Southern Fandom Press Alliance Index

The Southern Fandom Press Alliance, an apa for science fiction fans,
has been in operation since 1961 and so is approaching its 40th anniversary.
It was initially quarterly, and then switched to bi-monthly. I myself have
been a member since 1967, and have a complete set of the mailings.

This ascii file called SFPATOC was created in 2009 by scanning Tables of Content
and OCRing the scans into plaintext with Omnipage. Although the columns do not line
up from page to page, they should display properly as long as the window is wide enough
to avoid wrapping, and the font is fixed-pitch.

Ned Brooks, 4817 Dean Lane, Lilburn GA 30047 - July 2012

 Don Markstein's INDEX BY MAILING of SFPA through mailing 72, originally 
published in SFPA in 1976

The Southern Apa Planning Zine #1 
The Southern Apa Planning Zine #2           Jennings                    7 
The Southern Apa Planning Zine #3           Jennings                    2 

Mailing #1.                                                  September 1961 
 Official Organ of the SFPA #1              Jennings                    4 
 Sporadic #1                                Plott                      11 
 Blob #1                                    Gentry                      7 
 Loquamur                                   Hulan                      10 
 IscarioT #1                                Andrews/Ambrose            22 
 Alabok #1                                  Jennings                   15 
 Binge                                      Padgett                     7 

Mailing #2                                                    December 1961 
 Official Organ of the SFPA #2              Jennings                    4 
 EEk !!! #1                                 Kurman                      6 
 Sporadic #2                                Plott                      10 
 Slaughter Row                              Andrews/Ambrose             4 
 Loki #1                                    Hulan                      18 

Mailing #3                                                      March 1962 
 Official Organ of the SFPA #3              Jennings                    5 
 Sporadic #3                                Plott                       7 
 IscarioT #2                                Andrews/Ambrose            28 
 Phallicy #1                                Armistead                   8 
 Cliffhangers and Others #1                 Norwood                    10 
 Cutworm #2                                 Gentry                     11 
 The Magazine of Rambling #2                Jennings                   13 
 Loki #2                                    Hulan                      28 
 Alabok #2                                  Jennings                   25 

Mailing #4                                                       June 1962 
 Official Organ of the SFPA #4              Jennings                    4 
 EEk!!! #2                                  Kurman                      5 
 Phallicy #2                                Armistead                   6 
 Loki #3                                    Hulan                      25 
 Sporadic #4                                Plott                      11 
 IscarioT #3                                Andrews/Ambrose            22 
 Alabok #3                                  Jennings                   17 

Mailing #5                                                  September 1962 
 The Southerner #5                          Hulan                       4 
 Sporadic #5                                Plott                      16 
 Phallicy #3                                Armistead                   8 
 Cliffhangers and Others #2                 Norwood                    13 
 Loki #4                                    Hulan                      44 
 IscarioT #4                                Andrews/Ambrose            24 

Mailing #6                                                   December 1962 
 The Southerner #6                           Hulan                      4 
 Maelstrom #9                                Plott                     20 
 Phallicy #4                                 Armistead                  6 
 Alabok #4                                   Jennings                  10 
 Loki #5                                     Hulan                     28 
 Canticles from Labowitz #1                  Labowitz                  25 
 IscarioT #5                                 Andrews/Ambrose           27 

Mailing #7                                                      March 1963 
 The Southerner #7                           Hulan                      5 
 ALArums and Excursions                      Hulan/Plott                4 
 Sporadic #6                                 Plott                     13 
 Texzine #1                                  Broyles                    6 
 IscarioT #6-7                               Andrews/Ambrose           25 
 Cliffhangers and Others #3                  Norwood                   17 
 Loki #6                                     Hulan                     32 

Mailing #8                                                       June 1963 
 The Southerner #8                           Hulan                      2 
 Sporadic #7                                 Plott                     13 
 IscarioT #8                                 Andrews/Ambrose           32 
 Pelf #3                                     Hulan (/Locke)            17 
 Canticles from Labowitz #3                  Labovitz                  32

Mailing #9                                                  September 1963 
 The Southerner #9                           Plott                      2 
 dol-drum #1                                 Locke                      9 
 Sporadic #8                                 Plott                     12 
 Stranger Than Fact #1                       Harkness                  33 
 Stranger Than Fact #2                       Harkness                  20 
 Outre #1                                    McDaniel                  17 
 Wormfarm #1                                 Gibson                     6 
 Cliffhangers and Others #4                  Norwood                    6 
 IscarioT #9                                 Andrews/Ambrose           28 
 Spectre #1                                  Montgomery                 9 
 Canticles from Labovitz #4                  Labowitz                  16 

Mailing #10                                                  December 1963 
 The Southerner #10                          Plott                      2 
 Stranger Than Fact #3                       Harkness                  23 
 Warlock #2                                  Montgomery                 9 
 Outre #2                                    McDaniel                   7 
 Scimitar #1                                 Proctor                    9 
 To Save a Membership                        Hulan                      7 
 Sporadic #9                                 Plott                     18 
 Cliffhangers and Others #5                  Norwood                    7 
 IscarioT #10                                Andrews/Ambrose           16 

Mailing #11                                                     March 1964 
 The Southerner #11                          Plott                      2 
 Warlock #3                                  Montgomery                15 
 dol-drum #2                                 Locke                     10 
 Stranger Than Fact #4                       Harkness                  22 
 The Invader #2                              Staton                    11 
 Nemesis #1                                  Katz                       6 
 The Invader #1                              Staton                    10 
 IscarioT #11                                Andrews/Ambrose           28 
 Zaje Zaculo #1                              Bailes                     1 
 Sporadic #10                                Plott                      7 

Mailing #12                                                      June 1964 
 The Southern #12                            Plott                      2 
 dol-drum #3                                 Locke                      8 
 Wormfarm #3                                 Gibson                     8 
 Srith #1                                    Gibson                     2 
 Zaje Zaculo #2                              Bailes                     6 
 Warlock #4                                  Montgomery                20 
 The Invader #3                              Staton                    11 
 Sporadic #11                                Plott                     21 
 IscarioT #12                                Andrews/Ambrose           17 
 JD-Argosy #60                               Hickman                   36 
 The Huckleberry Finnzine #1                 Hickman                    6 
 The Huckleberry Finnzine #24                Hickman                   10 
 The SFPA 1964 Egoboo Poll Results           Plott                      2 
 And if I Am Elected                         Staton                     1 
 Mauling Comments                            Harkness                   4

Mailing #13                                                 September 1964 
 The Southerner #13                          Staton2                    2 
 Phoenix #9                                  Locke                     22 
 dol-drum #4                                 Locke                     12 
 Endless Shadow #1                           Mitchell                   5 
 Manndate #1                                 Mann                      10 
 Nothing #1                                  Mann                       2 
 Excalibur #7                                Katz/Bailes               37 
 Excalibur #8                                Bailes/Katz               27 
 Such and Such #1                            Luttrell                   2 
 Zaje Zaculo #3                              Bailess                    7 
 Invader #4                                  Staton                    13 
 DamnYankee #2                               Katz                       8 
 DamnYankee #3                               Katz                       4 
 Cliffhangers and Others #6                  Norwood                    9 
 Constitution of the SFPA                    Staton                     2 
 Utgard #2                                   Hulan                     11 
 Warlock #5                                  Montgomery                35 
 Conglomeration #1                           Montgomery                12 
 The Pulp Era #61                            Hickman                   27 
 Bel-Marduk #1                               Harkness                  11 
 Stranger Than Fact #5                       Harkness                  36 
 IscarioT #13                                Andrews/Ambrose           37 
 Sporadic #12                                Plott                      5 
 Important Notice                            Staton                     1 

Mailing #14                                                  December 1964 
 The Southerner #14                     Staton                  4 
 Nothing #3                             Mann                    1 
 Kabumpo #1                             D Pelz                  8 
 Invader #5                             Staton                  9 
 Such and Such #2                       Luttrell                6 
 Starling #3                            Luttrell               30 
 DamnYankee #4  (w/rider)               Katz                    8 
 Zaje Zaculo #4                         Bailes                  5 
 Sentinel #1                            Locke                   8 
 Outre #3                               McDaniel                9 
 Loki #9                                Hulan                  41 
 Utgard #3                              Hulan                   9 
 Manndate #2                            Mann                    7 
 Warlock #6                             Montgomery              3 
 Christmas Greetings                    Montgomery/Anbrose      1 

Mailing #I5                                                     March 1965 
 The Southerner #15                     Staton                  6 
 DamnYankee #5                          Katz                   15 
 Endless Shadow #2                      Mitchell                7 
 Stop the Presses #1                    Staton                  1 
 Starling #4                            Luttrell               38 
 Such and Such #3                       Luttrell                6 
 Kabumpo #2                             D Pelz                 20 
 Utgard #4                              Hulan                   9 
 Loki #8                                Hulan                  13 
 Manndate #3                            Mann                    2 
 Clarges #1                             Atkins                 22 
 Invader #6                             Staton                 11 
 Zaje Zaculo #5                         Bailes                  4 
 Ipzik! #21                             Bailes                  2 
 Warlock #7                             Montgomery              7 
 Cliffhangers and Others #7             Norwood                 8 
 Wait a Minute!! 1                      Montgomery              1 
 Take-Over                              Hulan                   1 
 Conflicting Interpretations            Hulan                   2 
 Point of Order!                        Staton                  1 
 Wait a Minute #2                       Montgomery              2 

Mailing #16                                              June 1965 
 The Southerner #16                     Hulan                   5 
 Loki #7                                Hulan                  25 
 Carbo #10                     Benyo/Jackson (Hulan frank)      2
 IscarioT #14-15-16                     Andrews/Pettit         25 
 The Invader #7                         Staton                 11 
 Stamp #1                               Staton                  1 
 The Amazing SFPA-Fen                   Staton/Bailes           8 
 Manndate #4                            Mann                   15 
 ZinFANdel #1                           Hulan                   6 
 A Portfolio for David Mitchell         D Pelz                 14 
 Melikaphkhaz #1                        Atkins                 11 
 Warlock #8                             Montgomery             17 
 Golem #2                               Montgomery             13 
 DamnYankee #6                          Katz                    8 
 Revenge #1                             Hall                   11 
 Zaje Zaculo #6                         Bailes                  6 
 Such and Such #4                       Luttrell                7 
 Starling #5                            Luttrell               33 
 Clarges #2                             Atkins                 53 
 Utgard #5                              Hulan                  15 
 Errata #1                              Hulan                   1 
 Kabumpo #3                             D Pelz                  4 
 Sentinel #2                            Locke                   5 
 The Southerner #16.5                   Hulan                   1 
 A Red-Faced E0                         Hulan                   1 
 The Widgett Factory #7                 Atkins                  1 

Mailing #17                                                 August 1965 
 The Southerner #17                       Hulan                      7 
 Five                                     Norwood                   38 
 Starling #6                              Luttrell                  30 
 Cykranosh Prelude                        Page                       6 
 Yellow Jacket #7                         Locke                     11 
 IscarioT #17                             Andrews/Pettit            38 
 Comprehensive Index  to the SFPA, 1-16   Hulan                     16 
 Invader #8                               Staton                    13 
 Stamp #2                                 Staton                     2 
 Nothing #7                               Mann                       2 
 The Grand Fenwick Gazette                Atkins                     8 
 The Rebel-English Dictionary             Pettit/Andrews             6 
 Khostra Belorn #1                        Hall                      16 
 Wanderlust                               Hall                      23 
 Minacers                                 Hall                       2 
 Mathom #4                                Hall                      23 
 Who's Who in Southern Fandom Questionaire
                                          Montgomery                 1 
 Melikaphkhaz #2                          Atkins                    13 
 DamnYankee #7                            Katz                      17 
 Why Am I an Only Fan?                    A Mann (R Mann frank)      8 
 Warlock #9                               Montgomery                 2 
 Conglomeration #2                        Montgomery                21 
 Utgard #6                                Hulan                     23 
 Zaje Zaculo #7                           Bailes                     4 
 Such and Such #5                         Luttrell                   4
 Clarges #3                               Atkins                    44 
 The Journal #3                           Dupree                     6 
 Kabumpo #4                               D Pelz                     6 
 Austral #1                               Barr                       6 
 Manndate #5                              Mann                      19 

Mailing #18                                              November 1965 
 Southerner #18                           Hulan                     4 
 The Apache                               Atkins                    2 
 The Journal #2                           Dupree                   14 
 Century #1                               Mann                      3 
 Warlock #10                              Montgomery               28 
 DamnYankee #8                            Katz                     15 
 Invader #9                               Staton                   15 
 Stamp #3                                 Staton                    2 
 In Search of Halloween                   Montgomery                3 
 Yellow Jacket #8                         Locke                     9 
 Manndate #6                              Mann                     22 
 Auslander #1                             Hulan/Cox                23 
 Cliffhangers and Others #8               Norwood                   8 
 Minus #1                                 Andrews/Pettit           10 
 Starling #7 (A)                          Luttrell                 11 
Such and Such #6                          Luttrell                  2 
Melikaphkhaz #3                           Atkins/Scott             17 
Utgard #7                                 Hulan                    25 
Acrux #1                                  Cox                      11 
Tempus Fugit                              Mann                      2 
Mannderings #1                            Mann                     27 
Kabumno #5                                D Pelz                   12 
Zaje Zaculo #8                            Bailes                    6 

Mailing #19                                              February 1966 
The Southerner #19                        Hulan                   6 
Who's Who in Southern Fandom              Montgomery             14 
Austral #2                                Barr                   14 
Barrtender                                Barr                    2 
Warlock #11                               Montgomery             29 
Minus #2                                  Andrews                 6 
Letter from Yankee-Land                   Pettit                  2 
The Thought of the Outside                Atkins                  4 
The Owl on the Patio Floor                Cox                     9 
Book of Job                               Atkins (/Weber)         4 
DamnYankee #9                             Katz                   18 
The Journal #1                            Dupree                  4 
Starling #7 (B)                           Luttrell               30 
Such and Such #7                          Luttrell                5 
Invader #10                               Staton                 19 
Stamp #4                                  Staton                  2 
Pepsi-Coma                                Atkins/Page (/Burge)    4 
Lore #3                                   Page                   14 
SFPAge #1                                 Page                   11 
Kabumpo #6                                D Pelz                  9 
Lore #4                                   Page                   41 
Utgard #8                                 Hulan                  25 
Melikaphkhaz #4                           Atkins                 29 
Manndate #7                               Mann                   27 
Not So Much a Fanzine, More a Way of Getting Page Credit #1 
                                          Page                    2 
NSMAFMAWOGPC #1                           Page                    1 
Acrux #2                                  Cox                    10 
Zaje Zaculo #9                            Bailes                  6 
Self Defense                              Hulan                   2 

Mailing #20                                                May 1966 
The Southerner #20                       Hulan                   4 
Warlock #12                              Montgomery             27 
Koshtra Belorn #2                        Hall (OE frank)        20 
Yellow Jacket #9                         Locke                   1 
The Officious June TNFF                  Atkins/Weber            8 
Abort                                    Atkins                  1 
Murther #1                               Atkins                  6 
SFPAge #2                                Page                    6 
DamnYankee #10                           Katz                   20 
IscarioT #18                             Andrews/Pettit         32 
Test Master #1                           Hulan                   1 
Lore #5                                  Page                   21 
Florimel #1                              Staton                  9 
Shiva Kali #1                            Burge                   6 
Such and Such #8                         Luttrell                6 
Cliffhangers and Others #9               Norwood                11 
Utgard #9                                Hulan                  36 
Lenity                                   Atkins/Staton           8 
Line                                     Weber                   6 
Hapless #1                               Weber/Atkins            4 
Melikaphkhaz #5                          Atkins                 27 
Kabumpo #7                               D Pelz                 11 
Zaje Zaculo #10                          Bailes                  7 
Acrux #3                                 Cox                     6 
Egoboo Poll Results                      Hulan                   2 
Unofficial inclusions (members only): 
Maine-iac #23                                   Cox                         31 
Utgard #1                                       Hulan                       10 

Mailing  #21                                                        August 1966 
The Southerner #21                              Atkins                       4 
Si-Fan 3                                        Page                        25 
Iscariot #19                                    Andrews                     24 
Starling #8                                     Luttrell                    28 
DamnYankee #11                                  Katz                        11 
Clarges #4                                      Atkins                      41 
Utgard #10                                      Hulan                       56 
An Index to the First Five Years of the SFPA    Hulan                       17 
Acrux #4                                        Cox                         12 
Florimel #2                                     Staton                       9 
Such and Such #9                                Luttrell                     4 
Trace                                           Weber                        2 
Melikaphkhaz #6                                 Atkins                      16 
Trivia #1                                       Hickman                     26 
The Huckleberry Finnzine, last issue            Hickman                      2 
The Huckleberry Finnzine, after last issue      Hickman                      2 
Falchion #1                                     Reinhardt                    8 
Lore #6                                         Page                        25 
Si-Fan #4                                       Page                        34 
Hushpuppy #1                                    Jacobs                       4 
Warlock #13                                     Montgomery                  24 
Sporadic #13                                    Plott (Montgomery frank)    17 
Zaje Zaculo #11                                 Bailes                       3 
Cliffhangers and Others #10                     Norwood                     10 
The 5th Age #1                                  Bruce                        9 
Amphipoxi #4                                    Pettit                       4 

Mailing #22                                                       November 1966 
The Southerner #22                              Atkins                       6 
Kabumpo #8                                      D Pelz                       7 
DamnYankee #12                                  Katz                        15 
Exile #1                                        Wells                        6 
Such and Such #10                               Luttrell                     3 
Florimel #3                                     Staton                       4 
Telekinetic Terrace Times Revisited 2 - 4 - 3   Cox/Hulan/Jacobs             7 
IscarioT #20                                    Andrews/Hulan               18 
Pepsi-Coma #2 (1)                               Cox/Jacobs                   8 
Utgard #11                                      Hulan                       13 
Warlock #14                                     Montgomery                   4 
Melikaphkhaz #7                                 Atkins                      37 
Zaje Zaculo #12                                 Bailes                       6 
Hank at the Earth's Core                        Atkins                      12 
The 18 Story                                    Andrews/Pettit               7 
The Pulp Era #64                                Hickman                     40 
The Lonely Half-Shot                            Hickman                      4 
Troat #1                                        Hickman                     18 
Some Notes on the Configuration and Conduct of Laureate  
 Polls in Fan-Oriented Amateur Journalism Organizations                                   
                                                Jacobs                       4 
Lore #7                                         Page                        14 
SFPAginations                                   Page                        10 
Amphipoxi #5                                    Pettit                      11 
Hannes Bok Memorial Drawing                     Burge                        1 
Shiva Kali #2                                   Burge                        6 
Wastebasket Blues                               Atkins/Pettit                2 

Mailing #23                                                February 1967 
The Southerner #23                          Atkins                    6 
Lofgeornost #4                              Lerner                    2 
DamnYankee #13                              Katz                     26 
Melikaphkhaz #8                             Atkins                   26 
The New Newport News News                   Brooks                   20 
Cliffhangers and Others #11                 Norwood                  10 
Warlock #15                                 Montgomery                6 
Falchion #2                                 Reinhardt                13 
Florimel #4                                 Staton                    8 
By the Sword #1                             Atkins                    2 
Such and Such #11                           Luttrell                  6 
IscarioT #21                                Andrews/Hulan            14 
Utgard #12                                  Hulan                    15 
"Fout!"                                     Atkins                    1 
Quip #5                                     Katz/Atkins              96  
Official Postmailing: 
The Southerner #23.5                        Atkins                    1 
Pepsi Coma #2 (2)                           Cox/Jacobs                6 
Quip Covers                                 Atkins/Katz               6 

Mailing #24                                                     May 1967 
The Southerner #24'                         Atkins                    5 
Lore #8                                     Page                     20 
SFPAge #4                                   Page                      6 
Jalap #1                                    Pettit                    6 
Los Angeles Trip Report                     Pettit                    2 
Quay-Berth #1                               Pettit                    4 
By the Sword #2                             Atkins                    1 
Exile #2                                    Wells                     6 
Florimel #5                                 Staton                    4 
Warlock #16                                 Montgomery                1 
The New Port News #1                        Brooks                    6 
DamnYankee #14                              Katz                      6 
Such and Such #12                           Luttrell                  4 
Starling #9                                 Luttrell                 19 
Cliffhangers and Others #12                 Norwood                   6 
Melikaphkhaz #9                             Atkins                   14 
Cuba Libra, Si!, Damnyankee,No!             Atkins/Hulan              6 
Utgard #13                                  Hulan                    13 
Liki #10                                    Hulan                    34 
Patchwork #1                                K Atkins                  7 
Zaje Zaculo #13                             Bailes                    6 
Hushpuppy #2                                Jacobs                    4 
Troat #2                                    Hickman                  15 
Everything #1                               B Pelz                    6 
ALArums and Excursions #2 (1)               Atkins/Cox/Jacobs         4 
Acrux #5                                    Cox                       5 
Acrux #6                                    Cox                       6 
A Fanzine for Dave Hulan                    Jacobs                   16 
A Fanzine for Lon Atkins                    Jacobs                   14 

Mailing #25                                                 August 1967 
The Southerner #25                          Atkins                   6 
Amphipoxi v2 #1                             Pettit                   6 
Crypt of Ennui #1                           Stevens                  6 
SFPA Newsletter #1                          Pettit                   2 
DamnYankee #15                              Katz                    14 
Jalap #2                                    Pettit                  16 
Florimel #6                                 Staton                   6 
The New Port News #2                        Brooks                   8 
Such and Such #13                           Luttrell                 9 
Starling #10                                Luttrell                22 
Patchwork #2                                K Atkins                 2 
Warlock #17                                 Montgomery               5 
Melikaphkhaz #10                            Atkins                   6 
Esdacyos #3                                 Cox                      9 
Loki #11                                    Hulan                   17 

Mailing #26                                               November 1967 
The Southerner #26                          Atkins                   4 
SFPA Newsletter #2                          Pettit                   4 
Amphipoxi v2 #2                             Pettit                  25 
Cliffhangers and Others #13                 Norwood                 12 
Nolazine #1                    Norwood (/Bruce/Guidry/Markstein      6 
Jalap #3                                    Pettit                  14 
The New Port News #3                        Brooks                   7 
By the Sword #3                             Atkins                   2 
DamnYankee #16                              Katz                    14 
Warlock #18                                 Montgomery               3 
Patchwork #3                                K Atkins                 4 
Such and Such #14                           Luttrell                 4 
Utgard #14                                  Hulan                    9 
Hushpuppy #3                                Jacobs                   6 
Nolazine #2                     Bruce/Markstein (Norwood frank)      6 
Lofgeornost #5                              Lerner                  17 
Something for SFPA #1                       Cox                      3 
Florimel #7                                 Staton                   1 
New Goodies                                 Hulan                    2 
Baycon Progress Report #1                   Donaho (OE frank)       12 
Zaje Zaculo #14                             Bailes                   7 
Everything #2                               B Pelz                   6 
Melikaphkhaz #11                            Atkins                  24 
Grallator                                   Brooks                   6 
Lore #9                                     Page                    20 
Phoenix #1                                  Page                     8 
Official Postmailing: 
The Southerner #26.5                        Atkins                   1 
Exile #3                                    Wells                    6 
Troat #3                                    Hickman                 10 
Foliot #11                                  Atkins                   4 

Mailing #27                                               February 1968 
The Southerner #27                          Atkins                   6 
Starling #11                                Luttrell                35 
Jalap #4                                    Pettit                  12 
Nolazine #3                     Markstein/Walsh (Norwood frank)     13 
Crypt of Ennui #2                           Stevens                  6 
The Ballard Chronicles #5                   Jacobs                  28 
The SFPAn Coloring Book                     Jacobs                   6 
DamnYankee #17                              Katz                    12 
Exile #4                                    Wells                    6 
Trill #6                                    Wells                    8 
South Norwalk #1                            Porter                  14 
The New Port News #4                        Brooks                   3 
Such and Such #15                           Luttrell                 4 
Panache #1                                  Shaw                     7 
The Blackguard Handicap Chess Tournement Part One 
                                            Jacobs                   5 
Melikaphkhaz #12                            Atkins                  15 
Patchwork #4                                K Atkins                 3 
Falchion #3                                 Reinhardt               11 
Warlock #19                                 Montgomery               4 
Florimel #8                                 Staton                   6 
Utgard #15                                  Hulan                    4 
Writer's Workshop                           (Porter frank)           1 
LEEJ                  Reinhardt/Atkins/Cox/Hulan/Katz/Pelz/Pettit   19 
Den Haag Niewsblaadje #1                    Pettit                   2 

Mailing #28                                                May 1968 
The Southerner #28                      Atkins                   6 
Den Haag Nieuwsblaadje #2               Pettit                   2 
Jalap #5                                Pettit                  14 
The New Port News #4                    Brooks                   7 
Acrux #7                                Cox                      6 
DamnYankee #18                          Katz                    15 
Classic Cat Follies #1                  Atkins/Cox               2 
South Norwalk #2                        Porter                  17 
Falchion #4                             Reinhardt                3 
Hindiwala #4                            Lerner                   8 
Such and Such #16                       Luttrell                 3 
Utgard #16                              Hulan                    2 
Warlock #20                             Montgomery               4 
Melikaphkhaz #13                        Atkins                  25 
Everything #3                           B Pelz                   5 
Cliffhangers and Others #14             Norwood                  6 
Nolazine #4                 Guidry/Markstein (Norwood frank)    20 
Zaje Zaculo #15                         Bailes                   6 
Patchwork #5                            K Atkin                  4 
By the Sword #4                         Atkins                   2 
Semi-official Postmailings: 
Nolazine #5                 Guidry/Markstein (Norwood frank)    27 
Nolazine #6                     Guidry/Markstein/Norwood        22 

Mailing #29                                             August 1968 
The Southerner #29                      Atkins/Cox               6 
Quark #7                                Couches                 70 
The New Port News #5                    Brooks                   6 
Crypt of Ennui #3                       Stevens                  6 
Jalap #6                                Pettit                  12 
Amphipoxi #8                            Pettit                  35 
Panache #2                              Shaw                     7 
Everything #4                           B Pelz                  11 
Falchion #5                             Reinhardt               15 
Such and Such #17                       Luttrell                 3 
Walpurgis #1                            L Couch                  7 
Starling #12                            L Couch/Luttrell        30 
A Short Title                           Hulan/Locke              4 
Loki #12 b/w Utgard #17                 Hulan                   21 
Acrux #8                                Cox                      8 
Melikaphkhaz #14                        Atkins                  11 

Mailing #30                                                 November 1968 
The Southerner #30                           Atkins                    4 
Crypt of Ennui #4                            Stevens                   7 
The New Port News #6                         Brooks                    2 
Walpurgis #2                                 L Couch                   5 
Such and Such #18                            Luttrell                  3 
Quark #8                                     Couches                  68 
Gack #2                                      C Couch                   6 
Sooner or Later #1                           C Couch                   4 
Melikaphkhaz #15                             Atkins                   16 
The Sphere, vol. 1 #1                        Markstein                 6 
Utgard #18                                   Hulan                     1 
Hindiwala #5                                 Lerner                    6 
Panache #3                                   Shaw                      1 
Everything #5                                B Pelz                    1 
Cliffhangers and Others #15 b/w The Whaling Wall #1 
                                             Norwood                   7 

Mailing #31                                                 February 1969 
The Southerner #31                           Atkins                    6 
Crypt of Ennui #5                            Stevens                   6 
The Sphere, vol. 2 #1                        Markstein                 3 
A Technical Journal, vol. 1 #only            Markstein                 2 
Jasper                                       Carlberg                  6 
Falchion #6                                  Reinhardt                 9 
Starling #13                                 L Couch/Luttrell         72 
Sooner or Later #2                           C Couch                   5 
Walpurgis #3                                 L Couch                   4 
Such and Such #19                            Luttrell                  3 
Quark #9                                     Couches                  61 
Melikaphkhaz #16                             Atkins                   12 
Arahant #1                                   Tom                       8 
Appendix #1                                  Tom                       2 
Yoric #1                                     Tom                      26 
The New Port News #7                         Brooks                    4 
Pure Vomit                                   Brooks/Brock (/Celko)    12 
Everything #6                                B Pelz                    5 

Mailing #32                                                      May 1969 
The Southerner #32                           B Pelz                    2 
Cliffhangers and Others #16                  Norwood                   8 
Pistachio Power                      Markstein (/Guidry/von Turk)      6 
Utgard #19                                   Hulan                     5 
Outre #4                                     McDaniel                 17 
Sapphire                                     Carlberg                  2 
Arahant #2                                   Tom                       3 
Such and Such #20                            Luttrell                  3 
The Sphere, vol. 3 #1                        Markstein                 6 
Nosfan #1                                    Markstein                 2 
The New Port News #8                         Brooks                    4 
Alhambra #1                                  Guidry                    2 
Gris-Gris #1                                 Guidry                    7 
Melikaphkhaz #17                             Atkins                    8 
The Fan                                      Brock                     8 
SFC Journal, vol. 1 #1                       Brock                     4 
Open Letter, 1/30/69                         Brock                     1 
Southern Fandom Project Questionarre #1      Brock                     1 
Crypt of Ennui #6                            Stevens                   6 
Quark #10                                    Couches                  50 
Classic Cat Follies #2                       Atkins/Cox                2 
Utgard #20                                   Hulan                     1 
Sooner or Later #3                           C Couch                   1 
Everything #7                                   B Pelz                      7 
Illegal Postmailing: 
Typerfund Letter                                Reinhardt                   1 

Mailing #33                                                        August 1969 
The Southerner #33                              Atkins                      2 
Crypt of Ennui #7                               Stevens                     4 
The New Port News #9                            Brooks                      7 
Arahant #3                                      Tom                         5 
Chalcedony                                      Carlberg                    6 
Nosfan #3                                       Markstein                   4 
Melikaphkhaz #18                                Atkins                      1 
Falchion #7                                     Reinhardt                   6 
The Sphere, vol. 4 #1                           Markstein                   7 
Nosfan #4                                       Markstein                   4 
Illegal Postmailing: 
Globbersnatch #1                                McDaniel                    2 

Mailing #34                                                      November 1969 
The Southerner #34                              Atkins                      4 
Outre #5                                        McDaniel                    8 
The Fan #2                                      Brock                       6 
The Con                                         Brock                       8 
As I Was Saying #1                              Andrews                     8 
The New Port News #10                           Brooks                      5 
Huitloxopetl #1                                 Frierson                    2 
Gris-Gris #2                                    Guidry                     12 
Warlock #21                                     Montgomery                  7 
Arahant #4                                      Tom                         3 
Nerguhs Glompum!                                Markstein/Norwood           5 
Alack #1                                        Norwood/Markstein           6 
The Sphere, vol. 5 #1                           Markstein                   4 
Cliffhangers and Others #17                     Norwood                     6 
Outre #6                                        McDaniel                   20 
Emerald                                         Carlberg                    6 
Melikaphkhaz #19                                Atkins                     26 
Sec #1                                          Carlberg                   18 
Sec #2                                          Carlberg                   23 
Crypt of Ennui #8                               Stevens                     3 
Falchion #8                                     Reinhardt                   4 
Official Postmailing: 
The Southerner #34.5                            Atkins                      1 
Yoric #2                                        Tom                        29 
Neutron #3                                      Brock                      92 
Report #1                                       Brock                       4 

Mailing #35                                                      February 1970 
The Southerner #35                              Atkins                      7 
Sec #3                                          Carlberg                   28 
Static, Flutter and Pop #1                      Frierson                   23 
The New Port News #11                           Brooks                      7 
Nosfakefan                                      Markstein/Norwood           2 
Huitloxopetl #2                                 Frierson                    5 
Memorial                                        Brooks                      1 
Crypt of Ennui #9                               Stevens                     7 
Arahant #5                                      Tom                         5 
Nosfan #5                                       Markstein                   6 
Sardonyx                                        Carlberg                    8 
Farguar!                                        Carlberg                    1 
The-Sphere, vol.6#1                             Markstein                   6 
Melikaphkhaz #20                                Atkins                     20 
Alhambra #2                                     Guidry                      2 
The Bourbon Street Beet                         Guidry                     12 
The Sphere, vol. 6    #2                        Markstein                   1 
Kabumpo #9                                      D Pelz                      3 
Sec #4                                          Carlberg                   22 

Mailing #36                                                          May  1970 
The Southerner #36                              Atkins                      5 
The New Port News #12                           Brooks                      4 
Report #2                                       Brock                       8 
Huitloxopetl #3                                 Frierson                   17 
Wantlist                                        Frierson                    1 
Crypt of Ennui #10                              Stevens                     8 
Maybe #5                                        Koch                        6 
Arahant #6                                      Tom                         3 
Melikaphkhaz #21                                Atkins                     14 
Gris-Gris #3                                    Guidry                      7 
NolaCon Poster #1                               Guidry                      2 
The Sphere, vol.  7 #1                          Markstein                   6 
Falchion #9                                     Reinhardt                   8 
Sardius                                         Carlberg                    4 
New Orleans in '73?                             Norwood                     1 
Cliffhangers and Others #18                     Norwood                     7 
Kabumpo #10                                     D Pelz                      2 

Mailing #37                                                        August 1970 
The Southerner #37                              Atkins/ Markstein           9 
Maybe  #8                                       Koch                       12 
Sec #5                                          Carlberg                   28 
Memoirs of an Armchair Astronaut (active)       Markstein                   4 
Nosfan #8                                       Sweatman (Guidry frank)     7 
The Maltese Oneshot                             Carlberg/Norwood (/Elfer)   8 
The New Port News #13                           Brooks                      6 
The Sphere, vol.  8 #1                          Markstein                  20 
Girl Atkins...                                  K&L Atkins                  9 
Xiphophorus #1                                  Hutto                       6 
Mendishar #1                                    Steele                     30 
Crypt of Ennui #11                              Stevens                     4 
Chrysolite                                      Carlberg                    4 
The Sphere, vol.  8 #2                          Markstein                   8 
Gimboate, pp. 1-8                               Steele                      8 
Melikaphkhaz #22                                Atkins                      7 
Illegal Postmailing: 
The Weekend WunshCarlberg/Markstein             Carlberg/Markstein         14 

Mailing #38                                                      November 1970 
The Southerner #38                              Markstein                6 
Nosfan, vol. 2 #4                               Markstein                1 
IMK Publication #32                             Koch                     6 
Gnomes, Elves & Spacemen's Science Fantasy Society Newsletter #12 
                                                Koch                     2 
Sugar Coated Snarkies #2-3                      L Norwood                5 
Nosfan #10                                      Lillian (Guidry frank)  11 
Magnolia Thunderpussy #1                        Norwoods (/Lillian)      2 
The New Port News #14                           Brooks                   8 
Gris-Gris #4                                    Guidry                  12 
Nosfan #11, p. 1                                Zeilinger (Guidry frank) 1 
Nosfan #11, p, 2-3                              Zeilinger (Guidry frank) 2 
Nosfan #11, p. 4-5                              Zeilinger (Guidry frank) 2 
Crypt of Ennui #12                              Stevens                  3 
Static, Flutter and Pop #2                      Frierson                57 
Supplement to Static, Flutter and Pop #2        Frierson                21 
Xiphophorus II                                  Hutto                    4 
The War Eagle Flyer                             Inzer                    2 
Heavy #1                                        Inzer                    7 
Gimboate, pp. 9-14                              Steele                   6 
The Sphere, vol. 9 #l                           Markstein               18 
Melikaphkhaz #23                                Atkins                   2 
Beryl                                           Carlberg                 5 
Syn #1                                          Raub                     4 
Cliffhangers and Others #19                     R Norwood                7 
New Orleans                                     (Norwood frank)          8 
The Magnificent Monteleone                      (Norwood frank)          2 

Mailing #39                                           January 1971 
The Southerenr #39                      Markstein               4 
Testing All Systems                     Markstein               2 
Steamboat Willie                        Markstein               7 
INK Publication #42                     Koch                    6 
The Gnomoclave                          Koch                    4 
Thumbing Down the Yellow Brick Road     Inzer/Markstein         5 
Christmas Card                          Guidry                  1 
Gnomes, Elves, & Spacemen's Science
 Fantasy Society Newsletter #17         Koch                    2 
Spiritus Mundi #l                       Lillian                 9 
The Newport News #15                    Brooks                  2 
The Compleat Hectographer               S&B Hughes              7 
Crypt of Ennui #13                      Stevens                 3 
Swablr #1                               Budka                   4 
Xiphophorus III                         Hutto                   6 
What The Devil Do I Call This One #l    O'Dell                  4 
llAlER Press publication #1             Hafer (Markstein frank) 1 
Huitloxopetl #4                         Frierson                5 
Melikaphkhaz #24                        Atkins                 15 
The 6:00 8:00 12:00 8:30 10:14 Rome Express 
                                 Carlberg/Steele (/Biggers)     8 
Heavy #2                                Inzer                   7 
Gimboate, pp. 15-20                     Steele                  6 
Topaz                                   Carlberg                1 
The Sphere, vol. 10 #l                  Markstein              l6 
Syn #2                                  Raub                    5 
A Preliminary Listing of Active Apas    Raub                    4 
Gris-Gris #5                            Guidry                  9 
Arms of Fosco b/w Effect                Guidry/Lillian (/Elfer) 2 
LEG                                     Lillian/Guidry (/Elfer) 2 

Mailing #40                                             March 1971 
The Southerner #40                      Markstein               4 
The New Orleans Musical Intelligencer, vol. 2 #3 von Turk       4 
Pan #1                                  S Hughes                4 
The One-Shot Swizzle Party              Carlberg (/Anderson)    4 
Rex #l                                  Markstein               4 
INK Publication #51                     Koch                    4 
Guidry's Fearless Forecast #1           Guidry                  6 
The Twelve Days of Hugomas              Markstein               4 
The New College Science Fiction Weekly #5 
                                        Carlberg               14 
Huitloxopetl #5                         Frierson               43 
Xiphophorus IV                          Hutto                  12 
I Am Not a One-Shot #2                  O'Dell                 13 
Crypt of Ennui #14                      Stevens                 4 
The Newport News #16                    Brooks                  4 
Nosfan #12                              Zeilinger(Guidry frank) 6 
Alhambra #3                             Guidry                  4 
The Yellow Peril #1                     S&B Hughes             10 
Investigations #l                       B Hughes                3 
The Low Blow                            Hutto                   4 
Spiritus Mundi #2                       Lillian                 6 
Southern Fandom Confederation           Frierson               12 
Chrysoprasus                            Carlberg                7 
The Sphere, vol. 11 #l                  Markstein              24 
Melikaphkhaz #25                        Atkins                  2 
Gimme Shelter #l                        Lillian                 2 
Sugar Coated Snarkies #4                L Norwood               4 
Cliffhangers and Others #20             R Norwood               5 
Syn #3                                  Raub                    7 
Heavy #3                                Inzer                   9 
Gimboate, pp. 21-28                     Steele                  8 

Mailing #41                                                           May  1971 
The Southerner #41                      Markstein                            4 
The Weak Wunshots End                   Carlberg/Markstein (/von Turk)       6 
SF Writing Workshop                     James Sails (OE frank)               1 
Abba-Dingo #l                           Sellers (OE frank)                   1 
AaaaAaalLiGaAaaAAaTt0000o00oor...!      Bruce/Markstein                      2 
The Gnomoclave is...                    Koch                                 2 
Maybe #16 (SFPA version)                Koch                                10 
Gnomes, Elves, & Spacemen's Science Fantasy Society Newsletter #28 
                                        Koch                                 2 
Heavy #4                                Inzer                                7 
Sec #6                                  Carlberg                            22 
Spiritus Mundi #3                       Lillian                             13 
Gris-Gris #6                            Guidry                              12 
Nosfan #13                              Zeilinger (Guidry frank)             4 
I Am Not A One-Shot #3                  O'Dell                              16 
The Trail of the Lonesome Pun #1        Gremlin/Inzer                        6 
I Take Care of My Friends               Guidry/Markstein                     4 
Xiphophorus V                           Hutto                                6 
The New Port News #17                   Brooks                               6 
Redhead                                 Lillian                              7 
Citadel                                 Lillian                              6 
Hadrian's Mole #l                       Budka                                8 
Gimboate, pp. 29-47                     Steele                              19 
Quinnzine                               Lillian                              2 
Continuity #l                           S&B Hughes                           2 
Jacinth                                 Carlberg                             4 
Melikaphkhaz #26                        Atkins                              18 
The Sphere, vol. 12 #l                  Markstein                           20 
Southern Comfort #l                     Elfer                                5 
Z*I*P*P*L*E                             Raub                                 2 
Syn #14                                 Raub                                 8 
Ignite #2                               Elfer/Guidry                         3 

Mailing #42                                                    July  1971 
The Southerner #42                            Markstein                4 
Ignite #3                                     Guidry/Markstein         4 
Deep South Con Mine                           Guidry                   1 
Amethyst                                      Carlberg                 8 
The Barrington Bull #5                        Lillian                 28 
Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin #2     Frierson                24 
Oblio #0                                      Brown                    8 
Huitloxopetl #6                               Frierson                21 
I'm a Yankee Doodle One-Shot                  Frierson                17 
Spiritus Mundi #4                             Lillian                 31 
Pointy Cap                          Carlberg/Steele (/Biggers)         8 
The New Port News #18                         Brooks                   8 
Westercon XXV Progress Report #1              Lillian frank            4 
A Caretaker Bid or a Real One?                Lillian frank            2 
Washington's Westercon Newsletter             Lillian frank            4 
Aeroflot #4                                   Lillian frank            2 
Kirby Unleashed                               Lillian frank            1 
Eurocon I                                     Lillian frank            1 
Journal of the OrgASM                         Markstein                2 
I Am Not a One-Shot #4                        O'Dell                   9 
The New Orleans Musical Intelligencer, vol. 2 #7 
                                              von Turk                 4 
Nosfan #14                                    Guidry frank             6 
Contempt of Fandom                            Frierson/Inzer           7 
Heavy #5 b/w The Fool                         Inzer                   11 
Gimboate, pp.48-55                            Steele                   8 
Hadrian's Mole #2                             Budka                   12 
Xiphophorus VI                                Hutto                    6 
The Yellow Peril #2                           B Hughes                14 
Melikaphkhaz #27                              Atkins                   2 
Investigations #2                             B Hughes                 8 
Investigations #3                             B Hughes                 8 
Pan #2                                        B Hughes                 5 
Pan #3                                        S Hughes                 4 
Small Steps, Giant Leaps                      Hughes frank            20 
125 Mexican Mummies #1                        Davis                    6 
The Walk of the Green Cheeses                 Koch/Markstein           6 
Underground Cinema 12 #28                     Guidry frank             1 
Gris-Gris #7                                  Guidry                  13 
The Sphere, vol. 13 #1                        Markstein               40 
Southern Comfort #2                           Elfer                    6 
Nolazine #11                                  Norwoods                49 
Deep South Con Nine                           Norwoods                12 
Sugar Coated Snarkies #5                      L Norwood                5 
                                              R Norwood 
Cliffhangers and Others #21                   R Norwood                5 
Ship of State                                 L Norwood                8 
Markstein for President                       Markstein                8 
Ballot: SFPA mlgs. 37-42                      Markstein                2 
Illegal Premailing: 
Dear Janie                                    Koch                     8 
Illegal Postmallings: 
An Open Letter to SFPA:                       R Norwood                2 
Dear SFPAn;                                   L Norwood                2 
"Ask not what SFPA can do for your ego but what your cool head 
    can do for SFPA."                         Frierson                 1 
Stop It!                                      Inzer                    1 
Ships Can Sink on an Even Keel                S&B Hughes               1 
Official Postmailing: 
The Southerner #42.5                          Markstein                2 

Mailing #43                                                September 1971 
The Southerner #43                            Markstein               12 
Ubiquitous #1                                 Lillian                  6 
Cloyne Court Summer Crier #4                  Lillian                  6 
A Visit with Morris Weiss                     Brown                    7 
Into the Light of the Dark Black Night        Lillian                 10 
Gimboate, pp. 56-71                           Steele                  16 
Sarasota in '72                   Carlberg/Celko/S&B Hughes/Markstein 11 
Huitloxopetl #7                               Frierson                50 
A There and Back Again Journey #10            Markstein               10 
IMK Publication #72                           Koch                     4 
The "?" Club Message #4                       Koch                     4 
Xiphophorus VII                               Hutto                   14 
A There and Back Again Journey #11            Markstein               11 
Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin #3     Frierson                18 
Southern Fandom Confederation Roster #2       Frierson                 4 
Note to SAPS and SFPA Members                 Harris                   1 
Diversity #2                           Harris/Caruthers/Bridges       29 
Hadrian's Mole #3                             Budka                   18 
The New Port News #19                         Brooks                   8 
Underground Cinema 12 #29           Guidry/Markstein/von Turk frank    1 
Heavy #6                                      Inzer                   15 
125 Mexican Mummies #2                        Davis                    6 
I Am Not a One-Shot #5                        O'Dell                  10 
Spiritus Mundi #5                             Lillian                 40 
The Sphere, vol. 14 #1                        Markstein               24 
Syn #5                                        Raub                    10 
Oblio #1                                      Brown                   20 
Phase 1                                       Brown frank              1 
Happy 25th Cloyne                             Lillian                  9 
The Co-Op Crust                               Lillian                 18 
Crab Lice                                     Lillian frank            1 
Spheritus Mundi                          Lillian/Markstein/Guidry      2 
Wandering Minstrel/Superstar #13              Carlberg                 4 
DeepSouthCon-9 Program Book                   Norwoods/Guidry         20 
Summer Blue Sky                               Hutto                    4 
Ignite #4                                     Guidry/Lillian           4 
By the Sword #5                               Atkins                   2 
The World Con One Shot                        Guidry                   9 
Cover for Syn #5                              Raub                     1 
Wild Horses?                                  Anderson/Carlberg        8 
Con-Tact #3                                   Raub                     4 
Southern Comfort #3                           Elfer                    6 
SFWA Is a Four-Letter Word #1                 Walsh                    6 
Pan #4                                        S&B Hughes               6 
The Compleat Hectographer #2                  B Hughes                 2 
Gothic Sunshine                               Hughes frank            18 
The Yellow Peril #3                           S&B Hughes              26 

Mailing #44                                           November 1971 
The Southerner #44                          Markstein             4 
Melikaphkhaz #28                            Atkins               14 
Peon Oneshot (big second printing)     Guidry/Lillian/Walsh       2 
MEL!                                 Markstein/Elfer/Lillian      4 
Continuity #2                               S&B Hughes            2 
The Pasquami Cheese Oneshot   Guidry/Lillian/Markstein/von Turk   4 
Spiritus Mundi #6                           Lillian              12 
Smoke Signals, vol. 5 #1                    Lillian               2 
Monarchs and Mineral Bluff                  B Hughes              6 
The Patriot #2                              Guidry frank          4 
The Shadow of a Fan #1                      Koch                 10 
I Am Not A One-Shot                         O'Dell               11 
I'm a Yankee Doodle Son of Huitl 6          Frierson             20 
The Lifted LEGS                        Lillian/Elfer/Guidry       2 
1971 Goethe Ballot                          Brown                 2 
Spiritus Tuesday                            Lillian              12 
Xiphophorus VIII                            Hutto                 4 
Flowers, Gentle Moments and Pam             Hutto                 2 
P.O.M.P.O.S.I.T.Y. #1                       Frierson             27 
The New Port News #20                       Brooks                6 
Nosfan #15.5                                Bezbak/Dolbear        2 
Nosfan #16                                  Bezbak                6 
Nosfan #9                                   Lillian               5 
4-D Press publication #1                    Dolbear               1 
Gris-Gris #8                                Guidry               19 
Underground Cinema 12 #30                   Lillian/Meadow frank  1 
The Sphere, vol. 15 #1                      Markstein            24 
I Know How to Do It but I Don't Know What It's Called #14
                                            Carlberg             10 
Hadrian's Mole #4                           Budka                22 
Gimboate, pp. 72-87                         Steele               16 
The Magician                                Inzer                 6 
Pan #5                                      S&B Hughes           13 
Infin #1                                    Ferguson             14 
Kif #1                                      Meadow                6 
SFWA Is a Four-Letter Word #2               Walsh                 4 
Oblio #2                                    Brown                 5 
Spiritus Threesdi b/w Bodzine               Lillian/Meadow        2 
Bootleg Southern Comfort                    Elfer                 1 
Ignite #5                                   Guidry/Meadow         4 

Mailing #45                                             January 1972 
The Southerner #45                          Markstein             4 
The New Orleans Musical Intelligencer, vol. 2 #11 
                                            von Turk              4 
Dwerd's Dwelling #2                         Gremlin              10 
Southern Comfort #4                         Elfer                 8 
Nosfan #17                                  Bezbak                7 
Shadow of a Fan #2                          Koch                  7 
The New Orleans Musical Intelligencer, vol. 2 #12 von Turk        4 
Opus 100                                    Markstein            11 
Early in the Morning                        Brown                 3 
Oov 3a0Karciv=a TnOlaTpaa  4'VECOIOT   Markstein/Lillian/Meadow   2 
Underground Cinema 12 #31                   Lillian frank         1 
Bodies of Smoke                             Lillian/Meadow        4 
The Letter Column                           Anderson              7 
Gimboate, pp. 88-97                         Steele               10 
Spiritus Mundi #7                           Lillian              33 
Sec #7                                      Carlberg             32 
The New Orleans Musical Intelligencer, vol. 3 #1 
                                            von Turk              4 
229                                         Carlberg/Markstein    4 
Ibid #33                                    Brown                10 
Huitloxopetl #8                             M Frierson           30 
Horrible Stories, January          Lillian/Markstein/von Turk    13 
Blazinguns                                  Lillian               4 
Apa 00                                      Markstein/von Turk    1 
The Sphere, vol. 16 #1                      Markstein            22 
Rubber Stamp #1                             Brown                 1 
Ya-Ya #5                                    Budka                17 
The Hankmas Offering     Elfer/Friersons/Inzer/Shukas/Reinhardt   2 
HPL: a magazine of tribute                  M&P Frierson          2 
Bech: a fanzine #1                          P Frierson            2 
The Empress                                 Inzer                 2 
125 Mexican Mummies #3                      Davis                12 
Heavy #8                                    Inzer                 9 
The Call of K'orphluu                       Friersons/Lillian     6 
RALLY 'Round the Flag, Boys! #1             Lillian/Markstein     4 
Embryonic Journey #1                        Biggers               4
The Ancient and Mysterious Trombone Solo Monthly Review, March and Two Step 
       #3.1415926                           Markstein (/Bruce)    2 
Pear-A Verda Chronicles #1                  Markstein (/Bruce)    2 
Melikaphkhaz #29                            Atkins                3 
Oblio #3                                    Brown                 9 
Crystal Blue Persuasion #15                 Carlberg              1 
Xiphophorus IX                              Hutto                 2 
Continuity #3                               S&B Hughes            2
Southern Comfort #5                         Elfer                 8 
Syn #6                                      Raub                  8 
Christmas Card                              Guidry                1 
The Patriot #3                              Guidry frank          4 
Gris-Gris #9                                Guidry                9 
Ignite #6                                   Carlberg/Guidry       4 
Burned                                 Bruce/Elfer/Markstein
                                       /Lillian/Meadow/Carlberg   4 
Official Postmailing: 
The Southerner #45.5                         Markstein            1 
Bring Back the Sun, vol. •1 #1        Brooks/Celko/S&B Hughes    11 
Guardtower                            Brooks/Celko/S&B Hughes     4 

Mailing #46                                                 March 1972 
The Southerner #46                           Markstein              4 
The New Crleans Musical Intelligencer, vol. 3 #2 
                                             von Turk               4 
Nosfan #18                                   Bezbak                 6 
Sympathy for the Devil                       Lillian                4 
The Midnight Movies #32                      Hutto/Meadow frank     1 
DIXIE Roto, Feb. 13, 1972                    Markstein             44 
Son of Rubber Stamp                          Brown                  2 
Carrollton #2                                Markstein              4 
Shadow of a Fan #3                           Koch                   8 
Spiritus Mundi #8                            Lillian               32 
The "We're Out of School for Mardi Gras
   But We're Too Broke to Go"
   Waterbrotber One-Shot                     Hutto                  4 
Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys              Brown                  4 
Serious Attempt at Literature #1             Gremlin                2 
Xiphophorus X                                Hutto                 22 
Guidry's Fearless Forecast #2                Guidry                 5 
Guidry's Handy Dandy Guide to the Winners List
                                             Guidry                 3 
Two Zellums of Szellack                      Hutto/Markstein        6 
The Marxist Theory                           Guidry frank           4 
Let's Spend the Night Together               Lillian                4 
Use God's Grace                              Brooks                 2 
Boojum #1                                    Caruthers              4 
Gremlin's Grumblings #3                      Gremlin                9 
Martian Tales                                Gremlin                1 
The New Port News #21                        Brooks                10 
Heavy #7                                     Inzer                  9 
The Barnes Bull #1                           Inzer                  4 
You Got the Silver, SFPA                     Lillian                2 
Bech #2                                      P Frierson             6 
Nosfan #19                                   Bezbak                 5 
The Shadow over Woodvale                     M Frierson            11 
HPL: a magazine of tribute                   M&P Frierson           2 
Justin Case                                  M Frierson             4 
Epics of the Plastic Spoon #16               Carlberg              16 
Stuff for Sale                               M Frierson             2 
The Sphere, vol. 17 #1                       Markstein             34 
The Purple Putchkey                          Bezbak                 2 
Oblio #4                                     Brown                  7 
Pan #6                                       S Hughes               7 
Overton Hero                                 Caruthers/Lillian      5 
Fredric Brown                          Markstein/Lillian/Guidry     1 
Marie Laveau                                 Lillian                1 
Southern Comfort #6                          Elfer                  4 
Ignite #7                                    Guidry/L Norwood       4 
The Secret of Corflulhu                      Dolbear/Walsh         11 
Line Static #l                               Atkins/Markstein       2 

Mailing #47                                                                      May 1972 
The Southerner #47                                        Markstein                    4 
Metro Magazine                                            Celko                       20 
 Ceremonial Fissions                                      Hughes frank                16 
Ya-Ya #6                                                  Budka                       23 
Gimboate, pp. 98-114                                      Steele                      17 
A Silly Millimeter Longer                    Markstein/Dolbear/Guidry/Lillian          6 
Mystery of the Missing Teeth                              Carlberg                     6 
What's Your Space Benefits I.Q.?                          Markstein frank              4 
What's Your Space Shuttle I.Q.?                           Markstein frank              4 
Crossway Motor Inn                                        Koch frank                   2 
Maybe #17                                                 Koch                        20 
The Midnight Movies #33                                   Guidry frank                 1 
Nosfan #20                                                Bezbak                      16 
The New Orleans Musical Intelligencer, vol.  3  #4        von Turk                     4 
Frierson Theatre                                          M&P Frierson                10 
There's No Fuel Like an April Fool                        M&P Frierson                 4 
Perspicacious Peregrinations, vol. 1 #l                   M&P Frierson                 2 
Ad Astra Per Aspera                                       M&P Frierson                 2 
Dwerd's Dwelling #4                                       Gremlin                      8 
Dwerd Votes in the Hugos                                  Gremlin                      2 
Vote in the Hugos                                         Lillian                      1 
The Aesthetics Are Obvious One-Shot                       Caruthers                    4 
Spiritus Mundi #9                                         Lillian                     26 
Opus 30                                                   M Frierson                   7 
Mysteries of the East                                     von Turk                     1 
A There and Back Again Journey #13                        Markstein                    9 
Boojum #2                                                 Caruthers                    8 
Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin #4                 M Frierson                   9 
Mid-America Con                                           M Frierson frank             2 
I Remember Joe                                            Guidry/Markstein             8 
The New Port News #22                                     Brooks                       2 
Dixieland Fan Con                                         Brooks                       2 
Balloons and Such                                         S&B Hughes                  11 
Huitloxopetl #8.l                                         M Frierson                  24 
Shadow of A Fan #4                                        Koch                         4 
With a Malenky Help from My Droogs                        M Frierson                   1 
The Hughes Do-It-Yourself Dirigible Kit                   S&B Hughes                   5 
I Am the Blackfoot Princess                               P Frierson                   3 
Ya-Ya #7                                                  Budka                       15 
Xiphophorus XI                                            Hutto                        6 
Walsh for OE!                                             Walsh                        1 
The Seven Deadly Pictures                                 Hutto/Markstein              4 
Embryonic Journey #2                                      Biggers                      2 
Embryonic Journey #3                                      Biggers                      1 
Gimboate, pp. 115-118                                     Steele                       4 
Vermilion Sands #1                                        Harris                       6 
Epics of the Plastic Spoon #17                            Carlberg                     4 
The Sphere, vol. 18 #l                                    Markstein                   32 
New College Is Coming Back!                               Carlberg                     4 
Pistachio Powder                                          Carlberg                     6 
If It's Just Barely Friday This Must Be Rome              Biggers/Markstein/Steele     4 
Oblio #5                                         Brown                    12 
Melikaphkhaz #30.                                Atkins                   13 
Computer Card #l                                 S Hughes                 10 
Pan #7                                           B Hughes                  4 
Paint It Black                                   Lillian                   4 
The Spawn of Xerox                               Davis                     8 
Alfraido J.C. Figworthy #l                       Fourrier                 10 
The Atlanta Blitz One-Shot                       M&P Frierson              8 
The Emperor                                      Inzer                     2 
Heavy #9                                         Inzer                     9 
The Eve of THEDEADLINE!                          Markstein                 4 
Los Angeles Is a Hugo for Lafferty               Dolbear                   2 

Mailing #48                                                       July  1972 
The Southerner #48                               Markstein                4 
The Midnight Movies #34                          Markstein frank          1 
Shadow of a Fan #5                               Koch                    10 
Harlan Ellison--a biography                      Bridges                  6 
Overton Hero Revisited                    Caruthers/Harris/Lillian        5 
Mc Finnerty Here:                                Caruthers/Harris         1 
Dear Fellow NOSFA Members                        Guidry                   2 
A Neo-Pro's Library                              Markstein               24 
Vul-Con I                                        Lillian frank            1 
Cancer-Sagittarius-Cancer                        Caruthers/Lillian        2 
Spiritus Mundi #10                               Lillian                 33 
C.A.N.N.A.B.I.N.O.L. Journal #1           Dolbear/Lillian/Markstein       6 
Serious Attempt at a Farce #l                    Gremlin                  6 
Dwerd's Dwelling #5                              Gremlin                  6 
Trash                                            S&B Hughes               4 
Summer Night                                     S Hughes                 3 
Ignite #8                                        Guidry/Hutto             4 
Elect the Entire Radicallnsurgent Party          Markstein                5 
Goof Gloriously, Freddie                         Markstein                4 
Doorknobs Forever                                Elfer/Lillian/Meadow     4 
Heavy #10                                        Inzer                   29 
Naoise Died                                      Mathews                  5 
19th Nervous Breakdown                           Lillian                  6 
Right, Don! #18                                  Carlberg                12 
Toad                                             Lillian                  4 
The New Port News #23                            Brooks                   7 
Gimboate, pp. 119-120                            Steele                   2 
You Can't Always Get What You Want               Lillian                  6 
Vermilion Sands #2                               Harris                   6 
Not Dawn...                                      Harris                   2 
Imagination                                      S Hughes                 6 
The Orange Times vol. 2 #001                     Lillian frank            8 
The Sphere, vol. 19 #l                           Markstein               38 
Huitloxopetl #8.2                                M Frierson              20 
Oblio #6                                         Brown                   14 
SFWA Is a Four-Letter Word #3                    Dolbear                  5 
Melikaphkhaz #31                                 Atkins                  27 
The New Orleans Musical Intelligencer, vol. 3 #7 von Turk                 4 
Soot                                             von Turk                 7 
Occult                                           Inzer frank              2 
Southern Comfort #7                              Elfer                    6 
Xiphophorus XII                                  Hutto                   10 
Regal Eat #2                                     Fourrier                10 
Pan #8                                           S&B Hughes              13 
Into the House                                   B Hughes                 5 
On the Subject of G.A.F.I.A.                     Caruthers                1 
Rotzine                                          Bezbak/Dolbear           2 
Nosfan #21                                  Dolbear/Bezbak         2 
The Eve of THEDEADLINE #2                   Markstein              4 

Mailing #49                                            September 1972 
The Southerner #49                          Markstein              6 
Kalamempawpaw                    Wetherington/Caruthers/Mathews    2 
How Can I Make Decisions in 
                      Birmingham Alabama?   Elfer/Friersons        4 
Na Flying Ibid                              Brown/Haas             7 
LOCenturion                                 Lillian               13 
Shadow of a Fan #6                          Koch                   4 
Trapped Overnight in Hialeah Without My Hairbrush 
                                            Brown/Carlberg         2 
Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about Fenton Baliwick*
                                            Brown/Hutchinson       2 
New Orleans in '73                          Markstein              5 
Pre-VERT User Guide Draft One               Celko                  4 
Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin #5   M Frierson            10 
Get Hot!                                    von Turk               4 
Fox #l                                      Caruthers              5 
The Daily DiSC, vol. 1 #s 1-2               Markstein              4 
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch               Atkins                 8 
Do Dah! Do Dah!                             Atkins/Markstein       4 
Shattered Like a Clockwork Orange           M Frierson             6 
On the Road Again                           Haas                  18 
The Sunday One-Shot                         M Frierson             4 
Meade's Birthday Special                    M Frierson            19 
Fried Shoes                                                       12 
Nancy and Sligguth Comics                                          4 
            Lillian - Hutchinson - Susan Biggers - Rich Small - 
            Joe  Brancatelli - Gary Brown - Gary Steele
Labor-Day Stencil-Freak One-Shot            M Frierson             3 
Huitloxopetl #8.3                           M Frierson            16 
Vultures?                                   M Frierson             2 
Literary Sketches, vol. XII #6              Brooks frank          16 
Contrary                                    Brooks                 2 
A There and Back Again Journey #15-16       Markstein             12 
Dwerd's Dwelling #6                         Gremlin                7 
Owlexandrian Initiate #1                    Hughes frank           8 
Pan #9                                      B Hughes               7 
Yellow Peril, vol. 2 #1                     S&B Hughes             6 
Pan #9.5                                    S Hughes               3 
Malt Licker                                 M Frierson            13 
The New Port News #24                       Brooks                 6 
Deeds in Detial '72                         Steele                11 
bOMBASTIUM #20                              Hutchinson             8 
A New Dictionary                            von Turk              12 
Journal of the Albert S. Greenfield Memorial Press 
                                            Lillian frank          2 
Spiritus Mundi #11                          Lillian               27 
Embryonic Journey #4                        Biggers                7 
Gimboate, pp. 121-122                       Steele                 2 
The Rubber Stamp                    Brown/Caruthers/Lillian        2 
A Piece of String                           Carlberg               2 
The Monster from the USO                    Lillian                4 
GIGO #l                                     Davis                  9 
Melikaphkhaz #32                            Atkins                60 
The Sphere, vol. 20 #1                      Markstein             39 
4:30                                 Dolbear/Lillian/Walsh         6 
The McGovern Voting Record                  Inzer                  5 
Ambs*Ace                                    Elfer                  5 
Con Confessions                             Brown                 14 
Summer Night #2                             B Hughes               4 
First Things First                          Brown                  1
Science Fiction on Radio                    M&P Frierson          55 
Heavy #11                                   Inzer                 12 
Illegal postmailing: 
Fflewddur Fflam #19                             Carlberg               20 

Mailing #50                                                  November 1972 
The Southerner #50                              Markstein               8 
Ignite #10                                      Guidry/Atkins           4 
Nosfan #6 b/w Nosfakefan #2                     Markstein               8 
Happy Broderick Crawford Day!                   Markstein               4 
Tumbling Dice                                   Lillian                 8 
By The Croatian Thumbscrew                      Markstein               4 
The HPL Supplement                              M&P Frierson           64 
1971 DC Index                                   Gremlin                35 
F F F F                                         Brown                   2 
We Grock You, S.F.P.A.                          M&P Frierson           18 
Nixon and Me                                    Lillian                 6 
Dwerd's Dwelling #7                             Gremlin                 8 
1971 Marvel Index                               Gremlin                22 
Spiritus Mundi #12                              Lillian                27 
A Passing Fancy                                 M&P Frierson           12 
It Comes in the Mail #l                         Brooks                 11 
Shadow of a Fan #7                              Koch                    9 
This Is Only a Four-Pager                       Gremlin                 4 
Adzine for Addicts                              Brooks                  6 
The New Port News #25                           Brooks                  4 
The New Typer...                                Brooks                  2 
Multiple Consort                                Caruthers               9 
Time Is on My Side                              Lillian                 4 
Vermilion Sands #3                              Harris                  4 
The Deadly Dooms of 'X' Chapter 2               Lillian                 4 
Amid a Place of Stone                           Lillian                 6 
Philip K. Dick                                  Lillian                 2 
Huitloxopetl #8.4                               M Frierson             80 
Timebinders I                                   Markstein              43
Gimboate, pp. 122-136                           Steele                 14 
Xiphophorus XIII                                Hutto                   4 
A Bottle of Wine                                Atkins                  4 
A Yorkshire Angel #20                           Carlberg               15 
1972 Ballotting Results                         Markstein               6 
Siderite #1                                     D Webbert               5 
Quantum Production #167                         Carlberg                2 
Ah Yes, I Remember Well a Saturday in Birmingham... 
                                                M&P Frierson           10 
I Can't Live without Q-Tips                     Lillian                 6 
Celkos Home Companion                           Celko                   8 
Pan #10                                         S&B Hughes             19 
The Sphere, vol. 21 #l                          Markstein               5 
Melikaphkhaz #33                                Atkins                 51 
How I Spent My Summer Vacation                  Mathews                 6 
Naoise Died #2                                  Mathews                 6 
Lapis Lazuli #1                                 Dolbear                10 
Oh My Stars and Little Comets!                  Haas                    2 
Embryonic Journey #5                            Biggers                 6 
Who Put the Benzedrine in Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine? 
                                                J Webbert               4 
DISGRACE IS BETTER THAN silence                 Davis                   2 
Chaos of Course                                 Koch                    1 
Heavy #12                                       Inzer                  36 
Von Turk's Tread Water Zine                     von Turk                4 
Why #l                                          Wirth                   5 

MAILING 51                                                             JAN 1973 
1    Oblio #7                                     Brown                     28 
2    Because It's There                           M&P Frierson               7 
3    Southern Fandom Confederation Roster #4      M Frierson                15 
4    A Response to 1972 Ballotting Results        M Frierson                 2 
5    Crystal Blue Persuasion #21                  Carlberg                   4 
6    A Very Merry Unbirthday                      Markstein                  4 
7    Nerguhs Glompum #2                           Markstein                  4 
8    X Murks the Spot                             Markstein                  5 
9    Shadow of a Fan #8                           Koch                      11 
10   Time Limit #5                                Koch                       1 
11   The Newport News #26                         Brooks                     6 
12   It Comes in the Mail #2                      Brooks                    11 
13   Spiritus Mundi #13                           Lillian                   29 
14   Science Fiction Times-Chronicle 7/5/73       M&P Frierson               4 
15   Star-Spangled Whore Stories                  Markstein (/Bruce)         2 
16   Thin Ice #1                                  Verheiden                  7 
17   Gafia - Phui                                 M Frierson                 9 
18   Ethics and the Egoboo Poll                   S Hughes                   3 
19   Worm Chowder #10                             Lillian                    8 
20   Xiphophorus XIV                              Hutto                      1 
21   Gimboate, pp. 137-146                        Steele                    10 
22   Fox                                          Caruthers                  6 
23   Keelhaul the Mizzenmasts!                    Markstein                  4 
24   Lillian Fhtagn                               Lillian                    4 
25   Oh my Stars and Little Comets! #2            Haas                       2 
26   Melikaphkhaz #34                             Atkins                     6 
27   The Sphere, vol. 22 #1                       Markstein                 22 
28   Siderite #2                                  D Webbert                  9 
29   Who Put the Coral Snake in Mrs. Murphy's Layer Cake? 
                                                  J Webbert                  4 
30   Topaz #21                                    Carlberg                   5 
31   Lapis Lazuli #2                              Dolbear                    2 
32   Bring Back the Sun #2                        Brooks/Celko/S&B Hughes   14 
33   Pan #11                                      B Hughes                   4 
34   Heavy #13                                    Inzer                     29 
35   No Good after Feb. 1, 1973                   von Turk                   4 
36   Emit                                         Wirth                      3 
37   Oblio #8                                     Brown                      7 
38   The Southerner #51                           Markstein                  4 
MAILING #52                                                            MAR 1973 
1    Fa Who Fo-Ray Da Who Do-Ray                  Markstein                  4 
2    Captain Video                                M Frierson                 4 
3    The I Gotta Do Some Work Sunday Morning
        So I'm Avoiding Going to Bed One-Shot     M Frierson                12 
4    Tandstikkerzeitung #1                        Markstein                 10 
5    Words Without Pictures about Pictures with Words 
                                                  Reed                       4 
6    Spiritus Mundi #14                           Lillian                   23 
7    It Comes in the Mail #3                      Brooks                    13 
8    Treret #3                      Caruthers/Markstein/Wirth (/Guidry)      6 
9    The New Port News #27                        Brooks                     4 
10   Fox #3                                       Caruthers                  3 
11   Ignite #11                                   Caruthers (/Guidry)        4 
12   Nosfan #23                                   Dolbear                   33 
13   Metro Magazine #5                            Celko                     16 
14   Celko's Home Companion #2                    Celko                      8 
15   IMK Publication #128                         Koch                       2 
16   Stagelight Colors Falling Down               Carlberg                   1 
17 Really?                               M Frierson                2 
18 Bech #3                               P Frierson                7 
19 Huitloxopetl #8.5                     M Frierson               18 
20 A Probably Ham Sandwich-#22           Carlberg                  1 
21 "Well, if it's not coming from Uranus..." #22 
                                         Carlberg                  3 
22 Vermilion Sands #4                    Harris                    6 
23 8 Hours on a Sunday Afternoon         Reed                      4 
24 We Want You!                          Hutchinson               12 
25 Guests and Fish       Caruthers/Dolbear/Lillian/Markstein/Wirth  
                                         (/Guidry)                 4 
26 You're Out Of Your Mind, Gary Brown!  Hutchinson                2 
27 Pan #12                               S&B Hughes               17 
28 Nosfakefan #s 3-6 b/w Um Tut Sut #l   Markstein                18 
29 Lost in the Ozone                     Wirth                     8 
30 The Mysterious von Turk Bi-Weekly     von Turk                  7 
31 Melikaphkhaz #35                      Atkins                   19 
32 The SDi.  ere, vol. 23 #l             Markstein                21 
33 The Celestial Albedo #22              Carlberg                  1 
34 All Down the Line                     Lillian                   8 
35 Oblio #9                              Brown                    12 
36 Werktags                              Hutto                     4 
37 Gimboate, pp. 147-154                 Steele                    8 
38 The World Is Covered by a Big Blue Bag 
                                         Hutto                     2 
39 Chickadee Tidbits #22                 Carlberg                  4 
40 Lapis Lazuli #3                       Dolbear                   4 
41 Siderite #3                           DWebbert                  8 
42 Who Put the Croton Oil in Mrs. Murphy's London Broil? 
                                         J Webbert                 5 
43 A Peice of Shit, vol. 1 #1            Inzer                     2 
44 The Southerner #52                    Markstein                14 

