P Another well-behaved letter except when people tie it up with h. Such important words as phantasy and sulpha were once so spelled. PALMERISM Nobody would have thought that the publisher of the first fanzine -- a pillar of stfnic virtue, Converted to the True Way by buying the Gernsback Amazing off the newsstand in 1926 -- would have turned mortally ill Amazing into the harlot of scientifiction with his editorial emphasis on sexed-up thud-and-blunder and tolerance for sloppy writing, but Raymond A Palmer did just that, and snapped his fingers at the fans who screamed bloody murder. In 1938 Ziff-Davis took over decrepit Amazing, in hopes of converting it as Wonder had been converted to Thrilling Wonder. RAP, called to do the dirty work, justified his BEMs, sexy wenches, and puerile humor on the ground that they sold -- "-brought Amazing up to the peak of sales"-, he said. It was not a circulation-grabbing gimmick, but developed into the fixed policy of Amazing and sister mag Fantastic Adventures for the next ten years; this moron-pandering is the essence of Palmerism, but the word was formed more in resentment of RAP's giving space and friendly mention or even warm welcome to crackpottery like the Young Rosicrucians, the Shaver Mystery, and various mystical and occult forms of Cosmic Wisdom. The Shaver hoax was the last straw; Paul bacovers, ERB serials, Willy Ley articles, and some good stories like Weinbaum's The New Adam had been redeeming features, but that Palmer demanded Shaverism be accepted as truth was too much. Ackerman, who had been sniping at RAP for years, declared feud and others reacted as described under "Shaver". After leaving Amazing Palmer went overboard for occultism along the Shaver/Fort line in his own group of prozines, Fate, Other Worlds, and Imagination; all reached pretty revolting depths of puerility and credulism. PAPA The Pornographic Amateur Press Association, intermittently suggested as a medium for publishers of bawdy material. It is generally represented as sending its mailings by Railway Express to get around Postal regulations about sending obscene matter thru the mails [there's a law against obscenity in Expressed matter, too, but apparently Railway Express has no right to open packages], charging dues of $5 per mailing, etc. More your Sam: Johnson knoweth not, tho people have at times referred to the anthology of bawdy poetry collected by one of our Midwest fans as being, or being culled from, PAPA mailings. The thing in at least one form was a hoax perpetrated by 7th Fandom, led by Norm Browne in DAMN!; a series of burlesque reviews of imaginary mailings were the total results. PAR Pay After Reading. A system instituted in Norm Brown's VANATIONS #1, under which you pay what you think the issue is worth, taking into consideration reading pleasure, appreciation for the contribution of the editorial staff, possibility of improvement in future issues, and like that. "Anything under 10¢ I consider an insult and anything over 25¢ hurts my conscience", said Browne. Other fanzines used the system afterward; its big advantage is that the fan publisher doesn't have to keep books, but it didn't pay publishing costs any better than other methods. Something vaguely similar was tried by Gernsback when in 1936 he tried to sell Wonder Stories direct to the fans by mail. But the number of postage-paid blanks returned "conclusively revealed the apathetic attitude of SF readers." PARTIES After the June 1938 FAPA campaign, Speer made preparations to launch a formal political party with the Phillies, Queensies, and other allies, to be called the Constitutional party, and formed by a dozen people signing a joint declaration. The idea was scrapped when the Wollheimists, their opponents, dropped out. In 1939 the Progressive Party was formed by McPhail, with Taurasi and Marconette, on a platform opposing fan feuds and denouncing alien isms. They were embarrassed when the Futurians, the obvious target of the platform, applied for admission, on the ground that they approved substantially of the party's aims; McPhail dissolved and re-formed it without the Futurians. In 1941 the Futurians had a go at this, forming a Constitutionalist party of their own; it opposed some moves of Rothman's in violation of the constitution and a proposal to raise the annual dues to 75¢ [!!] which had been erroneously declared passed after a special election (too few members had voted for the election to be valid). Both the Progressives and Constitutionalists put up slates but failed to elect them. In 1944 Laney, Tucker, and Ashley formed the Freedom party, as described under Order of Dagon, which elected its candidates but lost its reason for existence when the Futurians withdrew from FAPA to form Vanguard. More effective in winning elections were unofficial combinations like the Wollheimists -- against whom, note, all parties except the one formed by them were openly or tacitly directed -- the Order of Dagon during its brief life, and the FAPA Brain Trust, which supplied nearly all the officials for the N3F and FAPA between the Interregnums and Operation Futurian. PATRIOTISM People as inclined to cynicism, semantic alertness, and anti- emotionalism as fans are do not offer fertile soil for the cruder features of nationalistic loyalty. When war came, fans displayed a willingness to fight for certain aspects of the "American way of life" but dealt roughly