A Mile Closer to the Stars
It is Denvention 3's policy to choose our program participants from among the members of the convention. With the exception of our guests of honor we are not providing free memberships to program participants from the science fiction community. However, if - and only if - Denvention has money left over after all the convention bills are paid, we would like to reimburse program participants. Knowing whether we can do this, and what level of reimbursements we can make, will have to wait until after the convention.
It means people who regularly attend science fiction conventions, write science fiction, publish science fiction, or are fans, agents, or editors of science fiction - i.e. you. We will be providing a very limited number of day passes (not memberships) to people for outside the science fiction community who come in to make presentations for us, i.e. scientists, academics, craftsmen, etc. who would never attend an SF con if we hadn't asked them to come in and do their thing for us.
All members, including program participants, go through the regular registration or pre-registration lines to pick up their badges. There will be a prominently marked Program Participant check-in table close to the registration area. Once you have your badge, go to the check-in table to get your information packet. Badge first (through the regular registration lines), then packet. The people at the check-in table will not be able to give you your program packet until you have your badge, please don't embarrass them by asking them to break the rules.
Programming has a staff of writers working to get the bios up on the net. Please remember that all of our staff are volunteers and that we do our convention work in our copious spare time while holding down day jobs. We are working as fast as we can to get everyone's bio up on the web, and plan to be finished by the end of July. Please don't send us your bio or photo. We are using a standard format, and one of our staff will contact you as soon as your name gets to the top of the list. We have posted a full list of names to the Program participants list, but not all have links to bios and photos. Please be patient, and please cooperate with our staff when they contact you. Thank you!