Beanie - The traditional headgear of the stf fan is the propellor
beanie, actually largely a symbol for the convenience of
Bem - The stock stf character, the bug-eyed monster.
Blog - Mythical drink of fans; any potable consisting of an
incredible mismatch of ingredients.
BNF - Big Name Fan. One of importance and influence in fandom;
well-known and with a solid reputation. Note also
WKF - well-known fan.
BRE - British Reprint Edition (of a U. S. prozine.)
BSFA - British Science Fiction Association, a service and
recruiting organization for Anglofandom.
Burned out - Synonym for gafia, brought on when a fan takes on
more obligations than he can or wants to handle, and withdraws from
Canfan - Canadian fan, generally integrated with U. S. fandom.
CFG - Cincinnati Fantasy Group, sponsors of 1949 Cinvention and
later Midwestcons.
CFS - Colorado Fantasy Society, Denver club sponsors of 1941
Chiac - Chicago fandom, consisting of the Chicago SF League, and
the U of Chicago SF Club.
CoA - Change of address. Notice placed in fmz that has wide
Collate - To assemble fanzine pages, readying them for stapling.
Collector - Collects stf, fantasy, or some branch of either.
Completist attempts to get everything, usually in a limited field.
Combozine - Group of fanzines bound together, usually published
especially for distribution at a convention.
Comics fandom - A sizeable portion of sf fandom has nostalgic
interest in stf and other comic books.
Con - Short for convention (meaning the annual Worldcon or the
British National Convention) and also short for regional conferences
and conclaves.
Con Committee - A group of fans who put on a convention. Includes
chairman, secretary, treasurer and other officers, and is formed anew
for each convention, usually from members of the sponsoring club.
Con report - An informal article written by a fan, telling about
a convention, including both program and personal adventures.
Corflu - Correction fluid (or obliterine) for correcting mistakes
on mimeo stencils.
CRAP - Cruddily Reproduced Amateur Press, originally Carbon
Reproduced Amateur Press, a now defunct apa.
Credit - In an apa, the amount of pages needed to fulfill
activity requirements. Also, the name most authors use to replace
"Dollar" in stories of the future.
Croggled - Astounded, amused.
Crottled Greeps - Mythical food served to fans, unimaginably
horrible. If you don't want them, don't order them.
Crud - Worthless or undesirable material in fanzines.
Crudzines are whole fanzines of it.
The Cult - An apa, of unusual structure. 13 members take part
through publication of an official organ, THE FANTASY ROTATOR, by
each member in turn.
Cut - To type a stencil.
Deadline - In an apa, the time after which no material is
accepted for a given mailing. Few fanzines outside the apas observe
rigid schedules requiring deadlines.
Deadwood - Members of apas or other organizations who are not
sufficiently active to be useful to the membership.
Dean Drive - Mysterious invention of Norman Dean, touted as a
space drive by John Campbell in
Director - In N3F, one of five on the Board of Directors (The
Directorate). In LASFS, a position equivalent to President.
(Originally, LASFS was a chapter of the Science Fiction League. Each
Director lead his own chapter.)
Disclave - Conclave held in Washington, D.C., each May.
Ditto - Dittograph, spirit duplicating process.
DNP, DNQ - Do not print; Do not quote: formal prohibitions of
publishing, quoting, or otherwise passing on of information in letter
or conversation.
Duper - Duplicating machine.
Eastercon - The British National Convention held at Easter
(sometimes at Whitsun) each year in England. In 1961 it was the
LXICon in Gloucester.
Egoboo - That which boosts the ego, such as favorable comment on
one's fanac.
Egobuck - Minor LASFS award for services to the club.
ERB - Edgar Rice Burroughs. ERBdom includes the Burroughs
Bibliofiles and other followers of Tarzan and John Carter.
ESFA - Eastern Science Fiction Association, a Newark, N. J. area
fan club.
ESP - Extra-sensory perception, such as telepathy and
clairvoyance. Also known as psi.
Faaan - Fan who is interested more in fans and fandom than in stf.
