MagiCon (1992 Worldcon) Program and Event Schedule


Recent Worldcon Program Schedules


Thursday, 11:00 AM

Video: Madox-01, Convention Center, 11a

Where to Eat in Orlando, Convention Center, 11b
David Ratti, Gary Roen, Becky Thomson, Tom Veal (m)

Pseudoscience, Convention Center, 12c
Doug Beason (m), Larry Niven

SF--The Next 100 Years, Convention Center, 12d
Charles N. Brown, Maia Cowan (m), Ellen Datlow, Darrell Schweitzer

Video: Beetlejuice, Convention Center, 20d-g

Film: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Convention Center, A1

Thursday, 1:00

Video: Riding Bean, Convention Center, 11a

Collecting Fanzines: How & Why, Convention Center, 11b
Mike Glicksohn (m), Bill Hedl, George (Lan) Laskowski, Joe Siclari

Where Did the Optimism Go?, Convention Center, 12b
Ginjer Buchanan (m), Hal Clement, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Mark Ziesing

First Fandom Speaks (Does Anyone Listen Anymore?), Convention Center, 12c
David A. Kyle, Bob Madle, Sam Moskowitz, Conrad M. Ruppert, Julius Schwartz (m)

Differences Between SF & Mystery, Convention Center, 12d
Lee Barwood, Tappan King (m), Ashley McConnell, John Maddox Roberts, Darrell Schweitzer

Let's Grow Things, Cl: 4

Thursday, 2:00

Video: Bubblegum Crisis, Convention Center, 11a

Getting Started in Costuming, Convention Center, 11b,
Ann L. Chancellor, Barbara Higgins, Suford Lewis (m), Drew Sanders

Neglected Authors: James Schmitz, Convention Center, 12b
Mark Olson (m), Ben Yalow

How to Enjoy Your First Con, Convention Center, 12c
Ellen Franklin, Gay Haldeman (m), Edie Stern

Here We Go Again! Cycles in History, Convention Center, 12d
Claire Eddy, George (Lan) Laskowski (m), Brad Linaweaver, John Maddox Roberts

Video: Night Gallery, Convention Center, 20d-g

Printmaking with Stencils & Veggies, Cl: 4

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
J.D. Macdonald, Joel Rosenberg

Film: Mysterious Island, 2:10, Convention Center, A1

Thursday, 3:00

Unseen Worlds Revealed, Convention Center, 10ab

Costume Presentation Design: Singles, Couples, & Groups, Convention Center, 11b
Janet Wilson Anderson

The Well Played Fan: Gaming, Convention Center, 11c
Ann Goetz, Alan Gopin (m), Paul Kidd

Making Fandom More Diverse, Convention Center, 12a
Ernest Heramia, Toni Lay, Amy Thomson (m)

Well Read Fan: Books, Convention Center, 12b
Gregory Bennett, Janice M. Eisen (m), Tim Illingworth

International Fandoms, Convention Center, 12c
Mike Glicksohn, Joyce Scrivner, Kees van Toorn (m), Roger Weddall, James White

Captain James T. Hornblower--Sea Stories & SF, Convention Center, 12d
Melissa Scott, Susan Shwartz (m), Walter Jon Williams, David Wixon

Video: Amazing Stories, Convention Center, 20d-g

Opening Ceremony, Convention Center, A3
Forrest J Ackerman, Vincent Di Fate, David A. Kyle, Suford Lewis, Spider Robinson, Joe Siclari (m), Jack Vance, Walt Willis

All Aboard for Space, Cl: 3

Working With Clay, Cl: 4

Reading, Cl: 13
Joe Haldeman

Wanna Be A Filk Publisher?, P: OI
Carol E. Kabakjian, Jordin T. Kare, Bob Laurent, Gretchen Van Dorn

Thursday, 3:30

Video: Fantasia, Convention Center, 20d-g

Thursday, 4:00

Fandom's Hope for Mars: Report of the Synthesis Group, Convention Center, 11b
Doug Beason

Gays in Comics, Convention Center, 11c
Doug Murray (m), Mel White, Cecil L. Young

Censoring the Computer Networks, Convention Center, 12a
Greg Costikyan, Ctein (m), Saul Jaffe, J.D. Macdonald, Brad Templeton

Oriental Influences in Fantasy, Convention Center, 12b
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Susan Shwartz (m), Janni Lee Simmer

Sources of Fear in Horror, Convention Center, 12c
Bernadette Bosky (m), Richard Lee Byers, Greg Cox, Ellen Datlow

Dinosaurs in Fact & Fiction, Convention Center, 12d
Stephen Leigh, Mark Rich, Robert J. Sawyer (m)

Film: Splash, Convention Center, A1

Fanorama I: Readings of Favorite Fan Writings, Convention Center, FL
Lise Eisenberg

Colors & Paper Chromatography (8-12), Cl: 3

Magnet Magic (4-8), Cl: 4

Readings, Cl: 13, 14
Jack L. Chalker (13), Richard Knaak (14)

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Roger MacBride Allen, Larry Niven

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Barry Gold, Lee Gold

Thursday, 4:30

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Rennie Levine

Thursday, 5:00

The New Astronomy, Convention Center, 10ab

Dreamtime Art of the Australian Aborigines, Convention Center, 11b
Charlene Taylor

Courtney's Boat & Tucker Hotel: What Makes a Fannish Myth, Convention Center, 11c
Moshe Feder, Joyce Scrivner

How to Have Fun at a Worldcon Even if You Brought Your Children, Convention Center, 12a
Laurie Mann (m), Ken Meltsner, Brenda Sutton, Pat Virzi, Patty Wells

Structure of the Short Story, Convention Center, 12b
Arlan Andrews, Ginger Curry, Nancy Holder, Rick Wilber (m)

Watching Grade Z Movies, Convention Center, 12c
Forrest J Ackerman, Linda Bushyager (m), Hank Davis, Vincent Di Fate

Writing of Jack Vance, Convention Center, 12d
Joe Bergeron, Peter J. Heck, Beth Meacham (m), Milton T. Wolf

Bookstore as Supermarket--Growth of Mega-Bookstores, Convention Center, 23d
Glen Cook, Scott Edelman (m), Michelle M. Sagara, Brian Thomsen

Peas & Toothpick Tinker-Toys (8-12), Cl: 3

Making Indian Headresses (4-8), Cl: 4

Friends of Bill W./12-Step, Cl: 12

Readings, Cl: 13, 14
George Alec Effinger (13), Kathleen Ann Goonan (14)

Filk Concert, P: OIII
B.J. Willanger

Thursday, 5:30

Video: The Wizard of Speed & Time, Convention Center, 20d-g

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Helva Peters

Thursday, 6:00

What EVA Is Really Like, Convention Center, 11b
Gregory Bennett

Seeing the Universe (Ruroy Sibley), Convention Center, 12a
Hal Clement recreates a panel from the 1939 Worldcon!

Neglected Authors: Cordwainer Smith, Convention Center, 12c
Geary Gravel, Tony Lewis, Jim Mann

Old Trekkies Never Die--They Just Take Over Fandom, Convention Center, 12d
Suford Lewis (m), Wilma Meier, Bjo Trimble, Ben Yalow

Film: Beauty and the Beast, Convention Center, A1

Reading, Cl: 13
Greg Costikyan

Electric Filk Demo, P: OI
Anne Rundle, Mike Whitaker

Thursday, Evening

Video: Space 1999 7:00PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Video: Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, 8:00PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Film: Heavy Metal 8:00PM, Convention Center, A1

Rise Up Singing Sing-Along 8:00PM, P: OI

Meet the VIPs 8:30PM, Cl: A
Mike Resnick, MC (and a cast of hundreds!)

Video: Bubblegum Crash 1-3, 9:00PM-Mid, Convention Center, 11a

Film: Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 9:30PM, Convention Center, A1

Video: Heavy Metal 10:00PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Filk's Greatest Hits: Obscure Songs That Were Once Popular (One-Shot by Song!) 10:00PM, P: OIII

Video: Hurricane Live 2032/3 Music Video Mid, Convention Center, 11a


Friday, 9:00

Video: Vampire Princess Miyu 1-4, 'til 11AM, Convention Center, 11a

Film: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Convention Center, A1

Conadian--Dealers '94!, Cl: 12

Aerobics, P: A

Friday, 10:00

Registration & Volunteers until 10:00PM, Convention Center, RC

Sales to Members until 6:00PM, Convention Center, RC

Exhibit Hall B/C until 12:30AM, Convention Center, BC

Space Shuttle & Spacelab, Convention Center, 10ab

Where Do You Get Your Supporting Ideas?, Convention Center, 12b
Rob Chilson, P. C. Hodgell (m), Melissa Scott

WSFS Business Meeting, Friday Edition, Convention Center, 20abc

Video: Starman, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: David Lee Anderson, Convention Center, 21
David Lee Anderson

Those Who Do Not Know the History of SF are Doomed to Repeat It, Convention Center, 22
Bradford Lyau

Making Fancy Fans (4-8), Cl: 4

Notebook Covers (8-12), Cl: 3
Beverly Parker

Readings, Cl: 13, 14
Doug Beason (13), Joe Patrouch (14)

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Michael F. Flynn, Frank Kelly Freas

Mayfair Games, P: F
Ann Goetz

Friday, 11:00

Video: Kimagure Orange Road OAV #1-2, 'til 1:00PM, Convention Center, 11a

Status of the NASA/DOE Nuclear Propulsion Program, Convention Center, 11b
Steven D. Howe

Fandom 201: How to Work on a Con, Convention Center, 11c
Gail Bennett, Gregory Bennett (m), Melanie Herz

Time Capsules: How to Preserve 50 Years of Fandom for the Next 50 Years, Convention Center, 12a
Deborah M. Geisler (m), David A. Kyle, Dick Lynch, Joe Siclari

