35	Feb 53	V50 #6	5.5"x8"
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: People and Dolls
			BR			 John W. Campbell Jr.	Book Review
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	Redundance
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
	12		N		W	 H. Beam Piper	Null-ABC
	12		N		W	 John J. McGuire	Null-ABC
	55		SS			 Charles E. Fritch	The Cog
	59		NT			 Richard de Mille	Safety Valve
	83		A			 Wallace West	Oil, Secret Agents and Woolly Bears
	97		S			 Walter M. Miller Jr.	Crucifixus Etiam
	114		S			 Alan E. Nourse	Nightmare Brother
	136		S			 Irving Cox Jr.	For the Glory of Agon

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: Pawelka
	168 pages	$0.35	Mar 53	V51 #1	5.5"x8"
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	Unsane Behavior
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: Primers for Spacemen
	8		NT			 John Brunner	Thou Good and Faithful
	48		NT			 Thomas Wilson	Button, Button
	82		A			 Wallace West	Five Billion Dollar Magpie
	99		S			 Robert Sheckley	Fool's Mate
	112		N	2/2	W	 H. Beam Piper	Null-ABC
	112		N	2/2	W	 John J. McGuire	Null-ABC

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: H. R. van Dongen
	168 pages	$0.35	Apr 53	V51 #2	5.5"x8"
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: Science Fiction and Fictitious Science
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Fallacy of Null-A
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
	8		N	1/4		 Hal Clement	Mission of Gravity
	63		S		W	 Charles Dye	Settle to One
	63		S		W	 April Smith	Settle to One
	83		A			 John W. Campbell Jr.	Nature Didn't Mske It
	93		S			 William T. Powers	Allegory
	104		NT			 Chad Oliver	The Ant and the Eye
	137		S			 Alan E. Nourse	Family Resemblance

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: Baer
	160 pages	$0.35	May 53	V51 #3	5.5"x8"
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	Thinking Machine
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: The First Reader
	9		A			 John E. Arnold	Space, Time and Education
	26		S			 Robert Moore Williams	Medicine Show
	48		S			 Algis Budrys	Multifarious
	58		S			 Irving E. Cox Jr.	Lady with a Past
	75		S			 Robert Sheckley	Operating Instructions
	90		N	2/4		 Hal Clement	Mission of Gravity

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: Correy
	168 pages	$0.35	Jun 53	V51 #4	5.5"x8"
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: "Modern Science Fiction"
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Villains of the Piece
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
	8		NT			 G. Harry Stine	"...And a Star to Steer Her By"
	48		S			 Frank M. Robinson	Quiz Game
	58		S			 Philip K. Dick	Imposter
	82		A			 Wallace West	In Case of Fire
	102		A			 Hal Clement	Whirligig World
	121		N	3/4		 Hal Clement	Mission of Gravity

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: Miller
	168 pages	$0.35	Jul 53	V51 #5	5.5"x8"
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	Our Catalogue Number...
			A			Dr. Dwight Wayne Batteau	The Three Laws of Stupidynamics
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: Man, the Improbable
	9		NT			 Poul Anderson	Enough Rope
	34		S		W	 Mark Clifton	Solution Delayed
	34		S		W	 Alex Apostolides	Solution Delayed
	55		NT			 Don Green	Survival
	82		A			 Wallace West	Locum Tenens
	101		N	4/4		 Hal Clement	Mission of Gravity

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: H. R. van Dongen
	160 pages	$0.35	Aug 53	V51 #6	5.5"x8"
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: Off the Cuff
			A			 Wallace West	In Further Explanation
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	"You Know What I Mean..."
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
	9		NT			 Poul Anderson	Sam Hall
	37		S			 G. Harry Stine	Pioneer
	55		NA			 Chan Davis	Share Our World
	99		NT			 Richard Ashby	Commencement Night
	122		S		W	 Mark Clifton	Crazy Joey
	122		S		W	 Alex Apostolides	Crazy Joey
	146		A			 Joseph A. Winter	Thinking in Men and Machines

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: Miller
	160 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	V52 #1	5.5"x8"
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	Emotional Senses
			BR			Mrs Dirce Archer	The Reference Library: Surveying British Science Fiction
	8		NT		W	 Mark Clifton	What Thin Partitions
	8		NT		W	 Alex Apostolides	What Thin Partitions
	37		S			 Algis Budrys	Little Joe
	47		NT			 Henry Kuttner	Humpty Dumpty
	85		A			 Theodore S. Simpson	Destruction from Atomic Weapons
	94		A			 Daniel Whitton	Venus of Troy
	102		S			 Robert F. Young	The Garden in the Forest
	114		S			 Katherine MacLean	Gimmick

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: Kelly Freas
	160 pages	$0.35	Oct 53	V52 #2	5.5"x8"
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: "Man in Space"
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	Unwise Knowledge
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
	8		NA			 Tom Godwin	The Gulf Between
	57		S			 Ralph Williams	The Test
	71		NT			 Isaac Asimov	Belief
	100		A			 George Pal	Filming 'War of the Worlds'
	112		A			 G. R. Shipman	How to Talk to a Martian
	121		S			 James White	The Scavengers

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: Andre
	160 pages	$0.35	Nov 53	V52 #3	5.5"x8"
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	Intelligence Test
			A			 John W. Campbell Jr.	Window to Tomorrow
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: Lines
	10		NA			 Raymond F. Jones	Trade Secret
	57		S			 Raymond E. Banks	The Happiness Effect
	72		S			 Robert Sheckley	Potential
	86		NT			 James Blish	Earthman, Come Home
	123		A			Dr. Gotthard Gunther	The Logical Parallax
	134		S			 John Murphy	The Sharpies

Astounding Science-Fiction
	John W. Campbell, Jr.	Street and Smith	Artist: H. R. van Dongen
	160 pages	$0.35	Dec 53	V52 #4	5.5"x8"
			BR			 P. Schuyler Miller	The Reference Library: "One World"
			ED			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Scientist
			LC			   Jr.	Brass Tacks
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	In Times to Come
			D			 John W. Campbell Jr.	The Analytical Laboratory
	8		NT		W	 Mark Clifton	Hide! Hide! Witch!
	8		NT		W	 Alex Apostolides	Hide! Hide! Witch!
	43		S			 G. Harry Stine	Ill Wind
	58		NA			 Tom Godwin	Mother of Invention
	107		S			 Isaac Asimov	The Micropsychiatric Applications of Thiotimoline
	117		A			 Robert S. Richardson	The Mystery of the Blue Mist of Mars
	122		S			 Kelley Edwards	Counterspy

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Vann / photo by Dollens and Lare
	144 pages		Jan 53	 #29	5.0"x7.0"
	4		N			 William F. Temple	Immortal's Playthings
	30		A			 Arthur C. Clarke	Is There Too Much?
	31		S			 Ray Bradbury	Welcome, Brothers!
	55		N	4/6		 Sydney J. Bounds	Frontier Legion

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Richard / photo by Dollens and L
	144 pages		Feb 53	 #30	5.0"x7.0"
	4		N			 S. J. Byrne	Lady of Flame
	32		S			 R. M. Rhodes	Dangerous Power
	43		SS			 Forrest J. Ackerman	What an Idea!
	51		N	5/6		 Sydney J. Bounds	Frontier Legion
	51		N	5/6		 Sydney J. Bounds	Frontier Legion

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Richard / photo by Dollens and L
	144 pages		Mar 53	 #31	5.0"x7.0"
	4		N			 Charles L. Harness	The Rose
	32		S			 E. Everett Evans	Never Been Kissed
	54		N	6/6		 Sydney J. Bounds	Frontier Legion

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Davis / photo by Dollens and Lar
	144 pages		Apr 53	 #32	5.0"x7.0"
	6	R	S			 A. E. van Vogt	Haunted Atoms
	20		S			 R. M. Rhodes	The Toy
	27		S			 Rick Conroy	Manna from Heaven
	46		N			 Dwight V. Swain	Cry Chaos!

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Davis / photo by Spaceways
	144 pages		May 53	 #33	5.0"x7.0"
	6		S			 Ray Bradbury	Asleep in Armageddon
	24		S			 Louise Leipiar	Holes, Incorporated
	31		S			 Bryan Berry	Ancient City
	47		S			 Albert Hernhuter	Only Human
	51		S			 Jack Ramstrom	How They Landed
	54		N			 William F. Temple	Mind Within Mind

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Davis / photo from War of the Wo
	144 pages		Jun 53	 #34	5.0"x7.0"
	6		S			 J. F. Burke	Cancel Tomorrow
	26		S			 A. J. Merak	Ultimate Species
	40		S			 Kris Neville	Old Man Henderson
	54		N			 Rog Phillips	A Man Named Mars

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Davis
	144 pages		Jul 53	 #35	5.0"x7.0"
	4		S			 Frank Quattrocchi	Sword From the Stars
	20		S			 Rick Conroy	Eve Hated Adam
	42		S			 Dan Morgan	Home is Tomorrow
	64		NA			 Daniel F. Galouye	Tonight the Sky Will Fall

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Davis
	144 pages		Aug 53	 #36	5.0"x7.0"
	4		S			 Bryan Berry	The Tree
	20		S			 John Christopher	Planet of Change
	38		S			 Eric Storm	Lone Wolf
	51		S			 J. F. Burke	Loneliest World
	78		NT			 Martin Jordan	My Name is Ozymandias

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Davis
	144 pages		Sep 53	 #37	5.0"x7.0"
	4		NA			 Bryan Berry	The Adaptable Man
	86		S			 Charles Eric Maine	Repulsion Factor
	107		S			 Jon J. Deegan	Beyond the Barriers
	125		S			 Alan Hunter	The Piper
	133		S			 Brindley Ford	The Shining Ark

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Davis
	144 pages		Oct 53	 #38	5.0"x7.0"
	4		NA			 J. F. Burke	Old Man of the Stars
	88		S			 E. C. Tubb	Conversation Piece
	101		S			 Arthur Sellings	The Haunting
	110		S			 Brindley Ford	Relativity
	119		S			 John Falkner	A Brainy Affair
	131		S			 MacLeod Robertson	Megalcosmos

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Davis
	144 pages		Nov 53	 #39	5.0"x7.0"
	4		N			 E. C. Tubb	Subtle Victory
	74		S			 Charles Eric Maine	Highway I
	112		S			 John Christopher	Blemish
	126		S			 David Wilcox	Transition

Authentic Science Fiction Monthly
	H. J. Campbell	Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.	Artist: Davis
	144 pages		Dec 53	 #40	5.0"x7.0"
	4		NA			 Kevin Strike	The Best Laid Scheme
	78		S			 Dan Morgan	Amateur Talent
	87		S			 M. Dogge	The Inner Worlds and My Uncle
	104		S			 J. F. Burke	For You, the Possessed
	120		S			 Martin Jordan	Cuckoo
	135		S			 A. P. Kift	Go To the Ants

Avon Science Fiction & Fantasy Reader
	Sol Cohen	Avon Novels	Artist: Leo Manso
	128 pages	$0.35	Jan 53	V1 #1	5.2"x7.6"
	3		S			 Alfred Coppel	For Humans Only
	11		S			 Irving Cox Jr.	Like Gods They Came
	17		S			 Arthur C. Clarke	The Forgotten Enemy
	25		S			 Bryce Walton	The Agents
	41		S			 John Christopher	Mr. Kowtshook
	49		BR			 Noah Gordon	The Space Ark
	53		S			 E. Everett Evans	The Shed
	67		S			 Milton Lesser	Come Blow Your Horn
	80		S			 Charles L. Harness	The Call of the Black Lagoon
	97		S			 Glen Malin	Agratha
	105		S			 John Jakes	Checkmate Morning
	113		S			 Frank Owen	One-Man God
	123		S			 Theodore R. Cogswell	The Short Count

Avon Science Fiction & Fantasy Reader
	Sol Cohen	Stratford Novels, Inc.	Artist: Leo Manso
	128 pages	$0.35	Apr 53	V1 #2	5.2"x7.6"
	3		NT			 Jack Vance	DP!
	23		S			 William Vine	The Rather Improbable History of Hilary Kiffer
	29		S			 Irving Cox Jr.	Survivor
	41		S			 John Christopher	Breaking Point
	57		S			 Henderson Starke	As Holy and Enchanted
	69		S			 Alan Payne	Hunt the Red Roe
	81		S			 Milton Lesser	Crack of Doom
	91		BR			 Noah Gordon	The Space Ark
	95		S			 Stephen Marlowe	The Agent
	105		S			 John Jakes	Forever is So Long
	115		A			Dr. R. S. Richardson	A Night on Mars Hill
	119		S			 Arthur C. Clarke	The Parasite

Beyond Fantasy Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Corporation	Artist: Richard Powers
	160 pages	$0.35	Jul 53	V1 #1	5.4"x7.4"
	2		ED			 H. L. Gold	Beyond
	4		NA			 Theodore Sturgeon	...And My Fear is Great...
	60		S			 James McConnell	All of You
	69		S			 Frank M. Robinson	The Day the World Ended
	79		S			 Roger Dee	The Springbird
	92		NT			 Damon Knight	Babel II
	116		S		W	 Jerome Bixby	Share Alike
	116		S		W	 Joe E. Dean	Share Alike
	128		S			 Richard Matheson	The Wedding
	136		NT			 T. L. Sherred	Eye for Iniquity

Beyond Fantasy Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Corporation	Artist: Richard Powers
	160 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	V1 #2	5.4"x7.4"
	2		NT			 Theodore R. Cogswell	The Wall Around the World
	30		S			 Joseph Shallit	Wire-Haired Radical
	43		S			 Jerome Bixby	Can Such Beauty Be?
	56		S			 Theodore Sturgeon	Talent
	64		NT			 Robert Bloch	The Dream Makers
	91		S			 M. C. Pease	A Little Pile
	99		S			 John Wyndham	How Do I Do?
	113		S			 Joe L. Hensley	And Not Quite Human
	121		S			 Isaac Asimov	Kid Stuff
	134		S			 Margaret St. Clair	The Goddess on the Street Corner
	142		NT			 Philip K. Dick	The King of the Elves

Beyond Fantasy Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Corporation	Artist: Rene Vidmer
	160 pages	$0.35	Nov 53	V1 #3	5.4"x7.4"
	2		NA			 Algis Budrys	The Real People
	57		S			 Richard Deming	The Helpful Haunt
	70		S			 Zenna Henderson	Hush!
	80		NT			 Boyd Ellanby	House...Wife
	109		S			 Ted Reynolds	Just Imagine
	113		S			 Franklin Gregory	The Big Breeze
	128		S			 Richard Matheson	Sorry, Right Number
	140		NT			 Wyman Guin	My Darling Hecate

Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine
	L. B. Cole	Star Publications, Inc.	Artist: uncredited
	128 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	V1 #1	5.3"x7.2"
	1		NA			 Poul Anderson	The Troublemakers
	48		S			 John Jakes	The Fiends in the Bedroom
	57		S			 Charles E. Fritch	The Orneks and the Gogos
	69		NT			 Philip K. Dick	The Great C
	82		S			 Arthur C. Clarke	The Curse
	85		A			 Robert S. Richardson	Icarus Brought to Earth
	92		NT			 A. Bertram Chandler	Gateway
	121		S			 Ross Rocklynne	The Big Tick
	129		D				Stargazing

Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine
	L. B. Cole	Star Publications, Inc.	Artist: 
	128 pages	$0.35	Nov 53	V1 #2	5.3"x7.2"
	IFC		ED		W	 L. B. Cole	Skip the Definitions!
	IFC		ED		W	 Phyllis Farren	Skip the Definitions!
	1		NT			 B. Traven	Visitor from Nowhere
	44		NT			 Carl Jacobi	The Gentleman Is an Epwa
	59		S			 A. Bertram Chandler	Hot Squat
	69		A			Dr. Robert S. Richardson	Dere Sir -- What Did You Do to the Moon?
	73		S			 John Jakes	With Intent to Kill
	78		S			 N. R.	Terran Menace
	85		S			 Evan Hunter	Outside in the Sand
	90		NT			 Larry M. Harris	Expatriate
	103		A			 F. M. Turner	Our Solar H-Bomb
	109		NT			 Jack Vance	Shape-Up
	123		S			 Alfred Coppel	The Guilty