Mailing #53                                                 MAY  1973 
1  Testing All Systems #2                Markstein                 2 
2  The Mysterious von Turk's Birthday! Huzzah! #79 
                               von Turk/Wirth (/Guidry)            2 
3  April Fools                           Brooks/Lillian            5 
4  Waiting for Godot (disguised as a SFPA mailing) 
                                         M Frierson                6 
5  Spiritus Mundi #15                    Lillian                  27 
6  GHLIII for SFPA OE! #1                Lillian                   4 
7  Shadow of a Fan #9                    Koch                      6 
8  Heavy Election News Bulletin #l       Inzer                     2 
9  Dwerd's Dwelling #8                   Reed                     15 
10 It Comes in the Mail #4               Brooks                   20 
11 The New Port News #28                 Brooks                    6 
12 Entre-Temps #23                       Carlberg                  1 
13 Time Limit (11)                       Koch                      3 
14 Tandstikkerzeitung #2                 Markstein                 9 
15 Thin Ice #2                           Verheiden                11 
16 Naoise Died #3                        Mathews                   5 
17 Southern Fandam Confederation Bulletin #7 
                                         M Frierson               14 
18 Prrrr-T! #l                           Wetherington              4 
19 Lard Have Mercy!                      Dolbear/Markstein         2 
20 Siderite #4                           D Webbert                11 
21 Who Put the Spanish Fly in Mrs. Murphy's Apple Pie? 
                                         J Webbert                 7 
22 Nosfakefan #s 7-9                     Markstein                10 
23 The New SFPA Review #23               Carlberg                  8 
24 Karass #1                             Inzer                    15 
25 Continuity #4 b/w Pan #13 '           S Hughes/B Hughes         2 
26 The Sphere, vol. 24 #l                Markstein                21 
27 Vermilion Sands #5                    Harris                    1 
28 Speculum #22                          Collins                   6 
29 Melikaphkhaz #36                      Atkins                    2 
30 Oh My Stars and Little Comets! #3           Haas                          2 
31 Don't Trust Anyone Over or Under #30        Hutchinson                    2 
32 Clams Got L'Eggs vol. 2 #l-16               Hutchinson                   16 
33 Gimboate, pp. 155-160                       Steele                        6 
34 SFPA...Meet the Gaff                        Lillian                       4 
35 No Socially Redeeming Value #1              Wirth                         4 
36 Oblio #10                                   Brown                        13 
37 Lapis Lazuli #4                             Dolbear                      27 
38 The Eve of THEDEADLINE #3                   Markstein                     2 
39 The Southerner #53                          Markstein                     4 

Mailing #54                                                           JULY 1973 
1  The Nostalgia Party Prevents...             Markstein                     1 
2  Celko's Home Companion #3                   Celko                         9 
3  The Oneshit Oneshot                         Markstein/Smith               1 
4  Spiritus Mundi #16                          Lillian                      24 
5  Fury Said to a Mouse                        Markstein/von Turk            2 
6  Dwerd's Dwelling #9                         Reed                         10 
7  Lonesome Way #1                             Thingvall                     4 
8  Vermilion Sands #6                          Harris                        2 
9  The Countdown Chronicles                    P Frierson                    4 
10 Monkey Day Gazette                          M Frierson                   10 
11 Buck You, SFPA                              M&P Frierson                 10 
12 Huitloxopetl #8.6                           M Frierson                   16 
13 Shadow of a Fan #10                         Koch                          2 
14 The Frier- son III Faxsheet                 M&P Frierson                  2 
15 It Comes in the Mail #5                     Brooks                       15 
16 Heliconica                                  S&B Hughes                   10 
17 Grandson of Yankee Doodle One-Shot          M&P Frierson                  8 
18 The Newport News #29                        Brooks                        6 
19 Tandstikkerzeitung #3                       Markstein                    10 
20 Celko's Home Companion #6                   Celko                         6 
21 Impeach the President #l                    Collins                       4 
22 Menathee Celebration #1                     Brown                         5 
23 Gimboate, pp. 161-182                       Steele                       22 
24 Xiphophorus Final                           Hutto                         1 
25 To: Southern Fandom Press Alliance          Caruthers                     1 
26 Conglomeration #l                           Brown                        17 
27 Nosfakefan #s 10-13                         Markstein                    14 
28 Loco #146                                   M Frierson                    2 
29 Pan #14                                     S&B Hughes                   21 
30 Shnobble, vol. 3 #s 1-12                    Hutchinson                   12 
31 Amethyst II                                 Carlberg                      8 
32 The Tomb of Chocula                         Carlberg/Markstein            2 
33 Hi-Yo SFPA Away!                            M&P Frierson                 15 
34 Who? What? Where?                           Lillian                       5 
35 Oblio #11                                   Brown                        36 
36 Siderite #5                                 D Webbert                     7 
37 Who Put the Severed Head in Mrs. Murphy's Folding Bed? 
                                               J Webbert                     5 
38 Oh My Stars and Little Comets #4            Haas                          2 
39 Melikaphkhaz #37                            Atkins                        7 
40 The Sphere, vol. 25 #l                      Markstein                    21 
41 Siren                                       Wirth                         5 
42 The Hughes Candidacy                        S Hughes                      4 
43 In Memoriam: Gene L. Coon                   Mathews                       1 
44 Heavy Election Bulletin #2                  Inzer                         1 
45 Fury                                        Reinhardt                     5 
46 Von Turk's Famous Bygutwucts                von Turk                      9 
47 The Southerner #54                   Markstein                  4 
Mailing #55                                                 SEPT 1973 
1  GHLIII for SFPA OE! #2               Lillian                    4 
2  Tandstikkerzeitung #4                Markstein                 10 
3  Half a Decade of Demented Turkish Dwarf Press Publications 
                                        Markstein                  9 
4  SFPA...Meet the Wop                  Lillian                    4 
5  Sunset #l                            Koch                       6 
6  IMK Publication #156                 Koch                       2 
7  It Comes in the Mail #6              Brooks                    19 
8  Spiritus Mundi #17                   Lillian                   35 
9  The New Port News #30                Brooks                     4 
10 Make Room! Make Room!                Brooks                     4 
11 Who's Who in Fandom Initial Questionnaire  
                                        Brooks                     1 
12 Dwerd's Dwelling #10                 Reed                      10 
13 Thin Ice #3                          Verheiden                  9 
14 Gremlin #2                           Browm                     40 
15 Happiness Is a Warm Gun #34          Brown                      4 
16 San Juan Con 1974                    M Frierson                 1 
17 OEdipus Complex                      Friersons/Inzer/Lillian    4 
18 GHLIII for SFPA OE! #3               Lillian                    4 
19 Sangria Fantasies                    Carlbergs/Bigham.          4 
20 Spontaneous, Hell!                   Carlbergs/Bigham/Lillian   4 
21 Pieces of Eight #25                  S Carlberg                22 
22 The Raving Timmie Ggazzette          M Frierson                20 
23 The Fantastic Frierson Collection Culls
                                        M&P Frierson              16 
24 The Labor Day Stencil Freak One Shot #2 
                                        M&P Frierson               8 
25 Duodecade                            Hulan                      4 
26 Gimboate, pp. 183-202                Steele                    20 
27 The Final Frontier                   Thingvall                 10 
28 The Poke Salad Days Chronicle        M Frierson                28 
29 Green Whip Cream 
    Brown/Atkins/Celko/Hutchinson/Haas/Steele/Lillian/C Biggers    7 
   Brock/Caruthers/Inzer/Wells/M Weber/Elfer/B Hughes/Schreck/Wirth 
30 The Sphere, vol. 26 #l               Markstein                 10 
31 Melikaphkhaz #38                     Atkins                     8 
32 Tales Calculated to Drive You to DSC #2
                                        Hutchinson                 7 
33 Jumping Jack Flash                   Lillian                    8 
34 Con Confessions #2                   Brown                     10 
35 Yes, I Was in New Orleans            S Carlberg                 4 
36 Sky Child #l                         T Carlberg                 2 
37 Psalm 130                            Mathews                    7 
38 Siderite #6                          D Webbert                  6 
39 Who Put the Dying Mule in Mrs. Murphy's Swimming Pool? 
                                        J Webbert                  3 
40 A Dream Pressed in Organdy           Dolbear                    5 
41 Heavy Election Bulletin #3           Inzer                      4 
42 Oblio #12                            Brown                      8 
43 Pan #15                              B Hughes                   7 
44 The Hughes Candidacy #2              S Hughes                   3 
45 Hfijgbwafriu                         von Turk                   3 
46 Five O'Clock Shadow #l               Wirth                      4 
47 The Southerner #55                   Markstein                  4 
official postmailing: 
48 Nerguhs Glompum #3-a                 Markstein                  2 
49 I Will Run Away with SFPA in My Mouth
                                        S Carlberg                 4 
Note: "This Story Was Nominated for a Hugo" (Collins, 8 pp.) was rejected from the 53rd 
Mailing because of copyright violation. (It contained an R.A. Lafferty story.) 

MAILING #56                                              NOV 1973 
1   Walt Kelly                         Norwood                 1 
2   Secretariat #2                     Smith                   8 
3   Thirty Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Years with...Walt Kelly
                                       Hutchinson              1 
4   Walt Kelly, Incomparable Word Wizard 
                                       Brown                   3 
5   It Comes in the Mail #7            Brooks                 17 
6   Spiritus Mundi #18                 Lillian                21 
7   Among the Yankers #1               Wells                   6 
8   The New Port News #31              Brooks                  4 
9   Testing  the Mimeo                 Reed                    1 
10  Raw! Bulldogs                      M Frierson             10 
11  Product 19                         Reed                    4 
12  The Underground Gambit             Thingvall              10 
13  Oojah-Cum-Spiff #26                S Carlberg             17 
14  Sky Child #2                       T Carlberg              2 
15  Fangs of Piva                      Lillian                 4 
16  IMK Publication #160               Koch                    2 
17  Gimboate, pp. 203-214              Steele                 12 
18  Impeach the President #4           Collins                 5 
19  Voice of Ulric                     Reinhardt               8 
20  Well, There Goes the Neighborhood, vol. 4 #s 1-11
                                       Hutchinson             11 
21  Bech #4                            P Frierson              4 
22  Dwerd's Dwelling #11               Reed                    6 
23  Sherwood Homes                     Hulan                  49 
24  The Sphere, vol. 27 #1             Markstein               9 
25  Melikaphkhaz #39                   Atkins                  7 
26  The High Aesthetic Line #1         Hulan                  10 
27  Pan #16                            S&B Hughes              8 
28  Oblio #13                          Brown                   1 
29  The Way of the Purple Death        Bigham                  2 
30  Thin Ice #4                        Verheiden               2 
31  Heavy #14                          Inzer                  19 
32  Von Turk's Stay in SFPA Zine       von Turk                2 
33  Last Typo in Paris                 Wirth                   7 
34  Polytetrametylene Ether Glycol #1  Bridges                 5 
35  The Southerner #56                 Markstein               4 

MAILING #57                                              JAN 1974 
1   SFPA--Meet the Bum                 Lillian                 6 
2   Con Report One                     Celko                   4 
3   Mr. A                              Celko                  40 
4   Zanies Throw Up    
     Lillian/M Frierson/M Weber/Reinhardt/Inzer/Koch/Wells/ 
     B Hughes/S Hughes/P Frierson/CelkorPage/Caruthers/Steele  6 
5   We're Number One!!                 M&P Frierson            5 
6   Spiritus Mundi #19                 Lillian                24 
7   Ignite #12                         Reinhardt (/Guidry)     4 
8   We're TorCon 2 You                 Collins frank           2 
9   The Morning of the Night Before 
      the Night Before Christmas One-Shot
                                       Friersons/Inzer         2 
10  Hoapaur disties 1-8 
     Markstein/Norwood/Inzer/Smith/Wirth/Dolbear/Guidry/Elfer  8 
11  Deeds in Detail '73, Vol. II       Steele                  4 
12  Huitloxopetl 8.9999999             M Frierson             24 
13  It Comes in the Mail #8            Brooks                 20 
14  MCs 56                             Lillian                12 
15  The High Aesthetic Line #2         Hulan                  14 
16  Early English 2                    Hulan                  18 
17  The Newport News 32                Brooks                  4 
18 Lonesome Way #4                      Thingvall                5 
19 Thin Ice #5                          Verheiden               10 
20 Naoise Died #4                       Mathews                  8 
21 Feeble Fables for the Foible Minded #l 
                                        Small                    2 
22 Computazine +l                       Small                    1 
23 Tallahassee Fandam Comics & Stories vol. 3 #1
                                        Small                    2 
24 Eat More Redneck vol. 5 #s l-11      Hutchinson              11 
25 Happy Earthday                       Hutchinson               1 
26 Peripheral Vision is a Privilege,
           Not a Right! vol. 5 #l-10    Hutchinson              10 
27 Dwerd's Dwelling #12                 Reed                     8 
28 Incredible Long Distance One Shot 
                                     Collins/Bridges/M Frierson  2 
29 The Cheesecake Special               Mathews                  4 
30 Comet Comedies                       Bigham                   2 
31 Sky Child #3                         T Carlberg               4 
32 Three-waiting                        S Carlberg              17 
33 K-a--Meet the Turk                   Markstein/von Turk       8 
34 The Sphere, vol. 28 #1               Markstein               17 
35 Bring Back the Sun #3        S&B Hughes/Brooks/Celko         10 
36 Melikaphkhaz #40                     Atkins                  17 
37 Lapis Lazuli #5                      Dolbear                  6 
38 Oblio #14                            Brown                    9 
39 Gimboate, pps. 215-222               Steele                   8 
40 Who Put the Plymouth Rock in Mrs. Murphy's Cuckoo Clock? 
                                        J Webbert                5 
41 Siderite #7                          D Webbert                9 
42 Celko's Home Companion #4            Celko                    5 
43 Celko's Home Companion #5            Celko                    9 
44 Celko's Home Companion #7            Celko                    7 
45 Unterhelios #3                       Siclari                 21 
46 Oh, My Stars and Little Comets! #5   Haas                     4 
47 Heavy #15                            Inzer                   16 
48 The Southerner #57                   Inzer                    6 
Unofficial Inclusion: 
DUFF '74                                Webberts                 2 

MAILING #58                                                MAR 1974 
1  Voodoo Chile                        Wirth                    9 
2  MSFA Newsletter vol. 4 #1           Bridges                  2 
3  Con Report 2                        Celko                    7 
4  The Mysterious Spring Valley Triangle 
                                       Friersons/Moudrys        4 
5  What Sort of Man Reads Batman?      Lillian                  4 
6  Early English #3                    Hulan                   24 
7  Endymion #4                         Markstein                4 
8  The Newport News #33                Brooks                   2 
9  The Ballad of Eskimo Nell           Brooks                   3 
10 Among the Yankers #2                Wells                    6 
11 It Comes in the Mail #9             Brooks                  18 
12 Dwerd's Dwelling #13                Reed                     9 
13 Among the Yankers #3                Wells                    1 
14 Gimboate, pp. 223-238               Steele                  16 
15 Thin Ice #6                         Verheiden               10 
16 Sky Child #4                        T Carlberg               8 
17 Spiritus Mundi #20                  Lillian                 27 
18 Naoise Died #5                      Mathews                  9 
19 The High Aesthetic Line #3          Hulan                   18 
20 The Sphere, vol. 29 #1              Markstein               23 
21 Melikaphkhaz #41                    Atkins                  31 
22 Fury!                               Reinhardt                8 
23 Heavy #16                           Inzer                   15 
24 I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat vol. 7 #s l-12  Hutchinson                11 
25 Impeach the President #8                 Collins                    4 
26 Marathon Midnight Blues                  Celko/M Weber/J Davis      6 
27 Siderite #8                              D Webbert                  6 
28 Who Poured a Pot of Glue in Mrs. Murphy's Irish Stew?
                                            J Webbert                  4 
29 AGaCon 74                                Celko                      4 
30 Southeastern S.T.A.R. vol. II #2         J Davis                    4 
31 Muse-ings #l                             Wetherington               6 
32 Pan #17                                  S&B Hughes                 6 
33 Tobias Hume                              von Turk                   3 
34 The Southerner #58                       Inzer                      4 
Official postmailing: 
35 Chickadee Tidbits #28                    S Carlberg                17 
36 The Southerner #58.5 b/w The Spanish Inquisition
                                            Inzer                      2 
Unofficial  inclusion: 
37 Thanks for Writing                       Lillian                    2 

Note: "Thank's for Writing" was not listed on the Contents, but appeared in the mailing 
between "Con Report 2" and "The Mysterious Spring Valley Triangle". "DUFF '74" also did not 
appear on the Contents, but was right behind "The Southerner" in Mailing #57. 

MAILING #59                                                      MAY 1974 
1  Celko's Home Companion #8                Celko                      8 
2  Hi Yo SFPA Away #4                       M                 16 
3  Lonesome Way #6                          Thingvall                  7 
4  Glory Stompers in the Rye #2             Thingvall                 19 
5  Dark They Were and Golden Eyed #2        M Frierson                 2 
6  The New Port News #34                    Brooks                     4 
7  It Comes in the Mail #10                 Brooks                    23 
8  Early English #4                         Hulan                     24 
9  Tandstikkerzeitung #5                    Markstein                 10 
10 Yellow HooHah                            Small                      2 
11 Celko's Home Companion #6                Celko                      8 
12 The High Aesthetic Line #4               Hulan                     45 
13 Spiritus Mundi #21                       Lillian                   21 
14 Gimboate, pps. 239-248                   Steele                    10 
15 Hraka #29                                S Carlberg                18 
16 Dark They Were and Golden Eyed #5        M Frierson                10 
17 Undulating Memories of Times Past and Present 
                                            Small                      2 
18 Another Fine Mess #1                     Hutchinson                17 
19 Some Thing vol. 8 #s l-19                Hutchinson                19 
20 The OExorcist                            Lillian                   15 
21 Tightbeam, Jan. 1974                     Markstein                  8 
22 January Tightbeam May Supplement         Markstein                  1 
23 Padlocking Ceremony                      Markstein/von Turk         1 
24 The Sphere, vol. 30 #1                   Markstein                 19 
25 Melikaphkhaz #42                         Atkins                    25 
26 Von Turk's Scarlet Letter Zine           von Turk                   4 
27 Oblio #15                                Brown                      4 
28 Sky Child #5                             T Carlberg                 3 
29 Deeds in Detail '74                      Steele                    10 
30 Dwerd's Dwelling #14                     Reed                       4 
31 Thin Ice #7                              Verheiden                  4 
32 Heavy #17                                Inzer                     13 
33 The Joy of SF                            Wirth                      7 
34 Bernardo de la Paz #l                    Siclari                   11 
35 Pan #18                                  S&B Hughes                 2 
36 The Southerner #59                       Inzer                      4 

MAILING #60                                                                             JULY  1974 
1  What Can I Say I've Got Ink on My Feet?                 Celko/J Davis/B Hughes               4 
2  The Three Kings of Chickeraboo                          Markstein/Smith/von Turk             2 
3  Celko's Home Companion #9                               Celko                                8 
4  Spiritus Mundi #22                                      Lillian                             28 
5  Exotic Syrian Funnie                                    Brooks/Wells                         4 
6  The New Port News #35                                   Brooks                               4 
7  Among the Yankers #4                                    Wells                                4 
8  Conglomeration #2                                       Brown                               23 
9  Icepick #l                                              Atkins                               6 
10 It Comes in the Mail #11                                Brooks                              23 
11 Tandstikkerzeitung #6                                   Markstein                           10 
12 Happy 60th SFPA                                         M Frierson                           2 
13 Bech #5                                                 P Frierson                           4 
14 Gimboate, pps. 249-262                                  Steele                              14 
15 The Amazing World of DC Comics #l                       Lillian                             52 
16 Hey Kraze, How About Singin' a Little Song for Dunahee and Me? 
                vol.  9 #s l-15                            Hutchinson                          15 
17 Thin Ice #8                                             Verheiden                           18 
18 Finestra, vol. 1 #1                                     Greenfield                          10 
19 CtWP p.428                                              M Frierson                           1 
20 Manhattan Mambo #8                                      Lillian                              4 
21 Worm Chowder #25                                        Lillian                             12 
22 Sky Child #6                                            T Carlberg                           2 
23 Hraka #30                                               S Carlberg                          12 
24 The High Aesthetic Line #5                              Hulan                               28 
25 Twenty Small Cigars                                     Weber                                6 
26 Celko's Home Companion #10                              Celko                                8 
27 Perchance to Dream                                      J Davis                              5 
28 Hippopappy Birthirthday                                 Weber/Celko/J Davis                  2 
29 Birthday Oneshot                                        J Davis/Celko                        2 
30 Southeastern S.T.A.R vol. II #3                         J Davis                              4 
31 Naoise Died #6                                          Mathews                              9 
32 Honest, Jackie, You Don't Have to Be Coherent in a One-Shot 
                                                           Brooks                               6 
33 Dwerd's Dwelling #15                                    Reed                                17 
34 Carrollton Carnality                                    von Turk                             4 
35 The Sphere, vol. 31 #1                                  Markstein                           35 
36 Tinsel Turkey Tales                                     Staton                               4 
37 Oblio #16                                               Brown                               18 
38 Melikaphkhaz #43                                        Atkins                              21 
39 The $30 Hot Dog                                         Biggers/Steele                       6 
40 Heavy #18                                               Inzer                                6 
41 Pan #19                                                 S&B Hughes                          14 
42 You Can Be Hank Reinhardt!                              Celko/S Hughes                       4 
43 The Southerner #60                                      B Hughes                             4 
Official Postmailing: 
44 The Southerner #60.5                                    Inzer                                2 
45 The Campaign Trail #l                                   Atkins                               2 
Illegal postmailings: 
46 GHLIII for SFPA OE! vol. 2 #1                           Lillian                              2 
47 The Campaign Trail #2                                   Hulan                                6 
48 GHLIII for SFPA OE! vol. 2 #2                           Lillian                              5 
Note: Things were rather confused right around this point, with extra-mailing activity 
flying in all directions constantly. Whether a given item is a postmailing to one 
mailing or a premailing to the next is often a matter to be decided by the flip of a 
coin. Since practically all of it also appeared inside regular mailings, the whole 
question is rendered rather absurd. I've decided to consider all of the unofficial 
ones "illegal postmailings." "The Campaign Trail" #1, however, is an official postmailing 
because it was mailed along with "The Southerner" #60.5 by permission of the OE. 

MAILING #61                                              OCT 1974 
1  The Sheriff of Bullet Valley        Hutchinson             18 
2  The New Port News #36               Brooks                  8 
3  Just Another Zine from TX           S Carlberg              4 
4  Is This a Membership Saver I See Before Me? 
                                       M Frierson              4 
5  Walt Disney's Oh My Stories and Little Comics, vol. 10 #1-27 
                                       Hutchinson             27 
6  Yellowed Memories #2                Small                  12 
7  DSC Comics                          Brown/Hutchinson/Small  4 
8  Spiritus Mundi #23                  Lillian                27 
9  Among the Yankers #5                Wells                   4 
10 It Comes in the Mail #12            Brooks                 21 
11 Con Confessions #3                  Brown                  10 
12 Zootibar                            Wells                   4 
13 Tales Calculated to Drive You to DSC #3 
                                       Hutchinson             11 
14 Captain SFPA, vol. 1 #1             Wirth                   5 
15 Once in a Blue Goon                 Reed                    7 
16 Oblio #17                           Brown                  20 
17 I Remember Alan                     Brown                   2 
18 Tandstikkerzeitung #7               Markstein              20 
19 On the Trail of the Zinsel      S&T Carlberg/Markstein     11 
20 The Big Screen #2                   Verheiden              27 
21 The High Aesthetic Line #6          Hulan                  41 
22 A Frank Kelly Freas Cover Art Bibliography 
                                       Thingvall               6 
23 The Avocado Eaters Journal #17      Atkins/Hulan            4 
24 Red as Flame                        Atkins                 45 
25 The Sphere, vol. 32 #1              Markstein              28 
26 Dwerd's Dwelling #16                Reed                    8 
27 The Only Oneshot Guy Lillian Never Titled
    M Frierson/Lillian/Celko/Whitehead/Inzer/J Davis/Guidry/
    Weber/Brooks/B Hughes/Wells/Steele/Greenfield/S Carlberg   6 
28 Half-A-Con                          Steele                  1 
29 Gimboate, pp. 263-304               Steele                 42 
30 Zamizdat #9                         Bigham                  7 
31 You and Me at the DSC               Lillian                 4 
32 Von Turk's  Yellow Death Zine       von Turk                4 
33 Early English #5                    Hulan                  22 
34 A Marriage Is Proclaimed            Hulan                   4 
35 Half a Page                         Hulan                   1 
36 Icepick #2                          Atkins                  2 
37 Odin #l                             Reinhardt              13 
38 The Amazing World of DC Comics #2   Lillian                52 
39 Turkish Delights                    Siclari/Small           7 
40 SFPA Meet VW Studios:               Small                   2 
41 Hraka #31                           S Carlberg             20 
42 Sky Child #7                        T Carlberg              2 
43 Heavy #19                           Inzer                  13 
44 Continuity                          S&B Hughes              2 
45 Undulating Memories of Past and Present #2 
                                       Small                   2 
46 SFPA Meet Great Scott               Small                   2 
47 South of the Moon vol. 2 #1         Small                   6 
48 The Eve of THEDEADLINE #4           Markstein               2 
49 Melikaphkhaz #44                    Atkins                  6 
50 1974 SFPA Ballot                    Inzer                   1 
 51 The Southerner #61                                   Inzer/S&B Hughes                    4 
 Illegal postmailings: 
 52 What "Crisis"?                                       B Hughes                            2 
 53 The Sphere, vol. 32 #2                               Markstein                           2 
 54 GHLIII for SFPA 0E1 vol. 2 #3                        Lillian                             3 
 55 The Campaign Trail #3                                Atkins                              6 
 56 Great Rich for SFPA OE!                              Small                               2 

MAILING #62                                                                            DEC 1974 
 1  It Comes in the Mail #13                             Brooks                             17 
 2  Happy Guy Fawkes Day                                 Markstein/von Turk                  3 
 3  The Sphere, vol. 32 #2                               Markstein                           2 
 4  Tandstikkerzeitung #8                                Markstein                          20 
 5  Index #1                                             Reed                               10 
 6  Bech #6                                              P Frierson                          8 
 7  Huitloxopetl #9                                      M Frierson                         33 
 8  The Great Rich at the DSC                            Small                               9 
 9  GHLIII for SFPA OE! vol. 2 #1                        Lillian                             2 
 10 GHLIII for SFPA OE! vol. 2 #2                        Lillian                             5 
 11 GHLIII for SFPA OE! vol. 2 #3                        Lillian                             3 
 12 Spiritus Mundi #24                                   Lillian                            39 
 13 The Amazing World of DC Comics #3                    Lillian                            52 
 14 Isaiah 41:24                                         Hulan/Lillian                       3 
 15 Before My Boss Comes Back                            Lillian/Wells                       1 
 16 Psalm 116                                            Mathews                            11 
 17 And That, Commander, Is an OR-der!                   Mathews                            55 
 18 Have You Ever Crossed the Sahara on a Camel?         M Hulan                             2 
 19 Tinsel Turkey Tales #2                               Staton                              9 
 20 A Third of a Thousand                                D Hulan                             8 
 21 The High Aesthetic Line #7                           D Hulan                            49 
 22 Cushlamochree                                        Hutchinson                          2 
 23 Grits, Spam, Spam, Grits                             Wells                              14 
 24 Om Markstein Sklom Stu #14                           Markstein                          16 
 25 World Faan Convention Progress Report One            Markstein                           2 
 26 The New Port News #37                                Brooks                              8 
 27 I'll Stick a Title Up....                            Wells                               2 
 28 In Remembrance of Blue Lights and the Lakefront      Smith/J Davis                       1 
 29 Celko's Home Companion #12                           Celko                               8 
 30 Celko's Home Companion #11                           Celko                               8 
 31 Little Men from Mars, Where Are You? vol. 11 #s l-25 
                                                         Hutchinson                         25 
 32 Thin Ice #9                                          Verheiden                          33 
 33 The Sphere, vol. 33 #l                               Markstein                          47 
 34 The New Leviathan Oriental Fox-Trot Orchestra 
      Plays with the Biggest Organ in New Orleans        von Turk                            8 
 35 Carl #l                                              Atkins/D Bulan                      8 
 36 Disclaimer                                           D Hulan                             1 
 37 Pain #l                                              R Hulan                             6 
 38 You Haff Perhaps Relatives in California, Ja?        Atkins/D Hulan                      4 
 39 Gimboate, pp. 305-330                                Steele                             26 
 40 Hraka #32                                            S Carlberg                          6 
 41 Hraka #33                                            S Carlberg                          6 
 42 Melikaphkhaz #45                                     Atkins                             20 
 43 Oblio #18                                            Brown                              58 
 44 Bring Back the Sun #4                                Brooks/S&B Hughes                   8 
 45 The Hughes Do-It-Yourself Stonehenge Kit             S&B Hughes                          6 
 46 The Spasms of Spanier                                Lillian                             6 
 47 Pan #20                                              S&B Hughes                         22 
 48 Two by Two #1                                          S&T Carlberg                           2 
 49 1974 Southern Fandom Press Alliance Egotoo Poll Results 
                                                           S&B Hughes                             4 
 50 The Southerner #62                                     S&B Hughes                             5 

MAILING #63                                                                                FEB  1975 
  1 The Planet, vol. 1 #1                                  Lillian frank                          3 
  2 Fifth Avenue Fandango                                  Lillian                               10 
  3 Kubla Khan Khubed                                      Frierson frank                         2 
  4 The Second Annual Armand Ruhlman Film Festival         von Turk                               4 
  5 Farewell JoeD!                                         Small                                  2 
  6 SFPA Meet VW Studios part 2                            Small                                  2 
  7 Great Rich for SFPA OE!                                Small                                  2 
  8 Thanksgiving with Jim Fair                             Small                                  2 
  9 Fr. Karras #10                                         M Frierson                             4 
 10 Son of the SFPA Journal                                M&P Frierson                           6 
 11 Unemployment Funnies b/w Cushlamochree                 Hutchinson                             4 
 12 Babies Are Our Business...Our Only Business vol. 12 #1-23 
                                                           Hutchinson                            23 
 13 Boy, Is School Hard!                                   R Hulan                                4 
 14 The New Port News #38                                  Brooks                                 6 
 15 It Comes in the Mail #14                               Brooks                                25 
 16 Give Your Customers a Bonus 8.75 Ounce Crest at 7 Ounce Price #l 
                                                           Jennings                              18 
 17 Nolazine #13                                           Smith                                 37 
 18 Cushlamochree #3                                       Hutchinson                             2 
 19 Dwerd's Dwelling #17                                   Reed                                  29 
 20 1974 DC Index                                          Reed                                  48 
 21 Thin Ice #10                                           Verheiden                             23 
 22 I Believe Tanya Tucker Will Rise Again #1              Wells                                  2 
 23 My Systoles! My Systoles!                              Wells                                  2 
 24 Sitzfleisch #1                                         Inzer                                 13 
 25 Odin #2                                                Reinhardt                              7 
 26 Southern Fandom Playing Around                         S Carlberg                             1 
 27 The Southernoer 63 by GHLIII                           S&T Carlberg                           2 
 28 The Goodbye Insult                                     Atkins/Hulan/Staton                   14 
 29 Tinsel Turkey Tales #3                                 Staton                                 4 
 30 Have You Ever Crossed the Sahara on a Camel? #2        M Hulan                               10 
 31 The High Aesthetic Line #8 b/w The Campaign            D Hulan                               75 
 32 Tucks #5                                               Markstein                              4 
 33 Honey Bear #1                                          Mathews                               20 
 34 The Almost Compleat Dr. Dup and Barnaby                Hutchinson                            22 
 35 Star Dust #1                                           Smith                                 11 
 36 Deja Voodoo                                            Lillian (/Guidry)                      5 
 37 Gimboate, pp. 331-350                                  Steele                                20 
 38 Oblio #19                                              Brown                                 28 
 39 Melikaphkhaz #46                                       Atkins                                 7 
 40 Return of the Mummies!                                 H Davis                                3 
 41 Sky Child #8                                           T Carlberg                             8 
 42 The Sphere, vol. 34 #1                                 Markstein                             19 
 43 The Eve of THEDEADLINE #5                              Markstein                              2 
 44 Celko's Home Companion #13                             Celko                                  4 
 45 Von Turk's Reclusian Ronton Zine                       von Turk                               4 
 46 Talisman #1                                            Biggers                                6 
 47 Future Retrospective #1                                Biggers                               18 
 48 Capt. SFPA Vs. the Fetid Whoreds of Rotsa!             Wirth                                  3 
 49 Cliffhanging and Other Fantasies                       Wirth                                  1 
 50 Raven                                                  Corben                                 6 
 51 HalfaCon '74                                           Biggers/Steele                         8 
 52 Spiritus Mundi #25                                     Lillian                               41 
 53 The Great Rich Is Sick                                 Hutchinson                             1 
 54 Pan #20.5                                  S&B Hughes                  5 
 55 The Southerner #63                         Lillian                     8 
Official Premailing: 
The Southerner #62.5                           Lillian2                    2 

MAILING #64                                                        APRIL 1975 
  1 Crystal Blue Persuasion #33                S Carlberg                 21 
  2 The Great Rich Is Sick #l                  Small                       4 
  3 Undulating Memories of Times Past and Present #3 
                                               Small                       2 
  4 Fast Asleep in Poppyland #l                Markstein                   2 
  5 Think Fast!                                Brown/Hutchinson            2 
  6 Conglomeration #3                          Brown                       7 
  7 SFPA Meet...God!                           Brown                       3 
  8 The Big Screen #4                          Verheiden                  34 
  9 Cushlamochre number fore                   Brown                       1 
 10 Spiritus Mundi #26                         Lillian                    31 
 11 The New Port News #39                      Brooks                      6 
 12 Thin Ice #11                               Verheiden                   8 
 13 Make Room...                               Brooks                      4 
 14 It Comes in the Mail #15                   Brooks                     13 
 15 RiverCon Report #1                         Lillian frank               2 
 16 Give Your Customers a Bonus 8.75 Ounce Crest at 7 Ounce Price #2 
                                               Jennings                   22 
 17 The Great Rich Is Sick #2                  Small                       4 
 18 Great Rich at the Hospital                 Small                       1 
 19 Panel #1                                   Atkins/D Hulan              8 
 20 Bangkok at Twelve O'Clock                  D Hulan                    47 
 21 Snow White and the Twenty-Eight Kids       R Hulan                     6 
 22 Nastrond #14                               D Hulan                    18 
 23 Sky Child #9                               T Carlberg                  2 
 24 Chickadee Tidbits #34                      S Carlberg                 10 
 25 Have You Ever Crossed the Sahara on a Camel? #3 
                                               M Hulan                    12 
 26 The High Aesthetic Line #9                 D Hulan                    19 
 27 Dawk! I Just Love My New Mickey Mouse Club vol. 13 #l-9a, l-2lb 
                                               Hutchinson                 30 
 28 Oblio #20                                  Brown                      35 
 29 Dwerd's Dwelling #18                       Reed                       11 
 30 Captain SFPA #3                            Wirth                       7 
 31 Oscar & Me                                 Lillian                     6 
 32 Melikaphkhaz #47                           Atkins                     15 
 33 Potato Peelings #1                         K Atkins                    2 
 34 Odin #3                                    Reinhardt                   3 
 35 Sitzfleisch #2 part 1                      Inzer                       4 
 36 Sitzfleisch #2 part 2                      Inzer                       6 
 37 A Root-Beer Jellybean                      Atkins/Hulan                7 
 38 Gimboate, pp. 351-360                      Steele                     10 
 39 Bech #7                                    P Frierson                  4 
 40 And then George Reminded Me of the Coffin Scores... 
                                               M Frierson                  2 
 41 Something Still Gets Left Behind #3        Caruthers                   4 
 42 Orangutang Crunchies in my Gruel #l        Staton                      4 
 43 Pan #20.75                                 S&B Hughes                 16 
 44 The Honey Bear Beleaguered                 Mathews                     7 
 45 The Sphere, vol. 35 #1                     Markstein                  43 
 46 Quantum Production #220                    S Carlberg                  5 
 47 Hraka #34                                  S Carlberg                 30 
 48 Star Dust #2                               Smith                       5 
 49 Byrniinge Ignites Number Oen               Lillian/von Turk            1 
 50 HalfaCon '75                               Lillian/Reinhardt           2 
 51 Future Retrospective #2                    Biggers                    22 
     52 Ignite #14                        Brooks (/Guidry)       4 
     53 The Southerner #64                Lillian                6 

MAILING #65                                                MAY 1975 
      1 An Explanation                    Hutchinson             1 
      2 Uncle Scrooge #119  Atkins/Hulan/Hutchinson/Brawn frank 36 
      3 The New Port News #37             Brooks                 4 
      4 A Nice One-Shot for a Change      Hulans/Atkinses        2 
      5 Cushlamochree #4                  Hutchinson             2 
      6 WDP & Me                          Hutchinson             6 
      7 Thin Ice,#12                      Verheiden             14 
      8 Bech #8                           P Frierson             7 
      9 Huitloxopetl #9.l                 M Frierson            32 
     10 Epistle #l                        Wetherington           6 
     11 Honey Bear #3                     Mathews               20 
     12 Longitude & Latitude              D Hulan               75 
     13 Give Your Customers a Bonus 
         8.75 Oz Crest at 7 Oz Price #3   Jennings              24 
     14 No One Expects the Ffffrrrrrrogggggg of Dddddeeeeeaaathhhhhhh! #1 
                                          Wells                  2 
     15 Gaahhh! How HORRible!! vol. 14 #l-40 
                                          Hutchinson            40 
     16 The Great Rich Writes #1          Small                  2 
     17 The Badly Reproduced Eskimo Nell ad From Variety One Shot #l 
                                          Verheiden              2 
     18 The Ratiocinator's. Guide to "Backgammon"  
                                          Atkins                19 
     19 Flea Fart #l                      Reinhardt              1 
     20 The John Guidry Memorial Bonfire!!!
                                          Wells                  6 
     21 It Comes in the Mail #16          Brooks                17 
     22 Summer Vacation                   R Hulan                2 
     23 Have You Ever Crossed the Sahara on a Camel #4
                                          M Hulan                5 
     24 Sky Child #10                     T Carlberg             6 
     25 Hraka #35                         S Carlberg            22 
     26 Talisman #2                       Biggers                8 
     27 Potato Peelings #2                K Atkins               2 
     28 Melikaphkhaz #48                  L Atkins              13 
     29 Spiritus Mundi #27                Lillian               37 
     30 Life Begins at Thirty             Reed                   1 
     31 Gimboate, pp. 361-375             Steele                15 
     32 Zyxomma                           Markstein              5 
     33 The Sphere, vol. 36 #l            Markstein             25 
     34 Oblio #21                         Brown                 48 
     35 Contempt of Academica             Inzer/Moudry           2 
     36 Sitzfleisch III                   Inzer                 20 
     37 Blazni Zvraci                     Wells                  2 
     38 Roast This Man                    Lillian                1 
     39 Resignation from SFPA             S&B Hughes             1 
     40 Capt. SFPA Strikes Again!!        Wirth                  2 
     41 Von Turk and the Golden Mask of Boredom 
                                          von Turk               4 
     42 The Southerner #65                Lillian                4 

MAILING #66                                               JULY 1975 
      1 Celko's Home Companion #15        Celko                  4 
      2 Celko's Home Companion #14        Celko                  8 
      3 The SFPA Liberation Army          S&T Carlberg/Brown     4 
      4 The Rest of Huitloxopetl 9.1      M Frierson            10 
      5 Bob Jennings for SFPA OE          Jennings               4 
      6 IMK Publication #200              Koch                   3 
      7 The SFPA of '76          S&T Carlberg/A&R Hutchinson     5 
8   Greetings;                               Lillian frank                9 
9   The New Port News #38                    Brooks                       6 
10  It Comes in the Mail #17                 Brooks                      18 
11  Deeds in Detail '75: Fireworks at 8 A.M.? 
                                             Steele                       8 
12  Atkins: The Night SFPAn                  Brown/A Hutchinson           6 
13  World Faan Convention "Progress" Report Two  
                                             Markstein                    1 
14  Penny Frierson for 0.E.!                 P Frierson                   2 
15  Cogito Ergo Sum, Cogito                  Caruthers                    6 
16  The Fan of Brass #1                      Wirth                       14 
17  Space Chickens in the Sunset #1          Staton                       8 
18  South of the Moon #10                    Brooks frank                18 
19  Cookies Made from Elves vol. 15 #1-55    A Hutchinson                55 
20  Huitloxopetl 9.2                         M Frierson                  15 
21  I'm a Yankee Doodle Rabid                M Frierson                   8 
22  Give Your Customers a Bonus 8.75 Ounce Crest at 7 Oz Price #4 
                                             Jennings                    50 
23  I'm Back and I'm Proud                   Budka                        8 
24  Thin Ice #13                             Verheiden                   14 
25  Gazork! #1                               Reed                        16 
26  In Which Moudry Gets a Mlg               Moudry                       6 
27  Blitz #2                                 Atkins                       4 
28  Bech #9                                  P Frierson                   6 
29  Gimboate, pp. 376-386                    Steele                      11 
30  Janet in SFPAland                        J Davis                      4 
31  Cyrcon '76                               Biggers                      1 
32  Talisman #3                              Biggers                     17 
33  The 1975 Kelly Freas Selections          Lillian frank                1 
34  NO-Con                                   Smith                        1 
35  Is Doc Salvagable?                       H Davis                      2 
36  Up the RiverCon without a Paddle 
                 J Davis/Lillian/M Frierson/Weber/Smith 
           Inzer/Reinhardt/H Davis/Mason/Whitehead/Wells/Celko           10 
37  Everything You Know Is Wrong!            T Carlberg                   1 
38  Hraka #36                                S Carlberg                  29 
39  Epistle #2                               Wetherington                 7 
40  Have You Ever Crossed the Sahara on a Camel? #5                                             
                                             M Hulan                     17 
41  Potato Peelings #3                       K Atkins                     4 
42  The Honey Bear #4                        Mathews                     10 
43  Oblio #22                                Brown                       50 
44  As the Cat Walked Down the Alley         R Hulan                      4 
45  SFPA Meet...the Devil!                   A Hutchinson                 4 
46  A Note We Have from Chaucer              D Hulan                     65 
47  Odin # ?                                 Reinhardt                    6 
48  Spiritus Mundi #28                       Lillian                     50 
49  A Thomas Burnett Swann Bibliography      Lillian frank                1 
50  Sitzfleisch, the fourth                  Inzer                       22 
51  Melikaphkhaz #49                         Atkins                      17 
52  The Deep-Throated Jaws of the Mandingo Exorcist Meet Godzilla 
                                             Wells                        1 
53  GIGO #2                                  H Davis                      5 
54  2 to the Fourth                          Smith/Montalbano             2 
55  Star Dust #3                             Smith                        7 
56  Cushlamochree #5                         A Hutchinson                 6 
57  B.Y.O.T. #1                              R Hutchinson                 4 
58  Yummilust #1                             Markstein/von Turk           1 
59. The Sphere, vol. 37 #1                   Markstein                   15 
60  The Apa Elite [tm] Membership Application Form 
                                             Markstein                    1 
61  Nosfan #26                               Dolbear                      6 
62  Nosfan #30                               Lillian frank                8 
63  For the Record                           Lillian                      2 
64  The Southerner #66                       Lillian                      6 
MAILING #67                                                                     SEPT 1975
1    IMK Publication #216                            Koch                              2 
2    Scarf My Schween                                Lillian/Wirth/Walsh               4 
3    NOLaCon Poster #l                               Guidry                            2 
4    The Fabulous RiverCon                           M Frierson                        9 
5    Roast Me...If You Dare!                         Lillian                           4 
6    Icepick #3                                      L Atkins                          1 
7    Huitloxopetl 9.3                                M Frierson                       22 
8    Leonard Nimoy Was My Vocal Coach #1             Wells                             2 
9    Train-Con I / AussieCon Flyer X                 Brooks                            4 
10   A Sort of 1/2-Vast Con Report                   Brooks                            6 
11   Fladnag #l                                      S Carlberg                       25 
12   You Are an Army of Frogs... (#l)                Wells                             4 
13   Spiritus Mundi #29                              Lillian                          29 
14   The New Port News #39                           Brooks                            4 
15   How I Saw Jaws                                  A Hutchinson                      2 
16   Bob Jennings for SFPA President                 Jennings                          4 
17   Give Your Customers a Bonus 8.75 Oz Crest at 7 Oz Price #5 
                                                     Jennings                          4 
18   Dwerd's Dwelling #19                            Reed                              4 
19   The Un-Shot #l                                  Brown/A Hutchinson                1 
20   All These Languid Latitudes                     D Hulan_                         68 
21   Swaj Is Jaws Spelled Backward                   R. Hulan                          1 
22   Awry #9                                         Locke                            20 
23   The Sphere, vol. 37 #2                          Markstein                         8 
24   D-Parting Shot                                  M&P Frierson/Inzer                4 
25   Bech #10                                        P Frierson                        4 
26   Penny Frierson for O.E. #2                      P Frierson.                       2 
27   Have You Ever Crossed the Sahara on a Camel? #6 M Hulan                          19 
28   Con Confessions #4                              Brown                             8 
29   Bars and Stripes                                Brown                             2 
30   Tales Calculated to Drive You to WPB #4         A Hutchinson                      8 
31   Gimboate, pp.  387-408                          Steele                           22 
32   The High Aesthetic Line #10                     D Hulan                          31 
33   The Hundredth Page                              D Hulan                           1 
34   The Vault of Whore, vol. 16 #l-43               A Hutchinson                     43 
35   Oblio #23                                       Brown                            76 
36   Goin' Home Is Such a Ride #l                    Weber                             4 
37   The Sphere, vol. 38 #1                          Markstein                        32 
38   Anyplace But New Orleans                        Markstein                         1 
39   Overton Square Revisited                        Caruthers                         4 
40   String-Saver                                    R Hutchinson                      1 
41   Summer in the City                              Montalbano                        4 
42   Fingertip Reality                               J Moudry                          8 
43   Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin #14      M Frierson                        4 
44   Southern Fandom Confederation Roster #16        M Frierson                        6 
45   ChattaCon '76                                   Koch                              1 
46   Next Time I'll Do a Real Small One              Smith                             4 
47   Sky Child #11                                   T Carlberg                        4 
48   Hraka #37                                       S Carlberg                       46 
49   Epistlette                                      Wetherington                      2 
59   An Autogyro Named Desire                        Wirth                             4 
51   Talisman #4                                     Biggers                          10 
52   Thin Ice #14                                    Verheiden                        23 
53   The Southerner #67                              Lillian                           5 
Illegal postmailing: 
54   Scarfing Humble Pie #2 b/w Huitloxopetl 9.4     M Frierson                       18 
55   A Multi-Subject Sales List                      M Frierson                       10 

MAILING #68                                                                         NOV 1975 
1   Celko's Home Companion                             Celko                              8 
2   Talisman #4-1/2                                    Biggers                            3 
3   Apology                                            Reed                               1 
4   Dwerd's Dwelling #19a                              Reed                              11 
5   The 'I'm So Lonely' One-Shot #l                    Verheiden                          1 
6   Last Typo in Paris #2                              Wirth                              7 
7   The Eve of THEDEADLINE #6                          Markstein                          2 
8   The Final Programme                                Koch                               2 
9   Ignite #19                                         Steele (/Guidry)                   4 
10  Ignite #20                                         H Davis (/Guidry)                  4 
11  Perchance to Dream #2                              J Davis                            4 
12  The New Port News #40                              Brooks                             6 
13  Spiritus Mundi #30                                 Lillian                           47 
14  1975  Egoboo Poll Results                          Lillian                            6 
15  YES! We're Going to a Party, Party!                Hutto                              4 
16  Giant-Size Menathee Travels #l                     Brown                             29 
17  Deeds In Detail '75: "Meade Gets His"              Steele                            17 
18  It Comes in the Mail #18                           Brooks                            37 
19  Hobgoblins and Polish Jews #l                      Korbas                             6 
20  Hobgoblins and Polish Jews #2                      Korbas                             4 
21  Tails from the Crypt vol. 17 #l-43                 Hutchinson                        43 
22  Blotz #3                                           S Carlberg                         2 
23  A New School                                       M&R Hulan                          1 
24  A Moving Experience                                D Hulan                            1 
25  Space-Chicken #2                                   Staton                             5 
26  Epistlette #2                                      Wetherington                       2 
27  The Woman with Tangled Green Hair                  Mathews                            5 
28  Menathee Celebration #2                            Brown                              4 
29  An Important Notice                                Korbas                             1 
30  Cushlamochree #6                                   Hutchinson                         7 
31  Potato Peelings #4                                 K Atkins                           6 
32  Icepick #4                                         L Atkins                           5 
33  Bedridden in B Ham                                 M Frierson                         2 
34  A String-Saver from Penny                          P Frierson                         1 
35  Odin #?!                                           Reinhardt                          6 
36  The Birthday Special : 24                          Caruthers                          3 
37  A Waitlister's String-Saver                        Moudry                             2 
38  The Noctuary                                       Moudry                             4 
39  Thin Ice #15                                       Verheiden                         27 
40  Oblio #24                                          Brown                             27 
41  Wild Yonder Blues                                  Wirth                             10 
42  Divine Decadence #38                               S Carlberg                        28 
43  The Sphere, vol. 39 #1                             Markstein                         12 
44  B.Y.O.L. #2                                        R Hutchinson                       6 
45  Talisman #5                                        Biggers                            8 
46  Opossum 100                                        A Hutchinson                       5 
47  Nolazine #14                                       Lillian frank                     15 
48  Sitzfleisch: fragments five and six                Inzer                             24 
49  Truth in Hollywood                                 T Carlberg                         1 
50  Fans Who Have Known Me #3                          S Carlberg                         7 
51  The Southerner #68                                 Lillian/S Carlberg                 5 
Official postmailing: 
52  125 Mexican Mummies #4                             H Davis                            6 
53  The Southerner #68.5                               Lillian                            1 
Illegal postmailings: 
54   You Are Cordially Invited to the Next SFPA War    Inzer                              2 
55   Erratum #l                                        Korbas                             1 
MAILING #69                                                          JAN 1976 
1    You Are Cordially Invited to the Next SFPA War 
                                                 Inzer                     2 
2    Cyr-Con                                     Steele                    1 
3    Gimboate, pp. 409-444                       Steele                   36 
4    Dwerd's Dwelling #20                        Reed                     21 
5    It Comes in the Mail #19                    Brooks                   20 
6    Late, As Usual                              J Moudry                  4 
7    Give Your Customers a Bonus 8.75 Oz 
      Crest at 7 Oz Price #6                     Jennings                 36 
8    TandstikkerzeitUng #9                       Markstein                21 
9    The New Port News #41                       Brooks                    4 
10   Senility Is Wasted on the Old #l            Wells                     2 
11   Sixty One for Sixty Nine                    M Frierson               61 
12   Science Fiction Lingo                       Brown                     2 
13   I'm Dreaming of a Jaws Christmas            Wells                    13 
14   As We Like It                               P Frierson                4 
15   Blech                                       P Frierson                4 
16   Cosmic Angst Funnies #l                     Wirth                    29 
17   The Southpaw Gazette                        M Frierson                2 
18   Thin Ice #16                                Verheiden                 4 
19   Ain't Too Proud to Beg                      Lillian                   1 
20   Spiritus Mundi #31                          Lillian                  39 
21   The Haunt of Beer, vol. 18 #1-33            Hutchinson               33 
22   In Which Mhrcia Makes Plans for the Future  M Hulan                   1 
23   Wilderness #l                               L Atkins                  5 
24   An Apple and a Good Book                    D Hulan                  27 
25   Con Confessions #5                          Brown                     7 
26   A Dark Brown Voice #l                       Weber                    10 
27   Gutterball                                  Boutillier                4 
28   The High Aesthetic Line #11                 D Hulan                  36 
29   Odin #?!!                                   Reinhardt                16 
30   Star Dust #4                                Smith                    10 
31   When the Monster from Mars Attacked Us, We Shot Him Right 
          Among the Eyes #l                      Wells                     1 
32   The Sphere, vol. 40 #l                      Markstein                25 
33   Sky Child #12                               T Carlberg                6 
34   Fingertip Reality #2                        J Moudry                  6 
35   Melikaphkhaz #50                            L Atkins                 64 
36   Oblio #25                                   Brown                    17 
37   Talisman #6                                 Biggers                   3 
38   Thunder Road #39                            S Carlberg               29 
39   Boojum                                      Caruthers                 3 
40   Cliff Hanger                                Wetherington              2 
41   The Eve of THEDEADLINE #7                   Markstein                 2 
42   Heavy Returns                               Inzer                     7 
43   The Southerner #69                          S Carlberg                4 

MAILING #70                                                          MAR 1976 
1   Nerguhs Glompum #4                        Markstein                    4 
2   The Voices Behind Timeless Cartoons       Brown                        4 
3   Hobgoblins and Polish Jews #3             Korbas                       3 
4   Dear Guy;                                 Carl                         1 
5   Testing All Systems #3                    Markstein                    1 
6   Dreams of India                           Lillian (/Dolbear)           4 
7   Babble On to Comb Us                      Boutillier                   4 
8   Louisiana Literary Gems                   Markstein                   14 
9   Bring Back the Sun #5                     Brooks/Celko/S&B Hughes      6 
10  Testing All Systems #4                    Markstein                    1 
11 Ignite #13                                         Guidry                            4 
12 Linda Lovelace's Mother Died Going Down on the Titanic #1
                                                      Wells                             2 
13 Five Years a SFPAn                                 Lillian                          76 
14 The Doom of Markstein                              Korbas                            4 
15 The New Port News #42                              Brooks                           10 
16 It Comes in the Mail #20                           Brooks                           19 
17 It Comes with the Male #1#l                        Markstein                         6 
18 Dwerd's Dwelling #21                               Reed                              9 
19 Dwerd's Dwelling #22                               Reed                             12 
20 Spiritus Mundi #32                                 Lillian                          39 
21 The Southernoer #69.8                              L Atkins/D Hulan                  2 
22 Tales Calculated to Drive You to HFC #5            A Hutchinson                      7 
23 Talisman #7                                        Biggers                           6 
24 Wilderness #2                                      L Atkins                         11 
25 Bangkok at Twelve O'Clock #2                       D Hulan                          29 
26 Cush lamochree #7                                  A Hutchinson                     10 
27 Ignatz                                             A&R Hutchinson                    2 
28 Thin Ice #17                                       Verheiden                        20 
29 Venus #6                                           Markstein                         4 
30 Mithrandir #3                                      R Hutchinson                      4 
31 Cosmic Angst Funnies #2                            Wirth                            13 
32 Space Chicken #3                                   Staton                            8 
33 Perchance to Dream #3                              J Davis                           4 
34 Gary Does a Potential String Saver                 Steele                            1 
35 The Reinhardt Roast                                Lillian/A Hutchinson             32 
36 The Music Room                                     Mathews                           4 
37 Archangels and Spanish Jews #1                     Korbas                            6 
38 Sgt. Boutillier's Lonely Hearts Club Band          Boutillier                       10 
39 Check Your Stubs for Winning Number vol. 19  #1-38
                                                      A Hutchinson                     38 
40 The Enemies List                                   Lillian (/Dolbear)                6 
41 Huitloxopetl the Page b/w Bech: a Page             M Frierson/P Frierson             2 
42 A Grin without a Cat                               M Hulan                           1 
43 The Wino and I Know                                Brown                             5 
44 Melikaphkhaz #51                                   L Atkins                          8 
45 The Sphere, vol. 41 #1                             Markstein                        32 
46 Intuition #40                                      S Carlberg                       26 
47 Sky Child #13                                      T Carlberg                        6 
48 The Eve of THEDEADLINE #8                          Markstein                         2 
49 The Southerner #70                                 S Carlberg                        4 
Illegal postmailing: 
                                                      Jennings                          2 
51 For All Will Acknowledge and He Will Light the Way... 
                                                      Jennings                          1 
Unofficial inclusion: 
52 DeepSouthCon flyer                                 Celko                             2 

MAILING #7I                                                                       MAY 1976 

1  Fingertip Reality #3                               J Moudry                          2 
2  Deja Vootwo                                        Lillian/Guidry                    8 
3  Oscar and Me #2                                    Lillian                           4 
4  A Greeyun Light for Rayud Drink!                   Markstein                         1 
5  Wilderness #3                                      Atkins                            4 
6  Wilderness #4                                      Atkins                            1 
7  The Apa-Ling Waitlister #l                         Andruschak                        1 
8  Thin Ice #18                                       Verheiden                        32 
9  Monster of Frankenberry                            S Carlberg/Inzer/Markstein        5 
10 Three Cubic Acres of Fanzines                      Markstein                         9 
11 Listen                                             S Carlberg                       14 
12 It Comes in the Mail #21                           Brooks                           25 
13 Ned Brooks Said He'd Kill Me If I Didn't Stay in SFPA and I Think He
            Owns a Chain Saw!!! #1             Wells                         6 
14   The New Port News #43                     Brooks                        4 
15   Peccadillo Circus                         Boutillier                    4 
16   Rubber Boutillier                         Boutillier                    4 
17   Stven Carlberg, Stven Carlberg            A Hutchinson/Brown           10 
18   Quick, Mustafa, the Arab-Deth!            Markstein                     2 
19   Adrift in the Countdown to Kansas City Press Pages
                                               M Frierson                    2 
20   Bech: the Unnumbered                      P Frierson                    6 
21   Beer and Loafing in Birmingham            M Frierson                    8 
22   Burning Bushes                            Whitehead                     4 
23   Odin?                                     M&P Frierson                  2 
24   Quack Quack               Biggers/Reinhardt/J Moudry/M&P Frierson/
                             Caruthers/Lambert/Inzer/Mason/Hunter/P Moudry   4 
25   Bilbo Baggins Is a Munchkin vol. 20 #1-30 A Hutchinson                 30 
26   Kitchen Sink #1                           Markstein                     4  
27   Dwerd's Dwelling #23                      Reed                         11 
28   Intuition, Intuition #41                  S Carlberg                   13 
29   Odin #??!?                                Reinhardt                     5 
30   The Sphere, vol. 42 #1                    Markstein                    29 
31   Spiritus Mundi #33                        Lillian                      31 
32   Testing All Systems #5                    Markstein                     1 
33   The High Aesthetic Line #12               D Hulan                      44 
34   From the Crypts of Kourczech              J Moudry                      6 
35   Phyllis' Unnamed SFPAzine #1              P Moudry                      4 
36   The Science Fiction Advocate V.2 #1       J Moudry                      2 
37   Toe Jam Football #1                       Inzer                        17 
38   Black, With Cream                         Budka                        10 
39   Flea Fart #2                              Markstein                     1 
40   The Camera                                Steele                        4 
41.  A Club Down in Old Soho #2                Weber                         4 
42   Marking Time                              M Hulan                       7 
43   Melikaphkhaz #52                          Atkins                       23 
44   Oblio #26                                 Brown                        14 
45   Purple Haze                               Montalbano                    6 
46   Stardust                                  Smith                         5 
47   Unreal Realty #1                          Weber                         6 
48   Wilderness #5                             Atkins                        5 
49   Wilderness #6                             Atkins                        6 
50   Bloodthursty Pirate Stories #1            Jennings                      6 
51   The Eve of THEDEADLINE #9                 Markstein                     4 
52   Meanwhile, Back at the 1974 DeepSouthCon... 
                                               S Carlberg                    1 
53   Sky Child #13                             T Carlberg                    4 
54   The Southerner #71                        S Carlberg                    6 
55   Cosmic Angst Funnies #3                   Wirth                         2 
56   Gimboate, pp. 445-452                     Steele                        8 

MAILING #72                                                           JULY 1976 
1    Pickaninnies and Spanish Coons #l         Hutchinson                    2 
2    Out of the Woods #0.2                     Hutto                        10 
3    The Oil of Aphrodite #l                   Mason                         4 
4    The Coffin Scores Hall of Fame            Markstein                     1 
5    Wilderness #7                             Atkins                        2 
6    Wilderness #8                             Atkins                        6 
7    Witlessness #254                          Lillian                       3 
8    Old Stuff in a New Place                  Brown                         4 
9    Cosmic Angst Funnies #4                   Wirth                         5 
10   Talisman #8                               Biggers                      20 
11   Under One Moon                            Markstein                     2 
12 The Creaking Door                         Mathews                 5 
13 Fladnag #2                                S Carlberg             30 
14 Bech the Unnumbered Plus One              P Frierson              4 
15 Just Another Damn SFPA Waitlister #1      Lambert                 8 
16 Sky Child #13                             T Carlberg              2 
17 Fingertip Reality #4                      J Moudry               17 
18 Testing All Systems #6                    Markstein               2 
19 It Comes in the Mail #22                  Brooks                 23 
20 Post Con Report                           Celko                   8 
21 It's Never Too Late to Be Up to Date      Campbell                2 
22 Oblio #27                                 Brown                  31 
23 A Grin Without a Cat II                   M Hulan                 1 
24 The Apa-Lling Waitlister #2               Andruschak              1 
25 The Apa-Lling Waitlister #3               Andruschak              2 
26 The Apa-Lling Waitlister #4               Andruschak              4 
27 Thin Ice #19                              Verheiden              10 
28 The Right to Say "Shit" is the Right to Play Tennis! 
                                             Lillian                 2 
29 Jim Burns Doesn't Know Werewolf Vs. the Vampire Woman by Arthur N. Scarm 
        Is a Worse Book Than The Clones by P.T. Olemy #l
                                             Wells                   4 
30 Unreal Reality, numero due                Weber                  24 
31 A There and Back Again Journey #(mumblety-mumble) 
                                             Markstein               6 
32 Once It's Been Opened You Know It Won't Keep 
                                             D Hulan                29 
33 The Listmaker's First Big Egozine         Boutillier              1 
34 I Can't Get No                            Atkins/D Hulan          2 
35 The Milk of Magnesia, vol. 21 #l-35       Hutchinson             35 
36 A Midsummer Night's Mare                  Boutillier              4 
37 The Original Fool on the Hill             Boutillier              8 
38 Neon Lights Forevor!                      Boutillier              4 
39 Heavy #20                                 Inzer                  16 
40 Gimboate, pp. 453-458                     Steele                  6 
41 Martian Birthday                          Lillian                 1 
42 Dwerd's Dwelling #24                      Reed                    4 
43 Isis #l                                   Reed frank             36 
44 Cosmic Angst Funnies #5                   Wirth                  10 
45 If This Was Bigger, It Might Be Huitloxopetl 
                                             M Frierson              2 
46 Ducks on the Wall                Montalbano/Smith/S Carlberg
                                        /Caruthers/Markstein         8 
47 Spiritus Mundi #34                        Lillian                33 
48 Motorway #3                               Weber                   6 
49 Testing -- One - Two #l                   Hutto                   1 
50 Intuition #42                             S Carlberg             14 
51 Butchered Backboards                      Brown                   2 
52 If Only Roy Thomas Was Here               Brown                   1 
53 B'hamacon                                 P Frierson              1 
54 The Sphere, vol. 43 #l                    Markstein              38 
55 Cushlamochree #8                          Hutchinson             12 
56 The Spectator #116                        Markstein               2 
57 The Newport News #44                      Brooks                  6 
58 Melikaphkhaz #53                          Atkins                 30 
59 The Eve of THEDEADLINE #10                Markstein               2 
60 The Southernoer (special edition)         S Carlberg              1 
61 The Southerner #72                        S Carlberg              4 

Note: "Time Limit" #16 is not listed as an illegal postmailing to #56, because there is
at least one member (me) who didn't receive a copy. Ditto with one or two issues of 
"The Screw Markstein Monthly", which are alleged to have been postmailed about four years 
ago. I also have a note that "Canticles from Labowitz" #4 was postmailed to the 14th, 
but I have absolutely no other information on that whatsoever--I don't even know if 
the zine really does exist. Those are by Irvin Koch, Cecil Hutto and Gary Labowitz, 
respectively. I have no information on pagecounts for any of them, and would appreci- 
ate copies--even Xeroxes--of all.

[Mailing 72 appears twice - first from the Markstein Index, then from ToC scans]
                            The SOUTHERNER 
         the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                         Seventy-second Mailing 
           Volume 10, Number 4                July 1976 
   Stven Carlberg, Official Editor      Alan Hutchinson, President 
           Our Lady of SFPA, Diedre Mathews Logo by Cecil Hutto 

                                        I WAS ONLY KIDDING! 

          1 Pickaninnies and Spanish Coons #1                       Korbas?               2 
          2 Out of the Woods #0.2                                   Hutto (wl)           10 
          3 The Oil of Aphrodite #1                                 Mason                 4 
          4 The Coffin Scores Hall of Fame                          Markstein             1 
          5 Wilderness #7                                           Atkins                2 
          6 Wilderness #8                                           Atkins                6 
          7 Witlessness #254                                        Lillian               3 
          8 Old Stuff in a New Place                                Brown                 4 
          9 Cosmic Angst Funnies #4                                 Wirth                 5 
          10 Talisman #8                                            Biggers              20 
          11 Under One Moon                                         Markstein             2 
          12 The Creaking Door                                      Mathews               5 
          13 Fladnag #2                                             S. Carlberg          30 
          14 Bech the Unnumbered Plus One                           P. Frierson           4 
          15 Just Another Damn SFPA Waitlister #1                   Lambert (wl)          8 
          16 Sky Child #13                                          T. Carlberg           2 
          17 Fingertip Reality #4                                   Moudry               17 
          18 Testing All Systems #6                                 Markstein             2 
          19 It Comes in the Mail #22                               Brooks               23 
          20 Post Con Report                                        Celko (w1)            8 
          21 It's Never Too Late To Be Up To Date                   Campbell (wl)         2 
          22 Oblio #27                                              Brown                31 
          23 A Grin Without A Cat II                                M. Hulan              1 
          24 The APA-Lling Waitlister #2                            Andruschak (wl)       1 
          25 The APA-Lling Waitlister #3                            Andruschak (wl)       2 
          26 The APA-Lling Waitlister #4                            Andruschak (wl)       4 
          27 Thin Ice #19                                           Verheiden            10 
          28 The Right to Say "Shit"...                             Lillian               2 
          29 Jim Burns Doesn't Know... #1                           Wells                 4 
          30 Unreal Reality, numero due                             Weber                24 
          31 A There and Back Again Journey #(mumblety-mumble)      Markstein             6 
          32 Once It's Been Opened You Know It Won't Keep           D. Hulan             29 
          33 The Listmaker's First Big Egozine                      Boutillier (wl)       1 
          34 I Can't Get No                                         Lillian?              2 
          35 The Milk Of Magnesia Vol. 21 #1-35                     Hutchinson           35 
          36 A Midsummer Night's Mare                               Boutillier (wl)       4 
          37 The Original Fool on the Hill                          Boutillier            8 
          38 Neon Lights Forevor!                                   Boutillier (wl        4 
          39 Heavy #20                                              Inzer                16 
          40 Gimboate Vol. 1, pp 453-458                            Steele                6 
          41 Martian Birthday                                       Lillian               1 
          42 Dwerd's Dwelling #24                                   Reed                  4 
          43 Isis #l                                                Reed frank           36 
          44 Cosmic Angst Funnies #5                                Wirth                10 
          45 If This Was Bigger, It Might Be Huitloxopetl           M Frierson            2 
          46 Ducks on the Wall     Montalbano/Smith/S Carlberg/Caruthers/Markstein        8
          47 Spiritus Mundi #34                                     Lillian              33 
          48 Motorway #3                                            Weber                 6 
          49 Testing -- One - Two #l                                Hutto                 1
          50 Intuition #42  	                                    S Carlberg           14 
          51 Butchered Backboards                                   Brown                 2 
          52 If Only Roy Thomas Was Here                            Brown                 1 
          53 B'hamacon  	                                    P Frierson            1 
          54 The Sphere, vol.  43 #l                                Markstein            38 
          55 Cushlamochree #8                                       Hutchinson           12   
          56 The Spectator #116                                     Markstein             2 
          57 The Newport News  #44                                  Brooks                6 
          58 Melikaphkhaz #53  	                                    Atkins               30 
          59 The Eve of THEDEADLINE #10                             Markstein             2 
          60 The Southernoer (special edition)                      S Carlberg            1 
          61 The Southerner #72                                     S Carlberg            1 

        the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

          Volume 10, Number 5 September.1976               Seventy-third Mailing 
          Stven Carlberg, Official Editor             Alan Hutchinson, President 
          Logo by `Cecil HuttoOur Lady of SFPA, Diedre Mathews 

                           The 15th Anniversary of the S.F.P.A. 