Not So Guilty Pleasures--ST:TNG, Convention Center, 12b
Jean Lorrah, Jim Mann (m), Doug Murray, Roberta Rogow, Bjo Trimble

The City in SF, Convention Center, 12c
Algis Budrys, Barry B. Longyear, Terry Pratchett, John Maddox Roberts, Teresa Nielsen Hayden (m)

Have We Ever Listened? Does Admonitory SF Ever Pay Off?, Convention Center, 12d
Roger MacBride Allen (m), Michael Kandel, J.D. Macdonald, James Morrow, Richard Paul Russo

Aliens, Robots, & Modified Humans, Convention Center, 20d-g
JoAnne Pransky, Mel Seesholtz, Jack Vance, Milton T. Wolf (m)

Illustrating Children's Books, Convention Center, 21
Ruth Sanderson

Random Notes by a Time Traveller, Convention Center, 22
L. Sprague de Camp

The Art of Plotting, Convention Center, 23a
Kathleen Ann Goonan, Richard Knaak, Madeleine Robins (m), Judith Tarr, David Zindell

Animal Rights, Convention Center, 23b
Elizabeth L. Gross, Judy Lazar

Canadian SF, Convention Center, 23c
Barbara Delaplace, Michelle M. Sagara, Robert J. Sawyer, S.M. Stirling (m)

Demo: Painting Gaming Figures, Convention Center, AS
Pam Murray

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Hal Clement, Bob Eggleton

Crown Making, Cl: 3

Body Works (4-8), Cl: 4
Beverly Parker

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Barbara Hambly (13), Greer Ilene Gilman (14), John Flynn (18)

Film: The Addams Family Starts at 11:10, Convention Center, A1

Friday, 11:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Richard Lee Byers, Stephen Leigh, Darrell Schweitzer

Friday, Noon

Keynote Luncheon, Convention Center, 8
Vincent Di Fate, Spider Robinson, Jack Vance, Walt Willis, John Young. Admission by ticket only.

Sunken Treasure & Arthur C. Clarke, Convention Center, 11b

Next Year at ConFrancisco, Convention Center, 11c
Sarah Goodman, Peggy Rae Pavlat

Looking at Ourselves--Recursive SF, Convention Center, 12a
Tony Lewis (m), Andrew I. Porter, Mike Resnick

Media SF for the Literary Fan, Convention Center, 12b
Gail Bennett, Evelyn C. Leeper (m), Jim Mann

Nanotechnology & Biotechnology: Looking to the Future, Convention Center, 12c
Hugh Daniel, Howard Davidson, Kevin Eaches, Ken Meltsner (m), John F. Moore

The Business of Art, Convention Center, 12d
Robert D. Ashton, David Cherry, Rachel E. Holmen (m), Ingrid Neilson, Roger Reed

Video: Dr. Giggles Preview, Convention Center, 20d-g
Manny Coto, Terry Erdman

Slide Show: Tom Kidd, Convention Center, 21
Thomas Kidd

Elements of Greatness in the Writings of Robert E. Howard, Convention Center, 22
Catherine Crook de Camp

Monarch Mystique--Why Are There So Many Hereditary Rulers in SF?, Convention Center, 23a
Glen Cook, Guy Gavriel Kay, Melissa Scott, Dean Wesley Smith (m)

World of Null-C: SF Without Campbellian Influence, Convention Center, 23b
Hank Davis, John R. Douglas, Jim Frenkel, Rick Katze (m), Bradford Lyau

Networks: Sysops & Users, Convention Center, 23c
Laurie Mann (m), Wilma Meier, Marie A. Parsons, Martha Soukup

I Have a Moral Obligation to My Readers (Don't I?), Convention Center, 23d
John D. Berry (m), Joe Haldeman, Nancy Holder, James Patrick Kelly, Patrick Nielsen Hayden

Autographing, Convention Center, B
George Alec Effinger, Rosemary Kirstein, Joel Rosenberg

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Nancy Kress (13), Harry Turtledove (14), Thorarinn Gunnarsson (18)

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Bob Eggleton, Eileen Gunn, Frederik Pohl, Marv Wolfman, Janny Wurts

SF vs. Fantasy Games, P: F
Corey Cole, Greg Costikyan, Lee Gold, Paul Kidd

Friday, 12:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Leslie Fish, Frank Kelly Freas, Jacqueline Lichtenberg

Friday, 1:00

Sci Fi Channel, Convention Center, 11a
Martin Harry Greenberg, Sandy Supovitz

Art Disasters--My Worst Painting, Convention Center, 11b
David Cherry, James Christensen, David Mattingly, Michael Whelan (m)

Treasure Hunting, Convention Center, 11c

Raising the Bar: Literary Standards in SF--Gernsbach & Vonnegut, Convention Center, 12a
Deborah M. Geisler, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Karen Haber Silverberg, Martha Soukup (m)

Roots & Writing, Convention Center, 12b
Owl Goingback, Ernest Heramia (m), Carol Severance, William F. Wu

Failure of SF to Predict the Fall of Communism, Convention Center, 12c
Jim Baen, Robert W. Glaub (m), Jerry Pournelle

Best New Fantasy Writers, Convention Center, 12d
Lou Aronica, Andre Norton, Janna Silverstein (m)

Sex, Fandom, & AIDS, Convention Center, 20abc
Eve Ackerman, Ctein, Richard F. Dutcher, Terry A. Garey, Pat Virzi (m)

Video: War of the Worlds, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: Don Maitz, Convention Center, 21
Don Maitz

This Is Your Life, Jophan, Convention Center, 22 Woody Bernardi, John D. Berry, Richard Brandt, Moshe Feder, Mike Glicksohn, Jeanne Gomoll, Andy Hooper, Margaret Hooper, Hope Kiefer, Barnaby Rapoport, Geri Sullivan, Steve Swartz, Amy Thomson, Ted White

The Well Sung Fan: Filking, Convention Center, 23a
Barbara Higgins (m), Tom Smith, Bill Sutton

What Does It Mean to Be a Hero?, Convention Center, 23b
Jennifer Roberson, Joan D. Vinge, Tad Williams (m), David Zindell

Neglected Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Convention Center, 23c
Camille Cazedessus, III (m)

Antitech? Are There Incentives to Forget Technology?, Convention Center, 23d
Arlan Andrews, Arthur Hlavaty (m), Bruce Holland Rogers, Moshe Yudkowsky

Film: The Rocketeer, Convention Center, A1

Demo: Producing & Marketing Prints, Convention Center, AS
Ingrid Neilson

Autographing, Convention Center, B
P. C. Hodgell, James White

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
David Gerrold (13), Walter Jon Williams (14), Jack C. Haldeman (18)

Doing It in the Halls--Secrets of Good Hall Costuming, Cl: C
Marjii Ellers, Robert M. Himmelsbach, Nancy Mildebrandt, Sandy Pettinger (m)

Learn to Play DC Heroes, P: H
Beverly Hale (m), Michael Moe

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Jordin T. Kare

Friday, 1:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Kevin Anderson, Pat Cadigan

Set Design for Play (8-12), Cl: 3

Edible Aquariums & Dirt Cups (4-8), Cl: 4
Lisa A. Ashton

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Francine L. Mullen, Douglas F. Wu

Friday, 2:00

Space Exploration Initiative, Convention Center, 10ab

Video: Kimagure Orange Road OAV #3, Convention Center, 11a

Baen Books to Come, Convention Center, 11b
Hank Davis, Josepha Sherman

1995 Bid Presentations: Glasgow & Atlanta, Convention Center, 11c
Don Cook, Tim Illingworth

Interview with Vincent Di Fate, Convention Center, 12a
Vincent Di Fate (m), Roger Reed, Joe Siclari

Are Villains Just Misunderstood Heroes?, Convention Center, 12b
Roger MacBride Allen (m), Barry B. Longyear, John F. Moore, Joel Rosenberg

The Right Magic for the Job, Convention Center, 12c
Greer Ilene Gilman, Don Sakers (m), Carol Severance, Judith Tarr

Journalism & SF, Convention Center, 12d
A.J. Austin (m), Richard Brandt, Gary Roen, Allen Steele, Rick Wilber

Worldbuilding 105: Destroying the Universe!, Convention Center, 20abc
Doug Beason (m), Hal Clement, Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle

Video: Darkman, Convention Center, 20d-g

Star Trek: A Humorous View of the Old & the New, Convention Center, 21
Bjo Trimble

3D SF Art, Convention Center, 23a
Robert D. Ashton (m), Janet Kofoed, John A. Morrison, Pam Murray, Real Musgrave

Well Read Fan: Fanzines, Convention Center, 23b
Gregory Bennett, Moshe Feder (m), Jeanne Gomoll, Dick Lynch, Ted White

What Is ``CPR'' on an Alien?, Convention Center, 23c
Katrina Timson (m), James White

Abuse Themes in SF & F: An Examination of the Literature, Convention Center, 23d
Richard F. Dutcher, Laurie Gottlieb Edison (m), Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Teresa Nielsen Hayden

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Nancy Kress, John Maddox Roberts, Dean Wesley Smith

Fandom Supports Itself: TAFF/DUFF/Charlie Card/Interfilk... Convention Center, FL
Maia Cowan, J. Spencer Love, Art Widner

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Lois McMaster Bujold (13), Robert J. Sawyer (14), Laura Resnick (18)

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
C.J. Cherryh, Barbara Hambly, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Melissa Scott, Jack Williamson

Doing It on Stage--An Introduction to Masquerade Presentation, Cl: C
Cheryl Finnegan, Marty Gear, Drew Sanders (m), Deborah Strub, Jaqui Ward, Julie Zetterberg

Albedo Game System, P: H
Paul Kidd

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Harold Groot, Rilla Heslin

Friday, 2:30

Video: One Step Beyond, Convention Center, 20d-g

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Jack C. Haldeman II, David A. Kyle, Joan D. Vinge

