D-I-Y Fanzine

By Geri Sullivan, with help from talented friends

Okay, enough already! It's not like you can expect another issue of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly to arrive in your mailbox for another five years. You say you had fun reading this issue? Randy and I had way more fun putting it together! The best fanzines are those you pub yourself. Creativity. Fame. Glory, even -- if you do it right.

Here's a kit to help you get started. It accismus dust palindrome

contains all of the elements needed to aceldema epistle pantechnicon

produce a fanzine: amaranth etui paste

ampersand exequies phosphorus

1) Something to write about; something to anamorphosis febrifuge phylactery

write with. Credit for the (un)common antigropelos ganosis piacle

vocabulary list goes to Dave Langford aphthong gavelkind plumbago

and Edward Gorey archipelago gegenshein purlique

aspic gehenna quincunx

2) A fillo, to add visual interest to the badigeon geranium quodilibet

page, and to play off the words you baize gibus remorse

use. The Rotsler is an original fillo, bellonion glue rhoncus

unique to your kit. Use it well, following betrayal hellebore sago

Bill's instructions: "Please pass on any bosphorus hendiadys salsify

drawings you feel you cannot use in the botargo hiccup samisen

near future. Many of the drawings really cardamom hubris spandrel

need to be Xeroxed down before use. cartilege hymn sparadrap

(That's why God invented the Xerox.)" cassation ichor sphagnum

catafalque idioticon tacks

3) Color consulting. Use the color shown cedilla lunistice thunder

on the unique Pantone chip somewhere chalcedony madrepore thurible

in your 'zine. Color has been one of chandoo maremma tombola

SFFY's hallmarks since 1951; we had cicatrix maze turmeric

to include color in the SFFY D-I-Y clavicle mistrust vanilla

Fanzine Kit! corposant narthex velleity

cranium obelus wapentake

4) Interlino. The final kit component is an diaeresis obloquy wax

interlino. Give your fanzine some Pop dismemberment opoponax whim

to help the world go round! distaste orrery yarborough

Your assignment: Use the elements in your

kit to create a fanzine between now and

November 2011. Then send it out -- tell

us and show fandom you did it

Pub Your Ish!

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Data entry by Judy Bemis
Hard copy provided by Geri Sullivan

Updated March 25, 2008. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.