
Fan History - Time Binding

One section of Denvention Three's exhibit hall will be designed to take you down the fannish Memory Lane. Whether your memories or someone else's, we think you'll find our unique assortment of fannish history exhibits worth your review. Selections from the History of Worldcons collection will display Hugo Awards, publications, badges, ribbons and other souvenirs from several past Worldcons. FANAC has promised to provide a few "new" interesting fanzines and other treasures, as usual, in their Fan History Exhibit.

Denvention History

We are coordinating a special exhibit about the previous two Denver Worldcons, Denvention and Denvention Two. The first Denvention, held in 1941, was only the third World Science Fiction Convention. Robert A. Heinlein was the Guest of Honor; Olon F. Wiggins, editor of the fanzine The Science Fiction Fan, was the chair. Ninety intrepid souls travelled All the Way to the Rocky Mountains for this convention, the last one before war put Worldcons on hold for several years. Worldcon returned to Denver in 1981, this time featuring three GoHs -- Clifford D. Simak, C. L. Moore, Rusty Hevelin -- and a much larger attendance. If you have suggestions or contributions for this exhibit, please contact us at