--by Dick Bergeron

"Vernon L. McCain summarized the overall importance of this feature [in AMAZING STORIES] like this: " 'The Club House' had done more to make fandom grow than any other single force in history, and it altered the whole character of fandom by bringing in a different type of person. Not that this new type was in any way superior or inferior to the old type, but they were different and they changed fandom. Many of us preferred the old type to the new, which somewhat resembled a combination of the American Legion and the Housewives' Thursday Knitting and Tea Auxiliary. Less publicity is what fandom needs.'"

-- Harry Warner, Jr. in "All Our Yesterdays" Pg 185

"Palmer claimed that Phillips' 'Clubhouse' changed fandom 'by bringing in a different type of person.' He compared the new fan element to a combination of an American Legion and a Housewives' Thursday Knitting Auxiliary, but declined to state whether this new fandom was either inferior or superior to the fandom it had allegedly replaced."

-- Harry Warner, Jr. in "A Wealth Of Fable" Pg 24


"One who studies Fanhistory is, they say, NOT doomed to repeat it." -- Larry Stark


Data entry by Judy Bemis
Hard copy provided by Geri Sullivan

Data entry by Judy Bemis

Updated October 19, 2002. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.