Fancyclopedia I: Carlton J Fassbeinder - FWSFCS

Carlton J Fassbeinder - Pename of T Bruce Yerke.

Fay - (Youd) - Pet name for Fantast. British fanzine.

federation - A union of smaller organizations which are equal in importance to the union. This type of setup is most generally favored for a general fan organization, but an effort by the National Fantasy Fan Federation to live up to its name by creating a hierarchy of state and regional organizations came at an unfortunate time. Groups calling themselves federations include the NFFF, the Futurian Federation of the World, the DFF, and branches of the Mid-West Fantasy Fan Federation.

fen - Alternative plural for fans", which came into general use after the Mecon solemnly voted its adoption.

feuds - The feuds we have always with us, but they are particularly prominent in the Second Fandom, and suffered a momentary revival after the Exclusion Act thru the Philco that fall, at which time each faction was purposing to drive the other out of fandom. Public fan sentiment was against feuding by them, however, and neither side felt like pushing the initiative and taking the responsibility.

The cause of a feud may be an important issue which isn't' settled peaceable, such as the failure of Wonder Stores to pay young authors (which brot on the ISA-SFL war) or the scrapping over a general fan organization, or it may be a thing as minor as the rights of the fanzine name Stardust. Feuds may rest upon differences of opinion which continually show up in fan writings, as on sociological questions (example: the origin of the Wollheim-Moskowitz feud in the latter's writeup of the Third Convention). A necessary ingredient to a feud as distinguished from a disagreement, however, is personal antagonism. This antagonism, it may be defended, is based on a person's actions and opinions; anew, it exists.

From the breakup of the ISA down to 1943 when they lost interest in feuding or retired form fandom, her was a constant antagonism between Wollheim and Sykora. The two sides which may be defined by these individuals (this does not imply that they were the controlling figures of the two sides with the others merely ranged behind them) have included the Futurians, Wiggins, Beck, Tucker, Ackerman, and Morojo on the one hand, and on the other the Phillies, Queensies, and the Miske. There have also been private work-fites between such pairs ad Lowndes and Speer, Wilson and Moskowitz, Singleton and Hamling, etc, but the forgoing is the general lineup when fan feuds became so universal as to constitute a fan war. At various times other active fans have occupied middle ground, Warner, Rothman, Swisher, Wilson, Koenig, and other having I some case held aloof from the feuding, in other case joined the battle in particular sector. This middle ground, for that matter, has also included Taurasi, Tucker, Ackerman, the Phillies, and others previously indicated, if cases in which they have opposed the opponents of their opponents, or converselywise, be considered.

It was thot by many at one time that fan feuds were a good things; Morojo wrote an article saying so, but apparently wasn't referring to the knock-down-drag-out kind; by early 1939 the IPO vote 8 to 19 against them.

The general purpose in a feud is to discredit your opponent, either to drive him out of fandom (as in the case of GGClark), or to get fans as a whole to reuse to follow some course he advocates or to follow one which he opposes, such as forming an organization or adopting certain principles in their discussions.

Intemperate language is used in feuding by non-veteran fans, and was used by the veterans in their wars; words like like", vicious", and sneaky" being thrown around freely, as well as the colossal effort to seem merely amused by your opponents' actions. Heat has never risen so highs, however, that fans could not occasionally commend a good story or article by one of their opponents, and it should be remarked that when fans meet face to face, they are usually quite fraternal, regardless of the fites they've been waging against each other on paper. The worst usually found is an insulting coolness. At the 1939 Philco, after temperatures had been rising for some time, violence was threatened by Sykora with the words You can say whatever you want to about me behind my back, but you can't call me a liar to my face!"; and when the Triumvira tried to eject Futurians visitors from the QSFL meeting in early 1941, there actually was ruff stuff. But the unfavorable reaction of fandom at large indicates the unusual character of such incidents.

FFF - Fantasy Fans' Fraternity. An organization of the First Fandom, this ignorant one believes; apparently nothing more than a name.

FFF has also become the publishing house symbol of Unger's publications. It stands for Fantasy Fiction Field, and is often called Triple-F (pronounced [traipel ef] [stuff in [hand written] by Suddsy ).