with flag-waving super-patriots who appeared among them. PENAME To give variety where the same writer has several pieces in one issue of a fanzine, to conceal the author's identity, or just because he likes the sound of the name, pen names may be used; the former purpose is a mere borrowing from the proz, which follow it as a policy. Much ink was shed over the question whether they should be used freely, such counter-arguments being presented as: the reader has the right to know who's writing a piece; new fans are likely to get mistaken ideas of the size of fandom (or some sections of it, like the Futurians who used umpteen penames of the Conway family); that it hampers club officials in determining activity credits; ktp. But still they come. Some have been deep mysteries, and much speculation preceded their identification; others have seemed to be separate new fans, but turn out to be hoaxes. Something special is the "house name", a device of the proz under which hack-written stuff is tagged with a name belonging to the mag rather'n the author, like "Alexander Blade" in the Ziff-Davis pulps. Here, too, we may note that fans have sometimes used interconnected penames, as Lynn Hickman's "Plato Jones" which provoked DAG to take the byline "Socrates Smith" and Mary Wilson, "Pancho Picasso". PET NAMES Besides the names given fans' autos and miscellaneous property like cameras and typers, many fanzines have been given affectionate nicknames, which Speer says help give the contents "personality". These are usually corruptions of a syllable or two from the original name, or Demolishisms: for instance, SaL, LeZ, Apé, FA, "-", Warp, Ret, Oops, Mopsy, Celsy, Q; namely Sweetness and Light, LeZombie, Aporetta, The Fantasy Amateur (OO of FAPA), Hyphen, Spacewarp, Retribution, Oopsla, Matters of Opinion, Excelsior, and Quandry. PETITION Originally a signed paper addressed to some official, praying that certain action be taken. In fandom, however, petitions are anything but humble supplications. For ensample, there was the one signed by many attendees of the Newark Convention, reprimanding Sykora for misuse of his chairmanship of the Con. A little later, following the June 1938 FAPA elections, Speer got signatures from more than half the members to a Petition of Reprimand demanding no repetition of the Wollheimists' tactics in that election. PHILCO Philadelphia Conference; one of the annual gatherings held, usually in November, in Philadelphia under the sponsorship of the PSFS. The title was adopted in 1939 when "convention" had come to mean something larger than the former Eastern SF gatherings, but the annual PhilCos (the longest con-series in fandom) are numbered serially counting the First and Third Easterns as 1 and 2. PHILOSOPHY Speculative inquiry which investigates matters not yet within the realms of science or art. Four chief questions are dealt with: The nature of reality (is the Universe more like an idea in someone's mind, or like a machine, or the commonsense view; are all natural laws reducible to a single principle; does god exist; what is the difference between being and not being; is the future course of events determined; usw?) Gaining knowledge of reality (are our senses dependable; can we be absolutely certain of anything; what are the rules of logic; how can we find the referent; ktp?) The nature of the good (are there absolute values; what is the relation between individual and general welfare; is happiness the only test of good; should one accept things as they are or try to change them; etc?) The nature of the beautiful (are there essences which are captured by the artist; should art have any relation to morality; should the artist create only for his own taste; what is the essential difference between prose and poetry; and so on?) It should be evident that the first two groups of questions (metaphysics and epistemology) concern principles very important in discussion of fantasy; and that the latter two (ethics and aesthetics) are subjects that fans have talked about a great deal ever since the First Transition. The worth of philosophy lies not in giving dogmatic answers to these questions, but in mapping out the answers that have been given, and showing the assumptions and implications of the various theories. PHOTOGRAPHY There were some paste-in photos in the old Fourteen Leaflet, and a page of half-tones in an issue of Fantasy magazine, but photographs were little seen till 1939 when LeZombie, Speer, and others began publishing them. Photos were most often of fans and fan activities, but also included tabletop fantastic scenes, shots off the screen of fantasy movies, and whatever else might be of interest. By the 50s expanding size of mailing lists had made actual use of tipped-in photos impractical, but long before this Ackerman's Assorted Services lithographing, and Tucker's discovery of a half-tone mimeo process, had opened up new possibilities. PILLAR POLL Pillar of SAPS was Bob Briggs' term for those essential to the society's success. The annual Pillar Poll now chooses these by acclamation, with the top fan becoming titular President of SAPS. PLANET STORIES A middle-period prozine (1939-52) notable for bangbangshootemup yarns, voluptuous cover-babes and all like that, in case references have puzzled you. PLANE TRIP When the 1957 Convention was given to London, Dave Kyle organized a group trip to the con by American fans, chartering