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Duane Elms

Friday, 3:00

Video: Kimagure Orange Road Movie, Convention Center, 11a

First Works--Well-Known Illustrators Show Their First Portfolios, Convention Center, 11b
James Christensen, Romas B. Kukalis, Ruth Sanderson (m), Michael Whelan

Fannish Inquisition: Upcoming Bidders Answer Your Questions, Convention Center, 11c

Alternate History Stories, Convention Center, 12a
George Alec Effinger, Michael F. Flynn, Bruce Sterling, S.M. Stirling, Harry Turtledove (m)

Was 50 Years Ago Really the Golden Age of SF?, Convention Center, 12b
E.M. Korshak, Frederik Pohl (m), Conrad M. Ruppert, Julius Schwartz

Special Challenges in Magazine Publishing, Convention Center, 12c
Ellen Datlow, Gardner Dozois, Charles Ryan (m)

Vietnam Veterans Who Have Written About It, Convention Center, 12d
Joe Haldeman, Robert Mason, David Thayer (m)

From Book to ``Book:'' Transition of Printed SF to Filmed Script, Convention Center, 20abc
Terry Erdman, Barry B. Longyear, George R.R. Martin, Mike Resnick, Bill Spangler (m)

Near Future of Space Exploration, Convention Center, 20d-g
Joel Blum, Ben Bova, Steven D. Howe (m), Lee O'Fallon, John Young

Slide Show: Bob Eggleton, Convention Center, 21
Bob Eggleton

Speech: Myth in Fantasy--A Case Study, Convention Center, 22
Guy Gavriel Kay

Future of Particle Physics, Convention Center, 23a
Gordon Aubrecht, Howard Davidson

Same Old Things Are Lurking Under My Bed--Are There Any Really New Monsters?, Convention Center, 23b
Scott Ciencin, Marvin Kaye (m), Charles Lang, Michelle M. Sagara, Bradley Strickland

Don't Pass the Bar--Tall Tales in Fictional SF Settings, Convention Center, 23c
Spider Robinson, Darrell Schweitzer (m)

Film: Spaced Invaders, Convention Center, A1

Demo: Celtic Knotwork, Convention Center, AS
Christine Markel

Computer Animation: Affordable to High End, Convention Center, AS

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Alexis Gilliland, Robert Silverberg, Marv Wolfman

All Aboard for Space, Cl: 3

Mask Making, Cl: 4

Readings, Cl: 13, 18
Pat Cadigan (13), Stephen Leigh (18)

Costuming On the Cheap: Wonderful Effects For Little Money, Cl: C
Janet Wilson Anderson, Shirlee Dunlop, Toni Lay (m), Victoria Warren

Future of Interactive Entertainment, P: F
Corey Cole (m), Lori Cole, Noah Falstein

Star Fleet Battles, P: H
Alan Gopin

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Rhodri James

Friday, 3:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Jack L. Chalker, Len Wein

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Chris Malme

Friday, 4:00

Slide Show: Forrest J Ackerman, Convention Center, 11b
Forrest J Ackerman

Crusher Joe & Dirty Pair, Convention Center, 11c
Haruka Takachiho

Slant & Hyphen--Why Punctuation Marks Made Walt Willis a Worldcon GoH, Convention Center, 12a
Chuck Harris, Joe Siclari (m), Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Shelby Vick, James White, Ted White

Genetic Engineering Revolution, Convention Center, 12b
Kevin Eaches (m), Sherry Katz Karp, John Norman

The American Landscape in SF, Convention Center, 12c
John R. Douglas, George Guthridge, Brad Linaweaver (m), Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Jack Williamson

My Pet Hate--What Really Bothers Me About Some Books, Convention Center, 12d
Lisa Barnett, Algis Budrys, Jim Frenkel (m), Nancy Kress

Mars Needs Men, Women, & Money!, Convention Center, 20abc
Doug Beason, Ben Bova (m), Hal Clement, Gerald David Nordley

Video: Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Convention Center, 20d-g

Robots, Animatronics, & the Future, Convention Center, 21
John Jensen, JoAnne Pransky (m), Mel Seesholtz, Milton T. Wolf

Speech: 25 Years of Locus, Convention Center, 22
Charles N. Brown

Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Presence in Fandom, Convention Center, 23a
Ellen Franklin, Don Sakers, Cecil L. Young

Art of Bibliography, Convention Center, 23b
Stephanie Hall (m), Mary Kay Kare, Fred Lerner

Computer Networks & Viruses: How Close Are Neuromancer & Shockwave Rider?, Convention Center, 23c
Hugh Daniel, Duane Elms, Ken Meltsner, Robert A. Metzger (m), Mel White, Moshe Yudkowsky

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Lois McMaster Bujold, Thorarinn Gunnarsson, Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Time Travel, Cl: 11

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Joan D. Vinge (13), James Morrow (14), Tappan King (18)

Button Making, Cl: 4
Mary Hanson-Roberts

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Terry Pratchett, Jennifer Roberson, Michael Swanwick

ASFA Meeting, Cl: D

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Dave Clement

Friday, 4:30

Video: Ariel , Convention Center, 11a

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Lois McMaster Bujold, Nicholas Jainschigg, Carol Severance, Michael Whelan

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Barb Reidel, Carol Roper

Film: Night of the Living Bread andLoaf Short films start at 4:45PM, Convention Center, A1

Friday, 5:00

Space Station, Convention Center, 10ab

Video: Yotoden , Convention Center, 11a

Bantam Books Presents, Convention Center, 11b
Betsy Mitchell, Janna Silverstein

Hugos for Electronic Fanac?, Convention Center, 11c
Richard Gilliam, Saul Jaffe, Evelyn C. Leeper, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Brad Templeton (m)

New Trends in Horror, Convention Center, 12a
Jeanne Cavelos (m), Scott Edelman, Nancy Holder, Ashley McConnell, Kristine Kathryn Rusch

What Would Fandom Be Like if Star Trek Had Never Been Made?, Convention Center, 12b
Camille Bacon-Smith, Linda Bushyager, Mark R. Leeper (m), Doug Murray, Bjo Trimble

Filk as Poetry, Convention Center, 12c
Leslie Fish, Bill Hedl (m), Bob Kanefsky, Brenda Sutton

Hot Jets!--Give Me That Old-time Space Opera, Convention Center, 20abc
Ray Aldridge, Roger MacBride Allen (m), Rob Chilson, Hank Davis, Charles L. Fontenay

Slide Show: John Morrison, Convention Center, 21
John A. Morrison

How to Write a Great Book (and Live to Write About It), Convention Center, 22
Marvin Kaye

SF: The Spirit of Youth (Frank R. Paul), Convention Center, 23b
Vincent Di Fate recreates a panel from the 1939 Worldcon!

How to Get Grants, Convention Center, 23c
Deborah M. Geisler (m), Elizabeth L. Gross, Elizabeth Anne Hull, Jeanne Robinson

Film: War of the Worlds, Convention Center, A1

Write Your Own Story (8-12), Cl: 3
Kimiye Tipton

Rocks & Minerals (4-8), Cl: 4

Friends of Bill W./12-Step, Cl: 12

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Joel Rosenberg (13), Kevin Anderson (14), Jane Fancher (18)

Game Design in an Established Universe, P: F
Greg Costikyan, Noah Falstein, Alan Gopin (m), Beverly Hale, Michael Moe

Friday, 6:00

Denver Ride!, Convention Center, 11b
Art Widner (m)

Collecting & Caring for Books (and Other Goodies Made of Paper), Convention Center, 11c
Holly Bird, Howard Frank, Stephen D. Korshak, Fred Lerner, Pam Murray (m)

Video: The Terminator, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: Joe Bergeron, Convention Center, 21
Joe Bergeron

From the Earth to the Ecosphere: SF's Influence on Ecology, Convention Center, 22
Mark Rich

Readings, Cl: 13, 14
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff (13), Scott Ciencin (14)

Voice Workshop: How To Sing, P: OI
Carol Roper

Friday, 6:30

Film: The Time Machine, Convention Center, A1

Jewish Fandom, Cl: 16

Friday, 7:00

Landsat, Convention Center, 11b
Bob Kanefsky (m)

The Folklore of Fannish Buttons, Convention Center, 21
Stephanie Hall

Speech: David Gerrold, Convention Center, 22
David Gerrold

Reading, Cl: 13
Gary Alan Ruse

Friday, 7:30

Video: Otaku No #1-2, until 9PM, Convention Center, 11a

Video: Amazing Stories, Convention Center, 20d-g

Friday, 8:00

Gerard O'Neill Memorial, Convention Center, 11b

Fantasy on the Live Theater Stage, Convention Center, 12a
Grant Carrington, Ann L. Chancellor (m), Thorarinn Gunnarsson

Video: Wizard of Speed & Time, Convention Center, 20d-g

What I Did on My Summer Vacation, Convention Center, 21
Gay Haldeman, Joe Haldeman (m), Mike Resnick

Reading, Cl: 13
Mark Rich

Friday, 8:30

Jack Vance Festival of Worlds!, Convention Center, BC

Fan GoH Inaugurates the Enchanted Duplicator Miniature Golf Course, Convention Center, BC
Walt Willis (m)

Hugo Exhibit Show-and-Tell, Convention Center, BC
Bruce Pelz

Festival Performers and Live Radio Plays, Convention Center, BC
Many people will act as street performers. The Atlanta Radio Theatre, in association with the Mighty Rasillon Art Players, will perform two radio plays.