Dynamic Science Fiction
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: Milton Luros
	132 pages	$0.25	Mar 53	V1 #2	6.9"x9.8"
	6		D				The Lobby
	10		NT		W	 Judith Merril	Sea-Change
	10		NT		W	 C. M. Kormbluth	Sea-Change
	32		NA			 Walter Kubilius	Secret Invasion
	68		LC				Letters
	69		S			 Noel Loomis	Little Green Man
	82		S			 James Blish	Turn of a Century
	85		S			 Arthur C. Clarke	The Possessed
	89		S			 Charles Dye	The Seventh Wind
	98		S			 Albert Hernhuter	World of Ice
	104		A			 James E. Gunn	The Philosophy of Science Fiction
	130		D				The Reckoning

Dynamic Science Fiction
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: Milton Luros
	132 pages	$0.25	Jun 53	V1 #3	6.2"x9.2"
	6		ED			 Robert A. W. Lowndes	The Lobby
	12		NT			 Raymond Z. Gallun	Double Identity
	39		S		W	 Richard Barr	Timber
	39		S		W	 Wallace West	Timber
	45		D				Remembered Words
	46		BR			 Robert A. W. Lowndes	Readin' and Writhin'
	46		BR			 Damon Knight	Readin' and Writhin'
	52		S			 Dave Dryfoos	Something for the Birds
	61		A			 L. Sprague de Camp	A Modern Merlin
	68		NT			 Noel Loomis	"If the Court Pleases"
	83		A			 James E. Gunn	The Philosophy of Science Fiction
	92		S			 Raymond E. Banks	Never Trust an Intellectual
	101		S			 Wallace Baird Halleck	Go Fast on Interplane
	105		D			 Robert A. Madle	Inside Science Fiction
	130		D				The Reckoning

Dynamic Science Fiction
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomberg
	130 pages	$0.25	Aug 53	V1 #4	6.8"x9.7"
	6		ED			 Robert A. W. Lowndes	The Lobby
	10		N		W	 James Blish	The Duplicated Man
	10		N		W	 Michael Sherman	The Duplicated Man
	104		D				The Reckoning
	105		S			 Charles Dye	The Last Man in the Moon
	113		S			 Gene L. Henderson	The Winning Losers
	119		S			 W. Malcolm White	No Greater Glory
	120		D			 Robert A. Madle	Inside Science Fiction

Dynamic Science Fiction
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomberg
	98 pages	$0.25	Oct 53	V1 #5	6.8"x9.7"
	6		ED			 Robert A. W. Lowndes	The Lobby
	10		NT			 M. C. Pease	Temple of Despair
	32		BR			 Robert A. W. Lowndes	Readin' and Writhin'
	33		S			 Algis Budrys	Snail's Pace
	44		A			 James E. Gunn	The Plot-Forms of Science Fiction
	54		S			 Frank Belknap Long	Night-Fear
	58		D			 Robert A. Madle	Inside Science Fiction
	62		S			 Leonard Wampler	Machine Complex
	65		S			 W. Malcolm White	The Poetess and the 21 Grey-Haired Cadavers
	70		BI			 Anthony K. Van Riper	Skylark Smith: An Appreciation
	73		NT			 Hal Annas	Fishers of Men
	98		D				The Reckoning

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	128 pages	$0.35	Jan 53	V4 #1	5.5"x7.6"
	3		S			 Fritz Leiber	The Big Holiday
	10		S			 Mabel Seeley	The Footprint
	19		NT			 John Wyndham	Perfect Creature
	39		S		W	 Martin Pearson	The Mask of Demeter
	39		S		W	 C. M. Kornbluth	The Mask of Demeter
	45		S			 Idris Seabright	New Ritual
	53	R	S		W	 Kurd Lasswitzt	When the Devil Took the Professor
	53	R	S		T	 Willy Ley	When the Devil Took the Professor
	63		S			 Bruce Elliott	The Last Magician
	73	R	S			 Robert Louis Stevenson	The Isle of Voices
	89		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	89		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	92		S			 William Campbell Gault	Joy Ride
	102		S			 Russell Kirk	What Shadows We Pursue
	116		S			 Doris Gilbert	The Chocolate Couch

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: George Gibbons
	128 pages	$0.35	Feb 53	V4 #2	5.5"x7.6"
	3		S		W	 L. Sprague de Camp	The Green Thumb
	3		S		W	 Fletcher Pratt	The Green Thumb
	10		S			 Oliver La Farge	The Time Watcher
	17		S			 Zenna Henderson	Loo Ree
	30		S			 Chad Oliver	Technical Advisor
	41		S			 Christopher Wood	The Enemy
	58		S			 Mildred Clingerman	Stickney and the Critic
	64		S			 Kay Rogers	Experiment
	67		S			 Herbert Goldstone	Virtuoso
	73		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	73		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	75		S			 Vance Randolph	Slipping Through the Keyhole
	77		NT			 J. T. McIntosh	One in Three Hundred
	109		S			 Emilie H. Knarr	Carne Vale
	111		S			 Reginald Bretnor	Maybe Just a Little One
	123		S			 Philip K. Dick	Roog

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: Chesley Bonestell (wraparound)
	128 pages	$0.35	Mar 53	V4 #3	5.5"x7.6"
	3		S			 Anthony Boucher	The Other Inauguration
	15		S			 Robert Sheckley	The Monsters
	24		S			 Richard Middleton	Shepherd's Boy
	26		S			 Richard Matheson	Disappearing Act
	39		S			 Ralph Robin	Inefficiency Expert
	55		S			 Wilson Tucker	Able to Zebra
	69		S			 Leslie Bigelow	The Sorcerer's Apprentice
	79		S			 H. Nearing Jr.	The Malignant Organ
	90		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	90		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	94		S			 Tom Browne	The Cat Was Black
	103		S			 Idris Seabright	Thirsty God
	111		S			 Richard Parker	The Wheelbarrow Boy
	115		S			 Manly Wade Wellman	Vandy, Vandy

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: Emsh
	128 pages	$0.35	Apr 53	V4 #4	5.5"x7.6"
	3		NT			 J. T. McIntosh	Beggars All
	28		S			 Esther Carlson	Heads You Win...
	35		S			 Kris Neville	Mission
	52		S			 Chad Oliver	Anachronism
	57		S			 A. Bertram Chandler	Jetsam
	66		S			 T. P. Caravan	Random Sample
	69		S			 Alan Nelson	Space Opera
	79	R	S			 Daniel Defoe	The Devil at St. Bennet Fynk
	81		S			 Oliver Saari	The Space Man
	89		S			 John P. McKnight	Bird Talk
	91		S			 Hilbert Schenck Jr.	Tomorrow's Weather
	97		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	97		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	100		S			 Reginald Bretnor	Cat
	114	R	A			 Donald F. Reines	The Shape of Copyright to Come
	117		S			 W. B. Brady	Devlin

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: Jack Coggins
	128 pages	$0.35	May 53	V4 #5	5.5"x7.6"
	3		S			 Poul Anderson	When Half-Gods Go
	25		S			 Edward W. Ludwig	Occupation
	33		S			 Arthur Porges	Story Conference
	39		NT			 Levi Crow	Young-Man-With-Skull-At-His-Ear
	62		S			 John D. MacDonald	Labor Supply
	69		S			 Winona McClintic	There did Not Remain a Word to Say
	80		S			 Tom McMorrow Jr.	Leap Year Day
	89		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	89		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	100		NT			 Ward Moore	Lot
	123		S			 Dana Lyon	Mr. Elsie Smith

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: George Gibbons
	128 pages	$0.35	Jun 53	V4 #6	5.5"x7.6"
	3		S			 Charles L. Harness	Child by Chronos
	17		S			 Isaac Asimov	Flies
	23		S			 Kris Neville	It Pays to Advertise
	39		S			 Bruce A. Agnew	The Key
	41		S			 Con Pederson	The August People
	63		S			 Ralph Robin	Mr. Prime
	70		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	70		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	73		S			 Philip K. Dick	The Preserving Machine
	81		S			 Arthur Porges	Strange Birth
	84		S			 James Blish	First Strike
	97		VE			 Winona McClintic	His Master's Voice
	98		S			 W. B. Ready	Weerawannas
	105		VE			 Winona McClintic	The Two Voices
	106		S			 Morris Hershman	The Happy Traitor
	109		S			 H. Nearing Jr.	The Maladjusted Classroom
	123		S			 Evelyn E. Smith	The Last of the Spode
	127		D				Index to Volume Four - January 1953-June 1953

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: Emsh
	128 pages	$0.35	Jul 53	V5 #1	5.5"x7.6"
	3		S			 William Lindsay Gresham	The Star Gypsies
	16		VE			 Winona McClintic	The Vampire
	17		S		W	 Mack Reynolds	The Adventure of the Snitch in Time
	17		S		W	 August Derleth	The Adventure of the Snitch in Time
	25		S			 John Anthony	The Hypnoglyph
	33		S		W	 L. Sprague de Camp	The Untimely Toper
	33		S		W	 Fletcher Pratt	The Untimely Toper
	40		S			 Dave Dryfoos	Man
	44		S			 Arthur Porges	Mop-Up
	51		S			 Ruth M. Goldsmith	Yankee Exodus
	61		VE			 Anthony Boucher	The Model of a Science Fiction Editor
	83		VE			 Winona McClintic	The Antiquary
	84		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	84		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	87		S			 Idris Seabright	Judgment Planet
	99		S			 Philip K. Dick	Expendable
	104		S			 Robert Sheckley	The King's Wishes
	113		S			 Alfred Bester	Star Light, Star Bright

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: Jack Coggins
	128 pages	$0.35	Aug 53	V5 #2	5.5"x7.6"
	3		S		W	 Reginald Bretnor	Gratitude Guaranteed
	3		S		W	 Kris Neville	Gratitude Guaranteed
	23		S			 Fredric Brown	Rustle of Wings
	28		S			 John R. Pierce	Mr. Kinkaid's Pasts
	37		S			 Manly Wade Wellman	One Other
	52		S			 Ann Warren Griffith	Captive Audience
	63		S			 Ward Moore	Measure of a Man
	77		S			 Ralph Robin	Open Ears
	83		S			 Lavinia R. Davis	Randall
	95		VE			 Winona McClintic	The Unquiet Grave
	96		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	96		BR		W	 Fletcher Pratt	Recommended Reading
	99		S			 H. Nearing Jr.	The Cerebrative Psittacoid
	114		S			 Ben Ray Redman	At the Door
	117		S			 Eando Binder	A Warning to the Furious

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: Jack Coggins
	128 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	V5 #3	5.5"x7.6"
	3		N	1/2		 Poul Anderson	Three Hearts and Three Lions
	54		S		W	 L. Sprague de Camp	One Man's Meat
	54		S		W	 Fletcher Pratt	One Man's Meat
	61		S			 Alan Nelson	Silenzia
	73		S			 Lion Miller	The Available Data on the Worp Reaction
	76		S			 Christopher Wood	Mrs. Dalrymple's Cat
	96		S			 Thelma D. Hamm	Gallie's House
	99		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	99		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	103		S			 Alfred Bester	Time is the Traitor
	123		S			 Peter Phillips	The Warning

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: Emsh
	128 pages	$0.35	Oct 53	V5 #4	5.5"x7.6"
	3		S			 Philip Jose Farmer	Attitudes
	19		S			 Esther Carlson	Long Distance
	25		S			 Arthur Porges	The Ruum
	36		S			 Charles L. Harness	The Chessplayers
	70		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	70		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	74		S			 Bill Brown	The Tronk and the Trumpet
	84		N	2/2		 Poul Anderson	Three Hearts and Three Lions
	116		VE			 Herman W. Mudgett	The Naming of Names
	117		S			 Kay Rogers	Letter to a Tiger

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: Mel Hunter
	128 pages	$0.35	Nov 53	V5 #5	5.5"x7.6"
	3		NT			 Clifford D. Simak	Shadow Show
	36		S			 Robert Abernathy	Professor Schlucker's Fallacy
	43		S			 Idris Seabright	The Altruists
	55		S			 Mindret Lord	Dr. Jacobus Meliflore's Last Patient
	60		S			 Stewart Royce	"...Fight in the Hills"
	89		SS			 Vance Randolph	Blood in the Cellar: an Ozark Folk Tale
	90		S			 Kris Neville	Worship Night
	99		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	99		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	101		VE			 Randall Garrett	I've Got a Little List
	102		SS			 Cleve Cartmill	My Lady Smiles
	104		S			 Theodore Sturgeon	The Silken-Swift
	120		VE			 Leonard Wolf	Some Facts About Robots I
	121		S			 Mildred Clingerman	The Word

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
	Anthony Boucher; J. Francis McComas	Fantasy House, Inc.	Artist: Emsh
	128 pages	$0.35	Dec 53	V5 #6	5.5"x7.6"
	3		NT		W	 G. Gordon Dewey	Two-Way Stretch
	3		NT		W	 Max Dancey	Two-Way Stretch
	31		S			 Zenna Henderson	Food to All Flesh
	39		S			 Esther Carlson	Night Life
	45		VE			 Winona McClintic	A Lady's Privilege
	46		S			 Robert Moore Williams	Aurochs Came Walking
	61		S			 Jerome Bixby	The Milk of Paradise
	73		S			 Guy DeAngelis	Door to Door
	85		S			 H. Nearing Jr.	The Gastronomical Error
	104		BR		W	 Anthony Boucher	Recommended Reading
	104		BR		W	 J. Francis McComas	Recommended Reading
	118		S			 Arthur Porges	The Liberator
	125		D				Index to Volume Five - July 1953 - December 1953

Famous Fantastic Mysteries
	Mary Gnaedinger	Popular Pubs.	Artist: Saunders
	114 pages	$0.25	Feb 53	V14 #2	7.0"x9.0"
	96		S			 Cedric R. Mentiplay	The Eyes of Dromu

Famous Fantastic Mysteries
	Mary Gnaedinger	Popular Pubs.	Artist: Lawrence
	114 pages	$0.25	Apr 53	V14 #3	7.0"x9.0"
	94		S			 Margaret St. Clair	The Espadrilles

Famous Fantastic Mysteries
	Mary Gnaedinger	Popular Pubs.	Artist: Lawrence
	114 pages	$0.25	Jun 53	V14 #4	7.0"x9.0"
			S			 Arthur Dekker Savage	Bernie Goes to Hell
	78		S			 Benjamin Ferris	Find the Happy Children
	86		S		W	 Ray Bradbury	Pendulum
	86		S		W	 Henry Hasse	Pendulum

	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company	Artist: Frankenberg (wraparound)
	162 pages	$0.35	JanFeb 53	V2 #1	5.5"x7.5"
	4		S			 Joseph Shallit	Wonder Child
	28		S			 Del Molarsky	Love is a Barometer
	43		S			 Richard Matheson	Mad House
	67		S			 Samuel Hopkins Adams	Isle of Blight
	96		S			 Dean Evans	The World is So People
	102		S			 Kris Neville	The Man with the Fine Mind
	112		S			 John Wyndham	Close Behind Him
	124		S			 Henry Kuttner	Satan Sends Flowers
	138		S			 C. M. Kornbluth	Time Bum
	147		S		W	 Edgar Allen Poe	The Lighthouse
	147		S		W	 Robert Bloch	The Lighthouse

	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company	Artist: Powers (wraparound)
	162 pages	$0.35	MarApr 53	V2 #2	5.5"x7.5"
	4		NT			 B. Traven	The Third Guest
	37		S			 William Markham Altman	The Delicate Dinosaur
	39		S			 John Collier	The Devil, George, and Rosie
	56		S			 Jack Williamson	The Cold Green Eye
	66		S			 Ivar Jorgensen	Something for the Woman
	74		S			 Maurice Walsh	The Sword of Yung Lo
	90		S			 Franklin Gregory	Stop on the Red
	102		S			 J. T. McIntosh	Escape Me Never
	124		S			 Shirley Jackson	Root of Evil
	130		S			 Harry Fletcher	A Star Falls on Broadway
	132		S			 Poul Anderson	Three Wishes
	159		S			 Billy Rose	The Tourists

