$pagetitle='Denvention 3 Archive: Look at the Rotsler Award';?>
A Mile Closer to the Stars
Bill Rotsler (1926–1997) knew everyone, went everywhere, and did everything. In the science fiction community, he was most famous for a wonderful fluency with graphic art. His drawings appeared in fanzines, convention program books and progress reports, on plates, cups, saucers, and even body parts. He won five Best Fan Artist Hugo Awards.
In 1998, the Southern California Institute for Fan Interests (SCIFI) established a yearly Rotsler Award for long-time achievements by a fan artist. The Award carries a $300 honorarium. There is a panel of three judges, currently Claire Brialey, Mike Glyer, and John Hertz. We’ll have an exhibit at Denvention 3, with reproductions of work by each winner to date. You can visit the Website at www.scifiinc.org/rotsler