Fafia - Forced away from it all. A form of gafia where mundane
considerations draw one from fanac.
Fan - Here means science fiction fan. What exactly constitutes a
fan is too deep to go into here. The different kinds of fans, such as
fanzine fan and convention fan are self-explanatory, while trufan and
fakefan are too subjective to be easily defined.
Fanac - Fan activity.
Fan club - Here means stf fan club, of course. All are not listed
here, this handbook only giving explanations of initials and names
you may run across.
Fandom - The group as a whole, the fans and the pros who are in
contact with one another, an empire of vast boundaries and small
population. Fandom here always means science fiction and fantasy
fandom; there are other fandoms and hobbies, but we say
"fandom" as we say "the sun" and "the
Faned - Fanzine editor
Fan Fiction - Fiction written by fans; either amateur stf, or
fiction about fans and fandom.
Fannish - Characteristic of, or pertaining to, fans or fandom.
Fanoclasts - New York City fan club.
Fanquet - LASFS annual banquet for members who have made their
first pro sale. Those who have been honored since its inception in
1949 include E. Everett Evans, Len Moffatt, Mel Hunter, and Ed
Fantasy - A branch of literature. See
Fiction for a comparative definition.
Fantasy Foundation - Plan for maintaining a permanent collection
of stf and fantasy for purposes of preservation and/or circulation.
Fanzine - Fan magazine. Term has largely replaced the older
Fanzine Clearing House - Seth Johnson's program for collecting
surplus fanzines and distributing them in bundles to neofans; he
works as a semi-official bureau of the N3F.
Fanzine Foundation - Plan for accumulation of fanzines for research.
FAPA - Fantasy Amateur Press Association, the oldest of the fan apas.
Faunch - Yearn.
Feghoot - Elaborate pun, originated by Grendel Briarton (Reginald
Femmefan - Female fan, sometimes
Fen - Plural of fan, though it hasn't replaced "fans"
in usage.
Feud - Disagreement between fans leading mostly to bitter words
and temporary loss of each other's friendship. Seldom serious.
FIAWOL, FIJAGH - Fandom is a way of life, or Fandom is just a
Goddam hobby, depending on your point of view.
Filk song - Fannish folk song, often a parody of a mundane folk song.
First Fandom - A club restricted to fans active before 1938.
Flying Saucers - Most stf fans don't "believe" in
flying saucers, consider them nonexistent or an unexplained
phenomenon. There is a Flying Saucer Fandom, but this is not it.
FMoF -
Filmland, Ackerman's magazine. There is a monster fandom, too.
Fmz - Fan magazine.
Focal point - a fanzine which has attracted active fans and
becomes a center of interest.
FotR - Fellowship of the Ring, fanclub for devotees of J. R. R.
Fringe fan - A fan of stf who does not take active part in fanac,
remaining on the fringes.
Fugghead - Stupid person, maker of asinine statements.
Gafia - Getting away from it all. Dropping of all fanac,
temporarily or permanently.
Gafiate - Leave fandom (from "gafia")
General fandom - Term used to designate fandom outside of the
apas, or can be applied to fandom outside of any small portion of it.
Genzine - Fanzine available to general fandom as opposed to
apazine. Also, fanzine of general interest.
Gerfandom - A large stf fandom exists in Germany and Austria.
Some of its clubs are Eurotopia (a federation of continental sf
clubs), SFCD (SF Club Deutschland), Stellaris, and ISFS
(International SF Society).
GGFS - Golden Gate Futurian Society, San Francisco Bay area fan club.
Ghods - Of fannish (joke) religions. Some fans atheistically
disbelieve in Ghu, Foo or Roscoe.
GoH - Guest of Honor at a convention. Usually the major speaker
at banquet-time.
Goshwow - Enthusiastic. The traditional cry of enthusiastic neofen is
Grotch - To complain;
-ed, to be irritated.
HC - Hard cover book.
Heesh - He or she, as the case may be.
Hekto - Hectograph, a primitive method of reproduction, now
largely replaced by mimeo and ditto.