     1 Red, White and Booze #1                       Wells              7-31   1 
     2 Something Gets Still Left Behind #?           Caruthers (wl)     8-3    3 
     3 New Orleans in 1979 flyer                     Boutillier (wl)    8-7    1 
     4 Wilderness #9                                 Atkins             8-9    6 
     5 The Galactic Heritage Almanac #1              Moudry             8-12   4 
     6 I Remember Scrooge, Part II                   Hutchinson         8-13  22 
     7 Wirthsky and Hutch                            Lillian            8-13   2 
     8 It's Another Febrile Sunday                   M. Frierson        8-17   2 
     9 This Is Huitloxopetl the Feedbackzine         M. Frierson        8-17   8 
     10 Glum Sku Badfu Yu #17                        Markstein          8-20   2 
     11 313                                          Markstein          8-20   2 
     12 Wilderness #10                               Atkins             8-20   1 
     13 In Memory of the Diamond Sutra               Moudry             8-23   2 
     14  Introducings Benjamin Gutenberg Von Morris  Moudry             8-24   2 
     15 Zero                                         Markstein          8-24   2 
     16 The Right to Say "Shit"... #2                Lillian            8-26   2 
     17 No One Expects the SFPA Inquisition!#2 Inzer/Moudry/Lambert(w1) 8-27   4 
     18 The New Port News #45                       Brooks              8-27   4 
     19 Tales Calculated To Poke Your Eye Out, V.22 Hutchinson          8-28  31 
     20 Dwerd's Dwelling #25                        Reed                9-1   17 
     21 One Million Marching Martian Merkins #1     Moudry              9-1    2 
     22 You Speak Of Zani Chada b/w Get  To Church... Reed              9-1    2
     23 Unreal Reality 10,1                         Weber               9-2   22 
     24 Do Not Fragile For Neats                    Weber               9-2    6
     25 Everybody's A Star #4                       Weber               9-2    6
     26 Mike and Susan Go to Atlanta                Weber               9-2    4
     27 Cushlamochree #9                            Hutchinson          9-3    5 
     28 Gimboate, Vol. 1, pp 459-480                Steele              9-3   22 
     29 It Comes In The Mail #23                    Brooks              9-3   21 
     30 Fried Zanies Throw Up Shoes                 Mason, Weber, et al 9-13   6
     31 Sex Starved Pirate Stories #1               Jennings            9-14   4 
     32 Dear SFPAs                                  M. Frierson         9-15   2 
     33 Burning Bushes #2                           Whitehead           9-18  19 
     34 The Fabulous Sesquidecadely SFPA Index #1   Markstein           9-18 108 
     35 The Spectator #117                          Markstein           9-18   2 
     36 The Fabulous Octidistily HOAPAUR Index #1   Markstein           9-18   4 
     37 Skimming the Clouds of Venus #3             Andruschak (wl)     9-20   2 
     38 Dan                                         Lillian             9-21   4 
     39 The Little LISPer                           Lillian frank       9-21   4 
     40 Public Enemy Number One #1                  Budka               9-21  21 
     41 B'hamacon flyer                             P. Frierson         9-22   2 
     42 Cosmic Angst Funnies #6                     Wirth               9-22  28 
     43 How I Spent My Summer Vacation              D. Hulan            9-22  17 
     44 Lester's Adventures at MidAmeriCon...       Boutillier (wl)     9-22  11 
     45 Loki #13                                    D. Hulan            9-22  48 
     46 Thin Ice #20                                Verheiden           9-22  16
     47 A                                           S. Carlberg         9-23   2 
     48 A                                           Markstein           9-23   2 
     49 All-Story Cavalier Annual #1                Markstein           9-23   4 
     50 The Fanzine That Began As A Barbeque... #1 Atk./DHulan/Locke(wl)9-23   2 
     51 The Honey Bear Returns                      Mathews             9-23  13
     52 Melikaphkhaz #54                            Atkins              9-23  15
     53 Odin #?/!#$)&                               Reinhardt           9-23   7 
     54 The Sphere, vol. 33 #2                      Markstein           9-23   2 
     55 Spiritus Mundi #35                          Lillian             9-23  65 
     56 Wilderness #11                              Atkins              9-23   8 
     57 Wilderness #12                              Atkins              9-23  12 
     58 A Grin Without A Cat III                    M. Hulan.           9-24   9 
     59 Save The Dolphin                            Brown               9-24   3
     60 Ten Cat-Hatin' Bloodshot-Eyed Years With GARY Hutchinson        9-24   2 
     61 Utgard #21                                  D. Hulan            9-24   5 
     62 Do the Funky Fanzines, White Boy            Boutillier (wl)     9-25  15 
     63 Oblio #28                                   Brown               9-25  34 
     64 Fingertip Reality #5                        Moudry              9-27  10 
     65 Just Another Damn SFPA Waitlister #3        Lambert (wl)        9-27  15
     66 (Beep) Testing (Beep)                       Weber               9-28   2 
     67 Future Retrospective #8                     Biggers             9-28  24 
     68 Ignite #17                                  Celko (wl)          9-28   4
     69 The Oil of Aphrodite #2                     Mason               9-28   5 
     70 Talisman #9                                 Biggers             9-28  24 
     71 There and Back Again, A Fannish Holiday     Weber/Phillips(w1)  9-28   9 
     72 Heavy #21                                   Inzer               9-29  15 
     73 Intuition #43                               S.Carlberg          9-29  17 
     74 Sky Child                                   T.Carlberg          9-30   7 
     75 Egoboo Poll Ballot                          SCOE                9-30   1
     76 The Southerner #73                          SCOE                9-30   4 


        The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                     Seventy-fourth Mailing 
        Volume 10, Number 6          November 1976 
        Stven Carlberg, Official Editor           Alan Hutchinson, President
        Logo by Cecil Hutto                 Our Lady of SFPA, Diedre Mathews 

                                   Featuring Fandom's Finest 

      1   Ignite #15                                       Wells                10-5    4 
      2   Ignite #16                                       M. Frierson          10-12   4
      3   Leftover Lunacy                                  Boutillier (wl)      10-12   6
      4   a                                                Whitehead            10-18   2
      5   To The Dead                                      Whitehead            10-18   2
      6   Bach An Immediate Reaction                       P. Frierson          10-19   4
      7   Kiss Your Hemorhoids Goodbye                     Lillian              10-21   4
      8   Xerox Is For the Very Young                      Lillian              10-21   1 
      9   Unrea1 Reality #10                               weber                10-22  27 
      10  The Champ Meets Eric Sean Frierson...            M. Frierson          10-23  17 
      11  Huitloxopetl the Croggled                        M. Frierson          10-23  10 
      12  If This Were George Wells...!!! #1               S. Carlberg          10-25   2 
      13  One of the Survivors #5                          weber                11-5   12 
      14  A                                                Boutillier  (wl)     11-6    2 
      15  A Brand New Used Mimeo                           Hutchinson           11-9    2 
      16  Full Count #1                                    Brown                11-9    4 
      17  It Comes In The Mail #24                         Brooks               11-9   19 
      18  Skimming The Clouds of Venus #4                  Andruschak (wl)      11-9    9
      19  The New Port News #46                            Brooks               11-11   6 
      20  Printed Natter                                   Wells                11-11   2
      21  Fantastic SFPS Science Fiction Stories           Wells                11-12   2 
      22  Dwerd's Dwelling #26                             Reed                 11-12  13 
      23  Legion of Zebras                                 Reed                 11-18   2 
      24  Thin Ice #21                                     Verheiden            11-19  11 
      25  Wilderness #13                                   Atkins               11-20   5 
      26  Wilderness #14                                   Atkins               11-20   7 
      27  A                                                Brown                11-22   1 
      28  Kitchen Sink #2                                  Markstein            11-22   6 
      29  Ned Brooks Said He'd Kill Me... #2               Wells                11-22   9 
      30  Gee, I'm Sorry Alan...Honest!                    Brown                11-22   1 
      31  Will You Getta Load o' the Size...! v.23 #1-29   Hutchinson           11-22  29 
      32  The Spectator: #567                              Markstein            11-22   2 
      33  Testing All Systems #7                           Markstein            11-22   2 
      34  Burning Bushes #3                                Whitehead            11-23  30
      35  A                                                Lillian              l1-24   2 
      36  The Little LISPer MCs                            Lillian frank        11-24   2 
      37  Melikhafkhaz #55                                 Atkins               11-24   3 
      38  Ralph W. Hodge Goes to the Wrong (?) Fantasycon  M. Frierson          11-24   7 
      39  South Coast, the Wild Coast #1                   Atkin/D. Hulan       11-24   4 
      40  The Sphere, vol. 45 #1                           Markstein            11-24  11 
      41  Spiritus Mundi #36                               Lillian              11-24  33 
      42  That's Eyebiz!!!                                 Caruthers(wl)        11-24   1 
      43  Between the Windows of the Sea                   Boutillier           11-25  17 
      44  A                                                Atkins               11-26   1 
      45  Gimboate pp. 481-500                             Steele               11-26  20 
      46  The High Aesthetic Line #13                      D.Hulan              11-26  27
      47  Lady Luck                                        M.Hulan              11-26   1
      48  Sneakypete #1                                    Spanier              11-26   6
      49  Utgard #22                                       D.Hulan              11-26   2
      50  Apac                                         Inzer/Lillian/Moudry     11-27   6
      51  Cosmic Angst Funnies #7                          Wirth                11-27   5
      52  The Galactic Heritage Almanac #2                 Moudry               11-27  10
      53  Heavy #22                                        Inzer                11-27   5
      54  Oblio #29                                        Brown                11-27  17
      55  1977 Carl Barks Calendar                         Hutchinson           11-27  26
      56  I Believe Tanya Tucker Will Rise Again #2        Wells                11-29   2
      57  Intuition #44                                    S.Carlberg           11-29  23
      58  Just Another Damn Waitlister #5                  Lambert (wl)         11-29  19
      59  Merlin's Daughter #1                             Phillips (wl)        11-30   7
      60  Sky Child                                        T.Carlberg           11-30   3
      61  Stven & Don's Con flyer                          S.Carlberg           11-30   1
      62  Talisman #10                                     Biggers              11-30  12
      63  1976 Egoboo Poll Results                         S.Carlberg           11-30   6
      64  The Southerner #74                               SCOE                 11-30   4
      - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Total Pages in the 74th mailing - - - - - - - - -  542

                         The SOUTHERNER 

      the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

                                January 1977   Seventy-fifth Mailing 
       Volume 10, Number 7 
        Stven Carlberg, Official Editor    Alan Hutchinson, President 
       Logo by Cecil Hutto             Our Lady of SFPA, Diedre Mathews 

                           Featuring Fandom's Finest 
  1  The Eve of the Deadline                 M. Frierson  12-32  2
  2  Tales of Unknown Space                  M. Frierson  12-3   9 
  3  The Last Words of Dutch Schultz         Lillian      12-4   4
  4  The Right to Say "Screws"...            Lillian      12-4   2
  5  The Compleat Walter Spinks              Hutchinson   12-14 11 
  6  Talisman #11                            Biggers      12-16  4 
  7  The New Port News #47                   Brooks       12-23  4 
  8  Mrs. Lillian's Sons                     Lillian      12-27  2
  9   *                                      Markstein     1-4   2
  10 Skimming the Clouds of Venus #5         Andruschak(wl)1-6  17 
  11 Wilderness #15                          Atkins        1-10  5 
  12 Wilderness #16                          Atkins        1-10  5 
  13 Wilderness #17                          Atkins        1-10  1
  14 It Comes in the Mail #25                Brooks        1-11 16
  15 Vertical View #1                        Jennings      1-22 23
  16 Phlogiston #1                           Schwarzin(wl) 1-14  6 
  17 Mimeo Monstrosity #2                    Lillian       1-14  1
  18 Spiritus Mundi #37                      Lillian       1-14 29
  19 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ               Reed          1-14  1
  20 9999999999.9999999999                   Reed          1-14  1
  21 Thin Ice #22                            Verheiden     1-18 14
  22 Commemorating Purple Prose             Biggers/Steele 1-18  4 
  23 Gimboate, Vol. 1, pp 501-516            Steele        1-18 16
  24 It's Enough to Drive a Person to Convert... Steele    1-18  4
  25 Cushlamochree #10                       Hutchinson    1-20  1
  26 Strained Relations, Vol. 24 #1-22       Hutchinson    1-20 22                 
  27 Huitloxopetl Presents December 6, 1976  M. Frierson   1-21 10
  28 Public Enemy Number One #2              Budka         1-21 10
  29 Burning Bushes #4                       Whitehead     1-22 25
  30 Dwerd's Dwelling #27                    Reed          1-22 15
  31 To the Dead #2                          Whitehead     1-22  1
  32 To the Dead #3                          Whitehead     1-22  1
  33 Intuition #45                           Carlberg      1-23 20
  34 Chronicles I                            Mathews       1-24  5
  35 A Grin Without A Cat #4                 M. Hulan      1-24  1
  36 A Patriotic V.R. #1                     Markstein     1-24  2
  37 She Dug Her Teeth Into Sandy's Neck Who Screamed #1
                                             Wells         1-24  2 
  38 South Coast, The Wild Coast... #2       Atkins/Hulan  1-24  5 
  39 The Spectator #118                      Markstein     1-24  2 
  40 The Sphere, vol. 45 #2                  Markstein     1-24 13 
  41 Stven & Don's Con flyer #3              Markstein     1-24  1 
  42 The Subversives' and Radical Anarchists'... #1
                                             Markstein     1-24  2 
  43 Testing All Systems #8                  Markstein     1-24  2 
  44  The High Aesthetic Line #14 (part one) D. Hulan      1-24 17 
  45 Utgard #23                              D. Hulan      1-24  1 
  46 Waiting for Spanier                     Spanier       1-24  1
  47 Demon Bowler #6                         weber         1-25  8                          
  48 Superb Sunday                           Lillian       1-25  4
  49 Unreal Reality #10                      weber         1-25 16
  50 A                                       Atkins        1-26  1
  51 Call Me Illiterate                      Boutillier(wl)1-26  2 
  52 The Cat Has Wet Feet...                weber/Phillips 1-26  4 
  53 Cosmic Angst Funnies #8                 Wirth         1-26  6 
  54 The Galactic Heritage Almanac #3        Moudry        1-26  7 
  55 Melikaphkhaz #56                        Atkins        1-26  6 
  56 Merlin's Daughter #2                    Phillips (wl) 1-26  3 
  57 Oblio #30                               Brown         1-26 11 
  58 zZt #1                                  P. Frierson   1-26  1
  59 The Eve of THEDEADLINE #12              Markstein     1-27  2 
  60 "Son of a Gun," He Muttered... #1       Wells         1-28  3 
  61 The Sphere, vol. 46 #1                  Markstein     1-28 23 
  62 En Attendant Gandalf #4                 Carlberg      1-29  2 
  63 Happy Feet #1                           Inzer         1-29  2 
  64 Odin #%&_"#$()&$                        Reinhardt     1-29  7 
  65 The Southerner #75                      SCOE          1-30  4 

               A 100% PARTICIPATION MAILING                    454 
  *The title of this zine is a typographical oddity, a  single blank space. (Entry 9.)


       the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
    Volume 10, Number 8             March 1977          Seventy-sixth Mailing 
    Stven Carlberg, Official Editor              Gary Brown, Emergency Officer 

    President, Alan Hutchinson                      Zen Mechanic, George Inzer 

                                  Special Notice 

    Gary Brown is in charge of the next mailing. Send all zines and monies to
    him by the   deadline, 26 May  1977. 
    Membership limit is expanding;  32 copies are required of your zines for SFPA  77. 

                               And In This Mailing 

    1   Mutilated Monkey Meat #1                 Morrissey (wl)          2
    2   Dipped and Shot for Stinkin'             Lillian                 5
    3   All This And World War Seven             Brown                   7 
    4   Icepick #5                               Atkins                  2
    5   In The Works #0                          Reed                    4 
    6   Wilderness #18                           Atkins                  4 
    7   The Best Ducks Are Off The Wall          Locke/Boutillier (wl)   4 
    8   Unreal Reality #106                      weber                  23 
    9   I Look Out the Window and I Can't...     weber                  10 
    10  Rear-Row Raspberries Number (I Think) Four
                                                 weber                  11 
    11 No-One Expects the Fannish Inquisition    weber/Phillips (wl)     3
    12 The AFA-Lling Waitlister #5               Andrushak              11 
    13 It Comes in the Mail #26                  Brooks                 17 
    14 Stven & Don's Con Program Booklet         Carlberg/Markstein     13
    15 The Daily Quack, Vol. 1 No. I             Carlberg                1 
    16 The Daily Quack, Vol. 1 No. 1             Markstein               1 
    17 The Daily Quack, Vol. 1 No. 2             Carlberg                1 
    18 The Daily Quack, Vol. 1 No. 2             Markstein               1 
    19 Daily Quack                               Longo (wl)              1
    20 Earsplittenloudenboomer                   S&D Con                 6
    21 Quack vol. 1  no. 54,639                  S&D Con                 1 
    22 The Daily Quack, Vol. 1 No. 2.5           Markstein               1 
    23 The Daily Quack, Vol. 1 No. 3             Markstein               1
    24 The Daily Quack (second in an unnumbered series) 
                                                 Longo (w1)              1 
    25 Yet Another... Daily Quack...             S&D Con                 1 
    26 The Daily Quack, Vol.1 No.3               Carlberg                2
    27 Quack vol 0 no nothing                    S&D Con                 1
    28 The Annish Quack                          S&D Con                 1 
    29 The Nonexistent Quack                     S&D Con                 0
    30 The Illustrated Quack                     S&D Con                 6
    31 The Lamb of God                           S&D Con                 1 
    32 Burnt Quackerings                         S&D Con                 1
    33 The Exotic Quack                          S&D Con                 1 
    34 The Last Quack                            Montalbano (wl)         1
    35 Up Your Quack                             S&D Con                 1 
    36 The 666 Quack                             S&D Con                 1
    37 The 666 Quack                             S&D Con                 1 
    38 The Annotated Quack                       S&D Con                 1 
    39 The Quick Quack                           S&D Con                 1

    Stop flipping through the mailing-- this is the real 00. More madness overleaf. 

    40 Quack #0                                  S&D Con                 1 
    41 The Very Last True Blue Daily Quack       S&D Con                 1 
    42 Upon the Wings of Fanac                   Boutillier (wl)         8 
    43 Blows Against the Empire and...           Boutillier (wl)         2 
    44 Gunfighters #1                            Jennings               20  
    45 At the Mountains of Minac              Lillian/Moudry/Frierson    4 
    46 The New Port News #48                     Brooks                  8 
    47 Iris #7                                   Markstein               4
    48 The Spectator #119                        Markstein               2 
    49 Huitloxopetl Presents Feb. 13             Frierson                8 
    50 Skimming the Clouds of Venus #6           Andruschak (wl)         7 
    51 Gimboate, Vol. 1 pp 517-541               Steele                 26 
    52 Dwerd's Dwelling #28                      Reed                   10 
    53 Anthrax #746                              Reed                    1 
    54 Shock SuppoSitories Vol. 25 #1-23         Hutchinson             23 
    55 Spiritus Mundi #38                        Lillian                26 
    56 Tandstikkerzeitung #10                    Markstein              20 
    57 Mutilated Monkey Meat #2                  Morrissey (wl)          4 
    58 Thin Ice #23                              Verheiden              18 
    59 Celko's Home Companion #17                Celko (wl)              8 
    60 The... Read-A-Like Contest Entry Blank    Wells                   2 
    61 Out of the Woods #0.3                     Hutto (wl)              4 
    62 Sneakypete #2                             Spanier                 7 
    63 J.A.P.E. #1                               Locke                  10 
    64 Phlogiston #2                             Schwarzin (wl)         13 
    65 The Sphere, vol.47 #1                     Markstein              15 
    66 Stven&Don'sCon As I Misremembers Him      Markstein               5 
    67 Big Bands Woody Woodpecker Festivals...   Boutillier (wl)         7 
    68 Mr Tambourine Fan                         Boutillier (wl)        24 
    69 Rivercon III flyer                        Amos (wl)               1 
    70 Louisville in '79  flyer                  Amos (w1)               1 
    71 Utgard #24                                Hulan                   7 
    72 Melikaphkhaz #57                          Atkins                  3 
    73 Oblio #31                                 Brown                  13 
    74 Wilderness #19                            Atkins                  4 
    75 Wilderness #20                            Atkins                  1 
    76 Cushlamochree #11                         Hutchinson             10 
    77 Dull Titled #1                            Wells                   2 
    78 Galactic Heritage Almanac, Sp.  77        Moudry                  4 
    79 Thirty Lines for Lilan Lon                Moudry                  1 
    80 Travelin' On                              weber                   2 
    81 49 Reasons                                Inzer                   3 
    82 Intuition #46                             Carlberg                6 
    83 The Southerner #76                        SCOE                    4 

                THE SOUTHERNER 

           the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

           May 1977 
                          Volume 10, Number 9   Mailing 77 

 Gary Brown, Emergency Officer                Stven Carlberg, OE Emeritus 
                       Alan Hutchinson, President 

1 $%&'1"AIDO                             Reinhardt       4/15     5
2 Red Tom                                Lillian         4/20     2
3 The Not-So-Daily Quack                 Brown           4/27     1
4 Say "AH"                               Hutchinson      5/2      1
5 Cushlamochree #12                      Hutchinson      5/2     10
6 Skimming The Clouds of Venus #7        Andruschak-wl   5/3      8
7 Amorphozine #1.                       Lillian/Titanium 5/3      4
8 Bicycle Chain #1                       Andruschak-wl   5/3      2 
9 The New Port News #49                  Brooks          5/12     4
10 LO! The Expected One                  Boutillier-wl   5/13     9
11 The Pleasure of Your Company...       Mathews         5/17     4 
12 Gimboate vol 1 #542-547               Steele          5/18     6
13 Case of the Three-Sided Dream         Boutillier-wl   5/19    19 
14 932 Rue Bourbon #2                    Inzer           5/19     2 
15 Spiritus Mundi #39                    Lillian         5/19    53 
16 Dwerd's Dwelling 1129                 Reed            5/21     8 
17 Vertical View #2                      Jennings        5/21    16
18 Intuition #47                         Carlberg        5/23     4 
19 Ring Around The Planet!               Andruschak-wl   5/23     8
20 The Face on the Barsoom Floor vol 26 #1-25 
                                         Hutchinson      5/23    25 
21 The Sphere vol 48 #1                  Markstein       5/23    12 
22 The March Galaxy Editorial            Markstein       5/23     1 
23 Continuing Conversation #1            Schwarzin-wl    5/23     9 
24 Shadow SFPA vol 1 #1                 Waitlist Gang-wl 5/23    46 
25 Thin Ice #24                          Verheiden       5/23     9 
26 PELF #13                              Locke/Hulan     5/23    25
27 Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine #1  Whitehead       5/23    22
28 Oblio #32                             Brown           5/24    15
29 Melikaphkhaz #58                      Atkins          5/25     1 
30 Wilderness #21                        Atkins          5/25     1
31 Wilderness #22                        Atkins          5/25     2 
32 Fingertip Reality #8                  Moudry          5/25     8 
33 God Damn the Pusher Man               Boutillier-wl   5/25     2 
34 Public Enemy Number One #3            Budka           5/25     4
35 Talisman #12                          Biggers         5/25     8 
36 Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Rah, Rah, Rah!
                                         Brown           5/26     1
37 Yat Pride                             Boutillier-wl   5/26     2
38 Purple Haze #2                        Montalbano      5/26     6
39 Unreal Reality #7                     weber           5/27     17
40 He Beat Up His Life #8                weber           5/27     20 
41 The Southerner vol. 10 no. 9          GBEO            5/27      4

                                         total for SFPA #77      406
                THE SOUTHERNER
           the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
           July 1977       Volume 10, Number 10  Mailing 78 
  Gary Brown, Emergency Officer   Stven Carlberg, OE Emeritus 

                      Alan Hutchinson,  President 

  OE ELECT - Alan Hutchinson 

  1  The Apa-Ling Waitlister #6                 Andruschak          1 
  2  A Tribute To....                           Boutillier         10 
  3  Gunfighters #2                             Jennings           22 
  4  Huitloxpetl - the in-between               Frierson           10 
  5  Skimming The Clouds of Venus #8            Andruschak         14 
  6  NFFF Story Contest Rules                   weber               1 
  7  Supersonic Rocketship #9                   weber               9 
  8  Surprise Attack                            Koch (weber)        1 
  9  SFPA Nostalgia                             Brooks              2 
  10 It Comes In The Mail & It Goes On The Shelf
  11 The New Port News #50                      Brooks              4
  12 Oblio #33                                  Brown               9 
  13 Celko's Home Companion #18                 Celko               8 
  14 AAUUGGHH! Will I Never Be Be Invited To Join SFPA
                                                Boutil1ier          2 
  15 Stuff It!                                  Hutto               3 
  16 The Iron Baron #2                          Lillian             7
  17 How To Dance The Oriental Fox Trot         von Turk (Lillian)  4
  18 Unreal Reality #8                          weber              17 
  19 Tales Calculated To Drive You To SDC #6    Hutchinson          7 
  20 Comic Bin Number Three                     Hutchinson          3 
  21 Cookies Made By Orcs Vol.27 #1-25          Hutchinson         23
  22 Gimboate #548-565                          Steele             18 
  23 4th of July in Old New York                Spanier             5 
  24 I's Addled My Brn and I Think I'm Insane   Montalbano          1 
  25 Purple Haze #3                             Montalbano         14 
  26 932 rue Bourbon #2                         Inzer               2 
  27 Spiritus Mundi #40                         Lillian            43 
  28 The Right #3                               Lillian             5 
  29 The Decline and Fall...                    Boutillier          8
  30 Muffin Fan                                 Boutillier          6
  31 Five Years a STF-Fan                       Boutillier          2
  32 Send Whitey Back To The Moon               Boutillier          3 
  33 A                                          Atkins              1
  34 Melikaphkhaz #59                           Atkins              6 
  35 Wilderness #23                             Atkins              1 
  36 Regency Reviews                            Hulan               3 
  37 Utgard #25                                 Hulan               1
  38 J.A.P.E. #2                                Locke              12 
  39 932 rue bourbon #2 (reprise)               Inzer               2 
  40 A Snow Flake Falls on New Orleans          Lillian/Sather      7
  41 Introducing: Cobden-Sanderson              Moudry              1 
  42 The Galactic Heritage Almanac              Moudry              4 
  43 Devil's Advocate #1                        Amos                4
  44 Thin Ice #25                               Verheiden          12 
  45 Dwerd's Dwelling                           Reed                4 
  46 Intuition #48                              Carlberg            4 
  47 I Dreamed I Was Saint Augustine            Carlberg            2 
  48 Out of the Woods #1                        Hutto               6
  49 She Dug Her Teeth Into Sandy's Neck... #2  Wells               4 
  50 The Sphere vol 49 #1                       Markstein           4 
  51 The Infamous Crudsheet Co11ection          Markstein          28 
  52 Continuing Conversation #3                 Schwarzin           8 
  53 The Shadow SFPA #2                         Waitlist gang      16 
  54 The Southerner                             GBFO                4 

                                    Total for SFPA #78            398 
                                  THE SOUTHERNER                                                 
                 the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance                             
                 mailing 79                   alan hutchinson, official editor                      
                 volume 11, number 1                  alan hutchinson, president                    
                  September, 1977                 gary brown, emergency officer                     

  1  1977 SFPA Egoboo Poll Ballot                        AHOE                          8-12            1 
  2  Bicycle Chain #3                                    Kanter (wl)                   8-15            2 
  3  Voyager - Mission Status Bulletin #1                Andruschak (wl)               8-15            4 
  4  Me                                                  Lillian                       8-15            2 
  5  Celko's Home Companion #18A                         Celko                         8-15            4 
  6  Star Wurst                                          Frierson                      8-20           12 
  7  Voyager - Mission Status Bulletin #2                Andruschak (wl)               8-27            2 
  8  ten-oh-five willow                                  markstein/schwarzin           8-29            4 
  9  Con Report: Rivercon III                            Boutillier (wl)               8-30            6 
  10 Bicycle Chain 14                                    Kanter (wl)                   8-31           10 
  11 The Newport News #51                                Brooks                        9-2             6 
  12 Mutilated Monkey Neat #3                            Morrissey  (wl)               9-3             4 
  15 The Apa-Lling Waitlister                            Andruschak (wl)               9-9             7 
  14 Out of the Woods Vol.1 #2                           Hutto                         9-12            8 
  15 Segemnts of an Eclipsed Reality                     Hutto                         9-12           12 
  16 Thin Ice #26                                        Verheiden                     9-13           14
  17 Gunfighters #3                                      Jennings                      9-14           20 
  18 The Buyer's Guide to B'hamacon Writers              Frierson                      9-16            4 
  19 B'hamacon/DSC XV Progress Report - Final            Frierson                      9-16            6 
  20 B'hamacon Program Booklet                           Frierson                      9-16           18 
  21 B'hamacon Schedule of Events                        Frierson                      9-16            2 
  22 The Last of the Red Hot Lovers                      Lillian/Whitehead             9-16            2 
  23 Sneakypete #3                                       Spanier                       9-17           21 
  24 Bicycle Chain #5                                    Kanter (wl)                   9-17           11 
  25 Omaha, Nebraska                                     Brown                         9-19            1 
  26 Uncle Scrooge Weighing Money Bags 
        on a Penny Scale Vol. 28 #1-22                   Hutchinson                    9-20           22 
  27 Dwerd's Dwelling #31                                Reed                          9-21            4 
  28 Vertical View #3                                    Jennings                      9-21           21 
  29 Con Confessions #7                                  Brown                         9-23            4 
  30 Conglomeration                                      Brown/Hutchinson              9-23           26 
  31 Skimming the Clouds of Venus #9                     Andruschak (wl)               9-23           15 
  32 Zen and the Art of Egoboo Maintenance               Carlberg                      9-29           16 
  33 Continuing Conversation #3                          Schwarzin (wl)                9-29            9 
  34 All-Story Cavalier Annual #2                        Markstein                     9-29            2 
  35 The Daily RALLY! Vol. 1 #1                          Carlberg/Narkstein            9-29            1 
  36 The Daily RALLY! #2                                 Carlberg                      9-29            1 
  37 The Daily RALLY! Vol. 1 #3                          Markstein                     9-29            2 
  38 The Daily RALLY! #4                                 Carlberg                      9-29            1 
  39 The Sphere Vol. 50 #1                               Markstein                     9-29            9 
  40 Gimboate Vol. 1, pages 566-569                      Steele                        9-29            4 
  41 The Wapentake's Stave #2                            various                       9-29            2 
  42 Qwerty                                              Boutillier (wl)               9-29            1 
  43 What to do While Waiting for the Invitation         Boutillier (wl)               9-29           12 
  44 Talisman #13                                        Biggers                       9-29            6 
  45 Take the "A" Train #1                               Whitehead                     9-29           12 
  46 There and Back Again #2                             weber                         9-30            6
  47 Lola #10                                            weber                         9-30           10
  48 Purple Haze #4                                      Montalbano                    9-30            9
  49 just another damn sfpa waitlister #7                Lambert (wl)                  9-30            2
  50 Remember When?                                      Lambert (wl)                  9-30            4
  51 Indo #%'#_&%"*                                      Reinhardt                     9-30            8
  52 Spiritus Mundi #41                                  Lillian                       9-30           47
  53 Wilderness #24                                      Atkins                        9-30            2
  54 Wilderness #25                                      Atkins                        9-30            1
  55 Melikaphkhaz #60                                    Atkins                        9-30            4
  56 South Coast, the Wild Coast                         Atkins/Hulan                  9-30            2
  57 The DSC                                             M Hulan                       9-30            2
  58 A Conventional Dither #3                            D Hulan                       9-30            4
  59 The Galactic Heritage Almanac F.77                  Moudry                        9-30            4 
  60 The Infamous Crudzine Collection #1                 Andruschak (wl)               9-30           11 
  61 These poems...                                      Schardt                       10-1            4 
  62 The Southerner Vol. 11 #1                           AHOE                          10-1            4 

                                    THE SOUTHERNER 
                 the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance          
                 mailing 80                        alan hutchinson, official editor 
                 volume 11, number 2               don markstein, president 
                 November,  1977                   gary brown, emergency officer 

   1  ARRRGGHH!!!                                Hutchinson                  10-2           1 
   2  Fifth Anniversary of Apollo 11             Andruschak (wl)             10-3           2 
   3  Shadow-SFPA #3                             the waitlisters             10-6          56 
   4  The Apa-Lling Waitlister #8                Andruschak (wl)             10-19         28 
   5  Taking the Measure of Saturn's Rings       Andruschak (wl)             10-19          2 
   6  Spiritus Mundi #42                         Lillian                     11-5          27 
   7  Bicycle Chain #6                           Kanter (wl)                 11-10          1 
   8  The New Port News #52                      Brooks                      11-11          6
   9  Wilderness #26                             Atkins                      11-15          1 
   10 Wilderness #27                             Atkins                      11-15          1 
   11 Utgard #26                                 Hulan                       11-15          4 
   12 Penny-Ice and Cold Meat #16                Hulan                       11-15          4
   13 Huitloxopetl the Nick 'o' Time Zine        Frierson                    11-16          2 
   14 Dwerd's Dwelling #32                       Reed                        11-16          4
   15 Skimming the Clouds of Venus #10           Andruschak (wl)             11-17         38 
   16 Bicycle Chain #7                           Kanter (wl)                 11-18         11 
   17 New York is Just  a Goddamn Hobby          Spanier/Gafford             11-18          6 
   18 Thanatos ceasing Vol. Two, Number One      Hutto                       11-18         12 
   19 "You tramp!" said Adolph... #1             Wells                       11-19          4
   20 One Small Step for Fankind                 Brown                       11-19          1
   21 J.A.P.E. #3                                Locke                       11-19          4
   22 The Sons of the Sand Ride Again!           Lillian                     11-19          2 
   23 Heavy #23                                  Inzer                       11-19         15 
   24 The Sphere Vol. 51 #1                      Markstein                   11-19          4
   25 Gunfighters #4                             Jennings                    11-21          5
   26 Thin Ice #27                               Verheiden                   11-21          7 
   27 Merlin's Daughter #3                       Phillips                    11-22          4
   28 Muswell Hillbilly / Unreal Reality         weber                       11-22         10
   29 Talisman #14                               Biggers                     11-23          2
   30 Oblio #34                                  Brown                       11-23         20
   31 Purple Haze #5                             Montalbano                  11-23         15
   32 Shadow-SFPA #4                             the waitlisters             11-23         25
   33 Gimboate Vol. 1, pages 570-576             Steele                      11-23          7
   34 Where the Beer and the Cantalope Play v.29 #1-22 
                                                 Hutchinson                  11-23         22
   35 Devil's Advocate #2                        Amos                        11-25          4 
   36 Louisville Invites You...                  Amos                        11-25          4
   37 Melikaphkhaz #61                           Atkins                      11-25          4
   38 The Occasional Browser                     Moudry                      11-25          4
   39 The Arkham Anchorite                       Moudry                      11-25         11
   40 The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey #1        Boutillier                  11-25         15
   41 The Many Loves of Dobie Lillian            Boutillier                  11-26          6 
   42 The Funky Frog Takes a Vacation            Boutillier                  11-26         21 
   43 1977 SFPA Egoboo Poll Results              AHOE                        11-27          8
   44 The Southerner Vol. 11 #2                  AHOE                        11-27          4

                              the Southerner 
                     the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                     mailing 81                alan hutchinson, official editor              
                     volume 11, number 3                  gary brown, president              
                     January, 1978                gary brown, emergency officer              
      1  The Cartoon Festival                           Frierson                   12-6        2 
      2  Christopher Leewards                           Lillian                    12-9        4 
      3  A Wealth of Willis?                            Boutillier frank           12-10       4 
      4  transCONtinental confessions #6                Brown                      12-16      21 
      5  The New Port News #53                          Brooks                     12-27       4 
      6  Cushlamochree #13                              Hutchinson                 12-30       2 
      7  Skimming the Clouds of Venus #11               Andruschak (wl)            12-30       2 
      8  The Star Wars Wars                             Frierson                   12-31       6 
      9  Don and Beth's Electric Mailing Comments       Markstein / Schwarzin      12-31       4 
     10  Thin Ice #28                                   Verheiden                   1-13      15 
     11  Spiritus Mundi #43                             Lillian                     1-19      28 
     12  Melikaphkhaz #62                               Atkins                      1-19       4
     13  Merlin's Daughter #4                           Phillips                    1-20       9 
     14  Son of a Son of a One-Shot                     Brown / Broertjes           1-21       7 
     15  The Sphere Vol. 52 #1                          Markstein                   1-23       4
     16  How I Spent my Winter Vacation                 Hulan                       1-23       4 
     17  The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey #2            Boutillier                  1-23      20 
     18  Shadow-SFPA #5                                 the wl-ers                  1-24      54 
     19  Badgers? We Ain' Got No... Vol.30 #1-18        Hutchinson                  1-24      18 
     20  May the Kremmen Be With You                    Wielage                     1-25       3 
     21  Unreal Reality                                 weber                       1-25      14 
     22  Talisman #15                                   Biggers                     1-26       4 
     23  Wonder Gab #23                                 Boutillier                  1-26       4 
     24  Gimboate Vol. 1 pages 577-580                  Steele                      1-26       4
     25  The Senior Woodchucks' Guidebook #1            Hutchinson                  1-26      11
     26  Fingertip Reality #10                          Moudry                      1-26       4
     27  Absolutely Hysterical Apathy                   Moudry                      1-26       2 
     28  Oblio #35                                      Brown                       1-27      14
     29  You Don't Know my Name #12                     weber                       1-27      18
     30  What is the Name of this Zine?                 "Last Minute" Reinhardt     1-27       5 
     31  Panoply #1                                     Whitehead                   1-28       9 
     32  Chromakey #G                                   Wielage                     1-29       7 
     33  Zinith #1                                      Lillie                      1-29       4 
     34  The Southerner Vol. 11 #3                      AHOE                        1-29       4
                            The Southerner
                   the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
        mailing 82                                     alan hutchinson, official editor 
        volume 11,  number 4                           gary brown, president 
        March, 1978                                    gary brown, emergency officer 
      1  Skimming the Clouds of Venus #12           Andruschak (wl)         2-9     2
      2  The Senior Woodchucks' Guidebook #2        Hutchinson              2-15    4 
      3  GHLCCCXXXIII                               Lillian                 2-16   10 
      4  The New Port News #54                      Brooks                  3-8     4 
      5  Smaug's Treasure Trove                     Bush (wl)               3-10   10 
      6  Spiritus Mundi #44                         Lillian                 3-13   35 
      7  Dwerd's Dwelling #33                       Reed                    3-18    4 
      8  Melikaphkhaz #63                           Atkins                  3-20    6 
      9  Thin Ice #29                               Verheiden               3-20   11 
     10  Save Your Ass #1                           Jennings                3-20    4 
     11  The Sphere Vol 53 #1                       Markstein               3-24   12 
     12  Fee, Fie, Fo, Fat                          Markstein / Schwarzin   3-24    4 
     13  At Dawn the Girls Swam in a Nearby Lake... Wells                   3-27    4
     14  Semi-Continuing Conversation #4/5          Schwarzin (wl)          3-28    8 
     15  Shadow-SFPA #6                             the waitlisters         3-28   29 
     16  Two Twisted Tails Vol. 31 #1-22            Hutchinson              3-28   22 
     17  Gimboate Vol. 1 pages 581-584              Steele                  3-29    4
     18  Unreal Reality #somethingorother           weber                   3-29    9 
     19  The Rocky Horror Picture Show Trivia Quiz  weber FRANK             3-29    1
     20  Is This a Mummy I See Before Me?           Davis                   3-29    8 
     21  Something for SFPA                         Hulan                   3-29    4 
     22  One More Time, One More Time Now...        Boutillier              3-29    4
     23  Talisman #16                               Biggers                 3-30   14 
     24  Merlin's Daughter #?                       Phillips                3-30    6
     25  The Portable Noctuary Vol. 1 #2            Moudry                  3-30    4 
     26  Oblio  #36                                 Brown                   3-30    5 
     27  The Survivor                               Campbell                3-30    4 
     28  Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin 18.75  
                                                    Frierson                3-30    1
     29  My God, I'm About to be Kicked Out of SFPA #1  
                                                    Montalbano              3-31    4
     30  The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey #3        Boutillier              4-1    10 
     31  Chromakey #Ache                            Wielage                 4-2     5 
     32  Zinith #2                                  Lillie                  4-2    19
     33  The Southerner Vol. 11 #4                  AHOE                    4-2     6 

                                       The  Southerner
                  the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                  mailing 83                  alan hutchinson, official editor 
                  volume 11, number 5         gary brown, president 
                  May, 1978                   gary brown, emergency officer 

     1 thanatos ceasing Vol. 2 #2            Hutto                    4-4       4    
     2 Skimming the Clouds of Venus #13      Andruschak (wl)          4-20      2 
     3 Huitloxopetl the Fire-zine            Frierson                 4-21      8 
     4 Smaug's Treasure Trove #2             Bush (wl)                4-26      7 
     5 It Comes in the Mail #28              Brooks                   5-4      50 
     6 Spiritus Mundi #45                    Lillian                  5-4      25 
     7 Boojum OO                             Caruthers                5-10      4
     8 The New Port News #55                 Brooks                   5-10      4
     9 Pantoum of the Pilfered Pups          Brooks frank             5-10      4
    10 Huitloxopetl the Betamaxzine          Frierson                 5-15      1
    11 Space Shuttle Transportation System   Davis frank              5-16      8 
    12 Monkeys and Cucumbers #1              Morrissey                5-17     10
    13 The Sphere Vol. 54 #1                 Markstein                5-18      5
    14 Thin Ice #30                          Verheiden                5-20      5
    15 Utgard #27                            Hulan                    5-22     17
    16 Melikaphkhaz #64                      Atkins                   5-24      2
    17 Watching the Candle Burn              Atkins                   5-24      4
    18 Sunday Will Never be the Saaaaame     Lillian                  5-24      2 
    19 The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey #4   Boutillier               5-24     15
    20 Truth and Beauty                      Lillian / Norwood        5-24      2 
    21 ERB-dom #89r                          Caz (Lillian frank)      5-24      1
    22 Shadow-SFPA #7                        the wl-ers               5-24     38 
    23 Carrots of the Gods? Vol. 32 #1-25    Hutchinson               5-24     25 
    24 Oblio #37                             Brown                    5-25     16
    25 The Three Stigmata of Tom Campbell    Campbell                 5-25      4
    26 Galactic Heritage Almanac Sp. 78      Moudry                   5-25      2
    27 Lane Lambert - As I Dismember Him     Moudry                   5-25      2 
    28 Gimboate Vol. 1, pages 585-590        Steele                   5-25      6
    29 Avoid Stepping on Bela Lugosi #14     weber                    5-26      6
    30 Gigo #3                               Davis                    5-27      4
    31 Just You 'n' Me                       Whitehead                5-27      4
    32 Unreal Reality #i.f.t.n.              weber                    5-27      4
    33 The Southerner Vol. 11 #5             AHOE                     5-27      4

                                          The Southerner
                    the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance             
                    mailing 84              alan hutchinson, official editor             
                    volume 11, number 6               gary brown, president              
                    July, 1978                 gary brown, emergency occifer 

      1  The Rocky Horror Picture Show              weber                 6-4            1 
      2  Skiffy Party FANtasy                       Bush (wl)             6-4            8 
      3  Not So Subtle Fragrantmencas               Bridget (wl)          6-4            2 
      4  ChattaCon 4 flyer                          Bush frank (wl)       6-15           2 
      5  One-Shot Science Fiction Double Feature    Bush (wl)             6-15           8 
      6  Skimming the Clouds of Venus #14           Andruschak (wl)       6-17           1 
      7  The Prisoner                               Bush (wl)             6-20           2 
      8  Zip-a-dee-doo-dah #1                       Morrissey             6-26           7 
      9  "Stealing the Show" excerpts               Bush frank (wl)       2-26           2 
     10  Smaug's Treasure Trove #3                  Bush (wl)             6-30           8 
     11  Dwerd's Dwelling #34                       Reed                  7-3            4 
     12  Gunfighters                                Jennings              7-6           14 
     13  Huitloxopetl the Zine Guy Lillian is 
          Worried About                            Frierson              7-10            8 
     14  The Return of the Flame                   Caruthers             7-10            2 
     15  Con Report: DSC XVI                       Boutillier            7-10            4
     16  The Man, the Boy and the Donkey #5        Boutillier            7-12           15 
     17  The New Port News #56                     Brooks                7-15            6 
     18  The Sphere Vol.55 #1                      Markstein             7-19           10 
     19  Purple Haze                               Montalbano            7-21            4
     20  Spiritus Mundi #46                        Lillian               7-21           31 
     21  just another damn sfpa waitlister #7.1    Lambert               7-22            9 
     22  Shadow-SFPA #8                            the wl-ers            7-22           56
     23  She Fell to Her Knees and Waldo...#1      Wells                 7-24            6 
     24  Thin Ice #31                              Verheiden             7-24            2
     25  Gimboate Vol. 1 pages 591-596             Steele                7-25            6
     26  Walt Disney's CRIME and SuspenStories 
           vol. 33 #1-16                           Hutchinson            7-26           16
     27  Finger Tip Reality #11                    Moudry                7-26            6
     28  Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine Vol 2#1 Whitehead             7-26            8
     29  Wonder Gab #24                            Boutillier            7-26            4
     30  My Little Chipmunk Has Tits               Schwarzin             7-27            4
     31  Melikaphkhaz #65                          Atkins                7-27            7
     32  Utgard #28                                Hulan                 7-27            8
     33  I'm Not Like Everybody Else #15           weber                 7-27            5 
     34  Talisman #18                              Biggers               7-27            6
     35  Oblio #38                                 Brown                 7-28            7 
     36  Zinith #3                                 Lillie                7-30            2 
     37  Chromakey #Eye                            Wielage               7-30           27 
     38  The Southerner Vol. 11 #6                 AHOE                  7-30            4

                                  The Southerner
               the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
               mailing 85              Alan hutchinson, official editor 
               volume 11, number 7          gary brown, president 
               September, 1978              gary brown, emergency occifer 

     1  Saint Mick                                 Lillian           8-2         6 
     2  The Three Stigmata of Tom Campbell #2      Campbell          8-3         4 
     3  Bill Bridget Responding...pp. 1 & 2        Bridget (wl)      8-10        2 
     4   "      "        "        pp. 3 & 4           "              8-10        2 
     5   "      "        "        pp. 5 & 6           "              8-10        2
     6  Huitloxopetl the Videoshow Zine            Frierson          8-12        3 
     7  Spiritus Mundi #47                         Lillian           8-26       33 
     8  Disney's Nightmare                         Brown             8-30        2 
     9  The Coffin Scores #1                       Verheiden         8-31        2 
     10 Huitloxopetl the We-Got-a-Minute Zine      Frierson          8-31        4 
     11 The Iguana Dog                             Brooks            9-2         2 
     12 The New Port News #57                      Brooks            9-2         4
     13 The Harosfa Chronicles                     Brooks            9-2        26
     14 Slough-Dhjinn: Son of Warloc pp. 1 & 2     Bridget (wl)      9-2         2
     15    "      "     "   "    "   pp. 3 & 4        "              9-2         2
     16    "      "     "   "    "   pp. 5 & 6        "              9-2         2
     17    "      "     "   "    "   pg. 7            "              9-2         1
     18 Huitloxopetl Press presents "Benson, AZ"   Frierson          9-8         2 
     19 The Nan, the Boy, and the Donkey #6        Boutillier        9-13       10 
     20 Out of the Wilderness #1                   Boutillier        9-13        2
     21 Nexus cover                                Lambert           9-14        1 
     22 Just Another Damn SFPA Waitlister #7.2     Lambert           9-14       15
     23 Melikaphkhaz #66                           Atkins            9-15        8 
     24 Monkeys and Cucumbers #2                   Morrissey         9-23       14
     25 Oblio #39                                  Brown             9-24       20
     26 Thin Ice #32                               Verheiden         9-25        6
     27 Wonder Gab #25                             Boutillier        9-25        2 
     28 Utgard #29                                 Hulan             9-25       14 
     29 The Sphere Vol. 56 #1                      Markstein         9-25        5 
     30 How I Spent My Summer Vacation #3          Markstein         9-25        8 
     31 Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine Vol.3 #1 Whitehead         9-27       14
     32 Strange Changes Vol.1 #1                   Phillips          9-27        6 
     33 A Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy #16                weber             9-27        6
     34 Gimboate Vol. 1 pages 597-598              Steele            9-27        2 
     35 Isis Unveiled #1                           Schwarzin         9-27        4
     36 Saucer Sluts ad                            Schwarzin frank   9-27        1
     37 Ronzine One                                Juge              9-27        4
     38 JUST IMAGIcon /1                           Caruthers         9-27        4
     39 The Right to Say "Shit"...#4               Lillian           9-28        4
     40 DeepSouthCon '79 flyer                     Lillian frank     9-28        2
     41 The Journal of Hyperbolic Procrastination vl #1 
                                                   Moudry            9-28        5
     42 GIGO #4                                    Davis             9-28        4
     43 I'm Not Eligible to Win the Egoboo Poll v34 #1-8 
                                                   Hutchinson        9-28        8 
     44 Shadow-SFPA #9                             the wl-ers        9-28       29
     45 HalfaCon Onward!                           Markstein         9-29        1
     46 Stereotypeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee        T Longo           9-29        4
     47 Zineteast                                  D Longo           9-29        4 
     48 1978 SFPA Egoboo Poll Ballot               AHOE             10-1         2
     49 The Southerner vol. 11 #7                  AHOE             10-1         4 

            The Southerner
            the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
            mailing 86         alan hutchinson, official editor   
            volume 11, number 8         gary brown, president     
            November,  1978       gary brown, emergency occifer 
  1 I'm Not Eligible to Win the Egoboo 
      Poll Vol. 34 #9-14              Hutchinson        10-23     6
  2 JUST IMAGIcon #2                  Caruthers         10-30     7 
  3 The New Port News #58 b/w         Brooks            11-8      7 
  4 Another M-4!                      Brooks            11-8      2 
  5 Spiritus Mundi #48                Lillian           11-10    23 
  6 Cushlamochree #14                 Hutchinson        11-10     6
  7 Huitloxopetl the MoroseZine       Frierson          11-15     1
  8 Gunfighters #6                    Jennings          11-16    10 
  9 Dwerd's Dwelling #35              Reed              11-17     5 
 10 The Funky Frog Out West           Boutillier        11-20    10
 11 Melikaphkhaz #67                  Atkins            11-22    12 
 12 Free, White and Twenty-One        various           11-22     2
 13 Jambalaya #1                      D Longo           11-22     6
 14 Up the Darth Vator Parts I and II Lillian           11-22    23 
 15 GIGO #5                           Davis             11-24     8 
 16 Just Another Damn SFPA Waitlister #7.3 
                                      Lambert           11-24    16
 17 The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey #7 
                                      Boutillier        11-25    10
 18 Out of the Wilderness #2          Boutillier        11-25     2
 19 Some of Our Pyramids are Missing  Juge              11-27     5 
 20 She Jacknifed into the Air, Throwing 
      Up as She Soared #1             Wells             11-27     6 
 21 Utgard #30                        Hulan             11-27     4
 22 Thin Ice #33                      Verheiden         11-27     5 
 23 Slower than Infinity: Update #2   Hyde (wl)         11-27     1
 24 I'm Comin', Beany Boy! I-I-I'm 
      Comi-i-in'!! Vol. 35 #1-15      Hutchinson        11-27    15 
 25 Up the Darth Vator Part III       Lillian           11-27    30
 26 Wismahi Yeyapi                    Kennedy           11-28     5 
 27 Wonder Gab #26                    Boutillier        11-28     2
 28 Shadow-SFPA #10                   the wl-ers        11-28    42
 29 The Sphere Vol. 57 #1             Markstein         11-30    18
 30 Amazing Gab                       Boutillier        11-30     2 
 31 Gimboate Vol.1 pages 599-607      Steele            11-30     9 
 32 Talisman #19                      Biggers           11-30     4
 33 Testing All Systems number irregular 
                                      Biggers           11-30     1
 34 Father Christmas #17              weber             11-30     6
 35 Oblio #40                         Brown             12-1      5 
 36 1978 SFPA Egoboo Poll Results     Hutchinson        12-1      8 
 37 Gooseberries #1                   Hickman           12-1      5 
 38 Rasputin's Drawers, the Mystic Zine 
                                      D Longo           12-1      3 
 39 The Moravian Prefecture #9        Moudry            12-2      4 
 40 The Southerner vol. 11 #8         AHOE              12-3      4 

                 The Southerner
                the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance
                   mailing 87                alan hutchinson, official  editor  
                   volume 11, number 9           guy lillian, president 
                   January, 1979                  gary brown, emergency occifer 

     1 Gregory                                        Bridget (wl)   12-13       2 
     2 The New Port News #59                          Brooks         12-23       4 
     3 The Senior Woodchucks' Guidebook #5            Hutchinson     12-24      14 
     4 This is Almost, but Not Quite, More 
          Than I Deserve                              Lillian        12-30       2 
     5 Huitloxopetl the F.I.B. Zine                   Frierson       12-30       3 
     6 Gunfighters #7                                 Jennings        1-19       6 
     7 Spiritus Mundi #49                             Lillian         1-20      23 
     8 Melikaphkhaz #68                               Atkins          1-22       4 
     9 Utgard #31                                     Hulan           1-22      10 
    10 Thin Ice #34                                   Verheiden       1-22      11 
    11 I Am Erroneous (Yellow)                        Juge            1-23       5 
    12 Another Last-Minute SFPA Membership Acceptance 
                                                      Bush            1-24       4 
    13 All-Turtle Romances Vol. 36 #1-19              Hutchinson      1-24      19 
    14 Damage Suit Filed for  $3 Million              Brown           1-24       2 
    15 Bentfin Boomer Boys Revenge #1                 Lambert         1-24       8 
    16 Wismahi Yeyapi #2                              Kennedy         1-24       5 
    17 The Gifts They Bring #4                        Kennedy         1-24       2 
    18 Shadow-SFPA #11                                the wl-ers      1-24      41 
    19 Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine #4           Whitehead       1-25      20 
    20 Isis Unveiled #2                               Schwarzin       1-25       5 
    21 Nihilistic Sludge                              Karrh           1-25       8 
    22 Strange Changes Vol. 1 #2                      Phillips        1-25       5 
    23 Free For All #1                                Sperhauk        1-25       7 
    24 Take Me Back to Them Black Hills #18           weber           1-25       6 
    25 Nastiness and Dark #2                          weber           1-25       7 
    26 Monkeys and Cucumbers #3                       Morrissey       1-25      14 
    27 Gimboate Vol. 1, pages 608-611                 Steele          1-25       4 
    28 In Defense of Dr. Dee                          Moudry          1-26       5 
    29 When He Danced by with Another Girl in his 
          Arms, She Stuck a Fork in his Behind  
          and Ran                                  Davis/Wells/Tesser 1-27       2 
    30 Supermoney the Movie                           Davis           1-27       2
    31 The Busted Flush                               Brown           1-27       3 
    32 The Sphere Vol. 58 #1                          Markstein       1-30      10
    33 Pay to the Order of Ozma of Oz                 Markstein       1-30       4
    34 The Southerner Vol. 11 #9                      AHOE            1-30       4

                                  The Southerner
                 the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                 mailing 88                alan hutchinson, official editor 
                 volume 11, number 10          guy lillian, president 
                 March,  1979                   gary brown, emergency occifer 
     1 Harlan's Side                               Lillian         2-5      14 
     2 the Shitbird Stories                        Bridget (wl)    2-6      10 
     3 Menathee Celebration number three           Brown           2-12      4 
     4 Q. Are We Not Fen? A. We Are Mimeo!!!       Brown/Broertjes 2-12      9 
     5 The Senior Woodchucks' Guidebook Supplement #3 
                                                   Hutchinson      2-23      4 
     6 The New Port News #60                       Brooks          2-26      6 
     7 Just ImagiCON 113                           Caruthers       3-3       7 
     8 Flush Left, Ragged Right                    Juge            3-15      4 
     9 Dwerd's Dwelling #36                        Reed            3-19      7 
    10 Melikaphkhaz #69                            Atkins          3-19     32 
    11 Hello, SFPA                                 Frierson        3-19      3 
    12 Scarfing Humble Pie No. 3                   Frierson        3-23      1
    13 Opossum 200                                 Hutchinson      3-23      5 
    14 Utgard #32                                  Hulan           3-24     10 
    15 Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine #5        Whitehead       3-26     16    
    16 Meanwhile...                                Brown           3-26      1 
    17 Shadow-SFPA #12                             the wl-ers      3-27     43
    18 Talisman #20                                Biggers         3-27      8
    19 Spiritus Mundi #50                          Lillian         3-27     39 
    20 Isis Unveiled #3                            Schwarzin       3-28      8 
    21 I'm Displeased, McCrrrrary...Vol. 37 #1-19  Hutchinson      3-28     19
    22 Matilda Was Lovely....#1                    Wells           3-28      4 
    23 GIGO #6                                     Davis           3-28     10 
    24 More Nihilistic Sludge                      Karrh           3-28     12 
    25 Sitting in Limbo #1                         Mattingly       3-28      7 
    26 The Sphere Vol. 59 #1                       Markstein       3-29      4 
    27 Kitchen Sink #3                             Markstein       3-29      4 
    28 LepreCon V flyer                            Markstein       3-29      1
    29 Free For All #2                             Sperhauk        3-29      5 
    30 Bentfin Boomer Boys Revenge #2              Lambert         3-29      4 
    31 Wismahi Yeyapi #3                           Kennedy         3-29      7 
    32 The Gifts They Bring #5                     Kennedy         3-29      2
    33 Fingertip Reality #12                       Moudry          3-29      4 
    34 Gooseberries #2                             Hickman         3-29      4
    35 Thin Ice #35                                Verheiden       3-29      4
    36 Gimboate Vol. 1, pages 612-613              Steele          3-29      2 
    37 Unreal Reality Vol. 2 #1                    weber           3-29      7 
    38 Make Some Money #19                         weber           3-29      4 
    39 Derbytown Dilettante #1                     Amos            3-30      4 
    40 The Southerner Vol. 11 #10                  AHOE            3-31      4 

                               The Southerner 
               the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
               mailing 89             alan hutchinson, official editor 
               volume 11, number 11       guy lillian, president 
               May, 1979                   gary brown, emergency occifer 
  1 The Senior Woodchucks' Guidebook #6              Hutchinson       4-26        7 
  2 Huitloxopetl: Now More Than Ever                 Frierson         4-27        6 
  3 Thin Ice #36                                     Verheiden        5-2        23 
  4 Ignite #9                                        Guidry/Ahlstrom  5-5         4 
  5 Spiritus Mundi #51                               Lillian          5-5        27 
  6 Skiffy Bag                                       Brooks           5-7        17 
  7 Utgard #33                                       Hulan            5-16        5 
  8 Dwerd's Dwelling #37                             Reed             5-17        4 
  9 Melikaphkhaz #70                                 Atkins           5-24        1 
 10 ChattaCon flyer                                  Lynch frank      5-24        2 
 11 Save Your Ass #2                                 Jennings         5-24       10 
 12 Shadow-SFPA #13                                  the wl-ers       5-24       45 
 13 The Sphere Vol. 60 #1                            Markstein        5-29        4 
 14 Thought I'd Do a Funny Cover, Huh? Vol.38 #1-18  Hutchinson       5-29       18 
 15 The Video Addict Two (?)                         Bush             5-30        4 
 16 Flush Felt, Raged Right                          Juge             5-30        5 
 17 25 Years On                                      Sperhauk         5-31        6 
 18 Bentfin Boomer Boys Revenge #3                   Lambert          5-31        4 
 19 STACON II Program Book                           Lambert/Moudry   5-31        7 
 20 Miserable Excusezine                             Schwarzin        5-31        1 
 21 Sitting in Limbo #2                              Mattingly        5-31        4 
 22 how i spent my easter vacation                   Kennedy          5-31        6 
 23 The Gifts They Bring #6                          Kennedy          5-31        2 
 24 Gimboate Vol. 1 pages 614-615                    Steele           6-1         2 
 25 Howdy Doody Time #1                              weber            6-1         6 
 26 Fingertip Reality #13                            Moudry           6-1         4 
 27 Monkeys and Cucumbers #4                         Morrissey        6-1         4 
 28 GIGO #7                                          Davis            6-2         6 
 29 Just Imagicon #4                                 Caruthers        6-2         6 
 30 Your Mind Was So Far Gone that I Felt if I 
      Should Succeed With You, My Control of the 
      Clones Would be Successful #1                  Wells            6-2         4 
 31 The Southerner Vol. 11 #11                       AHOE             6-5         4 

                               The Southerner
                the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                mailing 90              alan hutchinson, official editor 
                volume 11, number 12        guy lillian, president 
                July, 1979                   gary brown, emergency occifer 

   1 A Requiem for Lady Helga of Wolfhaven       Lillian         6-7       1 
   2 Spiritus Mundi #52                          Lillian         6-29     25 
   3 The New Port News #60                       Brooks          7-9       6 
   4 Lovecraft's Marvelous Mechanical Merkin / 
       Clockwork Crabs                           Campbell (wl)   7-9      10 
   5 Huitloxopetl the SFPAzine                   Frierson        7-9       4 
   6 Dead Eskimos Can't Go Nome Again            Bridget         7-16      4 
   7 Dwerd's Dwelling #38                        Reed            7-16      4 
   8 Learning to be a Legend Isn't Easy          Bridgets        7-17     12 
   9 Shadow-SFPA #14                             the wl-ers      7-18     34 
  10 1979 Hogu Awards Ballot                     Lynch frank     7-18      2 
  11 Thin Ice #37                                Verheiden       7-20      9 
  12 Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine #6        Whitehead       7-20      4
  13 "What--what in the name of Heaven did you sub- 
       stitute for blood?" asked Jeff ... #1     Wells           7-21      2 
  14 The Seventy-seven Percent Solution          Juge            7-23      2
  15 The Sphere Vol. 61 #1                       Markstein       7-23      4 
  16 D-Con '79 As I Disremembers Him             Markstein       7-23      4 
  17 The Further Adventures of Alan at the Post 
       Office or My Life as a Streetwalker
        v.39 #1-11                               Hutchinson      7-24     11
  18 Utgard #34                                  Hulan           7-24      4 
  19 Melikaphkhaz #71                            Atkins          7-26      4
  20 Bentfin Boomer Boys Revenge #4              Lambert         7-26      6 
  21 Fingertip Reality #14                       Moudry          7-26      5 
  22 In Memory of The Diamond Sutra              Moudry          7-26      1 
  23 Late, As Usual #2                           Moudry          7-26      4
  24 Talisman #21                                Biggers         7-27      6 
  25 Twentieth Century Man #20                   weber           7-27      9 
  26 Cushlamochree #15                           Hutchinson      7-27      1 
  27 The Video Addict #3                         Bush            7-27      4
  28 FOSFax Vol. 2 #1                            Bush            7-27     12 
  29 Again Nihilistic Sludge                     Karrh           7-27      5 
  30 Free For All #3                             Sperhauk        7-27      6 
  31 The Southerner Vol. 11 #12                  AHOE            7-29      4
             The Southerner
             the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance
             mailing 91              alan hutchinson, official editor 
             volume 11, number 13        guy lillian, president 
             September, 1979              gary brown, emergency occifer 
  1 Down the Darth Vator #2                         Lillian           8-6       10 
  2 Random Broodings on Hollywood                   Frierson          8-8        2 
  3 The New Port News #61                           Brooks            8-13       4 
  4 Gunfighters #5                                  Jennings          8-13      11 
  5 "Do Big Zines" said the Tic-Tac-Toe "for SFPA!" Bridget           8-16       1 
  6 Boojum Infinity                                 Caruthers         8-17       7 
  7 But no matter how big a zine I do for SFPA, 
      Cliff's will be Biggers                       Bridget           8-22       2 
  8 The Travels of Amorpho P. Titanium              Lillian frank     8-25       4
  9 French Fries Don't Mate, They Chip              Bridget           9-4        1 
 10 The NorthAmericon Nebula #1-4                   Lynch             9-8        8 
 11 "No," she said. "I found myself..." #1          Wells             9-10       2 
 12 True Confections...and Other Saccharin #1       Lynch             9-11       6 
 13 The Friersign/Phoenix Theatre Presents          Frierson          9-13       2 
 14 Half-a-Con 1979 flyer                           Frierson          9-13       2 
 15 Speck on the Glass of Humanity                  Lillian frank     9-15       4 
 16 GHLIII for SFPAOE Vol. 3 #1                     Lillian           9-15       4 
 17 Spiritus Mundi #53                              Lillian           9-15      30 
 18 Shadow-SFPA #15                                 the wl-ers        9-18      49
 19 The Last Bronze Armadillo Alarm Clock           Gelb (wl)         9-18       6 
 20 Sitting in Limbo #3 (Maybe)                     Mattingly         9-20       6 
 21 Gunfighters #7                                  Jennings          9-24      14 
 22 The Sphere Vol. 62 #1                           Markstein         9-24       6 
 23 The Absent-Minded Waiter #2                     Carlberg (wl)     9-24       4
 24 Walt Dismal's DANIEL DUCK in "Terror of the 
      Ozarks" Vol. 40 #1-9                          Hutchinson        9-24       9 
 25 Utgard #35                                      Hulan             9-24       4
 26 Ils Sont Fou, Ces Strangers                     D & M Hulan       9-24      61
 27 Thin Ice #38                                    Verheiden         9-25      17
 28 Dragon's Meadow #9                              A Bridget         9-25       6 
 29 Melikaphkhaz #72                                Atkins            9-26      41
 30 Monkeys and Cucumbers #5                        Morrissey         9-26      12 
 31 Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine #7            Whitehead         9-26      25 
 32 KAR-120C #1                                     weber             9-26       8 
 33 Free For All #4                                 Sperhauk          9-27       4 
 34 GIGO #8                                         Davis             9-27       4 
 35 Fingertip Reality #15                           Moudry            9-27       5 
 36 The Seventy Percent Solution                    Juge              9-28       2 
 37 I Forgot to Mention...#1                        Wells             9-29       2 
 38 The Wolf Howls Louder                           Reinhardt         9-29       5 
 39 1979 SFPA Egoboo Poll Ballot                    AHOE              10-1       2 
 40 The Southerner Vol. 11 #13                      AHOE              10-2       4 

            The Southerner
            the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
            mailing 92              alan hutchinson, official editor 
            volume 11, number 14        guy lillian, president 
            November,  1979           gunther toody, emergency occifer 

 1 T.H.E. N.E.W. P.O.R.T. N.E.W.S. #62   Brooks       10-27    4 
 2 Pharmagraphy and Typocology...        B Bridget    10-31    1 
 3 The Nac Report                        Lynch        11-8     3 
 4 Mid South Con '80 flyer               Lynch        11-8     1 
 5 Someone Else's Garbage                A Bridget    11-16    9 
 6 I've Been Reading...                  Hulan        11-16   24 
 7 Melikaphkhaz #73                      Atkins       11-16   35 
 8 Quetzalcoatl                          Hyde         11-19    6 
 9 Dwerd's Dwelling #39                  Reed         11-19    1 
10 Dwerd's Dwelling #40                  Reed         11-19    2
11 DC Super Stars Index                  Reed         11-19    4 
12 True Confections and Other Saccharin #2 b/w 
                                         Lynch        11-19    4
13 NorthAmericon in Words and Pictures   Lynch        11-19    7 
14 Thru the Worm Hole                    A Bridget    11-19   35 
15 Spiritus Mundi #54                    Lillian      11-19   31 
16 The Second Second Lieutenant       Lillian/David   11-19    2 
17 The Absent-Minded Waiter #3           Carlberg(wl) 11-19    8 
18 Utgard #36                            Hulan        11-23   12 
19 Enough is Enough                      Hutchinson   11-24    2 
20 The Fiche Fan                         Celko (wl)   11-24    4
21 In the Post Office...Vol. 41 #1-16    Hutchinson   11-25   16 
22 The Sphere Vol. 63 #1                 Markstein    11-26    6
23 SAPS Wants You                        Lynch        11-26    2 
24 Waldo Kicked the Body...#1      Davis/Wells/Tesser 11-26   14
25 The Barrington Bull #3 F69 #2         Lillian      11-26    4
26 The Second Seventy-Seven Percent Solution 
                                         Juge         11-26    4
27 Shadow-SFPA #16                       the wl-ers   11-26   25 
28 The Special Thankgsvign Issue of Huitloxopetl 
                                         Frierson     11-26    2 
29 GIGO #9                               Davis        11-27    8 
30 Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #1  Phillips     11-28    4 
31 Talisman #22                          Biggers      11-28    7 
32 Sitting in Limbo #4                   Mattingly    11-28    6 
33 FETF Gazette                          A Bridget    11-28    2 
34 Beware of Trools                      Lynch        11-28    1 
35 Monkeys and Cucumbers #5 reviewed...  B Bridget    11-28    2 
36 KAR-120C #2                           weber        11-28   16 
37 Thin Ice #39                          Verheiden    11-29    5 
38 Fingertip Reality #16                 Moudry       11-29    4 
39 Boy, I Wish I Owned a Typerwriter Like This! 
                                         Hyde         11-30    1
40 Frankin' Zine                         Caruthers    11-30    4 
41 1979 SFPA Egoboo Poll Results         Hutchinson   12-1     7 
42 Government Drone #1                   Bush         12-2     4 
43 The Southerner Vol. 11 #14            AHOE         12-2     4 
              The Southerner 