FFL - The Fantasy Fiction League, formed in 1937 by Morris Dollens and Hayward Kirby. The only activity that got into the planning stage was the official organ.

fan science fiction - With some exceptions, aside from fan fiction, fan s-f and fantasy have been similar but inferior to professional stuff, and takes up a lot of space in fanzine where readers would sooner have non-fiction articles, columns, etc. This is particularly true of serials. Where other long stories are presented complete, in a magazine devoted only to them, hey are sometimes worthwhile. There is a theory that stories can be printed in fanzines which pros would reject for reasons of policy rather than merit. One interesting fan type which probably could not be published to the general public is the tale which is frankly a day-dream on paper, even tho usually third person. The classic horrible example of fan science fiction is the Bob and Koso series.

fictioneers - Apparently means nothing more than people who are interested in fiction and club-joining. Sft organizations which this name include the Milwaukee Fictioneers, IFF, Science Fictioneers, Denver Science Fictioneers, Western Pennsylvania Science Fictioners, and Detroit Science Fictioneers.

Fido - Pet name for Futurian War Digest, a British omnibus publication.

Type Fifteen fan - In a grafology article Joe Gilbert analyzed the chirografies of a number of well-known fans, and left it to the readers to guess which was which. Number 15 on the list was supposed to be a dangerous maniac that you shouldn't allow behind your back especially in a dark alley. Immediately each fan on the list of analyzees, and some others, leaped and claimed that #15 was he. Finally Gilbert said that he'd known very little about grafanalysis at the time, and his sketch of #15 was all wet; there was merely a little mental quirk in that fan. But fandom wouldn't have it so.

Courtesy Bob Tucker, Cy reveals or the first time that the actual Number 15 was Joe Fortier.

file - Arrangement of papers so that what you want can be found quickly. Your encyclopedist has found it of especially important in preparing this work. Correspondence files are usually arranged by person corresponded with, carbons of outgoings being kept with the incomings. Magazine files are usually segregated according to name, and sometimes permanently bound this way; but Speer, who was a file clerk for several years, things it most practical to file them in with the letters, sloe in folders, because files are so short-lived and changeable, and it is often desirable to refer back and forth from fanzines to correspondence about them. For prozines, shelves of some sort, where they can be stood on edge or end with the spine visible, are the usual method of storage; here again fans sometimes have them bound several together. There are several card file in fandom, of stories, magazines, fans, etc; the most famous being Dr. Swisher's which in part is the source for his Check-List of fanzines. Cards on pro stories contain vital statistics on the story, and a tab colored and positioned to indicate rating. Cards on fans give page and work references for all their published writings, including letters to pros. Doc has gotten far behind on these records.

fillers - Stuff stuck in to fillup a page which the regular longer pieces in a fanzine don't cover; frequently the fillers are better than the material listed in the table of contents. The oldest fillers are probably odd science items and the well-know

"A quatrain is a four-line rime
It's never out of place;
It maybe be used at any time
To fill an empty space."
Cartoons, quotations, and short bits not long enuf to give a title to often perform a filler function, as do expiration notices, apologies for the poor duplication, and such stuff; but most fillers consist of remarks conversationally addressed to the readers by the editor, expressing his opinion on something, an interesting thing he ran across the other day, something he forgot to say in an article he wrote, or a whimsy like: I go now, Earthling; perhaps I shall return," said the vampire, vanishing.

Fincom - The Finance Committee of the NFFF. A majority of the membership, at the time of formation, had approved Widner's suggestion that the Federation be financed by taxes on amount of activity etc, rather than by equal dues. Committeemen, Speer, tEuslan, and Schumann were all opposed to the plan, but worked out the best system they could for carrying it into effect. When the Fincom report was published, first in incomplete form which left out the calculation of how small the sums would be, a great babble went up about "penalizing activity", "paying tribute", and "It's undemocratic!" The delay so occasioned in getting a constitution approved, it was one of the causes of the N3F's lapse.