	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company	Artist: W. T. Mars
	162 pages	$0.35	MayJun 53	V2 #3	5.5"x7.6"
	4		S			 William P. McGivern	Jinn and Tonic
	28		S			 John Wyndham	Reservation Deferred
	34		S			 Isaac Asimov	Sally
	51		S			 Roger Dee	Guest Artist
	77		PI			  de Persiis	A Portfolio
	80		S			 Alfred Bester	The Roller Coaster
	89		S			 Esther Carlson	Room With a View
	96		S			 Chad Oliver	Hardly Worth Mentioning

	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company	Artist: Rupert Conrad
	162 pages	$0.35	JulAug 53	V2 #4	5.5"x7.6"
	4		S			 John Wyndham	Confidence Trick
	20		S			 Ralph Robin	Four Men and a Suit Case
	28		NT			 William P. McGivern	Operation Mind-Pick
	62		S			 H. L. Gold	Don't Take it to Heart
	70		S			 Charles Larsen	The Glasses
	80		S			 Ivar Jorgensen	The Wishing Stone
	90		S			 Robert Terrall	The Magic Ends at Midnight
	104		NT			 Theodore Sturgeon	The Dark Room
	142		S			 Robert Sheckley	The Altar

	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company	Artist: Leo Summers
	146 pages	$0.35	SepOct 53	V2 #5	5.5"x7.6"
	4		S			 Walter M. Miller Jr.	Wolf Pack
	21		PI			 Gustav Rehberger	A Portfolio
	24		S			 Ralph Robin	A Great Day for the Amorous
	40		S			 William P. McGivern	Amphytrion 40
	61		NT			 Richard Matheson	Mother By Protest
	94		S			 Jerome Bixby	The Monsters
	103		S			 Robert Sheckley	Wild Talents, Inc.
	120		S			 Mack Reynolds	No Return from Elba
	124		S			 Robert S. Richardson	A Moment for Laughter
	136		S			 Ivar Jorgensen	Secret Weapon

Fantastic Adventures
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company	Artist: Frank Navarro
	130 pages		Jan 53	V15 #1	7.0"x10.0"
	3		A			 Don Morrow	Cycles - Cause and Effect
	7		A			 Charles Recour	There's Got to Be Ether
	7		A			 Sam Dewey	"'Copters ia a-Comin'"
	8		N			 Peter Dakin	The House That Hate Built
	63		A			 Joe Kleig	Little Giants
	63		A			 Mildred Low	Man is Boss?
	64		S			 Frank McGivern	A Case for Mephisto
	76		S			 Chester S. Geier	The Gods of Madness
	91		A			 Omar Booth	Bullets with Brains
	91		A			 E. Bruce Yaches	Planets Made to Order
	92		NT			 E. K. Jarvis	Rim of Faith
	117		A			 A. T. Kedzie	Snow, Beautiful Snow
	119		A			 Jon Barry	Hissing Stars
	119		A			 A. T. Kedzie	Tiny Typer
	121		A			 Pete Boggs	Of Men and Ice Worms
	123		A			 John Weston	How Big is Space?
	126		A			 Tom Edsman	Mechanical Man
	126		A			 Morris Small	The Life Secret
	127		A			 Gene Snow	Mineral Trouble Ahead
	128		A			 E. Bruce Yaches	Space Problem
	129		A			 Allen Yerby	Jets Away!
	130		A			 Lee Gordon	Hail to the Amateur

Fantastic Adventures
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company	Artist: William Slade
	130 pages		Feb 53	V15 #2	7.0"x10.0"
	4		A			 Charles Recour	1+1=0
	4		A			 Sam Dewey	TV Around the Globe
	8		NT			 Mallory Storm	Miracle at the County
	28		S			 E. K. Jarvis	Cast of Characters
	40		A			 E. Bruce Yaches	Big Job on Luna
	40		A			 Merritt Linn	Space Medicine
	41		A			 Jon Barry	How to Land Your Space Ship
	41		A			 Paul Tate	Hazards of Space
	42		S			 Chester S. Geier	Gods Under Glass
	60		NT			 Rog Phillips	The Menace
	72		NT			 Alexander Blade	A Man Called Meteor
	86		A			 John Weston	No More Clutch
	87		A			 June Lurie	How They'll Do It Tomorrow
	87		A			 Omar Booth	Better Robots
	88		S			 Robert Arnette	The Involuntary Enemy
	100		A			 Charles Recour	Stars Are Still Boss
	101		A			 Hugo Brant	Take-Off
	102		S			 Walt Crain	The Wandering Graveyard
	120		A			 Lee Owen	Arctic Assignment
	124		A			 Sandy Miller	"Tiny Tim" Comes Through
	125		A			 Martin Dean	Voyage Into Danger
	129		A			 Wayne Delano	Tycoon of the Future

Fantastic Adventures
	Howard Browne	Ziff-Davis Publishing Company	Artist: Frank Navarro
	130 pages		Mar 53	V15 #3	7.0"x10.0"
	8		A			 Charles Recour	The Madman
	10		NA			 Alexander Blade	Gambit on Ganymede
	40		NT			 Ivar Jorgensen	The Beast
	59		A			 Omar Booth	When the Earth was Young
	61		A			 Sam Dewey	Perchance to Dream
	62		NT			 Ted Taine	Woman's World
	89		A			 Dee Arlen	Death on Betelguese
	90		S			 Noel Loomis	Ceti was a Whale
	101		A			 E. Bruce Yaches	Land of the Matriarchs
	102		S			 Tedd Thomey	Boy Meets Tree
	112		S			 Gordon MacCreagh	Projection from Epsilon

Fantastic Story Magazine
	Samuel Mines	Best Books	Artist: Earle K. Bergey
	146 pages		Jan 53	V5 #1	7.0"x10.0"
	10		N			 Edmond Hamilton	A Yank at Valhalla
	82		S			 Richard Matheson	The Disinheritors
	90		S			 Frank M. Robinson	Viewpoint
	95		S			 L. Sprague de Camp	The Merman
	105		S			 Alfred Coppel	Divided We Fall
	109		S			 Thomas Calvert McClary	The Case of Jack Freysling
	114		NT			 Murray Leinster	The Eternal Now

Fantastic Story Magazine
	Samuel Mines	Best Books	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	146 pages		Mar 53	V5 #2	7.0"x10.0"
	10		N			 Leigh Brackett	Shadow Over Mars
	78		S			 Richard Matheson	Death Ship
	91		S			 L. Sprague de Camp	The Best Laid Scheme
	98		NT			 Henry Kuttner	Baby Face
	115		S			 Horace L. Gold	Hero
	125		S			 Joseph Slotkin	Too Bad You Died

Fantastic Story Magazine
	Samuel Mines	Best Books	Artist: Emsh
	146 pages		May 53	V5 #3	7.0"x10.0"
	72		S			 Kelvin Kent	Science is Golden
	83		S			 Murray Leinster	De Profundis
	91		S			 Curt Storm	Below Absolute
	101		S			 Will F. Jenkins	Dear Charles
	112		NT			 Ed Weston	Cosmic Caravan
	127		S			 Robert Moore Williams	To the Stars

Fantastic Story Magazine
	Samuel Mines	Best Books	Artist: Walter Popp
	146 pages		Jul 53	V6 #1	7.0"x10.0"
	10		NT			 Joel Townsley Rogers	Through the Blackboard
	32		S		W	 Colin G. Jameson Sr.	The Corollary Effect
	32		S		W	 Colin G. Jameson Jr.	The Corollary Effect
	58		S			 Cleve Cartmill	Visiting Yokel
	70		S			 Sam Merwin Jr.	There's Always Amanda
	84		NT			 Murray Leinster	Dead City
	108		S			 Richard Matheson	Lazarus II
	115		S			 Philip K. Dick	The Indefatigable Frog
	122		NT			 L. Sprague de Camp	The Gnarly Man

Fantastic Story Magazine
	Samuel Mines	Best Books	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	130 pages		Sep 53	V6 #2	7.0"x10.0"
	10		N			 Manly Wade Wellman	Island in the Sky
	59		S			 R. W. Stockheker	Gadget Baghdad
	67		S			 L. Sprague de Camp	Hyperpilosity
	75		S			 Clyde B. Smith	Doomstruck
	97		S			 Charles A. Stearns	The Martians Came to Dinner
	101		S			 Otis Adelbert Kline	Stolen Centuries
	108		S			 Sam Sackett	Liberation
	112		S			 Roscoe Clark FRCS	Experiment

Fantastic Story Magazine
	Samuel Mines	Best Books	Artist: Alex Ebel
	Winter 1954 on the spine
	130 pages		Win 53	V6 #3	7.0"x10.0"
	10		N			 Henry Kuttner	The Dark World
	72		S			 Monroe Schere	Welcome, Stranger
	95		S			 Gordon R. Dickson	The Rebels
	105		S			 Stuart Harbour	Mousehole
	110		S			 William Morrison	Split Personality

Fantastic Universe Science Fiction
	Sam Merwin, Jr.	King-Size Publications, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	193 pages	$0.50	JunJul 53	V1 #1	5.2"x7.4"
	0		ED			 Sam Merwin Jr.	The Broad Horizon
	2		NA			 Jacques Jean Ferrat	Nightmare Tower
	50		S			 A. Bertram Chandler	Viscous Circle
	67		S			 Frank Belknap Long	Little Men of Space
	81		NT			 E. Hoffmann Price	The Fire and the Flesh
	107		S			 August Derleth	The Maugham Obsession
	116		S			 Arthur C. Clarke	The Other Tiger
	119		S			 Gene L. Henderson	The Small Bears
	129		S			 Philip K. Dick	Martians Come in Clouds
	138		S			 Roger Dee	The Minister Had to Wait
	149		S			 Milton Lesser	Finders Keepers
	159		A			 Fletcher Pratt	War in Heaven
	167		S			 Ray Bradbury	Time in Thy Flight
	171		S			 Eric Frank Russell	It's in the Blood
	175		S			 George Longdon	Of Those Who Came
	186		BR			 Sam Merwin Jr.	Universe in Books
	193		ED			 Leo Margulies	The Past, The Present, and the Future

Fantastic Universe Science Fiction
	Sam Merwin, Jr.	King-Size Publications, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	193 pages	$0.50	AugSep 53	V1 #2	5.2"x7.4"
	0		ED			 Sam Merwin Jr.	The Invisible Line
	2		NT			 William Campbell Gault	The Mighty Dead
	24		S			 Richard Matheson	Full Circle
	35		S			 Walt Sheldon	This is Klon Calling
	39		S			 Evan Hunter	What Price Venus?
	61		S			 A. Bertram Chandler	A Matter of Timing
	76		S			 Poul Anderson	The Disintegrating Sky
	81		NT			 Irving E. Cox Jr.	The Instant of Now
	115		S			 Arthur G. Stangland	The House From Nowhere
	129		S			 Andre Norton	All Cats Are Gray
	135		S			 Dean Evans	The Very Black
	148		S			 H. Russell Wakefield	The Sepulchre of Jasper Sarasen
	159		S			 James MacGregor	The Broken Record
	169		S			 Clifford D. Simak	The Questing of Foster Adams
	181		S			 Eric Frank Russell	A Great Deal of Power
	190		BR			 Sam Merwin Jr.	Universe in Books
	193		ED			 Leo Margulies	Easy Reading

Fantastic Universe Science Fiction
	Sam Merwin, Jr.	King-Size Publications, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	193 pages	$0.50	OctNov 53	V1 #3	5.2"x7.4"
	0		ED			 Sam Merwin Jr.	The Aliens
	2		NA			 Jacques Jean Ferrat	The Sane Men of Satan
	53		S			 Evelyn E. Smith	Nightmare on the Nose
	62		S			 Philip K. Dick	Planet for Transients
	74		S			 A. Bertram Chandler	Moonflowers and Mary
	83		S			 Wallace West	Listen, Children... Listen!
	93		S			 Richard Ashby	The Vertigo Hook
	99		S			 William Morrison	Date of Publication 2083 A.D.
	110		S			 Dal Stivens	The Undoing of Carney Jimmy
	113		S			 Curtis W. Casewit	The French Way
	119		S			 Richard Phillips	Some Kinds of Life
	128		S			 William F. Temple	The Whispering Gallery
	143		S			 C. M. Kornbluth	Everybody Knows Joe
	146		NT			 A. Bertram Chandler	The Forest of Knives
	189		BR			 Sam Merwin Jr.	Universe in Books
	193		ED			 Leo Margulies	The Literary Space-Ship

Fantasy Magazine
	Lester del Rey	Future Publications	Artist: Hannes Bok
	Name changes to Fantasy Fiction next issue
	160 pages	$0.35	Feb 53	V1 #1	5.4"x7.2"
	2		ED			 Lester del Rey	Things That Go Foomp
	4		N		W	 Robert E. Howard	The Black Stranger
	4		N		W	 L. Sprague de Camp	The Black Stranger
	72		BR				Book Reviews
	73		S			 Richard Deming	Too Gloomy for Private Pushkin
	82		S			 Robert Sheckley	The Demons
	93		NT			 Poul Anderson	Ashtaru the Terrible
	112		S			 Finn O'Donnevan	Feeding Time
	116		D				The Crystal Ball
	117		S			 Frank Robinson	The Night Shift
	126		NT			 Steve Frazee	Dragon Fires

Fantasy Fiction
	Lester del Rey	Future Publications, Inc.	Artist: Hannes Bok
	160 pages		Jun 53	V1 #2	5.5"x7.5"
	6		N			 L. Sprague de Camp	The Wall of Serpents
	70		S			 Algis Budrys	The Weeblies
	78		S			 Charles E. Fritch	Emissary
	88		NT			 Peter Coccagna	Samsi
	104		NT			 Poul Anderson	Rachaela
	125		S			 Philip K. Dick	The Cookie Lady
	134		S			 Peter Phillips	Sylvia
	145		S			 John Wyndham	More Spinned Against

Fantasy Fiction
	Lester del Rey	Future Publications, Inc.	Artist: Hannes Bok
	160 pages		Aug 53	V1 #3	5.5"x7.5"
	6		N			 Bruce Elliot	"So Sweet as Magic..."
	59		S			 Philip K. Dick	Out in the Garden
	68		S			 Charles E. Fritch	Much Ado About Plenty
	78		S		W	 Robert E. Howard	The Frost Giant's Daughter
	78		S		W	 L. Sprague de Camp	The Frost Giant's Daughter
	86		NT			 John Wyndham	A Stray from Cathay
	106		S			 H. B. Fyfe	Koenigshaufen's Curve
	120		S			 Leah Bodine Drake	Foxy's Hollow
	128		S			 Laurence Manning	Mr. Mottle Goes Pouf
	138		NT			 David Alexander	The Other Ones
	154		S			 Randall Garrett	Nom d'un Nom

Fantasy Fiction
	Lester del Rey	Future Publications, Inc.	Artist: Hannes Bok
	160 pages		Nov 53	V1 #4	5.5"x7.5"
	6		N		W	 Katherine MacLean	Web of the Worlds
	6		N		W	 Harry Harrison	Web of the Worlds
	75		S			 William S. Corwin	Nothing to It
	78		S			 Clark Ashton Smith	Schizoid Creator
	86		S			 Bill Brown	Medicine Dancer
	92		NT			 Fletcher Pratt	Capital Expenditure
	130		S			 Wesley Barefoot	De Demon- Natur-
	136		S			 L. Sprague de Camp	The Stronger Spell
	150		S			 Stephen Arr	The Apprentice Sorcerer

Future Science Fiction
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: Milton Luros
	98 pages		Jan 53	V3 #5	7.0"x10.0"
	12		NT			 John Wyndham	Time Stops Today
	27		S			 H. B. Fyfe	The Compleat Collector
	39		S			 Bryce Walton	Minority Decision
	49		A			 Leo Louis Martello	Hypnotism, Fact vs. Fiction
	53		NT			 Damon Knight	In the Beginning
	67		S			 Richard Wilson	Incident in Iopa
	70		NT			 James Blish	Testament of Andros

Future Science Fiction
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: Milton Luros
	98 pages		Mar 53	V3 #6	7.0"x10.0"
	10		NT			 Poul Anderson	Courier of Chaos
	27		S			 Raymond F. Jones	The Moon is Death
	37		S			 H. B. Fyfe	Romance
	45		S		W	 Frederik Pohl	A Big Man with the Girls
	45		S		W	 Judith Merril	A Big Man with the Girls
	52		S			 Clifford D. Simak	...And the Truth Shall Make You Free
	64		NT			 Harry Warner Jr.	Cold War

Future Science Fiction
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: A. Leslie Ross
	98 pages		May 53	V4 #1	6.5"x9.5"
	10		NT			 Jack Vance	Ecological Onslaught
	29		S			 William Tenn	Liberation of Earth
	41		S			 Alfred Machado Jr.	Tenth-Level Enigma
	53		S			 Walter Kubilius	Judas of the Spaceways
	61		S			 Lester del Rey	Get Thee Behind Me, Clio
	66		NT			 Harry Warner Jr.	The World is Yours!

