In case you haven't already heard, the world is coming to an end.

At least that's the prediction; and the thing that makes it different from the majority of such statements is that it was made, not by a revivalist, Yogi, or science-fiction author, but by a very dignified and well known University savant, in otherwords, Dr. Kurt Wilhelm Meissner. The Doctor, who is Director of the Frankfort University Astronomical Observatory, also risks his professional reputation further by boldly predicting that the end will come, not in 935,234 or any such outlandish date, but within twelve months or less!

According to the Professor, the thing that will spell finis to the earth's rather turbulent career will be that old stand-by of world destroying stf. authors, a giant comet. As yet, he says, this comet is not visible, even in the largest telescopes, but he has mapped its course by mathematics, and finds that it will first become visible in January of 1939 --- now don't get worried, but that's only two months off, don't forget.

The thing that led Prof. Meissner to suspect the existence of this comet, was rather a combination of things --- for one thing the numerous earthquakes we have been having of late. And there have been other symptoms, too --- the disappearance of certain deep-sea currents, and the change of climate. Perhaps there are other things, too --- but the information doesn't elaborate on it to any great extent.

But one thing is certain --- if there would be a giant comet, and it would appear as though it were about to destroy earth, and if there would be some way of saving our sphere, what a time we stf. fans would have, after it was all over, saying "I told you so" to those who ridicule our favorite literature in general, and world-destroying comets in particular!


FOR ALL of the latest news in the fantastic world, read FANTASY NEWS, and know the news while it is still news! FANTASY NEWS is published each week, on the dot, and sells for three issues for a dime --- six for twenty cents. Each copy usually consists of two large mimeographed pages, but very often this number is increased for special events. For example, the issue of October 23 consisted of six pages, due to the Philadelphia convention. Send a dime for your first copies to James V. Taurasi, Editor, 137-07 32nd Ave., Flushing, New York. FANTASY NEWS is a COSMIC publication.


NOW THAT you've tried most of the other fan magazines, why not sample a copy of SCIENTI-SNAPS? It sells for a dime a copy, and the Fall edition, now out, contains material by such writers as Louis and Gertrude Kuslan, Fred Jackson, Speer, Moskowitz, Hoy Ping Pong, and Hunter. Profusely, and well, illustrated throughout by Walter Marconette, the editor, and a fine, very sturdy protective cover is another feature. As for the hektographing --- Harry Warner says "It's the best that I've ever seen on a fan mag". Moskowitz enthuses "POSITIVELY the neatest fan mag EVER published in any format, bar none". Send to Marconette, 2120 Pershing Blvd., Dayton, Ohio. You'll never regret it! An EMPRESS publication.


DON'T PUT OFF subscribing to SPACEWAYS --- do it today. Where else can you find a magazine that in its first few issues is featuring material by Smith, Long, Moskowitz, Speer, Hart, Taurasi, Avery, Ackerman, Williamson, Russell, Madle, Marconette, Tucker, Hoy Ping Pong, Squires, Leslie F. Stone, and Lovecraft, to name a few? The answer is nowhere. We have departments galore --- and will have more, starting next issue. Other, and equally famous, authors and fans are being contacted, and will write for us. We offer you as much material for a dime as any fan magazine today --- certainly in quality, and probably in quantity as well. And as soon as circulation increases we will consist of even more pages. SUBSCRIBE TO SPACEWAYS NOW!

Data entry by Judy Bemis

Updated June 23, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.