First Fandom - (Speer) - The period up to 1936. It was marked by interest primarily in science and science-fiction. Fanzine material consisted mainly of forecasts of lineups in the pros, interviews with prominent authors, fan fiction relating to the pros, fan science fiction, novelty fiction by groups of pro writers, new advances in science, discussions of why s-f is in a rut or sex in science-fictions or the relative important of plausibility and good style. Douglas Webster uses the term to indicate the fist fans of Great Britain; Carnell, Gillins, Hanson, Mayer, et al. who continued dominant into 1938, and were mainly interested in the aforementioned subjects, and also in sociological questions.

First Transition - (Speer) - The period of fandom from the decline of Fantasy Magazine in later 1936 to the Third Convention. It was marked by a shift of interest from the pro field, then in a recession, to the fans themselves. There was consequently more fan news in the fanzines, a plethora of organizations, many new fanzines proposed and executed, and talk about things having little relation to s-f but interesting to the fans. There were fewer people I the fan field than previously. o organization or fan magazine held recognized leadership after the dissolution of the ISA, tho the SFA was regarded as the best.

the Flat - 88 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1, England. It is perhaps necessary to explain that "flat" is British for apartment. This science fiction house was established in mid-1938 by the two dizziest Londoners, Bill Temple and Ego Clarke, soon joined by Maurice K Hanson, and continued until after the war broke out, thus being the first and perhaps the longest lived such establishment.

fmz - (Brazier:Joquel) - Suggested abbreviation for fanzines. Pronounced [femz], but distinguished from femmes" by accompanying the latter word with a whistle and descriptive gesture.

Foghorn Samuel - Futurians' nickname for the Newark Neanderthal, with reference to his voice.

Fojak - Just and nickname for Ackerman.

Fonepole - Nickname for Speer, from the incident in 1938 when he was driving a car of his brother's (not the Panzerkampfwagen) to Connecticut to spend Thanksgiving with the Kuslans: at the very outskirts of West Haven, while he was drowsing at the wheel, a blow out threw him threw him into a telgraf or highline pole. Damage was mostly to the car, but he had to be inactive with regard to fandom for several months. Elmer Perdue also qualified for the Fonepole fraternity in 1941, when , on a weeks-long drunk over a disappointment in live, he jousted with a fp by auto.

fonograf records - Oh, you mean sonodiscs.

foo - While Foo" is Synonymous with Foo-Foo, and always to be Capitalized, foo" is a common word, to be used for whatever part of speech is convenient. A foo more days for to tote the weary load", foothful foorever", yours fooly", etc. These foo-proverbs are the chide source of Foodom's theology; the Great So urce of course is the writings of the Profet, Bill Holman, creator of the Sacred Foo-Cat, but other proverbs which suggest themselves, and are in general harmony with preexistent teachings, may be trusted.

Sacred Order of FooFoo - A glorious foolosofy which saves its adherents from the purple doomnation of ghughu, and guarantees their footure bliss. While ghughuism's setup is roughly that of an episcopal church, FooFooism'S more resembles a militant monarchy. The Western branch centers around he court of the Hi Priestess of All Foo, Pogo; Forest J Ackerman is the Right-Hand Man, Morojo her Handi-Maiden, ktp. In the Easter is Her Sacred Highness's Left-Hand Man, the Royal General of FooFoo. F Speer, who bears this tittle, countersigns and issues to neofytes such tags as Chief Scientist, Poetess Laureate, Vanday Oon, Grand Vizier, Nen Nen, Baron Yobber, and others. Permanent membership cards are not given until the persons are proven thru long adversity. In addition to these officers, the Order counts as rank-and-file members all persons wheresoever who are moved to go around reciting foo proverbs.

FooFooism began early in 1938, when FooFoo implanted in the mind of Pogo, and about the same time, of Speer. His Call to form the Sacred Order to oppose ghughuism in all its forms, however monstrous. Science that time the ranks of Foomen have grown by leaps and bounds (and shuffles). Victory is assured, for FooFoo has promised it. Like Tom Paine says, ghughuism, like tyranny, is not easily conquered, but the fite is a glorious one. A mity weapon that has been given us by All-Blessed Foo is the Poo; far mitier than is it than the yobber. FooFooism has a number of hily inspirational songs. One of these the entire Chicon (even the accursed ghughu and guggle, who were there) joined in singing.

