Timebinders Mailing List

Yes, this is the current Timebinders Mailing List information. To join, select this link and, in the Subscribing to timebinders section of the page, enter your email address and your name and password/mailing preferences information. Then press the Subscribe button.

To quit the list, select this link and scroll down to the bottom of the inforamtion page where it reads To unsubscribe from timebinders. Enter your E-mail address at the bottom of the page and press the Unsubscribe or edit options button.

The purpose of the Timebinders Mailing List is to talk about fan history - interesting people, incidents, jargon, fads, zines, cons, etc. You can use it to plan fan-history-oriented events, solicit ideas, try to find contacts, etc. This list is for non-profit use only; spam filters will be included to avoid junk E-mail.

This is an informal, erratically low-traffic, unmoderated group. Please avoid flaming. We might not all be friends here, but let's make an attempt to get along, shall we? Thanks.

The archives of this mailing list are available to any Timebinders member. Consider that anything you say on this list is no more private than a newsgroup message, a Web page, or a discussion at a con or club meeting. This was a bone of contention in the last version of the list, and I expect that, at some point, a private fan history mailing list will emerge. The point of Timebinders, however, was to be able to discuss fan history and fan history projects in an open and accessible forum. Therefore, the official Timebinders mailing list will be archived and useful (we hope) to people doing fan history research.

If you are interested in becoming involved with the Worldcon Heritage Exhibit discussion, please join the Worldcon Heritage Yahoo Group.