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Masquerade Results 1

Jill Eastlake and Dr. Karen Purcell

Masquerade Entrants List * * Masquerade Results 2

Young Fan

The Dancing Fools Award: "Young Anime Fans." Designed & made by Megan Thorn. Worn by Corwin Thorn and Random Thorn.

Special Transylvanian Award: "Blue's Friend Magenta." Designed/made by Joyce Carroll Grace Worn by: Edwin Grace, Eleanor Grace, and Niall Grace

The "9 is Fine Award," "Alien Ellie," Designed, made, and worn by Ellie Brodrick.

Novice Workmanship

Honorable Mention - Electrical Engineering: "Here Comes the Sun." Designed by Mark Shallcross & James Shallcross. Made by Eliza Shallcross and James Shallcross. Worn by James Shallcross.

Honorable Mention - Tailoring and Embroidery: "Princess Mariam Suzetta." Designed, made, and worn by Christina Dube.

Honorable Mention - Construction of Wristlet and Gun: "Barbarella and Pygar." Designed, made, and worn by Brianna Spacekat and Frank Wu.

Honorable Mention - Dyeing: "Silk Moth." Designed by Kevin Roche; made and worn by Carole Parker.

Structural Engineering: "The Black Dalek." Designed, made, and worn by Bernadette Lee.

Soft Sculpture: "A Nightmare in Denver." Designed, made, and worn by Leann Runyanwood and Mark Runyan.

Best Workmanship in the Novice Class: "War Machine." Designed, made, and worn by Karl A. Nordman.

Journeyman Workmanship

Fabric Manufacture: "Jadis, The White Witch." Designed by Rebecca Tinkham; Made by Rebecca Tinkham, Allan Tinkham, and Jamie Hascall. Worn by Rebecca Tinkham.

Skilled Wire-Knotting: "Elvish Armor." Designed, made, and worn by Loren Damewood.

Master Workmanship

Honorable Mention - Clarity of Execution - Banners: "Schoolhouse Rock Presents: A Reconsideration of the Astronomical Status of Dwarf Planet Pluto." Designed by Susan de Guardiola. Made by Susan de Guardiola, Keira Sokolowski, Marc Hartstein, Serge Mailloux, Rae Bradbury-Enslin, Marty Gear, and the blog Making Light. Worn by Adina Adler, Ben Yalow, Elspeth Kovar, Harriet Culver, Irene Urban, Jeanne Buss, Joseph Meltzer, Joshua Kronengold, Lance Weber, Lori Meltzer, Mary Aileen Buss, Morris Keesan, Serge Mailloux, Susan de Guardiola, Tania Clucas, Tim Walters, Vicki Warren.

Honorable Mention - Engineering: "The legendary Black Beast of Arrrghhh!." Designed by Daren Bost, Marian O'Brien-Clark, with credit to Terry Gilliam. Made by Daren Bost, Marian O'Brien-Clark, and Stephen M. Clark. Worn by Daren Bost and Marian O'Brien-Clark.

Papier-Mache Sculpture - Headpiece: "The Great Garuda." Designed, made, and worn by Vandy Vandervort.

Lace-making and Embroidery: "Touch of Winter." Designed, made, and worn by Sionna Neidengard.

Creative Use of Found Materials: "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Designed and made by Elaine Mami, Pierre & Sandy Pettinger. Worn on stage by Joni Dashoff, Pierre and Sandy Pettinger.

Best in Class - Master: "The Dream Time." Designed by Stephen M. Clark. Made by Marian O'Brien-Clark and Stephen M. Clark. Worn on stage by Stephen M. Clark.

Best in Show: Workmanship

"Grave Robbers." Designed, made, and worn by Charles Orndorff, Jennifer Strand, Michael Bruno, and Tauni Orndorff. This group entered the Masquerade as Journeymen.

Novice Presentation

Intoxicatingly Beautiful Award: "Dragon Wine." Designed, made, and worn by Bethany Anderson.

The Magellan Award: "Princess Mariam Suzetta." Designed, made, and worn by Christina Dube.

The Roy G Biv Award: "The Calm After the Storm." Designed and made by Mary Ann Westfield; worn by Alyssa Westfield.

Duran Duran's Choice: "Barbarella and Pygar." Designed, made, and worn by Brianna Spacekat and Frank Wu.

Rising Star Award: "Here Comes the Sun." Designed by Mark Shallcross & James Shallcross; Made by Eliza Shallcross and James Shallcross. Worn by James Shallcross.

Best Novice: "Chairman of the Borg." Designed, made, and worn by Mark Cantrell.

Journeyman Presentation

Excellence In Adaptation: "Jadis, The White Witch." Designed by Rebecca Tinkham; Made by Rebecca Tinkham, Allan Tinkham, and Jamie Hascall. Worn by Rebecca Tinkham.

Excellence In Re-Creation: "Shimabara Jinju Redux: A Tribute to Chiyoko Fujiwara, Millenium Actress." Designed, made, and worn by April Faires.

Best Journeyman: "Grave Robbers." Designed, made, and worn by Charles Orndorff, Jennifer Strand, Michael Bruno, and Tauni Orndorff.

Master Presentation

Award For Mythic Presence: "The Dream Time." Designed by Stephen M. Clark. Made by Marian O'Brien-Clark and Stephen M. Clark. Worn on stage by Stephen M. Clark.

Holy Hand-Grenade Award Sponsored By Plavix: "The legendary Black Beast of Arrrghhh!." Designed by Daren Bost, Marian O'Brien-Clark, with credit to Terry Gilliam. Made by Daren Bost, Marian O'Brien- Clark, and Stephen M. Clark. Worn by Daren Bost and Marian O'Brien- Clark.

Retro-Rocket Award For Scientific Activism - First In a Series: "Schoolhouse Rock Presents: A Reconsideration of the Astronomical Status of Dwarf Planet Pluto." Designed by Susan de Guardiola. Made by Susan de Guardiola, Keira Sokolowski, Marc Hartstein, Serge Mailloux, Rae Bradbury-Enslin, Marty Gear, and the blog Making Light. Worn by Adina Adler, Ben Yalow, Elspeth Kovar, Harriet Culver, Irene Urban, Jeanne Buss, Joseph Meltzer, Joshua Kronengold, Lance Weber, Lori Meltzer, Mary Aileen Buss, Morris Keesan, Serge Mailloux, Susan de Guardiola, Tania Clucas, Tim Walters, Vicki Warren.

Award For Detail and Precision: "Touch of Winter." Designed, made, and worn by Sionna Neidengard.

Best Presentation: "Humuhumu." Designed, made, and worn by Cordelia Willis, Isabelle Anderson, Jennifer Anderson, Kelly Bolton, and Lea Anderson.

Best Master: "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Designed and made by Elaine Mami, Pierre & Sandy Pettinger. Worn on stage by Joni Dashoff, Pierre and Sandy Pettinger.

Best in Show

A Nightmare in Denver." Designed, made, and worn by Leann Runyanwood and Mark Runyan. [This couple entered as Novices. They also received the Costume-Con 27 and 28 Awards for Best in Show.]