FooFoo Special - A black-with-red-wheels V8 auto which took the Widneriders to the Denvention, and, after a fashion brot them back. The FooFoo Special Jr. was a doughty bike on which Widner rode to Stranger Club meetings, to the Mecon, and other trips.

format - The mechanical makeup of a publication, especially the size and shape. Among the pros, Gernsback's Wonder Stories is remember for its dizzying shifts from large to small to large to small size, and in price, which were unrivaled until the recent escapades of Campbell's rags. Fanzines for he most part have followed the usual mean-proportional shape of pages, but size has varied form 21.7 cm x regalength to about he size illustrated. However, the 21.7 X 27.9 cm (8 1/2 x 11") letter size, like this page, or powers fractions of it, is the most common. Page numbers may vary from single-sheets to 50 or 100 pages plus covers (many number the covers as pages), but about 30 is commonest for subscription fanzines because that is just under the weight limit for a certain amount of third-class postage. White 20-lb paper is the usual thing; thinner paper doesn't duplicate clearly. Pages are usually held together by staples, but past, pinch-fasteners, brad paper fasteners, thread ad other means have been used.

Mirta Forsto- Translation from the Esperanto: Myrtle Forest. Nickname of Ackerman and Morojo working or writing together, or when the which is uncertain.

Forteanism - The beliefs advance by Charles Fort in his books, of which Lo! was published serially in Astounding. The main idea is that modern science is a tissue of outworn saws, holes continually appearing in it and being patched up or glossed over by new explanations. Fort compiled a great mass of unexplained occurrences, such as the well-known mystery of the Marie Celeste. In arranging and commenting on them, he seemed to be maintaining, among other theories, that the Earth is visited and considered as properly by superior beings (now called vitons); that there is a power of matter-transmission which he calls teleportation being evidenced from time to time, as by showers of objets from within a room near its ceiling; and that the Earth is surrounded by a shell not far away, the planets and stars being eruptions on the shell similar to volcanoes

fotograhy- There were some paste-in fotos in the old Fourteen Leaflet, and a pages of half-tones in an issue of FM, but fotografs were seen little of until 1939, when Le Zombie, Speer, and others began pushing them.

Ackerman's Assorted Services lithografing service opened up new possibilities, but the most usual manner of reproduction is still fotograpic. Tucker introduced a method of reproducing by mimeo from a half-tone cut. Fotos were most often of fans and fan activities, but also include table-top fantastic scenes, shots off the screen of fantasy movies, and whatever else may be of interest. An unsuccessful attempt was made to institute an FAPA Fotograhy Laureate.

foto-offset - Your researcher once asked Dick Wilson what this reproduction process was; he said it's something you take to a commercial place and pay thru the nose to have done, and ask Taurasi.

4e - Nickname of Forrest J Ackerman, pronounced Forry.

4sJ - Merly another of Forrest Jays' ekenames

fout - (MFS - Root of such words as "fouty" (a very vague adjective of derision) and Hotfout!" (an interjection expressing extreme joy or exuberance).

Erick Freyor - (Ackerman) - Pename for Federick Shroyer.

Frontier Society - An organization whose purpose was to report and discuss Fortean and similar phenomena or reports of phenomena. Donn Brazier its strongest exponent, it came into existence in 1940 and died out when war came.

FSNY - The Futurian Science-Literary Society of New York. It was formed in September 1938 by the Futurians after the breakup of the GNYSFL. In addition to persons ordinarily called Futurian, its membership included Bob Studley and Hannes Bok.

Fubar Pubs - (Armynian) - Publishing house name adopted by Ackerman in 143 after he had extracted all the thrill in use of the name Snafucius Publications.

de Fuhrer of Newark Swamps - (Speer) - A nickname for Sam Moskowitz, by analogy with "il Duce of Flushing Flats."

Futile Press - The publishing house of the Becks, especially Claire F Beck, which issued the Science Fiction critic and a book or two.

fultilitarians - The opponents of Michelism, so called by the Michelists because, according to the Michelists, they believed fans could do nothing to save the world.