a plane for the purpose. He described himself as "President, London Trip Fund of the WSFS Inc" when it appeared that airlines would not accept an individual's charter for a speculative group of travellers. Other members of the WSFS (chiefly the Dietzes and Raybin) holding that this made the society itself liable, tried to set up a committee, including themselves with Kyle, which would have official standing to deal with the London Trip Fund. (Previously they had met with Dave unofficially, as advisors.) The London Con-committee authorized this, tho Kyle continued to handle all business arrangements, such as the one that made necessary a switch of airlines from Pan-American to KLM when PA couldn't guarantee a return flight. Trouble really began in April, when Ted Carnell of London, who'd written Ruth Landis -- who was acting as Kyle's secretary -- for a list of those passengers who paid either entirely or in part for the trip and got no reply, asked the other committee members to see her in person. The Dietzes called on her and by persistence persuaded her to supply a partial list of names, an action which Kyle resented, calling it an "infamous inquisition". Later George Nims Raybin suggested that he -- Raybin -- be listed as co-signer at the Chemical Corn [how stfnic!] Exchange Bank, where the London Trip funds were deposited, "in case of emergency". (Dave lives in Potsdam, outside New York City.) Personality clashes between the two factions also seem to have played a part in creating bad feeling before the trip. After the trip resentment mounted over the number of nonfans on the plane and over the action of some plane-trippers in leaving the con hotel early, sticking the committee with the balance of their guaranteed room-booking; a certain amount of ill-feeling rose when Dave and Ruth Kyle (nee Landis -- they took the trip as a honeymoon) were given the sum ($5 from each passenger, deposited to secure the flight) originally supposed to be refunded to the trip-makers; and it was alleged that this ill-feeling was at the bottom of the lawsuit that eventually broke up the WSFS Inc. PLANOGRAPH Just a sneaky name for a variety of litho. PLOY A guileful maneuver. Its present popularity stems from Stephen Potter's Gamesmanship, but the word is legitimate Scots dialect for employ, from Latin in plico. Also, the name of a fanzine published by TAFF delegate Ron Bennett; the ploy here was that the first issue was PLOY #2. POCTSARCD An Irish crittur very like a postcard, except that where you write on one side of a postcard and address the other, you address one side of a poctsarcd and write on the other. It originated as a typo (in a letter from Leeh to Walt Willis), like other such useful expressions as silp and filk song. There are variants like pitcuer poctsarcds, too. POETRY Fantasy poetry of course dates from the earliest times. Science- fiction has not seemed such a good subject for poetic flights, but efforts have been made by fans (some worthy) and among famous poets scientistic pieces are found -- notably in Tennyson and Kipling -- tho some with stfnal themes are actually anti-science. In fandom and the proz we have: ballads, usually of rather simple appeal; a couple of epics; such semi-narrative and descriptive poems as "Passing of the Planets"; store of poetry expressing personal feeling with no connection with fantasy save that fantasy fans have written it or Red Moon, Martian Lover, first space flight, ktp, are substituted for mundane themes; dadaistic and metaphysical stuff; jingles like daffy poetics; and a great many parodies of various types of poems and songs. All the familiar verse forms are used. Lowndes and others have written many sonnets (and Lovecraft's Fungi from Yuggoth are favorites), vers libre is popular with our Bohemians, Speer has plugged the Anglo-Saxon measure. Standard stanza division is usual in poems of more than filler size; there has been comparatively little blank verse. All-poetry booklets appear with reasonable frequency. FAPA has a poetry laureate, and a short-lived SF Poets' Guild was organized by Pohl in 1938. POGO A handsome young opossum, inhabiting the Okefenokee swamp and various comic strips, not to mention the Simon and Schuster books. This Pogo, you understand, is the one created by Walt Kelly, no relation to the Pogo which was the fan-name of Mary Corrine Gray about 1942-45 and figured in LASFS affairs. The earliest full reference to him in the fan press which your editors have been able to track down was in Betsy and Ed Curtis' THE CRICKET, June '49, which quoted Kelly on the masthead ("You plays cricket, drinks tea, and lifs the pinky when you holds the cup...") and remarked inside on the editors' large collection of Pogo strips and other work by Kelly, such as his political cartoons from the New York Star. (The Curtises later got a place in the strip, as "Uncle Regular Curtis", the mail-carrying duck.) The Insurgents had a passing mention in a WILD HAIR (Feb '49) advertising for stuff for Burbee's collection, but not till the rise of Lee Hoffman Fandom in 1950-51 was Pogo-addiction epidemic in fandom. Thelma Kelly defended the craze: "Pogo is not merely a comic book; it is a periodic lesson in manners and relationships and carries into our lives a soft and living humor not based on pratfalls and disparagement." The fad passed toward the end of 1954 and nothing has quite replaced it; when