Hieronymus Machine - Campbell's gadgetized ouija board to
demonstrate psionic powers. Hieronymus was the middle name of Baron
Hoax - Some misguided fans have perpetrated hoaxes upon fandom,
some of them harmless. A phony fan is considered more devious than
use of a pseudonym, and death hoaxes or other harm causing practical
jokes are taboo.
Hobbies - Hobbies abound within stf fandom, ranging from stamp
collecting to nuclear physics. Think of a hobby or interest and it's
Huckster - A dealer in prozines and other stf material for profit.
Hugo Awards - Presented at annual conventions for achievement in
six s-f fields during the past year. 9" rocketships on trophy
bases are awarded for excellence in the novel, the novelette or short
story, the professional magazine, drama, artist and fanzine. (Named
for Hugo Gernsback.
Hyborian Legion - Club for fans of Conan and other fantasy heroes.
Amra is the club fmz.
IES - Interplanetary Exploration Society, a science &
philosophy discussion group, started by Campbell but not connected
IF - Irish Fandom, a small group of active fans in Belfast,
Northern Ireland.
Illo - Illustration.
illo is the original drawing of a published illustration.
The Immortal Storm - Title of Sam Moskowitz' history of the early
days of fandom before the Second World War.
Insurgent - Actifan rebelling against serious-constructiveness,
sometimes one opposed to any kind of organization.
Interlineation, or Lino - Sentence irrelevant to the surrounding
text, set off from it by bordering lines of hyphens.
IPSO - International Publishers' Speculative Organization, an apa.
ISFA - Indiana Science Fiction Association, a fan club in
ISFCC - Int'l S F Correspondence Club.
Ish - Issue (of magazine). From this you can derive thish (this
issue), nextish, lastish, annish and Wilish (special issue by or for
Walt Willis).
Justified margins - Even right-hand margins on typed copy, made possible by skipping a few spaces here and there in the line. Like this.
KtSF - Knight of St. Fantony. Honor conferred by Cheltenham (England) group, with fannish ceremony. (There are also Ladies and Squires of St. Fantony.)
Lacktivity - Lack of activity, causing expulsion from an apa.
LASFS - Los Angeles Science-Fantasy Society, LA area fan club,
since 1934.
Lettercol - Letter column, either in a fanzine or a prozine.
Lettering guide - Hard plastic stencil used to letter titles.
Letter-substitute - Duplicated sheet sent out to correspondents
as a substitute for letters owed by a busy fan. (Beware -- the giant
100-plus page
Habakkuk started this way.)
Letterzine - Fanzine consisting entirely of letters from readers.
LiG - Liverpool Group, a semi-stf club in England. Formerly
LaSFaS, the Liverpool SF Socy.
Little Men - The Elves', Gnomes' and Little Men's Science
Fiction, Chowder, and Marching Society, San Francisco Bay area fan
club. The comic strip "Barnaby" is the source of title.
LoC - Letter of comment, on an issue of a fanzine, sometimes in
lieu of subscription or trade.
Logo - The title layout of a magazine cover or masthead.
Lovecraft Mythos - Fictional references created by H. P.
Lovecraft, such as the non-existent
Necronomicon of Abdul Alhazred.
Lunarians - New York Science Fiction Society, NY City area fan
club; sponsors Lunacons.
MaD Productions - Amateur movie-making group in Liverpool,
England. (MaD stands for Mersey and Deeside.)
Mailing - Apa bundle mailed out by O.E. containing one each of
contributing members' fmz.
Mailing comments (mc's) - Comments on the previous mailing in an
Mainstream, or mundane fiction - Any fiction that is not stf or
fantasy. See
science fiction for comparative definition.
Manuscript Bureau - N3F service for distributing material to
fanzine editors on receipt from contributors.
Master - Original ditto or multilith sheet, equivalent to mimeo
Mercer's Day - The 31st of April. Named for British fan who once
set an OMPA deadline for this date.
Midwestcon - Conference held annually in Cincinnati, Ohio, the
last weekend of June.
Mimeo - Mimeograph. A dry-stencil duplicating process.