Future Science Fiction
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: Milton Luros
	98 pages		Jul 53	V4 #2	6.5"x9.5"
	10		S			 Gordon R. Dickson	Graveyard
	25		S			 Charles Dye	The Aeropause
	35		S			 Richard Wilson	Strike
	44		S			 Richard Grinnell	Road to Rome
	47		S			 Philip Latham	Martial Ritual
	55		S			 Katherine MacLean	Where or When?
	61		A			 Robert A. Madle	Utopias in Contrast
	66		NT			 Jack Vance	Four Hundred Blackbirds

Future Science Fiction
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: Milton Luros
	98 pages		Sep 53	V4 #3	6.5"x9.5"
	10		S			 Kris Neville	Dust Thou Art
	24		S			 Harry Warner Jr.	Freedom of the Press
	27		S			 Algis Budrys	Stand Watch in the Sky
	35		S			 Charles Dye	Double-Talk
	47		S			 Mack Reynolds	Please to Remember
	54		S			 Robert K. Ottum	Anybody Here Seen Herbie Green?
	58		A			 L. Sprague de Camp	Phantom Phoenicians
	64		S			 Raymond E. Banks	Ixtl Igo, Son!
	70		NT			 Irving E. Cox Jr.	To Save a World

Future Science Fiction
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	98 pages		Nov 53	V4 #4	6.5"x9.5"
	10		S			 Robert Sheckley	Ultimatum
	26		S			 Richard Wilson	New Weapon
	42		S			 Gordon R. Dickson	Counter-Irritant
	55		S			 Philip Latham	Comeback
	64		NT			 Charles V. de Vet	Countercheck

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Corporation	Artist: Emsh
	160 pages	$0.35	Jan 53	V5 #4	5.4"x7.3"
	3		ED			 H. L. Gold	Common Sense
	4		NT			 Philip K. Dick	The Defenders
	29		S			 James Causey	Teething Ring
	37		S			 James McConnell	Life Sentence
	50		NT			 Richard Wilson	The Inhabited
	71		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	81		S			 Margaret St. Clair	Prott
	96		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
	100		A			 Clifford D. Simak	Ring Around the Sun

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Corporation	Artist: Mel Hunter
	160 pages	$0.35	Feb 53	V5 #5	5.4"x7.3"
	2		ED			 H. L. Gold	Buy Me That!
	4		NT			 Damon Knight	Four in One
	37		S			 Algis Budrys	Protective Mimicry
	50		S			 Theodore Sturgeon	Saucer of Loneliness
	63		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	74		NT			 Robert Sheckley	Watchbird
	96		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
	100		S			 Elisabeth R. Lewis	Know Thy Neighbor
	110		N	3/3		 Clifford D. Simak	Ring Around the Sun

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Corporation	Artist: Camerage
	159 pages	$0.35	Mar 53	V5 #6	5.4"x7.3"
	2		ED			 H. L. Gold	For Writers Mostly
	4		NA			 H. L. Gold	The Old Die Rich
	59		S			 Katherine MacLean	Games
	68		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	78		NT			 F. L. Wallace	Student Body
	100		S			 Anthony Boucher	Secret of the House
	108		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
	112		S			 John Christopher	The Drop
	130		NT			 Poul Anderson	Horse Trader

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Company	Artist: Schomburg
	159 pages	$0.35	Apr 53	V6 #1	5.4"x7.3"
	3		ED			 H. L. Gold	Common Sense (II)
	4		NT			 J. T. McIntosh	Made in U. S. A.
	38		S			 Robert Sheckley	Seventh Victim
	52		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	64		NT			 Peter Phillips	University
	87		S			 Edward Wellen	Origins of Galactic Law
	98		S			 Kurt Vonnegut Jr.	Unready to Wear
	114		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
	118		NT			 Murray Leinster	The Sentimentalists

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Company	Artist: Mel Hunter
	160 pages	$0.35	May 53	V6 #2	5.4"x7.3"
	2		ED			 H. L. Gold	Gueffef on Progreff
	4		NA			 James Gunn	Wherever You May Be
	69		S			 Robert Sheckley	Specialist
	84		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	94		S			 Charles Shafhauser	A Gleeb for Earth
	108		S			 Evelyn E. Smith	Not Fit for Children
	119		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
	124		NT			 Clifford D. Simak	Junkyard

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Company	Artist: Mel Hunter
	159 pages	$0.35	Jun 53	V6 #3	5.4"x7.3"
	2		ED			 H. L. Gold	Of All Things
	4		NA			 F. L. Wallace	Tangle Hold
	56		S			 Winston K. Marks	The Water Eater
	67		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	76		S			 Robert Sheckley	Warm
	86		NT			 J. T. McIntosh	First Lady
	113		S			 James H. Schmitz	We Don't Want Any Trouble
	120		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
	126		S			 Richard Wilson	If You Were the Only
	140		NT			 Philip K. Dick	Colony

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Company	Artist: Emsh
	160 pages	$0.35	Jul 53	V6 #4	5.4"x7.3"
	2		ED			 H. L. Gold	Old Laws -- New Uses
	4		NT			 Clifford D. Simak	Kindergarten
	50		S			 James H. Schmitz	Caretaker
	63		S		W	 C. L. Moore	Home Is the Hunter
	63		S		W	 Henry Kuttner	Home Is the Hunter
	74		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	84		NT			 William Morrison	The Weather on Mercury
	112		S			 Fritz Leiber	A Bad Day for Sales
	120		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
	126		S			 Ruth Laura Wainwright	Green Grew the Lasses
	138		NT			 Michael Shaara	Soldier Boy

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Company	Artist: Mel Hunter
	160 pages	$0.35	Aug 53	V6 #5	5.4"x7.3"
	2		ED			 H. L. Gold	Chance & Maps
	4		NA			 J. T. McIntosh	Mind Alone
	56		S		W	 Mark Clifton	We're Civilized
	56		S		W	 Alex Apostolides	We're Civilized
	68		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	80		NT			 Robert Sheckley	Diplomatic Immunity
	101		S			 Betsy Curtis	The Trap
	114		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
	119		S			 Theodore R. Cogswell	Minimum Sentence
	130		NT			 Raymond Z. Gallun	Stamped Caution!

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Company	Artist: Emsh
	160 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	V6 #6	5.4"x7.3"
	2		ED			 H. L. Gold	What's the Good Word?
	4		NA			 Theodore Sturgeon	The Touch of Your Hand
	48		S			 Clifford D. Simak	Worrywart
	63		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	73		S			 Roger Dee	Problem on Balak
	86		NT			 R. D. Nicholson	Far from the Warming Sun
	112		S			 Dave Dryfoos	New Hire
	120		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
	126		S			 Donald Colvin	Half Past Alligator
	140		NT			 Charles V. De Vet	Delayed Action

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Company	Artist: Emsh
	160 pages	$0.35	Oct 53	V7 #1	5.4"x7.3"
	3		ED			 H. L. Gold	To the Hills!
	4		N	1/3		 Isaac Asimov	The Caves of Steel
	67		S			 William Morrison	The Model of a Judge
	80		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	90		S			 G. A. Morris	The Carnivore
	98		S			 Edward Wellen	Origins of Galactic Etiquette
	109		S			 J. B. Woodley	With a Vengeance
	117		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy Five Star Shelf
	122		NT			 H. L. Gold	At the Post

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Company	Artist: Emsh
	160 pages	$0.35	Nov 53	V7 #2	5.4"x7.3"
	3		ED			 H. L. Gold	That's Life, Etc.
	5		NT			 Robert Sheckley	Keep Your Shape
	22		S			 Stephen Arr	Mr. President
	35		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	44		NT			 Michael Shaara	The Book
	67		S			 Winston K. Marks	Unbegotten Child
	77		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy Five Star Shelf
	82		S			 Roger Dee	Clean Break
	98		N	2/3		 Isaac Asimov	The Caves of Steel

Galaxy Science Fiction
	H. L. Gold	Galaxy Publishing Company	Artist: Emsh
	160 pages	$0.35	Dec 53	V7 #3	5.4"x7.3"
	3		ED			 H. L. Gold	Gone Today
	4		NT			 Alan E. Nourse	The Dark Door
	33		S			 Robert Sheckley	One Man's Poison
	47		A			 Willy Ley	For Your Information
	58		NT			 Theodore Sturgeon	Mr. Costello, Hero
	84		BR			 Groff Conklin	Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
	88		S			 Fredric Brown	Hall of Mirrors
	96		S			 Edward Wellen	Origins of Galactic Medicine
	108		N	3/3		 Isaac Asimov	The Caves of Steel

IF -- Worlds of Science Fiction
	James L. Quinn	Quinn Publishing Company	Artist: Anton Kurka
	120 pages	$0.35	Jan 53	V1 #6	5.2"x7.6"
	2		ED			 James L. Quinn	A Chat with the Editor
	4		NT			 Walter M. Miller Jr.	Check and Checkmate
	25		S			 Rory Magill	The Last Gentleman
	32		NA			 Rog Phillips	Ye of Little Faith
	66		S			 Robert Turner	Success Story
	70		S			 Alfred Coppel	The Peacemaker
	80		NT			 Mari Wolf	The Statue
	95		S			 Lynn Venable	Time Enough at Last
	100		D				Personalities in Science: Michael Faraday
	103		S			 Roger Dee	The Anglers of Arz
	111		S			 Gordon R. Dickson	No Shield from the Dead
	116		D			 Charles Recour	Science Briefs
	118		LC				The Postman Cometh

IF -- Worlds of Science Fiction
	James L. Quinn	Quinn Publishing Company	Artist: Ken Fagg
	120 pages	$0.35	Mar 53	V2 #1	5.2"x7.6"
	2		ED			 James L. Quinn	A Chat with the Editor
	4		NA			 Robert Silverberg	Deadly City
	38		S			 Richard Deeming	Margin of Error
	42		S			 Bryce Walton	The Victor
	55		NT			 Kenneth O'Hara	Thy Name is Woman
	72		S			 Frank Quattrocchi	The Sword
	82		S			 Robert Abernathy	The Rotifers
	94		D				Personalities in Science -- Gallileo
	97		S			 Arthur G. Strangland	The Black Tide
	111		S			 Waldo T. Boyd	The Salesman
	114		A				Science Briefs
	119		LC				The Postman Cometh

IF -- Worlds of Science Fiction
	James L. Quinn	Quinn Publishing Company	Artist: Ken Fagg
	120 pages	$0.35	May 53	V2 #2	5.2"x7.6"
	2		ED			 James L. Quinn	A Chat with the Editor
	4		NT			 Arthur C. Clarke	Jupiter Five
	29		S			 Kris Neville	She Knew He Was Coming
	41		S			 James McKimmey Jr.	Pipe of Peace
	44		NT			 William Campbell Gault	The Huddlers
	60		D				Personalities in Science -- Dr. Roy K. Marshall
	62		S			 Mark Clifton	The Kenzie Report
	73		S			 Gene Hunter	Field Trip
	76		NT			 Alan E. Nourse	Derelict
	92		S			 Richard E. Stockham	Circle of Flight
	102		S			 Frank W. Coggins	Say "Hello" for Me
	104		S			 Gavin Hyde	The Contest
	115		A			 Peter Dalkin	Science Briefs
	118		LC				The Postman Cometh

IF -- Worlds of Science Fiction
	James L. Quinn	Quinn Publishing Company	Artist: Ken Fagg
	120 pages	$0.35	Jul 53	V2 #3	5.2"x7.6"
	2		ED			 James L. Quinn	A Chat with the Editor
	4		NT			 Jack Vance	Sjambak
	26		S			 H. B. Fyfe	Irresistable Weapon
	32		S			 Richard O. Lewis	A Bottle of Old Wine
	41		S			 James McKimmey Jr.	Celebrity
	44		NT			 Walt Sheldon	Brink of Madness
	75		S			 Tom Leahy	One Martian Afternoon
	80		D				Personalities in Science -- Donald W. Kerst
	82		S			 Russell Burton	Weak on Square Roots
	89		D			 Peter Dalkin	Science Briefs
	91		S			 Edward W. Ludwig	The Lonely Ones
	102		S		W	 Mark Clifton	Progress Report
	102		S		W	 Alex Apostolides	Progress Report
	115		S			 S. A. Lambino	The Guinea Pig
	119		LC				The Postman Cometh

IF -- Worlds of Science Fiction
	James L. Quinn	Quinn Publishing Company	Artist: Ken Fagg
	120 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	V2 #4	5.2"x7.6"
	2		ED			 Larry T. Shaw	A Chat with the Editor
	4		NA			 James Blish	A Case of Conscience
	52		S			 Philip K. Dick	The Trouble with Bubbles
	66		S			 James McKimmey Jr.	Planet of Dreams
	73		D				Personalities in Science -- Guglielmo Marconi
	76		NT			 Robert Ernest Gilbert	Thy Rocks and Rills
	99		D				Science Briefs
	102		S			 W. W. Skupeldyckle	The Romantic Analogue
	112		S			 Leslie Perri	In the Forest
	118		LC				The Postman Cometh

IF -- Worlds of Science Fiction
	James L. Quinn	Quinn Publishing Company	Artist: Ken Fagg
	120 pages	$0.35	Nov 53	V2 #5	5.2"x7.6"
	2		ED			 Larry T. Shaw	A Chat with the Editor
	4		NT			 William Tenn	The Custodian
	22		S			 Dean McLaughlin	See No Evil
	36		S			 Jerome Bixby	Where There's Hope
	42		NA			 Mari Wolf	Homo Inferior
	77		S			 Arthur Dekker Savage	Trees Are Where You Find Them
	83		S			 James McKimmey Jr.	The Eyes Have It
	90		D				Personalities in Science -- Hans A. Bethe
	93		S			 Helen Huber	I'll Kill You Tomorrow
	100		S			 Boyd Ellanby	Show Business
	107		S			 Alfred Coppel	Turning Point
	118		D				Science Briefs

Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: Harold W. McCauley
	162 pages	$0.35	Jan 53	V4 #1	5.3"x7.5"
	2		BI			 Robert Donald Locke	Introducing the Author
	4		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	6		NT			 Robert Donald Locke	Deepfreeze
	28		S			 Philip K. Dick	Mr. Spaceship
	53		A				How Many Horses to a Rocket?
	54		S			 Malcolm B. Morehart Jr.	Restricted Tool
	61		A				Where Candles Will Not Burn
	62		NT			 Daniel F. Galouye	Spillthrough
	84		NT			 Irving Cox Jr.	Adolescents Only
	108		A				The Moon - In Our Time!
	109		A				Master Mind of Fantasy
	110		NT			 Milton Lesser	Earthsmith
	141		A				Fantasy vs. Fact?
	142		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	150		LC				Letters from the Readers

Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: W. E. Terry
	162 pages	$0.35	Feb 53	V4 #2	5.3"x7.5"
	2		BI			 Philip K. Dick	Introducing the Author
	4		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	6		NA			 Kris Neville	Earth Alert!
	87		A				The Test of Time
	87		A				Undersea Eye
	88		S			 Philip K. Dick	Piper in the Woods
	106		S			 Charles Beaumont	Elegy
	120		S			 Richard S. Shaver	The Dark Goddess
	132		S			 Alfred Coppel	The Invader
	140		S			 William Hardy	Pioneer
	143		A				Probing the Body with Sound!
	143		A				Grow Your Own Home!
	144		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	152		LC				Letters From the Readers

Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: W. E. Terry
	162 pages	$0.35	Apr 53	V4 #3	5.3"x7.5"
	2		BI			 Rog Phillips	Introducing the Author
	4		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	6		NA			 Geoff St. Reynard	The Enchanted Crusade
	66		S			 Richard S. Shaver	Paradise Planet
	80		NT			 Rog Phillips	The Lost Ego
	102		A			 Harry D. Josephson	The Listening Post
	104		NT			 Daniel F. Galouye	Second Wind
	128		S			 Dave Dryfoos	Preferred Position
	132		S			 Louis G. Daniels	... Do Us Part
	144		MR			 Forrest J. Ackerman	Fantasy Film Flashes
	148		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	155		LC				Letters from the Readers
	161		D				Science Fiction Radio Citation

	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: H. W. McCauley
	162 pages	$0.35	May 53	V4 #4	5.3"x7.6"
	2		PI			 H. W. McCauley	Chicago Science Fiction Convention Snapshots
	4		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	6		NA			 Daniel F. Galouye	The Fist of Shiva
	91		A				Saucers on the Screen!
	92		S			 Robert Donald Locke	Milk Run
	102		S			 John Jakes	Earth Can Be Fun
	116		A				Space Signals
	118		S			 A. Bertram Chandler	Doom Satellite
	130		S			 Joel Nydahl	Lesson for Today
	137		A				Brain Machine
	138		S			 Edward Wellen	The Big Cheese
	143		A				Nature's Equation
	144		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	153		A				Bertrand Russell Prophesies
	154		LC				Letters from the Readers
	164		A				Tomorrow's Science

Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: Malcolm Smith
	162 pages	$0.35	Jun 53	V4 #5	5.3"x7.2"
	2		BI		W	 Lyle G. Bond	Introducing the Author
	2		BI		W	 William C. Boyd	Introducing the Author
	4		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	6		NA		W	 Lyle G. Bond	The Star Lord
	6		NA		W	 William C. Boyd	The Star Lord
	60		S			 Daniel F. Galouye	Effie
	74		S			 Frank Richards	Rub-a-Dub-Dub
	77		A				Men to the Stars
	78		NA			 Philip K. Dick	Paycheck
	113		A				Worlds Without...
	114		S			 Zenna Henderson	The Grunder
	134		S			 William Vine	Death Sentence
	142		A				Miracles in Miniature
	144		BR			 Mark Reinsberg	Imagination Science Fiction Library
	146		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	154		LC				Letters From the Readers

Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: Malcolm Smith
	162 pages	$0.35	Jul 53	V4 #6	5.3"x7.2"
	2		BI			 Milton Lesser	Introducing the Author
	4		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	6		NA			 Milton Lesser	Voyage to Eternity
	94		S			 Lewis Parker	The Animated Pinup
	108		S			 T. D. Hamm	Native Son
	115		A				Earth's Natural Defense
	116		S			 Philip K. Dick	The Cosmic Poachers
	128		S			 Russ Winterbotham	The Minus Woman
	137		A				Bowmen of Space
	138		S			 Mack Reynolds	Dogfight - 1973
	141		A				Atomic Battery
	142		BR			 Mark Reinsberg	Imagination Science Fiction Library
	144		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	154		LC				Letters From the Readers

Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: H. W. McCauley
	162 pages	$0.35	Aug 53	V4 #7	5.3"x7.2"
	2		BI			 Zenna Henderson	Introducing the Author
	2		BI			 Hal Annas	Thtroducing the Author
	4		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	6		NA			 Geoff St. Reynard	The Buttoned Sky
	94		S			 Zenna Henderson	The Substitute
	108		S			 Morris Hershman	Spacemen Never Die!
	112		S			 John McGreevey	The Prophetic Camera
	125		A				Mathematical Foundation
	126		S			 Charles V. De Vet	There is a Reaper ...
	131		A				Birthday of the Universe!
	132		S			 Robert E. Gilbert	Stopover Planet
	140		MR			 Forrest J. Ackerman	Fantasy Film Flashes
	144		BR			 Mark Reinsberg	Imagination Science Fiction Library
	146		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	154		LC				Letters From the Readers

Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: Malcolm Smith
	162 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	V4 #8	5.3"x7.2"
	2		BI			 Hal Annas	Introducing the Author
	4		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	6		NT			 Hal Annas	No Sons Left to Die!
	37		A				Power Source!
	38		NA			 Rog Phillips	The Cyberene
	98		S			 Richard A. Sternbach	Jabberwock, Beware!
	105		A				Cancer Cure!
	106		NT			 Sherwood Springer	Love That Woo-Woo!
	128		S			 Malcolm B. Morehart Jr.	The Fugitives
	138		S			 Theodore R. Cogswell	Emergency Rations
	144		BR			 Mark Reinsberg	Imagination Science Fiction Library
	146		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	154		LC				Letters From the Readers

Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: Malcolm Smith
	162 pages	$0.35	Oct 53	V4 #9	5.3"x7.2"
	2		BI			 Fox B. Holden	Introducing the Author
	4		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	6		NA			 Fox B. Holden	The Time Armada
	68		S			 Alan E. Nourse	Heir Apparent
	80		S			 John Massie Davis	Combatman
	87		A				Electronic Chemists
	88		NT			 Daniel F. Galouye	So Says the Master
	114		S			 Milton Lesser	World Without Glamor
	126		A				Atomic Motor
	128		S			 Philip K. Dick	The Impossible Planet
	138		S			 Richard O. Lewis	Hold Onto Your Body!
	144		BR			 Mark Reinsberg	Imagination Science Fiction Library
	146		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	152		A				Sound and Fury
	154		LC				Letters From the Readers

	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: H. W. McCauley
	162 pages	$0.35	Nov 53	V4 #10	5.3"x7.6"
	2		BI			 Robert A. Heinlein	Introducing the Author -- Robert A. Heinlein
	4		D				Forecast of Coming Issue
	6		S			 Robert A. Heinlein	Sky Lift
	21		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	22		N	2/2		 Fox B. Holden	The Time Armada
	95		A				Hell-Bomb Delux!
	95		A				Free Fall Perils
	96		S			 Harry C. Crosby	Roll Out the Rolov!
	104		S			 Frank M. Robinson	Guarenteed -- Forever!
	118		NT			 F. L. Wallace	The Music Master
	140		S			 Alan J. Ramm	Test Problem
	144		BR			 Mark Reinsberg	Imagination Science Fiction Library
	146		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	146		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	154		LC				Letters from the Readers
	164		PI				Tomorrow's Science

	William L. Hamling	Greenleaf Publishing Company	Artist: Malcolm Smith
	162 pages	$0.35	Dec 53	V4 #11	5.3"x7.6"
	2		BI			 Evan Hunter	Introducing the Author -- Evan Hunter
	4		ED			 William L. Hamling	The Editorial
	4		D				Forecast of Coming Issue
	6		NA			 Rog Phillips	The Cosmic Junkman
	62		NT			 Evan Hunter	First Captive
	84		S			 Fox B. Holden	Earthmen Ask No Quarter!
	96		A				Invented -- Too Late!
	97		A				Binary Eclipse
	98		NT			 Philip K. Dick	Project: Earth
	119		A				Dust Free -- Luna!
	120		S			 Daniel F. Galouye	Blessed Are the Meekbots
	136		S			 Hal Annas	Man-Trap
	142		A				The Planets -- When?
	144		BR			 Mark Reinsberg	Imagination Science Fiction Library
	146		D			 Mari Wolf	Fandora's Box
	154		LC				Letters from the Readers
	164		PI				Tomorrow's Science

Nebula Science Fiction
	P. Hamilton	Crownpoint Pubs.	Artist: Alan Hunter
	120 pages	2/	Spr 53	V1 #2	5.5"x8.5"
	3		N			 F. G. Rayer	Thou Pasture Us
	97		S			 John Brunner	Brainpower
	107		S			 Forrest J. Ackerman	Atoms and Stars
	111		S			 E. C. Tubb	Dark Solution

Nebula Science Fiction
	P. Hamilton	Crownpoint Pubs.	Artist: Bob Clothier
	120 pages	2/	Sum 53	V1 #3	5.5"x8.5"
	3		NT			 William F. Temple	Limbo
	36		S			 David S. Gardner	Mr. Udell
	43		S			 Michael Hervey	Enigma
	46		S			 Charles Beaumont	The Beautiful Woman
	63		S			 H. J. Campbell	All Men Kill
	68		N			 E. C. Tubb	Freight

Nebula Science Fiction
	P. Hamilton	Crownpoint Pubs.	Artist: Bob Clothier
	128 pages	2/	Sep 53	V1 #4	5.5"x8.5"
	3		NT			 William F. Temple	Destiny is My Enemy
	38		S			 Forrest J. Ackerman	Sabina
	41		S			 J. T. McIntosh	War's Great Organ
	54		S			 Ross Rocklynne	Alphabet Scoop
	73		N			 E. C. Tubb	The Troublemaker

Nebula Science Fiction
	P. Hamilton	Crownpoint Pubs.	Artist: Ken McIntyre
	128 pages	2/	Aut 53	V2 #1	5.5"x8.5"
	3		S			 E. C. Tubb	The Pilot
	19		S			 Eric Frank Russell	This One's on Me
	27		S			 Paul Enever	Ultimate Harvest
	30		NT			 William F. Temple	Pawn in Revolt
	51		S			 Peter J. Ridley	...And It Shall Be Opened
	67		N			 Sydney J. Bounds	The Adaptable Planet

Nebula Science Fiction
	P. Hamilton	Crownpoint Pubs.	Artist: G. H. Irwin
	128 pages	2/	Aut 53	V2 #2	5.5"x8.5"
	3		NT			 J. T. McIntosh	The Happier Eden
	32		S			 E. C. Tubb	Tea Party
	39		NT			 Eric Frank Russell	Sustained Pressure
	70		N			 F. G. Rayer	Firstling
	71		S			 Tony C. Thorne	Inside Information
	73		S			 Louise Leipiar	It Will Grow on You

New Worlds
	E. J. Carnell	Nova Publications	Artist: Gerard Quinn
	96 pages	1/6	Jan 53	V7 #19	5.5"x8.5"
	2		NT			 George Duncan	Galactic Quest
	34		S			 E. C. Tubb	Alien Dust
	50		S			 James White	Assisted Passage
	64		A			 John Newman	Silicones
	68		S			 J. F. Burke	Chessboard
	78		S			 Gordon Kent	Heroes Don't Cry
	91		A			 Walter Willis	Chicago - Biggest Ever

New Worlds Science Fiction
	E. J. Carnell	Nova Publications	Artist: Bob Clothier
	96 pages	1/6	Mar 53	V7 #20	5.5"x8.5"
	2		S			 Peter Hawkins	The Exterminators
	20		S			 J. F. Burke	Golden Slumbers
	32		A			 T. Owens	The Atom Bomb
	37		S			 A. Bertram Chandler	Jetsam
	46		S			 Lan Wright	...Is No Robbery
	64		S			 John Christopher	The Prophet
	77		A			 Laurence Sandfield	All Change
	80		S			 E. C. Tubb	Rockets Aren't Human

New Worlds Science Fiction
	John Carnell	Nova Publications, Ltd.	Artist: Quinn
	128 pages	1/6	Jun 53	V7 #21	5.0"x7.3"
	0		D				New Worlds Profile Alan Hunter 1923
	2		ED			 John Carnell	Credit Lines
	4		S			 E. R. James	Ride the Twilight Rail
	30		S			 Lan Wright	The Human Element
	41		S			 E. C. Tubb	Pistol Point
	62		S			 Alan Barclay	The Hard Way
	83		D				The literary Line-up
	84		S			 Francis G. Rayer	Power Factor
	102		S			 James White	Crossfire
	122		BR			 Leslie Flood	Book Reviews
	124		BR			 John Carnell	Book Reviews
	126		D				American Book News

Nova Science Fiction Novels
		Nova Publications	Artist: Cosdon
	128 pages		 53	 #1	5.0"x7.0"
			N			 John Wyndham	Stowaway to Mars

Orbit Science Fiction
	Jules Saltman	Hanro Corp.	Artist: 
	130 pages	$0.35	 53	V1 #1	5.4"x7.3"
	4		S			 August Derleth	Invasion from the Microcosm
	14		S			 Paul Brandts	Luena of the Gardens
	30		S			 Robert Abernathy	The Captain's Getaway
	40		S			 Mack Reynolds	D. P. from Tomorrow
	50		S			 Charles Beaumont	Fritzchen
	60		NT			 E. Everett Evans	Gateway to Yamara
	78		S			 Martin Pearson	Asteroid 745: Mauritia
	84		NT			 Basil Wells	Monster No More
	102		S			 Donald A. Wollheim	Ganymede House
	106		NT			 Richard English	The Heart of the Game

Orbit Science Fiction
	Jules Saltman	Hanro Corporation	Artist: uncredited
	130 pages	$0.35	 53	V1 #2	5.5"x7.4"
	4		S			 Mack Reynolds	Potential Enemy
	14		S			 James Causey	Exploiter's End
	32		S			 Kenneth O'Hara	The Mating of the Moons
	48		S			 August Derleth	A Traveler in Time
	60		S			 Philip K. Dick	Tony and the Beetles
	72		S			 Charles Beaumont	Place of Meeting
	77		D				Science Notes
	80		S			 H. B. Fyfe	Luna Escapade
	92		S			 G. Gordon Dewey	Time and the Woman
	104		S			 Arthur Dekker Savage	The Butterfly Kiss
	122		S			 John Christopher	Museum Piece

Other Worlds Science Stories
	Raymond A. Palmer	Clark Publishing Co.	Artist: H. W. McCauley / Hannes Bok
	162 pages	$0.35	Jan 53	V5 #1	5.0"x7.5"
	6		NT			 Eric Frank Russell	Somewhere a Voice
	46		NT			 H. B. Fyfe	Fast Passage
	79		A	4/9		 L. Sprague de Camp	Lost Continents
	100		N	3/4		 Richard S. Shaver	Beyond the Barrier

Other Worlds Science Stories
	Raymond A. Palmer	Clark Publishing Co.	Artist: Malcolm Smith / J. Allen St. Joh
	162 pages	$0.35	Feb 53	V5 #2	5.0"x7.5"
	6		NA			 William F. Temple	Field of Battle
	68		S			 Robert Moore Williams	The Night the General Left Us
	82		A	5/9		 L. Sprague de Camp	Lost Continents
	98		N	4/4		 Richard S. Shaver	Beyond the Barrier
	134		S			 Donald A. Wollheim	Disguise

Other Worlds Science Stories
	Raymond A. Palmer	Clark Publishing Co.	Artist: Robert Jones / Hannes Bok
	162 pages	$0.35	Mar 53	V5 #3	5.0"x7.5"
	6		NA			 Joe Gibson	The Machine That Floats
	68		S			 Ralph Robin	Business for the Lawyers
	82		A	6/9		 L. Sprague de Camp	Lost Continents
	90		S			 Robert Moore Williams	Publicity Stunt
	102		S			 Raymond A. Palmer	Diagnosis
	112		S			 E. E. Smith PhD	Tedric
	130		S		W	 Lyle G. Bond	What Do You Read?
	130		S		W	 William C. Boyd	What Do You Read?