 The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
 Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor         93rd mailing 
 Alan Hutchinson, President                 January, 1980 
 Ned Brooks, Reluctant Emergency Officer    Volume 12, #1 

 lx Safpa's Lot                         Lillian                12-1-79     21 
 2  Rough Drafts                        Frierson               12-14-79     2
 3  Typology and Tyler Two              A & B Bridget          12-20-79     5 
 4  And the Little Ones Chewed...       B Bridget              12-27-79     2
 5  Turkey & Dresen                     Caruthers              12-27-79     2
 6  eh?                                 Caruthers              12-27-79     2
 7  The New Port News #63               Brooks                 12-27-79     4
 8  I Won't Be Dusting Off My Lowell... B Bridget              12-29-79     2
 9  The 400 Blows                       Lillian                12-31-79     2 
10  In the pOEst Office                 B Bridget               1-3-80      1 
11  Gunfighters #8                      Jennings                1-4-80     31 
12  Chicago in '82                      Frierson frank          1-16-80     4 
13  How Can One Spend Almost $8000      Frierson                1-16-80    24 
14  The Quark & Charm Society           Caruthers               1-17-80     6 
15  The Collector's Portfolio/Bambioids Hyde frank              1-17-80    10 
16  Melikaphkaz #74                     Atkins                  1-17-80    43 
17  Kukulcan-Cuchulan                   B Bridget               1-18-80     3 
18  Twisted Glass                       Juge                    1-21-80     7
19  Dismal Daniel's Walt Duck           Hyde                    1-21-80     4 
20  Learning to Be a Legend #4          A Bridget               1-22-80    24 
21  Runnin', Plates!                    B Bridget               1-22-80     2 
22  True Confections & Other Saccharin #3 
                                        Lynch                   1-25-80    17 
23  Grokking the Box Scores             Carlberg (wl)           1-25-80     1 
24  Shadow-SFPA No. 17                  waitlisters etc.        1-25-80    26 
25  Spiritus Mundi 55                   Lillian                 1-25-80    33 
26  UpperSouthClave X                   Caruthers frank         1-26-80     1 
27  Son of Tarzan's Car                 Campbell                1-26-80     6 
28  Free for All #5                     Sperhauk                1-28-80     8 
29  Thin Ice #40                        Verheiden               1-28-80     2 
30  The Sphere, vol. 64 #1              Markstein               1-28-80     8 
31  Starjazzer No. 2                    Hammer-Johnson          1-28-80     4
32  I've Been Reading ... 2             Hulan                   1-28-80     8 
33  Utgard 27                           Hulan                   1-28-80     4 
34  Two Articles from CHAT              Rogers (wl)             1-29-80     9 
35  Waldo Rang the Bell...              Wells                   1-31-80     1 
36  GIGO #10                            Davis                   1-31-80     6 
37  Monkeys & Cucumbers #6              Morrissey               1-31-80     4
38  Fingertip Reality #17               Moudry                  1-31-80     4 
39  My Father's Drawin'                 Hutchinson              1-31-80    11
40  KAR-120c #3                         weber                   2-1-80      4
41  Waldo Rang the Bell...#2            Wells                   2-2-80      2 
42  Thoroughly Modern Military          B Bridget               2-4-80      5 
43  D.S.O.                              Celko (wl)              2-4-80      5 
44  The Southerner #93                  GHLIIIOE                2-4-80      4 
                                                                   TOTAL: 370 
The Southerner
The Official organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

Guy H. Lillian III, Official. Editor        94th mailing 
Alan Hutchinson, President                   March, 1980 
Ned Brooks, Emergency Officer              Volume 12, #2 
1  Dr. Groopemoney                      Campbell             2-8-80           2 
2  A Tribute to My Father • • •         Hyde                 2-19-80          1 
3  Figh-Lie No. c-80-2-11               B Bridget            2-19-10          4 
4  Kubla Khan Ate flier                 OE frank             2-20-80          2 
5  The "Big George"Cartoon At Least...  B Bridget            2-23-80          1 
6  Ha-a-ang On Groopy - Groopy, Hang On! 
                                        Campbell             2-23-80          2 
7  Spiritus Grupi #1                    Campbell             2-23-80          2 
8  A Review of the "Soulfull" Issue...  B Bridget            2-23-80          1 
9  Huitloxopetl ... Revived Mailing Comments 
                                        Frierson             2-27-80          4 
10 Fan Plus flier                       Frierson frank       2-27-80          1 
11 Salisbury, Wiltshire (b/w)           B Bridget            3-4-80           1 
12 Eleven-O-One                         B Bridget frank      3-4-80          20 
13 Last/Phoeban                         B Bridget            3-6-30           6 
14 The New Port News #64                Brooks               3-7-80           8
15 Por Nada #1                          B Bridget            3-12-80          1 
16 Go Ahead Vote for Me                 B Bridget            3-12-80          1 
17 Thrilling GIGO Story #7              B Bridget            3-17-80          5 
18 The Dreamer's Ball #4                Lynch                3-17-80         26 
19 Stare-at-Us Monday                   Hyde                 3-18-80          5 
20 Spiritus Mundi 56                    Lillian              3-18-80         33 
21 All Gods Chili Got Beans             B Bridget            3-18-80          6 
22 Utgard 28                            Hulan                3-22-80         12 
23 The High Aesthetic Line 15           Hulan                3-22-80         25 
24 Half a Kilofanzine                   Hulan                3-22-80         12 
25 Five by Five to Your Family          Juge                 3-22-80          4 
26 Intuition #50                        Carlberg             3-24-80         10 
27 ASFiCon flier                        Biggers              3-24-80          2 
28 Talisman #23                         Biggers              3-24-80          8 
29 There (Almost) and Back Again        Lynch                3-24-80          1 
30 Will Rogers in the 25th Century      Hutchinson           3-24-80         13 
31 KAR-120c #4                          weber                3-25-80         20 
32 Unnecessary Intimate redundancies #2 Phillips             3-25-80          6
33 Shadow-SFPA                          waitlisters          3-25-80         47 
34 The Sphere vol. 65 #1                Markstein            3-25-80          4 
35 New Kid on Earth                     Winston              3-26-80          4 
36 Clothe the Poor, You Hotel           Wells                3-26-80          1 
37 P.L. Caruthers Peeks/Peaks/Piques    Caruthers            3-26-80          6
38 GIGO #11                             Davis                3-26-80         12 
39 Melikaphkaz #75                      Atkins               3-26-80         73 
40 UpperSouthClave X program book       Caruthers frank      3-26-80          4 
41 Fingertip Reality #13                Moudry               3-27-80          5 
42 Thin Ice #41                         Verheiden            3-27-80          4 
43 Learning to be a Legend #5           A Bridget            3-28-80          6
44 A Demented Methodist Giant Production 
                                        Wells                3-28-80          2 
45 Free for All Number Six              Sperhauk             3-28-80          2 
46 Sitting in Limbo #5(?)               Mattingly            3-28-80          4 
47 Bye for Now                          Wells                3-29-80          2 
48 Starjazzer No. 3                     Hammer-Johnson       3-31-80         10 
49 The Southerner #94                   GHLIII0E             3-31-80          6 
                                                                     TOTAL: 437 
                            The Southerner
          Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor                         95th Mailing 
Alan Hutchinson, President                                    June, 1980 
Ned Brooks, Emergency Officer                              Volume 12, #3 

1  Huitloxopetl the Jiffizine      Frierson            4-9-80         2 
2  The Other Side of the Coin      OE frank            4-11-80        1 
3  Chat #31                        OE frank            4-11-80       12 
4  Fog Index                       Caruthers           4-13-80        3 
5  USC 10 - a Guest-of-Honor's-Eye View 
                                   Caruthers          4-13-80         4 
6  Icepick #6                      Atkins             4-13-80         4 
7  If Niago Marsh Married Homer Mallow... 
                                   B Bridget          4-20-80         1 
8  Skiffy Thyme                    Brooks             4-26-80        42 
9  The East Point Opposite Vol. 1 No. 1 
                                   Hyde               4-30-80        20 
10 Radius                          Hammer-Johnson     5-2-80          6 
11 The New Port News #65           Brooks             5-5-80          6 
12 Gestetner 120 Test Sheet        Brooks             5-7-80          1 
13 What Did They Substitute...     B Bridget          5-10-80         1 
14 Review of Rich Morrissey's...   B Bridget          5-15-80         3 
15 Melikaphkaz #76                 Atkins             5-15-80        53 
16 The Travels of Amorpho P. Titanium #2
                                   Lillian frank      5-21-80         4 
17 T.H.E. N.I.G.G.E.R. N.E.W.S.    Hyde               5-21-80        11 
18 Gunfighters #9                  Jennings           5-21-80        33 
19 Sitting in Limbo                Mattingly          5-22-80         4 
20 Bob Jennings for OE of the SFPA Jennings           5-22-80         2 
21 The Second Gastfriend-Reinhardt/Contest 
                                   Wells              5-23-80         2 
22 Spiritus Mundi 57               Lillian            5-25-80        31 
23 Absence of Purple               Juge               5-27-80         2 
24 Intuition 51                    Carlberg           5-27-80         6 
25 Starjazzer Nos. 4 & 4.5         Hammer-Johnson     5-27-80        19 
26 The Dreamers Ball 5             Lynch              5-27-80        11 
27 Utgard 39                       Hulan              5-27-80         1 
28 The High Aesthetic Line 16      Hulan              5-27-80        14 
29 Shadow-SFPA #19                 waitlisters        5-27-80        58 
30 Free for All #7                 Sperhauk           5-28-80         4 
31 KAR-120c #5                     weber              5-29-80         9 
32 Monkeys and Cucumbers #7        Morrissey          5-29-80         8 
33 The Sphere, vol. 66 #1          Markstein          5-29-80        10 
34 Fingertip Reality #19           Moudry             5-29-80         5 
35 Weird Sinus Vol. 44 #1-17       Hutchinson         5-29-80        17 
36 Thin Ice No. 42                 Verheiden          5-29-80         8 
37 Contents Under Pressure #1      I. Brown           5-29-80         4 
38 Sonata for Unaccompanied Achilles 
                                   Winston            5-30-80         4 
39 The Right to Write "Groupie"    Campbell           5-31-80         1 
40 GIGO #12                        Davis              6-2-80         10 
41 The Southerner #95              GHLIIIOE           6-3-80          4 
                               TOTAL, UP FROM LASTIME, AGAIN        441 

          The Southerner 
      Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
        96th Mailing              July-August, 1980 
Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor/Alan Hutchinson, President/Ned Brooks, EO/ 
        Vol.12, # 4 

1  GHLIII for SFPA OE Vol. 4 #1           Lillian             5-28-80              4 
2  Trool Warts                            Bridget             6-9-80               1 
3  In Alabama the Tusk'a'loosa            Bridget             6-9-80               2 
4  Subscribe to The Time Traveller        Lillian frank       6-12-80              1 
5  For Myself ...                         Bridget             6-13-80              1 
6  Gordo #1                               Bridget             6-13-80              1 
7  Something is Wrong with Saturn Flea    Bridget             6-19-80              2 
8  Huitloxopetl the Better-Safe-than-Out Zine 
                                          Frierson            6-23-80              2 
9  Bridget Reviews Spiritus Mundi         Bridget             6-23-80              1 
10 The New Port News #66                  Brooks              6-25-80              6 
11 To Summon the Future                   Lillian frank       7-2-80               1 
12 Nastiness and Kar-p                    Bridget             7-5-80               3 
13 Imaginitzacon                          Caruthers frank     7-7-80               1 
14 The W.K.U. S.F.S.                      Caruthers frank     7-7-80               4 
15 Roc-Kon 5                              Caruthers frank     7-7-80               1 
16 Willis is Barking                      Bridget             7-10-80              5 
17 Tin Soldier no. 1                      Rogers              7-11-80              8 
18 Gunfighters #something                 Jennings            7-12-80             25 
19 A Rush Job                             Wells               7-15-80              2 
20 Monkeys and Typewriters                Hyde                7-15-80             10 
21 The Maltese Falclone                   Bridget             7-16-80              4 
22 What's Inda Box, Uncle Bill?           Bridget             7-17-80              2 
23 An Explanation #3                      Hutchinson          7-19-80              1 
24 Uncle Scrooge Classics                 Hutchinson frank    7-19-80             50 
25 KAR-120c Special                       weber               7-21-80             30 
26 Talisman #24                           Biggers             7-21-80              6 
27 Atarantes #34                          Biggers             7-21-80             10 
28 Atarantes #36                          Biggers             7-21-80             12 
29 ASFiCon DeepSouthCon flyer             Biggers             7-21-80              2 
30 Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #3   Phillips            7-21-80             17 
31 The Trip Report                        Hyde                7-22-80              2 
32 Intuition #52                          Carlberg            7-22-80             22 
33 The Empire Bites Back                  Hutchinson          7-22-80             17 
34 The Flame of Memphis                   Caruthers           7-22-80              4 
35 The Flame of Memphis II                Caruthers           7-22-80              3 
36 Spiritus Mundi 58                      Lillian             7-23-80             31 
37 Bob Jennings for OE of the SFPA #2     Jennings            7-23-80              2 
38 Shadow-SFPA n. 20                      waitlisters         7-24-80            110 
39 The S.F.P.A. News & Views              Jennings            7-26-80              8 
40 Thin Ice #43                           Verheiden           7-26-80             16 
41 Friends of Space Report no. 0001       Karrh               7-28-80              2 
42 The Sphere vol. 67 #1                  Markstein           7-28-80              7 
43 Pan-Galactic Gargle-Blaster #6         Lynch               7-28-80             31 
44 Utgard 40                              Hulan               7-29-80              6 
45 The High Aesthetic Line 17             Hulan               7-29-80             21 
46 Yoda-Leia ... Who?                     Bridget             7-30-80              3 
47 Por Nada #2                            Bridget             7-30-80              3 
48 Melikaphkaz #77                        Atkins              7-30-80             45 
49 Strategic Suspenders                   Sperhauk            7-31-80              2 
50 Absolutely Hysterical Apathy #2        Moudry              7-31-80              4 
51 Starjazzer no. 5                       Hammer-Johnson      8-2-80               4 
52 GIGO #13                               Davis               8-4-80               4 
53 The Southerner #96                     GHLIII0E            8-4-80               4 
                                                                         TOTAL:  568 

                       THE SOUTHERNER 
Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance / 97th mailing / Sept.-Oct., 1980 
Guy H. Lillian III, OE / Alan Hutchinson, President / Ned Brooks, EO / Volume 12, #5 

1  Rebel Yells                      Lillian                     8-6-80          2 
2  Two More Lines for the Luggage   Atkins/Hutchinson/Schwarzin 8-8-80          4 
3  A Hearts Primer                  Atkins                      8-8-80         34 
4  Pardon Me, I Have a Resignation Zine...  
                                    Bridget                     8-9-80          1 
5  The Cloud Report                 Carlberg                    8-20-80         2 
6  Huitloxopetl 99 and 44/100%      Frierson                    8-22-80         4 
7  1980 Southern Fandom Confederation Handbook 
                                    Frierson                    8-22-80        24 
8  Seymour in Wonderland No. 1      Flores                      8-22-80         6 
9  The Questing Beast #4            Barger                      8-23-80        15 
10 Star Roars: The Wookie Dictionary
                                    Frierson                    8-24-80         4 
11 B'hamacon II flier               OE frank                    8-24-80         1 
12 The New Port News #67            Brooks                      8-24-80         6 
13 Sci-Con 2 flier                  Brooks frank                8-24-80         1 
14 The Arkham Anchorite #26         Moudry                      9-2-80          5 
15 Icepick #7                       Atkins                      9-4-80          5 
16 Mystic Agent Double X #1         Jennings                    9-8-80         43 
17 Who Needs Fat Ice?               Hyde                        9-9-80         11 
18 GHLIII for SFPA OE! Vol.4 #2     Lillian                     9-11-80         8 
19 Tin Soldier #2                   Rogers                      9-11-80        20 
20 Friends in Space Report Number 0002 
                                    Karrh (wl)                  9-13-80         2 
21 The Flame of Memphis             Caruthers                   9-17-80         5 
22 To Start Things Off #2           Hickman                     9-17-80         2 
23 I Hate Surprises...But...#1      Hickman                     9-17-80         4 
24 To Start Things Off #1           Hickman                     9-18-80         6 
25 All I Want is Reagen, You, & Music... 
                                    Frierson                    9-19-80         2 
26 Production and Decay of Strange Zines #one 
                                    Ryder                       9-19-80        12 
27 A Report on DeepSouthCon, 1980   Wells                       9-22-80         4 
28 Utgard 41                        Hulan                       9-22-80         6 
29 The High Aesthetic Line 18       Hulan                       9-22-80        25 
30 Shadow-SFPA no. 21               Waitlisters                 9-22-80        89 
31 Jungle Lust #1                   Barger                      9-24-80         6 
32 Forty-Two! #7                    N. Lynch                    9-24-80        12 
33 Magic Man                        D. Lynch                    9-24-80         4 
34 Thin Ice #44                     Verheiden                   9-24-80        12 
35 I Don't Deserve to Win the Egoboo Poll... 
                                    Hutchinson                  9-24-80        13 
36 Gunfighters #11                  Jennings                    9-24-80        24 
37 The S.F.P.A. News & Views (Oct.) Jennings                    9-24-80         8 
38 Spiritus Mundi 59                Lillian                     9-24-80        55 
39 Monkeys and Cucumbers #8         Morrissey                   9-24-80        10 
40 KAR-120c #7                      weber                       9-24-80        10 
41 The Sphere vol. 68 #1            Markstein                   9-25-80         5 
42 Fight Fannish Elitism! #5        Markstein                   9-25-80         4 
43 Fingertip Reality No. 20         Moudry                      9-25-80         4 
44 Melikaphkaz #78                  Atkins                      9-25-80        89 
45 A DSC Album                      Campbell (wl)               9-26-80         5 
46 Meade Frierson Celbrates His Various 40ths 
                                    Frierson                    9-26-80         7 
47 Intuition #53                    Carlberg                    9-27-80         6 
48 Contents Under Pressure #2       I. Brown                    9-27-80         4 
49 GIGO #14                         Davis                       9-29-80         9 
50 The 1980 SFPA Egoboo Poll Ballot GHLIIIOE                    9-30-80         2 
51 The Southerner #97               GHLIIIOE                    9-30-80         4 
                                                                       TOTAL: 646 

         The Southerner
Official Organ of the Southern Fandom 
Press Alliance / 98th mlg / Vol. 12 
#6 / November-December 1980 / Official 
Editor: Guy Lillian / President: Alan 
Hutchinson / Pres-Elect: Lon Atkins / 
EO: Ned Brooks 

1  Up the Darth Vator #2                 Lillian                     10-13-80            15 
2  Kooka Khan Too flyer                  OE frank                    10-13-80             1 
3  Kubla's Ninth Khanphony flyer         OE frank                    10-13-80             1 
4  Celko's Home Companion #19            Celko                       10-20-80             4 
5  Huitloxopetl: Aztec God of Terror Tales 
                                         Frierson                    10-31-80             2
6  Once a SFPAn                          Lillian                     10-31-80             2 
7  The Flame of Memphis: U.S. Snail      Caruthers                   11-8-80              5 
8  My Brain Hurts                        Wells                       11-10-80             1 
9  The Newport News #68                  Brooks                      11-13-80             6 
10 Shadow-SFPA No. 22                    waitlisters                 11-13-80           123 
11 My Brain Hurts #2                     Wells                       11-15-80             1 
12 Celko's Home Companion #20            Celko                       11-18-80             4 
13 KO #1                                 Atkins                      11-18-80             2 
14 Tin Soldier #3                        Rogers                      11-18-80            27 
15 The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal #42
                                         Hyde                        11-18-80            14 
16 Friends in Space Report Number 0003   Karrh (wl)                  11-19-80             2 
17 The Teller Report                     Rogers                      11-19-80             1 
18 My Brain Hurts #3                     Wells                       11-20-80             1 
19 A Ream of White Twiltone ... #1       Barger                      11-20-80             4 
20 Drunken Slitherings            Barger/Clark/Burke                 11-20-80             4 
21 I Got it at ASFiCon                   Lynch frank                 11-20-80            10 
22 Utgard 42                             Hulan                       11-24-80             7 
23 The High Aesthetic Line 19            Hulan                       11-24-80            25 
24 Celko's Home Companion #21            Celko                       11-26-80             4 
25 More than Minac                       D. Lynch                    11-26-80             5 
26 One's Never Alone with a Rubber Duck 8
                                         N. Lynch                    11-26-80            14 
27 Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies numbre quatre 
                                         Phillips                    11-26-80            15 
28 KAR120C #Last                         weber                       11-26-80            30 
29 Public Notice                         Markstein                   11-26-80             2 
30 The Sphere vol.  69 #1                Markstein                   11-26-80             5 
31 Egoboo Story                          GHLIIIOE                    11-27-80             8 
32 Recursive Yoyos #1                    Schwarzin                   11-27-80             5 
33 Thin Ice #45                          Verheiden                   11-28-80            16 
34 Gilt By Association                   Dolbear (wl)                11-28-80            12 
35 Crescentennial 300                    Raub (wl)                   11-28-80             5 
36 S*Y*N ten                             Raub (wl)                   11-28-80            16 
37 Seymour Does An Apazine               Flores                      11-28-80             4 
38 Talisman #23                          Biggers                     11-28-80             8 
39 Intuition #54                         Carlberg                    11-28-80            19 
40 Planned Obsolescence #5               Campbell (wl)               11-28-80            17 
41 Corrections for                       Campbell (w1)               11-28-80             1 
42 Fingertip Reality                     Moudry                      11-28-80             4 
43 Catnip #1                             Atkins frank                11-28-80             4 
44 Melikaphkaz #79                       Atkins                      11-28-80            37 
45 Kipple                                Ryder                       11-29-80             2 
46 Starjazzer No. 6                      Hammer-Johnson              11-29-80            16 
47 Spiritus Mundi 60                     Lillian                     11-29-80            37 
48 Jimmy Carter, Warlord of Mars         Hutchinson                  12-1-80             13 
49 Had the Feeling?..?                   Davis                       12-1-80              1 
50 If this Looks Like a Short Zine ...   Davis                       12-1-80              1 
51 The Southerner #98                    GHLIIIOE                    12-1-80              4 
                                                                               TOTAL:   567 

 The Southerner 
 Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
 99th Mailing - January, 1981 / Volume 12, #7 
 Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor / Lon Atkins, President 
 Ned Brooks, Emergency 0ssifer 
 1  Boy, What a Good Mailing        Frierson            12-10-80        2 
 2  The All-Time SFPA Egoboo Poll   Carlberg            12-23-80        1 
 3  Huitloxopetl No. 99             Frierson            1-2-81         16 
 4  Seven Minutes to Midnight       Andruschak (wl)     1-7-81          6 
 5  Catnip #2                       D. Atkins (wl)      1-7-81          5 
 6  KO #2                           L. Atkins           1-7-81          2 
 7  The New Port News#69            Brooks              1-8-81          4 
 8  Friends in Space Report No. 0004
                                    Karrh (wl)          1-12-81         2 
 9  The Hypercube                   Hyde                1-13-81        13 
 10 Intermediate Vector Bosons No.2 
                                    Andruschak (wl)     1-14-81        24 
 11 My Brain Hurts #4               Wells               1-16-81         4 
 12 How I Lost My Virginity 5 Times Paris (wl)          1-17-81         2 
 13 Thirty-Seven Speckles           Barger              1-17-81         2 
 14 Split Disco Beaver from Mars #1 Barger              1-17-81         5 
 15 Roman Lesions on the March 
                          Barger/Burke/Clark/Paris      1-17-81         5 
 16 Walruses in Heat #1      Barger/Burke/Clark         1-17-81         2 
 17 Excerpts from the Pervert's Guide" 
                             Barger/Burke/Clark         1-17-81         2 
 18 On the March with the Roman Lesions #2
                          Barger/Burke/Clark/Paris      1-17-81         1 
 19 Stalking the Great Horney SFPAn Vol. 1 #69 
                                    Burke/Clark         1-17-81         3 
 20 KiSSoFF Journal 1               Barger              1-18-81         4 
 21 I'm a Poet, I Know It           Dolbear (wl)        1-18-81        10 
 22 B'hamacon II flyer II           OE frank            1-18-81         2 
 23 Shadow-SFPA no. 23              waitlisters         1-18-81       185* 
 24 The High Aesthetic Line 20      Hulan               1-19-81        15 
 25 Plan 9 from Hanger 18           Wells               1-20-81         1 
 26 South of the Moon #18           Andruschak (wl)     1-22-81        11 
 27 The Dream is Over               weber               1-23-81        18 
 28 The Comic Collector's News      Raub frank          1-24-81         4 
 29 Brainstorm                      Sperhauk            1-24-81        11 
 30 Utgard 43                       Hulan               1-26-81        22 
 31 Thin Ice #46                    Verheiden           1-26-81         4 
 32 Tin Soldier no. 4               Rogers              1-26-81        12 
 33 A Genuine Minac Membership Saver
                                    Davis               1-26-81         3 
 34 Intuition                       Carlberg            1-26-81        22 
 35 The Rusty and Vern Show         Burke/Clark         1-26-81         6 
 36 Carrying the Torch              Burke               1-26-81        10 
 37 Satyricon flyer            Barger/Burke/Clark       1-27-81         2 
 38 Spiritus Mundi 61               Lillian             1-27-81        29 
 39 Asterix in Persia               Hutchinson          1-28-81        14 
 40 Close to the Borderline #9      N. Lynch            1-28-81         6 
 41 Rank Minac                      D. Lynch            1-28-81         4 
 42 A Call to Fandom!               Markstein           1-28-81         2 
 43 The Sphere vol. 70 #1           Markstein           1-28-81         7 
 44 Monkeys and Cucumbers #9        Morrissey           1-29-81         6 
 45 Ssslip Slidin' Away             Raub (wl)           1-29-81         2 
 46 Planned Obsolescence no. four   Campbell (wl)       1-29-81         9 
 47 Contents Under Pressure #3      Brown               1-29-81        12 
 48 I Hate Surprises ... But ... #2 Hickman             1-30-81         2 
 49 Trivia #1 (new series)          Hickman             1-30-81         6 
 50 Trivia #2 (new series)          Hickman             1-30-81         6 
 51 Sailor's Knot                   McGovern (wl)       1-30-81         2 
 52 Gunfighters #12                 Jennings            1-30-81         6 
 53 The Freddy the Pig One Shot #1  
                     Jennings/Morrissey/S.Bates/Ralph   1-30-81         2 
 54 Starjazzer 7                    Hammer-Johnson      1-30-81        15 
 55 Melikaphkaz #80                 L. Atkins           1-30-81        52 
 56 Kipple the new number           Sperhauk            1-31-81         2 
 57 Talisman #24                    Biggers             1-31-81         5 
 58 One Million Marching Martian Merkins #2
                                    Moudry              1-31-81         1 
 59 The Southerner #99              GHLIIIOE            1-31-81         4 
                                                   TOTAL FOR SFPA 99: 637 

 * Three checks of three different copies provided three totals. 
   I'm accepting Flores' total as valid. 

                                 The Southerner 
          Bob Jennings, Founder                  Lon Atkins, President 
                        Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor 

1    Dear Southern Fandom Group Member          Jennings                      1 
2    Vainomoinen #1                             Lillian                       7
3    Celko's Home Companion                     Celko                         7 
4    Icepick #8                                 Atkins                       15 
5    Chat 40                                    D & N Lynch                  22 
6    Cover Reprint Extravagonzo                 Hutchinson                    1 
7    Mmmmm Yeaahh #1                            Montgomery (ex)              22 
8    Huitloxopetl #100                          Frierson                     75 
9    A Trail of Four Cities                     Hyde                         16 
10   Sometimes a Fantasy                        N Lynch                       4 
11   Been a While Since Emma Peeled ... ?       Davis                         1 
12   Celko's Home Companion no. 23              Celko                         5 
13   SFPA                                       Crayne (ex)                   2 
14   The New Port News #70                      Brooks                        6 
15   Invasion of the Bambioids                  Hyde/Collins                 10 
16   Disgrace is Better than Silence #2         Davis                         1 
17   The Funniest Song in the World             Brooks/Collins (wl)          11 
18   Friends in Space Report Number 0005        Karrh (wl)                   14 
19   Slower than Infinity #6                    Hyde                         18 
20   Zim                                        Hyde                         17 
21   The High Aesthetic Line 21                 Hulan                        41 
22   Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Ocean       Hyde                          9 
23   Hycel 17 #4                                R. Hutchinson (ex)            4 
24   Ignatz #1                                  Moudry                        4 
25   Fingertip Reality No. 22                   Moudry                        4 
26   The Arkham Anchorite V.7 #3                Moudry                        7 
27   Running in Circles #1                      Schwarzin                     7 
28   Diary of an Apa-Hack vol. 1                Andruschak (wl)             100 
29   The Multifarious Oneshot                   Atkins/Carlberg               2 
30   Melikaphkaz #81                            Atkins                      140 
31   Carl Barks' Ornithology Magazine           Hutchinson                   31 
32   Satyricon Program Book                     Clark/Burke                  16 
33   Flambeau de la Petit Roche                 Caruthers                     8 
34   The SFPA Family Album                      Lillian                      32 
35   The Sphere vol. 71 #1                      Markstein                    16 
36   Looney Tunes ...                           Markstein                    20 
37   The S.F.P.A. News & Views (December)       Jennings                      4 
38   Fire on Main Street                        McGovern (wl)                 8 
39   Gunfighters #13                            Jennings                      8 
40   Some Highlights from the SFPA History of Stven Carlberg                 32 
41   No Recollections/N.O. Regrets 
                                         Dolbear/Walsh/von Turk/Elfer
                                             Boutillier/Guidry               16 
42   Songs of the Damned                        Clark frank                  20 
43   He Walked Around the Wheelhouse            Dolbear (wl)                  8 
44   Violators Will Be Toad                     Dolbear (wl)                 10 
45   The Silver Eel #1                          Barger                       38 
46   Maybe 58                                   Koch (ex)                    10 
47   Monkeys and Cucumbers #10                  Morrissey                     1 
48   Tales of the Green Lantern Corps           Staton (ex)                  36
49   Contents Under Pressure #4                 Brown                        11 
50   Hickman's Scrapbook #1                     Hickman                      36 
51   On Pulps and Such #1                       Hickman                       4 
52   Spiritus Mundi 62                          Lillian                     112 
53   The Compleat Hectographer Vol. 1 #3        S & B Hughes (ex)             4 
54   Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #5       Phillips                     22 
55   Aggravating Stories                        weber                        56 
56   The Real Cover Reprint Extravagonzo        Hutchinson                   24 
57   Wardo's Home Companion ??                  Batty (wl)                    2 
58   Fandom Calendar                            Batty (wl)                   32 
59   Tippecanoe & Minac Too                     D Lynch                      14 
60   Breakfast at Milliways                     N Lynch                      40 
61   Seymour Struggles On #3                    Flores                        4 
62   American in Paris                          Barger                       13 
63   Rivercon flyer                             OE frank                      2 
64   Apocalyptic Lizard Zen                     Burke (wl)                   12 
65   You Don't Hit a Plane with a Jew           Paris (wl)                   15 
66   Wing Lo Hoy                                Burke (wl)                    1 
67   Disgrace is Better than Silliness          Wells                         1 
68   Production and Dekay of Strange Zines #2   Sperhauk                     11 
69   Utgard 44                                  Hulan                        27 
70   Thin Ice 47                                Verheiden                    17 
71   UpperSouthClave program book               Caruthers frank               8 
72   Get Along, Little Dogie                    Clark/Burke                  11 
73   The Golden Lamprey #1                      Clark                        62 
74   The SFPA Timetravelcon                     ?                             1 
75   Funny Animal Pain                          Clark/Burke                   4 
76   Tin Soldier #5                             Rogers                       37 
77   125 Mexican Mummies #5                     Davis                         9 
78   The Best Laid Plan of Mike & Men           Raub (wl)                     1 
79   ASFiCon flyer                              Biggers                       2 
80   Talisman #25                               Biggers                      25 
81   Just Biding My Time Til the Zine Comes...  Biggers/Brown                 2 
82   Starjazzer 8                               Hammer-Johnson               15 
83   A Zine Called "A"                          Hammer-Johnson                7 
84   Sleight of Fan                             Page (wl)                     2 
85   Fabulous SFPA 100 Autograph Zine! Jennings/Markstein/Lillian/Carlberg
                                      /Caruthers/Morrissey/Biggers Flores 
                                      /Celko/Clark/Phillips/weber Brown/ 
                                      Barger/D Lynch/N Lynch Rogers/Ryan/ 
                                      Cobb Page/Paris/Batty Dolbear/Stew- 
                                      art Fontenay/Kenney/Koch/Wirth/Ralph    2 
86   Shadow-SFPA no. 24 volume I                waitlisters                 113 
87   Shadow-SFPA no. 24 volume II               waitlisters                  92 
88   The Southerner #100                        GHLIIIOE                      8 
                                                TOTAL:                     1748 

                                 The Southerner #101 

  Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor                             Bob Jennings, Founder 
                                Lon Atkins, President 

  1 The Screw Guy Lillian One Shot #1      Jennings/Morrissey/etc.                  1 
  2 The Screw Bob Jennings etc, One Shot #1       Lillian                           1 
  3 The New Port News                             Brooks                            6 
  4 Friends in Space Report Number 0006           Pickersgill (wl)                  8 
  5 The Boojum of Red Stick                       Hyde                             26 
  6 New Zip Code: 11788 -- Number One             Wells                             2 
  7 Sandysstonedzine #1                           Paris (wl)                        5 
  8 Thin Ice #48                                  Verheiden                        26 
  9 Flambeau de la Petit Roche                    Caruthers                        11 
 10 A Higher Elevation                            Montgomery (wl)                  11 
 11 Where the Summer Begins                       Barger                            4 
 12 Unprevoked Attack by a Holiday Inn Hotel      Barger                            4 
 13 The SFPA's Second Hundred Mailings            Barger                            1 
 14 New Zip Code -- 11780 -- Number Two           Wells                             1 
 15 The Comic Book and Me                         McGovern (wl)                     4 
 16 Utgard 45                                     Hulan                            14 
 17 Apatoons                                      Markstein                         1 
 18 The Spring Offensive                          Markstein                         8 
 19 Intuition #57                                 Carlberg                         13 
 20 Catnip #3                                     D. Atkins (wl)                    5 
 21 Melikaphkaz #82                               L. Atkins                        46 
 22 The Questing Beast #9 b/w Okay Carlberg       Barger                           33 
 23 Tin Soldier #6                                Rogers                           16 
 24 ...As the Kid Goes for Broke                  Batty (wl)                       10 
 25 Here's My SFPAzine - Where's My Hugo?         Batty wl)                         9 
 26 Another Girl, Another Planet                  Clark                             2 
 27 Jam Boys Adventures                           Clark frank                       3 
 28 The Musing Celt Poses a Question              Burke                            16 
 29 I Wanna Hold Your Typewriter                  D. Barger (wl)                    6 
 30 The Sphere vol. 72 #1                         Markstein                         4 
 31 Star*jazzer 9                                 Hammer-Johnson                    4 
 32 Huey vol. 50  #1-10                           Hutchinson                       10 
 33 Intentional Misuse ...                        Ryan (wl)                         1 
 34 Close to the Borderline                       Stewart (wl)                      6 
 35 PKR 3                                         Sperhauk                          7 
 36 Breakfast at Milliways #11                    N.Lynch                          11 
 37 Yours, Minac, and Ours                        D.Lynch                          11 
 33 Syn #10                                       Raub (wl)                        21 
 39 Monkeys and Cucumbers #11                     Morrissey                         4 
 40 The Journal of Hyperbolic Procrastination #2  Moudry                            1 
 41 The Bronze Armadillo Alarm Clock Returneth    Gelb (wl)                         1 
 42 Talisman #26                                  Biggers                           1 
 43 Aggravating Stories #2                        weber                             5 
 44 Conscience Makes Cowboys of Us All            Dolbear (wl)                     10 
 45 If This Looks Like a Short Zine #2            Davis                             1 
 46 Spiritus Mundi 63                             Lillian                          53 
 47 Shadow-SFPA no. 25                            waitlisters                      88* 
 43 The Southerner #101                           GHLIIIOE                          4 
                                                                           TOTAL: 541 
   *pagecount correction supplied by SSFPA OE  The Southerner 

Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor                             Lon Atkins, President 

                                                                          AUGUST 1981 
                                One  hundred and second mailing 

1   The New Port News #71                            Brooks                         6 
2   I Wanna Hold Your Typewriter #2                  D. Barger (wl)                 4 
3   Dewey vol. 50 #11-22                             Hutchinson                    11 
4   About Esperanto                                  Celko frank                   16 
5   Huitloxopetl the behindtimes zine                Frierson                       4 
6   ABA Dabba Doo                                    Biggers                        4 
7   This is Another Test                             Biggers/Batty(wl)              3 
8   Tav Falco's Panther Burns                        N. Collins (wl)                1 
9   The Con Game: Official Rules                     Atkins                        13 
10  Flabeau de la Petit Roche IV                     Caruthers                      9 
11  It's the D.P. Gumby Show!                        Hyde                          24 
12  Friends in Space Report Number 0007              Pickersgill (wl)              12 
13  Testing My New Toys #1b                          Schwarzin                      3 
14  Strange Punch! 5                                 Biggers/Batty(wl)              6 
15  Guilty Fantasies                                 Batty (wl)                     3 
16  PXR 5                                            Sperhauk                       4 
17  A Higher Elevation #3                            Montgomery (wl)               15 
18  Intuition #58                                    Carlberg                       8 
19  Clash of the Tauntauns #1                        Wells                          1 
20  Celko's Home Companion #26                       Celko                         11 
21  Spiritus Mundi 64                                Lillian                       37 
22  The Goody Gumdrop Boy #1                         Hickman                        4 
23  The High Aesthetic Line 22                       Hulan                         19 
24  Utgard 46                                        Hulan                         10 
25  Starjazzer (the various)                         Hammer-Johnson                20 
26  Please, don't Shoot My Dog                       B. Barger                      1 
27  Chipmunks in Heat                                S. Barger-Paris                4 
28  Strange Punch Vol. 1 No. 5                       Barger frank                   6 
29  Thin Ice #49                                     Verheiden                     13 
30  Breakfast at Milliways #12                       N. Lynch                      17 
31  Mork & Minac                                     D. Lynch                      27 
32  Tin Soldier no. 7                                Rogers                        20 
33  A Last Minute String-Saver                       Burke (wl)                     2 
34  The Golden Lampry #2                             Clark                         30 
35  That Lucky Old Sun                               Dolbear (wl)                  18 
36  Talisman #27                                     Biggers                       12 
37  ASFiCon 2 flyer                                  Biggers                        2 
38  Vote Atlanta for '82 DSC                         Biggers/weber                  1 
39  It Ain't Funny When You Whack Your Funny Bone    Jennings                       4 
40  Seymour Makes a Comeback                         Flores                         4 
41  B'hamacon II flyer                               Flores frank                   1 
42  Classics Illustrated Presents: Fear & Loathing   Hutchinson                    20 
43  Aggravating Stories of Sci-Fi/Annoying Sci-Fi--Sci Fa #3
                                                     weber                         16 
44  Living a Dream #1                                Schwarzin                     10 
45  Supermoney II                                    Davis                          4 
46  Fingertip Reality #23                            Moudry                         4 
47  The Sphere vol. 73 #1                            Markstein                      4 
48  Melikaphkaz #83                                  Atkins                        50 
49  Shadow-SFPA no. 26                               wl                           102 
50  The Southerner #102                              GHLIIIOE                       6 
                                                                        TOTAL:    626 
 The Southerner - the official organ of The Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

                                                              vol. 12 #11 

                                     Oct.81                mailing # 103 


                                        Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor 
                                        Lon Atkins, President 
                                        Ned Brooks, Emergency Officer 
                                        Bob Jennings, Founder 


1    Maybe 59                           Koch (wl)                      11 
2    Clash of the Tauntauns #2          Wells                           2 
3    Louis vol.50 #23-29                Hutchinson                      7 
4    Clash of the Tauntauns #3          Wells                           1 
5    Icepick #9                         Atkins                          4 
6    Atlanta in '86                     Biggers/Batty                   1 
7    Deep South Con '82                 Biggers/Batty                   1 
8    Heat Resistant                     B. Barger                       4 
9    B'hamacon 2 program book           Gilpatrick (wl)                22 
10   The DSC and Me - 1981              Carlberg                       10 
11   The Southpaw Awards                Carlberg                        2 
12   The First Annual Southpaw Awards   Carlberg                        5 
13   SIYU #5                            Paris-Barger                    7 
14   I Wanna Hold Your Typewriter #3    D. Barger (wl)                  2 
15   The New Port News #72              Brooks                          6 
16   Westercon-35 Progress Report One   Markstein                       8 
17   Westercon-35 Progress Report Two   Markstein                      12 
18   Huitloxopetl the Esperantozine     Frierson                        4 
19   Sci-Con 3                          Brooks                          2 
20   The Acme Co. Catalogue #1          Markstein                      11 
21   Life on the Roller Coaster         Markstein                       2 
22   Frontline Wombat vol. 52 #1-21     Hutchinson                     21 
23   Flambeau de la Petit Roche 5       Caruthers                      10 
24   A Higher Elevation #4              Montgomery (wl)                38 
25   Clash of the Tauntauns #4          Wells                           4 
26   Stannous Mercenary                 Hyde                           15 
27   Dodging Lions and Wasting Time     McGovern (wl)                  10 
28   GHLIII for SFPA OE! Vol.5 #1       Lillian                         2 
29   Hard Knox vol. 1 no. 1             Hammer-Johnson                 12 
30   The Sphere vol. 74 #1              Markstein                       7 
31   Utgard 47                          Hulan                           1 
32   The Goody Gumdrop Boy at Jellybean Mountain #2
                                        Hickman                         4 
33   First Fandom Magazine #18          Hickman                        16 
34   Living a Dream #2                  Schwarzin                       5 
35   Spiritus Mundi 65                  Lillian                        51 
36   Talisman #28                       Biggers                        11 
37   ASFiCon 2 flyer                    Biggers/Batty                   2 
38   Thin Ice                           Verheiden                      20 
39   Loki 14                            Hulan                          50 
40   Star*jazzer Twelve                 Hammer-Johnson                  2 
41   Breakfast at Milliways 13          N. Lynch                       14 
42   The Revenge of Minac               D. Lynch                       29 
43   Build a Better Hugo ...            Batty (wl)                      6 
44   Catnip #4                          D. Atkins (wl)                  2 
45   Melikaphkaz #84                    Atkins                        100 
46   True Defective vol. 11 no. 8       Burke/Clark                     6 
47   Total Assault Cantina #1           Burke                          46 
48   The Golden Lamprey vol. 1 #3       Clark                          48 
49   Fingertip Reality No. Twenty Four  Moudry                          3 
50   Friends in Space Report Number 0008   
                                        Pickersgill                    26 
51   PXR                                Sperhauk                        4 
52   Syn #11                            Raub                           13 
53   Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #7  
                                        Phillips                        7 
54   There and Back Again #3            weber/Phillips/Batty            6 
55   She's Got No Delusions of Grandeur weber                           4 
56   Monkeys and Cucumbers #12          Morrissey                       5 
57   If This Looks Like a Short Zine... #3
                                        Davis                           1 
58   Clear as a Crystal                 Dolbear (wl)                   12 
59   He Walked Around the Wheelhouse Twice
                                        Dolbear (wl)                   14 
60   Planned Obsolescence No. 3         Campbell (wl)                   9 
61   Intuition #59                      Carlberg                       16 
62   Tin Soldier #8                     Rogers                         17 
63   The Fugueheads                     Carlberg/Rogers                 7 
64   Shadow-SFPA no. 27                 waitlisters                   103 
65   Heavy Metal poster                 Burke/Davis                     2 
66   The 1981 Southern Fandom Press Alliance OElection
             and Egoboo Poll Ballot                                     2 
67   The Southerner #103                GHLIIIOE                        6 
                                          TOTAL FOR SFPA MAILING 103: 913 
                         The Southerner
      the Official Organ of the Southern Fandon Press Alliance 

               mailing 104                 guy lillian, official editor 
               volume 12, number 12         lon-atkins, president 
               november, 1981            gunther toady, emergency occifer 

1    The John Robert Welch One Shot            Jennings/Morrissey/Bateses           2 
2    If This Looks Like a Short Zine... #4             Davis                        2 
3    Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah #2                              Morrissey                   12 
4    The New Port News #73                             Brooks                       8 
5    Dharma Bums #1                                    B. Lillian                  19 
6    Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies                 Phillips                    20 
7     ...If Your Money's Up Front #2                   weber                       42 
8    A Higher Elevation #5                             Montgomery (wl)             39 
9    Flambeau de la Petit Roche 6                      Caruthers                   12 
10   If This Looks Like a Short Zine... #5             Davis                        2 
11   Hauppauge Update #1                               Wells                        2 
12   Sci-Con III                                       Brooks frank                40 
13   Hi Carlberg #1                                    D. Barger (w1)               6 
14   I'd Like to Send this SFPAzine to Guy Lillian     Hutchinson                  10 
15   Tin Soldier No. 9                                 Rogers                       8 
16   Shadow-SFPA no. 28                                Waitlisters etc.            77 
17   Egoboo Story II                                   GHLIIIOE                     8 
18   Total Assault Cantina 2                           Burke                       20 
19   The Golden Lamprey #4                             Clark                       20 
20   Marbled Team-up                           Burke/Clark/Williams/Trout           8 
21   Star*jazzer 13                                    Hammer-Johnson              10 
22   KO #3                                             Atkins                       2 
23   Utgard 48                                         Hulan                        6 
24   The High Aesthetic Line 23                        Hulan                       21 
25   Life in the Androgynous Zone                      Paris-Barger                 5 
26   Ultimate Vegetable Shortening                     Hyde                        24 
27   Intuition #60                                     Carlberg                    10 
28   PXR                                               Sperhauk                    12 
29   Clown-Time is Over                                Blood                        9 
30   Burning Your Bridgets Behind You                  Batty (wl)                   6 
31   If This Looks Like a Short Zine#6                 Davis                        2 
32   Sanctimonious Monk #1                             Moudry                       4 
33   Breakfast at Milliways 14                         N. Lynch                    15 
34   Of Mice and Minac                                 D. Lynch                    24 
35   The Sphere vol. 75 #1                             Markstein                    4 
36   Every Leaf that Trembles                          McGovern (wl)               12 
37   Melikaphkaz #85                                   Atkins                      17 
38   Thin Ice #51                                      Verheiden                   18 
39   The Postmailing Always Rings Twice                Batty (wl)                  22 
40   The Guns of Frankie Avalon                        Wells                        2 
41   Spiritus Mundi 66                                 Lillian                     43 
42   And a Ho Ho Ho, to You, Too                       Raub                         2 
43   Talisman #29                                      Biggers                     16 
44   Living a Dream #3                                 Schwarzin                    2 
45   Friends in Space Report Number 0009               Pickersgill                  6 
46   A Pretty Girl is Like a Malady                    Dolbear (wl)                 6 
47   Welcome to the New Store                          Jennings                     5 
48   GIGO #um, er, ah, well ....                       Davis                        3 
49   The Southerner #104                               GHLIIIOE                     4 
     TOTAL FOR MAILING 104                                                        669 
                              The SOUTHERNER 
      the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

  January 1982                   One Hundred and Fifth Mailing 
  Volume 12, Number 14     Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor
                                   Lon Atkins, President  

  1   Sugar Magnolia #1                           Montalbano(wl)                          2 
  2   The Flame Burns Brighter at a Higher Elevation 
                                                  Caruthers-Montgomery                   11 
  3   Mother Celko's First Annual Computer One-Shot 
                                                  Celko/Lillian/etc.                      4 
  4   Celko's Home Companion                      Celko                                   4 
  5   Maybe #60                                        Koch(wl)                          12 
  6   Huitloxopetl Speaks                         Frierson                                6 
  7   Loneliness Without Dolbear                  Burke/Clark/B&GLillian/Trout(wl)        6 
  8   Getting Lost                                D. Barger(wl)                           2 
  9   Backstage with Mouse and Duck vol.  53 no 11-20 
                                                  Hutchinson                             10 
  10  A Higher Elevation #6                       Montgomery                             34 
  11  The Larry & P.L. ... Reunion Zine           Montgomery/Caruthers-Montgomery         9 
  12  The New Port News #74                       Brooks                                  6 
  13  Dharma Bums #2                              B. Lillian                             19 
  14  Spiritus Mundi 67                           G. Lillian                             37 
  15  Shadow-SFPA #29                             Collins, etc.(wl)                      50 
  16  Sidesaddle on the Golden Calf               McGovern(wl                             6 
  17  The Testing Tom's New Mimeo One-Shot        McGovern(wl                             1 
  18  If This Looks Like an Apology Zine...       Hyde                                   15 
  19  No Will Whatsoever                          Pickersgill                             5 
  20  Utgard 49                                   Hulan                                   1 
  21  A Higher Elevation #7                       Montgomery                              2 
  22  The Elephant Man                            Hutchinson                             21 
  23  Lapis Lazuli Vol. 2 #1                      Dolbear                                19 
  24  Tin Soldier #10                             Rogers                                 19 
  25  Thin Ice #52                                Verheiden                              13 
  26  Partial Assault Cantina                     Batty(wl)                              18 
  27  The High Aesthetic Line 24                  Hulan                                  18 
  28  Intuition 61                                Carlberg                               30 
  29  Twonk's Disease 15                          N. Lynch                               11 
  30  Merril Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Minac        D. Lynch                               21 
  31  The Sphere vol. 76 #1                       Markstein                               4 
  32  The Goody Gumdrop Boy on Jellybean Mountain #3
                                                  Hickman                                 4 
  33  Melikaphkaz #86                             Atkins                                 24 
  34  Star*jazzer 14                              Hammer-Johnson                         12 
  35  Gunfighters #20                             Jennings                               15 
  36  Talisman #30                                Biggers                                11 
  37  PXR 5                                       Sperhauk                                5 
  38  Punk Skunk                                  Blood                                   4 
  39  Total Assault Cantina #3                    Burke                                  38 
  40  If This Looks Like a Feudzine               Davis                                   1 
  41  Living a Dream #4                           Schwarzin                               4 
  42  The Noctuary #5                             Moudry                                  2 
  43  Mailing Comments SFPA 103                   Campbell(wl)                           18 
  44  The Golden Lamprey #5                       Clark                                  34 
  45  Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #9        Phillips                                6 
  46  Tales of the Bat-winged Hamburger Snatcher  weber                                  10 
  47  SYN #12                                     Raub                                   28 
  48  Mailgram                                    Davis                                   1 
  49  The Southerner #105                         GHLIIIOE                                6 
                                                                                 TOTAL: 639 

The Southerner
the Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
    March 1982             One Hundred and Sixth Mailing 
    Volume 12, Number 14 
 Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor   Lon Atkins, President 
 Ned Brooks, Emergency Officer 

   1  The Hand of Merle Oberon #1          Wells                                      1 
   2  New Wave Revu #1                     Paris-Barger                               2 
   3  Huitloxopetl - Still a Zine          Frierson                                   2 
   4  The New Port News #75                Brooks                                     8 
   5  Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin No. 26
                                           Frierson                                   6 
   6  Slip Slidin' Away!                   Brown (wl)                                 4 
   7  The Sacrifice was Worth It           Barger                                     1 
   8  Jewels and Binoculars #10            McGovern (wl)                             20 
   9  Waitin' on You                       McGovern (wl)                              8 
   10 Mother Celko's Horror Stories        Celko/OE frank                             3 
   11 No Will Whatsoever no. 2             Pikcersgill                               13 
   12 Stumped for a Title                  Batty (wl)                                27 
   13 Mardi Gras Con I:Social Event of the Weak
                                           Dolbear                                    4 
   14 Lapis Lazuli Vol. 2, No. 2           Dolbear                                   12 
   15 How to Ignore Billy Crystal          Ryan/Adams(wl)                             2 
   16 One Damn Thing after Another #1      Ryan (wl)                                 12 
   17   Dharma- Bums #3                    B. Lillian                                21 
   18 The Flame Burns Brighter at ... #2   Caruthers-Montgomery                      20 
   19 A Higher Elevation #8                Montgomery                                31 
   20 Breakfast at Milliways 16Dharma      N. Lynch                                  24 
   21 Dial M for Minac                     D. Lynch                                  15 
   22 Dr. Who and the Dollies Vol. 55 #1-17
                                           Hutchinson                                17 
   23 Warner. Brothers Character Index     Hutchinson                                27 
   24 A Wreath of Doorways #1              Wells                                      5 
   25 A Dirty Mind is Never Too Tired!     Cobb (wl)                                 12 
   26 The Golden Lamprey #6                Clark                                     29 
   27 The Los Angeles Phone Book           Atkins                                     1 
   28 Utgard 50                            Hulan                                      1 
   29 Spiritus Mundi 68                    G. Lillian                                57 
   30 Vote Knoxville b/w Charlie Williams for Shadow OE
                                           Williams (wl)                              2 
   31 Shadow-SFPA Thirty                   Collins/Koch (wl)/etc.                    28 
   32 Tapestry                             Stewart (wl)                              12 
   33 Tin Soldier #11Mundi                 Rogers                                     4 
   34 The Sphere, vol. 77 #1               Markstein                                  8 
   35 Sugar Magnolia #2                    Montalbano (wl)                            8 
   36 The Daily Quack! vol. 1 no. 1        Carlberg/Montalbano/Smith                  4 
   37 1982 Southpaw 11Ballot               Carlberg                                   1 
   38 Intuition #62                        Carlberg                                  26 
   39 Living a Dream #5                    Schwarzin                                  4 
   40 Another Among the PXR5               Sperhauk                                   6 
   41 "What Do You Think Rubberband?"      Blood                                      4 
   42 Melikaphkaz #87                      Atkins                                    36 
   43 Stop Draggin' My Art Around          Raub                                      16 
   44 The Mystery of Waldo ...             Hyde                                      22 
   45 The Noctuary #5                      Moudry                                     2 
   46 Friends in Space Report Number 0010  Pickersgill                               17 
   47 High Times at a Higher Elevation     Larry/P.L.                                10 
   48 Thin Ice #53                         Verheiden                                 19 
   49 Unstuck in Time                      Hayes (wl)                                12 
   50 Mardi Gras Mambo                     Clark                                      4 
   51 Total Assault Cantina #4             Burke                                     32 
   52 Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #10
                                           Phillips                                   8 
   53 Talisman #31                         Biggers                                   11 
   54 Fred Bird Stories                    weber                                      6 
   55 If This Looks like a Short Mailing Comment Zine
                                           Davis                                      4 
   56 The Southerner #106                  GHLIIIOE                                   4 
                                                                   TOTAL            695 
The Southerner

1     Wedgezine #1                            Carlberg                               4 
2     The New Port News #76                   Brooks                                 4 
3     Asfâwn #10                              Koch (wl)                              4 
4     The Beroaldus Cosmopolita Memorial Library 
                                              Brooks                                 2 
5     Maybe #61                               Koch/Rogers                           20 
6     Huitloxopetl Presents: Fantastic Musings
                                              Frierson                               2 
7     Jewels and Binoculars #11               McGovern (wl)                         13 
8     Utgard 51                               Hulan                                  6 
9     Rock-Kon 7                              Ryan frank                             1 
10    One Damned Thing After Another #2       Ryan                                  14 
11    Dharma Bums #4                          B Lillian                             23 
12    The Seven Deadly Virtues                D Barger (wl)                         10 
13    Spiritus Mundi 69                       G Lillian                             47 
14    Lapis Lazuli vol. 2 #3                  Dolbear                               33 
15    Harmonic Dissonance #2                  Rogers                                41 
16    The Flame Burns Brighter ... #3         Caruthers-Montgomery                  13 
17    A Higher Elevation 9                    Montgomery                            58 
18    Thin Ice #54                            Verheiden                              6 
19    Living Dream #6                         Schwarzin                              7 
20    Melikaphkaz #88                         Atkins                                11 
21    It's Been a Long Hard Winter            Hickman                                1 
22    It's Still a Long Hard Winter           Hickman                                1 
23    My Gosh -- I Think It's Finally Here    Hickman                                1 
24    Smut #1                                 Hickman                                1 
25    The Huckleberry Finnzine #1             Hickman                                6 
26    Antlered States Vol. 56 #1-18           Hutchinson                            18 
27    It's Hard to be Humble when You Grate   Hyde                                  23 
28    Tin Soldier #12                         Rogers                                 6 
29    Breakfast at Milliways 17               N  Lynch                              14 
30    A Hearts Rating System                  D Lynch                                7 
31    Big Minac Attack                        D  Lynch                              13 
32    Dey All Axed fo' You                    G Lillian                              4 
33    Syn no. 13                              Raub                                  13 
34    Atlanta '86 Site & Transportation       Celko/OE frank                         5 
35    Planned Obsolescence no. 2              Campbell (wl)                         21 
36    Sugar Magnolia #3                       Montalbano (wl)                       26 
37    Intuition #63                           Carlberg                              19 
38    The Sphere vol. 78 #1                   Markstein                              4 
39    The Zine with a Very Long Title ...     weber                                 12 
40    PXR 5                                   Sperhauk                               6 
41    Electric Isaac #1                       Moudry                                 2 
42    Star*jazzer                             Hammer-Johnson                        19 
43    Talisman #32                            Biggers                                8 
44    Atlanta in '86                          Biggers/Batty                          8 
45    DeepSouthCon 20 Progress Report         Batty/Biggers                          8 
46    Going the Distance                      Batty (wl)                            24 
47    Shadow-SFPA 31                          Williams etc. (wl)                    68 
48    Save Your Ass #2                        Jennings                               4 
49    A Letter from Montevallo                Inzer                                  4 
50 least It's Not Only One Page      Davis                                  2 
51    GIGO #n+2                               Davis                                  4 
52    Carnival Knowledge                      Dolbear                               16 
53    I'm Not Dead (Yet)                      Collins (wl)                          12 
54    Tapestry #2                             Stewart (wl)                           6 
55    The Golden Lamprey #7                   Clark                                 24 
56    Total Assault Cantina 5                 Burke                                 32 
57    The Southerner #107                     GHLIIIOE                               4 
                                                                           TOTAL:  765 
                                                         The Southerner

     Contents of the 108th Mailing of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

     1  Ignight #21                   Montgomery/Guidry        1 
     2  Asfawn 11                     Koch                     8 
     3  The Juan Shot           Carlberg/Inzer/Montalbano      4 
     4   ...DSC is Too Close to Do a Long One 
                                     Davis                     1 
     5  MidSouthCon flyer            OE frank                  1 
     6  Port City Con flyer          OE frank                  1 
     7  DeepSouthCon 20 Program Book Biggers/Batty            24 
     8  The Right to Say "Shit" #5   Lillian                   5 
     9  Get that Zeitgeist out of My Chrysalis #1 
                                     Wells                     4 
     10 The New Port News #77        Brooks                    8 
     11 The Antipodeon Announcer #1  Brooks frank              4 
     12 Asfo/awn 12                  Koch (wl)                12 
     13 The Best-Played Hands of Mice and Men 
                                     Hyde                      2 
     14 Do Gardners Dream of Electric Johns? #1 
                                     Wells                     4 
     15 Jewels and Binoculars #12    McGovern (wl)            12 
     16 Star Dragon #1               Ralph (wl)                5 
     17 Dharma Bums #5               B Lillian                21 
     18 SFC Bulletin no. 27          Frierson                  6 
     19 The Sphere vol.79 #1         Markstein                 4 
     20 Hello, SFPA. I'm Arthur...   Hlavaty (wl)              2 
     21 Spiritus Mundi 70            G Lillian                51 
     22 Utgard 52                    Hulan                     1 
     23 Huitloxopetl in Lieu of Rivercon
                                     Frierson                  2 
     24 Intuition #64                Carlberg                 38 
     25 The Computerized One Shot Goes to DSC 
                                     Celko (wl)/etc.           2 
     26 Friends in Space Report Number 0013 
                                     Pickersgill               9 
     27 Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #11 
                                     Phillips                  4 
     28 Minac is Better than Muzak   weber                     4 
     29 DeepSouthCon 21 flyer        Clark/Burke               2 
     30 Evelyn, A Modified Zine      Burke                     6 
     31 The Golden Lamprey 8         Clark                    13 
     32 Hearts Raing Update No. 1    D Lynch                   3 
     33 "Elementary, My Dear Minac"  D Lynch                  10 
     34 Breakfast at Milliways 18    N Lynch                  11 
     35 Snow White and the Seven Deadly Sins 
                                     Hutchinson               25 
     36 Talisman #33                 Biggers                  13 
     37 One Damned Thing After Another #3 
                                     Ryan                     16 
     38 Stargate Addicts             Burke/Clark/Batty         2 
     39 Shadow-SFPA no. 32           Williams/wl/etc.         53 
     40 Lapis Lazuli vol. 2 no. 4    Dolbear                  26 
     41 Thin Ice #55                 Verheiden                16 
     42 Syn #14                      Raub                      2 
     43 Land of the Free and Home of the Braves 
                                     Rogers                    4 
     44 Melikaphkaz #89              Atkins                   23 
     45 Leggo of my Ego!             Collins (wl)             20 
     46 The 2nd Annual Southpaw Awards 
                                     Carlberg                  5 
     47 Starjazzer #15               Hamner-Johnson            9 
     48  The Torrid Love Life of Young Star Monster 
                                     Blood                     6 
     49 The Amazing PXR 5            Sperhauk                  2 
     5O High Tines at a Higher Elevation 2 
                                     PLCM/Montgomery          12 
     51 The Flame Burns Brighter #4  Caruthers-Montgomery     12 
     52 ABReview: Star Trek/The Wrath of Khan 
                                     PLCM                      4 
     53 A Higher Elevation #10       Montgomery               50 
     54 Clash of the Tauntauns vol. 2 #1 
                                     Wells/Davis               2 
     55 Poultry-Zeitgeist (#1)       Wells/Davis               5 
     56 Sugar Magnolia #4            Montalbano (wl)          16 
     57 Him                          Lillian                   4 
     58 The Southerner #108          GHLIIIOE                  4 
                                                      TOTAL  619 The Southerner
Contents of the 109th Mailing of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

  1  Mimosa #1                        D & N Lynch                  39 
  2  A Dirty Mind Must Always Appear Innocent!
                                      Cobb(wl)                     10 
  3  Electric Isaac 2                 Moudry(ex)                    2 
  4  Pic/Sepulveda                    Atkins                        2 
  5  Huitloxopetl the Preworldconzine Frierson                      2 
  6  The 7 Deadly Virtues #2          Barger(wl)                    6 
  7  The New Port News 78             Brooks                        8 
  8  UpperSouthClave XIII flyer       Caruthers-Montgomery frank    1 
  9  Jewels and Binoculars #13        McGovern                      9 
 10  The Right to Say "Shit" #6       G Lillian                     5 
 11  Maybe 62                         Koch(wl)                     20 
 12  Dharma Bums #6                   B Lillian                    18 
 13  Flummery #1/Heavy                Inzer                        26 
 14  Dangerous Versions               Carlberg/Wells                4 
 15  Intuition #65                    Carlberg                     20 
 16  A Dragon Piss Press Premiere Presentation 
                                      Jennings/Ralph                5 
 17  One Damned Thing After Another #4 
                                      Ryan                         10 
 18  Lapis Lazuli vol. 2 #5           Dolbear                      22 
 19  Total Assault Cantina #6         Burke                        32 
 20  The Golden Lamprey #9            Clark                        34 
 21  Starjazzer 16                    Hammer-Johnson               17 
 22  Wino                             Collins(wl)                  10 
 23  He Has to Buy a Secondhand Fnord weber                        18 
 24  Shadow-SFPA no. 33               Williams etc.                61 
 25  Blade Ruiner #1                  Wells                         4 
 26  Friends in Space Number 0014     Pickersgill                   6 
 27  Spiritus Mundi 71                G Lillian                    37 
 28  Westercon-35 Progress Report Three 
                                      Markstein                     8 
 29  Westercon-35 Progress Report Four 
                                      Markstein                    16 
 30  Westercon-35 Program Book        Markstein                    78 
 31  Greek Gold #7                    Markstein                     4 
 32  The Sphere vol. 80 #1            Markstein                     4 
 33  BoshCon flyer                    Cobb(wl)                      2 
 34  The Shape of Things to Come: Atlanta in '86
                                      Cobb(wl)                      2 
 35  A Dirty Mind Gets Better All the Times 
                                      Cobb(wl)                     12 
 36  Vaticon I                        Biggers/Batty(wl)             1 
 37  Tom Campbell Stole My Cover vol. 38 #1-6
                                      Hutchinson                    6 
 38  Tapestry 3                       Stewart(wl)                  15 
 39  Smut #2                          Hickman                       1 
 40  Smut #3                          Hickman                       4 
 41  SFPA in The Southern Fan         Montgomery                    7 
 42  Marvel Super-hero Appearance Index 
                                      Montgomery                   48 
 43  The Flame Burns Brighter at ... #5 
                                      Caruthers-Montgomery          9 
 44  A Higher Elevation 11            Montgomery                   30 
 45  1982-83 TAFF Ballot              Wells frank                   2 
 46  Hodgepodge 1                     Carmody (Wells frank)         6 
 47  Sugar Magnolia #5                Montalbano(wl)               18 
 48  Syn #14                          Raub                         22 
 49  Tin Soldier #13                  Rogers                        9 
 50  Thin Ice #56                     Verheiden                    22 
 51  Melikaphkaz #90                  Atkins                       15 
 52  Breakfast at Milliways 19        N Lynch                       5 
 53  A Day Without Minac is Like a Day Without Sunshine 
                                      D Lynch                      12 
 54  Golden Gate flyer                Sperhauk frank                1 
 55  PXR Fiver: Special All Caps Issue
                                      Sperhauk                      7 
 56  The Thang vol. 1 Nos. 6.3-11.72  Campbell(wl)                  7 
 57  Ave Atque Vale:Utgard 53         Hulan(wl)                     1 
 58  To Paradise by Way of Kensal Green   
                                      Hulan(wl)                    54 
 59  Making Love or Else Expecting Pain
                                      McGovern                      6 
 60  Walking Down Reggae Street #1    Jennings                     21 
 61  The Bi-Continental One-Shot      Cobb(wl)                      6 
 62  Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #12
                                      Phillips                      4 
 63  Living a Dream #7                Schwarzin                     4 
 64  Weird Tails                      Clark/Burke/Trout            36 
 65  1982 SFPA 0Egopoll Ballot        GHLIIIOE                      2 
 66  The Southerner #109              GHLIIIOE                      4 
                                           TOTAL FOR MAILING 109  939 The Southerner
Contents of the 110th Mailing of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance
 1    The Southernoer #110                G Lillian                          4 
 2    A Fan Typology                      B Lillian/Williams(wl)            12 
 3    Tin Soldier #14                     Rogers                             2 
 4    The Spagyric Quest: Part II         "Cosmopolita"(wl)                 32 
 5    The New Port News #79               Brooks                            18 
 6    Series Two: Shadow of a Fan #9.5    Koch(wl)                           2 
 7    Hearts Ratings Update no. 2         D Lynch                            4 
 8    Breakfast at Milliways #20          N Lynch                           11 
 9    Sugar Magnolia #6                   Montalbano                        18 
 10   Tapestry #4                         Stewart(wl)                       10 
 11   DeepSouthCon 21 flyer II            Clark/Burke                        2 
 12   Progress Report 1 DSC XXI           Burke                              8 
 13   Shadow-SFPA 34                      Williams(wl) & etc.               66 
 14   Tin Soldier #15                     Rogers                             2 
 15   Huitloxopetl Presents...            Frierson                           2 
 16   More                                Phillips                           2 
 17   Norman Bates #1                     Collins(wl)                       11 
 18   One Page Done Quickly for SFPA      Phillips                           1 
 19   Jewels and Binoculars #14           McGovern                          10 
 20   If Ever I Should Minac              D Lynch                            5 
 21   Night of the Living Stooges vol. 59 #1-11
                                          Hutchinson                        11 
 22   The Seven Deadly Virtues #3         Barger(wl)                        11 
 23   A Song for the Life                 Burke                              4 
 24   One Damned Thing After Another 5    Ryan                               7 
 25   Talisman: The Membership Saver      Biggers                            4 
 26   The Sphere vol. 81 #1               Markstein                          4 
 27   Boshcon -- November 19-21, 1982     Carlberg                           4 
 28   Once More Into the ...              Phillips                           1 
 29   Molly Grue's Lament                 weber                              4 
 30   Syn #15                             Raub                              16 
 31   And a Ho,Ho,Ho to You, Too          Raub                               2 
 32   Thin Ice #57                        Verheiden                         21 
 33   Egoboo Story III                    GHLIIIOE                          10 
 34   Tuition                             Carlberg                           1 
 35   Intuition 66                        Carlberg                          23 
 36   Melikaphkaz #91                     Atkins                             4 
 37   Dharma Bums #7                      B Lillian                         18 
 38   The Aborted Golden Lamprey          Clark                             13 
 39   Lapis Lazuli vol 2 no. 6            Dolbear                           11 
 40   The Flame Burns Brighter #6         Caruthers-Montgomery              23 
 41   A Higher Elevation #12              Montgomery                        27 
 42   A Higher Elevation #13              Montgomery                         5 
 43   P.X.R. 5                            Sperhauk                           1 
 44   ... It's Just an Illusion           Davis                              4 
 45   Spiritus Mundi 72                   G Lillian                         45 
 46   The Southerner #110                 GHLIII OE                          4 
                                       Total Pagecount for Mailing #110    499 
        The Southerner
 The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
Dennis K. Dolbear, Official Editor     Guy H Lillian III,President, OEmeritus 
                                       Stven Carl berg, Emergency Officer 
Vol. 13, No. 1 Whole # 111  January 1983

              CONTENTS OF MAILING 1 1 1 

1  Hedge & Henny                         Frierson             -       6 
2  New Port News #80                     Brooks               -      10 
3  Asfoawn                               Celko (wl)          1-7      6 
4  Maybe 63                              Koch (wl)           1-9     20 
5  Friends in Space Number 0015          Pickersgill        l-10     12 
6  Slideaway...Home                      Schardt            1-10      9 
7  Huitloxopetl Presents Compuhacking    Frierson           l-11      4 
8  The Seven Deadly Virtures             Barger (wl)        1-11      2 
9  Now Wait for Last Mailing             Lillian/Moudry(wl) 1-13      4 
10 Dharma Bums                           B.Lillian          1-17     14 
11 "Would You" Wandessa Asked,Sitting Up In 
   Bed. She Grabbed a Lamp From the Bureau 
   That Hadn't Been Connected."Come On", 
   She Said, "Try It." #l                George Wells       1-19      4 
12 Friends In Space No. 0016             Pickersgill        1-21     12 
13 Jewels & Binoculars #15               McGovern           1-22     13 
14 Thin Ice #58                          Verheiden          1-24      6 
15 Spiritus Mundi 73                     G. Lillian         1-25     35 
16 One Damn Thing After Another          Ryan               1-25      6 
17 The Flame Of Sfpa                     Caruthers-Montgmry 1-25      5 
18 A Higher Elevation 14                 Montgomery         1-25      9 
19 The Seven Deadly Virtues #5           Barger (wl)        1-25     10 
20 Emerging                              Stewart            1-25     14 
21 Just Another Zine From St. Petersburg, Vol. 60 #1-4 
                                         Hutchinson         1-26      4 
22 PXR 5                                 Sperhauk           1-26      5 
23 Melikaphkhaz #92                      Atkins             1-26      4 
24 Sugar Magnolia                        Montalbano         1-26      8 
25 Intuition #67                         Carlberg           1-26     13 
26 The Sphere,Vol. 82 #1                 Markstein          1-26      4 
27 Breakfast at Milliways #21            N. Lynch           1-26      9 
28 For Whom the Minac Tolls              D. Lynch           1-26      5 
29 Hearts Ratings Update No. 3           D. Lynch           1-26      7 
30 Lapis Lazuli Vol. 2 No. 7             Dolbear            1-26     10 
31 Living a Dream                        Schwarzin          1-27      5 
32 Deducting Your Personal Computer From Your Taxes
                                         Schwarzin frank    1-27      6 
33 Syn #15                               Raub               1-28      4 
34 Starjazzer 17                         Hammer-Johnson     l-29      4 
35 The Fantasy World of Harry Faversham  weber              1-27     12* 
36 Norman Bates #2                       Collins            1-29     11 
37 Just a Gigo Low                       Davis              1-31      5 
38 Kithara                               Davis              1-31      7 
39 SpecimenX                          Davis,Wells, Tesser   1-31      5 
40 Lophophora Roller Rink                Burke               2-1     18 
41 The Golden Lamprey #11                Clark               2-1     33
42 The Madcap Oneshot                    Clark, Burke 
                                         Trout,Kolstad(wl)   2-1      6 
43 Shadow-SFPA #35                       Williams & Wlstrs   2-1     68** 
44 Contact #1                            Inzer               2-1      4 
45 The Southerner #111                   DDOE                2-2      4 
                                    Total:                          430 
  *Out of sequence entry; PO attempted to deliver on 27th. 
   The pink notification slip was crammed in the bottom of
   the box, didn't notice until later. 
 **True total.                                THE SOUTHERNER
             The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

Dennis K, Dolbear, Official Editor        Guy H. Lillian III, President, 0Emeritus 
                      Stven Carlberg, Emergency Officer 
                          Vol. 13, #2; Whole # 112. 