selbstsogenannt 7th Fandom was rampant, part of their reaction was against Pogo, impelling A BAS to remark: "Perhaps Mad Comics have replaced Pogo among the Birdbaths because they are pretty obvious even to the meagre mind, whereas Pogo requires a modicum of intelligence and perspicacity". But your d'Alembert suspects Kelly's descent into political moralizing to have done most of the dirty work. Pogoisms, or Swamptalk, are the things critturs say in the Okefenokee; quotes like these are much favored by fans for interlineations: "A atom bomb can put everythin' all over nowhere -- nothin' to sweep up!" "Don't get drug down by life -- it ain't nohow permanent." Some able dialect- specialist should try to classify it; the difference from standard Dixie and Negro dialect is perceptible, tho not marked. POINT SYSTEM OF RATING (Youd:Warner) Because the impressionistic comments on a story, article or department (swell, OK, lousy, it stinks) are likely to vary greatly in meaning in different critics and not tell the editor much, Youd asked Fantast's readers to rate each piece with a number from one to ten, ten being best. The number indicates quality, not rank as compared to others in the same issue; every piece in an issue might receive the same rating if they all seemed equally good -- or punk. Such ratings appear easy to average up to get the consensus of opinion on an item or an entire issue (in the latter case pieces may be weighted according to length, so a three-page article will have more effect on the result than a one-pager). But the system has a flaw in the fact that different readers may attach different significance to the same number; one may use 7 for the general run of acceptably good material while another uses 5. Harry Warner jr tried to get the same system applied to Spaceways and published a letter explaining what each number meant to one reader, which he asked all to observe. The point system has been tampered with, some readers and editors preferring to use any number from one to one hundred, in the delusion that ratings could be that fine; and some applying money values. POLICE STATE ANARCHY That's what the world needs worse than a good 5¢ cigar. POLITICAL FANTASY (Marconette) A story whose primary object is to illustrate some sociological opinion, which it does usually by imagining events in the modern world which we know couldn't have happened because if they had we'd have read about them in the newspapers -- like van Loon's story of the invasion of America by the Nazis in 1940, or Warner Brothers' "Mission to Moscow". Such stories may take place in the future, like Wells' The Life and Death of a Dictator. Such stories are fantasy not so much because they involve superscience or the supernatural, but because they must be placed in an imaginary country, or in the future, or in some present subjunctively alternate to our own, in order that the author may manipulate characters and incidents freely. Stories like Things to Come, which merely have sociological overtones, probably would not be called political fantasy. The term is not really a good one as a parallel to SF, weird, and pure fantasy, because it frequently overlaps with true science fiction, etc, and there are similar stories, commedia of manners on the grand scale, whimsical bits, and stories simply speculating "if", which are not sociologically motivated. POLITICS Fandom has remained remarkably free of political discussion within the frame of the US party system, considering how widely its members' views diverge on all other topics. Senator McCarthy's corsair cruise inspired a few articles con, but his defenders were too few and feeble to provoke a real feud; the fan press is not a good medium for political propaganda anyway. On the other hand, some intense differences of opinion have been manifested in the infrapolitical realm of social problems and their cause and cure, but for that we refer you to other sections. Discussions of these subjects were called "politics" in such old-time slogans as "Boost Science Fiction Not Politics" but they're really sociological. POLLS The first fan poll was Speer's IPO (Oklahoma Institute of Private Opinion; title a takeoff on Gallup), hektoed postcards circulated with The SF Fan for a couple of years around 1938. While this was still running, the fanzine Novae Terrae put out a questionnaire with each issue, called Panel of Critics, which contained some questions on the magazine and some personal and other general questions. Afterward LeZombie and others from time to time took polls, but Art Widner's Poll Cat made the things famous in fandom. Widner had previously run polls in several major fanzines, but in the Poll Cat he set out to test the thesis that fans are a separate and distinct type (slans or whatever you want to call them). Looking for unusual averages in fans, Widner found several characteristics that looked significant, such as longevity of grandparents, larger hat size, and greater height, but some criticism by Harry Warner cast doubt on their validity. Poll-questions are usually of three types: opinions on top fans and pros, authors, artists or editors; best-remembered fantascene, etc; opinions on religion, politics, ktp; and personal data like age, national extraction, and introvert characteristics. Another type of poll is that which is taken (usually on a loose poll sheet folded in with the fanzine) in determining reader