Other Worlds Science Stories
	Raymond A. Palmer	Clark Publishing Co.	Artist: Robert Jones / Robert Jones
	162 pages	$0.35	Apr 53	V5 #4	5.0"x7.5"
	6		NT			 Raymond A. Palmer	New Moon
	28		S			 T. P. Caravan	Dinosaur Day
	32		S			 Frank Patton	Question Please
	36		N			 David Vern	Myshkin

Other Worlds Science Stories
	Raymond A. Palmer	Clark Publishing Co.	Artist: Malcolm Smith / Robert Jones
	162 pages	$0.35	May 53	V5 #5	5.0"x7.5"
	6		N	1/3		 S. J. Byrne	Power Metal
	60		S		W	 Lyle G. Bond	Heritage
	60		S		W	 William C. Boyd	Heritage
	70		S			 T. P. Caravan	The Cold, Cold Grave
	82		NT			 Gordon R. Dickson	Babes in the Woods
	102		A	7/9		 L. Sprague de Camp	Lost Continents
	126		NT			 Fritz Leiber	The Seven Black Priests

Other Worlds Science Stories
	Raymond A. Palmer	Clark Publishing Co.	Artist: Hannes Bok / Robert Jones
	162 pages	$0.35	Jun 53	V5 #6	5.0"x7.5"
	6		N	2/3		 S. J. Byrne	Power Metal
	70		NA		W	 Poul Anderson	In Hoka Sgno Vinces
	70		NA		W	 Gordon R. Dickson	In Hoka Sgno Vinces
	130		S			 Robert Bloch	The Thinking Cap

Other Worlds Science Stories
	Raymond A. Palmer	Clark Publishing Co.	Artist: Robert Jones / Robert Jones
	became Science Stories for 4 issues with new numbering 1 to 4
	162 pages	$0.35	Jul 53	V5 #7	5.0"x7.5"
	6		NA			 James McConnell	The Game of White
	44		N	3/3		 S. J. Byrne	Power Metal
	109		A	9/9		 L. Sprague de Camp	Lost Continents
	130		S			 Lyn Venable	The Punishment Fit the Crime

Planet Stories
	Jack O'Sullivan	Love Romances Pub. Co.	Artist: F. Anderson
	Volume 5, number 8 on spine
	112 pages	$0.25	Jan 53	V5 #10	7.0"x10.0"
	4		N			 Eric Frank Russell	Design for Great-Day
	44		S			 Bryan Berry	The Imaginative Man
	51		S			 Bryan Berry	The Final Venusian
	57		S			 Bryan Berry	Groundling
	62		NT			 John Jakes	War Drums of Mercury Lost
	75		NT			 Stanley Whiteside	The Sun-Death
	94		NT			 Roger Dee	Oh Mesmerist from Mimas!

Planet Stories
	Jack O'Sullivan	Love Romances Pub. Co.	Artist: F. Anderson?
	Volume 6, number 8 on spine
	112 pages	$0.25	Mar 53	V5 #11	7.0"x10.0"
	4		N			 Gardner F. Fox	The Warlock of Sharrador
	34		S			 Ross Rocklynne	Chicken Farm
	43		S			 William Tenn	Ricardo's Virus
	52		S			 Dean Evans	Happy Rain Night
	60		S			 Mark Clutter	Amour, Amour, Dear Planet!
	70		NT			 Robert Moore Williams	What Inhabits Me?
	87		NT			 Charles V. De Vet	The Berserker

Planet Stories
	Jack O'Sullivan	Love Romances Pub. Co.	Artist: F. Anderson
	112 pages	$0.25	May 53	V5 #12	7.0"x10.0"
	4		N			 B. Curtis	Temptress of Planet Delight
	32		S			 Bryan Berry	Mars is Home
	40		NT			 Raymond Z. Gallun	Give Back a World
	54		NT			 Philip K. Dick	The Infinites
	66		S			 Stanley Mullen	Cosmic Castaway
	76		S			 Joe L. Hensley	Eyes of the Double Moon
	88		NT			 James McKimmey Jr.	Last Run on Venus
	104		S			 James R. Adams	Con-Fen

Planet Stories
	Jack O'Sullivan	Love Romances Pub. Co.	Artist: Frank Kelly Freas
	112 pages	$0.25	Jul 53	V6 #1	7.0"x10.0"
	4		S			 William Morrison	Task of Kayin
	14		N			 Gordon R. Dickson	The Man the Worlds Rejected
	36		S			 Hayden Howard	The Ethic of the Assassin
	50		S			 W. Bradford Martin	Spoilers of the Spaceways
	67		S			 H. F. Cente	Sales Talk
	76		NT			 James McKimmey Jr.	Where the Gods Decide
	92		NT			 Stanley Mullen	Gama is Thee!

Planet Stories
	Jack O'Sullivan	Love Romances Pub. Co.	Artist: Frank Kelly Freas?
	112 pages	$0.25	Sep 53	V6 #2	7.0"x10.0"
	4		NT			 Charles V. De Vet	Bunzo Farewell
	17		S			 Alfred Coppel	The Flight of the Eagle
	26		S			 Robert Moore Williams	Miss Tweedham's Elogy
	36		S			 Hayden Howard	The Un-reconstructed Woman
	45		S			 Alfred Coppel	Preview of Peril
	57		S			 J. W. Groves	Where Sex Met Space
	68		S			 James McKimmey Jr.	Death Star
	74		N			 Leigh Brackett	The Ark of Mars

Planet Stories
	Jack O'Sullivan	Love Romances Pub. Co.	Artist: uncredited
	112 pages	$0.25	Nov 53	V6 #3	7.0"x10.0"
	4		NT			 Charles Eric Maine	Highway J
	21		S			 Ray Bradbury	The Golden Apples of the Sun
	25		S			 Winston K. Marks	Slay-Ride
	30		NT			 Stanley Mullen	The Prison of the Stars
	55		S			 J. W. Groves	Password
	62		NT			 Jack Lewis	Purple Forever
	78		S			 Theodore L. Thomas	The Fatal Third
	86		NT			 Fox B. Holden	Beyond the X Ecliptic

Rocket Stories
	Wade Kaempfert	Space Publications, Inc.	Artist: Emsh
	160 pages	$0.35	Apr 53	V1 #1	5.3"x7.6"
	4		ED			 Wade Kaempfert	An Editorial on Up Ship!
	6		NA			 H. A. De Rosso	The Quest of Quaa
	42		S			 Hubert J. Bernhard	Welcome, Voyagers
	61		S			 Ward Botsford	This World is Condemned
	70		S			 John Jakes	Jackrogue Second
	87		S			 William Morrison	The Haters
	105		NT			 Milton Lesser	The Idols of Wuld

Rocket Stories
	Wade Kaempfert	Space Publications, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	160 pages	$0.35	Jul 53	V1 #2	5.4"x7.6"
	4		ED			 Wade Kaempfert	Glory Road
	6		NA			 Algis Budrys	Blood on My Jets
	50		S			 George O. Smith	Home Is the Spaceman
	60		S			 Milton Lesser	Picnic
	72		NT			 Poul Anderson	The Temple of Earth
	104		S			 Ben Smith	Sequel
	109		S			 Charles E. Fritch	Breaths There a Man
	126		NT			 Irving Cox Jr.	To the Sons of Tomorrow
	154		S			 William Scarff	Firegod

Rocket Stories
	Wade Kaempfert	Space Pubs.	Artist: Civilitte
	160 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	V1 #3	5.5"x7.5"
	6		N			 Irving E. Cox	Apprentice to the Lamp
	47		S			 James E. Gunn	Killer
	60		S			 Chester Cohen	Flower Girl
	78		NT			 Stanley Mullen	The Robot Moon
	114		S			 Alger Rome	Underestimation
	123		S			 Kirby Brooks	Technical Difficulty
	128		S			 Noel Loomis	Day's Work
	142		NT			 Felix Boyd	An Artist's Life

Science Fantasy
	E. J. Carnell	Nova Publications	Artist: Gerard Quinn
	96 pages	2/-	Spr 53	V2 #6	5.5"x8.5"
	2		NT			 J. T. McIntosh	The Volunteers
	37		S			 John Christopher	Mr. Kwotshook
	44		S			 E. C. Tubb	Confessional
	59		S			 Francis G. Rayer	Traders' Planet
	64		S			 Richard Lawrence	One in Every Port
	72		S			 Lan Wright	Insurance Policy
	81		S			 J. F. Burke	Time to Go Home

Science Fiction Adventures
	Lester del Rey	Future Publications, Inc.	Artist: Bergey
	editor given as 'Philip St. John'
	160 pages	$0.35	Feb 53	V1 #2	5.3"x7.4"
	2		ED			 Lester del Rey	Foresight
	4		NA			 A. Bertram Chandler	Farewell to the Lotos
	51		D				Coming Up
	52		S			 Alan E. Nourse	Peacemaker
	70		S			 George O. Smith	Spaceman's Luck
	76		A			 L. Sprague de Camp	It Ool Depend
	87		S			 William Morrison	Forgotten Danger
	104		S			 Charles E. Fritch	Come Into My parlor
	111		BR			 Damon Knight	The Dissecting Table
	116		NT			 George Whitley	Final Voyage
	159		A				The Main Event in '53

Science Fiction Adventures
	Lester del Rey	Future Pubs.	Artist: Emsh
	160 pages	$0.35	Mar 53	V1 #3	5.5"x7.5"
	6		N	1/4		 Lester del Rey	Police Your Planet
	44		S			 Algis Budrys	Recessional
	56		S			 Roger Dee	Earthman's Choice
	71		NT			 Chad Oliver	Judgment Day
	90		N			 Raymond Z. Gallun	Ten to the Stars

Science Fiction Adventures
	Lester del Rey	Future Pubs.	Artist: Van Dongen
	160 pages	$0.35	May 53	V1 #4	5.5"x7.5"
	6		N			 Theodore R. Cogswell	The Other Cheek
	36		S			 Robert Sheckley	What Goes Up
	52		A			 Robert A. Madle	This is the PSFS
	59		NT			 Irving E. Cox Jr.	Streets of Gold
	79		S			 Richard K. Snodgrass	Survivors
	91		S			 Robert D. Sampson	The Rocket Pistol
	106		N	2/4		 Lester del Rey	Police Your Planet

Science Fiction Adventures
	Lester del Rey	Future Publications, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomberg
	editor given as 'Philip St. John'
	160 pages	$0.35	Jul 53	V1 #5	5.3"x7.4"
	4		ED			 Lester del Rey	Serials
	6		NA			 Raymond Z. Gallun	Legacy from Mars
	48		S			 Irving E. Cox Jr.	Semantic Courtship
	64		NT			 Poul Anderson	The Nest
	90		D				Coming Up
	91		S			 Russell Branch	League of the Left-Handed Men
	104		S			 William Morrison	Long Life to You, Albert
	115		BR			 Damon Knight	The Dissecting Table
	125		N	3/4		 Lester del Rey	Police Your Planet

Science Fiction Adventures
	Lester del Rey	Future Pubs.	Artist: Van Dongen
	160 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	V1 #6	5.5"x7.5"
	6		N			 M. C. Pease	The Final Answer
	48		S			 Richard Snodgrass	What is Doubt?
	55		S			 C. M. Kornbluth	The Meddlers
	58		NT			 Irving E. Cox Jr.	The Venusian
	74		A			 Sam Moskowitz	This is the ESFA
	82		S			 Robert Sheckley	Closed Circuit
	96		N	4/4		 Lester del Rey	Police Your Planet

Science Fiction Adventures
	Harry Harrison	Future Publications, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomberg
	160 pages	$0.35	Dec 53	V2 #1	5.3"x7.4"
	4		ED			 Harry Harrison	Scolex
	6		N	1/2		 C. M. Kornbluth	The Syndic
	61		S			 Alan E. Nourse	Consignment
	72		S			 Stephen Arr	The Spy
	88		A			 Robert Silverberg	Fanmag
	96		NT			 Mike Lewis	Tryst
	117		BR			 Damon Knight	The Dissecting Table
	122		S			 Philip K. Dick	The Hanging Stranger
	137		S			 Ken Winney	Double Take
	142		S			 Hal Clement	Ground
	157		LC				The Chart Room

Science Fiction Plus
	Hugo Gernsback; Sam Moskowitz	Gernsback Publications	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	backcover by Paul & Tina
	66 pages	$0.35	Mar 53	V1 #1	8.5"x11.0"
	4		NT			 Hugo Gernsback	Exploration of Mars
	12		S			 John Scott Campbell	Utopia (Inverted)
	20		NT			 Philip Jose Farmer	The Biological Revolt
	34		S			 Eando Binder	The Time Cylinder
	39		A			Dr. Gustav Albrecht	Rapid Winder Plants
	42		NT			Dr. Donald H. Menzel	The Other Side of Zero
	53		D			 Hugo Gernsback	The Cosmatomic Flyer
	54		A		W	 A. V. Cleaver	The Evolution of the Space Ship
	54		A		W	 Leslie R. Shepherd PhD	The Evolution of the Space Ship

Science Fiction Plus
	Hugo Gernsback; Sam Moskowitz	Gernsback Publications	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	backcover by Paul & Tina
	66 pages	$0.35	Apr 53	V1 #2	8.5"x11.0"
	4		NT			 Raymond Z. Gallun	Captive Asteroid
	16		NT			 Clifford D. Simak	Retrograde Evolution
	26		D			 Hugo Gernsback	World War III, In Retrospect
	39		NT			 Frank Belknap Long	Throwback in Time
	48		S			 Richard Tooker	The Ultimate City
	56		A			 Leslie R. Shepherd PhD	Interstellar Flight
	61		SS			 Hugo Gernsback	The Radio Brain

Science Fiction Plus
	Hugo Gernsback; Sam Moskowitz	Gernsback Publications	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	backcover by Paul & Tina
	66 pages	$0.35	Jun 53	V1 #4	8.5"x11.0"
	4		NA			 Murray Leinster	Nightmare Planet
	20		SS			 Harry Walton	The Dimensional Terror
	23		S			 Lawrence E. Larkey	Incident in Space
	24		A			 Isabel N. Lewis	Saturn - Queen of the Sky
	26		S			 Frank Belknap Long	The Spiral Intelligence
	34		A			 Hugo Gernsback	The World in 2046
	43		N	1/2	W	 Pierre Devaux	The Stolen Minute
	43		N	1/2	W	 H. G. Viot	The Stolen Minute

Science Fiction Plus
	Hugo Gernsback; Sam Moskowitz	Gernsback Publications	Artist: Frank R. Paul
	backcover by Frank R. Paul
	66 pages	$0.35	Aug 53	V1 #5	8.5"x11.0"
	4		NA			 Clifford D. Simak	Spacebred Generations
	22		A		W	 Gustav Albrecht PhD	The End of the Moon
	22		A		A	 Frank R. Paul	The End of the Moon
	22		A		W	 Donald H. Menzel PhD	The End of the Moon
	28		S		W	 Albert de Pina	Ultimate Life
	28		S		W	 Henry Hasse	Ultimate Life
	36		S			 Chad Oliver	Hands Across Space
	42		N	2/2	W	 Pierre Devaux	The Stolen Minute
	42		N	2/2	W	 H. G. Viot	The Stolen Minute

Science Fiction Plus
	Hugo Gernsback; Sam Moskowitz	Gernsback Publications	Artist: Frank R. Paul
	backcover by Frank R. Paul
	66 pages	$0.35	Dec 53	V1 #7	8.5"x11.0"
	4		S			 Murray Leinster	Trans-Human
	11		SS			 Corwin F. Stickney	Intelligence Factor
	12		S			 Frank M. Robinson	Planted!
	16		S			 Eric Frank Russell	Bitter End
	21		SS			 Michael Fischer	Misfit
	22		NT			 James H. Schmitz	The Vampirate
	31		SS		W	 Norman Arkawy	Operation Switch
	31		SS		W	 Stanley Henig	Operation Switch
	32		S			 J. P. Phillips	"Space" Salesman
	34		A			 Leslie R. Shepherd PhD	Extra-Terrestrial Communication
	41		NA			 Harry Bates	The Triggered Dimension

Science Fiction Quarterly
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications	Artist: A. Leslie Ross
	volume number should be 2
	130 pages	$0.25	Feb 53	V1 #2	7.0"x10.0"
	12		S			 Poul Anderson	The Green Thumb
	20		NT			 Joe Gibson	Dugal Was a Spaceman
	27		S			 Robert Abernathy	The Four Commandments
	59		NT			 Charles Dye	Escape Valve
	83		NT			 Judith Merril	A Little Knowledge
	95		A			 L. Sprague de Camp	The Great Charlatans
	105		S			 John Christopher	Aristotle
	115		S			 W. Malcolm White	Shoo Fly!