                     Contents of the 112th Mailing    March 1983
        Zine Title                               Contributor    Pages    Arrival

 1. Impeach Dolbear                              Lillian          2        2-13 
 2. 2NZ                                          Longo(wl)        8        2-13 
 3. Inverse SubMiniCon Flier                     Longo(wl)        2        2-13 
 4. The Major Marvel Villains,Part 1, (A-G)      Montgomery      12        2-21 
 5. The New Port News #81                        Brooks           8         - 
 6. Substitute                                   Phillips         3         - 
 7. South on Peachtree                       Rogers(wl),Phillips 30        3-15 
 8. Series Two Shadow of a Fan #12               Koch (wl)       16        3-17 
 9. Huitloxopetl Presents Three-Tenths of a Life Frierson         2        3-18 
 10.The Flame of SFPA #2                      Caruthers-Mntgmry  11        3-23 
 11.A Higher Elevation #15                       Montgomery      19        3-23 
 12.Jewels & Binoculars #16                      McGovern         9        3-24 
 13.Friends in Space Number 0017                 Pickersgill     11        3-25 
 14.The OE's Apprentice #1                       Burke           10        3-25 
 15.Dharma Bums #9                               B. Lillian      16        3-26 
 17.I'm Not Depressing You, am I? Vol.61 #1-?    Hutchinson       1        3-28 
 18.Melikaphkhaz #93                             Atkins           4        3-28 
 19.Spiritus Mundi 74                            G. Lillian      37        3-28 
 20.Thin Ice #59                                 Verheiden       17        3-28 
 21.Intuition 68                                 Carlberg        20        3-28 
 22.The 1983 Southpaw Awards Ballot              Carlberg         1        3-28 
 23.Sugar Magnolia #8                            Montalbano      12        3-28 
 24.The Sphere, Vol. 83, No. 1                   Markstein       17        3-29 
 25.Norman Bates #3                              Collins (wl)    13        3-30
 26.Lapis Lazuli Vol.2 #8                        Dolbear          8        3-30
 27.Bare Minac                                   D. Lynch         5        3-30 
 28.Fried Fandom Strikes Again!                  Ryan             4        3-30 
 29.Talisman                                     Biggers          8        3-30 
 30.Grinning at Dusk                             Batty            6        3-31 
 31.Breakfast at Milliways #22                   N. Lynch         5        3-31 
 32.Syn 17                                       Raub            19        3-31 
 33. Waiting for Hill Street, or Maybe Reading SFPA, 
                                                 weber           35        3-31 
     b/w Measuring Tapes                         weber            4        3-31 
 34.Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies Thirteen   Phillips         5        4-01 
 35.Tapestry #5                                  Stewart          9        4-01
 36.The Week of Living Dangerously               Burke/Dolbear   23        4-01
 37.PXR5                                         Sperhauk         2        4-01 
 38.Return of the Gigo                           Davis            9        4-05
 39.Nuke the Smurfs #2                           Davis            5        4-05 
 40.Nuke the Smurfs #3                           Davis            7        4-05 
 41.Shadowbox                                    Bateses          4        4-05 
 42.Scattergun Redivivus                         Bateses          4        4-05 
 43.Shadow-SFPA #36                              waitlisters, 
                                                 Williams EO     51        4-05 
 44.The Southerner #112                          DDOE             4        4-06 
     Total for mlg. 112:                                        498 
                     THE SOUTHERNER
The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance. 
Dennis K. Dolbear, Official Editor    Guy H. Lillian III, President
 Stven Carlberg, Emergency Officer 
 Vol. 13 #3, Whole #113. May 1983

                       Contents of Mailing 113: 
  Zine Title                                                   Contributor           Pgs. 

  1. MC's #1                                                    Wells                 1 
  2. MC's #l #2                                                 Wells                 4 
  3. A Public Service #1                                        McGovern frank        3 
  4. Jewels and Binoculars #17                                  McGovern             15 
  5. The Snorkel of Death One Shot                              McGovern              6 
  7. Norman Bates #4                                            Collins (wl)         11 
  8. Huitloxopetl Presents: In Advance of the DSC               Frierson             23 
  9. PXR 5                                                      Sperhauk              5 
 l0. Sugar Magnolia                                             Montalbano            8 
 11. Intuition #69                                              Carlberg             31 
 12. Tapestry #6                                                Stewart              11 
 13. Breakfast at Milliways                                     N. Lynch              7 
 14. 24 Carat Minac                                             D. Lynch              9 
 15. Living A Dream   #9                                        Schwarzin             4 
 16. Just Add Water                                             Copeland             11 
 17. Talisman                                                   Biggers              12 
 18. DSC 21 Program Book                                        Clark/Burke frank    64 
 19. Dark Winds                                                 Clark                52 
 20. The Flame of SFPA                                          P.L.Caruthers-Mont- 
                                                                gomery                9 
 21. Warlock Vol. 3 #30                                         Montgomery           21 
 22. Friends in Space Report Number 0018                        Pickersgill           3 
 23. Hearts Update #4                                           D. Lynch              4 
 24. Dharma Bums #10                                            B. Lillian           16 
 25. Spiritus Mundi 75                                          G. Lillian           26 
 26. The Golden Lamprey                                         Clark                 8 
 27. Enceecee                                                   Atkins                1 
 28. Slideaway into Summer                                      Schardt              23 
 29. The Major Marvel Villains Part Two, (H-M)                  L. Montgomery        17 
 30. The OE's Apprentice #2                                     Burke                20 
 31. Syn #18                                                    Raub                 17 
 32. The Sphere, Vol. 84 #l                                     Markstein             6 
 33. Oh, Mickey, You're So Fine, etc.                           Hutchinson            5 
 34. Fosfax Vol.4#1                                             Asay (wl)            20 
 35. Great Wall #1                                              Inzer                10 
 36. I Love the Flowergirl                                      weber                14 
 37. Series Two, Shadow of a Fan #14                            Koch                 20 
 38. Thin Ice #60                                               Verheiden             1 
 39. Mel #94                                                    Atkins                6 
 40. Not For Sale                                               Batty                24 
 41. The New. Port News #113                                    Brooks                8 
 42. The Huge Spaceship Seemed to be Floating In Air            Wells                 5 
 43. A Judicious "N"                                            Carlberg/Atkins       2 
 44. Lapis Lazuli Vol. 2 #9                                     Dolbear              13 
 45. Que Numero?                                                Champion (wl)         2 
 46. Starjazzer #19                                             Hammer-Johnson        4 
 47. Shadow #37                                                 Williams, wls        41 
 48. The Southerner #113                                        D-KDOE                4 
             Total for mailing #113                                                 627 
                                   THE SOUTHERNER 
               The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

 Dennis K. Dolbear, Official Editor          Guy H. Lillian III, Oemeritus, 
                                         Stven Carlberg, Emergency Officer 
   Vol. 13 #4 Whole #114 July 1983

                 CONTENTS OF MAILING 1 1 4 

      Zine Title                               Contributor  Pgs.  Date 

 1. It's Easier than a Movie Script Oneshot    Frierson      2      - 
 2. SFC Bulletin No. 28                        Frierson      4      - 
 3. Blue Star Mystery Vol. 1 #3  6/30          Bateses      12     6/30 
 4. Tapestry #7                                Stewart       8     7/1 
 5. The New Port News #83                      Brooks        8     7/13 
 6. Testing,Testing...                         Brooks        1     7/14 
 7. Memorial to Hannes Bok                     Brooks        2     7/14 
 8. The Bronze Armadillo Alarm Clock Gets Married
                                               Gelb (wl)     1     7/11 
 9. Huitloxopeitl Presents Testing All Systems Frierson      2     7/21 
10. Dharma Bums #11                            Beth Lillian  6     7/22 
11. Series Two Shadow of a Fan, #16            Koch (wl)     3     7/22 
12. Mc's #1 #3                                 Wells         3     7/22 
13. Thin Ice #61                               Verheiden    12     7/25 
14. Spiritus Mundi 76                          Lillian      37     7/25 
15. Comics Ad #8                               Montgomery    6     7/25 
16. The Flame of SFPA #4                    Caruthers-Mgmry 15     7/25 
17. All Along the Watchtower #16               Montgomery   31     7/25 
18. One Damn Thing After Another #7            Ryan         10     7/25 
19. The Seven Deadly Virtues #6                Barger (wl)   8     7/25 
20. Jewels and Binoculars #17                  McGovern      7     7/25 
21. Melikaphkhaz #95                           Atkins        4     7/25 
22. Intuition #70                              Carlberg     27     7/26 
23. Lapis Lazuli Vol. 2 #10                    Dolbear      13     7/26 
24. Norman Bates #5                            Collins (wl) 20     7/26 
25. Hug. Me!...Before I Slideaway              Schardt      20     7/27 
26. Whoa-Bee!                                  Fletcher      3     7/27 
27. Sugar Magnolia                             Montalbano   16     7/27 
28. IBMinac                                    D. Lynch      7     7/28 
29. Through Elegant Eyes                     Sperhauk frank  4     7/28 
30. PXR 5                                      Sperhauk     14     7/28 
31. Breakfast at Milliways #24                 N. Lynch      5     7/28 
32. The Sphere, Vol. 85 #1                     Markstein    14     7/28 
33. I've Just Got to Get that Lock Fixed, Vol. 63 #1-5
                                               Hutchinson    5     7/28 
34. Syn #19                                    Raub         12     7/28 
35. Great Wall #2                              Inzer        18     7/28 
36. Z.Z.von Schnerk Presents...                weber        12     7/28 
37. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #14      Phillips      4     7/28 
38. Research and Development                   Copeland     12     7/29 
39. Living a Dream                             Schwarzin     8     7/29 
40. Huitl/Sinc                                 Frierson      4     7/29 
41. The OE's Apprentice                        Burke         8     7/29 
42. Clash of the Tauntauns #3               Wells, Pickers- 
                                               gill,Davis   14     7/29 
43. The Golden Lamprey                         Clark         7     7/29 
44. Not For Sale                               Batty        21     7/29 
45. The Southerner #114                        Denny K-Doe   4     7/30 
                                    Total for Mailing 114: 459      

                    THE SOUTHERNER    
            The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

Dennis K. Dolbear, Official Editor * Guy H. Lillian III,0Emeritus, & President
                                         Stven Carlberg, Emergency 0fficer 
                                         Rusty Burke S Nancy Collins, Lackeys 
                                         Vol. 13  #5 
                                         Whole # 115   September 1983

                        Contents  of the 115th Mailing 

           Zine Title                             Contributor  Pages   Date 

 1. Huitloxopetl Presents Comments                Frierson       6      - 
 2. Hearts Rating Update                          Dick Lynch     4      - 
 3. Series 2 Shadow of a Fan #17                  Koch (wl)     30     8-28 
 4. Let me OEntertain You                         Carlberg       4     9-5 
 5. Starjazzer, #20                             Hammer-Johnson  13     9-5 
 6. The New Port News                             Brooks         6     9-15 
 7. Kallisti Gold #8                              Markstein      6     9-15 
 8. The Junior Woodchuck's Guidebook, pgs. 1-10   Markstein     12     9-15 
 9. Spiritus Mundi 77                             Lillian       23     9-22 
10. Tapestry #8                                   Stewart       12     9-23 
11. Warlock #5                                    Montgomery    33     9-23 
12. Flame of SFPA                              Caruthers-Mgmry  11     9-23 
13. All Along the Watchtower #17                  Montgomery    31     9-23 
14. All Along the Watchtower #18                  Montgomery     3     9-23 
15. The Right to Say "Shit" is the Right to Play Tennis 
                                                  Lillian        4     9-24 
16. Slip-Slideaway #4                             Schardt       27     9-24 
17. Friends in Space Report Number 0019           Pickersgill   10     9-24 
18. South on Peachtree #2                  Rogers(wl)/Phillips  35     9-24 
19. The 3rd Annual Southpaw Awards                Carlberg       5     9-24 
20. Lapis Lazuli Vol. 2, No. 11                   Dolbear       18     9-25 
21. The Word Gravity Suddenly Flashed Into His Mind
                                                  Wells          2     9-26 
22. The Sphere, Vol. 86 #1                        Markstein     19     9-26 
23. The Univese is an Orange Peel                 Dane           6     9-26 
24. Not For Sale #3                               Batty         25     9-28 
25. Dharma Bum #12                                Beth Lillian  11     9-28 
26. Breakfast at Milliways                        N. Lynch       5     9-28 
27. Spiritus Minac                                D. Lynch       9     9-28 
28. Norman Bates #6                               Collins (wl)  17     9-29 
29. Take a Bus Marked "Beechwood Drive"           weber         16     9-29 
30. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #15         Phillips       4     9-29 
31. Talisman                                      Biggers       10     9-29 
32. For Sale/SOLD                                 Schwarzin      4     9-29 
33. Sorry for the Inconvenience                   Copeland      12     9-29 
34. Jewels and Binoculars #19                     McGovern       5     9-30 
35. "Please Don't Hurt Me, Mr.Werewolf" She Begged...
                                                  Wells,McGovern 1     9-30 
36. The Return of the Snorkel of Death         McGovern(& Jnngs) 1     9-30 
37. Great Wall #3                                 Inzer          8     9-30 
38. PXR5                                          Sperhauk       9     9-30 
39. The Golden Lamprey                            Clark         48     9-30 
40. Hey Boys, Byte This!                          Raub           2     9-30 
41. But Dad...I Wanna Be a Fireman When I Grow Up!
                                                  Hutchinson     4     9-30 
42. Apacollapse Now                        Hutchinson, Carlberg  2     9-30 
43. On Science and Imperative Sentenees comics #1 
                                          Wells/Davis/Tesser(w1) 6    10-1 
44. Shadow #39                            Williams, wlstrs      32    10-1 
45. Intuition #71                                 Carlberg      30    10-1 
46. Sugar Magnolia                                Montalbano    15    10-1 
47. Ignite #21                                 Mysterious Wlstr 
                                                (wl)/(Guidry)    4    10-1 
48. Just Another Zine for La.                     Burke          4    10-1 
49. Star Jazzer #21                            Hammer-Johnson    8    10-1 
50. Rescue Rocket                            Atkins & friends    5    10-1 
51. Thin Ice                              Verheiden & friends    1    10-1 
52. OEgoboo poll Ballot                           Denny K-DOE    2    10-1 
53. OElection Ballot0Election                     Denny K-DOE    1    10-1 
54. Thin Ice #62                                  Verheiden      3    10-3 
55. The Southerner #115                           Denny K-DOE    6    10-3 
      Total for the 115th Mailing:                             630

                      THE SOUTHERNER        
     The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

Dennis K. Dolbear, Official Editor   Guy H. Lillian III President of SFPA 
                                     Stven Carlberg, Emergency Officer 
                                     Mike Rogers, OE of Shadow-SFPA 
                                     Vol. 13 #6  Whole #116  November 1983


          Zine  Title                          Contributor      Pages  

 1.  Melikaphkhaz #96                             Atkins           2 
 2.  The New Port News #85                        Brooks          10 
 3.  Spiritus Mundi 78                            GHLIII          19 
 4.  Thin Ice #63                                 Verheiden        8 
 5.  Anarchy Now!                                 Stewart          5 
 6.  The Flame of SFPA #6                   Caruther-sMontgomery   5 
 7.  All Along the WatchTower                    Montgomery       25 
 8.  Jewels and Binoculars #20                   McGovern          2 
 9.  Dharma Bums #13                             Beth Lillian      2 
10.  The Sphere, Vol. 81 #1                      Markstein        19 
11.  And This Too,Shall...Slideaway #5           Schardt           5 
12.  Lousy Excuse                                Copeland          4 
13.  Looking for the Welcome Wagon               Dane             14 
14.  Hello Again SFPA...No Time for a Regular Zine
                                                 Frierson          1 
15.  PXR 5 String Saver                          Sperhauk          1 
16.  How to Save A Membership Without Really Trying 
                                                 Ryan              4 
17.  Intuition #72                               Carlberg         25 
18.  You Really Ought to Do Something About...Vol. 65 #1-5  
                                                 Hutchinson        5 
19.  Min Ac Work                                 D. Lynch          5 
20.  Series Two Shadow of a Fan #22              Koch (wl)         5 
21.  CopperCon 4 Flyer                           Markstein frank   1 
22.  Groupies Always Welcome                     Nicki Lynch       4 
23.  Norman Bates #7                             Collins (wl)     12 
24.  Dear Rebel Award Winner                     GHLIII            1 
25.  Rebel Yells, Vol. 2 No.1                    Lillian           2 
26.  SFC Questionnaire #l                        GHLIII            1 
27.  Alastair:Lost Prince of Decadence           Collins (wl)     14 
28.  I Expected It to Be Disappointing           weber             9 
29.  Krull Was Tall and Dark, With a Face Like the Back End 
      of a Bus...                                Wells/Davis       5 
30.  Feels Like the First Time                   Raub              5 
31.  Sugar Magnolia                              Montalbano       18 
32.  Spiritus Supplementus                       GHLIII            4 
33.  The OE's Apprentice                         Burke            14 
34.  Series Two Shadow of A Fan #19              Koch (wl)         2 
35.  Tales of ApaGard(Marbled Team-Up #2)    Clark/Williams(wl)   11 
36.  A Page From: George H. Wells                Wells             1 
37.  1983 EgoBoo Poll Results                    Denny K-DOE       4 
38.  Shadow SFPA #40                        Williams,waitlisters  29 
39.  The Southerner #116                         Denny K-DOE       4 
    Total for Mailing 116:                                       307 
                                      THE SOUTHERNER          
                 The 0fficial Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

  Dennis K. Dolbear,  Official Editor                   Beth  Lillian, President of SFPA 
                                                        Stven Carlberg, Emergency Officer
                                                        Mike Rogers, EO of Shadow-SFPA 
                                                        Vol. 13 #7; Whole #117 January 1984

                         Contents of the 117th Mailing. 

               Zine Title                                  Contributor                    Pages 
  1. Not a Particularly Great Wall...only so-so             Inzer                           10
  2. Falls of the Ohio SF Association, 1984 Calender Asay (wl) frank                         2 
  3. FosFax Vol 4 #10                                       Asay (wl) frank                 16 
  4. FosFax Vol 4 #11                                       Asay (wl) frank                 16 
  5. The New Port News, #86                                 Brooks                          14 
  6. Series Two, Shadow of a Fan #21                        Koch (wl)                       28 
  7. DeepSouthCon 22 Flyer                                  Koch(wl) frank                   1 
  8. Melikaphkhaz #97                                       Atkins                           4 
  9. Jewels and Binoculars #21                              McGovern                        21 
10.  MassConfusion flyer                                    McGovern frank                   1 
11.  Samzidat #2                                            Campbell                         4 
12.  Shadow-SFPA #41                                        Rogers &wlsters                 17 
13.  The Flame of SFPA #7                                   Caruthers-Montgomery             4 
14.  All Along the Watchtower                               Montgomery                      11 
15.  Series Two, Shadow of a Fan                            Koch (wl)                        2 
16.  Intuition #73                                          Carlberg                         4 
17.  Tapestry #9                                            Stewart                          1 
18.  Atlanta Comics Festival Flyer                          Batty frank                      1 
19.  Not For Sale #4                                        Batty                           12 
20.  PXR 5                                                  Sperhauk                         4 
21.  The Great White Space #1                               Ryan                             8 
22.  Lapis Lazuli, Vol. 2 Nos. 12 & 13                      Dolbear                         18 
23.  Sugar Magnolia #12                                     Montalbano                       6 
24.  Tea in the Sahara #25                                  Nicki Lynch                      5 
25.  Norman Bates #8                                        Collins (wl)                    17 
26.  Dharma Bums #14                                        Beth Lillian                    11 
27.  Friends in Space 0020                                  Pickersgill                      4 
28.  Talisman                                               Biggers                          6 
29.  Twenty Pounds Older                                    Dane                             4 
30.  Loving a Woman Who Couldn't Care Less                  weber                            5 
31.  The Sphere Vol. 88 #1                                  Markstein                       16 
32.  StarJazzer the Last                                    Hammer-Johnson                   8 
33.  Rubicon Flyer                                          Davis Frank                      2 
34.  Spiritus Mundi #79                                     GHLIII                          23 
35.  Not For Sale #5                                        Batty                           33 
36.  Brave New Minac                                        Dick Lynch                       5 
37.  Crossroads of Life                                     Copeland                         8 
38.  This if Your LIfe                                      Trout (wl)                       8 
39.  All My SFPAns                                          Wells                            2 
40.  I'm a Bonny Brown Girl                                 Schwarzin                        5 
41.  Sagas of TV Discs, Tapes & Video Piracy #66#1-6        Hutchinson                       6 
42.  The Golden Lamprey #16                                 Clark                           41 
43.  Christmas Cards I Never Sent                           Williams (wl)                    6 
44.  Crashenburne's Saloon #2                               Burke                           12 
45.  Thin Ice                                               Verheiden                        8 
46.  Not a George Wells zine                                Davis                            2 
47.  Friends in Space Report No. 0021                       Pickersgill                     12 
48.  The Southerner #117                                    Denny K-DOE                      4 
     Total for Mlg. 117                                                                    448 
                              THE SOUTHERNER
              The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

  Dennis K. Dolbear, Official Editor           Beth Lillian, President 
                                               Stven Carlberg, Emergency Officer 
                                               Mike Rogers, Editor of Shadow-SFPA 
                                               Vol. 13, No. 8; Whole # 118; March 1984
                   Contents of the 118th Mailing. 

        Zine Title                                Contributor     Pages 

 1. Space Ranger Bill Fletcher&his Overnight Rangers 
                                                  Fletcher (wl)     10 
 2. A view from the Ghost of Chattacon Past...    N. Lynch           4 
 3. Wedgezine #2                                  Carlberg           4 
 4. The New Port News #87                         Brooks             6 
 5. Series Two, Shadow of a Fan #17               Koch(wl)           2 
 6. Shadow-SFPA #42                           Rogers &wlsters       23 
 7. Not for Sale #6                               Batty             11 
 8. Untitlted                                     Copeland           4 
 9. Jewels & Binoculars #22                       McGovern           5 
10. A Dirty Mind Comes Clean                      Cobb               6 
11. Friends in Space No. 0022                     Pickersgill        4 
12. Every Garden Needs a Toad                     Schardt           19 
13. Intuition #74                                 Carlberg          19 
14. Melikaphkhaz #98                              Atkins             2 
15. The Flame of SFPA #8                    Caruthers-Montgomery     6 
16. All Along the Watchtower #21                  Montgomery        29 
17. The Sphere, Vol. 89 #1                        Markstein          6 
18. John Cougar Minac                             D. Lynch          13 
19. The Word 'Moron" Comes to Mind                Wells              3 
20. If Ever I Cease to LOVE                       B. Lillian         5 
21. Thin Ice #65                                  Verheiden         10 
22. PXR 5                                         Sperhauk           6 
23. Spiritus Mundi 80                             GHLIII            27 
24. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #16         Phillips          10 
25. bOMBASTIUM Vol. 67 #1-7                       Hutchinson         7 
26. The Soiled Dove Saloon                        Collins           19 
27. Why Is Boy George Like a Lamb Chop?           weber             21 
28. Samizdat #3                                   Campbell          10 
29. This May Look Like a Short Zine...            Davis              3 
30. Lapis Lazuli, Vol. 2 # 14Dolbear11 
31. Sugar Magnolia                                Montalbano        14 
32. The Golden Lamprey #17                        Clark              6 
33. Crashenburne's Saloon #2                      Burke              8 
34. The Precognative Times                        Stewart            3 
35. The Southerner #118                           Denny K-DOE        4 
    Total for Mlg. 118                                             348 

Due to circumstances beyond my comprehension, much less control, 
3 zines were omitted from the Table of Contents last issue. They 
36. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies,#17         S. Phillips        6 
37. Tea in the Sahara, #26                        N.Lynch            5 
38. World War 3.14156                             Wells/Davis        5 
           Total for fractional 00                                  16 
      Revised and amended total for M1g.118:                       364

                              THE SOUTHERNER

        Dennis R. Dolbear, Official Editor              Beth Lillian, President of SFPA 
                                                        Stven Carlberg, Emergency Office/ 
                                                                         & Logothete 
                                                        Mike Rogers, Editor of Shadow-SFPA 
                                                        Vol. 13, No.9; Whole #119; May 1984 

                           Contents of the 119th Mailing. 

        Zine Title                                             Contributor          Pages 

 1. The Southerner, # 118.1                                    Denny K-Doe              1 
 2. The New Port News #88                                      Ned Brooks               6 
 3. Wedgezine #3                                               Stven Carlberg           4 
 4. Jewels & Binoculars,#23                                    Tom McGovern             5 
 5. Samizdat #4                                                Tom Campbell             6 
 6. One Hand on the Ground, One Hand in Space #27              Nicki Lynch              4 
 7. Stalking the Wild Minac                                    Dick Lynch               5 
 8. Lines of Occurance                                         Arthur Hlavaty (wl)      6 
 9. Comics Review, Vol 1 #4                                    Don Markstein           68 
10. Slideaway #6                                               Dee Schardt              9 
11. Shadow-SFPA #43                                            Mike Rogers, wlstrs     14 
12. Rebel Yells, Vol 2 #2                                      GHLIII                  14 
13. The Last UnComittee Zine                                   Irvin Koch (wl)         28 
14. One White Rose                                             Lon Atkins               4 
15. Cat Mummies                                                Linda Pickersgill        2 
16. The Hauppage Procrustean #1                                George Wells             1 
17. Not For Sale #7                                            Ward Batty              18 
18. The Southpaw Awards Revisited,                             Stven Carlberg           3 
19. Intuition, #75                                             Stven Carlberg          14 
20. The Flame of SFPA #9                                       P.L.Caruthers-Mgmry      8 
21. Madrugada #22                                              Larry Montgomery        27 
22. Coppercon 4 Progress Report                                Don Markstein (frank)   16 
23. Great Invitations                                          Don Markstein (frank)    2 
24. Should You Read This?                                      GiGi Dane                9 
25. The Sphere, Vol. 90, #1                                    Don Markstein           32 
26. A Child's Garden of Excuses                                Dave Ryan                3 
27. Roc-Kon advertisement                                      Dave Ryan                1 
28. Arson Hot Line!                                            Liz Stewart              8 
29. Thin Ice #66                                               Mark Verheiden           4 
30. Dharma Bums #15                                            Beth Lillian            14 
31. Talisman                                                   Cliff Biggers            6 
32. 7th Annual SF Showcase                                     Copeland frank          10 
33. Sunrise on Mount Hibachi                                   Jeff Copeland            8 
34. Bonny Brown Girl #2                                        Liz Schwarzin           12 
35. Spiritus Mundi                                             GHLIII                  15 
36. But What if they take it out of Your Salary, Cap'n?        Hank Davis               2 
37. PXR 5                                                      Marc Sperhauk            2 
38. Great Wall #4 -584                                         George Inzer            16 
39. A Dirty Mind Goes out on a Limb!                           Jim Cobb                 4 
40. Sugar Magnolia                                             JoAnn Montalbano         8 
41. The Golden Lamprey #18                                     Vern Clark              27 
42. Lapis Lazuli, Vol. 2 #15                                   Dennis Dolbear           8 
43. The Soiled Dove Saloon #2                                  Nancy Collins           14 
44. Less Than Words Can Say, #1                                Rusty Burke             10 
45. It's...It's My Girlfriend Vol 68 #'s 1-11                  Alan Hutchinson         11 
46. The Secret Place in the Toe of My Sneaker                  mike weber              12 
47. Fugbuck                                                    GHLIII                   6 
48. Vul Con 10+1 flyer                                         GHLIII frank             1 
49. The Bronze Armadillo Alarm Clock in the 
         Promised Land                                         Janice Gelb-Weiss(wl)    2 
50. The Southerner, #119                                       Denny K-Doe              4 
Total for the 119th Mailing:                                                          514 
                                   THE SOUTHERNER

 Dennis K. Dolbear, Official Editor              Beth Lillian, President of SFPA 
                                                 Stven Carlberg, Emergency Officer 
                                                 Mike Rogers, Editor of Snadow-SFPA
                                                 Vol. 13, #10; Whole #120; July 1984 
                       Contents of the 120th Mailing. 

         Zine Title                                         Contributor          Pgs.

 1. Wedgezine #4                                            Carlberg              4 
 2. DSC XXII Program Book                                   Koch (wl)            48 
 3. The Word "Moron" Comes to Mind #2                       Wells                 4 
 4. Notes from the Ass End of Oblivion                      P. King (wl)          8 
 5. The New Port News #89                                   Brooks               22 
 6. A Separate Star                                         Brooks frank          8 
 7. By Popular Demand                                       Wells                 2 
 8. Waitin on You #2                                        McGovern              2 
 9. One Hand on the Ground,One Hand in Space #28            Nicki Lynch           8 
10. Ribbit-Food!                                            Schardt               7 
11. Jewels & Binoculars #24                                 McGovern              6 
12. The Flame of SFPA                                       PL                    2 
13. Madrugada #23                                           Montgomery           39 
14. South on Peachtree #3                                   Rogers (wl)          28 
15. Shadow SFPA #44                                         Rogers - wlsters     16 
16. Barbie LIkes Sour Cream on Her Potato                   Clark                 5 
17. Soiled Dove Saloon #3                                   Collins              18 
18. Sugar Magnolia                                          Montalbano            8 
19. Lapis Lazuli Vol 2 #16                                  Dolbear              12 
20. Typo'd Mailing Comments #1                              Wells                 8 
21. Consellation Flyer                                      GHLIII frank          1 
22. Spiritus Mundi 82                                       GHLIII               25 
23. DeepSouthCon 23 Flyer                                   GHLIII frank          1 
24. Gremlins Got Into My Typer                              Liz Stewart           2 
25. Series Two Shadow of A Fan #27                          Koch (wl)             4 
26. Generic Minac                                           Dick Lynch            3 
27. Eat the Waitlisters!                                    Dane & Markstein      4 
28. Reality is Boring                                       Dane                 12 
29. The Sphere Vol. 91 #1                                   Markstein             4 
30. A Dirty Mind Never Beats Around the Bush                Cobb                  7 
31. Thin Ice #67                                            Verheidein            9 
32. PXR 5                                                   Sperhauk              3 
33. bOMBASTIUM! Vol 69 #1-9                                 Hutchinson            9 
34. Because They Have Lucas Refrigerators                   weber                 6 
35. Bonny Frown Girl #3                                     Schwarzin             2 
36. First Baby Picture                                      Copeland              2 
37. The Weed of Fanac Bears Silly Typoes #1                 Davis                 2 
38. Intuition #76                                           Carlberg             13 
39. Samizdat #5                                             Campbell              4 
40. Two White Roses                                         Atkins                4 
41. And Make Sure It's Not All Fat                          Burke                 2 
42. The Southerner, #120                                    Denny K-DOE           4 
    Total for Mlg. 120:                                                         383 
                        THE SOUTHERNER

 Dennis K. Dolbear, Official Editor    Beth Lillian, President. 
                                       Stven Carlberg, Emergency Off. 
                                       Mike Rogers, Editor of Shadow 
Vol. 13,#11; Whole #121; September 1984 

           CONTENTS OF THE 121st MAILING 

         ZINE TITLE                        Contributor        Pgs.
 1. The New Port News #90                   Brooks             6 
 2. Film Notes: LaCon II                    Copeland frank    15 
 3. Hauppage Procrustean #2                 G. Wells           4 
 4. Nos-Bul,                                P. King (wl)      10 
 5. Three White Roses                       Atkins             4 
 6. The 7 Deadly Virtues                    Barger (wl)       10 
 7. Series Two, Shadow of a an #28          Koch (wl)         12 
 8. Madrugada #24                           Montgomery        37 
 9. The Flame of SFPA,#11                   PL                 6 
10. The Last Shadow-SFPA,                   Rogers, & wlstrs  13 
11. Confederation Progress Report Zero      Rogers frank       2 
12. Intuition #77                           Carlberg          10 
13. Positively 4th St.                      weber              5 
14. Why do the British drink warm beer?     weber              8 
15. Basic Minac                             D. Lynch           3 
16. One More Time                           Copeland           8 
17. Bonny Brown Girl #4                     Schwarzin          7 
18. One More Lousy Set of Statistics        Copeland           6 
19. Dharma Bums #l8                         Beth Lillian       8 
20. Slideaway (where?) #7                   Schardt           12 
21. Gigi's Zine                             Gigi Dane         12 
22. The Sphere, Vol. 92 171                 Markstein          4 
23. Wurdle Wurdle Kabloosh #9               Markstein          2 
24. GiGi's Other Zine                       GiGi Dane,         4 
25. Thin Ice, #68                           Verheiden,         4 
26. PXR 5                                   Sperhauk           2 
27. Escape from New York the SFPAzine       Davis              2 
28. Monkey on a String,                     Pickersgill        4 
29. Spiritus Mundi 83                       GHLIII            13 
30. Not for Sale, #8                        Batty             14 
31. Albert Einstein Calculates:Vol 70,#1-9  Hutchinson         7 
32. What I did on My Summer Vacation        Biggers            6 
33. Miss America Duck Call                  Burke             13 
34. One Hand on the Ground, One Hand...#29  N. Lynch           5 
35. Sugar Magnolia                          Montalbano         4 
36. The Bronze Armadillo Alarm Clcok        Gelb               2 
37. Escape Fron New York the SFPAzine, #2   Davis              1 
38. OELection and EgoPoll Ballot, 1984                         2 
39. Great Wall 9-84                         Inzer             14 
40. Chaos                                   Stewart            1 
41. (Untitled)                              Ryan               8 
42. The Southerner, #121                    Denny K-Doe        4 
    Total for mailing 121:                                   322 
                            THE SOUTHERNER

Dennis K. Dolbear, Official Editor                Beth Lillian, President of SFPA 
                                                  Stven Carlberg, Emergency Officer 
                                                  Dennis Dolbear, President Elect. 
                                         Vol. 13, No. 12(&last); Whole #122; November 1984
                                                  Stven Carlberg, 0Elect(see roster) 

                                       CONTENTS OF THE 122nd MAILING 

      Zine Title                                            Contributor        Pgs. 

 1. Too Real to Be Impossible                                 Wells              3 
 2. New Port News #91                                         Brooks             6 
 3. Intuition #78                                             Carlberg           6 
 4. Series 2 Shadow of a Fan #29                              Koch (wl)          4 
 5. Wakka-Ding---Hoyyyyyy!!!!!!                               Markstein          2 
 6. Unfortunately, they were overheard...#l                   Wells              4 
 7. Nos-Bul #2                                                P.King(wl)        10 
 8. Madrugada #25                                             Montgomery        10 
 9. The Flame of SFPA #12                                     P.L.               7 
10. One hand on the Ground,One hand in Space #30              N. Lynch           5 
11. Boss Minac                                                D. Lynch           7 
12. Thin Ice #69                                              Verheiden          2 
13. Soiled Dove Saloon #5                                     Collins           14 
14. Great Wall #11-84                                         Inzer             16 
15. Bonny Brown Girl #5                                       Schwarzin         12 
16. Workaholic                                                Copeland          12 
17. Rank, Maggoty,Putrid Egomania Plus!                       GHLIII             2 
18. Lapis Lazuli, Vol. 2 #17                                  Dolbear           12 
19. The 4th Annual Southpaw Awards                            Carlberg           5 
20. The Sphere, Vol. 93 #l                                    Markstein          5 
21. This Zine has no Title                                    Dane               2 
22. Scissors Ninja                                            Fletcher(wl)       8 
23. Dharma Bums #17                                           Beth Lillian       6 
24. Chattanooga DSC PostCon fanzine                           Koch (wl)         16 
25. Samizdat ye 6th                                           Campbell           8 
26. PXR5 Special Carbonated Issue                             Sperhauk           4 
27. A Dirty Mind Gets Laid!                                   Cobb              11 
28. Spiritus Mundi 84                                         GHLIII            17 
29. Beyond the Bluegrass Event Horizon                        Davis              1 
30. Nocturnal Visitors                                        Burke             20 
31. Sugar Magnolia                                            Montalbano         6 
32. Look, Ma, No Hands!!                                      weber              4 
33. Rotteneggers is...The Exterminator Vol.71 #l-5            Hutchinson         5 
34. 1984 OEgoboo Poll Results                                 Denny K-DOE        4 
35. 4 White Roses                                             Atkins             2 
36. Primitive Wedgezine                                       Carlberg           2 
37. The Southerner #122                                       Denny K-DOE        6 
    Total for Mailing #122                                                     271 
                               THE SOUTHERNER #123

                     Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

  Stven Carlberg, Official Editor//Dennis Dolbear, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 

      Contents of the 123rd Mailing of the S.F.P.A.                        January 1985 

 0. The Southerner #122.9 (premailing)                              SCOE                       1 
 1. Turn the Arpeggio Off!                                          The New Clique             8 
 2. Series Two Shadow of a Fan #30                                  Koch (wl)                  2 
 3. The New Port News #92                                           Brooks                     8 
 4. Hauppauge Procrustean #3                                        Wells                      8 
 5. Maybe: Worlds of Fandom #64                                     Koch (wl)                 32 
 6. Phoenix Con flyer                                               Koch (wl)                  1 
 7. Spiritus Mundi 85                                               G. Lillian                14 
 8. Delta Con flyer                                                 G. Lillian                 1 
 9. Unfortunately They Were Overheard #2                            Wells                      4 
10. Friends In Space Report Number 0024                             Pickersgill                8 
11. Further Adventures of the Bronze Armadillo Alarm Clock          Weiss (wl)                 2 
12. Nos-Bul #3                                                      King (w1)                 18 
13. Mebbe You Didn't Hear Me, Bwah                                  G. Lillian                 6 
14. High Times At A Lower Elevation #xxvi                           Montgomery                 9 
15. The Flame of S.F.P.A. 13                                        Caruthers-Montgomery       9 
16. Cat's Eye #l                                                    Collins                    8 
17; A Dirty Mind Hangs Out                                          Cobb                       9 
18. Five White Roses                                                Atkins                    10 
19. Lapis Lazuli, Vol. 2, #18                                       Dolbear                   14 
20. Born to Minac                                                   Lynch                      4 
21. Friends In Space Report Number: 0023                            Pickersgill               12 
22. PXR 5 Sour Grapes Issue                                         Sprehauk                   4 
23. Dharma Bums #18                                                 B. Lillian                 9 
24. The Right Stuff for the White Stuff                             Schardt                   18 
25.  (Insert Title Here)                                            weber                     26 
26. "Gryxqlkz 'Smith,' huh? Sure, Budd y... and no 
      luggage either, I suppose!" Vol. 72 #l-8                      Hutchinson                 8 
27. Sugar Magnolia                                                  Montalbano                10 
28. The Golden Lamprey #21                                          Clark                     16 
29. Well, I Just Don't Know                                         Burke                      2 
30. Talisman #Irregular                                             Biggers                    6 
31. Not For Sale #10                                                Batty                     10 
32. Great Wall #185                                                 Inzer                     12 
33. Samizdat #7                                                     Campbell                  10 
34. Just Whistlin' Dixie #8                                         Dane                      29 
35. The Sphere, vol. 93 #2                                          Markstein                 16 
36. The Sphere, vol. 94 #l                                          Markstein                  6 
37. Thin Ice #70                                                    Verheiden                  4 
38. Bonny Brown Girl #6                                             Schwarzin                 12 
39. Preggo -OR- Anytime You're Ready, Kid                           Copeland                  16 
40. First Annual Entomological Revue #1                             Tesser                     6 
41. Beyond the Bluegrass Event Horizon #2                           Davis                      4 
42. I Can Mash Potato...                                            Judkowitz (wl)             5 
43. Intuition #79                                                   Carlberg                   7 
44. Lady in the Shadows                                             Adams                      6 
45. Naw Pest News                                                   Ryan                       4 
46. Wedding Announcement                                            Ryan                       1 
47. The Southerner #123                                             SCOE                       6 
                                      THE SOUTHERNER #124 

                     Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

Stven Carlberg, Official Editor//Dennis Dolbear, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 

       Contents of SFPA 124                                          March 1985 

   1. T.M.W. Never Lived on Mystery Street #1                        T.M.W. (#34)                 2 
   2. The New Port News 93                                           Ned Brooks                  10 
   3. Noontide Star #1                                               Cathy Howard (#23)           2 
   4. Series Two Shadow of a Fan #31                                 Irvin Koch (#8)              6 
   5. Spiritus Mundi 86                                              Guy Lillian                 21 
   6. The Bonzoid #1                                                 "Nancy Collins"              2 
   7. Bonny Brown Girl #7                                            Liz Schwarzin                2 
   8. Hauppauge Procrustean #4                                       George Wells                 7 
   9. The Man Who Reclaimed His Head                                 Gary Brown (#41)             4 
  10. Industrial Light and Minac                                     Dick Lynch                   9 
  11. PXR 5                                                          Marc Sprehauk                4 
  12. BACHCon Program Sheet                                          P.L.C.M. frank               1 
  13. Limerance                                                      Larry Montgomery             4 
  14. Nos-Bul #4                                                     Paul King (#15)             12 
  15. Dharma Bums #19                                                Beth Lillian                 2 
  16. A Dirty Mind Goes Down                                         Jim Cobb                     9 
  17. Ducks in Space Report #0.999                                   Dave Ryan                    4 
  18. Life with Ryan #1                                              Susan Couch                 11 
  19. Life with Ryan #2                                              Susan Couch                  8 
  20. Take off the Mask                                              Susan Couch                  4 
  21. The Sphere vol. 95 no. 1                                       Don Markstein                6 
  22. Just Whistlin' Dixie #9                                        GiGi Dane                   13 
  23. WL #48                                                         Ruth Judkowitz (#40)         6 
  24. Not For Sale #11                                               Ward Batty                  10 
  25. Sugar Magnolia                                                 JoAnn Montalbano            20 
  26. The Road to Hell... Vol. 73 #1-15                              Alan Hutchinson             15 
  27. Do It Again                                                    mike weber                  49 
  28. Once Upon A Time In Italy...                                   mike weber                   6 
  29. No, you don't eat the Magnetic Pretzels!                       Tim Gatewood (#5)            2 
  30. "I suppose..."                                                 Jeff Copeland                6 
  31. Night of the Living Deadwood #1                                Hank Davis                   4 
  32. Nolacon II flyer                                               Guy Lillian                  2 
  33. Entoe Revue #2                                                 Gary Tesser                  2 
  34. Melikaphkhaz #99                                               Lon Atkins                  13 
  35. Intuition #80                                                  Stven Carlberg              23 
  36. The Southerner #124                                            SCOE                         6 
                                 THE SOUTHERNER #125 

              Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

                            Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
          Dennis Dolbear, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 

                         Another 100% participation mailing! 

      Contents of SFPA 125                                      May 1985 

 1.  The Last Evil Enchantment                                  Vern Clark                    5 
 2.  Rusty Goes to the City of the Damned                       Nancy Collins                11 
 3.  Lapis Lazuli Vol. 2 No. 19                                 Dennis Dolbear               13 
 4.  Great Wall 385                                             George Inzer                 10 
 5.  Yoyodyne Corporation: The Future Starts...                 George Wells                  1 
 6.  It Goes on the Shelf                                       Ned Brooks                   10 
 7.  Noontide Star #2                                           Cathy Howard (#20)            6 
 8.  The New Port News 94                                       Ned Brooks                    8 
 9.  Put This In Yer Easter Bonnet                              Guy Lillian                   4 
10.  Fandom Directory ad                                        Gatewood (#2) frank           1 
11.  Fandom Directory questionnaire                             Gatewood (#2) frank           2 
12.  Lines of Occurrence 9                                      Arthur Hlavaty (#14)          7 
13.  WL #40                                                     Ruth Judkowitz (#36)          4 
14.  The Flame of S.F.P.A. #14                                  P.L.C.M.                     14 
15.  The Kudzu Zone #28                                         Larry Montgomery             13 
16.  Grass-- the game...                                        Larry/P.L./Jim                2 
17.  I Am Not a Tame Moose... #1                                George Wells                  1 
18.  He Is a Wild Moose... #1                                   George Wells                  1 
19.  Phoenixcon 0.5 booklet                                     Irvin Koch (#5)               8 
20.  Pocket Program w/above                                     Irvin Koch (#5)               2 
21.  Series Two Shadow of a Fan #32                             Irvin Koch (#5)               2 
22.  The Seven Deadly Virtues                                   Donna Barger-Cuzzort          7 
23.  Letters #1                                                 Robin Cuzzort                 9 
24.  Obligatory MC Zine                                         Ned Brooks                    2 
25.  Dawn of the Deadwood #1                                    Hank Davis                   10 
26.  The Yellow Brick Road Warrior #1                           Hank Davis                    1 
27.  Three-filled                                               Stven Carlberg               19 
28.  Laugh While You Can, Monkey Boy #1                         George Wells                  4 
29.  Transition                                                 Diedre Schardt               16 
30.  Kubla Silicon flyer                                        P.L.C.M. frank                1 
31.  Xanadu 2.0 flyer                                           P.L.C.M. frank                2 
32.  In a Moment It Was Over... #1                              George Wells                  2 
33.  Bonny Brown Girl #8                                        Liz Schwarzin                27 
34.  Cat's Eye #2                                               Nancy Collins                11 
35.  Mailing Comment to Mark Verheiden                          Linda Pickersgill             6 
36.  New Toys                                                   Jeff Copeland                15 
37.  Mathematical Minac                                         Dick Lynch                    7 
38.  DeepSouthCon 23 flyer                                      GHLIII frank                  2 
39.  Wigwam Village flyer                                       GHLIII frank                  1 
40.  The Con They Call the City of New Orleans #1               Guy Lillian                  12 
41.  Spiritus Mundi #87                                         Guy Lillian                  13 
42.  The Great Wall 585                                         George Inzer                 16 
43.  Ramoth's Weyr #1                                           Dawn Atkins                  13 
44.  Sunset Strip                                               Vern Clark                    5 
45.  Melikaphkhaz #100                                          Lon Atkins                  104 
46.  Nos-Bul #5                                                 Paul King (#12)              10 
47.  One from the Heart                                         Susan Ryan                    6 
48.  Roc*Kon 10 flyer                                           Dave Ryan                     1 
49.  Tuition                                                    Dave Ryan                     6 
50.  Samizdat #8                                                Tom Campbell                 10 
51.  Dharma Bums #20                                            Beth Lillian                 12 
52.  PXR 5                                                      Marc Sperhauk                 9 
53.  mike weber's Teeny-Tiny Fanzine...                         mike weber                   64 
54.  Loscon 12 flyer                                            Stven Carlberg frank          1 
55.  Grimm Tales from the Snowdrift                             Gretchen Snow                 5 
56.  Baraka #1                                                  Charles E. Snow               8 
57.  Blown #1                                                   George Inzer                  2 
58.  Apazine Extra                                              Guy Lillian                   2 
59.  The Sphere, vol. 96, no. 1                                 "Don Markstein"               2 
60.  Just Whistlin' Dixie #10                                   GiGi Dane                     6 
61.  The Sphere vol 96 no. 1                                    Don Markstein                 6 
62.  Talisman #I-don't-keep-up-with-these-things Cliff          Biggers                       6 
63.  A Dirty Mind Skips Town!!                                  Jim Cobb                      2 
64.  Not For Sale Dozenth                                       Ward Batty                   12 
65.  We Are the Weird Vol. 74 #1-11                             Alan Hutchinson              11 
66.  Caught Yellow-Handed (Or Is He?) #1                        Hank Davis                    1 
67.  The Deadwood Meets the Deadline... #1                      Hank Davis                    2 
68.  An Analeptic for my Self-Esteem                            Gary Tesser                   4 
69.  Sugar Magnolia                                             JoAnn Montalbano             16 
70.  Banzai Institute flyer                                     George Wells frank            1 
71.  The Southerner #125                                        SCOE                          6 
                   THE SOUTHERNER #126 

              Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

                          Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
          Dennis Dolbear, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 
                      P. L. Caruthers-Montgomery, Calligraphy 

      Contents of SFPA 126                                  July 1985 

  1.  Series Two Shadow of a Fan #33                        Irvin Koch (#4)            3 
  2.  Rebel Yells vol. 2 no. 4                              Guy Lillian                8 
  3.  Trivial Pursuits #1                                   Janice Gelb Weiss          4 
  4.  Comics Revue ad                                       Don Markstein              1 
  5.  Noon Tide Star #3                                     Cathy Howard (#19)        15 
  6.  The New Port News #95                                 Ned Brooks                 8 
  7.  Not For Sale 13                                       Ward Batty                20 
  8.  The Hauppauge Procrustean #5                          Wells/Davis/Tesser        13 
  9.  Magna Cum Minac                                       Dick Lynch                14 
 10.  Ramoth's Weyr #2                                      Dawn Atkins               15 
 11.  Clint Eastwood as a Boy Vol. 75 #1-25                 Alan Hutchinson           25 
 12.  Nos-Bul #6                                            Paul King (#11)           12 
 13.  A Sidecar Named Desire                                L. Atkins/Carlberg         8 
 14.  The Seven Deadly Virtues                              Donna Barger-Cuzzort       9 
 15.  Rascal #1                                             Robin Cuzzort             14 
 16.  Letters #2                                            Robin Cuzzort             17 
 17.  That's Just About It                                  Susan K. Ryan              9 
 18.  Lapis Lazuli, Vol. 2, No. 20                          Dennis Dolbear            18 
 19.  Oblio #41                                             Gary Brown (#36)           4 
 20.  Spiritus Mundi 88                                     Guy Lillian               29 
 21.  The Bonzoid #3                                        "Nancy Collins"            2 
 22.  Melikaphkhaz #101                                     Lon Atkins                60 
 23.  Sugar Magnolia #22                                    JoAnn Montalbano          23 
 24.  Defrosting Zine #1                                    George Wells               2 
 25.  Samizdat 9                                            Tom Campbell              10 
 26.  Alfred Bester: A Preliminary Checklist                Tom Campbell              20 
 27.  Dharma Bums #21                                       Beth Lillian              12 
 28.  Just Whistlin' Dixie #11                              GiGi Dane                  4 
 29.  The Sphere vol. 97 no. 1                              Don Markstein              6 
 30.  News Flash: Liz & Jeff Run for OE                     Copeland/Schwarzin         1 
 31.  A Guide to Life with a New Baby                       Jeff Copeland             12 
 32.  A Dirty Mind Goes Blank                               Jim Cobb                   1 
 33.  GavisCon II flyer                                     Jim Cobb                   1 
 34.  Guerrilla Resistance Now!                             Batty/Cobb                 4 
 35.  New Boy in Town                                       Jim Cobb                   6 
 36.  Intuition #82                                         Stven Carlberg            32 
 37.  WL #36                                                Ruth Judkowitz (#35)      10 
 38.  Great Wall 785                                        George Inzer              10 
 39.  Loyalty to His Own Concept...                         Gary Tesser                2 
 40.  Heart of Dixie #29                                    Larry Montgomery          13 
 41.  Kubla the 13th                                        P.L.C.M.                   4 
 42.  The Flame of S.F.P.A. #15                             P.L.C.M.                  14 
 43.  Bonny Brown Girl #9                                   Liz Schwarzin             10 
 44.  The Southerner #126                                   S.C.O.E.                   8 
                                The Southerner #127

             Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

                         Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
         Dennis Dolbear, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 

      Contents of SFPA 127                             September 1985 

  1.  Maybe #65                                        Irvin Koch (#4)             32 
  2.  Series Two Shadow of a Fan #34                   Irvin Koch (#4)              4 
  3.  The New Port News 96                             Ned Brooks                  10 
  4.  Trivial Pursuits #2                              Janice Gelb Weiss           21 
  5.  The Con They Call the City of N.O. #2            Guy H. Lillian III          12 
  6.  The Flame of S.F.P.A. 16                         P.L.C.M.                    16 
  7.  Time Enough for Minac                            Dick Lynch                  11 
  8.  Son of Lousy Set of Statistics                   Jeff Copeland                8 
  9.  Sigh.                                            Cecil Hutto (#21)            4 
 10.  Where Angels Fear to Fuck #1                     David Schlosser (#12)        4 
 11.  I Did Not Say This Meat Was Tough... #1          George H. Wells              1 
 12.  Xanadu flyer                                     P.L.C.M. frank               2 
 13.  WL #35                                           Ruth Judkowitz (#28)        13 
 14.  Constellation flyer                              P.L.C.M. frank               2 
 15.  Distant Thunder #30                              Larry Montgomery            11 
 16.  Fielding It                                      Diedre Schardt              15 
 17.  The Mysterious Waitlister Once Rode... #1        Mysterious Waitlister (#23)  2 
 18.  Muddy Duddy                                      Montalb/Carlb/Smith          2 
 19.  Spiritus Mundi 89                                Guy H. Lillian III          22 
 20.  Conflicting Signals #83                          Stven Carlberg              35 
 21.  Gasbusters Vol. 79 #1-21                         Alan Hutchinson             21 
 22.  The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Fen              Beth Lillian                 4 
 23.  (Sort of) There and Back Again                   mike weber                   7 
 24.  Minac PXR 5                                      Marc Sperhauk                6 
 25.  Ramoth's Weyr #3                                 Dawn Atkins                 18 
 26.  Sugar Magnolia #23                               JoAnn Montalbano            17 
 27.  Nos-Bul #7                                       Paul King (#8)              14 
 28.  Fenris 41                                        David Hulan (#13)            3 
 29.  Lapis Lazuli, Vol. 2, No. 21                     Dennis Dolbear              14 
 30.  Thin Ice #71                                     Mark Verheiden (#30)         2 
 31.  Liz & Jeff Run for OE: Film at 11                Copeland/Schwarzin           1 
 32.  Software                                         Jeff Copeland               12 
 33.  Bonny Brown Girl #10                             Liz Schwarzin               25 
 34.  The Youngest Waitlister                          Alexandra S.-C. (#31)        2 
 35.  First Annual Etymological Revue #5               Gary Tesser                  1 
 36.  Samizdat No. 10                                  Tom Campbell                13 
 37.  Melikaphkhaz 102                                 Lon Atkins                  38 
 38.  The Sphere vol. 98 no. 1                         Don Markstein                7 
 39.  Behind the Coke Joke no. 10                      Don Markstein                1 
 40.  Comics Revue ad                                  Don Markstein                1 
 41.  The Seven Deadly Virtues                         Donna Barger-Cuzzort        18 
 42.  Rascal #2                                        Robin Cuzzort               31 
 43.  Random #1                                        Robin Cuzzort               18 
 44.  Letters #3                                       Robin Cuzzort               20 
 45.  Thousands of Godzillas stalk U.S. No. 1          George H. Wells              1 
 46.  Talisman                                         Cliff Biggers                6 
 47.  Not for Sale 14                                  Ward Batty                  30 
 48.  1985 Egoboo Poll Ballot                          S.C.O.E.                     2 
 49.  The Southerner #127                              S.C.O.E.                     6 
                              THE SOUTHERNER
             Official Organ of the Southern Farrlom Press Alliance 

                      Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
        Dennis Dolbear, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 
                        Lon Atkins, President-Elect 
    Contents of SFPA 128                                     November 1985 

1.  Fan-man at the Charge                    10/11 Guy H. Lillian III    4 
2.  DeepSouthCon 25 flyer                    10/15 P.L.C.M. frank        1 
3.  Series Two Shadow of a Fan #35           10/16 Irvin Koch (#2)       4 
4.  The New Port News 97                     10/18 Ned Brooks           10 
5.  Liz & Jeff Run for OE: The Docudrama     11/04 Copeland/Schwarzin    2 
6.  Trivial Pursuits #3                      11/07 Janice Gelb          19 
7.  L&N DSC flyer                            11/08 P.L.C.M. frank        2 
8.  Where Angels Fear to Fuck #2             11/09 David Schlosser (#10) 4 
9.  I Left My Minac in San Francisco         11/12 Dick Lynch           10 
10. Chat #29                                 11/12 Dick & Nicki Lynch   12 
11. Chat #34                                 11/12 Dick & Nicki Lynch   16 
12. X #1                                     11/15 George H. Wells       4 
13. Spiritus Mundi 90                        11/18 Guy H. Lillian III   25 
14. Trivial Pursuits #3 Addendum             11/18 Janice Gelb           1 
15. The Dillinger Relic #43                  11/19 Arthur Hlavaty (#7)  13 
16. World Tales                              11/20 Don Markstein        92 
17. Weird Planet Stories #1                  11/21 Roger Caldwell        4 
18. Yes, Paul, the SFPA is a nice apa but... 11/22 Tim Gatewood          6 
19. Dharma Bums #22                          11/22 Beth Lillian          8 
20. The Flame of S.F.P.A. 17                 11/22 P.L.C.M.              5 
21. The NASFA Shuttle (Vol 5, No 11)         11/22 P.L.C.M.             10 
22. Nos-Bul #8                               11/22 Paul King (#6)       14 
23. Just Whistlin' Dixie #12                 11/22 GiGi Dane             7 
24. The Sphere vol. 99, no. 1                11/22 Don Markstein         9 
25. Samizdat 11                              11/23 Tom Campbell         20 
26. The Back Alley                           11/23 Diedre Schardt       18 
27. Distant Thunder #31                      11/23 Larry Montgomery     13 
28. This Year's String Saver                 11/23 Jeff Copeland         2 
29. Bonny Brown Girl #11                     11/23 Liz Schwarzin        18 
30. Liz & Jeff Run for OE... And Take It...  11/23 Copeland/Schwarzin    1 
31. WL #28                                   11/23 Ruth Judkowitz (#24) 11 
32. Coool for Cats                           11/24 Jim Cobb              6 
33. Pissass Vol 77 #1-7                      11/24 Alan Hutchinson       7 
34. Ramoth's Weyr #4                         11/24 Dawn Atkins           7 
35. Melikaphkhaz #103                        11/24 Lon Atkins           13 
36. Intuition #84                            11/24 Stven Carlberg       23 
37. The Last Refuge of the Incompetent #1    11/25 Hank Davis            6 
38. Ignominy: The Fanzine                    11/25 Gary Tesser           5 
39. Unreal Reality (Series 2, Number 1)      11/25 mike weber           17 
40. Barely Hangin' In There                  11/25 Susan Ryan            9 
41. Great Wall 1185                          11/25 George Inzer         10 
42. Sugar Magnolia #24                       11/26 JoAnn Montalbano     20 
43. SFPA Egoboo Poll Report 1985             11/26 S.C.O.E.              8 
44. The Southerner #128                      11/26 S.C.O.E.              6 
                               THE SOUTHERNER
             Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                               Volume 14, Number 7 

                         Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
           Lon Atkins, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 

     Contents of SFPA 129                                 January 1986 

  1. The New Port News 105*                        12/16 Ned Brooks                8 
  2. Series Two Shadow of a Fan #36                12/20 Irvin Koch                4 
  3. Weaponscon Committeezine #1                   12/24 Irvin Koch               16 
  4. Mel #104                                       1/2  Lon Atkins                9 
  5. Peter, Paul and Minac                          1/8  Dick Lynch                8 
  6. Apes? I Come Halfway... Vol. 1, #1-9           1/8  Gary Brown (#23)          9 
  7. The Flame of S.F.P.A. #18                      1/13 P.L.C.M.                  9 
  8. Spiritus Mundi 91                              1/14 Guy H. Lillian III       20 
  9. Oblio #42                                      1/17 Gary Brown (#23)         16 
 10. Rebel Yells vol. 2 no. 5                       1/22 Guy H. Lillian III        6 
 11. Hello!                                         1/23 Bill Fletcher (fr.)       1 
 12. The Dillinger Relic 44                         1/23 Arthur Hlavaty (#5)       7 
     b/w Lines of Occurrence 10                     1/23 Arthur Hlavaty (#5)       6 
 13. Nos-Bul (AWFAS)... #9                          1/24 Paul King (#4)            8 
 14. Sugarplums and Champagne                       1/25 Susan Ryan                6 
 15. The Great Wall 186                             1/27 George Inzer             30 
 16. Finger Prints of Peace                         1/27 J. Lee Griner            12 
 17. Intuition #85                                  1/27 Stven Carlberg           30 
 18. Distant Thunder #32                            1/28 Larry Montgomery          7 
 19. Weird Planet Stories #2                        1/28 Roger Caldwell            6 
 20. Ramoth's Weyr #5                               1/29 Dawn Atkins              14 
 21. Melikaphkhaz #105                              1/29 Lon Atkins               19 
 22. Outlaw Amateur Minackers #1                    1/29 George Wells              2 
 23. Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!                        1/29 Gary Brown (#23)          3 
 24. Important Moments in History #256...           1/30 Alan Hutchinson          25 
 25. Dharma Bums #23                                1/30 Beth Lillian              5 
 26. PXR 5                                          1/30 Marc Sperhauk             6 
 27. Unreal Reality, Series 2, Number 2             1/30 mike weber               16 
 28. Trivial Pursuits #4                            1/30 Janice Gelb              15 
 29. Dear Stven & SFPA                              1/30 Ward Batty                1 
 30. Talisman #46                                   1/30 Cliff Biggers            14 
 31. The Sphere vol. 100 no. 1                      1/30 Don Markstein             6 
 32. WL #24                                         1/30 Ruth Judkowitz (#22)      6 
 33. Hibernating Daze                               1/31 Diedre Schardt           15 
 34. Lapis Lazuli, Vol. 2 No. 22                    1/31 Dennis Dolbear           17 
 35. The Last Week of January                       1/31 Tim Gatewood              4 
 36. KAR-120C, Series Two, Number One               1/31 mike weber               17 
 37. Sugar Magnolia                                 2/1  JoAnn Montalbano         17 
 38. Ignominy ** And Redemption                     2/1  Gary Tesser               2 
 39. Adjustments                                    2/1  Jeff Copeland            12 
 40. Hugo Nominating Ballot - 1986                  2/1  Copeland/Schwarzin        4 
 41. The Southerner #129                            2/1  S.C.O.E.                  6 
                             THE SOUTHERNER 
         Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                           Volume 14, Number 8 

                     Stven Cariberg, Official Editor 
          Lon Atkins, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 

    Contents of SFPA 130                          March 1986 

 1. If This is Thursday... #1               2/36 Hank Davis           6 
 2. It Goes On The Shelf #2                 2/19 Ned Brooks          12 
 3. Somewhere Over China                    2/27 Gary Brown (#20)     2 
 4. COAZ                                    2/27 Lon Atkins           1 
 5. The Flame of S.F.P.A. #19               3/3  P.L.C.M.             7 
 6. The New Port News 106                   3/4  Ned Brooks          10 
 7. My Grandmother's Marbles                3/10 Tim Gatewood         8 
 8. On Wings of Minac                       3/13 Dick Lynch          12 
 9. The Dillinger Relic 45                  3/13 Arthur Hlavaty (#4) 13 
10. Low Key                                 3/20 Keith Asay (#2)     10 
11. If This is Monday... #1                 3/20 Hank Davis           6 
12. Thin Ice #71                            3/21 Mark Verheiden (#21) 8 
13. Series Two Shadow Of A Fan #37          3/21 Irvin Koch           8 
14. Chattacon XII flyer                     3/21 GHLIII frank         1 
15. Satyricon III flyer                     3/21 GHLIII frank         1 
16. Spiritus Mundi 92                       3/21 Guy H. Lillian III  31 
17. Oblio #43                               3/21 Gary Brown (#20)    61 
18. This Is Not A Minaczine #1              3/24 Dick Lynch           2 
19. She Jacknifed into the Air... #860310   3/26 George Wells         4 
20. There is a Season                       3/26 David Schlosser (#6) 1 
21. Ramoth's Weyr #6                        3/27 Dawn Atkins         26 
22. The Occasional Zine                     3/27 Susan Ryan           8 
23. WL #22                                  3/27 Ruth Judkowitz (#19) 5 
24. Samizdat #12                            3/27 Tom Campbell        16 
25. Trivial Pursuits #5                     3/27 Janice Gelb         17 
26. Head in the Clouds                      3/27 Jim Cobb            10 
27. Intuition #86                           3/27 Stven Carlberg      21 
28. Contents Under Pressure                 3/28 Jeff Copeland       12 
29. GHLIII Press Publication #609           3/28 Guy H. Lillian III   1 
30. Unreal Reality                          3/28 mike weber          12 
31. KAR-120C 2/2                            3/28 mike weber          14 
32. Haven't You Put that Cat Out YET? Vol.79
                                            3/29 Alan Hutchinson     21 
33. Sugar Magnolia                          3/29 JoAnn Montalbano    12 
34. Distant Thunder #33                     3/29 Larry Montgomery     7 
35. Nos-Bul (AWFAS)                         3/29 Paul King (#3)       8 
36. The Sphere vol. 101 no. 1               3/29 Don Markstein        6 
37. Mailing-Comments 3/86                   3/29 George Wells         1 
38. Dharma Bums #24                         3/29 Beth Fletcher       10 
39. If This Looks Like a Short Zine... #1   3/29 Hank Davis           4 
40. The Avengers Guide                      3/29 Hank Davis          11 
41. Melikaphkhaz #106                       3/29 Lon Atkins          42 
42. A loaf... A jug... and...               3/29 Diedre Schardt      31 
43. Great Wall #386                         3/29 George Inzer        16 
44. The Southerner #130                     3/29 S.C.O.E.             6 
                                  THE SOUTHERNER     
             Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                              Volume 14, Number 9 

