FANAC Bibliographic Publications
- Willis Bibliography Notes, a supplement to Warhoon 28 by Richard Bergeron (1978)
- Scanners Live in Vain - Taral Wayne
- Fantasy and Science Fiction Bibliographies
- Arkham House and Mycroft & Moran (1939-1977), Dick Spelman, 1978
- Avalon Books and Bouregy & Curl, Dick Spelman, August 1977
- Clayton Astounding Index, Bill Evans, Jack Speer. 1946
- Fantasy Anthology Index 1, Sam Moskowitz and Alex Osheroff, 1946
- Index to the Science Fiction Magazines, 1961, Al Lewis, March 1962
- Index to the Science Fiction Magazines, 1961 Corrections and Additions, Al Lewis, August 1962
- Index to the Science Fiction Magazines, 1962, Al Lewis, August 1963
- Index to the Science Fiction Magazines, 1963, Al Lewis, June 1964
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Published by Ace Books (1953-1968), Dick Spelman, August 1967
- Science Fiction Bibliography, Vol 1, No 1, published by the Science Fiction Syndicate, 1935, W.L. Crawford and D.R. Welch
- Tolkien Bibliographic Publications
Updated June 16, 2020. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the
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