

(Note: Despite the fact that on page 9 you will find this article scheduled for next month, nevertheless we found room for it this time after all -- so here it is!)

On the morning of September 1, Dr. E. E. Smith received an ethergram from a certain Kimball Kinnison, Commandant of the famous Galactic Patrol's flagship "Britanica". A few hours later, Mr. Robert Willey received a like message from the space cruiser "Dragon" standing off Titan. And still later, Mr. Manly Wade Wellman was the recipient of a call from a private rocket-yacht, then cruising in the vicinity of the outer asteroids.

At the same moment Miss Gerry Carlisle, returning from an expidition on the Jovian Satellite Five, reported via ether-phone to her promoter, Mr. Art Barnes. Her report, containing the same information as the above communications was the first to be made public to the science-fiction world.

To say that it caused a virtual revolution would be putting it mildly! Hardened space captains swore to the high heavens; callused blasters cursed the very sound of her name; rocket pilots stormed and raged, declaring her to be an out and out fraud; her message to be a gigantic publicity stunt perpetrated by the London Interplanetary Zoo. But the facts were there --- others reported the same unbelievably astounding news. But it couldn't be true! Impossible!

For a dozen years and more, ever since the great Gernsback launched his first regular space line, spaceships had been merrily rocketing their monthly or bi-monthly courses to and past the 'nine' moons of the huge Jovian system. And each of these satellites from tiny, closest Five to the Far-Flung Nine had been duly (oft time dully) charted, explored, narrated, and of course, subdued. But yet, here was the daring and beautiful "Bring 'Em Back Alive" Carlisle, and the gallant Kinnison, and a half dozen other well known and respected space-dogs claiming to have actually seen --- yes, actually with their own eyes; not a defect on the visio-plates; two new Jovian satellites!!!!! Ten and Eleven so-called.

All charts, all reports, all narratives had been made in vain! The hundreds of yarns spun by space-men through their agents (authors to you) were even more worthless! Never again would they be referred to as history! The horror of this one fact alone shocked many a void-captain to his very core! Think of it! A name once destined to live for untold ages in the annals of rocketry, would now sink into merciless oblivion! Oh! The utter horror of it all! One went even so far in his untold grief as to blast his creator off the face of the earth!

And all because of two, tiny chunks of hitherto unknown rocks which had chosen to whirl about Jupiter. And to add insult to injury -- they whirled the wrong way!

But they are there --- and shall remain so. It does not matter now. New annals will be written, new expeditions will be organized, new Patrol and Space Guard stations will be erected and new heroes will be evolved.

What more could a science-fiction fan want?


And now comes rumor that one of the newly discovered moons may possibly be named after "Wrong Way" Corrigan!



NOTICE: Who wants to sell their January 1, 1938 copy of ARGOSY for full price plus postage? Must have cover. James S. Avery, 55 Middle Street, Skowhegan, Me.

Data entry by Judy Bemis

Updated June 23, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.