                        Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
           Lon Atkins, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 
                 P. L. Caruthers-Montgomery, Logo Calligraphy 

    Contents of SFPA 131                                May 1986 

 1. Off the Record #1                             4/10 "Stevn Carlburg"        4 
 2. Series Two Shadow of a Fan #38                4/22 Irvin Koch              5 
 3. Deep South Con 23 Program Book                4/28 P.L.C.M. frank         43 
 4. DSC 23 Pocket Program and Area Guide          4/28 P.L.C.M. frank          6 
 5. DSC 23 Addendum and Errata                    4/28 P.L.C.M. frank          1 
 6. ...The City of New Orleans #3                 4/30 Guy H. Lillian III     10 
 7. It's Hatched!!                                4/30 Alan Hutchinson         4 
 8. The New Port News 107                         4/30 Ned Brooks              8 
 9. Second Ignominy                               5/5  Gary Tesser             4 
10. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies, v.2#1      5/8  Sue Phillips            8 
11. The Right to Say Shit is... #8                5/12 Guy H. Lillian III      6 
12. The Dillinger Relic 46                        5/14 Arthur Hlavaty (##)     7 
    b/w Lines of Occurrence 12                    5/14 Arthur Hlavaty (##)     7 
13. She Jacknifed Into the Air... #860315         5/17 George Wells            4 
14. Spiritus Mundi 93                             5/21 Guy H. Lillian III     17 
15. The Flame of S.F.P.A. #20                     5/22 P.L.C.M.               10 
16. Oblio #44                                     5/23 Gary Brown (##)        19 
17. Just Another Minac Monday                     5/24 Dick Lynch              6 
18. This Hand-Wrot Zine                           5/27 Diedre Schardt          5 
19. Weird Planet Stories #3                       5/27 Roger Caldwell          7 
20. Unreal Reality 2/3                            5/27 mike weber             20 
21. Oh. Boy, Did I Screw Up...                    5/27 mike weber              1 
22. Trivial Pursuits #6                           5/28 Janice Gelb            15 
23. WL #19                                        5/28 Ruth Judkowitz (##)    12 
24. Nos-Bul (AWFAS) #11                           5/29 Paul King (##)          7 
25. Distant Thunder #34                           5/29 Larry Montgomery        2 
26. Low Key                                       5/29 Keith Asay             10 
27. Sugar Magnolia                                5/29 JoAnn Montalbano       12 
28. Ramoth's Weyr #7                              5/29 Dawn Atkins            20 
29. Space Jungle                                  5/30 Jim Cobb                9 
30. Dharma Bums #25                               5/30 Beth Fletcher           8 
31. Positively Fanzine                            5/30 Jeff Copeland          11 
32. Valse Tropicale                               5/30 Stven Carlberg         35 
33. SFPA Numericals                               5/30 Larry Montgomery        1 
34. What Did I Get Wrong This Time? #1            5/31 Hank Davis              6 
35. Talisman                                      5/31 Cliff Biggers           6 
36. The Clan of the Care Bear Vol. 80 #1-31       5/31 Alan Hutchinson        31 
37. The Sphere vol. 102 no. 1                     5/31 Don Markstein           6 
38. Melikaphkhaz #107                             5/31 Lon Atkins             28 
39. The Follow-Up Zine with Excuses               6/1  Gary Tesser             6 
40. The Southerner #131                           6/1  SCOE                    8 
                             THE SOUTHERNER
          Official Organ of the Southern random Press Alliance 
                         Volume 14, Number 10 

                    Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
         Lon Atkins, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 
              P. L. Caruthers-Montgomery, Logo Calligraphy 
                      Paul King, The King of SFPA 

    Contents of SFPA 132                       July 1986 

 1. Trailing Along Behind #1              6/2  George Wells        1 
 2. What I Got Wrong Last Time #1         6/5  Hank Davis          2 
 3. Maybe #66                             6/16 Irvin Koch         36 
 4. Gimish #1                             6/19 Lon Atkins          1 
 5. Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 1              6/19 Norm Metcalf (wl)  10 
 6. Kubla Silicon program book            6/23 P.L.C.M. frank     36 
 7. Daddy's Day Care Dilemma              6/24 Gary Brown (wl)     4 
 8. The New Port News 108                 6/24 Ned Brooks          8 
 9. Gary Tesser & George Wells -- The Serial 
      Prologue: The Envelope              6/30 Tesser/Wells        1 
10. Series Two Shadow of a Fan #39        7/3  Irvin Koch          4 
11. Part One -- The Beginning             7/3  Tesser/Wells        1 
12. BoSHCON II flyer                      7/5  SCOE frank          2 
13. Monster Mash                          7/7  Guy H. Lillian III  2 
14. The Flame of S.F.P.A. 21              7/8  P.L.C.M.           13 
15. League of Frightened Smurfs #1        7/9  George Wells        3 
16. The Vainglorious Oneshot              7/10 Atkins/Atkins       4 
17. Yearning to Minac                     7/14 Dick Lynch          6 
18. The Dillinger Relic 47                7/16 Arthur Hlavaty(wl) 13 
19. Intuition #88                         7/16 Stven Carlberg     25 
20. Oblio #45                             7/18 Gary Brown (wl)    52 
21. The Hauppauge Procrustean #6          7/22 George Wells       12 
22. Spiritus Mundi 94                     7/24 Guy H. Lillian III 21 
23. And Now, An Opposing Editorial Opinion 
                                          7/25 Jeff Copeland       4 
24. Sugar Magnolia                        7/26 JoAnn Montalbano   17 
25. Raymoth's Weyr #8                     7/27 Dawn Atkins        10 
26. KAR-120C                              7/28 mike weber         56 
27. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies v.2 #2 
                                          7/28 Sue Phillips        8 
28. Low Key                               7/28 Keith Asay         10 
29. Distant Thunder #35                   7/28 Larry Montgomery    9 
30. Riders of tile Black Signal           7/28 George Wells        1 
31. Riders of the Black Signal #2         7/30 George Wells        1 
32. Press On Regardless                   7/30 Diedre Schardt     10 
33. Please Pardon...                      7/30 Susan Ryan         22 
34. Dharma Bums #26                       7/31 Beth Fletcher      10 
35. Trivial Pursuits #7                   7/31 Janice Gelb        15 
36. Plan 9 from Outer Waitlist            7/31 Toni Weisskopf (wl) 6 
37. It's a Boy!                           8/1  Roger Caldwell      2 
38. Weird Planet Stories #4               8/1  Roger Caldwell      8 
39. Part Two: The Adventure Continues     8/1  Tesser/Wells        7 
40. Guerrilla Resistance Later            8/1  Batty/Cobb          4 
41. Feigned Incredulity                   8/1  Jim Cobb            8 
42. Nos-Bul (AWFAS) #12                   8/1  Paul King           7 
43. HUMANS -- The New Fanzine Vol. 81 #1-21 
                                          8/1  Alan Hutchinson    21 
44. The Sphere vol. 103 no. 1             8/1   Don Markstein     13 
45. Samizdat 13                           8/2   Tom Campbell      13 
46. WL #16                                8/2   Ruth Judkowitz(wl) 7 
47. Melikaphkhaz #108                     8/2   Lon Atkins        42 
48. The Southerner #132                   8/2   SCOE               6 
49. There's No Such Thing as Having Too Many Eagles 
                                                Hank Davis        11 
50. The Southerner #132 1/2                     SCOE               2 
                                       REVISED TOTAL:            588 

                                THE SOUTHERNER
               Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                            Volume 14, Number 11 

                       Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
          Lon Atkins, President//Don Markstein, Emergency Officer 
                P. L. Caruthers-Montgomery, Logo Calligraphy 
                         Paul King, The King of SFPA 

                        Our 25th Anniversary Mailing 

    Contents of SFPA 133                              September 1986 

 1. Nothing Is Real                             6/20 James Spielberg         6 
 2. Gimish #2                                   8/10 Lon Atkins              1 
 3. SFPAdays                                    8/18 Gary Brown             22 
 4. The Spagyric Quest One                      8/19 B. Cosmopolita          2 
 5. ...Having Too Many Mailing Comments #1      8/22 Hank Davis             28 
 6. The New Port News 109                       8/26 Ned Brooks              9 
 7. SFPA: In The Beginning                      8/30 Larry Montgomery       14 
 8. Oblio #46                                   9/1  Gary Brown             47 
 9. Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 2                    9/2  Norm Metcalf            8 
10. Another Remarkable Fanzine 6                9/5  Arthur Hlavaty          2 
11. Series 2 Shadow of a Fan #40                9/10 Irvin Koch              8 
12. Nolacon II - New Orleans in '88             9/10 Guy H. Lillian III      2 
13. How to Vote                                 9/10 Guy H. Lillian III      2 
14. Nolacon II - The Hotels                     9/10 Guy H. Lillian III      2 
15. Nolacon II - The City                       9/10 Guy H. Lillian III      2 
16. Nolacon II - Progress Report # .1           9/10 Guy H. Lillian III      2 
17. Adventurous Expectancy #1                   9/15 Joe Moudry              4 
18. Tales Calculated to Drive You to AWC #8     9/15 Alan Hutchinson         9 
19. How I Spent My Summer Vacation              9/17 Cecil Hutto             7 
20. Summer Update 86.7                          9/17 Cecil Hutto             1 
21. The Dillinger Relic 48                      9/18 Arthur Hlavaty         13 
22. Rag Weed Rag                                9/18 Sarah S. Prince         2 
23. SFPA button                                 9/18 Sarah S. Prince         1 
24. The Real Cover Reprint Extravagonzo...      9/19 Alan Hutchinson        57 
25. Ramoth's Weyr #9                            9/19 Dawn Atkins            29 
26. Murphy Was An Optimist                      9/23 Susan Ryan             20 
27. Kendred Realities                           9/23 Joe Moudry              1 
28. Stzine #1                                   9/23 Joe Moudry             13 
29. A Fan Typology by Beth (Lillian) Fletcher 
         and Charlie Williams                   9/24 Beth Fletcher          12 
30. T.M.W. Sang Old Beetles Songs... #1         9/24 The Mysterious WLer     2 
31. Amazing Stories excerpt                     9/24 The Mysterious WLer     2 
32. Distant Thunder #36                         9/24 Larry Montgomery        9 
33. The Flame of S.F.P.A. #22                   9/24 P.L.C.M.                9 
34. Where Angels Fear to Fuck #2                9/24 David Schlosser         3 
35. Con Confessions #8                          9/24 Gary Brown              9 
36. H.P. Margecraft's LITTLE CTHLULU Vol. 82    9/24 Alan Hutchinson        35 
37. Spiritus Mundi 95                           9/24 Guy H. Lillian III     53 
38. ...Santa Clausism Vol. MCXCI No. 3          9/24 Lillian frank           4 
39. Goodness gracious...                        9/25 Diedre Schardt          1 
40. Low Key                                     9/25 Keith Asay             16 
41. Flashbacks                                  9/25 Bill Fletcher           8 
42. Trivial Pursuits #8                         9/25 Janice Gelb            25 
43. Hauppauge Procrustean #7                    9/25 George Wells            1 
44. fandoM IN ACtion                            9/25 Dick Lynch             13 
45. Intuition #89                               9/25 Stven Carlberg         66 
46. Dharma Bums #27                             9/25 Beth Fletcher           8 
47. Open Letter to SFPA                         9/25 Beth Fletcher           8 
48. WL #15                                      9/25 Ruth Judkowitz         21 
49. "...And, May God Have Mercy..."             9/26 Jeff Copeland           4 
50. FOP II                                      9/26 J. Lee Griner          14 
51. Unmarked Airships, Premier Issue            9/26 Paul King               8 
52. Science Fiction EYE advertisement           9/26 King frank              4 
53. Talisman #Iforget                           9/26 Cliff Biggers          16 
54. KAR-120C                                    9/26 mike weber             18 
55. Unreal Reality                              9/26 mike weber             14 
56. What Did You Do In The WorldCon...          9/26 Joe Celko, et al.       7 
57. Weird Planet Stories #5                     9/26 Roger Caldwell         10 
58. GIGO #18                                    9/27 Hank Davis             13 
59. Lovecraft's Marvelous Mechanical Merkin     9/27 Campbells/Bosky        10 
60. Team Birdseye                               9/27 Tom Campbell            8 
61. That Crazy Buck Rogers Stuff                9/27 Doug Wirth             10 
62. How I Spent My Summer Sabbatical            9/27 Dennis Dolbear          9 
63. How Can SFPA Keep Getting Older...?         9/27 Don Markstein           1 
64. The Sphere vol. 104 no. 1                   9/27 Don Markstein          17 
63. Sugar Magnolia                              9/27 JoAnn Montalbano       23 
66. Great Wall #986                             9/27 George Inzer           10 
67. Loki 15                                     9/27 David Hulan            31 
68. Phoney Excuses #1                           9/27 Jim Cobb                1 
69. Thin Ice #72                                9/27 Mark Verheiden          4 
70. Melikaphkhaz #109                           9/27 Lon Atkins            176 
71. SFPA Phone Numbers 10/1/86                  9/27 Stven Carlberg          1 
72. 1986 Egoboo Poll Ballot                     9/27 SCOE                    2 
73. Cover for The Southerner #133               9/25 Alan Hutchinson         1 
74. The Southerner #133                         9/27 SCOE                    6 
                          THE SOUTHERNER
        Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                       Volume 14, Number 12 

                   Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
        Lon Atkins, President + JoAnn Montalbano, Emergency Officer 
              P. L. Caruthers-Montgomery, Logo Calligraphy 
                     Paul King, The King of SFPA 

   Contents of SFPA 134 November 1986 

*0. The Southerner #133 1/2                10/23 SCOE                1 
*O. Bride of Lousy Set of Statistics       10/23 Jeff Copeland      28 
 1. The Catch-Up Kid                       10/8  Guy H. Lillian III  4 
 2. Gimish #3                              10/20 Lon Atkins          2 
 3. Lines of Occurrence 12                 10/20 Arthur Hlavaty      9 
 4. The New Port News 110                  10/27 Ned Brooks         11 
 5. Ribs from Memphis #54                  11/3  Lon Atkins, et al.  5 
 6. Bear Bones                             11/3  Lon Atkins          2 
 7. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 1     11/3  Arthur Hlavaty      8 
 8. The Dillinger Relic 49                 11/14 Arthur Hlavaty     11 
 9. Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 3               11/18 Norm Metcalf        3 
10. An Archival Proposal                   11/19 Joe Moudry          2 
11. Series Two Shadow of a Fan #41         11/19 Irvin Koch         12 
12. It Goes On The Shelf #3                11/20 Ned Brooks         14 
13. Cancelled Stamps #1                    11/22 George H. Wells     5 
14. Cancelled Stamps #2                    11/22 George H. Wells     1 
15. Great Wall 186                         11/22 George Inzer       41 
16. The Flame of SFPA #23                  11/24 P.L.C.M.           11 
17. Con*Stellation V, Part II              11/24 Larry/P.L.
                                                 /Beth/Bill2         2 
18. Fingerprints Of Peace III              11/24 J. Lee Griner      36 
19. Ramoth's Weyr #10                      11/24 Dawn Atkins        17 
20. Melikaphkhaz #110                      11/24 Lon Atkins         37 
21. Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 4               11/24 Norm Metcalf       10 
22. Spiritus Mundi 96                      11/25 Guy H. Lillian III 34 
23. Unmarked Airships, Second Issue        11/25 Paul King           4 
24. The People's Court with Judge Dredd Vol. 83 #1-31 
                                           11/26 Alan Hutchinson    31 
25. Dharma Bums #28                        11/26 Beth Fletcher      10 
26. Trivial Pursuits #9                    11/26 Janice Gelb        13 
27. Accident Report                        11/26 Diedre Schardt      9 
28. WL #11                                 11/26 Ruth Judkowitz      6 
29. In Search of the Lost Minac            11/26 Dick Lynch         12 
30. Oblio 47                               11/26 Gary Brown         50 
31. Fingertip Reality #25                  11/26 Joe Moudry         19 
32. The Sphere vol. 105 no. 1              11/28 Don Markstein       6
33. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies V2, #3 
                                           11/28 Susan Phillips      7 
34. Why Am I Here?                         11/28 mike weber          8 
35. Feigned Incredulity Too                11/29 Jim Cobb            5 
36. Intuition #90                          11/29 Stven Carlberg     27 
37. Sugar Magnolia #30                     11/29 JoAnn Montalbano   27 
38. SFPA Egoboo Poll Report - 1986         11/29 SCOE                8 
39. The Southerner #134                    11/29 SCOE                4 
                                                           TOTAL:  552 
* Pre-mailed under separate cover. 
                                  THE SOUTHERNER
              Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                       Volume 14, Number  13 + Whole Number 135 

                           Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
            Lon Atkins, President + JoAnn Montalbano, Emergency Officer 
                    P. L. Caruthers-Montgomery, Logo Calligraphy 

     Contents of SFPA 135                                       January 1987 

  1. Gimish #4                                           12/10 Lon Atkins                   2 
  2. The New Port News 111                               12/15 Ned Brooks                  10 
  3. Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 5                            12/16 Norm Metcalf (wl)           24 
  4. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 2                  12/20 Arthur Hlavaty               4 
  5. Arms for Iran                                       12/26 Atkins/Atkins/weber          4 
  6. The Somber Black Minac                               1/12 Dick Lynch                   9 
  7. Wait 'Til Next Year #6                               1/12 Dick Lynch                   2 
  8. Outatime                                             1/12 Gary Brown (wl)              2 
  9. The Last Line                                        1/12 Gary Brown (wl)              1 
 10. Series Two Shadow of a Fan #42                       1/14 Irvin Koch                  16 
 11. The Dillinger Relic 50                               1/20 Arthur Hlavaty               7 
 12. Fingerprints of Peace 4                              1/21 J. Lee Griner (wl)          19 
 13. Ramoth's Weyr #11                                    1/22 Dawn Atkins                 14 
 14. Melikaphkhaz #111                                    1/22 Lon Atkins                  40 
 15. This Is Not a Minaczine #2                           1/22 Dick Lynch                   2 
 16. Mimosa #2                                            1/22 Dick & Nicki Lynch          38 
 17. Letterzines flyer                                    1/22 Nicki Lynch                  2 
 18. Oblio 48                                             1/23 Gary Brown (wl)             56 
 19. 42nd Street Lensman #1                               1/24 George H. Wells              1 
 20. A Tasmanian Tail Vol. 84 #1-37                       1/24 Alan Hutchinson             37 
 21. Intuition #91                                        1/25 Stven Carlberg              24 
 22. Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 6                             1/27 Norm Metcalf (wl)           15 
 23. Spiritus Mundi #97                                   1/27 Guy H. Lillian III          19 
 24. The Flame of S.F.P.A. #24                            1/28 P.L.C.M.                     4 
 25. Distant Thunder #37                                  1/28 Larry Montgomery             6 
 26. Trivial Pursuits #10                                 1/28 Janice Gelb                 17 
 27. Those Who Cannot Learn from History... #1            1/28 Hank Davis                   5 
 28. Progress Report No. .2                               1/28 Guy H. Lillian III           4 
 29. Black Comes Too Soon                                 1/28 Joe Moudry (wl)              1 
 30. Adventurous Expectancy #2                            1/28 Joe Moudry (wl)              4 
 31. Fingertip Reality #26                                1/28 Joe Moudry (wl)             15 
 32. Midwinter Minac                                      1/29 Diedre Schardt               8 
 33. Talisman #49                                         1/29 Cliff Biggers                8 
 34. Supplement to FOP FOUR                               1/29 J. Lee Griner (wl)          10 
 35. In Between Loads                                     1/29 Susan Ryan                  15 
 36. Ba-Rump-Bump #1                                      1/29 Keith Asay                   6 
 37. The Sphere vol. 106 no. 1                            1/29 Don Markstein               14 
 38. WL #11A                                              1/30 Ruth Judkowitz (wl)          4 
 39. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies, V2 #4             1/30 Sue Phillips                12 
 40. 120 Imaginary Real Cars                              1/30 mike weber                  30 
 41. Dharma Bums #29                                      1/30 Beth Fletcher                6 
 42. Samizdat #14                                         1/30 Tom Campbell                14 
 43. Unmarked Airships, Third Issue                       1/30 Paul King                    5 
 44. Sugar Magnolia #31                                   1/30 JoAnn Montalbano            27 
 45. Pone                                                 1/30 George Inter                 4 
 46. Great Wall 187                                       1/30 George Inter                36 
 47. The Seven-Year Itch                                  1/30 Stven Carlberg               8 
 48. The Southerner #135                                  1/31 SCOE                         4 
                                THE SOUTHERNER
            Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                      Volume 14, Number 14 + Whole Number 136 

                          Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
           Lon Atkins, President + JoAnn Montalbano, Emergency Officer 
                   P. L. Caruthers-Montgomery, Logo Calligraphy 

     Contents of SFPA 136                                       March 1987 
 1. Payoff!                                              2/17 Lon Atkins                   2 
 2. Jimmy Goes To Perth                                  2/18 Gary Brown (wl)              5 
 3. The Spagyric Quest Two                               2/21 Beroaldus Cosmopolita(wl)    2 
 4. Jimish  #6                                           2/21 "Len Adkins"                 2 
 5. The New Port News 112                                2/23 Ned Brooks                  10 
 6. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 3                   3/2  Arthur Hlavaty              11 
 7. Lynx 1                                               3/2  Bosky/Hlavaty/Wilson         1 
 8. Scrapbook 10                                         3/2  Arthur Hlavaty               1 
 9. Silver Screen Choices                                3/6  Gary Brown (wl)              2 
10. Grimace #7                                           3/16 "Loon Splatkins"             2 
11. The Dillinger Relic 51                               3/16 Arthur Hlavaty              17 
12. Series Two Shadow of a Fan 443                       3/19 Irvin Koch                  26 
13. Spoonogram #1                                        3/21 Sarah S. Prince (wl)         6 
14. Oblio 49                                             3/21 Gary Brown (wl)             86 
15. SEI #1                                               3/23 Joe Moudry (wl)              2 
16. Did you hear that? That was a no comment!            3/23 J. Lee Griner (wl)          24 
17. FOP V                                                3/23 J. Lee Griner (wl)          14 
18. Ammunition #92                                       3/23 Stven Carlberg              32 
19. The Flame of SFPA #25                                3/24 P.L.C.M.                     7 
20. Distant Thunder #39                                  3/24 Larry Montgomery             2 
21. An Apple a Day Keeps the Minac Awa y                 3/24 Dick Lynch                  14 
22. Spiritus Mundi 98                                    3/24 Guy H. Lillian HI           18 
23. Gray Lensman, Wider than a Mile #1                   3/24 George H. Wells              6 
24. Tyndallite, Volume 1, Number 7                       3/25 Norm Metcalf (wl)           13 
25. WL #11B                                              3/25 Ruth Judkowitz (wl)         12 
26. Haven't you put that IRS auditor out yet?            3/25 Susan Ryan                  20 
27. Trivial Pursuits #11                                 3/25 Janice Gelb                 19 
28. Sugar Magnolia #32                                   3/26 JoAnn Montalbano            23 
29. The Sphere vol. 107 no. 1                            3/26 Don Markstein                8 
30. Etienne's Type Shop flyer                            3/26 Jon Markstein                4 
31. Talisman                                             3/26 Cliff Biggers                4 
32. Feigned incredulity #3                               3/26 Jim Cobb                    10 
33. Dharma Bums #30                                      3/26 Beth Fletcher                8 
34. Haven't You Gelded That Horse YET?                   3/26 Dawn Atkins                  8 
35. Melikaphkhaz #112                                    3/26 Lon Atkins                  l8 
36. Bare Bones                                           3/26 Diedre Schardt               6 
37. Adventurous Expectancy #3                            3/26 Joe Moudry (wl)              1 
38. The Great Wall #387                                  3/26 George Inzer                45 
39. Ba-Rump-Bump                                         3/27 Keith Asay                   8 
40. The Company of Wolves Vol. 85 #1-35                  3/27 Alan Hutchinson             35 
41. Two Important Points                                 3/27 Jeff Copeland                1 
42. "Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies V2, #5            3/27 Susan Phillips              14 
43. KAR-120C                                             3/27 mike weber                  22 
44. Samizdat 15                                          3/27 Tom Campbell                19 
45. The Penultimate Truth 40                             3/27 Stven Carlberg               2 
46. The Southerner #136                                  3/28 SCOE                         4 
                                     THE SOUTHERNER
                  Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                        Volume 14, Number 15 + Whole Number 137 

                             Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
                    Lon Atkins, President + Logo Calligraphy, P.L.C.M. 
                      JoAnn Montalbano, Our Lady of Prompt Succor 
     Contents of SFPA 137                                            May 1987 

  1.Blown #2                                             3/30  George Inzer                  2 
  2.Boston Burglar Blues                                 3/30  Paul King                     1 
  3.proPER VERSEs 4                                      4/3   Arthur Hlavaty                1 
  4.How to Get to Heaven from New Orleans, La.           4/10  Guy H. Lillian III            4 
  5.The New Port News 113                                4/21  Ned Brooks                   12 
  6.A New SFPA Record                                    4/21  Alan Hutchinson               1 
  7.Confessions of a Consistent Liar 4                   4/22  Arthur Hlavaty                6 
     b/w Dicksieland 1                                   4/22  Arthur Hlavaty                1 
  8.Series Two Shadow of a Fan #44                       4/23  Irvin Koch                   10 
  9.Let's Do It                                          4/25  Davis/Weisskopf/Tesser        5 
 10.The Molemen Want Your Mailing Comments #1            5/1   George H. Wells               1 
 11.Possible Rainbows                                    5/9   Gary Brown (wl)               8 
 12.Where Angels Fear To Fuck #3                         5/18  David Schlosser (wl)          2 
 13.Melikaphkhaz #113                                    5/18  Lon Atkins                   14 
 14.The Dillinger Relic 52                               5/19  Arthur Hlavaty                9 
     b/w Lines of Occurrence 13                          5/19  Arthur Hlavaty                6 
 15.Silver Screen Choices Revisited Vol. 1 #2            5/20  Gary Brown (wl)               2 
 16.Write Your Own #1                                    5/20  Gary Brown (wl)               2 
 17.The Molemen Want to Buy a Vowel #1                   5/21  George H. Wells               4 
 18.Thin Ice #73                                         5/22  Mark Verheiden (wl)          16 
 19.It's Not Minac 'Til It's Minac!                      5/26  Dick Lynch                    9 
 20.Distant Thunder #39                                  5/26  Larry Montgomery              4 
 21.Does Compute!                                        5/26  P.L.C.M.                      1 
 22.PXR 5                                                5/26  Marc Sperhauk                 5 
 23.Oblio 50                                             5/26  Gary Brown (wl)              62 
 24.Spiritus Mundi 99                                    5/26  Guy H. Lillian III           21 
 25.Trivial Pursuits #12                                 5/28  Janice Gelb                  20 
 26.Intuition #93                                        5/28  Stven Carlberg               29 
 27.Postcard From The Moon                               5/28  Beth Fletcher                 2 
 28.Ba-Rump-Bump                                         5/28  Keith Asay                    6 
 29.Cut-rate Commentary                                  5/28  Diedre Schardt               14 
 30.Fingertip Reality #27                                5/28  Joe Moudry (wl)               4 
 31.Kindred Realities #2                                 5/28  Joe Moudry (wl)               8 
 32.The Thing With The Circles                           5/28  J. Lee Griner                 8 
 33.Water Cycle - FOP VI                                 5/28  J. Lee Griner wl              8 
 34.The Great Wall #587                                  5/28  George Inzer                 35 
 35.Tyndallite, Volume 1, Number 8                       5/28  Norm Metcalf (wl)            15 
 36.The Penultimate Truth #1                             5/28  Stven Carlberg                4 
 37.The Sphere vol. 108 no. 1                            5/28  Don Markstein                 8 
 38.The Free SFPA Hotel flyer                            5/28  Don Markstein                 1 
 39.Levram Comics' THE PUNISHER... Vol. 86 #1-39         5/28  Alan Hutchinson              39 
 40.Talisman                                             5/28  Cliff Biggers                 4 
 41.Waiting For Sergeant Pepper                          5/29  mike weber                   16 
 42.WL #11C                                              5/29  Ruth Judkowitz Brosh (wl)     9 
 43.Hi There                                             5/29  Paul King                     5 
 44.Kentile Floops #1                                    5/29  Hank Davis                    5 
 45.The Cloud Report #2                                  5/29  Stven Carlberg                2 
 46.Sugar Magnolia #33                                   5/29  JoAnn Montalbano             18 
 47.The Southerner #137                                  5/30  SCOE                          4 

                                     THE SOUTHERNER
                  Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                        Volume 14, Number 16 + Whole Number 138 

                             Stven Carlberg, Official Editor 
                    Lon Atkins, President + Logo Calligraphy, P.L.C.M. 
                      JoAnn Montalbano, Our Lady of Prompt Succor 

     Contents of SFPA 138                                               July 1987 

  1. The Art of Stripping                                 6/6   Gary Brown (wl)               8 
  2. Kookies From Kingston #1                             6/16  Roger Caldwell (wl)           6 
  3. Incredible Eye-Strain Extravaganza #1                6/17  "MIKE WEBFOOT"                8 
  4. Series Two Shadow of a Fan #45                       6/24  Irvin Koch                   12 
  5. Back Home at Troublesome Gulch                       6/27  Gary Brown (wl)               9 
     b/w Hart Breaking                                    6/27  Harry Broertjes (frank)       8 
  6. Pshaman                                              7/3   Cecil Hutto (wl)             10
  7. The New Port News 114                                7/8   Ned Brooks                    8 
  8. The Spagyric Quest Three                             7/9   B. Cosmopolita (wl)           2 
  9. DSC 25 Program Book                                  7/15  P.L.C.M. frank               44 
 10. DSC 25 Pocket Program                                7/15  P.L.C.M. frank                4 
 11. Nolacon II flyer                                     7/21  Guy H. Lillian III            1 
 12. Spiritus Mundi 100                                   7/24  Guy H. Lillian III          132 
 13. Tyndallite Volume 1, Number 9                        7/25  Norm Metcalf (wl)             9 
 14. The Man of Minac                                     7/27  Dick Lynch                   12 
 15. Spoonogram #2                                        7/27  Sarah S. Prince (wl)          1 
 16. Yggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #1                   7/27  Richard Dengrove (wl)         9 
 17. Clippings from the Journal of Mind Pollution         7/27  Richard Dengrove (wl)         8 
 18. The Thing With The Circles                           7/28  J. Lee Griner (wl)           20 
 19. "Night Dream" FOP #7                                 7/28  J. Lee Griner (wl)            8 
 20. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 5                   7/29  Arthur Hlavaty                6 
 21. The Dillinger Relic 53                               7/29  Arthur Hlavaty               13 
 22. The Flame of S.F.P.A. #26                            7/29  P.L.C.M.                      6 
 23. Distant Thunder #40                                  7/29  Larry Montgomery              2 
 24. Free SFPA Hotel flyer                                7/29  Don Markstein                 1 
 25. Mark Verheiden flyer                                 7/29  Don Markstein                 1 
 26. Ba-Rump Bump                                         7/29  Keith Asay                   10 
 27. Rumboogie #1                                         7/29  Dennis Dolbear                7 
 28. Ramoth's Weyr #12                                    7/29  Dawn Atkins                   7 
 29. Melikaphkhaz #114                                    7/29  Lon Atkins                    9 
 30. Write Your Own #2                                    7/29  Gary Brown (wl), et al.       6 
 31. Oblio #51                                            7/29  Gary Brown (wl)              53 
 32. The Molemen  Want Your French Fries!!!!!! #1         7/30  George H. Wells               6 
 33. The Sphere vol. 109 no. 1                            7/30  Don Markstein                17 
 34. Trivial Pursuits #13                                 7/30  Janice Gelb                  17 
 35. WL #11D                                              7/30  Ruth J. Brosh (wl)            8 
 36. Sugar Magnolia #35                                   7/30  JoAnn Montalbano             25 
 37. Thin Ice #74                                         7/30  Mark Verheiden (wl)           2 
 38. The Grump's Gazette #1                               7/30  Joe Moudry                    6 
 39. MAD MARX Beyond Thunderdome Vol. 87 #1-36            7/30  Alan Hutchinson              36 
 40. Shades of Depressing Grey                            7/30  Susan Ryan                    5 
 41. Dharma Bums 31                                       7/30  Beth Fletcher                10 
 42. Great Wall 787                                       7/30  George Inzer                 28 
 43. (***)                                                7/30  Griner/Inzer/Carlberg         3 
 44. Intuition #94                                        7/30  Stven Carlberg               25 
 45. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies, vol. 2, #6        7/30  Sue Phillips                  7 
 46. KAR-120C                                             7/30  mike weber                   15 
 47. PXR                                                  7/31  Marc Sperhauk                 1 
 48. Hi There                                             7/31  Paul King                     6 
 49. Samizdat 16                                          8/1   Tom Campbell                 18 
 50. The Man on the Driveway #1                           8/1   Tom Campbell                  4 
 51. The Penultimate Truth #2                             8/1   Stven Carlberg                2 
 52. Talisman                                             8/2   Cliff Biggers                 7 
 53. Feigned Incredulity                                  8/2   Jim Cobb                      1 
 54. The Southerner #138                                  8/2   S.C.O.E.                      6 

                           THE SOUTHERNER
         Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                Volume 14, Number 17 + Whole Number 139 
                    Our 26th Anniversary Mailing 

   Contents of SFPA 139                      September 1987 

 1.The New Port News 115                8/24 Ned Brooks        16 
 2.The Dillinger Relic 54               9/12 Arthur Hlavaty     6 
 3.Confessions of a Consistent Liar     9/18 Arthur Hlavaty     6 
 4.Lynx 2                               9/18 
                                        Hlavaty, Bosky, et al.  1 
 5.ChattaCon XIII flyer                 9/18 Dick Lynch frank   1 
 6."Living Fanzine" flyer               9/18 Dick & Nicki Lynch 1 
 7.Bare Bones Minac                     9/18 Dick Lynch         9 
 8.SFPAdex 87                           9/18 Joe Moudry        33 
 9.The Flame of S.F.P.A. #27            9/19 P.L.C.M.          10 
10.Molemen, Over the Rainbow, Way Up High #1 
                                        9/20 George H. Wells    5 
11.A New Angle                          9/20 Stven Carlberg    41 
12.Where Heavenly Beings Hesitate to Propogate #4 
                                        9/21 David Schlosser   10 
13.Spiritus Mundi 101                   9/21 Guy H Lillian III 19 
14.Nolacon II flyer                     9/21 Guy H Lillian III  2 
15.How I Spent My Summer Vacation       9/23 Janice Gelb       25 
16.Trivial Pursuits #14                 9/23 Janice Gelb       17 
17.Rented Remarks                       9/23 Diedre Schardt     7 
18.Little Oral in $lumberland Vol. 88 #1-51 
                                        9/24 Alan Hutchinson   51 
19.Talisman                             9/24 Cliff Biggers      2 
20.Adventures in Moving                 9/24 Susan Ryan         6 
21.Dharma Bums #32                      9/24 Beth Fletcher      8 
22.Huntress in a Fix                    9/24 Kyla (wl)          2 
23.Fingertip Reality #28                9/24 Joe Moudry        15 
24.Kindred Realities #3                 9/24 Joe Moudry         1 
25.Return of the Son of Rubber Stamp #1 9/24 Joe Moudry         1 
26.#2 Rumboogie                         9/24 Dennis Dolbear    14 
27.Distant Thunder #41                  9/24 Larry Montgomery   4 
28.The Man on the Driveway No. 2        9/24 Tom Campbell       4 
29.It Furthers one to Undertake Something 
                                        9/24 John Gates (frank) 2 
30.The Sphere vol. 110 no. 1            9/24 Don Markstein     14 
31.Sugar Magnolia #36                   9/25 JoAnn Montalbano  22 
32.Ba-Rump-Bump                         9/25 Keith Asay         8 
33.Ramoth's Weyr #13                    9/25 Dawn Atkins        8 
34.Melikaphkhaz #115                    9/25 Lon Atkins        12 
35.SEI #2                               9/25 Joe Moudry         1 
36.Oblio 52                             9/25 Gary Brown (wl)   44 
37.Write Your Own #3                    9/25 
                                        Gary Brown (wl), et al. 8 
38.WL #8                                9/26 Ruth J. Brosh (wl) 8 
39.Thin Ice #75                         9/26 Mark Verheiden(wl) 2 
40.Great Wall Light                     9/27 George Inzer      10 
41.The Penultimate Truth #3             9/27 Stven Carlberg     4 
42.Untitled                            *9/28 J. Lee Griner (wl) 1 
43.Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies, vol.  2 #7
                                       *9/28 Sue Phillips       8 
44.[insert title here]                 *9/28 mike weber        16 
45.HHOK Productions Present #1         *9/28 Hank Davis         8 
46.Boulder Daze                        *9/28 Norm Metcalf (wl)  1 
47.SFPA Phone Numbers 9/27/87           9/27 Stven Carlberg     1 
48.1987 Egoboo Poll Ballot              9/27 S.C.O.E.           4 
49.The Southerner #139                  9/27 S.C.O.E.           4 
     The primary purpose of this fractional SOUTHERNER is to advise you that the copy 
requirement for SFPA 140 will be 33 instead of 34. 

     As Hank Davis' zine arrived too late for SFPA 139, he has been dropped from SFPA 
membership, making (with Irvin Koch and Marc Sperhauk) three members dropped in one 
mailing. Rather than inviting three waitlisters at once, I am inviting two and taking 
the copy requirement down to 33. 

     Hank knew he was crowding the deadline and took it philosophically when I told 
him on the phone that I was sorry, but I'd had to drop him. He's back on the wait- 
list, and his zine HHOK Productions Present #1 will be the first item in SFPA 140. 

     Here are all the corrections which must be made in the Table of Contents as it 
appears in SFPA 139: 

     Item 42, J. Lee Griner's UNTITLED, is 2 pages, not 1 
     Item 45, Hank Davis' abovementioned zine of 8 pages, does not appear. 
     Item 46, Norm Metcalf's BOULDER DAZE, 1 page, does not appear. 

     The revised total for SFPA 139, without this postmailing, is 498, not 506. This 
postmailing consists of:
     1. The Southerner #139 1/2               S.C.O.E.          1 page
     2. Boulder Daze                          Norm Metcalf (wl) 1 

     Thus the final total pagecount for SFPA 139, with postmailing, is 500 exactly. 

                               The Southerner 
               Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                      Volume 14, Number 18 + Whole Number 140 

                         Stven Carlberg + Official Editor 
               Logo Calligraphy by P.L.C.M. + Lon Atkins, President 
                   JoAnn Montalbano + Our Lady of Prompt Succor 

     Contents of SFPA 140                                     November 1987 

 1.HHOK Productions Present #1                          9/29 Hank Davis (wl)             8 
 2.This is Not a Minaczine #3                          10/5  Dick Lynch                  1 
 3.Mimosa #3                                           10/5  Dick & Nicki Lynch         43 
 4.Strawberry Fields Forever                           10/13 James Spielberg             6 
 5.Confessions of a Consistent Liar 7                  10/13 Arthur Hlavaty              7 
 6.Footprints of the Earthquake Beast                  10/16 Dawn & Lon Atkins           2 
 7.A Sense of SFPA #1                                  10/16 Joe Moudry                  4 
 8.The New Port News  116                              10/19 Ned Brooks                  8 
 9.You MISSED the SFPA DEADLINE!                       10/26 Gary Brown (wl)            12 
10.Who's Who in SFPA 1987 Questionnaire                10/29 Joe Moudry                  2 
11.Hallow Weenies                                      11/6 "Cambell/Hutchinson"         4 
12.The Dillinger Relic 55                              11/10 Arthur Hlavaty             13 
13.Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 10                           11/14 Norm Metcalf (wl)          15 
14.SFC Interim Report #2                               11/14 P.L.C.M.                    4 
15.The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Molemen #1      11/19 George Wells                4 
16.Trivial Pursuits #15                                11/20 Janice Gelb                17 
17.The Flame of S.F.P.A. #28                           11/20 P.L.C.M.                    8 
18.Spiritus Mundi 102                                  11/20 Guy H. Lillian III         13 
19.Ramoth's Weyr #14                                   11/21 Dawn Atkins                 9 
20.Where Heavenly-Beings Hesitate to Propogate #5      11/21 David Schlosser             5 
21.Dharma Bums #33                                     11/25 Beth Fletcher               5 
22.Thin Ice #76                                        11/25 Mark Verheiden (wl)         2 
23.WL #7                                               11/25 Ruth J. Brosh (wl)         10 
24.Monty Python's Family Circus Vol. 89 #1-34          11/25 Alan Hutchinson            34 
25.Oblio 53                                            11/25 Gary Brown (wl)            61 
26.Melikaphkhaz #116                                   11/25 Lon Atkins                 25 
27.Fingertip Reality #29                               11/25 Joe Moudry                 17 
28.The Sphere vol. 111 no. 1                           11/26 Don Markstein              26 
29.96 Tears                                            11/26 Stven Carlberg             27 
30.Science Fiction Double Feature                      11/27 mike weber                  6 
31.Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 11                           11/27 Norm Metcalf (wl)           9 
32.Tunnel of Minac                                     11/27 Dick Lynch                  6 
33.Samizdat 17                                         11/27 Tom Campbell                8 
34.Distant Thunder #42                                 11/27 Larry Montgomery            2 
35.Introspective                                       11/28 Diedre Schardt             11 
36.Sugar Magnolia                                      11/29 JoAnn Montalbano           27 
37.Talisman 56                                         11/30 Cliff Biggers              17 
38.The Southerner #140                                 11/29 S.C.O.E.                    4 

                                       The Southerner #141
                                  Stven Carlberg - Official Editor 

    Contents of SFPA 141                                    January 1988 

 1. The New Port News 117                            12/12 Ned Brooks              8 
 2. It Goes On The Shelf #4                          12/12 Ned Brooks             10 
 3. What Has...                                      12/16 Alan Hutchinson         4 
 4. Comic Shop News Vol. 1 No. 25                     1/1  Cliff Biggers           4 
 5. Comic Shop News Vol. 1 No. 26                     1/1  Cliff Biggers           4 
 6. Comic Shop News Vol. 1 No. 27                     1/1  Cliff Biggers           4 
 7. After Apocalypse #1                               1/1  Cliff Biggers          36 
 8. Confessions of a Consistent Liar #8               1/2  Arthur Hlavaty          7 
 9. Let's Try This Thing Out                          1/8  Gary Brown (wl)         1 
10. Write Your Own #4                                 1/8  Gary Brown (wl), et al  5 
11. This is Not a Minaczine #4                        1/11 Dick Lynch              4 
12. Many are called...                                1/11 Dick Lynch              2 
13. SEI #3                                            1/11 Joe Moudry              2 
14. A Curse Against Book Stealers                     1/11 Joe Moudry              1 
15. The Flame of S.F.P.A. #29                         1/15 P.L.C.M.                5 
16. The Dillinger Relic 56                            1/19 Arthur Hlavaty         13 
17. Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 12                         1/20 Norm Metcalf (wl)      11 
l8. 2nd Annual Sour Orange Awards                     1/20 Alan Hutchinson (fr)   10 
19. Pack Rat #1                                       1/21 Lynn Hickman            6 
20. Where Heavenly-Beings Hesitate to Propogate #6    1/22 David Schlosser        12 
21. Nine days, now...                                 1/22 Dick Lynch              2 
22. Thin Ice #77                                      1/23 Mark Verheiden (wl)    16 
23. Spiritus Mundi 103                                1/23 Guy H. Lillian III     31 
24. Scrapbook 13                                      1/25 Arthur Hlavaty          2 
25. Chattacon weekend is past...                      1/25 Dick Lynch              2 
26. Bulletin #1 of the S.F.'P.A.                      1/25 Don Markstein           2 
27. Intuition #97                                     1/26 Stven Carlberg         24 
28. Into each life some snow...                       1/26 Dick Lynch              2 
29. A Quick Guide to Chattacon Programming            1/26 Dick Lynch              4 
30. Trivial Pursuits #16                              1/27 Janice Gelb            15 
31. It's the Beastie Boys! ... Vol. 90 #1-40          1/27 Alan Hutchinson        40 
32. This is Not a Minaczine #5                        1/27 Dick Lynch              4 
33. Oblio #54                                         1/27 Gary Brown (wl)        54 
34. Distant Thunder #42                               1/27 Larry Montgomery        4 
35. Molemen Don't Preach... #1                        1/28 George Wells            8 
36. Quicksand Press Publication #13                   1/28 J. Lee Griner (wl)      4 
37. Chronicles of the Czech Navy #13                  1/28 Joe Moudry              9 
38. #3 Rumboogie                                      1/28 Dennis Dolbear         11 
39. Dharma Bums #34                                   1/28 Beth Fletcher          10 
40. Sugar Magnolia                                    1/29 JoAnn Montalbano       25 
41. The Sphere vol. 112 no. 1                         1/29 Don  Markstein         22 
42. Ramoth's Weyr #15                                 1/29 Dawn Atkins             6 
43. WL #5                                             1/29 Ruth J. Brosh (wl)     10 
44. Electric Isaac #2                                 1/29 Joe Moudry              4 
45. Fingertip reality #30                             1/29 Joe Moudry             13 
46. Desktop!                                          1/29 mike weber             10 
47. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies vol. 2, #8      1/29 Sue Phillips            7 
48. Heart 2 Heart                                     1/30 Susan Ryan             10 
49. The Great Wall #188                               1/31 George Inzer           51 
50. Melikaphkhaz #117                               ?*2/1  Lon Atkins              6 
51. The Antepenultimate Truth                       ?*2/1  Stven Carlberg          2 
52. The Secret Egoboo Policemen's Other Ball          1/31 Stven Carlberg          6 
53. The Southerner #141                               1/31 S.C.O.E.                4 

               Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

                          The Southerner #141 1/2
                           postmailed to SFPA 141 
                      Stven Carlberg - Official Editor 

The primary purpose of this postmailing is to get the enclosed Dick Lynch zine, part of 
a set of five, into SFPA 141 with the other four zines in the set. Dick phoned me, so 
eager to have this zine postmailed that he offered to pay for the postmailing. (8.26, 
by our calculation.) I agreed to postmail and accepted his offer to pay for it. Dick 
intended this zine for distribution in SFPA 141 all along, but it failed to arrive here 
until 2/2/88 (the day after the mailing went out) despite having been postmarked 1/22. 

Dick also advised me that I got the titles of his four other zines wrong; the capital 
letter at the beginning of the text was also intended as zine title. The enclosed zine 
is thus titled A, and Dick Lynch is the first SFPAn of the 80's to publish a zine called 

Second main point: Enclosed in the main SFPA 141 package were two zines not listed on 
its table of contents. These arrived on 2/1 which was, with the Extended Fudge Factor 
in effect, the last day I could take a zine in the mail. (And, in fact, I was waiting 
on the mail for Lon Atkins' Melikaphkhaz, which was on the table of contents with a 
question mark.) I decided it made more sense to include them in SFPA 141 than to hold 
them for SFPA 142, even if it meant corrections to list for the 00. 

So please add to the  total pages (both ?ed zines having arrived) of SFPA 141 as follows: 

                                               Total from SFPA 141: 569         
       54. Pshaman                          Cecil Hutto (wl)          10 
       55. To: all SFPAns and WLers         John Cochrane (wl)         2 
       56. A                                Dick Lynch                 2 
       57. The Southerner #141 1/2          S.C.O.E.                   1 
           New grand total for SFPA 141:                             584 

And a warm SFPA welcome to our newest waitlister, John Cochrane, already zining us. 

Third main point: Just in case there's no official ruling in effect on this point, let 
me state for the record that I will not count postmailed zines for pages owed in that 
mailing. That is to say, a postmailing cannot save a membership. 

A closely related but equally important point: Part of the deal on the Extended Fudge 
Factor is that the OE has to be notified by Saturday that the zine is coming, because 
I type the 00 on  Sunday. If I don't know your zine is coming, if it does arrive on 
Monday it still won't count, and you will still lose your membership. The roster will 
be printed without your name  and you'll be SFPA history. Don't let this happen to you! 

Fourth small point: Cliff Biggers owes 6 pages in SFPA 142, not 5 as I listed. Sorry, 
Cliff, I misread my own rule! 

Trivia: Richard Dengrove has purchased a copy of SFPA 141 and declared his intention 
to join... after how many  years on the waitlist? And the Yamdankee Quota is at 6/27, 
not 6/26 as I listed! (I counted Larry and P.L. wrong!) So we've room for one more. 

                                       The Southerner #142
                                  Stven Carlberg - Official Editor 

   Contents of SFPA 142                                  March 1988 

 1. The God With No Name                            2/1   Cecil Hutto            12 
 2. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 9              2/16  Arthur Hlavaty          7 
 3. The Newport News 118                            2/20  Ned Brooks             12 
 4. Silver Screen Choices, Vol. 2, No. 1            2/25  Gary Brown (wl)         2 
 5. Ignight                                         2/29  Lon & Dawn Atkins       2 
 6. 1988 TAFF Ballot                                3/1   Dick Lynch frank        2 
 7. 1988 Hogu and Blackhole Nomination Ballot       3/1   Dick Lynch frank        2 
 8. Spoonogram                                      3/2   Sarah S. Prince (wl)    1 
 9. Gutterballs                                     3/12  Toni Weisskopf (wl) &c. 2 
10. The Dillinger Relic 57                          3/14  Arthur Hlavaty          7 
11. The SFC Bulletin, Vol.4, No.  1                 3/15  P.L.C.M.               28 
12. Con+Stellation VII flyer                        3/15  P.L.C.M. frank          2 
13. Kubla Khansequences flyer                       3/15  P.L.C.M. frank          2 
14. Contact-6 flyer                                 3/15  P.L.C.M. frank          1 
15. All We Need Is Minac                            3/15  Dick Lynch             10 
16. Waiting on the Sitlist #1                       3/23  John Cochrane (wl)      2 
17. Write Your Own, The End                         3/23  Gary Brown (wl) &c.     4
18. The God, The Bod & The Angry                    3/24  Cecil Hutto            20 
19. FOP VIII                                        3/25  J. Lee Griner (wl)     10 
20. Where Heavenly-Beings Hesitate to Propogate #6  3/25  David  Schlosser        8 
21. Yggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette No. 2           3/25  Richard Dengrove       19 
22. Journal of Mind Pollution #20                   3/25  Richard Dengrove        9 
23. Bright Lights, Big Molemen #1                   3/26  George Wells            2 
24. Lost in the SFPA Dead Zone                      3/28  Diedre Schardt         24 
25. Bulletin #2 of the S.F.P.A.                     3/28  Don Markstein           1 
26. Talisman #57                                    3/28  Cliff Biggers           8 
27. The Flame of S.F.P.A. 30                        3/28  P.L.C.M.               13 
28. Distant Thunder #44                             3/28  Larry Montgomery        4 
29. Sugar Magnolia                                  3/29  JoAnn Montalbano       17 
30. Spiritus Mundi 104                              3/29  Guy H. Lillian III     18 
31. Nolacon II flyer                                3/29  Guy H. Lillian III      2 
32. #4 Rumboogie                                    3/30  Dennis Dolbear          2 
33. Dharma Bums #35                                 3/30  Beth Fletcher           6 
34. Intuition #98                                   3/30  Stven Carlberg         37 
35. Dragonflight #1                                 3/31  Dawn Atkins             2 
36. Melkaphkhaz 118                                 3/31  Lon Atkins              2 
37. WL #4                                           3/31  Ruth J. Brosh (wl)     16 
38. The Sphere vol. 113 no. 1                       3/31  Don Markstein          28 
39. A Nightmare on Sesame Street! Vol. 91 #1-41     3/31  Alan Hutchinson        41 
40. KAR-120C                                        3/31  mike weber             16 
41. Oblio, issue fifty five                         3/31  Gary Brown  (wl)       70 
42. Trivial Pursuits #17                            4/1   Janice Gelb            15 
43. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies vol. 2, #9    4/1   Sue Phillips            8 
44. Tyndallite Volume 1, Number  13                 4/1   Norm Metcalf (wl)       8 
45. Concave 9  Program Book                         4/2   P.L.C.M. frank         12 
46. addq #1                                         4/2   Joe Moudry              2 
47. Fingertip reality no. 31                        4/2   Joe Moudry              9
48. SEI #4                                          4/2   Joe Moudry              1 
49. Better...WithNuts                               4/2   Susan Ryan             11 
50. Shades #388                                     4/3   George Inzer           13 
51. Samizdat 18                                    ?4/4   Tom Campbell            8 
52. The Southerner #142                             4/3   S.C.O.E.                4 

Adjustments to SFPA 142 Table of Contents: Last-minute arrivals included in SFPA 
142 without benefit of a listing on that mailing's Table of Contents: 

   53. Deepsouthcon 26 flyer               P.L.C.M. frank       2 
   54. A small tasteful announcement       Arthur Hlavaty       1 
                                                              567 NEW TOTAL 
                  Volume 14 Number 21 * Whole Number 143

          Stven Carlberg, Official Editor :: Alan Hutchinson, President 
                           Don Markstein, Logo 

    Contents of SFPA 143                          May 1988 
 1. Disney's Dorktales                       4/12 Guy H. Lillian III    4 
 2. The New Port News 119                    4/23 Ned Brooks            8 
 3. Real War Stories No. 1                   4/23 Ned Brooks frank     52 
 4. Silver Screen Choices Revisited, 1988    4/29 Gary Brown (wl)       2 
 5. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 10      5/14 Arthur Hlavaty        6 
     b/w Scrapbook 14                        5/14 Arthur Hlavaty        1 
 6. Buckshot #1                              5/17 Gary Brown            8 
 7. Just Thinking About the Molemen... #1    5/18 George H. Wells      18 
 8. Waiting on the Sitlist #2                5/20 John Cochrane (wl)    2 
 9. Once a Mysterious Waitlister... #1       5/21 The Mysterious WLer   6 
10. The Flame of S.F.P.A. #31                5/23 P.L.C.M.              9 
11. Where Angels Fear To **** #7             5/24 David Schlosser      13 
12. Melikaphkhaz 119                         5/25 Lon Atkins            7 
13. My Best Friend is an Umpire Vol 92 #1-41 5/25 Alan Hutchinson      41 
14. Smut #2                                  5/25 Lynn Hickman          6 
15. Dharma Bums #36                          5/25 Beth Fletcher         9 
16. WL #2                                    5/26 Ruth J. Brosh (wl)    9 
17. Tyndallite Volume 1, Number 14           5/26 Norm Metcalf (wl)     7 
18. Spiritus Mundi 105                       5/26 Guy H. Lillian III   15 
19. Yggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette No. 3    5/26 Richard Dengrove     14 
20. Journal of Mind Pollution #21            5/26 Richard  Dengrove    10 
21. Logical Minac                            5/26 Dick Lynch           11 
22. Mimosa #4                                5/26 Dick & Nicki Lynch   34 
23. Trivial Pursuits #18                     5/26 Janice Gelb          17 
24. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies vol. 2, #10
                                             5/27 Sue Phillips          7 
25. KAR-120C                                 5/27 mike weber           12 
26. #5 Rumboogie                             5/27 Dennis Dolbear        4 
27. It floats!                               5/27 Susan Ryan           12 
28. Cheap Shot                               5/27 
                                           Dave & Susan Ryan, etc.      1 
29. Oblio 56                                 5/27 Gary Brown (wl)      22 
30. Intuition #99                            5/27 Stven Carlberg       19 
31. Great Wall #588                          5/28 George Inzer         24 
32. Talisman #58                             5/28 Cliff Biggers        10 
33. I'm Trying to Think...                   5/28 Cecil Hutto          24 
    b/w SFPA Diplomacy                       5/28 Cecil Hutto           1 
34. Distant Thunder #45                      5/28 Larry Montgomery      2 
35. Fingertip reality #32                    5/28 Joe Moudry            9 
36. Da Brooklyn Bums #1                      5/28 
                                          Weisskopf/Davis/Tesser        7 
37. Sugar Magnolia                           5/29 JoAnn Montalbano     17 
38. The Sphere vol. 114 no. 1                5/29 Don Markstein        14 
39. Bulletin #3 of the S.F.'P.A.             5/29 Don Markstein         1 
40. The Southerner #143                      5/29 S.C.O.E.              4 

                             Volume 14, Number 22 :: Whole Number 144 
 Stven Carlberg, Official Editor :: Alan Hutchinson, President :: Don Markstein, Logo 

      Contents of SFPA 144                          July 1988 

  1. This is  Not a Minaczine #6                       6/3  Dick Lynch           5 
  2. Comic Shop News Collector's Guide #1              6/12 Biggers/Batty       48 
  3. Comic Shop News #50                               6/12 Biggers/Batty        8 
  4. Silver Surfing with the Alien                     6/14 Gary Brown (wl)      5 
  5. The Return of the Mysterious Waitlister #1        6/25 The Mysterious WLer 28 
  6. In Memory, Milton Caniff                          6/26 Gary Brown (wl)      4 
  7. The Dillinger Relic 58                            7/3  Arthur Hlavaty      13 
  8. Continuity, Volume 2, Number 1                    7/8  S.&B.Hughes(wl)      4 
  9. The New Port News 120                             7/11 Ned Brooks           8 
 10. Pogo Lives On                                     7/11 TMW frank            1 
 11. Actaeon's Proclivity v.1, 1                       7/11 Cecil Hutto         20 
 12. Yggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette No. 4             7/16 Richard Dengrove    24 
 13. The Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin v4#2   7/19 P.L.C.M.            26 
 14. Melikaphkhaz 120                                  7/20 Lon Atkins           7 
 15. Waiting on the Sitlist #3                         7/21 John Cochrane (wl)   8 
 16. Where Angels Fear to **** #8                      7/25 David Schlosser     12 
 17. Trivial Pursuits #19                              7/27 Janice Gelb         19 
 18. Spiritus Mundi 106                                7/27 Guy H. Lillian III  11 
 19. Minac Depressive                                  7/27 Dick Lynch          10 
 20. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 11               7/27 Arthur Hlavaty       6 
      b/w Scrapbook 16                                 7/27 Arthur Hlavaty       1 
 21. Dharma Bums #37                                   7/27 Beth Fletcher        5 
 22. Star Trek: The Moleman Generation                 7/28 George H. Wells      4 
 23. Sugar Magnolia                                    7/28 JoAnn Montalbano    23 
 24. Slideaway Vol. 2 no. 1                            7/28 Diedre Schardt       9 
 25. WL #1                                             7/28 Ruth J. Brosh (wl)   6 
 26. Who Framed Eddie Rabbitt Vo.93 #1-31              7/28 Alan Hutchinson     32 
 27. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies vol.3, #1       7/28 Sue Phillips         6 
 28. A Song Without a Band                             7/28 mike weber          18 
 29. The Sphere vol. 115 no. 1                         7/29 Don Markstein       24 
 30. Doing my Duty                                     7/29 GiGi Beard (via DM)  1 
 31. Bulletin #4 of the S.F.'P.A.                      7/29 Don Markstein        1 
 32. **It Happens                                      7/29 Susan Ryan          14 
 33. The Great Wall 788                                7/30 George Inzer        25 
 34. STzine #2                                         7/30 Joe Moudry           6 
 35. STzine #3                                         7/30 Joe Moudry           5 
 36. Fingertip reality #33                             7/30 Joe Moudry          15 
 37. Tyndallite Volume 1, Number 15                    7/30 Norm Metcalf (wl)    7 
 38. Intuition #100                                    8/1  Stven Carlberg      75 
 39. Talisman                                          8/1 Cliff Biggers         6 
 40. Uncle Al Turns 40!                                8/1 Gary Brown (wl)       3 
 41. Oblio 57                                          8/1 Gary Brown (wl)     105 
 42. Samizdat 19                                       8/1 Tom Campbell          8 
 43. The Southerner #144                               8/1 S.C.O.E.              4 

    Contents of SFPA 145                            September 1988 

  1.STzine #4                                              8/20 Joe Moudry                  5 
  2.The New Port News 121                                  8/22 Ned Brooks                  8 
  3.This is Not a Minaczine #7                             9/1  Dick Lynch                  2 
  4.Mimosa 5                                               9/1  Dick & Nicki Lynch         41 
  5.The Maltese Messenger                                  9/3  Cecil Hutto                 4 
  6.Confessions of a Consistent Liar 12                    9/4  Arthur Hiavaty              7 
  7.How Fannish Are We?                                    9/6  Curt Phillips (wl)          1 
  8.The Funky Frog at Home                                 9/14 Lester Boutillier (wl)      3 
  9.SFPAdex 87.5                                           9/15 Joe Moudry                  7 
 10.Minacus Interruptus                                    9/15 Dick Lynch                  1 
 11.Werewolf vs. The Vampire Woman                         9/16 Ned Brooks                 59 
 12.addq #2                                                9/19 Joe Moudry                  2 
 13.Where Angels Fear to **** #9                           9/19 David Schlosser            15 
 14.Melikaphkhaz #121                                      9/19 Lon Atkins                  1 
 15.Waiting on the Sitlist #4                              9/21 John Cochrane (wl)          4 
 16.The Mysterious Waitlister Tiptoes Through... #1        9/21 Mysterious Waitlister      26 
 17.Yggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette No. 5                  9/22 Richard Dengrove           21 
 18.Kindred realities #4                                   9/24 Joe Moudry                  6 
 19.Intuition #101                                         9/25 Stven Carlberg             26 
 20.The Flame of S.F.P.A. #32                              9/26  P.L.C.M.                   9 
 21.Living Molemen is the Best Revenge #1                  9/28 George H. Wells             5 
 22.Dharma Bums #38                                        9/28 Beth Fletcher              10 
 23.WL #1A                                                 9/28 Ruth J. Brosh (wl)         12 
 24.Happy Talk                                             9/28 J. Lee Griner (wl)         14 
 25.Spiritus Mandl 107                                     9/28 Guy H. Lillian III         35 
 26.Clive Barker note                                      9/28 Lillian frank               1 
 27.Clive Barker note                                      9/28 Lillian frank               1 
 28.Stress-Related Factors                                 9/29 Janice Gelb                 2 
 29.Bring Me the Head of Dennis Dolbear                    9/29 Janice Gelb                12 
 30.Oblio 58                                               9/29 Gary Brown                 40 
 31.Smut #3                                                9/29 Lynn Hickman                6 
 32.Don't, Don't Let's Start                               9/29 Kyla (wl)                   3 
 33.The Last Temptations of Christ Vol. 94 #1-60           9/29 Alan Hutchinson            60 
 34.Catch a Baboon                                         9/30 Susan Ryan                 23 
 35.Actaeon's Proclivity v.1.2                             9/30 Cecil Hutto                54 
 36.Bonsai Kudzu #2                                        9/30 mike weber                 12 
 37.Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies vol. 3, #1           9/30 Sue Phillips                8 
 38.SFPAdex 88                                             9/30 Joe Moudry                 37 
 39.Sugar Magnolia                                         9/30 JoAnn Montalbano           18 
 40.The Great Wall #988                                   10/1  George Inzer               13 
 41.The Sphere vol. 116 no. 1                             10/1  Don Markstein              28 
 42.Bulletin #5 of the S.F.'P.A.                          10/1  Don Markstein               1 
 43.Fingertip reality #34                                 10/1  Joe Moudry                 23 
 44.Intuition #101                                        10/1  Stven Carlberg             10 
 45.Feigned Incredulity                                   10/2  Jim Cobb                    8 
 46.Tyndallite Volume 1, Number 16                        10/3? Norm Metcalf (wl)           6 
 47.Hot Buttered Bums                                     10/3? Davis/Tesser/Weisskopf      8 
 48.Talisman #60                                          10/3? Cliff Biggers               1 
 49.Comic Shop News #62                                   10/3? Biggers/Batty               8 
 50.1988 Egoboo Poll Ballot                               10/2  S.C.O.E.                    4 
 51.The Southerner #145                                   10/2  S.C.O.E.                    6 

           Volume 14, Number 24 * SFPA 146 * November 1988 
    Stven Carthere, Official Editor * George Inzer, Official Editor-elect 
      Alan Hutchinson, President * Stven Carlberg, President-elect 
        Don Markstein, Logo * Lon Atkins, Obi-Wan Kenobi Figure 

 1. The Maltese Messenger - Spring, 1901    10/10 Cecil Hutto                 6 
 2. The Dillinger Relic 59                  10/12 Arthur Hlavaty              8 
 3. Thin Ice #?                             10/15 Mark Verheiden (wl)         2 
 4. I Heard It on the Grape Vine            10/17 Cecil Hutto/Stven Carlberg  4 
 5. Actaeon's Proclivity                    10/19 Cecil Hutto                36 
 6. The New Port News 122                   10/31 Ned Brooks                  8 
 7. TMW Walks a Long and Winding Road #1    11/2  The Mysterious Waitlister  34 
 8. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 13     11/7  Arthur Hlavaty              7 
 9. Catch a Doubloon: Nolacon II Progress Report 1
                                            11/14 Guy H. Lillian III         36 
10. Catch a Doubloon: Nolacon II Progress Report 2 
                                            11/14 Guy H. Lillian III         40 
11. Catch a Doubloon: Nolacon II Progress Report 3 
                                            11/14 Guy H. Lillian III         40 
12. Catch a Doubloon: Nolacon II Progress Report 4 
                                            11/14 Guy H. Lillian III         36 
13. The Real Nolacon II Program Book        11/14 Guy H. Lillian III         56 
14. It Goes On The Shelf #5                 11/15 Ned Brooks                 14 
15. Outta This World Minac                  11/15 Dick Lynch                 14 
16. The Maltese Messenger - Fall, 1901      11/17 Cecil Hutto                 4 
17. The Maltese Messenger - Late Fall, 1901 11/17 Cecil Hutto                 1 
18. The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey Vol. 2, No. 1 
                                            11/18 Lester Boutillier (wl)      6 
19. Raincoats to Antarctica!                11/20 Wells/Davis(wl)/Tesser(wl)  7 
20. Sugar Magnolia                          11/26 JoAnn Montalbano            6 
21. Spiritus Mundi 108                      11/26 Guy H. Lillian III         16 
22. Yggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette No. 5   11/26 Richard Dengrove           22 
23. Dharma Bums #39                         11/26 Beth Fletcher               5 
24. addq #3                                 11/26 Joe Moudry                  2 
25. Fingertip reality #35                   11/26 Joe Moudry                  6 
26. When you consider the alternative--     11/26 Diedre Schardt              7 
27. Where Angels Fear to **** #11           11/26 David Schlosser            16 
28. Oblio 59                                11/26 Gary Brown (wl)            20 
29. Genetically Yours??                     11/26 Susan Ryan                  8 
30. WL #1B                                  11/26 Ruth J. Brosh (wl)          2 
31. Leave it to The Believers Vol 95 #1-37  11/26 Alan Hutchinson            37 
32. Seven-League Boots #1                   11/26 Binker Hughes (wl)          8 
33. Tyndallite Volume 1, Number 17          11/28 Norm Metcalf (wl)           4 
34. The Great Wall 1188                     11/28 George Inzer                7 
35. Samizdat #20                            11/29 Tom Campbell                8 
36. Talisman #61                            11/29 Cliff Biggers               8 
37. Trivial Pursuits #20                    11/29 Janice Gelb                19 
38. Intuition #101                          11/29 Stven Carlberg             25 
39. I Had This Zine, See...                 11/29 mike weber                 12 
40. Don't Push the Red Button               11/29 mike weber, et al.          4 
41. The Sphere vol. 117 no. 1               11/30 Don Markstein              16 
42. SFPA Egoboo Poll Report. for 1988       11/29 Stven Carlberg              6 
43. The Southerner #146                     11/29 S.C.O.E.                    6 

                              The Southerner  
               Volume 15, Number 1 *** SFPA 147 *** January 1989 

 Stven Carlberg, President                           George Inzer, Official Editor 
 Don Markstein, Logo                                 Joe Moudry, Emergency Officer 

 1. Back Home Again                                     12/10 Joe Moudry          2 
 2. The New Port News #123                              12/16 Ned Brooks          8 
 3. Tyndallite, Vol. 1, No.                             12/24 Norm Metcalf (wl)   7 
 4. The 100 Best (Non-Rock) Pop Songs of All Time        1/7  Boutillier (wl)     3 
 5. The Neighbor's Polar Cat                             1/7  Joe Moudry          2 
 6. Intuition 101                                        1/8  Stven Carlberg     27 
 7. The Dillinger Relic 60                               1/12 Arthur Hlavaty     15 
 8. Spiritus Mundi 109                                   1/12 Guy Lillian        21 
 9. Museum Replicas Limited                              1/12 Lillian frank      34 
10. Kinder, Gentler Minac                                1/19 Dick Lynch         10 
11. Yggdrasil And Treehouse Gazette                      1/20 Richard Dengrove   18 
12. The Man, The Boy, And The Donkey, Vol. 2 #2          1/20 Boutillier (wl)     4 
13. Tyndallite, Vol. 1, No. 19                           1/21 Norm Metcalf (wl)  14 
14. Oblio 60                                             1/21 Gary Brown         60 
15. "Happy New Year"                                     1/22 George Wells       10 
16. Where Angels Fear To **** #12                        1/23 David Schlosser     2 
17. Where America's Day Begins #1                        1/23 Ruth Brosh         10 
18. Trivial Pursuits #21                                 1/24 Janice Gelb        17 
19. Dharma Bums #40                                      1/25 Beth Fletcher       8 
20. The California Prunes Say...                         1/25 Alan Hutchinson    44 
21. Souvenirs/My Old Man/Waiting On The Sitlist #5       1/25 Cochrane (wl)      10 
22. Oh! My Mysterious Waitlister What Is Your Name #1    1/26 T.M.W.             25 
23. Sugar Magnolia #44                                   1/26 JoAnn Montalbano   11 
24. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies, Vol  3, #2        1/26 Sue Phillips       10 
25. Look! New Stuff!!                                    1/26 mike weber         16 
26. The Sphere, Vol. 118, #1                             1/26 Don Markstein       6 
27. Two Sides                                            1/27 Arthur Hlavaty      2 
28. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 14                  1/27 Arthur Hlavaty      5 
29. Spoonogram                                           1/27 S.S. Prince (wl)    2 
30. **IT Happens #2                                      1/27 Susan Ryan          7 
31. NOLACON Program Book                                 1/27 Guy Lillian III   176 
32. Fingertip Reality #36                                1/28 Joe Moudry         15 
33. Flame of SFPA                                        1/28
                                                         Caruthers-Montegomery    6 
    The Southerner #147                                  1/29 gOErge              4 

                                      Mailing 147.5 
Volume 15                                                                       Number 1.5 
                                     February 1989 
George Inzer, Official Editor                             Stven Carlberg, President 
                             Joe Moudry, Emergency Occifer 

 An Aardvark in the Antfarm                                   Cecil Hutto        34 
 Great Wall #289                                              George Inzer       10 
 The Southerner #147.5                                        gOErge              1 
                                                                      New Total 658 

                                   ERRORS IN The SOUTHERNER #147 

  3. Tyndallite, VoL 1, No. 18                Norm Metcalf                  7 pages 
 33. Flame of SFPA                            P. L. Caruthers-Montgomery    8 pages 

                                A WORD FROM YOUR EVER-LOVIN' OE 

Well, I tried to have an error free 00 in my first mailing, but, as you can see, I
didn't quite achieve that lofty objective. To help me obtain that error free goal,
I'd like to stress one thing I do not read the contributions to SFPA before the
bundles are sent All I do is note the title of the zinc, the contributor, the
number or pages, and the date received. David Schlosser did his Change of Address
the right way. i.e., he included the new address on a separate sheet of paper in
his bundle. JoAnn told me her new address over the telephone. I don't know how or
why I got her address right and David's wrong on the roster, but there it is. I had
the mailing labels right, except that I had forgot about JoAnn's COA and mailed
SFPA to her old address and her bundle got lost in the mail By now, she should have
a replacement mailing, short a copy of Ned Brooks' zine (which someone apparently
has two copies of. *whew* I hope this clears everything up.