Science Fiction Quarterly
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications	Artist: Milton Luros
	130 pages	$0.25	May 53	V2 #3	7.0"x10.0"
	12		NT			 Raymond F. Jones	Intermission Time
	40		S			 Robert K. Ottum	She Called Me Frankie
	43		S			 Philip K. Dick	The World She Wanted
	54		NT			 Robert Abernathy	Lifework
	71		A			 Robert A. Madle	Edgar Allan Poe - Ancestor
	75		A			 L. Sprague de Camp	The Golden Mirage
	82		NT			 William C. Bailey	The Mud Puppy
	99		S			 Charles Dye	Time Goes to Now
	109		S			 C. H. Liddell	The Visitors

Science Fiction Quarterly
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications	Artist: A. Leslie Ross
	130 pages	$0.25	Aug 53	V2 #4	6.5"x9.5"
	10		NT			 Bryce Walton	Dreadful Therapy
	34		NA			 James Blish	Common Time
	50		NT			 Randall Garrett	Characteristics, Unusual
	75		S			 Mack Reynolds	Advice from Tomorrow
	85		A			 Tom Clareson	The Evolution of SF
	99		S			 Milton Lesser	Halt the Blue Star's Rising

Science Fiction Quarterly
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications	Artist: Jack Coggins
	98 pages	$0.25	Nov 53	V2 #5	6.5"x9.5"
	10		NT			 Milton Lesser	The Irrationals
	37		S			 Charles A. Stearns	Mercury Bill and the Amorous Hunk
	46		S			 John Danelaw	Architect of Chaos
	64		S			 Charles Dye	Curtain in the Sky
	73		S			 Bryce Walton	The Myth-Makers

Science Fiction Stories
	Robert A. W. Lowndes	Columbia Publications, Inc.	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	130 pages	$0.35	 53	 #1	5.3"x7.5"
	4		NT			 Poul Anderson	Sentiment, Inc.
	30		NT			 M. C. Pease	The Way of Decision
	54		NT			 Raymond Z. Gallun	Comet's Burial
	72		S			 Jerome Bixby	The Slizzers
	81		S			 Robert Sheckley	Ask a Foolish Question
	96		S			 Algis Budrys	Riya's Foundling
	99		S			 Noel Loomis	Nine Men in Time
	114		S			 Bryce Walton	By Earthlight
	126		SS			 Katherine MacLean	The Natives
	128		S			 Philip K. Dick	The Eyes have It

Science Stories
	Ray Palmer	Bell Publications	Artist: Hannes Bok
	130 pages	$0.35	Oct 53	 #1	5.4"x7.3"
	2		BI			 Jack Williamson	People Who Write -- Jack Williamson
	4		ED			 Raymond A. Palmer	Editorial
	6		NA			 Jack Williamson	Hocus-Pocus Universe
	42		NT			 R. J. McGregor	Wise Guy
	58		NT			 Jan Tourneau	Flight to Utopia
	78		NT			 Robert Moore Williams	Battle in the Sky
	112		S			 Rog Phillips	Pariah
	126		D				Personals
	130		D				Letters
	131		BI			 Robert Moore Williams	People Who Write -- Robert Moore Williams
	132		D				Forecast

Science Stories
	Raymond A. Palmer; Bea Mahaffey	Palmer Publications	Artist: Virgil Finlay
	130 pages	$0.35	Dec 53	 #2	5.0"x7.0"
	6		NA			 Stuart J. Byrne	Potential Zero
	55		S			 Edward Wellen	Root of Evil
	60		NT			 Stuart J. Byrne	The Bridge
	95		S			 T. P. Caravan	Quarterback Sneak
	102		NT			 Richard Dorot	She Was Sitting in the Dark
	126		S			 Mack Reynolds	Optical Illusion

Science-Fiction Plus
	Hugo Gernsback	Gernsback Publications, Inc.	Artist: Frank R. Paul
	back cover: Frank R. Paul & Tina
	67 pages	$0.35	May 53	V1 #3	8.3"x11.3"
	2		ED			 Hugo Gernsback	The Science-Fiction Industry
	3		NT			 Harry Bates	Death of a Sensitive
	18		D				Stranger Than Science-Fiction
	19		A			 Donald H. Menzel PhD	Future Space Suits
	20		S			 Eando Binder	The Cosmic Blinker
	24		G				Science Quiz
	25		A		W	 Hugo Gernsback	Chain Reaction
	25		A		W	 Sam Moskowitz	Chain Reaction
	26		S			 Robert Bloch	The Proxy Head
	32		S			 Harry Walton	Intelligence Test
	39		NA			 F. L. Wallace	Worlds in Balance
	62		D			 H. Winfield Secor	Science News Shorts
	66		BR			 Sam Moskowitz	Book Reviews
	66		LC				Science Questions and Answers
	67		MR			 Forrest J. Ackerman	The World at Bay

Science-Fiction Plus
	Hugo Gernsback	Gernsback Publications, Inc.	Artist: Frank R. Paul
	back cover: Frank R. Paul
	67 pages	$0.35	Oct 53	V1 #6	8.3"x11.3"
	2		ED			 Hugo Gernsback	The Mighty Mite
	3		NT			 Thomas Calvert McClary	The Celestial Brake
	20		SS			 Anne McCaffrey	Freedom of the Race
	21		A			 Donald H. Menzel PhD	Our Atomic Sun
	22		S			 Jack Williamson	Operation: Gravity
	28		D				Stranger Than Science-Fiction
	29		ED			 Sam Moskowitz	Chain Reaction
	30		S			 Eric Frank Russell	Postscript
	34		S			 Roger Dee	Worlds Within Worlds
	39		NA			 Philip Jose Farmer	Strange Companion
	62		D			 H. Winfield Secor	Science News Shorts
	65		BR			 Sam Moskowitz	Book Reviews
	66		LC				Science Questions and Answers

Space Science Fiction
	Lester del Rey	Space Publications, Inc.	Artist: Ebel
	160 pages	$0.35	Feb 53	V1 #4	5.3"x7.5"
	2		ED			 Lester del Rey	Immortality
	4		N	1/2		 H. Beam Piper	Ullr Uprising
	76		S			 William Morrison	The Hunters
	90		D				Coming Events
	91		A			 Milton A. Rothman	Solution Unknown
	97		D				Straight, Place and Show
	98		BR			 George O. Smith	Science -- Fact and Fiction
	101		S			 H. B. Fyfe	Exile
	115		S			 John Christopher	Relativity
	120		NT			 Poul Anderson	Security
	153		LC				Take-Off

Space Science Fiction
	Lester del Rey	Space Publications, Inc.	Artist: Hannes Bok
	160 pages	$0.35	Mar 53	V1 #5	5.3"x7.5"
	4		ED			 Lester del Rey	Reincarnation
	6		NT			 James Gunn	Breaking Point
	51		S			 George O. Smith	Stop, Look and Dig
	66		D				Straight, Place and Show
	67		NT			 Damon Knight	The Worshippers
	91		A			 Milton A. Rothman	The Business of Science
	98		S			 William Morrison	Divinity
	114		D				Coming Events
	115		BR			 George O. Smith	Science -- Fact and Fiction
	120		N	2/2		 H. Beam Piper	Ullr Uprising
	158		A				Philcon for '53

Space Science Fiction
	Lester del Rey	Space Publications, Inc.	Artist: Ebel
	160 pages	$0.35	May 53	V1 #6	5.3"x7.3"
	4		ED			 Lester del Rey	An Editorial on Simplicity
	6		N	1/2		 T. L. Sherred	Cue for Quiet
	43		D				Straight, Place and Show
	44		S			 C. M. Kornbluth	The Adventurer
	58		NT			 Randall Garrett	Instant of Decision
	81		BR			 George O. Smith	Science-Fact and Fiction
	86		S			 Kirby Brooks	All That Goes Up
	102		NT			 Philip K. Dick	Second Variety
	146		LC				Take-Off
	157		D				Coming Events

Space Science Fiction
	Lester del Rey	Space Publications, Inc.	Artist: H. R. van Dongen
	160 pages	$0.35	Jul 53	V2 #1	5.3"x7.5"
	4		ED			 Lester del Rey	Character Development
	6		N			 Lester del Rey	Let 'Em Breath Space
	52		S			 William Vine	Explosion Delated
	66		NT			 Alan E. Nourse	Infinite Intruder
	91		BR			 George O. Smith	Science -- Fact and Fiction
	95		D				Coming Events!
	96		S			 Mike Lewis	Collectivum
	113		D				Straight, Place and Show
	114		N	2/2		 T. L. Sherred	Cue for Quiet
	154		LC				Take-Off

Space Science Fiction
	Lester del Rey	Space Publications, Inc.	Artist: Civiletti
	160 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	V2 #2	5.3"x7.5"
	4		ED			 Lester del Rey	Ideas vs. Stories
	6		N			 Philip K. Dick	The Variable Man
	74		S			 Robert Sheckley	The Hour of Battle
	81		S			 Frank M. Robinson	Decision
	94		BR			 George O. Smith	Science -- Fact and Fiction
	97		N	1/2		 Poul Anderson	The Escape

Space Stories
	Samuel Mines	Standard Magazines, Inc.	Artist: Emsh
	130 pages	$0.25	Feb 53	V1 #3	6.7"x9.2"
	6		ED			 Samuel Mines	Flashes from Our Readers
	9		D				Science Bulletins
	10		NA			 Leigh Brackett	The Big Jump
	78		S			 Henry Hasse	Three Lines of Old Martian
	86		NT			 Gordon R. Dickson	The Bleak and Barren Land
	112		S			 John R. Marshall	Coming Home
	115		S			 D. W. Barefoot	Even the Bright Gods Must Die

Space Stories
	Samuel Mines	Standard Magazines, Inc.	Artist: Walter Popp
	130 pages	$0.25	Apr 53	V2 #1	6.7"x9.2"
	5		G			 Joseph C. Stacey	Names in Science
	6		ED			 Samuel Mines	Space Station
	9		D				Science Bulletins
	10		NA			 William Morrison	The Gears of Time
	87		S			 Marshall Zaslove	Klugmeister
	90		S			 Charles Foster	The Satyr Strategem
	103		S			 Fox B. Holden	Milk Run
	112		S			 Robert Zacks	Expedition to Earth
	126		BR				Science-Fiction Bookshelf

Space Stories
	Samuel Mines	Standard Magazines, Inc.	Artist: Emsh
	130 pages	$0.25	Jun 53	V2 #2	6.7"x9.2"
	6		ED			 Samuel Mines	Space Station
	9		D				Science Bulletins
	10		NA			 Sam Merwin Jr.	The Dark Side of the Moon
	47		C			 Lloyd Baker	Cartoon
	73		S			 Charles A. Stearns	Affair of State
	80		NT			 Noel M. Loomis	The Cyanided Man
	87		C			 Lloyd Baker	Cartoon
	106		S			 Roger Dee	The Enemy, Time
	113		S			 Charles Foster	Red Alert
	120		G				Do You Know Your Planets?

Spaceway Stories of the Future
	William L. Crawford	Fantasy Publishing Company, Inc.	Artist: Mel Hunter
	160 pages	$0.35	Dec 53	V1 #1	5.3"x7.5"
	4		N	1/3		 Arthur J. Burks	The Osilans
	40		S			 J. T. Oliver	Slaves of the System
	45		S			 Clyde Beck	Re-entrant
	54		NT			 Charles Eric Maine	Spaceways to Venus
	95		S			 Atlantis Hallam	Frederick
	100		S			 E. Everett Evans	Dominant Species
	113		S			 Stanton A. Coblentz	The Revolt of the Scarlet Lunes
	126		S			 Gregory Francis	"Now You See Them -"
	135		NT			 Gene Hunter	The Glad Season

Startling Stories
	Samuel Mines	Better Publications	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	146 pages	$0.25	Jan 53	V28 #3	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 Damon Knight	Double Meaning
	58		S			 James E. Gunn	The Boy with Five Fingers
	61		S			 Kendall Foster Crossen	My Old Venusian Home
	69		S			 Roger Dee	No Charge to the Membership
	74		S			 Isaac Asimov	Button, Button
	81		A			 Curt Storm	The Big Operators
	83		S			 Jack Lewis	Who's Cribbing?
	87		S			 Jack Vance	Three-Legged Joe
	100		NT			 Murray Leinster	Overdrive

Startling Stories
	Samuel Mines	Better Publications	Artist: Emsh
	146 pages	$0.25	Feb 53	V29 #1	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 George O. Smith	Troubled Star
	77		S			 Isaac Asimov	The Monkey's Fingers
	84		NT			 Fletcher Pratt	Potemkin Village
	106		VE			 Philip Jose Farmer	Sestina of the Space Rocket
	108		A			 Gotthard Gunther	Can Mechanical Brains Have Consciousness?
	117		S			 Damon Knight	Definition

Startling Stories
	Samuel Mines	Better Publications	Artist: Walter Popp
	146 pages	$0.25	Mar 53	V29 #2	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 Sam Merwin Jr.	Centaurus
	70		S			 Joseph Slotkin	The Gingerbread House
	78		S			 Reginald Bretnor	The Soul of Oisuta
	83		S			 Colin G. Jameson Jr.	Outsight
	90		NT			 Chad Oliver	The Shore of Tomorrow
	113		S			 Charles F. Ksanda	Stepping Stone
	122		S			 Harry J. Shay	The Ambassador from the 21st Century

Startling Stories
	Samuel Mines	Better Publications	Artist: Emsh
	146 pages	$0.25	Apr 53	V29 #3	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 Kendall Foster Crossen	Halos, Inc.
	54		S			 Robert Sherman Townes	Earth is the Evening Star
	67		S			 Robert Donald Locke	Threshold
	78		A			 Willy Ley	Faraway Planets
	82		NT			 Ross Rocklynne	Fulfillment
	100		S			 Sam Merwin Jr.	Distortion Pattern
	111		S			 Leslie Bigelow	Clockwork
	117		S			 Peter Phillips	Lila
	127		S		W	 Richard Barr	Rubberneck
	127		S		W	 Wallace West	Rubberneck

Startling Stories
	Samuel Mines	Better Publications	Artist: Walter Popp
	146 pages	$0.25	May 53	V30 #1	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 Fletcher Pratt	The Conditioned Captain
	77		S			 Leslie Bigelow	The Immovalbe Object
	85		A			 Robert S. Richardson	Space Stations for Free
	89		S			 Joseph Shallit	Mating Time
	96		NT			 Noel Loomis	We Breathe for You
	123		S			 Gordon R. Dickson	The Three

Startling Stories
	Samuel Mines	Better Publications	Artist: Emsh
	146 pages	$0.25	Jun 53	V30 #2	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 Philip Jose Farmer	Moth and Rust
	100		S			 Leslie Waltham	Imperfection
	104		A			 Dixon Wells	Obsolescence, Inc.
	105		S			 Robert F. Young	The Black Deep Thou Wingest
	112		NT			 Fox B. Holden	Here Lie We

Startling Stories
	Samuel Mines	Better Publications	Artist: Walter Popp
	146 pages	$0.25	Aug 53	V30 #3	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 Sam Merwin Jr.	Journey to Miseneum
	78		S			 Ralph Sloan	The Runaway Tricycle
	84		NT			 Theodore Sturgeon	The Wages of Synergy
	113		S			 William Ratigan	Never Tempt the Devil
	122		S			 George H. Smith	The Last Spring
	130		VE			 A. Kulik	Quantum Relativity

Startling Stories
	Samuel Mines	Better Publications	Artist: Alex Schomburg
	130 pages	$0.25	Oct 53	V31 #1	7.0"x9.0"
	12		N			 Sam Merwin Jr.	The White Widows
	35		VE			 A. Kulik	Perhaps
	76		S			 Edmond Hamilton	The Unforgiven
	85		S			 Tom McMorrow Jr.	Hour of the Well
	88		NT			 Ed M. Clinton Jr.	Overload
	108		A			 Norman B. Wiltsey	Space Crew Candidates, Apply Here!
	109		S			 Murray Leinster	The Jezebel

Tales of Tomorrow
	Sol Assael; Michael Nahum	John Spencer & Co.	Artist: uncredited
	116 pages	1/6	 53	 #6	5.0"x7.0"
	9		S			 F. C. Kneller	The Though Machine
	25		S			 Dale Graham	Safari on Venus
	36		S			 Willi Deinhardt	Galactic Interlude
	62		S			 John S. Glasby	Point of No Return
	91		S			 A. A. Glynn	Fear World

Tales of Tomorrow
	Sol Assael; Michael Nahum	John Spencer & Co.	Artist: Norman Light
	108 pages	1/6	 53	 #7	5.0"x7.0"
			NT			 John S. Glasby	The City
			NT			 John S. Glasby	Bifurcation
			S			 Lisle Willis	Interplanetary Zoo
			NT			 Willi Deinhardt	Laughing Gas

