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A Mile Closer to the Stars
List of Dealers in the Dealers' Room
Dear Denvention Dealer...
By now you should have received a final letter and a list of table assignments. Our Dealers's Room team sent this via email on July 16. A map of the Dealers' Room is here. Please direct your questions about assignments to: dealers@denvention.org.. For other questions, contact exhibits@denvention.org.
Additional information about services and taxes is now available:
Electricity, Phone, and Internet Services
The Colorado Convention Center (CCC) provides electricity, phone, and internet services. This link provides more information on ordering these services.Decorator Services
Denvention has chosen Elite Expo Services to provide decorator services to our convention. Elite will be responsible for moving stock from the loading dock to the Dealers Room. This load-in and load-out, if done during the appointed times, is included in the table fee. Confirmed D3 dealers should have received Elite's price list for additional amenities such as pipe & drape, carpet, material handling, equipment and rental items. Here is a link with information on ordering these services. Order by July 25 for a discount.
Sales Tax
We have confirmed that both the State of Colorado and the City/County of Denver require our dealers to collect sales taxes. This link for a more detailed description of the required business licenses and tax forms.
We have helpful instructions about how to unload at the CCC here.