reaction to material in the issue. Results are given in the following issue. Sometimes other questions are asked, such as "What story in aSF during the past 12 months would you like to see a sequel to?" or "Do you think it is a proud and lonely thing to be a fan?" The gremlins of polls are several. Worst is the jerk who receives a postcard to answer on and doesn't do anything about it; these usually run around 50% of the total coverage. Another offender is the guy who won't give a straight answer to the question, but thinks the card is better used for wise cracks, which are appreciated not. And there is the problem of getting a representative sample of fans. The Poll Cat did best at this when his requests and reports were appearing in many different subscription fanzines, but even he had trouble with a lot of fans from a given locality ganging up and sending in votes for the leading fan in their puddle as being top fan of the world, etc. Other polls have had even worse luck in this regard. Even if the fanzine they are circulated with cuts a good cross-section of fandom, the replies are likely to be weighted toward the writers, etc, appearing in that fanzine, because it is in the replier's mind when he answers, and the colossal fanzine which appeared a month ago, and convention and club activities, are more dimly remembered. There is also a tendency to vote the polltaker higher among the top fans than would be done on somebody else's poll, which led Widner modestly to leave himself entirely out in reporting results. PONG The surname given such Tuckerish pen-names as John W Pong jr, Horatio Alger Pong, Lord Ponge-Ponge [a bit of an oddball] usw, altho according to some who should know the first name rather'n the last is the family name among Chinese, so that if these characters are related to the famous Hoy Ping Pong they should all be Hoys. Hoy Ping Pong himself, "the Chinese Buck Rogers", originally had a personality all his own, but eventually just became a pename for Bob Tucker writing humorous articles. POO (1) It's mightier than the Yobber. (2) A hairy phallic symbol man, representing Andy Young and his Electric Beard. POSTMAILING (Speer) For reasons of timeliness, rush to satisfy activity credits, or philoprogenitive rationalization, fans sometimes don't want to wait till the next regular mailing of an APA to distribute their fanzine to the membership. It may then be distributed as individual mailed copies, the distributor bearing the cost and the responsibility of seeing to it that all members get a copy. OMPA and FAPA allow normal credit when this is done; SAPS doesn't. Despite some objections, publications sent out as postmailings are considered part of the preceding official mailing for purposes of tabulation. A few fans have declared their zines "premailings" to a forthcoming mailing, but tho the original meaning of "postmailing" allowed this, FAPA at least no longer recognizes anything as a "pre-mailing"; implication being that "post" has come to mean method and not time of distribution. POTRZEBIE ("poTREBZyeh") Word popularized by Mad Comics, in which it is used for any convenient part of speech and some that wouldn't occur to the unimaginative. It's actually a Polish word which in negative construction has the sense of "desire"; non-potrzebie, for instance, means unwanted. PREDICTED ISSUE OF ASF In the November 1948 Brass Tacks Richard Hoen wrote in reviewing the November 1949 issue, which he praised. It had, he claimed, featured material by Heinlein, vanVogt, delRey, Sturgeon, deCamp, Willy Ley, RS Richardson... He was slightly struck with erstaunt when a reporter from TIME called on him a year later and asked whether he'd written a letter to aSF. Not till thus nudged did it dawn on him that the November aSF had material by Heinlein, vanVogt, delRey, Sturgeon, deCamp... JWC had hinted at something special for the November ish, and Sam Moskowitz covered himself with glory by deducing just what it was going to be. For the benefit of ambitious readers JWC remarked that others need not try; it was fun once, but once was enough. PRESIDENT The guy who's responsible for an organization. If activity slumps, blame the president. If things go wrong, he must fix them, provided volunteer vigilantes don't beat him to it. The constitution of FAPA specifically gives the president all necessary powers to deal with situations not otherwise covered by the constitution; especially to prevent another interregnum. While few functions are specifically delegated to a president, he has considerable influence on an organization, by his power to appoint officials, by recommendations made in line with his responsibility, and by speaking for the organization to fandom as a whole or to the general public. PRINTING Such fanzines as are printed are more often than not hand-set; a certain number of periodical ones -- notably Bill Danner's STEFANTASY -- use this unquestionably prestigious means of reproduction, but nowadays it's more commonly found in small items of one-shot type either as a novelty or for items of more than common interest. Rubber stamp sets are usually excluded from the term "printing". PROJECT: EAST MEETS WEST A moneyraising campaign to finance the trip of Japanese fan Tetsu Yano from LA to the PhilCon II. Tetsu arrived in the USA on May 14, 1953, and was guest of the Ackermans during his stay. Ack and the con committee also footed most of the