Tales of Tomorrow
	Sol Assael; Michael Nahum	John Spencer & Co.	Artist: uncredited
	128 pages	1/6	 53	 #8	5.0"x7.0"
			NT			 Kenneth Boyea	Project Survival
			S			 William Bird	Repercussion
			S			 A. A. Glynn	Dungeon in Time
			NT			 F. C. Kneller	Satellite Peril
			NT			 A. A. Glynn	Objective - Pluto

Tales of Tomorrow
	Sol Assael; Michael Nahum	John Spencer & Co.	Artist: uncredited
	132 pages	1/6	 53	 #9	5.0"x7.0"
	7		S			 Thomas W. Wade	Globe of Dread
	24		S			 Lan Wright	No Moon Tonight
	47		NT			 Frank C. Kneller	Danger out of Space
	77		NT			 John S. Glasby	A Matter of Concealment
	109		S			 Thomas W. Wade	A Moment in Time

Two Complete Science-Adventure Books
	Malcolm Reiss	Wings Publishing Co.	Artist: Frank Kelly Freas
	96 pages	$0.25	Spr 53	V1 #8	7.0"x10.0"
	2		N			 James Blish	Sargasso of Lost Cities
	57		N			 John Russell Fearn	Survivor of Mars

Two Complete Science-Adventure Books
	Malcolm Reiss	Wings Publishing Co.	Artist: Frank Kelly Freas
	96 pages	$0.25	Sum 53	V1 #9	7.0"x10.0"
	2		N			 John Brunner	The Wanton of Argus
	42		N			 Bryan Berry	Mission to Marakee

Two Complete Science-Adventure Books
	Katherine Daffron	Wings Publishing Co.	Artist: Frank Kelly Freas
	128 pages	$0.25	Win 53	V1 #10	7.0"x10.0"
	2		N			 Poul Anderson	Silent Victory
	52		N			 John D. MacDonald	Ballroom of the Skies

Universe Science Fiction
	Ray Palmer	Bell Publications, Inc.	Artist: Malcolm H. Smith
	ed as by 'George Bell'
	128 pages	$0.35	Jun 53	 #1	5.5"x7.6"
	0		ED			 George Bell	We Say Hello
	2		S			 Robert Bloch	Constant Reader
	16		S			 Theodore Sturgeon	The World Well Lost
	34		NT			 Murray Leinster	The Castaway
	60		S			 Nelson Bond	Down Will Come the Sky
	72		S			 Mark Clifton	Bow Down to Them
	92		S			 Frank M. Robinson	Muscle Man
	100		NT			 Mack Reynolds	Stowaway
	124		S			 Charles E. Fritch	The End

Universe Science Fiction
	Ray Palmer	Bell Publications, Inc.	Artist: Robert Gibson Jones
	ed as by 'George Bell'
	128 pages	$0.35	Sep 53	 #2	5.5"x7.6"
	0		ED			 George Bell	Our High Standard
	2		NT			 W. T. Powers	The Calibrated People
	35		S			 Roger Flint Young	Janushek
	47		S			 Gordon R. Dickson	The Breaking of Jerry McCloud
	64		NT			 William Campbell Gault	Election Campaign
	88		NT			 Sylvia Jacobs	Up the Mountain or Down
	110		S			 Mark Clifton	Reward for Valor

Universe Science Fiction
	Ray Palmer; Bea Mahaffey	Palmer Publications, Inc.	Artist: Mel Hunter & Malcolm H. Smith
	130 pages	$0.35	Dec 53	 #3	5.5"x7.6"
	2		ED		W	 Ray Palmer	Perpetual Motion
	2		ED		W	 Bea Mahaffey	Perpetual Motion
	4		NT			 L. Sprague de Camp	The Hungry Hercyninan
	30		S			 Isaac Asimov	Everest
	34		S			 Gene L. Henderson	Not in the Books
	44		S			 George H. Smith	The Savages
	50		NT		W	 Poul Anderson	The Adventure of the Misplaced Hound
	50		NT		W	 Gordon R. Dickson	The Adventure of the Misplaced Hound
	75		S			 Holly Wolcott	Mr. Peavey's Tiger
	86		S			 F. L. Wallace	The Seasoned Traveller
	104		S			 William T. Powers	Nightsong
	118		S			 Eando Binder	On Mars We Trod

Vortex Science Fiction
	Chester Whitehorn	Specific Fiction Corp.	Artist: Martin
	160 pages	$0.35	 53	V1 #1	5.3"x7.5"
	2		S			 Alfred Coppel	Love Affair
	6		S			 Milton Lesser	Tourist on Minotaur Moon
	21		S			 H. E. Verett	Best Man
	23		S			 F. Anton Reeds	Sunset for Pawns
	30		S			 L. Major Reynolds	Fair Exchange
	37		NT			 Alfred Coppel	Homecoming
	60		S			 K. R. Veenstra	The Gift
	63		S			 Lester del Rey	Stability
	78		S			 Fred Sorrel	Omega
	85		S			 Harry J. Gardener	Visitor from Kos
	90		S			 Sylvia Jacobs	Old Purply-Puss
	101		S			 Bryce Walton	The Last Answer
	112		S			 Bert Ahearne	Red Chrome
	116		S			 Jack Vance	The Mitr
	123		S			 E. Everett Evans	Jhn'ah Ohr
	128		S			 Charles E. Fritch	The Honeymoon
	135		S			 Albert Hernhuter	The Good Pilot
	140		S			 Anna Sinclare	Murmur of Dawn
	146		S			 Anthony Riker	The Time Contraption
	154		S			 S. A. Lombino	Dealer's Choice

Vortex Science Fiction
	Chester Whitehorn	Specific Fiction Corp.	Artist: Martin
	160 pages	$0.35	 53	V1 #2	5.3"x7.5"
	2		S			 Lelon Kohle	The Paper Knife
	13		S			 Bruce Fearing	The Unlikeliest Thing
	15		S			 Emmett Herlocker	Granch Male-Left
	20		S			 Rice Arden	Food for Thought
	26		S			 Marion Zimmer Bradley	Women Only
	31		S			 James L. Harte	Shade of Blond
	39		S			 Frank Bristow	Rejects
	46		S			 Jack Lewis	The Miraculous Lens
	56		S			 Sylvia Jacobs	The Sportsmen
	59		S			 Garen Drussal	Grim Fairy Tale
	62		S			 Lelon Kohle	The Time-Killer
	73		S			 Stephen Arr	The Ball
	79		S			 T. D. Hamm	The Corner
	82		S			 John Foster West	Weird Catch
	87		S			 Joseph Slotkin	Release
	93		S			 L. Major Reynolds	One Man War
	98		S			 Gene Hunter	Aunt Liz
	104		S			 Richard Terzian	The Farmer's Daughter & the Martian
	110		S			 C. M. Webster	The Venus Gypsy
	118		S			 Don L. Johnson	Dream Drink
	123		S			 Marion Zimmer Bradley	Keyhole
	133		S			 J. T. Oliver	Teacher's Pet
	143		S			 Garen Drussal	The Closet
	149		S			 Joseph Slotkin	Mercer's Machine
	154		S			 Lucius Daniel	The Question
	160		ED			 Chester Whitehorn	Editor's Note

Weird Tales
			Artist: Frank Kelly Freas
	 pages		Jan 53	V44 #8	"x"
			S			 Everil Worrell	Once There Was a Little Girl
			S			Dr. Cyrus Macmillan	The Phantom Soldier at Ticonderoga
			S			 Suzanne Pickett	I Can't Wear White
			S			 Garnett Radcliffe	The Gloves
			S			 Richard Matheson	Wet Straw
			S			 Marjorie Murch Stanley	Hand of Death
			S			 August Derleth	"Sexton, Sexton, in the Wall"
			VE			 Leah Bodine Drake	Red Ghosts in Kentucky
			D			  Anonymous	The Eyrie

Weird Tales
			Artist: Virgil Finlay
	 pages		Mar 53	V45 #1	"x"
			D			  Anonymous	The Eyrie
			S			 Joseph Payne Brennan	Slime
			VE			 Clark Ashton Smith	Don Quixote on Market Street
			VE			 Frances Rogers Lovell	Who Are We?
			S			 Donald F. Vieweg	The Talkie Dolls
			S		W	 L. Sprague de Camp	Caveat Emptor
			S		W	 Fletcher Pratt	Caveat Emptor
			S			 Mary Elizabeth Counselma	Night Court
			S			 John Ward	In Camera
			S			 Kirk Shaw	The Raft
			S			 T. W. Speight	Mrs. Penleath's Stratagem
			S			 Harold Lawlor	The Dream Merchant

Weird Tales
			Artist: Joseph R. Eberle
	 pages		May 53	V45 #2	"x"
			S			 Leah Bodine Drake	Whisper Water
			S			 Justin Dowling	The Living Eyes
			S			 David Eynon	I'll Be Back
			S			 Donald M. Wandrei	Strange Harvest
			VE			 Clark Ashton Smith	Morthylla
			VE			 Stanton A. Coblentz	A Fog Was Blowing
			S			 August Derleth	A Corner for Lucia
			S			 Felix Marti Ibanez	Between Two Dreams
			S			 Garnett Radcliffe	The Vengeance of Kali Mai
			VE			 Pauline Booker	Requiem for a Sinner
			D			  Anonymous	The Eyrie

Weird Tales
			Artist: W. H. Silvey
	 pages		Jul 53	V45 #3	"x"
			D			  Anonymous	The Eyrie
			S			 David Eynon	L'Affaire Verenekin
			S			 August Derleth	The House in the Valley
			VE			 Dorothy Quick	House of Life
			S			 Richard Matheson	Slaughter House
			S			 Glen Malin	The Source of It
			S			 Lyn Venable	The Missing Room
			S			 Joseph Payne Brennan	On the Elevator

Weird Tales
			Artist: Jon Arfstrom
	 pages		Sep 53	V45 #4	"x"
			S			 Everill Worrell	I Loved Her with My Soul
			S			 Kirk Shaw	The Watcher Awakes
			S			 Manly Wade Wellman	Parthenope
			S			 Clark Ashton Smith	An Offering to the Moon
			VE			 Dorothy Quick	The Dark Things
			S			 Garnett Radcliffe	The Beetle
			VE			 Leah Bodine Drake	Six Merry Farmers
			S			 Michael Avallone	The Man Who Walked on Air
			D			  Anonymous	The Eyrie

Weird Tales
			Artist: Margaret Brundage
	Cover art is a reprint
	 pages		Nov 53	V45 #5	"x"
			D			  Anonymous	The Eyrie
			S			 Mary Elizabeth Counselma	Way Station
			S			 Justin Dowling	The Legs That Walked
			S			 Q. Patrick	The Red Balloon
			VE			 Harriet A. Bradfield	Suspicion
			VE			 Dorothy Quick	Demon Lover
			S			 Harry W. Currier	The Man Upstairs
			S			 Dorothea Gibbons	The Crying Child
			S			 August Derleth	The Disc Recorder

Thrilling Wonder Stories
	Samuel Mines	Standard Magazines, Inc.	Artist: Jack Coggins
	146 pages	$0.25	Feb 53	V41 #3	7.0"x9.0"
	10		NA			 L. Sprague de Camp	The Virgin of Zesh
	62		S			 Robert Donald Locke	Dark Nuptial
	73		S			 Margaret St. Clair	The Unreliable Perfumist
	81		S			 Julian May	Star of Wonder
	92		NT			 Kendall Foster Crossen	Assignment to Aldebaran

Thrilling Wonder Stories
	Samuel Mines	Standard Magazines, Inc.	Artist: Jack Coggins
	146 pages	$0.25	Apr 53	V42 #1	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 Damon Knight	Turncoat
	49		S			 Lee Priestly	Trouble at the Training Table
	53		S			 Evan Hunter	Robert
	58		NT			 Philip Jose Farmer	Mother
	77		S			 Rolf Martell	Delerium on Deneb
	87		N			 Katherine MacLean	The Diploids
	127		S			 Ralph Sloan	Oasis

Thrilling Wonder Stories
	Samuel Mines	Standard Magazines, Inc.	Artist: Walter Popp
	146 pages	$0.25	Jun 53	V42 #2	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 Wallace West	Captive Audience
	61		S			 J. W. Groves	Upon the Stair
	69		S			 Kris Neville	Marginal Error
	80		NT			 R. J. McGregor	The Conquest of Janes
	98		S			 John Christopher	The Prophet
	108		NT			 Chad Oliver	The Life Game
	123		S			 Murray Leinster	The Ship was a Robot

Thrilling Wonder Stories
	Samuel Mines	Standard Magazines, Inc.	Artist: Jack Coggins
	146 pages	$0.25	Aug 53	V42 #3	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 Kendall Foster Crossen	Whistle Stop in Space
	33		VE			 Alexander Samalman	Progress
	45		S			 Robert Sheckley	Fishing Season
	54		S			 Leslie Waltham	Sibling
	61		S			 Charles A. Stearns	The Belly of Gor Jeetl
	70		A			 I. G. Edmonds	Top of the World
	72		NT			 George O. Smith	Booby Prize
	94		S			 Mike Curry	Metamorphosis
	99		S			 R. J. McGregor	The Politician
	104		NT			 Sam Merwin Jr.	Arbiter
	121		S			 J. W. Groves	Green-Eyed Monster
	128		S			 Paul A. Torak	Flight Between

Thrilling Wonder Stories
	Samuel Mines	Standard Magazines, Inc.	Artist: Walter Popp
	130 pages	$0.25	Nov 53	V43 #1	7.0"x9.0"
	10		N			 Dwight V. Swain	The Transposed Man
	55		S			 Kurt Storm	The Last Dame
	64		VE			 A. Kulik	Science
	65		S			 Charles F. Ksanda	Transfer
	72		NT			 Kendall Foster Crossen	Mission to Mizar
	104		S			 Charles A. Stearns	Mr. Heinkle's Green Thumb
	113		S			 Guy DeAngelis	Dr. Lightning

Wonders of the Spaceways
	Sol Assael; Michael Nahum	John Spencer and Co.	Artist: Norman Light
	112 pages	1/6	(Apr) 53	 #6	4.5"x7.0"
	5		S			 Kenneth Boyce	Robot Threat
	22		S			 D. R. Mencet	Prisoners of Mars
	50		S			 Frank C. Kneller	Space Warning
	77		S			 John S. Glasby	The Golden Hibiscus

Wonders of the Spaceways
	Sol Assael; Michael Nahum	John Spencer and Co.	Artist: Norman Light
	132 pages	1/6	(Jul) 53	 #7	5.0"x7.0"
	7		NT			 John S. Glasby	Void Warp
	40		S			 Laurence Sandfield	Mission Venus
	56		S			 Dale Graham	Lambda Point
	71		S			 Frank C. Kneller	Spawn of Space
	101		S			 Frank C. Kneller	Sillisian Menace

Worlds of Fantasy
	Sol Assael; Michael Nahum	John Spencer and Co.	Artist: Norman Light
	112 pages	1/6	(Jan) 53	 #8	5.0"x7.0"
	5		S			 B. Ward	Weird Planet
	27		S			  anonymous	Space Adventurer
	52		S			 Frank C. Kneller	Martian Terror
	82		S			 Thomas W. Wade	Journey to the Dawn

Worlds of Fantasy
	Sol Assael; Michael Nahum	John Spencer and Co.	Artist: Norman Light
	116 pages	1/6	(Apr) 53	 #9	5.0"x7.0"
	9		NT			 A. A. Glynn	Realm of Danger
	35		NT			 Lan Wright	"We're Human Too"
	70		NT			 Alfred Hind	Rogue Ship

Worlds of Fantasy
	Sol Assael; Michael Nahum	John Spencer and Co.	Artist: uncredited
	112 pages	1/6	(Jun) 53	 #10	5.0"x7.0"
			NT			 Dean Ryan	Tomorrow is Also a Day
			S			 R. Lionel Fanthorpe	Princess in a Bubble
			S			 R. Lionel Fanthorpe	Last Command
			S			 Dale Graham	The Expanding Bacillus
			NT			 Laurence Sandfield	Emergency
			S			 A. A. Glynn	Tables Turned