Mlg. - Mailing.
MSFS - Michigan Science Fantasy Society, a Detroit fan club;
Mundane - Non-fannish, pertaining to the outside world.
The Nameless Ones - The Seattle Science Fiction Society, sponsors
of 1961 Seacon.
N'APA - The Neffer Amateur Press Alliance, the N3F''s apa.
Natter - Idle chatter, especially in a fanzine editorial. From
English dialect "gnatter".
Neffer - Member of the N3F.
Neofan, Neo - New fan, usually only such for a few months.
Nonstoparagraphing - Dropping down a line at the end of a
sentence to start new paragraph, saving space and time.
Numerical fandoms - Theory that the history of fandom can be
split into eras, beginning with First Fandom in the thirties, down to
currently Seventh or Ninth or whathaveyou. Disagreement and ridicule
have brought the whole idea into disrepute. Self-proclaimed
"Seventh Fandom" helped discredit it c. 1953.
OA - Official Arbiter, the sole officer of the Cult; decides
disputed points.
OE - Official Editor. Publisher of an official organ. In apas,
also collects and sends out the mailing.
AE is OMPA's Association Editor.
OMPA - Off-Trail Magazine Publishers' Association, an apa,
originally all British.
One-shot - A fanzine produced by a group at a single session; or
any fanzine intended to have one issue only; not periodical.
OO - Official organ (fanzine) of a club or apa.
Other fandoms - Stf fandom is thought to be unique among hobbies.
In a way, it is; however there are any number of other groups that
may be called "fandoms", such as Rail fandom, Coin fandom,
and Circus fandom. The most similar to our microcosm are the mystery
fans and the Sherlock Holmes fans in particular.
PAS - Project Art Show; organizes fan art exhibitions at conventions.
pb - Paperback, or pocket book.
Philcon - Annual conference in Philadelphia; also, the 1947 &
1953 World conventions there.
Plonker - Toy gun which shoots rubber tipped darts (plonks). If
not entirely harmless, less damaging than a water pistol.
Ploy - A maneuver to outwit or one-up other fans; usually less
complicated and more good-humored than a hoax, but there's no sharp
Poctsacrd - Humorous misspelling of postcard, originated as a typo.
Polls - Fans are constantly sending out opinion or merit polls
and questionnaires, and sometimes publish results. The FANAC and
SKYRACK polls are the chief fanzine polls in the U.S. and Britain in
recent years. Merit polls within apas include the Egoboo Poll (FAPA)
and Pillar Poll (SAPS).
Postmailing - Apazine mailed out separately from regular Official
Editor's bundle.
Pro - Professional writer, artist, editor, agent, or publisher.
Professional Challenger Society - Club for fans of both Doyle and sf.
Prozine - Professional stf or fantasy magazine.
PSFA - Pittsburgh S-F Association, put on the 1960 Pittcon.
PSFS - Philadelphia S-F Society, puts on annual Philcons. Second
oldest fan club.
Psi - The field of mental phenomena, run into the ground by John
W. Campbell.
Pub - To publish.
Pubber - Publisher.
Pun Fund - LASFS system of fining perpetrators of vile puns as a
Quasi-quotes - Quote marks with hyphens, indicating the quote is
only the substance of a statement, not the exact words.
" .........
Quote cards - Small cards sent with letters, containing some
witty or unusual saying, to be signed and passed on.
RAILS - Rochester Area Imaginative Literature Society. Fan club
in Rochester, N.Y.
Ratings - In fanzine reviews, ratings are often from 1 to 10,
with 10 high.
Real Soon Now - Fannish promise of imminent activity, now has
meaning of "far in the future." Capitals denote sarcasm.
Repro - Quality of reproduction or printing in a fanzine.
Rider - Small fanzine mailed out along with another fanzine.
Rocket societies - Once closely connected with stf (as was their
subject) and stf fans helped form some of them. The American Rocket
Soc'y (ARS) was once the American Interplanetary Society. The
original German group, Verein für Raumschiffahrt (VfR -- Society
for Space Travel), The British Interplanetary Soc'y (BIS), & the
Pacific Rockety Soc'y (PRS) have or had links with stfandom through
mutual members.