GoH Tour of the SF Retrospective, Convention Center, AS
Vincent Di Fate

Filk Festival (Of All Worlds), Convention Center, 20abc
Leslie Fish, Harold Groot, Francine L. Mullen, Tom Smith, Bill Sutton, Brenda Sutton, Douglas F. Wu

Film: Time After Time, Convention Center, A1

Interactive Literature Foundation Event, Cl: 12

Friday, 9:00

Video: Dirty Pair: Project Eden , Convention Center, 11a

Alternate Awards Ceremony, Various Sponsors, Convention Center, 11c
Guy Gavriel Kay

Eroticism in Fantasy & SF, Convention Center, 12a
Steve Antczak, Camille Bacon-Smith (m), Laurie Mann, Bruce Holland Rogers, Teresa Nielsen Hayden

St. Silicon: World's First High Tech Comic, Convention Center, 20abc
Jeff Armstrong

Slide Show: Charles Lang, Convention Center, 21
Charles Lang

Demo: Carl Lundgren, Convention Center, AS
Carl Lundgren

A Tour of the SF Jewelry Exhibit, Convention Center, AS
Laurie Gottlieb Edison

Jack Vance Autograph Session, Convention Center, B
Jack Vance

Photo Gallery Exhibit Tour, Convention Center, B
Christine Valada

Bubble Demo, Convention Center, BC
Bob Kanefsky

Fanzine Exhibit Tour, Convention Center, BC
Nancy T. Atherton (m)

St. Fantony Revisited, Convention Center, BC
David A. Kyle

TAFF/DUFF Auction, Convention Center, FL
Lise Eisenberg, Moshe Feder, Joyce Scrivner, Roger Weddall, Art Widner

Reading, Cl: 13
Richard Lee Byers

Friday, Evening

Video: Dominion 1-4, 10:00PM-1:00AM, Convention Center, 11a

Doorways Preview, 10:00PM, Convention Center, 20d-g George R. R. Martin

Reading 10PM, Cl: 13 Scott Edelman

Moonwatch! 10PM, P: Pool
Joe Bergeron

Ecumenical Pagan Sing 10:30PM, P: OI
Bill Sutton, Brenda Sutton

Video: One Step Beyond, 11PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Film: Star Trek VI 11PM, Convention Center, A1


Saturday, 9:00

Video: Bubblegum Crisis #1-4, 'til 11:45AM, Convention Center, 11a

Film: Ladyhawke, Convention Center, A1

Jewish Fandom, Cl: 16

Aerobics, P: A

Saturday, 9:30

Role-Playing Game, Cl: 4
Rembert N. Parker

Saturday, 10:00

Registration & Volunteers until 8:00PM, Convention Center, RC

Sales to Members until 6:00PM, Convention Center, RC

Exhibit Hall B/C until 12:30AM, Convention Center, BC

Preparing Your Portfolio & Presenting Yourself Professionally, Convention Center, 12a
Romas B. Kukalis, Charles Lang, Ric Meyers, Janny Wurts (m)

Little Block of Horrors: Creative Blocks for Writers, Convention Center, 12b
Richard Knaak (m), Nancy Kress, Laura Resnick, Del Stone Jr.

How To Write About Horses & Other Large Animals, Convention Center, 12c
Laura Anne Gilman (m), Thorarinn Gunnarsson, Holly Lisle, Jennifer Roberson, Judith Tarr

Why We Should Return to the Moon & Stay, Convention Center, 12d
Doug Beason, William S Higgins (m), Karl Kofoed, Gentry Lee, Allen Steele

WSFS Business Meeting, Saturday Edition, Convention Center, 20abc

Video: War of the Worlds, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: David Mattingly, Convention Center, 21
David Mattingly

Forum--Barry Longyear, Convention Center, 22
Barry B. Longyear

Art Retrospective Exhibit Tour, Convention Center, AS
Roger Reed

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Gary Alan Ruse, Melissa Scott, Bradley Strickland

Write Your Own Story (8-12), Cl: 3
Kimiye Tipton

Cereal Box Planetariums (4-8), Cl: 4

Tarot Workshop, Cl: 12
Jacqueline Lichtenberg

Readings, Cl: 13, 14
Hal Clement (13), Susan Shwartz (14)

Tarot Workshop, Cl: 15
Jacqueline Lichtenberg

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
David Cherry, Esther Friesner, Michelle M. Sagara

It's What's Underneath That Counts, Cl: C
Gary Anderson (m), Joyce Best, Kathryn Condon

Saturday, 10:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Scott Ciencin, Bill Spangler

Saturday, 11:00

The Space Shuttle & Spacelab, Convention Center, 10ab

The Future of Medicine, Convention Center, 11b
Lisa A. Ashton (m), Judy Lazar, Katrina Timson

Bringing Subtitled Japanese Animation to the US--The AnimEigo Story, Convention Center, 11c
Roe R. Adams III

If This Goes On... Convention Center, 12a
Pat Cadigan (m), Michael F. Flynn, Jack C. Haldeman II, Frederik Pohl, Michael Swanwick

Bar None--The Limits of SF/What Is or Is Not SF?, Convention Center, 12b
John R. Douglas (m), Moshe Feder, Jane Jewell, Tappan King, Dean Wesley Smith, Mark Ziesing

Fantasy/Horror in Historical Magic, Convention Center, 12c
Lisa Barnett, Bernadette Bosky (m), Richard Lee Byers, Ashley McConnell, Judith Tarr

Creating an Internally Consistent Religion, Convention Center, 12d
James Morrow, Terry Pratchett, Don Sakers (m), Robert J. Sawyer

Video: Wizard of Speed & Time, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: David & Lori Deitrick, Convention Center, 21
David R. Deitrick, Lori B. Deitrick

Speech: Computers of the Next Fifteen Years, Convention Center, 22
Duane Elms

In the Mood: How Do You Get Into a Creative Mood?, Convention Center, 23a
Roger MacBride Allen, Jim Frenkel (m), P. C. Hodgell, Marvin Kaye

Peace--Human Fantasy or Possiblity?, Convention Center, 23b
Lee Barwood, Doug Beason, Richard F. Dutcher (m), Maureen F. McHugh

Styles of SF in Different Cultures, Convention Center, 23c
Tom Doherty, Guy Gavriel Kay (m), Roger Weddall, James White

Slavery Themes in Fantasy & SF, Convention Center, 23d
Owl Goingback, Toni Lay (m), Bradford Lyau

Art Demo: Pen & Ink, Convention Center, AS
Brad W. Foster

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Catherine Crook de Camp, L. Sprague de Camp, Jane Fancher

Design Your Own Book Cover (8-12), Cl: 4
David Lee Anderson

Forces of the Empire, Cl: 11

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Connie Willis (13), Carol Severance (14), John Maddox Roberts (18)

Costuming With Unusual Materials, Cl: C
Karen Dick, Ricky Dick (m), Phil Gilliam, Fiona Leonard, Scott Ross

AIDS Auction, Cl: D
David Gerrold (m)

Gaming Publications, P: F
Greg Costikyan, Lee Gold (m)

Film: To Be Announced, starting at 11:10, Convention Center, A1

Saturday, 11:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Nancy Holder, Barry B. Longyear, Jack Williamson

Video: Dirty Pair: Flight 005, starting at 11:45, Convention Center, 11a

Saturday, Noon

What's Up at Ace?, Convention Center, 11b
Ginjer Buchanan

Costuming & Culture--Making Clothing Sense for Your Characters, Convention Center, 11c
Alicia Austin, Ann L. Chancellor, Sarah Goodman (m), Jennifer Roberson, Melissa Scott

What's Your Agenda?--The Question of Subtext, Convention Center, 12a
John F Hertz, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Bruce Holland Rogers (m), Stanley Schmidt

Kipling for Fun!, Convention Center, 12b
Leslie Fish, Alexis Gilliland, Fred Lerner (m), Susan Shwartz

Computer Graphic Art, Convention Center, 12c
Holly Bird, Jeanne Gomoll, Lonnie D. Harvel (m), Teddy Harvia, Peggy Ranson

Unscrewing the Unscruitable: ``Scientific'' Explanations for Bloopers, Convention Center, 12d
Kevin Anderson, Hal Clement, William S Higgins, Suford Lewis (m), Larry Niven

Slide Show: Vincent Di Fate, Convention Center, 21
Vincent Di Fate

Forum: Roger MacBride Allen, Convention Center, 22
Roger MacBride Allen

Cliches in Comics--Stories & Art, Convention Center, 23a
Joe Bergeron, Greg Cox (m), Pam Fremon, Len Wein, Marv Wolfman

Speculative Poetry: The Underdog of SF?, Convention Center, 23b
Terry A. Garey, Joe Haldeman, Geoffrey A. Landis, Mark Rich, Margaret Simon (m)

The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics--What is Reality?, Convention Center, 23c
N. Taylor Blanchard, Jordin T. Kare (m), Robert A. Metzger

Dinosaurs in the Media, Convention Center, 23d
Dr. Michael K. Brett-Surman (m), Ralph Chapman, Bob Walters

It Came From Hollywood Aladdin Preview, The Making of Bladerunner, etc!), Convention Center, A1
Jeff Walker

Autographing, Convention Center, B
C.J. Cherryh, Eileen Gunn, Don Maitz

Christian Fandom, Cl: 12

Readings, Cl: 13, 18
Josepha Sherman (13), Madeleine Robins (18)

An Hour with the de Camps, Cl: 14
Catherine & L. Sprague de Camp

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Lois McMaster Bujold, Greer Ilene Gilman, Andrew I. Porter, Laura Resnick, Walter Jon Williams

Learn About Car Wars, P: H
Michael Moe

NESFA Hymnal Sing-Along, P: OI
J. Spencer Love

Saturday, 12:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
C.J. Cherryh, Holly Lisle, Michelle M. Sagara

Saturday, 1:00

The New Astronomy, Convention Center, 10ab

Video: Vampire Princess Miyu #1-2, 'til 2PM, Convention Center, 11a

Global Warming?, Convention Center, 11b
Gordon Aubrecht

Realism in SF Art, Convention Center, 12a
N. Taylor Blanchard (m), Patricia Davis, Bob Eggleton, Romas B. Kukalis, Ron Walotsky

