a02-025.jpeg[77KB] Brother Theodore puts the squeeze on Forry |
a02-026.jpeg[62KB] Creature mask in original Ackermansion |
a02-027.jpeg[84KB] Delgado ???, Forry, Jon Berg, Jim Danforth |
a02-028.jpeg[66KB] Don Glut, Ray Harryhausen, Dick Anderson |
a02-029.jpeg[75KB] Fans gather for the Harryhausen reception |
a02-030.jpeg[114KB] Forry Ackerman chastising James Warren in the original Ackermansion |
a02-031.jpeg[128KB] Forry Ackerman in front of Ackeremblem at original Ackermansion |
a02-032.jpeg[158KB] Forry Ackerman in the original Ackermansion |
a02-033.jpeg[115KB] Forry and Ray Harryhausen in back on right |
a02-034.jpeg[90KB] Forry and Walt Daugherty on THINGS TO COME night |