A Mile Closer to the Stars
Denvention 3
The 66th World Science Fiction Convention
P.O. Box 1349
Denver, CO 80201
Denver fans have always had a special interest in music, and particularly in filk music. Having Kathy Mar join Denvention 3 is an outgrowth of that love of music. Kathy Mar writes songs. Original songs. Songs that stay inside your head and gently unscrew the lid of your subconscious. People stay up late listening to Kathy sing, and then stay up even later singing with her. The songs she writes and performs are outstanding, and it is with great delight that Denvention 3, the 66th World Science Fiction Convention, is pleased to announce that Kathy Mar has accepted an invitation to be the Special Music Guest for the convention.
Kathy Mar started her professional music career as a streetsinger and folk artist in the clubs and coffeehouses of Denver and environs. She discovered filk music at the Denvention 2 Worldcon in 1981. From then on, there was no holding her back. Kathy has won several Pegasus awards and was inducted into the Filk Hall of Fame in only the second year of its existence.
Kathy tells us: "Twenty-six years ago a shy Denver folk singer crept down a hall and listened at a doorway to people singing songs about space and fantasy. I had bought a one day membership to Denvention II and explored what was, to me, a brand new world. Many years and so many songs later I find myself one of the old-timers of filk music. I feel I have come full circle in my musical life and look forward to sharing this music with fans and newcomers alike. Denver was the home of my childhood and the start of my path on this road of song and I am delighted to be coming back for this convention."
Denvention 3 is pleased to have Kathy join the line up of other honored guests. Lois McMaster Bujold will be Author Guest of Honor and Tom Whitmore will Fan Guest of Honor. Rick Sternbach is the Arist Guest. Author and scientist Wil McCarthy will be the Toastmaster. Robert Heinlein is the Ghost of Honor. Denvention takes place August 6-10, 2008 in Denver.
For more details on the convention, please go to the convention's website at http://www.fanac.org/Denvention3 .
Worldcon, World Science Fiction Convention, Hugos, and Hugo Awards are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association.