bill for the trip. PROJECT FAN CLUB An activity started by Orville K Mosher late in 1951. The original aim of the group, which had the assistance of Shelby Vick, Nan Gerding, Dick Clarkson, and others, was to collect and publish information about how to form a fanclub. Mosher circulated a number of questionnaires to various fanclubs. The group collected information about most of the existing fan clubs, local, national, and international, and published a list (which you are advised to obtain iff'n you want more information than we can give you about clubs). PFc also helped round up material for the auction at the ManCon of 1952, and helped other clubs, it's said, in other ways. PRO Professional. Commercially pub- Behold the Pro in all his glory! lished fantasy magazines and the He's dreaming up a new stf story people who write or draw for them. Art Which writ, he'll send off to NY Rapp wants to eliminate confusion by For some rich publisher to buy. the practice, which we follow in this After the sale, I rather fear, volume, of using "pros" for people and He'll turn his profits into bheer, "proz" for publications. Whether spe- Proving his appetites the same cialist booksellers should be included As theirs from whom the money came. or not is disputed; "No," says Bob Bloch, "they are filthy hucksters", but "Yes," says Big Hearted Howard Devare, "and be sure you spell my name right". Joy Clarke informs that Anglofans include booksellers with other pros. Bob Tucker observes sourly: "These people are often called 'filthy pros' and 'dirty old pros' [or 'vile pros -- because that's what they write'] because they are supposedly rich, and because it is whispered that they will stoop to any trick to do wrong to the innocent fan. The majority of them are as much fans as anyone; many are older fen who turned to writing for fun and profit [including Bob himself]. They are both despised as parasites and fawned on as minor tin ghods. And those fans who are loudest in censure are often just those who try hardest to sell fiction and thus become pros." Joy Clarke explains that the dividing line in Anglofandom is not marked because many British pro-authors have emerged from the fan groups, British fandom is sufficiently close-knit for everybody to know the pros and pro-fans before they turned pro, and it's therefore hard to consider Ted Tubb, Ken Bulmer, Arthur Clarke, Sam Youd and the like as anything but fans selling to the prozines. In practice most of the fan-pro prejudice Tucker remarks is turned against those their own sections of stfdom admit to be obnoxious -- 7th Fandom and the other Beanie Brigadiers and the less scrupulous or more conceited professionals. Sometimes seen is "prodom" for the field of professional scientifictionists; the word is a mere analogy with "fandom", since the pros are not so selfconscious, vocal, or organized. Prozines for pros to appear in have multiplied from the old days of the Big Three to peaks in 1940, 1951-2, and 1956-8. In an IPO Poll taken near its inception, the flood of new proz was disapproved 18:5, so there mustn't have been much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth when the growth-curve turned downwards. (Reasons for such ups & downs much debated.) The 1951-2 peak, and following slump, were also regarded with a good deal of equanimity, but the depression of 1958-9 was intense enough to create audible alarm and despondency over the future of the field and, therewith, fandom's prospects for recruiting. Disapproval of new proz is mainly because, with some exceptions, they print even trashier material than the older ones, and fans aren't interested in reading it themselves and certainly don't want other people to read it and sneer at stf. Quite a few long-time fans have at times completely given up reading the proz thru disgust, or preoccupation with fan and other activities. The course of fan history has varied from close to slight connection with the proz, and the wish has often been expressed that we could get along without using them as a recruiting medium. This is principally a fanationalistic manifestation, however; the average stfnist eats up good stfantasy, has an exaggerated idea of its literary merit, and will leap to defend it against detractors. PROXYBOO LTD The fabulous (very) organization, operated by Walt Willis, which features fan activity by proxy. For a small fee any fan's crifanac is taken over and performed by Proxyboo's highly trained experts. There is a similar organization, Vernon McCain Inc, which does the same type of work and handles the activity for both fans and pros with the initials RB. PROXYCLAVE The third Disclave; a conclave conducted along the same lines, with pros sending in talks to be read by club members. PSD Pretty Scientist's Daughter, symbol of stock characters in hackish stf. PSEUDO-CAMPBELL (Boggs) It is hard to say whether aesthetic or fanationalistic considerations moved Redd Boggs to denounce this sort of fan editor. The pseudo-Campbell is a wittold who spreads his subzine's price on the cover, decorates the thing with blurbs on the contents, tries to strike a balance between articles and fiction, and otherwise sets himself to produce a fanzine which is simply an imitation of a prozine, rather than a proper specimen of an amateur publication. Fanzines, after all, are intended for a rather small and well-defined group, not an anonymous mass; imitation of the