Rotation Plan - Worldcons move each year to a different
geographical area in the U. S. or Canada (East, Midwest, and West),
or overseas.
Round Robin - Story started by one writer, continued and
completed by others. Also applies to letters passed on, added to,
and eventually returned to sender.
Run off - To turn out copies on mimeo or ditto.
SAPS - Spectator Amateur Press Society, an apa.
Science Fiction - The search for a definition of science fiction
has occupied fans' minds for decades; also needed is a way to divide
stf, fantasy and mundane fiction into separate compartments. It
could be that stf and fantasy both have a fantastic element, which
mundane does not; and that stf explains this element, which fantasy
does not. That's my definition anyway; what's yours?
Sci-fi - Abbreviation for science-fiction.
Sense of wonder - Feeling which stf should inspire in readers,
but often doesn't.
Sercon - Serious and constructive. The term is now of doubtful
meaning, and may or may not be derogatory in context. British say
SF, s-f - Science fiction.
SFCol - The Science Fiction Club of London.
SFG - Southern Fandom Group, a regional club.
Shading plate - Rough surface used to make patterned dots or
lines, used in stencilling artwork.
Shadow FAPA mailing - FAPA waiting-listers' combozine.
Shaggy - Nickname for
Shangri-L'Affaires, LASFS fanzine. Many fanzines acquire
nicknames but most are easily recognizable as a shortened form of the
original name.
Shaver Mystery - a fake cosmogony centering on a series of
stories by Richard Shaver in
Amazing just after WWII, publicized as truth by Ray Palmer,
editor. Evil men (deros) living in caves use ray machines to cause
all of the world's troubles. Of historical interest, included here
as an example of occultism on the fringes of stf. Fans are
open-minded (have holes in their heads) and may embrace one phase or
another of crackpottery, even while considering all other kinds to be
non-scientific and unworthy of attention.
Slan shack - House where several fans live. (Fans are slans, you
know.) (From
Slan, a novel of superhuman mutants by van Vogt.)
Slip sheet - A sheet inserted between pages of mimeoed copy just
as they come off the machine, to prevent offset (ink spots).
Space opera - Analogue to "horse-opera" (western), a
stf adventure which deals with action in space instead of the West.
Stencil - In fanzine parlance, always a mimeograph stencil, not
lettering guide or other.
Stencil is to type on a stencil without typer ribbon.
stencil is the fan's equivalent of the 4th Estate's "in the
Stf - Science fiction; abbreviation for scientifiction,
Gernsback's now-obsolete scientificombination. Stf is still current,
= sf.
Stylus - Pointed object used to write or draw on stencil or ditto
TAFF - Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund, to finance trips by British fans
to American conventions and vice-versa; candidates are voted on by
the general body of fandom.
TAWF - Tenth Aniversary Willis Fund, a special fund to transport
Walt and Madeleine Willis to Chicago in 1962.
That crazy Buck Rogers stuff - Science Fiction. The Buck Rogers
comic strip of old was long associated in the public mind with all
stf, in a derogatory sense.
Trade - One fanzine for another, in place of a subscription or
letter of comment.
Typer - Typewriter.
Typo - Typographical error.
UFOs - Unidentified Flying Objects. Flying Saucers.
Unicorn Productions - Amateur movie making group in Los Angeles.
Waiting list - Apas have a fixed membership of from 10 to 65, and
prospective members must wait for someone to drop out before joining.
In the meantime they are placed on a waiting list.
WAW - Walter A. Willis. Use of initials, contractions &
nicknames for fans is widespread. Some established by usage are DAG
(Grennell), MZB (Bradley), TAJ (Johnstone), SaM (Moskowitz), GMC
(Carr), Coswal (Coslet), Agberg (Silverberg), Billern (Ellern), ATom
(Thomson), BJohn (Bjo & John Trimble), Bosh (Shaw), Dikini
(Eney), Scribe JH (Harness), Goon (Berry), Squirrel (Ellik, also
known as Ronel). Forrest J. Ackerman has the largest collection:
4sj, FJA, 4ë, Fojak, Mr. Science Fiction, and others.