Does SF Prepare People for Change?, Convention Center, 12b
Grant Carrington, Michael Kandel, James Morrow (m), Mike Resnick, Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Artificial Stupidity: The Failures of AI, Convention Center, 12c
Hugh Daniel, Howard Davidson, Lonnie D. Harvel, William S Higgins (m), Robert Mason

Grow Old Along With Me: Aging Your Characters, Convention Center, 12d
Betsy Mitchell (m), Andre Norton, Jennifer Roberson, Joan D. Vinge, Connie Willis

Censorship, Convention Center, 20abc
John Norman

In Memory Yet Green: A Joyful Remembrance of Isaac Asimov, Convention Center, 20d-g
Ben Bova (m), Hal Clement, Frank Kelly Freas, David A. Kyle, Tony Lewis, Frederik Pohl, Julius Schwartz, Robert Silverberg, Jack Williamson, Sheila Williams

Exhibits from the Lost Museum, Convention Center, 21
Cortney Skinner

Aliens Among Us: The Deaf & Their Culture, Convention Center, 23a
Geary Gravel (m), Jack C. Haldeman II, Stephanie Hall, Rosemary Kirstein

Bubblegum (Science) Fiction, Convention Center, 23b
Thorarinn Gunnarsson (m), Jean Lorrah, Janny Wurts, David Zindell

An APA a Day... Convention Center, 23c
Janice Gelb, Arthur Hlavaty, Nicki Lynch, Amy Thomson (m)

Discovery of the New World: Paradigm for First Contact?, Convention Center, 23d
Esther Friesner, Owl Goingback, Ernest Heramia, Toni Lay, Bradford Lyau (m)

Film: Conan the Barbarian, Convention Center, A1

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Charles Lang, Jeanne Robinson, Spider Robinson, Judith Tarr

The Fortress Roscoe Method of Enjoying the Modern Con, Convention Center, FL
Andy Hooper

Making Rockets, Cl: 4

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Terry Pratchett (13), Nancy Holder (14), Darrell Schweitzer (18)

Through the Judge's Eyes: What Do Masquerade Judges Look For?, Cl: C
Bobby Gear (m), Robert M. Himmelsbach, Elaine Mami, Carol Salemi

Outer Space Concert, P: OIII

Saturday, 1:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Greg Costikyan, Joe Haldeman, Susan Shwartz

Saturday, 2:00

Sci Fi Channel, Convention Center, 11a
Martin Harry Greenberg, Sandy Supovitz

Cartoonists' Jam, Convention Center, 11b
Sheryl L. Birkhead, Alexis Gilliland (m), Teddy Harvia, Diana Stein, Phil Tortorici, Mel White

George Alec Effinger Benefit Auction ('til 5:30), Convention Center, 11c
Rusty Hevelin

Fat, Feminism, & Fandom, Convention Center, 12a
Bernadette Bosky, Laurie Gottlieb Edison (m), Terry A. Garey, Althea McMurrian

Sports of the Future, Convention Center, 12b
George Alec Effinger, Richard Gilliam (m), Mike Resnick, Rick Wilber

Any Sufficiently Complex Technology... Magical Explanations of Everyday Things, Convention Center, 12c
Don Callander (m), Jack L. Chalker, Rosemary Kirstein, Larry Niven, Harry Turtledove

Memorable Minor Characters, Convention Center, 12d
Lois McMaster Bujold (m), Nancy Kress, Stephen Leigh, Jean Lorrah, Joel Rosenberg

Mars Direct: To the Red Planet by 1999, Convention Center, 20abc
Robert Zubrin

Slide Show: Nicholas Jainschigg, Convention Center, 21
Nicholas Jainschigg

The Work of H. Beam Piper, Convention Center, 23a
Timothy Lane, Mark Olson

Neglected Authors: Frederic Brown, Henry Kuttner, & Others, Convention Center, 23b
Hank Davis, Marvin Kaye, Patty Wells, Ben Yalow

FIAWOL: A Play About Fandom, Convention Center, 23c

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Michael F. Flynn, George R.R. Martin, S.M. Stirling

Fanzine Exhibit Tour, Convention Center, BC
Nancy T. Atherton

Costuming (8-12), Cl: 3
Karen Hanley, Cathy Mitchell, Marilyn Mix, Michael D. Mize

Bubble Magic (4-8), Cl: 4
Bob Kanefsky

Gaylactic Network: Organizing Gay Fandom, Cl: 11

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Barry B. Longyear (13), Don Sakers (14), Bruce Holland Rogers (18)

A Masquerade Wedding, Cl: 15

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Pat Cadigan, P. C. Hodgell, Geoffrey A. Landis, Martha Soukup, James White

Designing to Your Body Type--Designing the Right Costume for You, Cl: C
Joyce Best (m), Cheryl Finnegan, Elaine Mami, Sandy Pettinger, Victoria Warren

Computer Game Design, P: F
Corey Cole, Lori Cole (m), Noah Falstein, Paul Kidd

Saturday, 2:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Guy Gavriel Kay, Jennifer Roberson, William F. Wu

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Roberta Rogow

Saturday, 3:00

Aeronautics, Convention Center, 10ab

Video: Kimagure Orange Road Movie, Convention Center, 11a

Dueling Easels, Convention Center, 11b
Geary Gravel, Nicholas Jainschigg, Thomas Kidd, Cortney Skinner

PC or Not PC?--The Other Side of Censorship, Convention Center, 12a
A.J. Austin (m), Claire Eddy, John Norman, Brad Linaweaver, Gary Roen

The Music of the Future, Convention Center, 12b
Steve Antczak, Lee Barwood, Grant Carrington, Thorarinn Gunnarsson (m), George (Lan) Laskowski

Believable FTL Travel, Convention Center, 12c
Roger MacBride Allen, Joe Haldeman (m), Jordin T. Kare, Gentry Lee, Gerald David Nordley

Fairy Tales & Folklore Influence on SF, Convention Center, 12d
Camille Bacon-Smith, Greer Ilene Gilman, Andre Norton, Josepha Sherman (m), Michael Swanwick

St. Silicon: World's First High Tech Comic, Convention Center, 20abc
Jeff Armstrong

Video: Space 1999, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: Kelly Freas, Convention Center, 21
Frank Kelly Freas

What is an Analog Story?, Convention Center, 22
Stanley Schmidt

Fandom in the 60's: Where Is My Aircar?, Convention Center, 23a
Andrew I. Porter, Bjo Trimble, Ted White (m)

How NOT to Teach SF, Convention Center, 23b
Bernadette Bosky, Janice M. Eisen (m), George Guthridge, Elizabeth Anne Hull, Joe Patrouch, Charlene Taylor

Trade & Economics, Convention Center, 23c
C.J. Cherryh (m), Jane Fancher, Timothy Lane, Susan Shwartz

Magical Practices of the Publizandi, Convention Center, 23d
Sarah Goodman (m), Jane Jewell, Beth Meacham, Teresa Nielsen Hayden

Preview: Bram Stoker's Dracula, Convention Center, A1
Francis Ford Coppola

Computer Animation: Affordable to High End, Convention Center, AS

Autographing, Convention Center, B
John Flynn, David Gerrold, Mike Resnick, Ruth Sanderson

APA-NU Collation, Convention Center, FL

Filking (8-12), Cl: 3
David Ratti

Button Making (4-8), Cl: 4
Mary Hanson-Roberts%

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18 Esther Friesner (13), Kristine Kathryn Rusch (14), Michelle M. Sagara (18)

Knead a Friend (Massage: limited to 20), Cl: 15Regency Dance, Cl: B

Glitz 'N' Glitter--Introduction to Materials That Add Pizazz, Cl: C
Zelda Gilbert, Diane S Kovalcin, Pierre E. Pettinger Jr., Deborah Strub, Jaqui Ward (m)

Fiction in the Game Universe, P: F
Greg Costikyan, Lee Gold, Alan Gopin (m)

Learn About DC Heroes, P: H
Ann Goetz

Workshop: Harmony Singing, P: OI
Joey Shoji, Bill Sutton, Brenda Sutton

Saturday, 3:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Scott Edelman, Real Musgrave, Mike Resnick, Walter Jon Williams

Saturday, 4:00

Collectibles for the Trufan, Convention Center, 11b
Richard Brandt, Moshe Feder, John Flynn, Joe Siclari (m)

WildCards, Convention Center, 12a
Stephen Leigh, George R.R. Martin (m), William F. Wu

Influences of Exotic Myths on SF, Convention Center, 12b
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Marie A. Parsons (m), Carol Severance, Judith Tarr, Joan D. Vinge

Enterprise 2067: What Would a Real Interplantetary Battlecruiser Look Like?, Convention Center, 12c
Dr. David Stephenson

Did John W. Campbell Really Believe in the Dean Drive, Psionics, Dianetics..., Convention Center, 12d
Forrest J Ackerman, Ben Bova (m), Hank Davis, Frank Kelly Freas

What Makes a Dinosaur?, Convention Center, 20abc
Dr. Michael K. Brett-Surman, Ralph Chapman (m), Bob Walters

Video: Lightyears Preview, Convention Center, 20d-g

Eat Your Heart Out!--Art Collectors Try to Outdo One Another, Convention Center, 21
Howard Frank, Richard Kelly, Stephen D. Korshak, Robert Lesser, Sam Moskowitz, Darrell Richardson

What Was the First Worldcon Like?, Convention Center, 22
Bob Madle, Frederik Pohl, Edie Stern (m)

The Future of Science Education, Convention Center, 23a
Gordon Aubrecht, Elizabeth L. Gross (m), Judy Lazar

Making Up Believable Languages Without a Degree in Linguistics, Convention Center, 23b
Geary Gravel, Stephanie Hall (m), Stanley Schmidt, David Wixon

Marketing for the SF Artist, Convention Center, 23c
Bob Eggleton (m), Charles Lang, John A. Morrison, Muff Musgrave

