A Mile Closer to the Stars
Denvention 3
The 66th World Science Fiction Convention
P.O. Box 1349
Denver, CO 80201
Denvention 3 , the 66th World Science Fiction Convention, is pleased to announce that Rick Sternbach has accepted an invitationto be the Artist Guest of Honor for the convention.
Rick Sternbach has been a space and science fiction artist since the early 1970s, often combining both interests in a project. His clients include NASA, Sky and Telescope, Data Products, Random House, Smithsonian, Analog, Astronomy, The Planetary Society, and Time-Life Books. He is a founding member and Fellow of the International Association of Astronomical Artists (IAAA). Rick has written and illustrated articles on orbital transfer vehicles and interstellar flight for Science Digest. Beginning in the late 1970s Rick added film and television illustration and special effects to his background, with productions like Star Trek: The Motion Picture, The Last Starfighter, Future Flight, and Cosmos, for which he and other members of the art team received an Emmy award, the first for visual effects. Rick also twice received the coveted Hugo award for best professional science fiction artist, in 1977 and 1978.
Denvention 3 is pleased to have Rick join the line up of other honored guests announced at the August 2006 business meeting of the World Science Fiction Society. Lois McMaster Bujold will be Author Guest of Honor and Tom Whitmore will Fan Guest of Honor. Author and scientist Wil McCarthy will be the Toastmaster for the convention.
For more details on the convention, please go to the convention's website at http://www.fanac.org/Denvention3 .
Worldcon, World Science Fiction Convention, Hugos, and Hugo Awards are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association.