Welcommittee - Group of Neffers who contact new members and
introduce them to N3F and fandom.
Westercon - West Coast Science Fantasy Conference, held annually
on the Pacific Coast, the weekend nearest July 4th.
w-l - Waiting list.
Worldcon - World S F Convention, the big one, held each year on
Labor Day. In various cities since 1939, when it was in New York and
called the NYCon. There followed the Chicon (Chicago 1940) and the
Denvention (Denver 1941). The Pacificon (Los Angeles) was planned
for 1942, but due to the war was put off till 1946. In succession
followed the Philcon (Phila. 1947), Torcon (Toronto 1948), Cinvention
(Cincinnati 1949), Norwescon (Portland 1950), Nolacon (New Orleans
1941), Chicon II (Chicago 1952), Philcon II (Phila. 1953), SFCon (San
Francisco 1954), Clevention (Cleveland 1955), NYCon II (New York
1956), Loncon (London 1957), Solacon (Los Angeles 1958), Detention
(Detroit 1959), Pittdon (Pittsburgh 1960), Seacon (Seattle 1961), and
Chicon III (Chicago 1962).
WSFA - Washington Science Fiction Association, Washington D.C.
club, sponsoring Disclaves.
WSFS Inc. - World S F Society, now defunct. It was incorporated
to organize Worldcons.
Yngvi - Used only in the meaningless sentence, "Yngvi is a louse," from de Camp and Pratt's book, The Incomplete Enchanter.
Zap gun - Water pistol or toy ray gun.
Zine - Magazine, fanzine or prozine.
Advent: Publishers - A specialty publishing company run by
Chicago fans, publishing books
about s-f, rather than s-f itself.
Apa F - Weekly apa centered around New York's Fanoclast group,
between July '64 & Oct. '65.
Apa L - A weekly apa centered around Los Angeles' LASFS, active
from Oct. '64 until now.
Apa 45 - An apa, membership in which is limited to fans born in
1945 or thereafter.
BArea - The San Francisco Bay Area: Berkeley, 'Frisco, Oakland,
etc. Its fans are BAreans.
CAPA-alpha - Comicdom's Amateur Press Alliance, an apa for
members of Comic-book Fandom. Its publication is titled KAPPA-alpha,
or K-a.
DisCon - The 21st World S-F Con in Washington, D.C. in 1963.
FISTFA - Faanish & Insurgent Scientifictional Ass'n, a New
York fan club whose biweekly Friday meetings alternate with the
Gerberize - to unintentionally blacken the name of a person one
is trying to defend.
ISL - The Institute for Specialized Literature, a fan-run library
dedicated to preserving periodical and ephemeral literature,
particularly that centered around s-f and s-f fandom.
InterApa - An international apa started in '64.
Multiapan - A member of three or more apas.
Newszine - A fanzine devoted to fannish or s-f professional news,
usually small in size, but very frequent in appearance.
PacifiCon - A World S-F Convention held on the Pacific Coast:
Pacificon I (4th WorldCon) in Los Angeles, 1946; PacifiCon II (22nd
WorldCon) in Oakland, 1964.
SFPA - The Southern Fandom Press Alliance, an apa limited (though
not entirely) to fans living in the Old South.
TAPS - The Terrean Amateur Press Society, a Cult-type apa.
TriCon - The 24th World S-F Convention held in Cleveland in 1966,
so called because of sponsorship from Cincinatti, Cleveland, &
Published by the National Fantasy Fan Federation in cooperation with the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society. Written by Donald Franson; addenda by Al Lewis and Len Bailes. Stencilled and published by Ron Ellik, Al Lewis, Fred Patten, and Len Bailes. Grateful acknowledgement is made to Dick Eney, Art Rapp, and numerous others who have contributed to this digest dictionary of fandom's esoteric slanguage. Additional copies 20¢ each.