The reason for this postmailing is not simply to correct the 00. It's also to send
you a copy of Cecil's large and handsome fanzine. I don't plan to make postmailing
a habit but this is a special case. Cecil mailed his zine in plenty of time to make
the deadline, having mailed on January 21 according to the postmark. His package
arrived on the Monday that I mailed, but I didn't check my mail until after I
got home from work. I'm adding what I had done on the Great Wall and adding a
contribution to another apa to build up my contribution a little bit. I will still
owe two pages to SFPA #148. I'm not sure how other OE's and done it in the past but
I do not count the 00 as part of my activity. All in all, I'm not totally happy
with my first outing as OE, but I did achieve my primary goal, i.e. I mailed on the
Monday following the deadline.

Mailing the apa on time will remain my primary goal, although I hope that an error free
Southerner will conmence with #148. The deadline remains the traditional last Thursday
of March, March 30, to be exact One note of caution: The university may be sending me to
Chicago on April 1. This means that I would like to mail the bundles on the Saturday after
the deadline. If you expect to have a zinc coming in after the deadline,

                                        Mailing 148 
Volume 15                                                                         Number 2 
                                        March  1989 
George Inzer, Official Editor                                    Stven Carlberg, President 
                             Joe Moudry, Emergency Ossifer 

                                      Table of Contents 
 1.  What I Did On My Summer Vacation #1                  2/15 Lester Boutillier (wl)     5 
 2.  Mysterious Island #5                                 2/16 The Mysterious Waitlister 15 
 3.  The New Port News 124                                2/21 Ned Brooks                12 
 4.  The Man, The Boy, And The Donkey, Vol. 2, No. 3      3/7  Lester Boutillier (wl)     6 
 5.  Stereotype #8.5                                      3/11 Stven Carlberg            11 
 6.  Spiritus Mundi 110                                   3/15 Guy H Lillian, III        33 
 7.  bOMBASTIUM #58                                       3/18 Alan Hutchinson            2 
 8.  Their Satanic Verses Request, Vol. 97, #1-31         3/18 Alan Hutchinson           31 
 9.  It Ain't Over Til The Fat Ladies Sing                3/20 P.L.Caruthers-Montgomery   2 
10.  Where Angels Fear To **** #13                        3/22 David Schlosser           19 
31.  Yggdrasil And Treehouse Gazette, No. 7               3/28 Richard Dengrove          22 
12.  Quicksand                                            3/28 Lee Griner (wl)           15 
13.  Thin Ice #79                                         3/30 Mark Verheiden             6 
14.  N.O.S.F.F.F. flyer                                   4/3  Boutillier frank           2 
15.  Tyndallite, Vol. 1, No. 20                           4/3  "Norm" Metcalf (wl)        6 
16.  This Is Not A Minaczine #8                           4/3  Dick Lynch                 7 
17.  The Sphere, Vol. 118, No. 2                          4/3  Don Markstein             24 
18.  An Aardvark In The Antfarm                           4/3  Cecil Hutto               36 
19.  The Maltese Messenger                                4/3  Cecil Hutto                1 
20.  Oblio 61                                             4/3  Gary Brown                47 
21.  Yeah? Well You're Another!                           4/4  mike weber                22 
22.  Trivial Pursuits #22                                 4/4  Janice Gelb               11 
23.  Cherry Blossom Special                               4/4  Beth Fletcher              2 
24.  New! Improved! Extra Crunchy! Whiter! Brighter! SFPAzine 
                                                          4/4  mike weber                22 
25.  The Great Wall of Super-Science #489                 4/5  George lnzer              40 
26.  Samizdat 21                                          4/5  Tom Campbell               6 
27.  Stereotype #8 1/2                                    4/5  Stven Carlberg            17 
28.  There & Back Again                                   4/5  Susan Phillips            10 
29.  Late As Usual                                        4/6  Joe Moudry                11 
30.  The Tuscaloosan #1                                   4/6  Joe Moudry                 2 
31.  Purple Haze #3                                       4/6  John Cochrane (wl)         2 
32.  I'll Fly Away                                        4/6  John Cochrane (wl)         1 
33.  The Flip Side                                        4/6  Diedre Schardt             1 
34.  The Molemen Want To Restrain The Poor, And, Even More So, Chain Up! 
                                                          4/6  George H. Wells            1 
35.  Where America's Day (insert your favorite verb)      4/7  Montalbano & Brosh         4 
36.  Sugar Magnolia                                       4/7  JoAnn Montalbano          16 
37.  S.F.'P.A. Presents "The American"                    4/7  Don Markstein              1 
38.  The Sphere, Vol. 119, No. 1                          4/7  Don Markstein             23 
39.  Fingertip Reality #37                                4/8  Joe Moudry                 4 
40.  The Tuscaloosan #2                                   4/8  Joe Moudry                 2 
41.  The Great Wall of Super-Science (Supplemental)       4/8  George Inzer               4 
42.  The Talisman!                                             Cliff Biggers              6 
43.  The Southerner #148                                  4/9  GIJoe                      4 
                                                                  Total Pages SFPA 148: 494 

      not yet received at collation, but promised before mailing 

                      The Southerner  Mailing 149 
Volume 15                                                                     Number 3 
                                       May 1989 
George Inzer, Official Editor                                Stven Carlberg, President 
                             Joe Moudry, Emergency Ossifer 

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS 

 1.  The Dillenger Relic 61                              4/29 Arthur Hlavaty         13 
 2.  The New Port News 125                               5/6  Ned Brooks             10 
 3.  What I Did On My Summer Vacation #2                 5/6  Lester Boutillier (wl)  3 
 4.  Mimosa #6                                           5/12 Dick Lynch             40 
 5.  Tyndallite Vol. 1, Number 21                        5/12 Norm Metcalf (wl)      16 
 6.  Intuition #101                                      5/14 Stven Carlberg         37 
 7.  Where Angles Fear To **** #14                       5/22 Dave Schlosser         12 
 8.  Where America's Day Begins                          5/22 Ruth Brosh             11 
 9.  Spiritus Mundi 111                                  5/22 Guy H Lillian III      27 
10.  Oblio 62                                            5/22 Gary Brown             38 
11.  Yggrazil And Treehouse Gazette No. 7                5/22 Richard Dengrove       24 
12.  Science Fiction Advocate #7                         5/22 Joe Moudry              4 
13.  In Memory Of The Diamond Sutra #6                   5/22 Joe Moudry              1 
14.  Dharma Bums Vol. 7, No. 4                           5/24 Beth Fletcher          16 
15.  This Is Not A Minaczine #9                          5/24 Dick Lynch              4 
16.  The Moleman Owes Five Pages #1                      5/24 George H. Wells         7 
17.  The 5000 Fingers of Mr. T. Vol. 98, #1-35           5/25 Alan Hutchinson        35 
18.  Adventures In Rowen Oak                             5/25 Cecil Hutto            30 
19.  Mysterious Island #6                                5/25 Mysterious Waitlister  21 
20.  Trivial Pursuits #23                                5/26 Janice Gelb            16 
21.  Quiksand                                            5/26 James Lee Griner        4 
22.  Sugar Magnolia #45                                  5/26 JoAnn Montalbano       25 
23.  Ingvi Is A Louse and Other Grafittos                5/26 Toni Weisskopf         10 
24.  Fingertip Reality #38                               5/26 Joe Moudry              5 
25.  Continued On Next Rock                              5/26 mike weber             24 
26.  S.S.S. — Sorry So Skimpy                            5/26 Susan Ryan              7 
27.  The Perdido Papers                                  5/27 
                                                           The Flying Perdido Bros.   8 
28.  The Great Wall of Super-Science #589                5/27 George Inzer           10 
29.  The Sphere, Vol. 120 No. 1                          5/27 Don Markstein          28 
30.  The Southerner, Vol. 15, No. 3                      5/28 GIJoe                   4 
                                                          SFPA 149 Total Pages      490 
                                         Mailing 150 
Volume 15                                                                           Number 4 

                                           July 1989 
George Inzer, Official Editor                               Stven Carlberg, President 
                               Joe Moudry, Emergency Ossifer 
                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS 
 1.  Vladimir and Estragon Do a Oneshot                              Richard Dengrove            1 
 2.  The New Wonder Gab #1                                           Lester Boutillier (wl)      4 
 3.  The Science Fiction advocate #7                                 Joe Moudry                  4 
 4.  The New Port News #126                                          Ned Brooks                  8 
 5.  Tyndallite #22                                           6/26   Norm Metcalf               15 
 6.  Yggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #8                       7/10   Richard Dengrove           18 
 7.  Spiritus Mundi #112                                      7/10   Guy Lillian                13 
 8.  The Valerie Portfolio                                    7/10   Alan Hutchinson            10 
 9.  The New Wonder Gab #2                                    7/17   Lester Boutillier (wl)      6 
10.  What I Did on My Summer Vacation #3                      7/23   Lester Boutillier (wl)      2 
11.   Amazing 150 . . . Ohmygosh!                             7/23   Cecil Hutto                54 
12.   Intuition #101                                          7/25   Stven Carlberg             15 
13.   Disgrace Is Better Than Silence #3                      7/25   Hank Davis (wl)             2 
14.   Indiana Jones and the Last Croissant, vol. 99 #1-31     7/26   Alan Hutchinson            31 
15.   The Sphere, vol. 121 no. 1                              7/26   Don Markstein              34 
16.   Titan Up                                                7/26 
                                                          Wells, Tesser (wl) & Davis (wl)        4 
17.   The New Wonder Gab #3                                   7/26   Lester Boutillier (wl)      8 
18.   Oblio 63                                                7/26   Gary Brown                 31 
19.   "Yngvi is a Louse" and other Graffitos issue two        7/26   Toni Weisskopf             18 
20.   Dear +++++ Erstwhile +++++ Apa                          7/26   Beth Fletcher               1 
21.   Highly Complicated Minac                                7/27   Dick Lynch                 16 
22.   Where America's Day Begins No. 2                        7/27   Ruth Brosh                  1 
23.   Chinatown                                               7/27   Guy Lillian                 4 
24.   bOMBASTIUM #60                                          7/27   Alan Hutchinson             7 
25.   Continuity vol. 2, no. 2                                7/27   Steve & Binker Hughes (wl) 15 
26.   Penalty Page 1 (oooh!)                                  7/27   Susan Ryan                  9 
27.   Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies                       7/27   Susan Phillips              9 
28.   Don't Worry, We'll Think of a Title                     7/27   mike weber                 22 
29.   Fingertip reality #39                                   7/27   Joe Moudry                 12 
30.   Trivial Pursuits #24                                    7/28   Janice Gelb                13 
31.   Mysterious Island #7                                    7/28   The Mysterious Waitlister  17 
32.   Goodness, Gracious Molemen of Fire #1                   7/28   George Wells                1 
33.   Environmentally Stable                                  7/28   George Inzer                8 
34.   Talisman                                                7/29   Cliff Biggers              20 
35.   Sugar Magnolia 45                                       7/29   JoAnn Montalbano           20 
36.   Samizdat 22                                             7/29   Tom Campbell               10 
37.   Confesions of a Consistent Liar 17                      7/29   Arthur Hlavaty              5 
38.   The Dillinger Relic 62                                  7/29   Arthur Hlavaty              6 
39.   Raku 1                                                  7/29   Wade Gilbreath             10 
40.   Compact Hausdorff Spaces                                7/29   Corlis Robe (wl)            5 
41.   Smoke, Fire, and Jello                                  7/29   Gary Robe (wl)              4 
42.   Self-Referential Self-Glorification                     7/29   Arthur Hlavaty              1 
43.   Where Angels Fear to **** #15                           7/25   David Schlosser            12 
44.   The Southern #150                                       7/30   GIJOE                       4 
                                                                    Total pages for SFPA 150:  510 
                                        The Southerner
                                          Mailing 151 
    Volume 15                                                                     Number 5 
                                       September 1989 
    George Inzer, Official Editor                          Stven Carlberg, President 
                           Joe Moudry, Emergency Ossifer 
                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS 

     1.  Confessions of a Consitent Liar 18                         Hlavaty          8/11     7 
     2.  Awaiting the Auroa Borealis                                Hutto            8/17    30 
     3.  The New Port News 127                                      Brooks           8/24    10 
     4.  The Sour Orange Awards #2                                  Hutchinson       8/30     9 
     5.  Yggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette no. 9                      Dengrove         9/5     30 
     6.  The New Wonder Gab #4                                      Boutillier (wl)  9/5      6 
     7.  What I Did on My Summer Vacation #4                        Boutillier (wl)  9/12     2 
     8.  Mysterious Island #8                                       T.M. Waitlister  9/13    23 
     9.  Swami Richard Continued                                    Dengrove         9/18     1 
     10. This Is Not a Minaczine #10                                Lynch            9/12     8 
     11. Now What Do I Do?                         
                                                Weisskopf, Tesser (wl)  & Davis (wl) 9/21     7 
     12. Go East Young Bums                 
                                          Weisskopf, Tesser (wl), Davis (al) & Wells 9/21     6 
     13. Fingertip reality #40                                      Moudry           9/25    29 
     14. The Top 40                                                 Lillian          9/25     4 
     15. Spiritus Mundi 113                                         Lillian          9/25    43 
     16. Where America's Day Begins No. 4                           Brosh            9/25    11 
     17. Where Angels Fear to **** #16                              Schlosser        9/26    11 
     18. SFPAdex 88                                                 Moudry           9/26    44 
     19. Call Me Atticus                                            Lillian          9/27     2 
     20. Molemen, Lies and Videotape #l                             Wells            9/27     4 
     21. Oblio, no. 64                                              Brown            9/27    45 
     22. Moon Knight Meets the Flash, vol. 100 #l-42                Hutchinson       9/28    42 
     23. Heavy #24                                                  Inzer            9/28    19 
     24. Quiksand, Issue Flora                                      Griner (wl)      9/28    20 
     25. Trivial Pursuits #25                                       Gelb             9/28    15 
     26. Boston Boogie                                              Gelb             9/28    11 
     27. Continuity, Vol. 2 No. 3                          
                                                          Steve & Binker Hughes (wl) 9/28     9 
     28. Another Skimpy Attempt                                     Ryan9/28                  5 
     29. Intuition #101                                             Carlberg         9/29     2 
     30. "Yngvi Is a Louse" and Other Graffitos number 3            Weisskopf        2/29    12 
     31. The Sphere, Vol. 122 #1                                    Markstein        9/29    28 
     32. Boulder Daze, Vol. 1 #2                                    Metcalf          9/30     2 
     33. STzine #5                                                  Moudry           9/30     1 
     34. Bigger Type Does Make More Pages Doesn't It                weber            9/30    46 
     35. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies                          Phillips         9/30     5 
     36. Raku 2                                                     Gilbreath        9/30     7 
     37. The Southerner #151                                        GIJoe            9/31     6 
                                                                     Total for SFPA 151:    533 

                                The Southerner
                                  Mailing 152 
 Volume 15                                                            Number 6 

                                November 1989 
 George Inzer, Official Editor 
                                                  Stven Carlberg, President 
 Alan Hutchinson, President Elect 
                                                  Joe Moudry, Ossifer Pup 
                             TABLE OF CONTENTS 

  1.  The Lurker on the Waitlist #l                       Davis (W)      10/02     3 
  2.  Yanquis Stay Home!                                  Tesser (W)     10/02     3 
  3.  Sugar Magnolia 46                                   Montalbano     10/02    13 
  4.  Trivial Pursuits #26                                Gelb           10/25     4 
  5.  The New Port News 128                               Brooks         10/25    12 
  6.  Famous Letter of Fandom                        Hutchinson & Brown  10/27     6 
  7.  Awaiting the Aurora Borealis                        Hutto          11/20    20 
  8.  The New Wonder Gab #5                               Boutillier (W) 11/21    12 
  9.  Yggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette, no. 10             Dengrove       11/21    22 
 10.  SFPArpg #1                                          Dengrove       11/22     1 
 11.  The Gashlycrumb Tinies                              Griner (W)     11/22    32 
 12.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar 19                 Hlavaty        11/24     5 
 13.  DR 63                                               Hlavaty        11/24    14 
 14.  STzine #6                                           Moudry         11/24     2 
 15.  Mysterious Island #9                                T.M.Waitlister 11/24    17.15 
 16.  314592653589...6                
                               Alexander the Great (TM Waitlister frank) 11/24     0.85 
 17.  Where America's Day Begins                          Brosh          11/24     6 
 18.  This Is Not a Minaczine #11                         Lynch          11/24     4 
 19.  The Black Pirate                                    Atkins         11/25    13 
 20.  This Is Not a Minaczine #12                         Lynch          11/27     4 
 21.  The New Wonder Gab #6                               Boutillier (W) 11/27     8 
 22.  Big Easy Bash                                       
                                                       Lillian & Dolbear 11/27     4 
 23.  Spiritus Mundi 114                                  Lillian        11/27    32 
 24.  Fool's Mate #157 & Where Angels Fear to **** #17    Schlosser      11/28    11 
 25.  I Don't Mean To Say...#l                            Boutiller (W)  11/29     2 
 26.  Continuity Vol. 2, no. 4                       S. & B. Hughes (W)  11/29     7 
 27.  Oblio 65                                            Brown          11/29    37 
 28.  11/17/89 etc                                        Wells          11/29     6 
 29.  Horton Hears Dr Who, vol. 101, #l-32                Hutchinson     11/29    32 
 30.  All good intentions aside.. .                       Ryan           11/30     8 
 31.  Fingertip reality #41                               Moudry         12/01     9 
 32.  Sugar Magnolia                                      Montalbano     12.01    14 
 33.  Intuition 101                                       Carlberg       12/01    13 
 34.  Tiger By The Tail                                   Kyla           12/01     6 
 35.  The Sphere, vol. 123 no. 1                          Markstein      12/01    20 
 36.  Yngvi Is a Louse & Other Graffitos...#4             Weisskopf      12/01    12 
 37.  Tightwalker 1                                       Gilbreath      12/01     1 
 38.  Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies                   Phillips       12/01     6 
 39.  Heighdy, Friends an' Neighbors                      weber          12/01    18 
 40.  Samizdat 23                                         Campbell       12/02     6 
 41.  Great Wall of Super-Stition 1189                    Inzer          12/02    14 
 42.  Egoboo Poll Results                                 gOErge         12/03     8 
 43.  The Southerner 152                                  GIJOE          12/03     6 
                                                            Total for SFPA 152:  474 
 40A. Tyndallite, Vol.1, No.24                            Metcalf                  5 

                                THE SOUTHERNER
                                  Mailing 153 
 Volume 15                                                            Number 7 

                                 January 1990 
 George Inzer, Official Editor                        Alan Hutchinson, President 
                          Joe Moudry, Ossifer Pup 
                            TABLE OF CONTENTS 

 1. What I Did On My Summer Vacation #5                Boutillier (wl)   12/18   2 
 2. The Neighbor's Polar Cat #2                        Moudry            12/27   4 
 3. Mysterious Island #10                              T.M. Waitlister   12/30  21 
 4. My 100 Favorite Movies of the 1980's               Carlberg           l/8    4 
 5. The New Port News 129                              Brooks             1/8   14 
 6. It Goes On The Shelf 6                             Brooks             1/8   18 
 7. Mimosa 7                                           D&N Lynch          1/11  44 
 8. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #l                Dengrove           1/16   6 
 9. Democracy                                          Atkins             1/18  14 
10. Subway Series #l                                   Weisskopf frank)   1/19   8 
11. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 20                Hlavaty            1/20   5 
12. This Is Not A Minaczine #13                        Lynch              1/22   2 
13. Quiksand                                           Griner             1/22  37 
14. Where Angels Fear To **** #18                      Schlosser          1/22   9 
15. Trivial Pursuits #27                               Gelb               1/23  27 
16. The Grand Tour                                     Gelb               1/23  14 
17. @#$%^&*                                            Carlberg           1/24  10 
18. Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 24                          Metcalf            1/24  21 
19. Fingertip reality #42                              Moudry             1/24   6 
    Vol. 102 #1-33                                     Hutchinson         1/24  33 
21. Bystander APAthy                                   Hutto              1/25  18 
22. The New Wonder Gab #7                              Boutillier (wl)    1/25   8 
23. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos             Weisskopf          1/25  18 
24. GREAT WALL Of Startling Super-Science!             Inzer              1/25  13 
25. Oblio 66                                           Brown              1/25  13 
26. The Magic Word: C.C. Beck, 1910-1989               Brown              1/25   4 
27. Text Untitled                                      Ryan               1/25   3 
28. Spiritus Mundi 115                                 Lillian            1/26  24 
29. Tiger Rag                                          Kyla               1/26   4 
30. Sugar Magnolia #48                                 Montalbano         1/26  15 
31. My Christmas                                       Rachel Markstein   1/27   4 
32. The Sphere Vol. 124, No. 1                         Markstein          1/27  12 
33. We'll Know Rock Is Dead When You Need A Degree To Do It 
                                                       weber              1/27  22 
34. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies                  Phillips           1/27   1 
35. The Southerner #153                                GIJOE              1/28   4 
                                                         Total for SFPA 153:   462 

                                THE SOUTHERNER
                                  Mailing 154 
Volume 15                                                              Number 8 
                                   March 1990 

George Inzer, Official Editor                         Alan Hutchinson, President 
                          Joe Moudry, Ossifer Pup 
                             TABLE OF CONTENTS 
 1. The New Port News 130                                 Brooks             2/17    8 
 2. Confessions of a Consistent Liar                      Hlavaty            2/21    5 
 3. DR 64                                                 Hlavaty            2/21    7 
 4. Mysterious Island #11                                 T.M. Waitlister    2/23   17 
 5. Moscow in '95 [flyer] (frank)                         Boutillier (wl)    2/28    1 
 6. This Is Not A Minaczine #14                           Lynch              3/8     2 
 7. The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers                     Lillian            3/8     9 
 8. The Jewel of the Senile, vol. 1, no. 1                Warner             3/10   10 
 9. Beat                                                  Hutto              3/15   20 
10. This Is Not A Minaczine #15                           Lynch              3/17    2 
11. Quiksand Eleven                                       Griner             3/17   26 
12. Twyggdrasil 11                                        Dengrove (wl)      3/20    8 
13. Hallucigenia                                          Atkins             3/21   22 
14. Tyndallite, vol. 1 no. 25                             Metcalf            3/22    2 
15. Tiger Butter                                          Kyla               3/23    4 
16. Where America's Day Begins #7                         Brosh              3/26   16 
17. Intuition 110                                         Carlberg           3/26   15 
18. Trivial Pursuits #28                                  Gelb               3/26   15 
19. Molemen, Overwhelmed By Irresistable Joy              Wells              3/26   11 
20. Psycho Ward Cleaver, vol. 103, #1-28                  Hutchinson         3/28   28 
21. Oblio #49                                             Brown              3/28   11 
22. Dear George                                           Burke (wl)         3/28    4 
23. "Yngvi is a louse" and Other Graffitoes #6            Weisskopf          3/29   22 
24. Sugar Magnolia #49                                    Montalbano         3/29   21 
25. Talisman                                              Biggers            3/29    6 
26. Fingertip reality #43                                 Moudry             3/29    8 
27. Spiritus Mundi 116                                    Lillian            3/29   32 
28. Deep South Con [flyer] (frank)                        Lillian            3/29    1  
29. Bare Continuity                                       Inzer              3/29    8 
30. The Sphere, vol. 125, no. 1                           Markstein          3/30   28 
31. Beyond The Fields We KNow                             weber              3/30   24 
32. The New Wonder Gab #8                                 Boutilier (wl)     3/30    3 
33. Turning Pages                                         Ryan               3/30    5 
34. Samizdat 24                                           Campbell           3/31*   8 
35. The First Annual Bimonthly Etymological Revue #10     Tesser             4/2*    8 
36. The Southerner #154                                   GIJOE              3/31    4 
                                                          Total for SFPA 154:      426 

                                    THE SOUTHERNER
                                      Mailing 155 
 Volume 15                                                                          Number 9 
                                          May 1990 
 George Inzer, Official Editor                                    Alan Hutchinson, President 
                                  Joe Moudry, Ossifer Pup 

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS 
  1.  Where Angels Fear to **** #19                                  Schlosser         4/6      10 
  2.  Life in the Pastlane                                           Boutillier (W)    4/17     22 
  3.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar 22                            Hlavaty           4/23      5 
  4.  The New Port News 131                                          Brooks            4/25     12 
  5.  CFS Review, Vol. 2 No. 1                                       Metcalf           5/10     10 
  6.  This Is Not a Minaczine #16                                    Lynch             5/21      2 
  7.  Bear with me...                                                Hutto             5/21     20 
  8.  The Jewel of the Senile, Vol. l, #2                            Warner            5/21     10 
  9.  Twyggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #3                           Dengrove (W)      5/21     10 
 10.  Trivial Pursuits #29                                           Gelb              5/21     16 
 11.  Were America's Day Begins #8                                   Judkowitz         5/21      8 
 12.  DR 65                                                          Hlavaty           5/21     13 
 13.  Menathee Celebration #4                                        Brown             5/21     11 
 14.  Bear Fever                                                     Atkins            5/21     26 
 15.  This Is Not a Minaczine #17                                    Lynch             5/26      2 
 16.  Insect Mother                                                  D. Ryan           5/30      7 
 17.  Tiger Pause                                                    Kyla              5/31     11 
 18.  Where Angels Fear to **** #20                                  Schlosser         5/31     14 
 19.  The Sphere, Vol. 126, No. 1                                    Markstein         5/31     23 
 20.  Fingertip reality #44                                          Moudry            5/31      4 
 21.  Oblio #68                                                      Brown             5/31     10 
 22.  Spiritus Mundi 117                                             Lillian           6/1      35 
 23.  Mysterious Island #12                                          T.M. Waitlister   6/l      19 
 24.  Samizdat 25                                                    Campbell          6/1       8 
 25.  Intuition #111                                                 Carlberg          6/1       8 
 26.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Wax, Vol. 104, #1-40               Hutchinson        6/1      40 
 27.  "Yngvi Is a Louse". . .and Other Graffitoes                    Weisskopf         6/l      14 
 28.  Tipperary Ain't the Only Place It's a Long Way To...           weber             6/1      36 
 29.  Tyndallite, Vol. 1 No. 26                                      Metcalf           6/2       9
 30.  Sugar Magnolia                                                 Montalbano        6/2      22 
 31.  Quiksand                                                       Griner            6/2      16 
 32.  Ozones                                                         Inzer             6/2      18 
 33.  Good Morning, Vol. l, Issue 1                                  S.Ryan            6/2       6 
 34.  The Southerner #155                                            GIJOE                       6 
                                                                    Total for SFPA 155:        483 

                               The Southerner
                                 Mailing 156 
Volume 15                                                            Number 10 
                                  July 1990 
George Inzer, Official Editor                      Alan Hutchinson, President
                             Joe Moudry, Ossifer Pup 
                            TABLE OF CONTENTS 

 1. This Is Not a Minaczine #18                          Lynch           6/8     2 
 2. (!!!)                                                S.A.F.S.        6/12    6 
 3. The New Port News 132                                Brooks          6/??   12 
 4. addq #4                                              Moudry          6/28    1 
 5. This Is Not a Minaczine #20                          Lynch           7/16    2 
 6. This Is Not a Minaczine #21                          Lynch           7/16    2 
 7. Confessions of a Consistent Liar                     Hlavaty         7/16    5 
 8. The Jewel of the Senile #3                           Warner          7/16   10 
 9. The Hole in Space                                    Lillian         7/19    7 
10. New Directions                                       Atkins          7/20   30 
11. Legal Fleagle                                        Lillian         7/22    2 
12. Twyggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #4                 Dengrove (wl)   7/22   12 
13. Where America's Day Begins, No. 9                    Judkowitz       7/23   14 
14. Pictures of Matchstick Men                           D. Ryan         7/23    8 
15. Spiritus Mundi 118                                   Lillian         7/23   37 
16. Breathless                                           Hutto           7/24   28 
17. Where Angels Fear to **** #21                        Schlosser       7/24    9 
18. Tyndallite, Vol. 1 No. 27                            Metcalf         7/24    4 
19. Fingertip reality #45                                Moudry          7/25    6 
20. Voyage to the Bottom of the Molemen                  Wells           7/25   13 
21. A Tiger!                                             Kyla            7/25    6 
22. Derogatory Reference #66                             Hlavaty         7/25   14 
23. Good Moaning, Vol. 1, No. 2                          S. Ryan         7/25    6 
24. Bouffant Jellyfish #1                                Dolbear (wl)    7/25   15 
25. Meet the Symptoms, Vol. 105, no. 1-28                Hutchinson      7/26   28 
26. Mysterious Island #12                                T.M.Waitlister  7/26   13 
27. Begin the Beguine                                    Carlberg        7/26   10 
28. Sugar Magnolia                                       Montalbano      7/26   27 
29. The Sphere, Vol. 127, No. 1                          Markstein       7/26   12 
30. Quiksand!                                            Griner          7/26    8 
31. Trivial Pursuits #140                                Gelb            7/27   23 
32. Oblio #69                                            Brown           7/27    4 
33. Talisman                                             Biggers         7/27    6 
34. "Ygni Is a Louse" and Other Graffitos                Weisskopf       7/27   17 
35. Samizdat 26                                          Campbell        7/27   11 
36. Ozones #2                                            Inzer           7/28   11 
37. Burning Issues                                       Waffle APA      7/28    5 
38. Teenage Mutant S.F.P.A. Molemen                 Wells, Tesser, Davis 7/28    5 
39. Ye Olde Inn Tavern & Onne Shotte  
                                   Weisskopf, Davis, Tesser, PLCM, Wells 7/28    3 
40. A Page                                               weber           7/29    1 
41. The Southerner #156                                  GIJOE           7/29    4 
                                                     Total pages for SFPA 156: 439 

                                      The Southerner
                                        Mailing 157 
Volume 15                                                                   Number 11 
                                      September 1990 
George Inzer, Official Editor                              Alan Hutchinson, President
                                  Joe Moudry, Ossifer Pup 

                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS 

  1. Saavik's Dream                                  Lillian            8/5         21 
  2. Mimosa 8                                        Lynch              8/15        42 
  3. Chicon V flyer                                  Lynch              8/15         1 
  4. The New Port News 133                           Brooks             8/17        14 
  5. This Is Not A Minaczine #22                     Lynch              9/10         2 
  6. Confessions of a Consistent Liar                Hlavaty            9/14         6 
  7. Caveat Emptor                                 Caruthers-Montgomery 9/17         8 
  8. The Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin #7   P.L.C.M.           9/17        52 
  9. Twyggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #5            Dengrove (wl)      9/17        11 
 10. Worldcon Coneshot (AKA Wow!)                    Weisskopf          9/18         2 
 11. Bums On The Move                                The Brooklyn Bums  9/18         5 
 12. The Jewel of the Senile, Vol. 1, #4             Warner             9/19        10 
 13. Trivial Pursuits #31                            Gelb               9/20        32 
 14. The Jewel-Hinged Jew and Other Typoes           Gelb               9/20         7 
 15. Racoon Allegro, a SFPAzine                      Atkins             9/21        62 
 16. Where America's Day Begins No. 10               Judkowitz          9/21         7 
 17. Where Angels Fear to ****                       Schlosser          9/22        37 
 18. Oblio #70                                       Brown              9/22        42 
 19. The Guy Who Ate His Mother                      Dave Ryan          9/24         4 
 20. GHLIII For SFPA OE! Vol. 6, #1                  Lillian            9/25         4 
 21. Tyndallite, Vol. 1, No. 28                      Metcalf            9/26         9 
 22. Spiritus Mundi 119                              Lillian            9/26        35 
 23. At Home With The Xerox Family, Vol. 106, #1-40  Hutchinson         9/26        40 
 24. Who Killed Laura Molemen? #1                    Wells              9/26         6 
 25. Good Moanin' Vol. 1, no. 3                      Susan Jones        9/27         9 
 26. Tiger Burning Bright                            Kyla               9/27         8 
 27. SFPAdex 89                                      Moudry             9/27        24 
 28. Fingertip reality #46                           Moudry             9/27         3 
 29. The Sphere, Vol. 128, no. 1                     Markstein          9/27        36 
 30. Bouffant Jellyfish #2                           Dolbear (wl)       9/27         9 
 31. Sugar Magnolia                                  Montalbano         9/28        19 
 32. Certified 100% Cecilzine                        Hutto              9/28        10 
 33. Musical Madhouses In Mesopotamia                Carlberg           9/28        17 
 34. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos          Weisskopf          9/28        20 
 35. 1st Annual Bimonthly Etymological Revue         Tesser             9/28         7 
 36. Samizdat 27                                     Campbell           9/29        15 
 37. Music in the Rain: Chapter One                  weber              9/29         6 
 38. Ozones #3                                       Inzer              9/29         7 
 40. Chattacon flyer                                 Carlberg           9/29         4 
 41. The Southerner                                  G.I.Joe            9/30         6 

                                       The Southerner
                                         Mailing 158 
 Volume 15                                                                    Number 12 

                                       November 1990 
  George Inzer. Official Editor                            Guy H. Lillian, III OElect
  Alan Hutchinson, President                               Lon Atkins, President Elect
                                Joe Moudry, Ossifer Pup 
                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS 

   1. This Is Not a Minaczine #23                  Lynch              10/28            2 
   2. bOMBASTIUM #59                               Hutchinson         10/30           32 
   3. It Didn't Come in the Mail                   Brooks             11/4             2 
   4. It Goes on the Shelf 7                       Brooks             11/4            14 
   5. The New Port News 134                        Brooks             11/7            10 
   6. Mysterious Island #14                        T.M. Waitlister    11/10           19 
   7. Twyggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #6         Dengrove (W)       11/13           17 
   8. The Jewel of the Senile no. 5                Warner             11/15           10 
   9. Spiritus Mundi 120                           Lillian            11/15           29 
  10. Molemen, Light the Corners of My Mind, Misty Watercolored Molemen #1 
                                                   Wells              11/23            4 
  11. Oblio 71                                     Brown              11/23           42 
  12. Where Angels Fear to **** #22                Schlosser          11/24           14 
  13. Confesions of a Consistent Liar 25           Hlavaty            11/24            6 
  14. Derogatory Reference 67                      Hlavaty            11/24            6 
  15. STzine #7                                    Moudry             11/26            4 
  16. STzine #8                                    Moudry             11/26            2 
  17. Fingertip reality #47                        Moudry             11/26            6 
  18. SFPA Is Hell                                 D. Ryan            11/28            6 
  19. Good Moaning, Vol. 1 no. 4                   Jones              11/28            5 
  20. Tyndallite, no. 29                           Metcalf            11/28           10 
  21. "Yngvi Is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #10   Weisskopf          11/28           12 
  22. Corflu Ocho flyer                            Weisskopf frank    11/28            1 
  23. Edgar Rice Crispies' John Carter, Landlord of Mars, Vol.107, #1-44 
                                                   Hutchinson         11/28           44 
  24. Cosmic Koan Stories                          Atkins             11/28           30 
  25. Where America's Day Begins #11               Judkowitz          11/28            9 
  26. Fleegix #114                                 Carlberg           11/29           13 
  27. The Tuscaloosan #3                           Moudry             11/29            1 
  28. The Tiger Within                             Kyla               11/29           10 
  29. Caroming Catacholamines                      Hutto              11/29           12 
  30. Trivial Pursuits #32                         Gelb               11/29           17 
  31. The Sphere, vol. 129 #1                      Markstein          11/29           16 
  32. This Is Not a Minaczine #24                  Lynch              11/29            2 
  33. Bouffant Jellyfish #3                        Dolbear(W)         11/30           15 
  34. Sugar Magnolia                               Montalbano         11/30           26 
  35. Quiksand 11/90                               Griner             12/2            10 
  36. Music in the Rain, Chapter 2                 weber              12/2            15 
  37. On Foot in the Stirrup                       weber              12/2            26 
  38. Ozones #4                                    Inzer              12/2             2 
  39. Quicksand Annie and the Cowboy               Mathews            12/3             2 
  40. Egoboo Results                               GIJoe              12/4             2 
  41. The Southerner #158                          GIJoe              12/4             6 

                           CONTENTS OF THE 159TH MAILING 
                                    January 1991

1    The 700 Club                        Lillian         12/23        4
2    Mysterious Island #14               TMW              1/2        11 
3    Mimosa 9                            Lynch            1/4        42 
4    Tyndallite Vol. 1 No. 30            Metcalf          1/7        10 
5    This is Not a Minaczine #25         Lynch            1/9         2 
6    This is Not a Minaczine #26         Lynch            1/11        2 
7    This is Not a Minaczine #27         Lynch            1/16        2 
8    This is Not a Minaczine #28         Lynch            1/16        2 
9    The New Port News 135               Brooks           1/16       14 
10   The Jewel of the Senile             Warner           1/22       10 
11   Driving Miss Daisy                  Hutchinson       1/22        8 
12   Twyggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette   Dengrove         1/24       10 
13   Confessions of a Consistent Liar 26 Hlavaty          1/24        7 
14   Tyndallite Vol. 1 No. 31            Metcalf          1/26        5 
15   Haven                               Atkins           1/26       38 
16   Not Without My Molemen 11           Wells            1/29        6 
17   Where Angels Fear to **** #23       Schlosser        1/29       13 
18   "Yngvi is a Louse" number 11        Weisskopf        1/29       22 
19   Quicksand Annie and the Cowboy      Mathews          1/30        7 
20   The Sphere vol. 130 no. 1           Markstein        1/30       16 
21   Trivial Pursuits #33                Gelb             1/30       16 
22   Spiritus Mundi 121                  Lillian          1/30       31
23   Job Hunting is/in HELL!             Judkowitz        1/31        1 
24   Music in the Rain, Ch. 5 & 6        weber            1/31       10 
25   Quiksand                            Griner           1/31       10 
26   Caveat Emptor 2                     Caruthers        1/31        6 
27   Fleegix #115                        Carlberg         1/31       15 
28   Community                           Hutto            1/31       10 
29   Oblio 72                            Brown            1/31       46 
30   Do the Bart-man                     Ryan             1/31        2 
31   Good Moaning Vol. 1 #5              Jones            1/31        6 
32   Sugar Magnolia                      Montalbano       2/1        22 
33   The ... Bimonthly Etymological Revue #12 
                                         Tesser           2/2         6 
34   Samizdat 28                         Campbell         2/2         7 
35   Bouffant Jellyfish 4                Dolbear          2/2        16 
36   The Southerner #159                 GHLIIIOE         2/2         4 
                                                          TOTAL     439 

* Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance * 
* Volume 16, No. 2 * March, 1991 * 
* Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor * Lon Atkins, President * 
* JoAnn Montalbano, Emergency Officer * Dennis Dolbear, A-d-C * 

                      CONTENTS OF THE 160TH MAILING 

  1    The Tuscaloosan #4                       Moudry              2/8              4 
  2    Fingertip reality #48                    Moudry              2/8              2 
  3    Derogatory Reference 68                  Hlavaty             2/11             8 
  4    Blitz #3                                 Atkins              2/20             8 
  5    Mysterious Island #16                    TMW                 2/26            11 
  6    The New Port News 136                    Brooks              2/27            12 
  7    Fallen Angels                            Weisskopf frank     2/28            74 
  8    This is Not a Minaczine #30              Lynch               3/4              2 
  9    This is Not a Minaczine #31              Lynch               3/6              2 
  10   Tyndallite Vol. 1 No. 32                 Metcalf             3/6              6 
  11   This is Not a Minaczine #29              Lynch               3/7              2 
  12   1991 TAFF Ballot                         Lynch frank         3/7              2 
  13   NOSF3 1991 Newsletter                    Hanlon (wl)         3/7             16 
  14   Tyndallite Vol. 1 #33                    Metcalf             3/12             4 
  15   A Wealth of Fable Progress Report        Lynch               3/18             2 
  16   Where Angels Fear to **** #24            Schlosser           3/19            12 
  17   Twggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #8      Dengrove            3/21            23 
  18   Trivial Pursuits #34                     Gelb                3/21            19 
  19   Two Complete S.F.P.A.-Adventure Bumshots WWT&D               3/21            14 
  20   2001: Dalmatians                         Hutchinson          3/21            66 
  21   The Jewel of the Senile #7               Warner              3/21            10 
  22   Tyndallite Vol. 1 No. 34                 Metcalf             3/22             7 
  23   Fleegix #116                             Carlberg            3/23             2 
  24   Follies                                  Atkins              3/25            58 
  25   A New Orleans DSC in '93                 Hanlon (wl)         3/25             2 
  26   Spiritus Mundi 122                       Lillian             3/26            35 
  27   The ... Etymological Revue, #13          Tesser              3/26             6 
  28   The Sphere vol. 131 no. 1                Markstein           3/26            16 
  29   DeepSouthCon 29 flyer                    OE frank            3/27             2 
  30   Samizdat 29                              Campbell            3/27            11 
  31   Not a Non-Moleman Zine #1                Wells               3/27             6 
  32   Fingertip reality 49                     Moudry              3/27            10  
  33   Acid Bird                                Ryan                3/27             8 
  34   Good Moaning vol 1 no. 6                 Jones               3/27             3 
  35   Confessions of a Consistent Liar 27      Hlavaty             3/27             9 
  36   The List of Maltese Messenger            Hutto               3/28             4 
  37   To Live and Die in L.A.                  Judkowitz           3/28             6 
  38   Music in the Rain: Chapter 7             weber               3/28            12 
  39   This is All I Managed to Do              weber               3/29            12 
  40   Quicksand Annie and the Cowboy #3        Mathews             3/29             6 
  41   "Yngvi is a Louse" no. 12                Weisskopf           3/29            10 
  42   All's Fair                               Griner              3/29             8 
  43   The Late, Great Egoboo Results           Inzer (wl)          3/30             4 
  44   Sugar Magnolia                           Montalbano          3/31            16 
  45   The Southerner 1160                      GHLIIIOE            3/31             4 
                                                                           TOTAL   556 
        * A Postmailing to Mailing 160, April 1991 * 
   1   Oblio 73                                 Brown               4/2/91          46 
   2   The Southerner #160.5                    GHLIIIIOE           4/5/91           1 
                                      REVISED TOTAL PAGECOUNT, MAILING 160:        603 

* Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance * 
* Volume 16, No. 3 * May, 1991 * 
* Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor * Lon Atkins, President * 
* JoAnn Montalbano, Emergency Officer * Dennis Dolbear, A-d-C * 

                          CONTENTS OF THE 161ST MAILING                                 
    1    Frazz                             Atkins              4/23              8 
    2    The Newport News 137                  Brooks              4/25             14 
    3    Hi!                                   Gilboa (wl)         5/6               4 
    4    Once a SFPAn #2                       Lillian             5/10              2 
    5    Continuity Vol. 2 No. 5               Hughes (wl)         5/14              5 
    6    This is Not a Minaczine #32           Lynch               5/14              2 
    7    Advent:Publishers, Inc.               Weisskopf frank     5/14              2 
    8    "Yngvi is a Louse" lucky 13           Weisskopf           5/14             12 
    9    The Jewel of the Senile no. 8         Warner              5/16             10 
    10   Oblio 74                              Brown               5/17             64 
    11   Spiritus Mundi 123                    Lillian             5/21             20 
    12   Horton Hears a Moleman #1             Wells               5/23              6 
    13   T.G.I.F. Vol. 110 #1-41               Hutchinson          5/24             40 
    14   Twyggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #9  Dengrove            5/24             23 
    15   Confessions of a Consistent Liar 28   Hlavaty             5/25              5 
    16   Sepultura                             Lillian             5/26              2 
    17   Tyndallite Vol. 1 No. 35              Metcalf             5/27              8 
    18   Where Angels Fear to **** #25         Schlosser           5/27             12 
    19   Goodbye, Ghastly                      Hutchinson          5/27             12 
    20   The Sphere vol. 132 no. 1             Markstein           5/27             14 
    21   Of Moose and Minac                    Lynch               5/27              8 
    22   KLON/FM 88.1                          Atkins              5/27             34 
    23   Guid Moaning Vol 2 No 1               Jones               5/29              4 
    24   Rolling Seven                         Atkins              5/30              2 
    25   True Stories                          Ryan                5/30              8 
    26   Trying to Figure It All Out           Brown               5/30              4 
    27   Sugar Magnolia                        Montalbano          5/30             18 
    28   Trivial Pursuits #35                  Gelb                5/30             23 
    29   Reprise of the Ole Debbil Moon        Hammer-Johnson      5/30              6 
    30   Cognitive Dissonance                  Hutto               5/30             10 
    31   STzine #9                             Moudry              5/31              1 
    32   Spoondrift #1                         Prince              6/1               6 
    33   Music in Virginia and Baton Rouge     weber               6/1               5 
    34   To Live and Shrie in L.A.             Judkowitz           6/1               6 
    35   Samizdat 30                           Campbell            6/1              16 
    36   Club Vogue                            Lillian             6/1               2 
    37   "Hoist Fifi"                 Judkowitz, Montalbano 
                                      Weisskopf, Ryan. Clark (wl)  6/1               2 
    38   Caveat Emptor #4                      Caruthers           6/1               9 
    39   The Southerner #161                   GHLIIIOE            6/1               4 
                                                 PAGECOUNT TOTALS FOR MLG 161:     433 

                                                          * THE SOUTHERNER #162 * 
                         * Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance * 
                                                * Volume 16, No. 4 * July, 1991 * 
                  * Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor * Lon Atkins, President * 
                  * JoAnn Montalbano, Emergency Officer * Dennis Dolbear, A-d-C * 

                                  CONTENTS OF THE 162ND MAILING 

  1 Confessions of a Consistent Liar 29       Hlavaty         6/27            5 
  2 The New Port News 137                     Brooks          7/1            14 
  3 Tyndallite Vol. 1 No. 36                  Metcalf         7/17            6 
  4 This is Not a Minaczine #33               Lynch           7/17            2 
  5 Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund News              Lynch           7/17            1 
  6 Mimosa 10                                 Lynch           7/17           50 
  7 Jewel of the Senile 9                     Warner          7/18           10 
  8 Trivial Pursuits #36                      Gelb            7/19           21 
  9 Twyggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #10     Dengrove        7/19           24 
 10 Interim                                   Atkins          7/20            7 
 11 Hey, Pal ... Why the Long Face?           Hutchinson      7/22           36 
 12 Where Angels Fear to **** #26             Schlosser       7/23            9 
 13 The Silence of the Smurfs #1              Wells           7/24            4 
 14 To Live and Fry in L.A.                   Judkowitz       7/24            7 
 15 Oblio 75                                  Brown           7/24           48 
 16 Continuity Vol. 2 No. 6                   Hughes (wl)     7/25            5 
 17 Starjazzer, Vol. 2, No. 2 14              Hammer Johnson  7/25           14 
 18 Weird Planet Stories #6                   Caldwell        7/25            8 
 19 Spiritus Mundi 124                        Lillian         7/25           31 
 20 Milk of Magnolia                          Ryan            7/25            8 
 21 Bill Clinton's Dick                       Ryan            7/25            2 
 22 The Sphere vol. 133 no. 1                 Markstein       7/25           10 
 23 Guid Moaning & Guid Be                    Jones           7/25            2 
 24 Mysterious Island #17                     TMW             7/25           10 
 25 Cliffhangers and Others #n+1              Norwood (wl)    7/25           22 
 26 Fingertip Reality 50                      Moudry          7/25            8 
 27 Fingertip Reality 51                      Moudry          7/25            2 
 28  ... No Dirty Movie with JoAnn...#1       several         7/25            6 
 29 "Yngvi is a Louse" no. 14                 Weisskopf       7/25            8 
 30 Quicksand Annie and the Cowboy            Mathews         7/25           20 
 31 Not An Installment of "Upholstery"        weber           7/26            8 
 32  ...Entomological Revue #14               Tesser          7/26            6 
 33 Bouffant Jellyfish #5                     Dolbear (wl)    7/26            6 
 34 Samizdat 31                               Campbell        7/27            7 
 35 Sugar Magnolia                            Montalbano      7/27           13 
 36 The Southerner #162                       GHLIIIOE        7/27            4 
                                                                      TOTAL 444 

                        * THE SOUTHERNER #163 * 
          * Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance * 
                   * Volume 16, No. 5 * October, 1991 * 
       * Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor * Lon Atkins, President * 
       * JoAnn Montalbano, Emergency Officer * Dennis Dolbear, A-d-C * 

                   CONTENTS OF THE 163RD MAILING 

1    The Looney Letter                              Brown                 8/8/91         1 
2    Derogatory Reference 69                        Hlavaty               8/9/91        12 
3    Far North Fanoclasts                           Weisskopf/Davis (wl)  8/13/91        2 
4    The New Port News 139                          Brooks                8/15/91       16 
5    Illegal Drug                                   Brooks                8/16/91        2 
6    Confessions of a Consistent Liar 30            Hlavaty               8/17/91        7 
7    A Wealth of Fable P.R. #2                      Lynch                 8/21/91        4 
8    1991 Hogu & Blackhole Ballot                   Lynch                 8/21/91        2 
9    The Northern Californian Vol. 1 No. 1          Lichtman (wl)         8/22/91        4 
10   Tyndallite Vol. 1, No. 37                      Metcalf               8/22/91        6 
11   SFPA: The Book of Years                        Lillian               8/24/91      111 
12   "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos         Weisskopf             8/27/91        8 
13   The Smurf Less Traveled                        Wells                 9/3/91         5 
14   Thin Ice, The "Special Edition"                Verheiden (fmr)       9/3/91         1 
15   It Goes on the Shelf 8                         Brooks                9/4/91        14 
16   SFC flyer                                      OE frank              9/4/91         2 
17   MagiCon flyer                                  OE frank              9/4/91         2 
18   ConFrancisco flyer                             OE frank              9/4/91         1 
19   Oblio 76                                       Brown                 9/10/91       50 
20   The Right to Say "Shit" #9                     Lillian               9/14/91        4 
21   A Thousand Points of Minac                     Lynch                 9/17/91       12 
22   Fatman: the Lost Issue                         Brown                 9/17/91       64 
23   The Jewel of the Senile                        Warner                9/18/91       10 
24   Hello peoplets                                 Fletcher (fmr)        9/20/91        3 
25   Never Trust an Apa Over (under?) 30!           Hugheses (wl)         9/20/91       12 
26   Bold Talk from a One-Eyed Fat Man              Walsh (fmr)           9/20/91        4 
27   The Sphere vol. 134 no. 1                      Markstein             9/24/91       12 
28   Twyggdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #11          Dengrove (wl)         9/25/91       32 
29   Spiritus Mundi 125                             Lillian               9/25/91       37 
30   Do You Know Me?                                Lynch                 9/26/91        6 
31   Trivial Pursuits #37                           Gelb                  9/26/91       23 
32   A Toddlin' Town                                Gelb                  9/26/91        8 
33   The A-T Tattler                                Gelb                  9/26/91        4 
34   Polaris #1                                     Katz (wl)             9/29/91       30 
35   Miretni                                        Atkins                9/30/91        9 
36   Weird Planet Stories #7                        Caldwell              10/9/91        8 
37   Revenge of Brown Bottle                        Krawecke (wl)         10/2/91        4 
38   Sugar Magnolia                                 Montalbano            10/2/91       24 
39   Bouffant Jellyfish #6                          Dolbear (wl)          10/3/91       44 
40   Fingertip reality #52                          Moudry                10/3/91       22 
41   Absarka #1                                     Phillips              10/3/91        7 
42   To Live and Try in L.A.                        Judkowitz             10/3/91        2 
43   The Fifth Cousin ... of Huitloxopetl           M Frierson            10/3/91       26 
44   The Kennel of Fear                             Hutchinson            10/3/91       55 
45   Something About the South                      P Frierson            10/3/91        6 
46   Spoondrift 2                                   Prince                10/3/91        6 
47   Where Angels Fear to **** #27                  Schlosser             10/4/91        4 
48   If This Looks Like a Short Zine ...            Davis (wl)            10/4/91        2 
49   Con*Stellation X flyer                         Weisskopf             10/4/91        2 
50   The Making of the SFPAnthology                 Weisskopf             10/4/91        1 
51   SFPAnthology                                   Weisskopf             10/4/91       66 
52   Separation ...                                 weber                 10/5/91        8 
53   Samizdat 32                                    Campbell              10/5/91       17 
54   SFPA: The Book of Polls                        Lillian               10/5/91       15 
55   OEgopoll Ballot 1991                           GHLIIIOE              10/6/91        2 
56   The Southerner /163 10/6/91                    GHLIIIOE/DKDADC       10/6/91        8 
                                                                            TOTAL      849 

                                    THE SOUTHERNER #163.5 

                   Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

                                 a postmailing to SFPA 163 
                                      October 12, 1991 

                                Contents of the Postmailing 

                  1.     The Wolf Howls                   Reinhardt (wl)                 8 
                  2.     The Southerner #163.5            GHLIIIOE                       1 
                                                             Mlg 163, adjusted total:  858 

                                                    THE SOUTHERNER #164
                    * Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance * 
                                      * Volume 16, No. 6 * November 1991 * 
              * Guy H. Lillian III, Official Editor * Lon Atkins, President * 
              * JoAnn Montalbano, Emergency Officer * Dennis Dolbear, A-d-C * 

                 CONTENTS OF THE 164TH MAILING 

1.  Museum Replicas Ltd. #19                   Reinhardt (wl)             10/7/91      44 
2.  Vertical View #9zillion                    Jennings (fmr)             10/17/91      7 
3.  The New Port News 140                      Brooks                     10/22/91     16 
4.  There's Glory for You                      Brooks                     10/24/91      2 
5.  The Hickman Journal of ????#1              Hickman (fmr)              10/30/91      6 
6.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar 31        Hlavaty                    11/5/91       5 
7.  Derogatory Reference 70                    Hlavaty                    11/5/91       7 
8.  Columbus was a Plumbum                     Weisskopf, Wells, Davis    11/6/91       8 
9.  The Official Back Into SFPA Zine           S Hughes                   11/15/91      7 
10. Seasons #1                                 B Hughes                   11/15/91      7 
11. This is Not a Minaczine #34                Lynch                      11/16/91      2 
12. This is Not a Minaczine #35                Lynch                      11/20/91      2 
13. Tyndallite Vol. 1 No. 38                   Metcalf                    11/20/91      6 
14. The Jewel of the Senile                    Warner                     11/22/91     10 
15. Huitloxopetl Presents                      M Frierson                 11/23/91      6 
16. Dagon                                      Ryan                       11/23/91      8 
17. Twyggdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #12        Dengrove (wl)              11/26/91     22 
18. Bouffant Jellyfish No. 7                   Dolbear                    11/26/91     21 
19. Sugar Magnolia                             Montalbano                 11/26/91     19 
20. Where's Toni?                    Montalbano, Judkowitz, Weisskopf     11/27/91      5 
21. To Give - No Lie! - in L.A.                Judkowitz                  11/27/91      7 
22. Oblio seventy-seven                        Brown                      11/27/91     58 
23. All Work and No Play Makes Jack ...        Hutchinson                 11/27/91     37 
24. The Lone Shot                              Atkins                     11/27/91      7 
25. Spiritus Mundi 126                         Lillian                    11/28/91     29 
26. The Day the Smurf Stood Still #1           Wells                      11/28/91      9 
27. Quicksand Annie ... Meet the Dead-line!    Mathews                    11/28/91      7 
28. These Are Not the Droids You're Looking For 
                                               TKW etc                    11/28/91      3 
29. "Yngvi is a Louse" ... #16                 Weisskopf                  11/28/91     12 
30. Trivial Pursuits #39                       Gelb                       11/28/91     16 
31. Weird Planet Stories #8                    Caldwell                   11/29/91     13 
32. The Sphere vol. 135 no. 1                  Markstein                  11/29/91     16 
33. a SFPAzine from mike weber                 weber                      11/30/91      4 
34. Two Decades of Demented SFPAc #1           Davis                      11/30/91      6 
35. Starjazzer No. 3, Vol. 2                   Hammer Johnson             11/30/91      6 
36. Mysterious Island #18                      Mysterious Waitlister      11/30/91     13 
37. Boo!                                       GHLIIIOE/DKDADC            11/30/91      6 
38.The Southerner #164                         GHLIIIOE                   11/30/91      4 

                          THE SOUTHERNER #164.5 
               Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                     Postmailing to Mailing 164 / December, 1991 
      GHLIII Press Publication #732 / Guy H. Lillian III, Outgoing SFPA OE 


 1.    The First Annual Bimonthly Entomological Revue 115            Tesser     12/17    7 
 2.    Who's Who In (Or Near) C'Apa                                  Hlavaty    12/4     1 
 3.    Samizdat 33                                                   Campbell   12/4    10 
 4.    Fingertip Reality 53                                          Moudry     12/4    12 
 5.    The Southerner #164.5                                         GHLIIIOE   12/4     2 
                                                                     Postmailing Total: 30 
                                                               New total for Mlg 164:  493 

                                THE SOUTHERNER #165 
                Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                         Volume 17, No. 1 - January, 1992 
           JoAnn Montalbano, Official Editor - Alan Hutchinson, President 
            Guy H. Lillian III, Guaranteed To Break the Ice at Parties 
                       Gary Tesser - Yankee Whipping Boy 

                   CONTENTS OF THE 165TH MAILING 

 The New Port News                     Brooks             12/16/91          10 
 Seasons #2                            B. Hughes           1/04/92          11 
 Confesssions of a Consistent Liar     Hlavaty             1/6/92            5 
 I Put A Spell On You                  Hlavaty             1/6/92            2 
 Derogatory Reference #71              Hlavaty             1/6/92            6 
 Continuity Vol.2 #7                   S. Hughes           1/11/92           7 
 Twyggdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #13   Dengrove            1/13/92           2 
 This Is Not A Minaczine #36           Lynch               1/13/92           2 
 Mimosa #11                            Lynches             1/13/92          62 
 Jewel of the Senile                   Warner              1/17/92          10 
 Tyndallite Vol.1 #39                  Metcalf             1/18/92           8 
 The Sphere Vol.136 No.1               Markstein           1/24/92          14 
 At The Sign of the Skinny Griffin     Atkins              1/24/92          11 
 Trivial Pursuits #39a                 Gelb                1/28/92          17
 Have Smurf, Will Travel #1            Wells               1/29/92           8 
 Weird Planet Stories #9               Caldwell            1/29/92           4 
 Something About The South #2          P. Frierson         1/29/92           6 
 Huitloxopetl Presents                 M. Frierson         1/29/92           8 
 Grump's Gazette #2                    Moudry              1/29/92           1 
 Fingertip Reality #54                 Moudry              1/29/92           5 
 Sugar Magnolia                        Montalbano          1/30/92          15 
 Bouffant Jellyfish #8                 Dolbear             1/30/92          12 
 The Holy Book of Truth                weber               1/30/92           8 
 Oblio 78                              Brown               1/30/92          16 
 Absarka #2                            Phillips            1/30/92          13 
 Charles Shulz' Brother Has Peanuts Envy
                                       Hutchinson          1/30/92          24 
 "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Grafittos #17 
                                       Weisskopf           1/31/92          10 
 To Give Up This Crummy Zine Title and 
                                       Judkowitz           1/31/92           7 

 Home With the Armadillo #1            Copeland            1/31/92           7 
 Spiritus Mundi 127                    Lillian             1/31/92          29 
 DSC 30 flyer                          Lillian frank       1/31/92           2 
 Samizdat 34                           Campbell            2/1/92            6 
 Starjazzer #4                         Hammer Johnson      2/1/92           17 
 Young Brave Dennis                    Tesser              2/1/92            5 
 The Southerner #165                   jOEann              2/2/92            5 
                                                                     TOTAL 392 

                             The Southerner
            Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                       Volume 17, No. 2 - March, 1992 
                     JoAnn Montalbano, Official Editor 
                         Alan Hutchinson, President 

                      CONTENTS OF THE 166TH MAILING 

 The Newport News #142                             Brooks                   12 
 Confession Of A Consistent Liar #33               Hlavaty                   2 
 Baby, The Rain Must Fall                          Atkins                    2 
 Pick'em                                           Brown                     1 
 The Jewel Of The Senile                           Warner                   10 
 This Is Not A Minaczine #37                       Lynch                     7 
 Oblio #79                                         Brown                    52 
 Twyggdrasil & Treehouse Gazette                   Dengrove                 34 
 Spiritus Mundi 128                                Lillian                  36 
 Quicksand Annie & The Cowboy                      Mathews                   9 
 Trivial Pursuits #40                              Gelb                     15 
 Fried Green Smurfs At The 76 Truckstop            Wells                     4 
 Yngvi Is A Louse                                  Weisskopf                11 
 Tyndallite #40                                    Metcalf                   6 
 Too Glib & Sly In L.A.                            Judkowitz                 6 
 Excuse Me...Is This Stool Taken?                  Hutchinson               37 
 Sugar Magnolia                                    Montalbano               14 
 Home With The Armadillo                           Copeland                  5 
 Seasons #3                                        B. Hughes                 9 
 Fingertip Reality                                 Moudry                   12 
 Ten Years A Computer Fan                          Moudry                    2 
 The Holy Book Of Truth                            weber                    12 
 The First Annual Bimonthly Entomological Revue    Tesser                    3 
 No One-Shots For Two Whole Mailings #1            Davis                     6 
 The Sphere                                        Markstein                14 
 Comments #1                                       S. Hughes                 9 
TOTAL FOR MAILING 166                                                      330

TO MAILING 165, add: 
The Neighbor's Polar Cat #3                        Moudry                    2 
Stop The Presses!                                  Lynch                     1 
And subtract one page from The Southerner; correct page total. Mlg 165     396 

                           The Southerner
        The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                               May 1992
     JoAnn Montalbano, Official Editor       Alan Hutchinson, President 

                               CONTENTS OF THE 167TH MAILING 

 Comments #2                                               S. Hughes                5 
 The New Port News 143                                     Brooks                  12 
 Confessions of a Consistent Liar                          Hlavaty                  5 
 Tyndallite, Vol 1 #41                                     Metcalf                 10 
 The Return of Mother Celko's Home Companion               Celko                    6 
 Derogatory Reference 72                                   Hlavaty                  2 
 Starjazzer #5, Vol 2                                      Johnson                  8 
 Huitloxopetl                                              Frierson                 6 
 Jewel of the Senile                                       Warner                  10 
 This Is Not A Minaczine #38                               Lynch                    6 
 Smurfic Instinct #1                                       Wells                    8 
 Trivial Pursuits #41                                      Gelb                    17 
 Bzzzt                                                     Atkins                  21 
 Twyggdrasil & Treehouse Gazzette #15                      Dengrove                24 
 Spiritus Mundi                                            Lillian                 28 
 The Ren & Stymie Show                                     Hutchinson              21 
 Oblio #80                                                 Brown                    2 
 Seasons #4                                                B. Hughes                5 
 Our Story Thus Far                                        Gatewood                 8 
 Yngvi Is A Louse                                          Weisskopf               10 
 Gymel #1                                                  Smoke                    8 
 Sugar Magnolia                                            Montalbano               6 
 The Sphere                                                Markstein               12 
 Hi Gang! It's Me                                          Dane                     6 
 Witness Ye All And Sundry                                 Markstein                1 
 Museum Replicas Limited Catalog #21                       Reinhardt frank         44 
 The Wolf Howls, Complains, Moans, Groans...               Reinhardt                8 
 Bouffant Jellyfish #9                                     Dolbear                 30 
 Absarka 3                                                 Phillips                23 
 To Rive & Fry in L.A.                                     Judkowitz               12 
 First Annual Bimonthly Entomological Revue                Tesser                   5 
 Tangerine (comma) Would You Like Some Of My               weber                   12 
 The Southerner #                                          jOEann                   4 

                                           This edition's exciting page total:    404 

                          The Southerner
      The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                             July 1992
 JoAnn Montalbano, Official. Editor Alan Hutchinson, President 

                    CONTENTS OF THE 168TH MAILING 

 The Return of Mother Celko's ..,#2             Celko                 9 
 The New Port News #144                         Brooks               12 
 CR77 p.17 100%                                 Markstein             1 
 Tyndallite Vol.1 #42                           Metcalf               8 
 This Is A Test...                              weber                 2 
 Wealth of Fable ad                             Lynch (frank)         1 
 Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #16             Dengrove (wl)         7 
 Comments #3                                    S. Hughes             7 
 The Future of POS                              S. Hughes (frank)    20 
 The Jewel of the Senile                        Warner               10 
 Oblio #81                                      Brown                19 
 Confessions of a Consistent Liar #35           Hlavaty               5 
 Yngvi is a Louse #20                           Weisskopf             3 
 This Is Not A Minaczine #39                    Lynch                 2 
 Mimosa #12                                     Lynch                72 
 Stop The Presses #2                            Lynch                 1 
 Octocon #29/Ditto V flyer                      Lynch (frank)         1 
 Hi Gang! It's Me #792                          Dane                 19 
 The Sphere Vol,139 #1                          Markstein            16 
 Huitloxopetl Presents: Summer Bulletin         Frierson              1 
 The Stupidist Movie That Time Forgot #1        Wells                 2 
 Trivial Pursuits #42                           Gelb                 17 
 Gymel #2                                       Smoke                 9 
 The EgoBoo Poll Is Much...Vol.117, #1-13       Hutchinson           13 
 Another Ribitzine 2 Save My Membership         Matthews              6 
 Murder                                         Barnes                7 
 Clang Chink                                    Atkins               21 
 Quite Without Comment                          weber                 1 
 Spiritus Mundi #130                            Lillian              33 
 Tennessee Trash #1                             Robe                  8 
 Seasons #5                                     B. Hughes             2 
 Sugar Magnolia #58                             Montalbano           21 
 Bouffant Jellyfish #10                         Dolbear              20 
 MidSouth Con flyer                             Gatewood (frank)      2 
 The  Whimsy of Vicary                          Gatewood             10 
 Fingertip Reality #56                          Moudry                1 
 Fingertip Reality #57                          Moudry               16 
 The Tuscaloosan #5                             Moudry                1 
 STzine #10                                     Moudry                1 
 Bassackerds                                    Burke                 6 
 Ferric Oxide, Known As Rust                    weber                 9 
 1995 DSC Bid flyer                             OE frank              1 
 Two Shivs and Why Is L.A.                      Judkowitz             8 
 July Is A Lousy Month For Titles #1            Davis                 6 
 The Southerner                                 jOEann                4 
                                                       TOTAL PAGES  461 

                                       The Southerner
                   The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                                JoAnn Montalbano, Official Editor 
                                    Alan Hutchinson, President 

