A Mile Closer to the Stars
Hello, Denvention 3 members. I hope everyone is doing well. We've been very busy here in Colorado and around the world working to organize a great Worldcon. I think you will all find interesting and exciting things to see and do at Worldcon in Denver starting Wednesday, August 6th, and running until Sunday, August 10th. Progress Report 2 is full of information we think you will want to know so you can plan to join us then.
The Hugo Nominating Ballot (for works from 2007) is included with Progress Report 2. Everyone who is a member of Denvention 3 before January 31, 2008, and everyone who was a member of Nippon 2007 is eligible to nominate works or people (as appropriate by category) for the 2008 Hugo Awards for Science Fiction and Fantasy achievement. You can fill out and mail in your nominating ballot, or nominate on our web site. Ballots must reach the Hugo Administrator by midnight Pacific Time on Saturday, March 1, 2008.
Information about our hotels is included in Progress Report 2. In order to have enough rooms for our projected member numbers, we've had to negotiate room blocks in seven different hotels. All of these hotels have easy access to the convention center. If you have special needs or hotel reservation problems, contact us at housing@denvention.org.
If you know anyone who is thinking about joining Denvention 3, please encourage them to do so as early as they can. This will help us with our planning, and allow us to do more. Worldcon is run by a different group each year. Most of these groups, including ours, don't have any assets to draw on. Thus many interesting projects cannot happen unless we know in advance that we can afford them. One way to improve everyone's Worldcon is to buy memberships as early as possible.
As always, I want to remind everyone that Denvention 3 is organized, managed, and run by volunteers. We are always in need of more help. If you can help, please let us know. You can volunteer on our web site, at one of the conventions where we will have a table, or via postal mail.