proz (except satirically) violates artistic integrity aesthetically and from the fanationalistic point of view merely gives us an attempt at something the prozines do far better, and with four-color covers to boot. PSEUDOSCIENCE "Scientific" explanations which actually clash with accepted scientific beliefs and findings, but by glossing-over are made to pass for plausibility in the, uh, minds of Palmer's readers, Scientologists and other children. The use of the word to describe science-fiction in general is fiercely fought by lovers of the literature. PSEUICIDE also called pseudocide and some unprintable things. Early in 1941 Earl Singleton's room-mate made known that ES had committed suicide. Singleton had become a leading figure since the ChiCon, and the news was a great shock. Many poems and issues of fanzines were dedicated to him, and considerable debate about the ethics of suicide took place. It was whispered in some places that a girl had been involved, and the Futurians never did stop wondering why he did it. Several months later, various fans began to notice phoney things about the circumstances; for instance, Earl's parents had come up from Texas and taken away his remains within a day of his death. Widner, who was on the scene, investigated, and the word spread that it was a hoax. After that researchers turned their attention to finding out who'd been in on it from the beginning, chief curiosity centering around Trudy Kuslan. That fall Singleton, who was reported to be working for the government in Washington, visited Warner in Hagerstown, giving as his name the name of a Washington room-mate, and subscribed to SPACEWAYS. Warner mentioned the visit and his suspicions to Speer, and Juffus tracked the zombie to its lair. No other fen saw Singleton after the pseuicide, tho Widner received an engagement announcement, and it has never been learned just why he pulled the hoax. PSFS The Philadelphia SF Society, founded by Rothman as a chapter of the SFL in 1934. Other members have been fans like Ossie Train, Bob Madle, Baltadonis, Agnew, Rusty Hevelin, ktp, or pros like George O Smith, Sol Levin, deCamp, Ley, Alex Phillips and others. The PSFS has been a branch of the SFL, ISA, and Science Fictioneers, and sponsored two worldcons ('47 and '53) in addition to annual PhilCos. In the war years the club became almost dormant, but even when most of its members were in the armed forces a PSFS News would drop into the mailbox at unexpected times. Ossie Train seems to have done most to keep it going during, and revive it after, this period. PSI The things they study in the field of parapsychology; telepathy, ESP, precognition, telekinetics, and allied mental phenomena. Some call it psychophysics. PSYCHOANALYSES Therapeutic treatment for upset mental conditions. But the word was misused by Speer and Rothman for expositions of their own psychologies, of the sort later called autoanalyses. Indeed, it has a vague applicability here; "talking it out" actually does have value in reducing tension and getting perspective on oneself, as confessors and suchlike amateur healers have long known. The Futurians say that various of their number have visited professional psychiatrists at times and caused the psychiatrists to seek long vacations. PUBLICITY The principal avenue for fandom to be presented to the general public has been the stf prozines. Because of the necessity for keeping new recruits coming in, fandom has been eager to get publicity, but gagged at most of the mundane notices such as the infamous TIME writeup of the 1939 convention, or the Toronto newspapers' reports of the Torcon, which make us out to be a lot of kids avidly interested in that crazy Buck Rogers stuff. Notices have been secured in various local papers when conventions were being held, and a few mentions of local club meetings have appeared in minor journals -- almost invariably with some inaccuracies. Posters have been put in windows announcing conventions; banners strung around the hall and fans parading down the street in costume have attracted notice of passers-by, tho many feel that such things only serve to confirm the misimpression given by Time-style writeups. One of the duties consistently allotted to general fan organizations when they've been planned is handling of public relations. PUBLISHING Because many fanzines print anything they receive, and alteration of the writer's wording is frowned upon, the "editor" of fanzines sometimes has little function aside from publishing. In some cases, too, fans with mimeos do part of the mechanical work for those less favored. And in cooperatives like the LASFS the ed may even have other fans cutting stencil for him. In such cases, the work of the mere "editor" approaches vanishing point, so it is customary, in fandom, to give credit to whoever does the dirty work by speaking of "publishers" as well as, or instead of, "editors" of fmz. PUBLISHING GIANTS (Burbee:Berkeley) Carr, Ellik, and to a degree Graham and Rike, from the vast fanzine output of the Berkeley Bhoys in the late 50s. The phrase was popularized by FANAC, which used it as a gagline; later it was applied to other large-volume publishers like the CRY crowd, Ted White, etc. PUBLISHING HOUSE In fandom, a person or group with a distinctive name followed by "Publications", "Press", or some explicit or tacit equivalent. Frequently it designates the publications of only one