Under the Cover of Darkness: Anarchy in SF--Does It Always Mean Destruction?, Convention Center, 23d
Leslie Fish (m), Brad Linaweaver, John Maddox Roberts, Joel Rosenberg, Christine Valada

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Doug Beason, Ashley McConnell, Connie Willis

Fanorama 3: A Selection of Readings by Noted Fan Writers, Convention Center, FL
Ellen Franklin, Andy Hooper (m)

Origami (8-12), Cl: 3
Robyn Douglas Rubado

Costuming (4-8), Cl: 4
Karen Hanley, Cathy Mitchell, Marilyn Mix, Michael D. Mize

International Space University, Cl: 11

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Melissa Scott (13), Marvin Kaye (14), Eileen Gunn (18)

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Jack L. Chalker, George Alec Effinger, Dean Wesley Smith

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Tom Smith

Saturday, 4:30

Video: Project A-KO #1, Convention Center, 11a

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Roger MacBride Allen, Rob Chilson, Esther Friesner

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Lynn Gold

Saturday, 5:00

Unseen Worlds Revealed, Convention Center, 10ab

Life on Jupiter, Convention Center, 11b
Karl Kofoed

The Future of the Worldcon, Revisited, Convention Center, 12b
Marty Gear, Mike Glyer, George (Lan) Laskowski (m), Tony Lewis

Virtual Reality, Convention Center, 12c
C.J. Cherryh (m), Howard Davidson, Jane Fancher, Bruce Sterling

Build an Alternate History, Convention Center, 12d
Barbara Hambly, Cortney Skinner (m), S.M. Stirling, Judith Tarr, Harry Turtledove

The Changing SF, Convention Center, 20abc
Gardner Dozois and Beth Meacham recreate a panel from the 1939 Worldcon!

Video: Starman, Convention Center, 20d-g

Forum: Glen Cook, Convention Center, 22
Glen Cook

Fan Gossip Networks, Convention Center, 23a
Lise Eisenberg (m), Timothy Lane, Priscilla Olson, Ben Yalow

The Author-Editor-Publisher Relationship, Convention Center, 23b
John D. Berry, Ginjer Buchanan, Jeanne Cavelos (m), E.M. Korshak, Kim Mohan, Madeleine Robins

Ahoy! Have You Seen the Great White Archetype?, Convention Center, 23c
Kathleen Ann Goonan, Owl Goingback, Althea McMurrian, Martha Soukup, William F. Wu (m)

The Future of Politics, Convention Center, 23d
Arlan Andrews, Ctein (m), Robert W. Glaub, John Maddox Roberts

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Josepha Sherman, Janny Wurts, David Zindell

Chesley Award Reception, Cl: D

Magic Wand Making, Cl: 4

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
James Patrick Kelly (13), David A. Kyle (14), Maureen F. McHugh (18)

TAFF/DUFF Demo!, Cl: Pool
Joyce Scrivner

The History of LucasArts Games, P: F
Noah Falstein

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Bill Sutton, Brenda Sutton

Saturday, 5:30

Video: Bubblegum Crisis #5-8, 'til 8:30, Convention Center, 11a

Film: Princess Bride, Convention Center, A1

Saturday, 6:00

Slide Show: Studying Fandom, Convention Center, 11b
Camille Bacon-Smith

This Is Your Life, Jophan (repeat-see Fri,1PM), Convention Center, 11c

Video: Ladyhawke, Convention Center, 20d-g

Reading, Cl: 13
Holly Lisle

Chesley Awards, Sponsored by ASFA, Cl: D

Workshop: How to Play Filk Guitar, P: OI
Mike Whitaker

Saturday, Evening

Jewish Fandom 6:30PM, Cl: 16

Film: Night of the Living Bread and Loaf 7:15PM, Convention Center, A1

Film: The Witches, 7:30PM, Convention Center, A1

Video: Night Gallery, 8:00PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Video: Riding Bean, 8:30PM, Convention Center, 11a

Video: One Step Beyond, 8:30PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Hugo Awards, Sponsored by MagiCon, 8:30PM, Convention Center, A3
Spider Robinson, MC

Interactive Literature Foundation Event 8:30PM, Cl: 12

Video: Darkman, 9:00PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Video: 3 X 3 #1-4, 9:30-11:30PM, Convention Center, 11a

1992 Hugo Winning Film 9:30PM, Convention Center, A1

Video: Highlander, 10:00PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

EuroRendezvous '92: British & European Filk Jam 10:30, P: OIII

Video: Junk Boy, 11:30PM, Convention Center, 11a


Sunday, 9:00

Video: Project A-KO Final, Convention Center, 11a

Film: Darby O'Gill & the Little People, Convention Center, A1

Aerobics, P: A

Video: Starman, starts at 9:30AM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Sunday, 10:00

Registration & Volunteers until 7:00PM, Convention Center, RC

Sales to Members until 6:00PM, Convention Center

Exhibit Hall B/C until 12:30AM, Convention Center, BC

The New Astronomy, Convention Center, 10ab

Video: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 4,6, 'til 11, Convention Center, 11a

May a Quasar Shine on Our Meeting, Convention Center, 11b
Dr. David Stephenson

Legal Issues for Artists, Convention Center, 11c
David Lee Anderson, David Cherry (m), Don Maitz

The Current Trends in Japanese Animation, Convention Center, 12a
Roe R. Adams III, Toshimichi Suzuki, Haruka Takachiho, Tatsuya Ueno

Is Art Deco/Pre-Raphaelite/Art Nouveau/ Chinosois Coming to SF Art?, Convention Center, 12b
James Christensen, Vincent Di Fate, Rachel E. Holmen (m), Ric Meyers, Janny Wurts

WSFS Business Meeting, Sunday Edition, Convention Center, 20abc

Illustrators of the Future, Convention Center, 22
Frank Kelly Freas, Laura Kelly Freas

Troll Drawing (8-12), Cl: 3
Beverly Parker

Acting Out a Story/Creative Dramatics (4-8), Cl: 4
Kimiye Tipton

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Gentry Lee (13), Michael Swanwick (14), S.M. Stirling (18)

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Hal Clement, Andre Norton

The Other Half of The Presentation: Using the MC, Lights & Sound Effectively, Cl: C
Jeff Berry, Rick Foss (m), Sue Kulinyi, Janet Moe

SFWA Meeting, Cl: D

Sunday, 10:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Lee Barwood, Jean Lorrah

About Arthur C. Clarke, Convention Center, 20d-g
Fred Clarke

Sunday, 11:00

Video: Kimagure Orange Road OAV 1-4, 'til 3, Convention Center, 11a

The Galileo Mission to Jupiter--To Jupiter the Hard Way, Convention Center, 11b
William S Higgins

Semi-Pro Editing, Convention Center, 12a
Kim Mohan (m), Darrell Schweitzer, Janni Lee Simmer, Margaret Simon

How to Write Comic Books About Muscle-Bound Brutes & Big-Busted Broads, Convention Center, 12b
Bill Spangler, Del Stone Jr., Marv Wolfman (m)

The Abuse of Biology in SF, Convention Center, 12c
Lisa A. Ashton, Ginger Curry, Elizabeth L. Gross, Judy Lazar (m)

Fan GoH Interview: A Talk with Walt Willis, Convention Center, 12d
Ted White (m), Walt Willis

Video: Arthur C. Clarke, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: Real Musgrave, Convention Center, 21
Real Musgrave

Artists' Rap Session & Portfolio Review, Convention Center, 22
Frank Kelly Freas

Film: F/X, Convention Center, A1

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Forrest J Ackerman, Owl Goingback, Carl Lundgren

Black Swan Theater Group, Cl: 4

Space, Cl: 12

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Roger MacBride Allen (13), John Norman (14), Jim Frenkel (18)

Making Men's Costuming Exciting, Cl: C
Duane Elms, Lonnie D. Harvel, Robert M. Himmelsbach, Pierre E. Pettinger Jr., Don Sakers (m), Drew Sanders

Battletech, P: H
Alan Gopin

Sunday, 11:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Don Callander, Frederik Pohl

Sunday, Noon

The Chart of Fundamental Particles, Convention Center, 11b
Gordon Aubrecht

Technology & the Handicapped, Convention Center, 11c
Bill Hedl (m), Lynn Luoma, Jenine McKeown

When Is Humor NOT Funny?, Convention Center, 12a
Esther Friesner, Tappan King (m), Terry Pratchett, Bradley Strickland, Connie Willis

Mercenaries in SF-Eclipse of the Citizen Soldier, Convention Center, 12b
Jim Baen, Robert W. Glaub, Bradford Lyau (m), Jerry Pournelle, Joel Rosenberg, S.M. Stirling

Contraception: Science, Law, & Religion, Convention Center, 12c
Sherry Katz Karp (m), Holly Lisle, Katrina Timson

The Use of Science in Fantasy, Convention Center, 12d
Lois McMaster Bujold (m), Gary Alan Ruse, Robert J. Sawyer, Michael Swanwick, Tad Williams

Video: Asimov Memorial, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: Bob Walters, Convention Center, 21
Bob Walters

The Fan World of the Future, Convention Center, 22
Mike Glyer, Bruce Pelz (m), Bob Madle, Wilma Meier, Sam Moskowitz recreate a panel from the 1939 Worldcon!

Why Bother? Cultural Pessimism in Near-Future SF, Convention Center, 23a
George Alec Effinger, George Guthridge, Allen Steele (m), David Zindell

Does SF Influence Society?, Convention Center, 23b
John D. Berry (m), John F Hertz, Althea McMurrian, Spike Parsons, Dean Wesley Smith

SFAN: Another Network Option for SF Fans, Convention Center, 23c
Bjo Trimble

Collaborations--How They're Done, Convention Center, 23d
Doug Beason, Jane Fancher, Gentry Lee, Larry Niven, William F. Wu (m)

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Ellen Datlow, Barbara Hambly, Bruce Sterling

Unfrozen Cave Man Fen, Convention Center, FL
Chuck Harris, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Art Widner, Walt Willis

Stuntwork & Special Effects in Films & TV, Cl: 11
Greg Ramoundos, Scott Rhodes

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Michael F. Flynn (13), Jennifer Roberson (14), Janny Wurts (18)

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Ben Bova, Glen Cook, Joe Haldeman, Rosemary Kirstein, Jean Lorrah

Belly Dancing Workshop, Cl: B

Getting It to Glow & Rotate--Electronics in Costumes, Cl: C
Gary Anderson, Glen Boettcher Jr.