Futurian Ambassadors of Good Will - (Tucker) - Dick Wilson, Don Wollheim, and John Michel, who toured the northeast in Wilson's mother's car, in may '39, when the Futurian star was low, hitting Maine, Canada, Chicago, Washington, and points between (this itinerary may be inaccurate), visiting many fans and making themselves agreeable. Tucker relates how they had been unable to contact him when they came to Bloomington, but he knew they were due, and when he saw three guys in the street who had New York st icking out all over them, he walked up and said, "Hiya, Brooklyn." Wilson, the person addressed, bugeyed, "That's Brooklyn" --"that" being Michel -- and when Tucker said, "That makes you Richmond Hill, then doesn't it?&q uot; Dick bugeyed again and said "Gawp, you must be Tucker!"

Futurian Embassy - 142 W 103d St. Manhattan NY. A science fiction house, inhabited by Doc Lowndes and John Michel during 1941, between the breakup of the Ivory Tower and he move to Prime Base.

Futurian Federation of the World - a 1939 project of Pohl's, lukewarmly supported by the other Futurians. It did not really get going.

Futurian Fortress - 136 E. 28th St, Manhattan NY. It was inlived by Doc Lowndes and John B Michel after they left the Fortress.

Futurian House - 306 W 213th St. New York NY. The first Futurian science fiction house, it was inhabited by uncounted of them briefly in the late summer of 1939 until the ex-owner of the house was foreclosed upon and new owner hoisted the ante. The Futuri ans moved to the Ivory Tower.

Futurian League - An organization formed in 1940 by Wollheim as General Secretary, which had the sole function of registering as Futurians fans like Rothman who were not members of the FSNY but had sometimes used the name since joining the Futn Fedn of th e world, and any others who mite wish to. DAW defined as a Futurian one who, thru science-fiction, raised to vision a greater world, a greater future of the whole of mankind, and who wishes to utilize his idealistic convictions for aid in a generally coop erative and diverse movement for the betterment of the world along democratic, non self-glorifying, impersonal, unselfish lines, Futurians were to be expected to live up to their principles in their own way, and to be honest in intentions and cooperative in attitude toward other Futurians.

Futurian Publishers' Group - Known only thru a line in Le Vombiteur which states that it is a ghu publication, member Futurian Publishers' Group. Presumably the group included such other publishers as Michel-Wollheim, and Pohl formerly of the Ego-Coop pub lishing house.

Futurians - A group of New York fans, of whom Wollheim, Lowndes, and Pohl, and Michel have been the central figures. Others thot of as belonging to the group are Cyril Kornbluth, Harry Dockweiler, Chet Cohen, Dan Burford, Jack Rubinson, David A Kyle, Dick Wilson, Isaac Asimov, Herman Leventman, Walter Kubilius, and leslie perri.

The Futurians present a peculiar differentness in whatever spheres of fan activity they engage in, being, with some exceptions in each case, Bohemian in social practices, Marxistic in politics, anti-Sykora in fan feuds, Michelistic in fanish whith erings, inclined fanarchistically with regard to general fan organization, given to vers libre in poetry, eroticism in literature, and decadence in all forms of art, and having taken part as a bloc in the Progressive and Constitutional parties of the FAPA

They emerged upon the breakup of the ISA, and were the dominant faction in the Second Fandom, when they were called Wollheimists. When the GNYSFL broke up, they formed the FSNY, in mid-September 1938. With Pohl's Futurian Federation of the World, the term "Futurians" became a common word for that type of stefnist. After the Quadrumvirs resigned from FAPA office, they became less active, but lived in various science fiction houses, and many graduated in time from authors' agents to editor ships of s ome of the new pros, where they put quite a lot of their personalities into their magazines, and were noted for the number of Futurian authors appearing in Futurian-edited magazines.

Not connected with FSNY in any way are certain other organization calling themselves Futurians, in Australia and at the Golden Gate.

futurist - (Lowndes) - One who is interested in a different and better future world order, and the details of its inauguration and functioning; suggested as a term distinct from Futurian as used herein, tho its parallel in the Futurian Leagues is obvious

FWSFCS - Fourth World Science Fiction Convention Society, the publicity organization of the Pacificon. By the way, boys, that first F is very confusing; could be First, Fourth, or Fifth.

Data entered by Peter Barker