Joan Bledig, Lou Tabakow, Jack Williamson, Mike Resnick, Angelique Trouvere
w77m035.jpeg [21KB]: "Taff & Duff, Neo-fen visitors from the small planet FIAWOL"

Joan Bledig (right) and Lou Tabakow (left) created these 2 endearing fans - they actually got Jack Williamson to join them onstage to get his autograph and have his picture taken with Taff's box camera. Joan reported that materials for both costumes ran about $50 to $60 which included fake fur, leotards, sweatshirts, beanies and guitar. They won the hearts of the judges & audience and "Best Presentation" & "Best Alien" too!

Photo by Mike Resnick
From the collection of Angelique Trouvere
Information updated by Joan Bledig

Updated January 4, 2017. If you have a comment about these Web pages, please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster.

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