Interfilk Auction, P: OI
Bill Roper

Sunday, 12:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Arlan Andrews, Marvin Kaye, Richard Paul Russo

Sunday, 1:00

Space Exploration Initiative, Convention Center, 10ab

Wolves, Convention Center, 11b
Christine Markel

Talking About SF Jewelry, Convention Center, 11c
Laurie Gottlieb Edison, Janet Kofoed

Theme Anthologies, Convention Center, 12a
Richard Gilliam (m), Martin Harry Greenberg, Mike Resnick, Susan Shwartz

Stories from the Slush/Funny File, Convention Center, 12b
Laura Anne Gilman, Betsy Mitchell (m), Josepha Sherman, Janna Silverstein

More About Merlin, Convention Center, 12c
Lee Barwood, Claire Eddy (m), Barbara Hambly, Karen Willson

Seven Deadly Sins of SF-Invent Your Own, Convention Center, 12d
Roger MacBride Allen (m), Pat Cadigan, Eileen Gunn, Maureen F. McHugh, Connie Willis

The Far Future: Where Fantasy Meets SF?, Convention Center, 20abc
Ray Aldridge (m), Robert Silverberg, Jack Williamson

Slide Show: N. Taylor Blanchard, Convention Center, 21
N. Taylor Blanchard

Art Going Pro, Convention Center, 22
Patricia Davis (m), David R. Deitrick, Lori B. Deitrick, Brad W. Foster, Peggy Ranson

Ethnicity & Utopias, Convention Center, 23a
Ernest Heramia (m), Toni Lay, Bradford Lyau

A Risk-Free Future?, Convention Center, 23b
C.J. Cherryh, Rob Chilson, Richard F. Dutcher (m), Kathei Logue, Bruce Sterling

Seduction of the Innocent: Will Fredric Wertham Reappear to Censor Comics Again?, Convention Center, 23c
Clint Bigglestone (m), Len Wein, Marv Wolfman

How Did the Universe Originate?, Convention Center, 23d
Hal Clement (m), Geoffrey A. Landis, Gerald David Nordley, Aliza R. Panitz

Film: F/X 2, Convention Center, A1

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Robert Mason, James Morrow, Harry Turtledove

Fanorama IV, Convention Center, FL
Spike Parsons, Amy Thomson

Face Painting, Cl: 4
Gail Kelly, Cathy Mitchell, Marilyn Mix, Lynn K. Murphy

General Technics Meeting, Cl: 12
William S Higgins

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Frederik Pohl (13), Judith Tarr (14), Michael Kandel (18)

Historical Silhouettes--Body Shapes through the Ages, Cl: C
Kathryn Condon

Game Designers' Roundtable, P: F
Greg Costikyan (m), Lee Gold, Alan Gopin

Lace & Steel, P: H
Paul Kidd

MagiConcert, P: OIII

Sunday, 1:30

Art Show Bidding Closes at 2!, Convention Center, AS

Autographing, Convention Center, B
John Norman, Gentry Lee, Allen Steele

Sunday, 2:00

Slide Show & Talk: History of SF, Convention Center, 11b
David A. Kyle

Terry's Dream Auction, Convention Center, 11c
jan howard finder

How to Date an Alien (Sex on Other Planets), Convention Center, 12a
Arlan Andrews, Jack L. Chalker, Gay Haldeman (m), Janni Lee Simmer

SF & Bleeping Censorship, Convention Center, 12b
Eileen Gunn (m), Elizabeth Anne Hull, Kathei Logue, Beth Meacham, Christine Valada

Ms. Manners Goes to a Con, Convention Center, 12c
Bernadette Bosky, Pat Cadigan (m), Maia Cowan, Mary Kay Kare

Finding New Dragons: Re-evaluating the Heroic Myth from a Woman's Perspective, Convention Center, 12d
Camille Bacon-Smith, Greer Ilene Gilman, Rosemary Kirstein, Holly Lisle, Carol Severance, Susan Shwartz (m)

The Alternate Civil War, Convention Center, 20abc
George Alec Effinger, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, S.M. Stirling (m), Harry Turtledove, Walter Jon Williams

Video: Buckaroo Banzai, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: Ron Walotsky, Convention Center, 21
Ron Walotsky

``If We Can Put a Man on the Moon, Why Can't We Put a Man on the Moon?'', Convention Center, 22
Jerry Pournelle

Jewish Folk Tales in Fantasy & SF, Convention Center, 23a
Eve Ackerman, Janice Gelb (m), Josepha Sherman, Moshe Yudkowsky

American Indian Mythology in SF & Fantasy, Convention Center, 23b
Alicia Austin, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Jack C. Haldeman II, Owl Goingback, Tappan King (m)

The Future of Scientific Research in the US, Convention Center, 23c
Doug Beason, Elizabeth L. Gross, Sherry Katz Karp (m)

The Future of Publishing, Convention Center, 23d
Lou Aronica, Charles N. Brown (m), Tom Doherty, Charles Ryan, Brad Templeton, Brian Thomsen

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Ben Bova, Richard Knaak, Andre Norton

Hugo Exhibit Show-and-Tell, Convention Center, BC
Bruce Pelz

WOOF Collation, Convention Center, FL

Bubble Magic (8-12), Cl: 3
Bob Kanefsky

Making Snowflakes (4-8), Cl: 4

New Orleans Worst Film Festival, Cl: 11

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Jeanne & Spider Robinson (13), Martha Soukup (14), Rick Wilber (18)

Poetry Reading, Cl: 15
Keith A. Daniels

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
David Gerrold, Nancy Holder, Barry B. Longyear, James Morrow, William F. Wu

Sunday, 2:30

Autographing, Convention Center, B
Thomas Kidd, Brad Linaweaver, Andre Norton

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Bill Roper

Sunday, 3:00

Apollo Retrospective, Convention Center, 10ab

Video: Bubblegum Crash 1-3, 'til 6:00PM, Convention Center, 11a

What's New at Tor?, Convention Center, 11b
Beth Meacham, Patrick Nielsen Hayden

The Bubble Crisis Series, Convention Center, 12a
Toshimichi Suzuki

The Risk-Free Convention, Convention Center, 12b
Mark Olson, Priscilla Olson, Tom Veal, Patty Wells, Ben Yalow (m)

How Realistically Does SF & Fantasy Treat Gay & Lesbian Characters?, Convention Center, 12c
Lois McMaster Bujold, Bruce Holland Rogers (m), Melissa Scott

The Vampire as Good Guy, Convention Center, 12d
Richard Lee Byers, Scott Ciencin, Greg Cox (m), John Flynn, Jacqueline Lichtenberg

Hollywood Horror Stories, Convention Center, 20abc
Holly Bird, Joe Haldeman (m), George R.R. Martin, Gary Alan Ruse

Slide Show: Carl Lundgren, Convention Center, 21
Carl Lundgren

Speech: Ben Bova, Convention Center, 22
Ben Bova

The Call of Cthulhu: What Is So Enticing About Lovecraft & the Mythos?, Convention Center, 23a
Timothy Lane, Mark Rich (m), Darrell Schweitzer

The Fine Art of Freelancing, Convention Center, 23b
Steve Antczak, Nancy T. Atherton (m), Barbara Delaplace, Vincent Di Fate, Laura Anne Gilman, Richard Paul Russo

Gonzo SF!, Convention Center, 23c
Robert A. Metzger (m), Brian Thomsen, Mel White

Stereotyping Authors--Can an Author Break Out Once Pigeonholed?, Convention Center, 23d
Michael F. Flynn, Esther Friesner, Janna Silverstein (m), Judith Tarr

Film: Batman Returns, Convention Center, A1

Computer Animation: Affordable to High End, Convention Center, AS

Rehearsals for the Play, Cl: 4

Convention Weapons Safety Guild, Cl: 12
Leslie Fish

Readings, Cl: 13, 14
C.J. Cherryh (13), William F. Wu (14)

Sierra Games, P: F
Corey Cole, Lori Cole

One-Shot Concert, P: OIII

Sunday, 4:00

Conadian: The 1994 Worldcon in Winnipeg, Convention Center, 11c

Opera & SF, Convention Center, 12a
Lisa Barnett, Thorarinn Gunnarsson, Mark R. Leeper (m), Susan Shwartz

Robin Hood, Convention Center, 12b
George Alec Effinger, Nancy Holder (m), Laura Resnick, Jennifer Roberson, Chris Weber

Bypassing Elves & Dwarves for the Other Creatures of Faerie, Convention Center, 12c
Don Callander, Mary K. Frey (m), Esther Friesner, Christine Markel

Myths of the Future, Convention Center, 12d
Jack L. Chalker, George Guthridge, John F Hertz, Guy Gavriel Kay (m), Walter Jon Williams

The Isaac Asimov Memorial Limerick Contest, Convention Center, 20abc
Catherine Crook de Camp, L. Sprague de Camp, Sheila Williams (m)

Video: Space 1999, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: Janny Wurts, Convention Center, 21
Janny Wurts

Laser Propulsion, Convention Center, 22
Jordin T. Kare

What's Entertainment?--A Look at the Future, Convention Center, 23a
Lise Eisenberg (m), Charles L. Fontenay, Barry B. Longyear, Rick Wilber, Connie Willis

Long Live the Legion! (A Meeting of Legion of Superheroes Fans), Convention Center, 23b
Joe Bergeron, Pam Fremon, Priscilla Olson (m), Don Sakers