person; occasionally of a group of friends; and sometimes of diverse persons scattered over the country. In the latter case it may or may not indicate that the members assist each other and confer on policy and practices. Publishing house names in fandom not noted elsewhere in this work include such as Choctaw Publications; Green Jester Publications; Operation Crifanac; the Moonrakers; Rose & Hawk Press; dyktawo pubs; Vulcan Publications; Neoteric- Redlance Publications; je m'en fiche publications; Operation Voldesfan; Hashish House; Weltschmertz Publications; and Starflame Publications. Hiding behind these designations are Dan McPhail; Harold Gottliffe of the Leeds SFL; Dick Eney; Shroyer, Mooney, Hodgkins, Kuttner, Barnes, and Yerke; Bill Rotsler; Ackerman before and just after being drafted in World War II; Bob Tucker and Sully Roberds; Bob Stein and Redd Boggs; Jean Young; Karen Anderson; the Berkeley Bhoys; Bill Evans; and Gregg Calkins. But this barely scratches the surface of the mass awaiting tabulation. PUN A type of wit to which fans are much addicted, despite denunciations of them as the lowest form of humor. (Dean Grennell has ably defended them, pointing out that repetition-humor like gaglines deserves to be considered lowest.) Shakespeare used the things with effect and fans with the proper mental outlook (awareness of multiple-meanings and homonyms, and a sort of whimsy which its possessors like to consider mental agility) delight in their creation and utterance; the verbal orientation and wide vocabulary most fans pride themselves on obviously predispose to this type of cleverness. When double-inversion can be implied they aren't at all bad, tho often farfetched puns are published or spoken deliberately to draw moans of anguish from the audience. That's a purpose in pun-warfare such as the Paper Moon and Horse of Another Color battles begun by Dean Grennell; he challenged Bob Bloch with a parody of the stave of a pop song which goes: "It's only a paper moon / Sailing over a cardboard sea..." DAG substituted "Berber moon / Sailing over a Moslem sea...", Bloch replied with "pauper moon / Sailing over a bankruptcy" and the war was on. Other fans joined in later. Gags in the forms of puns on "That's a horse of another color" were exchanged in correspondence between DAG and Dick Eney, who mentioned them to their correspondents. Several dozen fen (it appeared at the time) were drawn into the fray, which seemed at the point of obsessing a large fraction of actifandom in early 1955 and reached horrid heights when Sir Winston Churchill joined in in the course of a political speech. Eventually Eney published three solid pages of the things in SAPS and FAPA and peace was restored, tho another exchange took place when the principal criminals met in person at the Eastercon. PURIST (1) A duck that insists on observing all the old rules of grammar -- word-use, spelling, syntax, punctuation, capitalization, ktp. (2) One who specializes in the fanac connected with one specific type of stf or fantasy, which heesh often considers "true" stf/fsy. PURPLE The noble color of the hekto has long been a symbol of Ghu, says Bill Evans, and the outward and visible sign of the inward and spiritual grace, such as it is, of his devotees are the purple badges of honor on their hands. Royal Purple is the color of one faction of the Fooists but the hue is generally understood to appertain solely to Ghuism. Ghu's hands are purple, as also are the souls of his worshippers -- whether the latter is due to the former is uncertain. Says Wollheim: "Once acknowledge Ghughuism, and you will be saved, even tho you spend the rest of your life... putting up all sorts of anti-ghods. For your soul knows, and nothing, I repeat, NOTHING your fallible brain may do thereafter, can erase the purple tinge of truth from your soul... at the very sight of Ghughuism, no matter how unfavorably portrayed, the soul cries out in recognition and leaps to embrace and be embraced by Ghughu. Purple is the soul of all those you contact about Ghughuism. Purple-souled Morojo, purple-souled Pogo..." Speer comments that the FooFooist remedy for all this is to remove the soul in case it becomes troublesome, tho those who may carry purple-soiled souls around with them, he reports, do not find that these hinder them in any way from being foo-blue FooFooists, and despising and spitting on Ghughuism and all its advocacy, "which certainly marks them as different from the depraved creatures who wear Ghughuist titles". Rothman adds: "Since this manuscript has been read by Wollheim, the Ghu, and Rothman, Archbishop of Philadelphia, and the Blessing of Ghu put upon it, all those who read this in future will have their souls dyed purple, and will be immune to the depraved propaganda written above by fOO-ball Speer." The source of this quaint theological aberration probably lies in the general use of the hekto in fan publishing at the time the Ghuist cult arose. Eney, as Archbishop of Washington for Roscoe, has expressed the feeling that anyone who has ever used a hekto has -- whatever his public pronouncements -- seen the essential falsity of the Ghuist religion. But eminent Rosconian theologians have held that Ghuists will be saved despite invincible ignorance. So, for that matter, will Fooists. Come to think of it, so will Rosconians.
Updated January 8, 1999. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.