Death, Convention Center, 23c
Roger MacBride Allen, Joe Haldeman, James Patrick Kelly, Holly Lisle, Terry Pratchett (m)

Children's Books--The Other Side of the Library, Convention Center, 23d
J.D. Macdonald (m), Josepha Sherman, Judith Tarr, Karen Willson

Readings from the Works of Walt Willis, Convention Center, FL

Play!, Cl: 4

Interactive Literature Foundation, Cl: 11

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
Mike Resnick (13), Algis Budrys (14), Rosemary Kirstein (18)

Fans of Jacqueline Lichtenberg & Jean Lorrah Get-Together, Cl: 15
Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Jean Lorrah

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
David A. Kyle, S.M. Stirling

Mayfair Games, P: F
Ann Goetz

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Joey Shoji, Larry Warner

Sunday, 5:00

Bid Wars: The Game, Convention Center, 11c
Priscilla Olson, Patty Wells

Remembering the SF Pulps, Convention Center, 12a
Camille Cazedessus III, Hank Davis, Joe Patrouch (m), Frederik Pohl, Jack Williamson

Gay Men & Lesbians in Media SF, Convention Center, 12b
David Gerrold (m), Laurie Mann, Don Sakers

Publishing Comics: How to Have Fun but Not Necessarily Make Money, Convention Center, 12c
Ric Meyers, Len Wein, Marv Wolfman

Earth as Primitive Society: What if We Were Contacted by an Advanced Alien Race?, Convention Center, 12d
Ctein (m), Michael Kandel, Gentry Lee, John F. Moore, Stanley Schmidt

Video: Vampire Trailer Park, Convention Center, 20d-g

Slide Show: Alicia Austin, Convention Center, 21
Alicia Austin

What Artists Like to Read, Convention Center, 23d
David Cherry (m), Bob Eggleton, Real Musgrave, Peggy Ranson

Film: The Abyss, Convention Center, A1

Friends of Bill W./12-Step, Cl: 12

Readings, Cl: 13, 14, 18
P. C. Hodgell (13), Ben Bova (14), Brad Linaweaver (18)

Filk Concert--Gravity's Rainbow, P: OIII
Fred Coulter, Lisa Coulter

Sunday, 5:30

Filk Concert, P: OIII
Leslie Fish

Sunday, 6:00

Video: Madox-01, Convention Center, 11a

All About Agents, Convention Center, 12d
Thorarinn Gunnarsson, Richard Knaak, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Gary Alan Ruse, Chris Weber (m)

Readings, Cl: 13, 14
Charles L. Fontenay (13), Richard Paul Russo (14)

Parody, Praise, & Caricature, P: OI
Bob Kanefsky, Rennie Levine, Tom Smith

Sunday, Evening

Video: Amazing Stories, 6:30PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Video: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 1-6, 7-11:30PM, Convention Center, 11a

Video: The Golden Child, 7:00PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Film: The Dark Crystal, 7:30PM, Convention Center, A1

Masquerade, Convention Center, A3 Rick & Wolf Foss, MCs

Video: Big Trouble in Little China, 9:00PM, Convention Center, 20d-g

Film: Total Recall, 9:00PM, Convention Center, A1

Doorways Preview, 11:00PM, Convention Center, 20d-g George R. R. Martin%

Film: Wizards, 11:00PM, Convention Center, A1

Rendezvous: Decadent Dave & Friends 11:00PM, P: OIII
Dave Clement, Duane Elms, Barb Reidel, Bill Roper, Carol Roper, Tom Smith, Bill Sutton, Brenda Sutton, B.J. Willanger

Video: Kimagure Orange Road OAV 4, 11:30PM, Convention Center, 11a


Monday, 9:00

Video: Riding Bean, Convention Center, 11a

Film: F/X, Convention Center, A1

Aerobics, P: A

Monday, 10:00

Registration & Volunteers until 2:00PM, Convention Center, RC

Sales to Members until 4:00PM, Convention Center, RC

Exhibit Hall B/C until 6:00PM, Convention Center, BC

Space Exploration Initiative, Convention Center, 10ab

Video: Madox-01, Convention Center, 11a

WSFS Business Meeting, Monday Edition, Convention Center, 20abc

Audience Choice Video, Convention Center, 20d-g

Bookmarks (8-12), Cl: 3
Beverly Parker

Seashell Fun (4-8), Cl: 4

Readings, Cl: 13, 14
J.D. Macdonald (13), Grant Carrington (14)

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Susan Shwartz, David Zindell

Monday, 11:00

Unseen Worlds Revealed, Convention Center, 10ab

Video: Otaku No -2, until 12:30PM, Convention Center, 11a

Slide Show: Life Styles of the Rich & Famous, Convention Center, 11b
Muff Musgrave

Build a BEM!, Convention Center, 11c
Holly Lisle

Starting Up a New Magazine, Convention Center, 12a
Jim Baen, Scott Edelman, Charles Ryan (m), Darrell Schweitzer, Dean Wesley Smith

Dealing with Galleries & Preparing Artwork for a Gallery Show, Convention Center, 12b
Carl Lundgren, Real Musgrave, Roger Reed, Bob Walters (m)

The Mysterious Brain, Convention Center, 12c
Sherry Katz Karp, Judy Lazar (m)

Baseball: The Fannish Pastime?, Convention Center, 12d
Michael Benveniste, Karl Hailman, Andy Hooper (m), Jim Mann

Film: F/X 2, Convention Center, A1

Songs & Dances (8-12), Cl: 3

Making Musical Instruments (4-8), Cl: 4

Reading, Cl: 13, 14
Geary Gravel (13), Terry A. Garey (14)

Monday, Noon

Jupiter Slide Show, Convention Center, 11b
Hal Clement

The Uses of Fanhistory, Convention Center, 11c
Moshe Feder, Dick Lynch (m), Bjo Trimble, Shelby Vick, Ted White

Crime & Criminology in the Future, Convention Center, 12a
Algis Budrys (m), George Alec Effinger, Barbara Hambly, Christine Valada

SF in the Saturday Morning Cartoons, Convention Center, 12b
Bill Spangler, Chris Weber, Karen Willson, Marv Wolfman (m)

Past Worldcon Chairmen Tell How They Lived Through It, Convention Center, 12c
Jack C. Haldeman II, David A. Kyle, Mark Olson (m), Kees van Toorn and others! We hope to take a group photo when it's all over, so if you're a past Worldcon chairman,

The Art of Copyediting, Convention Center, 12d
Rachel E. Holmen, Janni Lee Simmer, Teresa Nielsen Hayden (m)

Speech: Maya Bohnhoff, Convention Center, 22
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff

Odd Jobs: The Life of a Free-Lance Artist, Convention Center, 23a
David Lee Anderson (m), David Mattingly, Pam Murray

Rejection Slips & Other Downers, Convention Center, 23b
Ginger Curry, John F. Moore (m), Laura Resnick, Del Stone Jr.

Readings, Cl: 13, 14
Owl Goingback (13), Ashley McConnell (14)

Kaffeeklatsch, Cl: A
Forrest J Ackerman, Vincent Di Fate, John Maddox Roberts

The Band Played During Our Filksing, P: OI
Leslie Fish, Lee Gold, J. Spencer Love, Bill Roper, Mike Whitaker

Monday, 12:30

Video: Vampire Princess Miyu 1-4, 'til 2:30PM, Convention Center, 11a

Monday, 1:00

Avon Books Presents, Convention Center, 11b
John R. Douglas

Masquerade Post-Mortem, Convention Center, 11c
Marty Gear

Professionalism for New Writers, Convention Center, 12a
Peter J. Heck, Priscilla Olson (m), Carol Severance

Can Life Evolve on One-Face, Tide-Locked Worlds?, Convention Center, 12b
Hal Clement, William S Higgins (m), Gerald David Nordley, Aliza R. Panitz, Robert J. Sawyer

Comfy SF, Convention Center, 12c
Barbara Delaplace, Mary K. Frey, Madeleine Robins (m), Tad Williams

Fandom in the 80's--Telling the Wheat from the Chaff, Convention Center, 12d
John F Hertz (m), Arthur Hlavaty, Nicki Lynch, Joyce Scrivner, Pat Virzi, Art Widner

Forum: Jim Baen, Convention Center, 22
Jim Baen

What is the Difference Between Literary Criticism & Review?, Convention Center, 23a
Algis Budrys, Joe Patrouch (m), Gary Roen, Bruce Holland Rogers, S.M. Stirling, Milton T. Wolf

Lost Art of the Newszine, Convention Center, 23b
Mike Glyer (m), Timothy Lane, Dick Lynch, Laurie Mann

1992 Hugo Winning Film, Convention Center, A1

Concert: One Shots, P: OIII

Monday, 2:00

SETI, Convention Center, 10ab

Looking For An Asteroid Called Moosehead, Convention Center, 11b
Dr. David Stephenson

ConFrancisco Masquerade Preview, Convention Center, 11c
Gary Anderson, Janet Wilson Anderson (m), Jeff Berry, Cat Devereaux, Rick Foss, Janet Moe

Melting Pot, Gumbo, or Indigestible Mess: Cultural Diversity in Our Future, Convention Center, 12d
Ernest Heramia (m), Toni Lay, Bradford Lyau, Carol Severance

Face Painting, Cl: 4
Gail Kelly, Cathy Mitchell, Marilyn Mix, Lynn K. Murphy

Monday, 2:30

Video: Hurricane Live 2033 Music Video, Convention Center, 11a

Monday, 3:00

Thank Ghod It's Monday--The Gripe Session, Convention Center, 12d
Joe Siclari, and a cast of tens!

Kite Making, Cl: 4

Monday, 4:00

Closing Ceremonies, Convention Center, 20d-g
Vincent Di Fate, Spider Robinson, Joe Siclari, Jack Vance, Walt Willis

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