                      CONTENTS OF THE 169TH MAILING - Sep.92

 Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazzzzette #16 Continued              Dengrove                             12 
 Confessions of a Consistent Liar #36                         Hlavaty                               5 
 The New Port News #145                                       Brooks                               12 
 Tennessee Trash #2                                           Robe                                 12 
 Tyndallite Vol.!, #43                                        Metcalf                               8 
 The Return of Mother Celko's Home Companion                  Celko                                 7 
 Jewel of the Senile                                          Warner                               10 
 Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazzette #17                          Dengrove                             17 
 Spiritus Mundi #131                                          Lillian                              43 
 Oblio #82                                                    Brown                                31 
 The Smurfs Under the Earth's Core #1                         Wells                                12 
 The Sphere Vol 140, No. 1                                    Markstein                             8 
 This is Not a Minaczine #40                                  Lynch                                 2 
 Star•jazzer #6                                               Hammer-Johnson                       23 
 ScientifiC Progress does Burp"                               Hutchinson                           19 
 Trivial Pursuits #43                                         Gelb                                 17 
 Magic Moments                                                Gelb                                 11 
 Gymel #3                                                     Smoke                                 8 
 To Leave and Fly to Eff-Ei-Ay                                Judkowitz                             6 
 Twenty Grammes of Duodecaplatylatomate                       weber                                 2 
 Circe                                                        Atkins                                7 
 Fingertip Reality #58                                        Moudry                               12 
 Sugar Magnolia #59                                           Montalbano                           15 
 Bouffant Jellyfish                                           Dolbear                              15 
 Seasons #6                                                   B. Hughes                            12 
 Continuity Vol.2 #8                                          S. Hughes                             7 
 Comments #4                                                  S. Hughes                             5 
 Yngvi is a Louse #21                                         Weisskopf                            10 
 Four Bums Named "Bum"                                        Hank D, Ruth, Gary T, Toni            7 
 Lamazing Stories                                             Hank D, Gary T, Toni, George          9 
 Dr. Johnson, I Presume #1                                    Davis                                 1 
 The Wolf Snarls                                              Reinhardt                             9 
 Museum Replicas Catalog #23                                  Reinhardt frank                      52 
 Derogatory Reference 73                                      Hlavaty                              12 
 EgoFaux Poll                                                 JMOE                                  2 
 The REAL 1992 SFPA EgoBoo Poll                               JMOE                                  2 
 The Southerner                                               JMOE                                  4 

                                                                                    TOTAL PAGES   431 

                        Contents of The 170th Mailing - Nov.92

 This Is A Spirit-Duplicated Fanzine                          Lillian frank                             2 
 Conniption '93 Flyer                                         OE frank                                  2 
 It Goes On The Shelf No. 9                                   Brooks                                   24 
 Tyndallite Vol.1, #44                                        Metcalf                                  10 
 The New Port News 146                                        Brooks                                   30 
 Confessions of A Consistent Liar                             Hlavaty                                   5 
 Our Story Thus Far...                                        Lillian                                   6 
 Jewel of the Senile                                          Warner                                   10 
 Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #18                           Dengrove                                 16 
 Manatee Mystery Tour                                         Brown/Broertjes                           6 
 Seasons #7                                                   B. Hughes                                23 
 This Is Not A Minaczine #41                                  Lynch                                     6 
 Spiritus Mundi 132                                           Lillian                                  31 
 Sweettooth                                                   Atkins                                    8 
 This  Is Not A Minaczine #42                                 Lynch                                     2 
 Death To Deadlines                                           S. Hughes                                 3 
 Huitloxopetl Dies...With The Man of Steel (R.I.P. 1992)      Frierson                                  4 
 Fanshape 17                                                  Hlavaty                                   2 
 Waitress, Bring Me Some Kafka...                             Burke                                     6 
 Twenty Tons of TNT                                           weber                                    16 
 p**p*B**** B** D******                                       weber                                    12 
 Weber Work Update                                            weber                                     1 
 Trivial Pursuits #44                                         Gelb                                     17 
 A Moleman Runs Through It                                    Wells                                     1 
 I Left His Room Just Like It Was When He Died                Hutchinson                               19 
 Oblio #83                                                    Brown                                    37 
 The Sphere                                                   Markstein                                 8 
 WANTED                                                       Markstein                                 2 
 Hi Gana, It's Me #992 & 1192                                 Dane                                     14 
 Gymel                                                        Smoke                                     8 
 Tennessee Trash #3                                           Robe                                      6 
 MidSouth Con 12 flyer                                        Gatewood frank                            2 
 Apa I3u Gnus                                                 Gatewood frank                            6 
 The Vicar of Whimsy                                          Gatewood                                 11 
 To Live *Sigh* In L.A.                                       Judkowitz                                 8 
 Fingertip Reality 59                                         Moudry                                   12 
 Yngvi Is A Louse                                             Weisskopf                                 4 
 The Unpleasant Profession of Christopher Columbus            Davis/Weisskopf/Wells                     4 
 Sugar Magnolia #60                                           Montalbano                               19 
 Results Du Faux                                              JMOE                                      2 
 The Real Egoboo Poll Results                                 JMOE                                      6 
 The Southerner #170                                          JMOE                                      4 
                                                                                      TOTAL PAGES              415 

                             The Southerner
        The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

   JoAnn Montalbano, Official Editor                   Alan Hutchinson, President 

                      CONTENTS OF THE 171st MAILING - Jan.93

Tyndallite Vol. 2,#45                                    Metcalf                          13 
The New Port News                                        Brooks                           16 
Confessions of a Consistent Liar                         Hlavaty                           5 
Title Search 2                                           Hlavaty                           2 
BaaaaaaD Songs                                           Brown                             4 
Seasons #8                                               B. Hughes                        22 
Oblio #84                                                Brown                            51 
Mimosa 13                                                Lynch                            64 
Stop The Presses!! #3                                    Lynch                             2 
1993 TAFF Ballot                                         Lynch                             2 
Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #19                       Dengrove                         22 
The Jewel of the Senile                                  Warner                           10 
Yngvi is a Louse                                         Weisskopf                         8 
There Is A Tide                                          Atkins                           11 
The AFAB Gazette #1                                      Frierson                          4 
Spiritus Mundi 133                                       Lillian                          31 
Chattacon Album                                          Lillian                           4 
Death to Deadlines                                       S. Hughes                         6 
Mother Celko's Home Companion                            Celko                            12 
This Is Not A Minaczine #43                              Lynch                             2 
This Is Not A Minaczine #44                              Lunch                             2 
Tennessee Trash #4                                       Robe                             10 
Trivial Pursuits #45                                     Gelb                             19 
A Moleman Runs Through It #2                             Wells                             8 
Starjazzer #7, Vol 2                                     Hammer-Johnson                   12 
Bouffant Jellyfish #12                                   Dolbear                          10 
Hi Gang! Its Me #193                                     Dane                             12 
The Sphere                                               Don                              14 
I Only Use My Gun When Kindness Fails                    Burke                             8 
In Direct Violation of United Nations Sanctions 
   Saddam Enters The No-Fly Zone                         Hutchinson                       30 
To Live, Gun-Shy, In L.A.                                Judkowitz                         4 
Do 4 Pages or Die! #1                                    Davis                             6 
Get Your Tongue Out Of My Mouth, We're 
    Doing a One-Shot                                     Weisskopf, Davis, Robe            4 
Sugar Magnolia                                           Montalbano                       13 
20 Ounces of Nitrogen Tri Iodide                         weber                             1 
                                                         TOTAL PAGES                     444 

                              The Southerner
          The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
  JoAnn Montalbano, Official Editor                  Alan Hutchinson, President 

                 CONTENTS OF THE 172st MAILING - Mar.93

Balancing Act                                     Brown                          3 
The NewPort News                                  Brooks                        14 
Tennessee Trash                                   Robe                           4 
Derogatory Reference                              Hlavaty                       11 
Confessions of A Consistent Liar                  Hlavaty                        5 
The AFAB Gazette                                  Frierson                      16 
Jewel of the Senile                               Warner                        10 
Recovery, Vol II, #1                              Hlavaty                        2 
Mishima 2                                         Hlavaty                        2 
Spiritus Mundi #134                               Lillian                       55 
This Is Not a Minaczine                           Lynch                          8 
The Old Mess Sergeant's Hall of Blame             Hlavaty                        2 
Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #20                Dengrove                      13 
May You Live In Interesting Times                 Dengrove                      13 
Tyndallite Vol 2 #46                              Metcalf                        8 
The Vicarious Thrill of Unbridled Joy             Gatewood                      20 
Trivia Answers & Missing Page Reprints            weber                          2.5 
Poems for the Cold Months                         weber                          2 
Twenty Bags of Bat Shit                           weber                          4 
Oh Say, Can You Smurf...                          Wells                          2.5 
I Carried Elvis's Alien Clone Love Child          S. Hughes                      3 
Seasons #9                                        B. Hughes                     18 
Trivial Pursuits #46                              Gelb                          17 
Fingertip Reality #60                             Moudry                        12 
To Shiver in Anticipation...                      Judkowitz                      5 
Gymel #5                                          Smoke                          6 
I'll Take Park Place                              Atkins                        21 
Hannibal Lecter's Bumper Sticker                  Hutchinson                    25 
Yngvi Is A Louse & Other Graffitos #23            Weisskopf                     14 
The Sphere - Vol 143 #1                           Markstein                      8 
Project: Stormshot                                Various                       14 
If This Looks Like a Short Zine...                Davis                          4 
Sugar Magnolia #62                                Montalbano                    12 
Seven Vices On My Mind                            Burke                          8 
                                                   TOTAL PAGES                 360 

                                THE SOUTHERNER


                          CONTENTS OF THE 173RD MAILING - Jun.93

THE NEW PORT NEWS                                  BROOKS                       14 
THE AFAB GAZETTE                                   FRIERSON                      6 
AE PRESS FLYER                                     GATEWOOD FRANK                2 
MAYFAIR GAMES CATALOG                              GATEWOOD FRANK               34 
ADAMS/GATEWOOD ANNOUCEMENT                         GATEWOOD FRANK                1 
CONFESSIONS OF A CONSISTENT LIAR                   HLAVATY                       6 
TWENTY GRAINS OF NAVY COOL                         WEBER                        20 
GULLY FOYLE                                        BROWN (FRANK?)               16 
CALIFORNIA CRAP 13                                 HLAVATY                       2 
TYNDALLITE VO. 2  #47                              METCALF                      13 
20 DROPS OF SMASHITE/20 FRAMES OF ...              WEBER                        20 
HOME WITH THE ARMADILLO                            COPELAND                      9 
JEWEL OF THE SENILE                                WARNER                       10 
THIS IS NOT A MINACZINE #46                        LYNCH                         2 
THIS IS NOT A MINACZINE #47                        LYNCH                         3 
SUPPORT FLYER                                      HLAVATY                       1 
TWYGDRASIL & TREEHOUSE GAZETTE #21                 DENGROVE                     15 
SPIRITUS MUNDI #135                                LILLIAN                      41 
TRIVIAL PURSUITS #47                               GELB                         20 
DR. JEKYLL & MR. ED                                ATKINS                       39 
I DREAMT I MADE MINAC                              WELLS                         8 
OBLIO 86                                           BROWN                        43 
TENNESSEE TRASH #6                                 ROBE                         22 
GYMEL #6                                           SMOKE                         7 
STAMJAZZER #8, VOL. 2                              HAMMER-JOHNSON                7 
SEASONS #10                                        B. HUGHES                     9 
ALICE IN GONDWANALAND                              HUTCHINSON                   11 
THE NEARLY EXTINCT ONE SHOT                        S. HUGHES                     3 
YNGVI IS A LOUSE                                   WEISSKOPF                    12 
VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF LA MER                     BUMS                          4 
BOUFFANT JELLYFISH #14                             DOLBEAR                       9 
PURPLE PROSE #593                                  DANE                         10 
THE SPHERE                                         MARKSTEIN                    14 
HI GANG, ITS ME #393                               DANE                         14 
SUGAR MAGNOLIA                                     MONTALBANO                   12 
                                                  TOTAL PAGES                  499 

                                        The Southerner
                The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 

        JoAnn Montalbano, Official Editor               Alan Hutchinson, President 
         Dennis K. Dolbear, Official Provider of Life Support & Morale Boosts 

                              Contents of the 174th Mailing - Aug.93

B'hamacon 3/DSC 32 flyer                                    Lillian frank                              2 
Parthekhan/DSC 33 flyer                                     Lillian frank                              2 
Confessions of a Consistent Liar                            Hlavaty                                    7 
Derogatory  Reference  75                                   Hlavaty                                   13 
The New Fort News 150                                       Brooks                                    12 
Spiritus Mundi No. 136                                      Lillian                                   39 
The AFAB Gazette #4                                         Frierson                                   6 
The  Jewel of the Senile                                    Warner                                    10 
Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #22                          Dengrove                                  22 
Sorry-Bad Corner!/1 Would Not Think                         weber                                     30 
Tyndallite Vol.2,#48                                        Metcalf                                   13 
Fans Along The  Potomac  #la                                Lynch (frank?)                             1 
This Is Not A Minaczine   #48                               Lynch                                      8 
Napoleon  Blown-Apart                                       Lillian                                    4 
Harmonica Virgins                                           Krawecke                                   4 
Bucket Smurf                                                Wells                                      2 
Oblio #87                                                   Brown                                     32 
Home With The Armadillo                                     Copeland                                   4 
The Ren & Stimpy Show Viewer's  Guide                       Brown                                      7 
Seasons #11                                                 B. Hughes                                  5 
Another Sleazy OneShot                                      S. Hughes                                  6 
The Thomas R. Hanlon Etiquette Quiz                         Wilder (wlist)                             2 
Fingertip Reality #61                                       Moudry                                     8 
Ad astra: in memoriam (Vol.1,#1; WN1)                       Moudry                                     1 
Ad astra: in memoriam (Vol.1,#2; WN2)                       Moudry                                     1 
The Sphere,  Vol 145, No.1                                  Markstein                                  6 
Mah-Jongg with Comics Tile Set                              Markstein                           disk + 2 
Life Is A Series of Speed Bumps #793                        Dane                                       4 
Witzend                                                     Atkins                                    29 
Weekend at Bernie's VI                                      Hutchinson                                40 
Trivial Pursuits #48                                        Gelb                                      23 
The Vicar of Whimsy Takes A Wife!                           Gatewood                                  14 
Dingy Helps Ditzy To The Altar: The Wedding Zine            Mr & Mrs Gatewood                         12 
Tennessee Trash #7                                          Robe                                      14 
A Little Bit of Chatsworth                                  Judkowitz                                 10 
Rock -N- Bowl Oneshot                                       Various                                    4 
It's July Again Already                                     Davis                                      3 
Yngvi Is A Louse #25                                        Weisskopf                                  6 
Martian Jail-bait vs. Barney the Anti-Christ                Various                                    8 
A Potato, A Squash, or Worse I Fear                         Burke                                      6 
Sugar Magnolia                                              Montalbano                                12 
Bouffant Jellyfish #14                                      Dolbear                                   12 
The Southerner                                              JMOE                                       4 
                                                                               TOTAL PAGES           450 

                               The Southerner 
          The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
       JoAnn Montalbano, Official Editor          Alan Hutchinson, President 
                 Dennis K. Dolbear, Bestest Buddy & Sweet Patootie 

                           Contents of the 175th Mailing - Oct.93

  Confessions of a Consistent Liar 42     Hlavaty              7 
  Discordia Revisited #1                  Hlavaty             17 
  The New Port News 151                   Brooks              12 
  Mimosa 14                               Lynch & others      66 
  The Jewel of the Senile                 Warner              10 
  Spiritus Mundi 137                      Lillian             37 
  Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #23      Dengrove            16 
  This Is Not A Minaczine #49             Lynch                6 
  Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies       Phillips (wl)        1 
  Polaris 2                               Katz                34 
  Dark Star                               weber               14 
  Increase To Flank Speed #1              Wells               12 
  Trivial Pursuits #49                    Gelb                13 
  A Bridge Too Far                        Gelb                 9 
  Presenting...                           Atkins              31 
  Gymel #7                                Smoke                7 
  Tennessee Trash #8                      Robe                10 
  Tyndallite, Vol 2, #49                  Metcalf             26 
  Full Length Articles...                 Metcalf (frank)     38 
  As Always, Mel, Golf Is A Game Of Itches Hutchinson         12 
  Museum Replicas Ltd. Catalog #28        Reinhardt(wl-frank) 66 
  Oblio #88                               Brown               24 
  Son of Harmonica Virgins                Krawecke            11 
  Home With The Armadillo                 Copeland             8 
  Valerie & The Jelly Bean Trail          Hutchinson (frank?) 11 
  Seasons #12                             B. Hughes           44 
  Another Sleazy OneShot                  S. Hughes            2 
  Fingertip Reality #62                   Moudry               2 
  Fingertip Reality #63                   Moudry               2 
  A Little Bit of Chatsworth #2           Judkowitz            6 
  Is Everybody Happy? (Finally?)          weber               50 
  Observations on Sex, Politics#993       Dane                 8 
  The Sphere, Vol 145, #1                 Markstein            6 
  Feed The Guppies #1                     Davis                3 
  Stop the Presses! #4                    Lynch                1 
  Sugar Magnolia (the Magnificent)        Montalbano          13 
  Cheap Date                              Burke & Montalbano   4 
* The Scenic Route                        Lillian             49 
  EgoBoo poll 1993                        JMOE                 2 
  The Southerner #175                     JMOE                 4 
  TOTAL PAGES                                                694 
*If this is not here, Guy messed up. 

              Issue Number 175.1 - An  Official  Postmailing! 

                    Contents of the 175.1 PostMailing 

                                                                Previous Total for Mailing 175:      694

Yngvi Is A Louse and other Graffitos #26                     Weisskopf                                30 

                      Revised Page Total for Mailing 175: A Whopping 724 PAGES!! 

                                         The Southerner
                The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
              JoAnn Montalbano, Official Editor      Alan Hutchinson, President 
                       Dennis K. Dolbear, Bestest Buddy & Sweet Patootie 

                   Contents of the 176th Mailing - Dec.93

Bouffant Jellyfish                           Dolbear                        6 
It Goes On The Shelf                         Brooks                        34 
Turning Titanese                             Brown, Broertjes, Hutchinson   5 
Jewel of the Senile                          Warner                        10 
Amorphous Cross-bred Tedious Ripoffs         Brown, Hutchinson             17 
This Is Not A Minaczine #50                  Lynch                          6 
Seasons #13                                  B. Hughes                     18 
The New Port News 152                        Brooks                        14 
The AFAB Gazette Turkey Special              Frierson                       7 
Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #24           Dengrove                      22 
Confessions of a Consistent Liar             Hlavaty                        7 
Derogatory Reference                         Hlavaty                        6 
Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #2         Phillips(wl)                   3 
Trivial Pursuits 50                          Gelb                          21 
Night of the Living Harmonica Virgins        Krawecke                      14 
Challenger                                   Dolbear, Lillian              52 
Spiritus Mundi 138                           Lillian                       35 
Scrooge Is Haunted By Marley's Ghost         Hutchinson                    28 
Just In Time For Christmas                   S. Hughes                      4 
Oblio No. 89                                 Brown                         48 
Twenty Mule Team Minac                       Atkins                         9 
Gymel #8                                     Smoke                          9 
Smurf's Best Friend #1                       Wells                          4 
Tennessee Trash #9                           Robe                          19 
Blitzkrieg Bop                               weber                         26 
Tyndallite Vol. 2, #50                       Metcalf                       16 
Mid South Con 13 flyer                       Gatewood frank                 2 
The Vicar of Whimsy Eats His Fill            Gatewood                      22 
How To Strike Out Big Time in the Egoboo Poll
                                             Burke                          5 
The Tuscaloosan #6                           Moudry                         2 
Fingertip Reality #64                        Moudry                         9 
A Little Bit of Charredsworth #3             Judkowitz                      7 
I Like Purple Lollipops #1193                Dane                           8 
The Sphere, Vol. 147, #1                     Markstein                      6 
Yngvi Is A Louse #27                         Weisskopf                     12 
Sugar Magnolia                               Montalbano                     6 
The 1993 Egoboo Poll Results                 JMOE                           5 
The Southerner                               JMOE                           6 
                                             TOTAL PAGES                  530 

                                    The Southerner                     
Mailing number 177, Vol. 18, No. 1                              Dec. 1993-Jan. 1994 

                                Official Editor: Gary Brown 
Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson                        President: Alan Hutchinson 

                                Table of Contents 

Title and date received                                      Contributor      Pages 

1. The First Zine (12/5)                                     Brown              2 
2. As Christopher Columbus Once Said... (12/16)              Davis, Tesser
                                                             Weisskopf, Wells  10 
3. The New Port News #153 (118)                              Brooks            10 
4. AFAB Gazette #7 (1/12)                                    Frierson           6 
5. The Jewel of the Senile (1/18)                            Warner            10 
6. This I Not A Minaczine #51 (1/21)                         Lynch              6 
7. Confessions of a Consistent Liar #44 (1/22)               Hlavaty            5 
8. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #25 (1/22)               Dengrove          17 
9. Spiritus Mundi #139 (1/24)                                Lillian           31 
10.Oblio #90 (1/25)                                          Brown             44 
11.Hibernatin' Blues (1/26)                                  Atkins             2 
12.A-Hunka-Hunka Freezing Smurfs b/w Viva Los Monos (1/26)   Wells              2 
13.Tennessee Trash #10 (1/26)                                Robe              15 
14.Tyndallite Vol. 2 #51 (1/26)                              Metcalf           16 
15.Home with the Armadillo (1/26)                            Copeland          16 
16.It Goes On the Shelf #11 (1/26)                           Brooks            14 
17.Trivial Pursuits #51 (11/27)                               Gelb               9 
18.The Sphere Vol. 148 #1 (1/27)                             Markstein          6 
19.No. 194 in a Series of Dumb Titles (1/27)                 Dane               6 
20.And If I Have... (1/27)                                   weber              2 
21.A Little Bit of Chatsworth #4 (1/27)                      Judkowitz          6 
22.Seasons #14 (1/27)                                        B. Hughes          8 
23.Dreadful Carnage #1 (1/27)                                Davis              3 
24."Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos  #28 (1/27)        Weisskopf          6 
25.Mid South Con Programming (1/28)                          Gatewood           2 
26.Mid South Con flyer (1/28)                                Gatewood           2 
27.Dear family and friends... (1/28)                         Gatewood           2 
28.Lee Harvey Oswald the Rabbit Vol. 128, #1-26 (1/28)       Hutchinson        26 
29.The Southerner #177 (1/29)                                brOE               6 
                                                       Total page count       290 

                                 The Southerner 

 Mailing number 178, Vol. 18, No. 2                          February-March 1994 

                              Official Editor: Gary Brown
 Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson                    President: Alan Hutchinson 

                               Table of Contents 

  Title and date received                                  Contributor      Pages 

1. With Yellow Sharks and Hot Rats for All (2/2)           weber            16 
2. Harmonica Virgins: The Lovecraft Issue (2/3)            Krawecke         19 
3. The New Port News #154 (2/16)                           Brooks           12 
4. Hibernating Blues #2 (2/28)                             Atkins            4 
5. Spiritus Mundi (3/2)                                    Lillian          31 
6. Confessions of a Consistent Liar #45 (3/8)              Hlavaty           4 
7. Derogatory Reference #77 (3/8)                          Hlavaty          12 
8. The Jewel of the Senile (3/14)                          Warner           10 
9. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #26 (3/22)             Dengrove         13 
10.This is Not a Minaczine #52 (3/23)                      Lynch             1 
11.Fans Along the Potomac #2 (3/23)                        Lynch             2 
12.Corflu  Nova, the Progress Report (3/23)                Lynch frank       8 
13.Another Lousy Oneshot (3/23)                            Steve Hughes      7 
14.Souf' Paw (3/25)                                        Brandt            6 
15.Sugar Magnolia (3/25)                                   Montalbano       15 
16.Oblio #91 (3/27)                                        Brown            36 
17.Tyndallite Vol. 2 #52 (3/28)                            Metcalf           9 
18.Tennessee Trash #11 (3/28)                              Robe             12 
19.Crimson Cowpoke (3/28)                                  Lillian           4 
20.Running (On Empty) As Fast As I Can (3/29)              weber            18 
21.Hibernating Blues #3 (3/30)                             Atkins            1 
22.Purple Flowers are Blooming #394 (3/30)                 Dane              8 
23.The Sphere Vol. 149 #1 (3/30)                           Markstein         6 
24.Home with the Armadillo (3/30)                          Copeland         26 
25.Fingertip Reality #65 (3/30)                            Moudry            4 
26.STzine #11 (3/30)                                       Moudry            2 
27.Fingertip Reality #66 (3/30)                            Moudry            7 
28.Seasons #15 (3/31)                                      Binker Hughes    56 
29.Afterburner #1 (3/31)                                   Binker Hughes     4 
30.Trivial Pursuits #52 (3/31)                             Gelb             25 
31.The Vicar of Whimsy lives through Udder Darkness (3/31) Gatewood          4 
32.Communications Console #3 (3/31)                        Gatewood frank   22 
33.Mid South Con 13 Pocket Program (3/31)                  Gatewood         12 
34.A Little Bit of Chatsworthlurch #5 (3/31)               Judkowitz         3 
35.SFPAzine March 1994 (3/31)                              Wells            20 
36.Bouffant Jellyfish #15 (3/31)                           Dolbear           8 
37.I'm Not Depressing You, Am I? Part II Vol. 127 #1-2 (4/1)  
                                                           Hutchinson        2 
38.Guess What? Oh Boy! It's So Great!!! (4/1)              weber             1 
39.Is It That Time Already? (4/1)                          weber            16 
40.It Goes On The Shelf #12 (4/1)                          Brooks           16 
41.Yngvi is a Louse and Other Graffilos #29 (4/1)          Weisskopf        18 
42.Harmonica Virgins Lovecraft Issue: Part Two (4/2)       Krawecke          5 
43.The Southerner (4/4)                                    brOE              4 
    Total page count                                                       509 

                                     The Southerner 
 Mailing number 179, Vol. 15. No. 3                                   April-May 1994 
                              Official Editor Gary Brown 
 Emergency Officer. Alan Hutchinson                       President: Alan Hutchinson 
                                   Table of Contents 
Title and date received                                  Contributor           pages 
1. Mimosa #15 (4./19)                                      Lynch                 74 
2. Confessions of a Consistent Liar #46 (4/26)             Hlavaty                5 
3. Fanshape #16 (4/26)                                     Hlavaty                2 
4. Twilight (4/29)                                         Brown                 20 
5. Hibernatin' Blues (5/3)                                 Atkins                 4 
6. The Great Killer Tomato Scandal (5/4)                   Brooks                 4 
7. The New Port News #155 (5/9)                            Brooks                12 
8. Trivial Pursuits #53 (5/13)                             Gelb                  19 
9. Derogatory Reference #78 (5/16)                         Hlavaty               12 
10.This is Not a Minaczine #53 (5/16)                      Lynch                  5 
11.Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #27 (5/16)             Dengrove              15 
12.The Jewel of the Senile (5/18)                          Warner                10 
13.The A.F.A.B. Gazette #10 (5/23)                         Frierson               6 
14.Spiritus Mundi #141 (5/23)                              Lillian               35 
15."Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #30 (5/24)       Weisskopf             18 
16.Hibernatin' Blues (5/25)                                Atkins                 1 
17.Why Do We Do This to Ourselves (5/25)                   weber                 10 
18.Soufpaw /#2 (5/25)                                      Brandt                 8 
19.It's All A Plot (5/26)                                  Hughes                 3 
20.Sugar Magnolia (5/26)                                   Montalbano             7 
21.Tennessee Trash #12 (5/26)                              Robe                  12 
22.Fingertip reality #67 (5/26)                            Moudry                 8 
23.Tyndallite, Vol. 2, No. 53 (5/28)                       Metcalf               12 
24.The First Annual Bimonthly Entomological Revue (5/28)   Tesser                11 
25.Lights, Camera, Nitpick! (5/28)                         Davis                  7 
26.The Sphere Vol. 150, #1 (5/28)                          Markstein              6 
27.Dated Material #594 (5/28)                              Dane                   8 
28.Let's Hear It for Deregulation! (5/28)                  Gelb                  11 
29.A Fab-io Fano-clasto One Shot For SFPA (5/28)           Davis, Hlavaty, 
                                                           Weisskopf,      4 
30.Oblio #92 (5/29)                                        Brown                 19 
31.Bill Suddenly Sees the Folly in Finishing Off That Last
    Half Gallon of Pork 'n' Beans Vol. 128, #1-23 (5/29)   Hutchinson            23 
32.The Southerner, Vol. 18, #3 (5/30)                      brOE                   4 
    Total Page Count                                                            395 

Mailing number 179.5, Vol.18, No. 3.5                                April-May 1994 
                                     Official Editor: Gary Brown
           Emergency Officer:  Alan Hutchinson           President: Alan Hutchinson 
                                           Table of Contents 
1. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #6 (5/28)                    Judkowitz             12
2. Seasons #16 (5/28)                                      B. Hughes             14 
3. The Southerner #179.5 (6/2)                             brOE                   2 
 Total Page Count for the SFPA #179.5                                            28 
 Total Page Count for the SFPA #179                                             423 

                                              The Southerner
 Mailing number 180, Vol. 115, No. 4                                          June-July 1994 
                                       Official Editor, Gary Brown
       Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson                         President: Alan Hutchinson 

                                           Table of Contents 
    Title and date received                                         Contributor        Pages 

 1. Generic Page(s) (6/9)                                           Phillips               4 
 2. Hibernatin' Blues -- June (6/11)                                Atkins                 4 
 3. The New Port News #156 (6/17)                                   Brooks                 8 
 4. The New Poet News (6/17)                                        Brooks                 2 
 5. Confessions of a Consistent Liar (6/20)                         Hlavaty                3 
 6. The A.F.A.B. Gazette #11 (6/20)                                 Frierson              12 
 7. This is Not a Minaczine #54 (7/7)                               Lynch                  2 
 8. This is Not a Minaczine #55 (7/7)                               Lynch                  2 
 9. The A.F.A.B. Gazette #11.5 (7/9)                                Frierson               6 
10. Spiritus Mandl #142 (7/13)                                      Lillian               19 
11. The Jewel of the Senile (7/18)                                  Warner                10 
12. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #28 (7/18)                     Dengrove              14 
13. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #7 (7/23)                            Judkowitz              7 
14. Tyndallite Vol. 2, #54 (7/23)                                   Metcalf                8 
15. Oblio #93 (7/24)                                                Brown                 47 
16. Home with the Armadillo (7/25)                                  Copeland               7 
17. Souf'paw #3 (7/25)                                              Brandt                 2 
18. Bless My Soul, it's Rock 'n' Roll, Part One (7/26)              weber                  8 
19. Sugar Magnolia (7/27)                                           Montalbano            14 
20. Simpson Queried in Death of Ex-Wife Vol. 129 #1-19 (7/27)       Hutchinson            19 
21. This is Not a Minaczine #56 (7/28)                              Lynch                  2 
22. Seasons #17 (7/28)                                              B. Hughes             28 
23. Tennessee Trash #13 (7/28)                                      Robe                   9 
24. Mother Lousy One Shot (7/28)                                    S. Hughes              3 
25. Imagine Clever Title Here No. 794 (7/28)                        Dane                   8 
26. The Sphere Vol. 151, no.1 (7/28)                                Markstein              6 
27. Trivial Pursuits #54 (7/28)                                     Gelb                  21 
28. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #31 (7/28)               Weisskopf             12 
29. Attack of the Mommy Dinosaur! (7/28)                            Davis, Brandt, 
                                                                    Weisskopf              4 
30. Flaming Death of Harmonica Virgins (7/28)                       Krawecke              13 
31. The Southerner #180                                             brOE                   4 
    Total Page Count                                                                     308 

                                        The Southerner
      Mailing number 181, Vol. 18, No. 5                    August-September 1994 
                                   Official Editor. Gary Brown 
     Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson                     President: Alan Hutchinson 

                                    Table of Contents 
    Title  and date received                                        Contributor         Pages 

1.  SFPAzine July 1994 (7/29)                                         Wells                12 
2.  The Vicar of Whimsy Minacs Out (8/2)                              Gatewood              8 
3.  Midsouthcon 14 (8/2)                                              Gatewood frank        1 
4.  This is Not a Minaczine #57 (8/9)                                 Lynch                 2 
5.  The New Port News #157 (8/12)                                     Brooks               10 
6.  It's a Book! (8/16)                                               B. Hughes             1 
7.  This is Not a Minaczine #58 (8/28)                                Lynch                 2 
8.  This is Not a Minaczine #59  (8/28)                               Lynch                 2 
9.  Tuscaloosa TypoGraphy #1 (8/31)                                   Moudry                1 
10. Fingertip Reality #68 (8/31)                                      Moudry                5 
11. The Historic Route (8/31)                                         Lillian              20 
12. The Jewel of the Senile (9/15)                                    Warner               10 
13. Tyndallite Vol. 2, #55 (9/15)                                     Metcalf               6 
14. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #29 (9/19)                       Dengrove             15 
15. Spiritus Mundi #143  (9/19)                                       Lillian              37 
16. Unnecesary Intimate Redundancies #2 (9/22)                        Phillips              4 
17. OE AT DSC (9/22)                                                  Weisskopf             1 
18. Freakishly Overdeveloped Geeks #0 (9/23)                          Hlavaty               2 
19. Freakishly Overdeveloped Geeks #1 (9/23)                          Hlavaty               2 
20. Freakishly Overdeveloped Geeks #2 (9/23)                          Hlavaty               2 
21. They Knew Too Much About The Deadline Mambo #1 (9/24)             Wells                 7 
22. Seasons #18 (9/24)                                                B.Hughes             56 
23. It's Another Lousy One Shot! (9/26)                               S.Hughes              7 
24. Trivial Pursuits #55 (9/27)                                       Gelb                 17 
23. It's Them Relocatin' Blues Again, Momma.. (9/28)                  weber                 1 
26. Oblio #94 (9/28)                                                  Brown                31 
27. Tennessee Trash #14 (9/29)                                        Robe                 12 
28. Tarted-Up Toenails (9/29)                                         Various               3 
29. The Sphere, Vol. 152, no. 1 (9/29)                                Markstein             6 
30. Excuse 1/994 (9/29)                                               Dane                  2 
31. Fingertip Reality #69 (9/29)                                      Moudry               10 
32. The Darkover Avenger, Episode I (9/29)                            Rhia                  1 
33. Confessions of a Consistent Liar #49 (9/29)                       Hlavaty               5 
34. Freakishly Overdeveloped Geeks #3 (9/29)                          Hlavaty               2 
35. Freakishly Overdeveloped Geeks  #4  (9/29)                        Hlavaty               2 
36. Souf'paw #4 (9/29)                                                Brandt                6 
37. Sugar Magnolia (9/29)                                             Montalbano           16 
38. Limping Back From Birmingham (9/29)                               Davis                 4 
39. Announcing The SFPAnthology II (9/29)                             Weisskopf             1 
40. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #32 (9/29)                 Weisskopf            24 
41. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #8 (9/30)                              Judkowitz             5 
42. Tales Calculated to Drive You to DSC #9 (9/30)                    Hutchinson            7 
43. Is This Any Way To Treat An Egoboo Poll Mailing? (9/30)           Hutchinson            2 
44. The Southerner #181 (9/30)                                        brOE                  8 
    Total Page Count                                                                      378 

                                        The Southerner
 Mailing number 182, Vol. 18, No. 6                                 October-November 1994 
                                  Official Editor Gary Brown
 Emergency Officer: Alan  Hutchinson                      President: Alan Hutchinson 
                                     Table of Contents 
    Title and date received                                         Contributor         Pages 

1.  Afterburner #2 (l0/2)                                              B.Hughes             4 
2.  It Goes On The Shelf (10/8)                                        Brooks              26 
3.  The New Port News #158 (10/27)                                     Brooks              10 
4.  The AFAB Gazette twelfth or never issue (11/5)                     Frierson             6 
5.  The Jewel of the Senile (11/11)                                    Warner              10 
6.  Confessions of a. Consistent Liar #50 (11/14)                      Hlavaly              5 
7.  Derogatory Reference #79 (11/14)                                   Hlavaty             14 
8.  Freakishly Overdeveloped Geeks #s 5-10 (11/14)                     Hlavaly             12 
9.  Bless My Soul, I'ts Rock 'N' Roll, Part Two (11/15)                weber               10 
10. This is Not a Minaczine #60 (11/17)                                Lynch                1 
11. "YNOVI IS A LOUSE" ... And Other Graffitos #11 (11/18)             Weisskopf           18 
12. The AFAB Gazette #22.2 (11/21)                                     Frierson             2 
13. Synecdoche #1 (11/22)                                              Wells                2 
14. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #30 (11/22)                       Dengrove            17 
15. Spiritus Mundi (11/22)                                             Lillian             30 
16. Armadill Homesick Blues (11/23)                                    Copeland             7 
17. This is Not a Minaczine #61 (11/23)                                Lynch                2 
18. Trivial Pursuits #56 (11/23)                                       Gelb                17 
19. Sugar Magnolia (11/23)                                             Montalbano          11 
20. Oblio #95 (11/24)                                                  Brown               30 
21. What's Your Problem? Vol. 131, #1-30 (11/27)                       Hutchinson          30 
22. Seasons #19 (11/28)                                                B.Hughes            40 
23. The Sphere Vol. 153, #1 (11/28)                                    Markstein            6 
24. Tennessee Trash #14 (11/28)                                        Robe                22 
25. A Little Bit. of Chatsworth #/9 (11/28)                            Judkowitz            9 
26. A Funny Thing Happened to Me on the Way to India (11/28)           Davis, Wells, 
                                                                       Weisskopf            9 
27. Tyndallite Vol. 2, #56 (11/28)                                     Metcalf              9 
28. Fingertip Reality #70 (11/28)                                      Moudry               2 
29. Fingertip Reality #71 (11/28)                                      Moudry               4 
30. Notes From Multivac Vol. 1, #1 (11/28)                             Moudry               2 
31. Thanatopsis II Memoriam DCE (11/28)                                weber                4 
32. Ho Ho Harmonica Virgins (11/28)                                    Krawecke            12 
33. SFPA Egoboo Poll 1993-94 (11/23)                                   brOE                 7 
34. The Southerner #182 (11/28)                                        brOE                 6 
    Total Page Count                                                                      394 

                            The Southerner
Mailing number 183, Vol. 18, No. 7                December 1994-January 1995 
                            Official Editor Gary Brown 
  Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson             President: Alan Hutchinson 
                                Table of Contents 
  Title and date received                                    Contributor      Pages 

1.  1-800-GHLIII-25 (12/12)                                     Lillian           18 
2.  The New Port News #159 (12/12)                              Brooks             6 
3.  Mimosa #16 (12/23)                                          Lynch             58 
4.  The DUFF Ballot (12/23)                                     Lynch              2 
5.  The GUFF Ballot (12/23)                                     Lynch              2 
6.  The TAFF Ballot (12/23)                                     Lynch              2 
7.  Fanthology '90 (12/23)                                      Lynch             84 
8.  The A.F.A.B. Gazette #33.3 (12/29)                          Frierson          10 
9.  The Jewel of the Senile (1/9)                               Warner            10 
10. I Left My Smurf in Moleman City... (1/14)                   Wells              6 
11. This is Not a Minaczine #62 (1/14)                          Lynch              3 
12. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #31 (1/16)                 Dengrove          16 
13. Confessions of a Consistent Liar #64 (1/17)                 Hlavaty            2 
14. Spiritus Mundi #145 (1/23)                                  Lillian           29 
15. Rising For The Moon (1/23)                                  weber             18 
16. Tyndallite Vol. 2 #57 (1/24)                                Metcalf            8 
17. Freakishly Overdeveloped Geeks #s 11-20 (1/24)              Hlavaty           10 
18. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #34 (1/24)           Weisskopf          6 
19. Not Much 'a Nothin' #116 (1/24)                             Biggers            6 
20. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #3 (1/25)                 Phillips           6 
21. Oblio #96 (1/25)                                            Brown             34 
22. Trivial Pursuits #57 (1/26)                                 Gelb              27 
23. Sugar Magnolia (The Somewhat Chilly) (1/26)                 Montalbano        13 
24. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #10 (1/26)                       Judkowitz          6 
25. The Sphere Vol. 154 #1 (1/26)                               Markstein          6 
26. Yet Another Lousy On Shot (1/26)                            S.Hughes           8 
27. Tennessee Trash #15 (1/26)                                  Robe               6 
28. Seasons #20 (1/26)                                          B.Hughes          38 
29. Happy Newt Year (1/27)                                      Davis              5 
30. Might-Have-Beens and the Never-Weres Can Drive a Man Insane (1/27)
                                                                weber             14 
31. Abbr. H'monica Vgns (1/27)                                  Krwcke             2 
32. The Store That Sells Melodrama Vol. 132, #1-11 (1/27)       Hutchinson        11 
33. The Southerner #183 (1/27)                                  brOE               4 
    Total Page Count                                                             476 

                                   The Southerner
Mailing number 184, Vol.18, No.8                             February-March 1995 
                              Official Editor Gary Brown 
  Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson                 President: Alan Hutchinson 
                                 Table of Contents 
      Title and  date received                            Contributor       Pages 

1.  A.F.A.B. Gazette #95-1 (2/2)                             Frierson           6 
2.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar #52 (2/14)              Hlavaty            5 
3.  The New Port News #160 (2/21)                            Brooks            12 
4.  The Last Dangerous Geeks (?) (3/9)                       Hlavaty            1 
5.  Hoo-RAYS (3/12)                                          Brown              2 
6.  The Jewel of the Senile (3/13)                           Warner            10 
7.  This is Not a Minaczine #63 (3/15)                       Lynch              4 
8.  Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #32 (3/20)              Dengrove          20 
9.  Spiritus Mundi #146 (3/22)                               Lillian           27 
10. Fat Tuesday ... The Missing Page Mystery (3/22)          Lillian            3 
11. Fingertip Reality #72 (2/24)                             Moudry             9 
12. The Sphere Vol. 155, #1 (3/25)                           Markstein          6 
13. Trivial Pursuits #58 (3/28)                              Gelb              17 
14. Oblio #97 (3/29)                                         Brown             38 
15. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #11 (3/30)                    Judkowitz          6 
16. Sugar Magnolia (no frills - cheap seats) (3/30)          Montalbano        16 
17. Once I Had A Secret Smurf (3/30)                         Wells              2 
18. Seasons #21 (3/30)                                       B.Hughes          24 
19. Challenger #2 (3/30)                                     Lillian           68 
20. Armadillo in Exile (3/31)                                Copeland           7 
21. Tennessee Trash #16 (3/31)                               Robe              10 
22. Tyndallite Vol. 2, #53 (3/31)                            Metcalf           10 
23. Death of a Clown! (3/31)                                 weber             14 
24. Another Island One Shot (3/31)                           S.Hughes           3 
25. When I Think of a Title, I'll Let You Know Vol.133, #1-2 (3/31) 
                                                             Hutchinson         2 
27. It's Poonsnob the Bumshot! (3/31)                        Weisskopf, Wells 
                                                             Davis, Teaser     11 
28. Plain Old Harmonica Virgins (4/1)                        Krawecke           5 
29. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #35 (4/1)         Weisskopf         12 
30. The Southerner #184                                      brOE               4 
    Total Page Count                                                          355 

                                  The Southerner
 Mailing number 185, Vol. 18, No. 9                                 April-May 1995 
                            Official Editor Gary Brown 
 Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson                  President: Alan Hutchinson 
                               Table of Contents 
     Title and date received                                Contributor      Pages 

1.  The New Port News #161 (4/20)                            Brooks            10 
2.  The Night Land (4/20)                                    Brooks            63 
3.  The Golden Age of Comic Fandom flyer (4/22)              Brown frank        2 
4.  The Jewel of the Senile (5/15)                           Warner            10 
5.  Tyndallite Vol. 2, #59 (5/15)                            Metcalf            8 
6.  The AFAB Gazette #95-5 (5/17)                            Frierson          10 
7.  A Printer Test One Shot (5/22)                           S.Hughes           3 
8.  Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #33 (5/22)              Dengrove          20 
9.  Spiritus Mundi #147 (5/22)                               Lillian           30 
10. DeepSouthCon 35 flyer (5/22)                             Lillian frank      1 
11. Australia in '99 flyer (5/22)                            Lillian frank      2 
12. How to Win Smurfs & Influence Mole People (5/23)         Wells              4 
13. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #4 (5/23)              Phillips          10 
14. Sugar Magnolia (Full Metal Minac Issue) (5/24)           Montalbano         7 
15. This is Not a Minaczine #64 (5/24)                       Lynch              6 
16. Not Much 'a Nothin' #117 (5/25)                          Biggers            6 
17. Trivial Pursuits #59 (5/25)                              Gelb              17 
18. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #36 (5/25)        Weisskopf         18 
19. You Mean You Don't Know (5/25)                           weber              6 
20. Oblio #98 (5/25)                                         Brown             28 
21. Seasons #22 (5/26)                                       B.Hughes          14 
22. Afterburner #3 (5/26)                                    B.Hughes           1 
23. The Sphere Vol. 156, #1 (5/26)                           Markstein          6 
24. A Miniscule Amount of Chatsworth #12 (5/26)              Judkowitz          5 
25. The Store That Sells Toys Vol. 134, #1-11 (5/26)         Hutchinson        11 
26. The Southerner #185 (5/29)                               brOE               4 
    TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                                          305 

                                       The Southerner
 Mailing number 186, Vol. 18, No. 10                                June-July 1995 
                                   Official Editor: Gary Brown
 Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson                           President: Alan Hutchinson 

                                 Table of Contents 

     Title  and date received                                 Contributor        Pages 

 1.  The New Port News #162 (6/19)                              Brooks              10 
 2.  To 'Our Favorite Julius' (6/21)                            Lillian              1 
 3.  (Title Goes Here) (6/23)                                   Lynch                1 
 4.  Spiritus Mundi #148 (7/7)                                  Lillian             17 
 5.  It Goes On The Shelf (7/9)                                 Brooks              26 
 6.  The Jewel of the Senile (7/13)                             Warner              10 
 7.  Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #34 (7/17)                Dengrove            18 
 8.  Fingertip Reality #73 (7/21)                               Moudry              13 
 9.  Notes From Multivac #2 (7/21)                              Moudry               1 
 10. Prosperous Attorney (7/22)                                 Frierson            10 
 11. Oblio #99 (7/24)                                           Brown               28 
 12. A Midnight Fax to Georgia (7/24)                           Judkowitz       
                                                                Markstein, Dane      2 
 13. Looks Like Freedom But It Feels Like Death (7/25)          weber                8 
 14. Confessions of a Consistent Liar #53 (7/25)                Hlavaty              7 
 15. Derogatory Reference #80 (7/25)                            Hlavaty              8 
 16. Who Is That Blue Smurf Stranger There? (7/26)              Wells               10 
 17. This Is Not a Minaczine #65 (7/26)                         Lynch                2 
 18. Tyndallite Vol. 2 #60 (7/26)                               Metcalf             14 
 19. Spider Pie #1 (7/27)                                       S.Hughes             9 
 20. It Could Be Worse -- It Could Be Raining (7/27)            DSC Bunch           10 
 21. Seasons #23 (7/27)                                         B.Hughes            31 
 22. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #13 (7/28)                      Judkowitz            6 
 23. Trivial Pursuits #60 (7/28)                                Gelb                23 
 24. The Sphere Vol. 157 #1 (7/29)                              Markstein            6
 25. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #37 (7/29)          Weisskopf            8 
 26. Tennessee Trash #17 (7/29)                                 Robe                16 
 27. "It's Time You Punks Learn Who the Real Ranger Is" Vol. 135 #1-15 (7/29)
                                                                Hutchinson          15 
 28. The Southerner (7/29)                                      brOE                 4
      Total                                                                        314 

 Mailing number 186.5, Vol. 18, No. 10.5                                         June-July 1995 
                                       Official Editor Gary Brown 
 Emergency Officer. Alan Hutchinson                                  President: Alan Hutchinson 

                                             Table of  Contents 

   Title and date received                                    Contributor         Pages 
 1.  The Haunted Armadillo (7/31)                               Copeland             7 
 2.  The Southerner #186.5 (8/6)                                brOE                 2 
 Postmailing Total                                                                   9 

 SFPA #186 Total Page                                                              323 

                                       The Southerner
Mailing number 187, Vol. 18, No. 11                                     August- September 1995 
                                      Official Editor: Gary Brown 
 Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson                                 President: Alan Hutchinson 

                                         Table of Contents 
    Title and date received                                         Contributor          Pages

1.  The First SIPA Refrigerator Magnet (8/2)                          S.Hughes               1 
2.  The New Port News #163 (8/14)                                     Brooks                14 
3.  Quest for the Green Hills of Earth (8/14)                         Brooks                30 
4.  The New Poet News #163.5 (8/18)                                   Brooks                 2 
5.  Weber Work Update (Again!) (8/19)                                 weber                  1 
6.  The Heroic Route (9/7)                                            Lillian               24 
7.  The Jewel of the Senile (9/13)                                    Warner                10 
8.  Spiritus Mundi #149 (9/16)                                        Lillian               19 
9.  Peter, Pan & Merry #1 (9/18)                                      Schlosser              6 
10. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #38 (9/18)                 Weisskopf             20 
11. Bums of Steel (9/18)                                              Weisskopf, Wells       6 
12. Unnecessary Intimate  Redundancies - #5 (9/19)                    Phillips              13 
13. Trivial Pursuits #61 (9/23)                                       Gelb                  13 
14. Pipers & Plaid (9/23)                                             Gelb                  18 
15. Spider Pie #2 (9/23)                                              S.Hughes               8 
16. Radio Daze (9/23)                                                 Ackerman               8 
17. A Little Bit of Chatsworth (9/27)                                 Judkowitz              6 
18. Based on the Explosive New TV Series #1 (9/27)                    Wells                  5 
19. This is Not a Minaczine #66 (9/28)                                Lynch                  6 
20. The Sphere Vol. 158, #1 (9/28)                                    Markstein             12 
21. Sugar Magnolia (End of the season close-out sale issue) (9/29)    Montalbano            10 
22. The Wet and Cold Armadillo (9/29)                                 Copeland               4 
23. Not Much 'a Nothin' #114 (9/30)                                   Biggers                6 
24. Fingertip reality #74 (9/29)                                      Moudry                11 
25. Tyndallite Vol. 2 #41 (9/29)                                      Metcalf               11 
26. Oblio #100 (9/29)                                                 Brown                 32 
27. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #35 w/Pog in a Poke (9/30)       Dengrove              22 
28. Tennessee Trash #18 (9/30)                                        Robe                   8 
29. Raw Materials for 'Thermoplastic Pavement Striping Compounds (9/30)  
                                                                      Robe frank            12 
30. Halvin & Cobbes Vol. 136 #1-15 (9/30)                             Hutchinson            15 
31. The Southerner #187 (9/30)                                        brOE                   8 
    Total                                                                                  361 

                                  The Southerner
                  Mailing number 188, Vol. 18, No. 12 October-November 1995
                              Official Editor: Gary Brown 
Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson                      President: Guy H. Lillian III 
                                   Table of Contents 

      Title and date received                               Contributor            Pages 

1.  1995 SFPA Egoboo Poll Results (11/26)                    brOE                       7 
2.  Power of the Printing Press (10/9)                       Brown                      1 
3.  The New Port News (10/10)                                Brooks                    10 
4.  Spiritus Mundi #150 (11/10)                              Lillian                   38 
5.  The Jewel of the Senile (11/15)                          Warner                    10 
6.  Peter, Pan & Merry #2 (11/16)                            Schlosser                 11 
7.  Haggis & Kisses (11/16)                                  Schlosser                 21 
8.  Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #36 (11/16)             Dengrove                  18 
9.  The A.F.A.B. Gazette Halloween, 1995 (11/18)             Frierson                   8 
10. This Is Not A Minaczine #67 (11/22)                      Lynch                      2 
11. Oblio #101 (11/24)                                       Brown                     59 
12. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #39 (11/25)       Weisskopf                  6 
13. Announcing ... FAPA (11/25)                              Weisskopf frank            1 
14. Corflu 13 Progress Report #1 (11/25)                     Weisskopf frank            2 
15. Choo! Choo! The Train Wreck (11/27)                      Dengrove                   1 
16. Tyndallite Vol. 2 #62 (11/28)                            Metcalf                   14 
17. More! Moore! (11/28)                                     Lillian                    1 
18. Challenger #3 (11/28)                                    Lillian                   96 
19. Storm's A-comin', Jed! Vol. 137, #1-15 (11/29)           Hutchinson                15 
20. Spider Pie #3 (11/29)                                    S.Hughes                   9 
21. Imagine There's No Molemen #1 (11/29)                    Wells                      6 
22. Trivial Pursuits #62 (11/29)                             Gelb                      19 
23. Radio Daze (11/30)                                       Ackerman                   6 
24. Hours Slowly Slipping by (11/30)                         weber                     11 
25. Confessions of a Consistent Liar #54 (11/30)             Hlavaty                    7 
26. Afterburner #4 (11/30)                                   B.Hughes                   6 
27. The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Checklist (12/1)        Hutchinson                11 
28. Tennessee Trash #19 (12/2)                               Robe                      19 
29. The Sphere Vol. 159 #1 (12/2)                            Markstein                  6 
30. The Southerner #188 (12/2)                               brOE                       4 
      TOTAL                                                                           420 

                                    The Southerner
Mailing number 189, Vol. 18, No. 13                    December 1995-January 1996 
                             Official Editor: Gary Brown 
   Emergency Officer: Alan Hutchinson               President: Guy H. Lillian III 
                                  Table of Contents 

   Title and date received                           Contributor         Pages 
1.  Fingertip Reality (12/4)                         Moudry                 6 
2.  Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #6 (12/7)      Phillips               3 
3.  Derogatory Reference #81 (12/18)                 Hlavaty                6 
4.  The New Port News #165 (12/19)                   Brooks                10 
5.  rear-ender (12/30)                               Lillian                1 
6.  The A.F.A.B. Gazette 95-Omega (12/30)            Frierson               8 
7.  Dave Barry's Year in Review (1/4)                Brown                 10 
8.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar #55 (1/9)       Hlavaty                5 
9.  It Goes On the Shelf #15 (1/18)                  Brooks                22 
10. Peter, Pan & Merry #3 (1/20)                     Schlosser             13 
11. The Jewel of the Senile (1/22)                   Warner                10 
12. This is Not a Minaczine #68 (1/22)               Lynch                  8 
13. This is Not a Minaczine #69 (1/22)               Lynch                  2 
14. Oblio #102 (1/23)                                Brown                 27 
15. Trivial Pursuits #63 (1/24)                      Gelb                  15 
16. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #37 (1/24)      Dengrove              19 
17. The Blizzard of '96 (1/24)                       Dengrove               3 
18. Spiritus Mundi #151 (1/24)                       Lillian               21 
19. The Sphere Vol. 160 #1 (1/25)                    Markstein              6 
20. Not Much Light, But There's Plenty of Fight (1/25)
                                                     weber                  6 
21. The Neighbor's Polar Cat #4 (1/25)               Moudry                 6 
22. The Homesick Armadillo (1/25)                    Copeland              10 
23. The Bums Must Roll (1/25)                        Weisskopf,
                                                     Davis, Wells          11 
24. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #40 (1/25)
                                                     Weisskopf             20 
25. Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts (1/25)                  Weisskopf              2 
26. LIME JELLO (1/25)                                Weisskopf              6 
27. In Mad Haste (1/26)                              S. Hughes              3 
28. Sugar Magnolia Jack-Frost-Nipping-At-My-Nose-Edition (1/26)
                                                     Montalbano             6 
29. Radio Daze 189 (1/26)                            Ackerman              10 
30. Yesterday, All the Molemen Seemed So Far Away... (1/26)  
                                                     Wells                  7 
31. Tyndallite Vol. 2 #63 (1/27)                     Metcalf                6 
32. Unnecessary Intimate Redundancies #7 (1/27)      Phillips               9 
33. Untitled vol. 138, #1-2 (1/28)                   Hutchinson             2 
34. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #15 and #16 (1/29)    Judkowitz              8 
35. The Southerner #189 (1/29)                       brOE                   4 
    Total                                                                 311 

                                       The Southerner
        Mailing number 190, Vol. 18, No. 14                 February-March 1996 
                                   Official Editor: Gary Brown 
        Emergency Officer: TBA                    President: Guy H. Lillian III 
                                         Table of Contents 
      Title and date received                                         Contributor                Pages 

1.  The New Port News #166 (2/21)                                     Brooks                         10 
2.  Monkey Boys in the Facility (3/8)                                 Brown                           4 
3.  Afterburner #6 (3/11)                                             B. Hughes                       8 
4.  Spiritus Mundi #152 (3/13)                                        Lillian                        27 
5.  The Jewel of the Senile (3/15)                                    Warner                         10 
6.  "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #41 (3/18)                 Weisskopf                      10 
7.  Peter, Pan & Merry #3 (3/20)                                      Schlosser                      16 
8.  This is Not a Minaczine #70 (3/22                                 Lynch                           4 
9.  Fingertip Reality 376 (3/23)                                      Moudry                          1 
10. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #38 (3/35)                       Dengrove                       24 
11. Oblio #103 (3/26)                                                 Brown                          32 
12. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #17 (3/27)                             Judkowitz                       2 
13. Spider Pie #4 (3/27)                                              S. Hughes                       9 
14. Trivial Pursuits #64 (3/27)                                       Gelb                           17 
15. 101 Dominating Dalmations #1 (3/27)                               Wells                           9 
16. Of Kids and Comets (3/28)                                         Lillian                         4 
17. Ace: A Bum and Beyond (3/28)                                      Tesser, Davis,
                                                                      Weisskopf, Wells               14 
18. Home With the Armadillo (3/29)                                    Copeland                        9 
19. Tyndallite Vol. 2, #64 (3/29)                                     Metcalf                        13 
20. teenybits (3/30)                                                  weber                           2 
21. Tennessee Trash #20 (3/30)                                        Robe                           16 
22. The Southerner #190 (3/31)                                        brOE                            4 
    Total pages                                                                                     245 

                                 The Southerner
Mailing number 191, Vol. 18, No. 15                             April-May 1996 
                           Official Editor: Gary Brown 
                               Table of Contents 

    Title and date received                              Contributor      Pages 

1.  Fingertip Reality #77 (4/3)                          Moudry              5 
2.  The New Port News #167 (4/16)                        Brooks             12 
3.  The AFAB Gazette May 1996 (4/25)                     Frierson            8 
4.  The New Poet News #167.5 (4/29)                      Brooks              2 
5.  Spiritus Mundi #153 (5/8)                            Lillian            35 
6.  The Jewel of the Senile (5/15)                       Warner             10 
7.  SFPA 200: The Mailing The Convention? (5/20)         Weisskopf           3 
8.  Tyndallite Vol. 2 #65 (5/20)                         Metcalf             6 
9.  Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #39 (5/21)          Dengrove           24 
10. This is Not a Minaczine #71 (5/22)                   Lynch               2 
11. Peter, Pan & Merry #5 (5/28)                         Schlosser          12 
12. Spider Pie #5 (5/28)                                 S.Hughes            7 
13. Fingertip Reality #78 (5/28)                         Moudry              7 
14. Trivial Pursuits #65 (5/29)                          Gelb               23 
15. The Sphere Vol. 162, #1 (5/29)                       Markstein           6 
16. Oblio #104 (5/30)                                    Brown              17 
17. 'Yngvi is a Louse' and Other Graffitos #42 (5/30)    Weisskopf          10 
18. Confessions of a Consistent Liar #56 (5/30)          Hlavaty             7 
19. Sugar Magnolia (...well, if it isn't May already... issue) (5/31) 
                                                         Montalbano          7 
20. Home Graduation with the Armadillo (5/31)            Copeland           10 
21. Sgt. Preston's Lonely Sled Dog Band... (5/31)        Wells               4 
22. Death, Taxes and Deadlines (5/31)                    weber               6 
23. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #18 (6/1)                 Judkowitz           4 
24. 1996 HOGU & Black Hole Nomination Ballot (6/1)       Judkowitz frank     3 
25. Radio Daze (6/1)                                     Ackerman            6 
26. Seasons #24 (6/1)                                    B.Hughes           24 
27. The Southerner #191 (6/1)                            brOE                4 
    Total Pages                                                            264 

                                 The Southerner
Mailing number 192, Vol. 18, No. 16                             June-July 1996 
                           Official Editor: Gary Brown 
    Emergency Officer: Guy H. Lillian III         President: Guy H. Lillian III 
                               Table of Contents 
     Title and date received                           Contributor        Pages 

1.  The New Port News #168 (6/17)                    Brooks                  10 
2.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar #57 (6/20)      Hlavaty                  1 
3.  Derogatory Reference #82 (6/20)                  Hlavaty                  6 
4.  Uncle Lon's unofficial Box Scores #1 (6/22)      Brown                    2 
5.  Afterburner #5 presents ... After-Images (6/22)  B. Hughes               28 
6.  This is Not a Minaczine #72 (6/29)               Lynch                    1 
7.  This is Not a Minaczine #73 (6/29)               Lynch                    1 
8.  This is Not a Minaczine #74 (6/29)               Lynch                   12 
9.  Tyndallite Vol. 2, #66 (7/1)                     Metcalf                  7 
10. Challenger #4 (7/2)                              Lillian                102 
11. The AFAB Gazette (7/8)                           Frierson                 2 
12. The Jewel of the Senile (7/12)                   Warner                  10 
13. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #40 (7/15)      Dengrove                24 
14. Spiritus Mundi #154 (7/17)                       Lillian                 25 
15. Peter, Pan and Merry #6 (7/20)                   Schlosser               15 
16. Seasons #25 (7/20)                               B. Hughes               22 
17. The Sphere Vol. 163. #1 (7/22)                   Markstein                8 
18. McSnurtle The Turtle The Terrific Whatsit! (7/22) 
                                                     Markstein                4 
19. Spider Pie #6 (7/23)                             S. Hughes               13* 
20. Trivial Pursuits #66 (7/24)                      Gelb                    17 
21. A Prime of Life (7/24)                           Lillian                  4 
22. SFPA zine (7/24)                                 Wells                    4 
23. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #19 (7/24)            Judkowitz                4 
24. Hey, Mars! Here We Come (7/25)                   Brown                    3 
25. Angels on Ariels in Leather and Chrome (7/25)    weber                   18 
26. Donna, the One-Shot At Beachcon (7/25)           Divers Hands             9 
27. Bum Leader (7/25)                                Weisskopf, 
                                                     Wells, Tesser, Davis    14 
28. Home with the Armadillo (7/25)                   Copeland                 2 
29. Radio Daze (7/25)                                Ackerman                 4 
30. Tennessee Trash #21-22 (7/26)                    Robe                    22 
31. Oblio #105 (7/26)                                Brown                   30 
32. The Southerner #192 (7/29)                       brOE                     4 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                             401 

 * - Includes SFPA Puzzle Disk 

                              The Southerner
Mailing number 193, Vol. 18, No. 17                       August-September 1996 
                           Official Editor: Gary Brown 
Emergency Officer: Guy H. Lillian III              President: Guy H. Lillian III 
                               Table of Contents 
    Title and date received                              Contributor       Pages 

1.  "Ygnvi is a Louse' and Other Graffitos (8/3)          Weisskopf            8 
2.  Uncle Lon's unofficial Box Scores #2 (8/5)            Brown                1 
3.  The New Port News #169 (8/15)                         Brooks              10 
4.  Spiritus Mundi #155 (9/3)                             Lillian             19 
5.  The AFAB Gazette (9/13)                               Frierson             4 
6.  The Jewel of the Senile (9/13)                        Warner              10 
7.  Seasons #26 (9/13)                                    B. Hughes           18 
8.  Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #41 (9/16)           Dengrove            24 
9.  It Goes On the Shelf #16 (9/17)                       Brooks              20 
10. Peter, Pan & Merry (9/18)                             Schlosser           17 
11. The Island of Doctor Zoreau (9/20)                    Wells                2 
12. This is Not a Minac Zine #75 (9/23)                   Lynch                2 
13. Spider Pie #7 (9/24)                                  S.Hughes            13 
14. MacMoudry #1 (9/25)                                   Moudry               2 
15. Fingertip reality #79 (9/24)                          Moudry               9 
16. Oblio #106 (9/26)                                     Brown               27 
17. Tyndallite Vol. 2 #67 (9/26)                          Metcalf              8 
18. The Frenetic Branch (9/26)                            Lillian              2 
19. Tennessee Trash #23 (9/26)                            Robe                12 
20. The Sphere Vol. 164, #1 (9/26)                        Markstein            6 
21. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #20 (9/26)                 Judkowitz            6 
22. Trivial Pursuits #67 (9/27)                           Gelb                15 
23. I Go Hugo (9/27)                                      Gelb                13 
24. Sugar Magnolia (9/27)                                 Montalbano           8 
25. Home with the Armadillo (9/27)                        Copeland            13 
26. Radio Daze (9/28)                                     Ackerman             6 
23. There Was Supposed to be a SFPA Zine Here (9/28)      weber                2 
24. The Bumshot formerly known as King of the Mountie (9/28) 
                                                          Weisskopf, Wells     7 
25. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos (9/28)         Weisskopf           16 
26. The Southerner #193 (9/30)                            brOE                 8 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                              308 

                                The Southerner
Mailing number 194, Vol. 18, No. 18                    October-November 1996 
                          OLD Official Editor: Gary Brown 
                         NEW Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
               President: (It's a surprise. See Egoboo Poll results zine) 

                                 Table of Contents 
    Title and date received                                  Contributor      Pages 

1.  Uncle Lon's unofficial Box Scores #3 (10/4)                 Brown             1 
2.  Wait Until Next Year! (10/9)                                Brown             4 
3.  Degrogatory Reference #83 (10/12)                           Hlavaty           6 
4.  The Christmas Story by Hal Foster (10/14)                   Brown             8 
5.  The Frenetic Route (10/17)                                  Lillian          23 
6.  The New Port News #170 (10/21)                              Brooks           10 
7.  The AFAB Gazette (10/31)                                    Frierson          4 
8.  This Is Not A Minaczine #76 (11/8)                          Lynch             4 
9.  The Jewel of the Senile (11/11)                             Warner           10 
10. Confessions of a Consistent Liar #58 (11/15)                Hlavaty           7 
11. Peter, Pan & Merry #8 (11/20)                               Schlosser        14 
12. Spiritus Mundi #156 (11/20)                                 Lillian          19 
13. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #42 (11/22)                Dengrove         26 
14. Oblio #107 (11/25)                                          Brown            32 
15. Spider Pie #8 (plus ornament) (11/27)                       S.Hughes          8 
16. Tyndallite Vol. 2 #68 (11/27)                               Metcalf          15 
17. Trivial Pursuits #68 (11/27)                                Gelb             16 
18. It Takes a Hokey Religion and a Handy Blaster at Your Side (11/29) 
                                                                Wells             8 
19. The Sphere Vol. 165 #1 (11/29)                              Markstein         6 
20. Radio Daze (11/29)                                          Ackerman          8 
21. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #45 (11/30)          Weisskopf        12 
22. Some Pages Done in a Hurry to Save My Ass (11/30)           weber             5 
23. Tennessee Trash #24 (12/3)                                  Robe             18 
24. Egoboo Poll Results (12/3)                                  brOE              6 
25. The Southerner #194 (12/3)                                  brOE              4 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                                 274 

                                The Southerner
 Mailing number 195, Volume 19 No. 1                   December-January 1997 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                             TABLE OF CONTENTS 

      Title and date received                                Contributor    Pages 
1.  The New Port News 171 (12/20)                             Brooks            8 
2.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial SFPA Box Scores #4 (12/23)         Brown             1 
3.  rear-ender '96 (1/2)                                      Lillian           1 
4.  This is Not a Minaczine #77 (1/3)                         Lynch             2 
5.  This is Not a Minaczine #78 (1/6)                         Lynch             1 
6.  ConCancun flier (1/11)                                    Weisskopf frank   1 
7.  Challenger 5 (1/13)                                       Lillian          32 
8.  The Jewel of the Senile (1/13)                            Warner           10 
9.  Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #43 (1/21)               Dengrove         12 
10. The AFAB Gazette 97-1 (1/21)                              Frierson          7 
11. Spiritus Mundi 157 (1/21)                                 Lillian          17 
12. Peter, Pan, & Merry #9 (1/23)                             Schlosser        17 
13. Oh No! It's the Deadline! (1/23)                          S. Hughes         7 
14. The Sphere Vol. 166 No. 1 (1/27)                          Markstein         6 
15. Radio Daze (1/29)                                         Ackerman          6 
16. Trivial Pursuits #69 (1/30)                               Gelb             15 
17. Oblio #108 (1/30)                                         Brown            20 
18. Fingertip reality #80 (1/30)                              Moudry           15 
19. Afterburner #7 (1/30)                                     B. Hughes         1 
20. Mars Attacks the English Patient #1 (1/30)                Wells             2 
21. A Little Bit of Chatsworth #21 (1/31)                     Judkowitz         1 
22. Tyndallite Vol 2, No 69 (1/31)                            Metcalf           6 
23. Home with the Armadillo (1/31)                            Copeland          8 
24. Tennessee Trash #25 (2/1)                                 Robe             16 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                               212 

Expected zines: 
25. Sugar Magnolia                                           -Montalbano- 
26. Ygnvi is a Louse                                          Weisskopf         1 
27. weber zine via fax                                        weber            20 
REVISED TOTAL PAGES                                                           233 

                                The Southerner
      Mailing number 196, Volume 19 No. 2              February-March 1997 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                             TABLE OF CONTENTS 
      Title and date received                            Contributor       Pages 
1.  Derogatory Reference 84 (2/7)                        Hlavaty               6 
2.  It Goes on the Shelf 17 (3/5)                        Brooks               20 
3.  The New Port News (3/6)                              Brooks               18 
4.  Spiritus Mundi 158 (3/10)                            Lillian              25 
5.  This is Not a Minaczine #79 (3/10)                   Lynch                 1 
6.  The AFAB Gazette (3/12)                              Frierson              2 
7.  Anything For A Book (3/12)                           Frierson              2 
8.  The Jewel of the Senile (3/14)                       Warner               10 
9.  This is Not a Minaczine #80 (3/17)                   Lynch                 2 
10. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #44 (3/18)          Dengrove             20 
11. Peter, Pan and Merry #10 (3/21)                      Schlosser            11 
12. SFPA 200 flyer (3/22)                                Weisskopf             2 
13. Once More 'Round the Garden (3/24)                   J Copeland           32 
14. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #47 (3/24)    Weisskopf             8 
15. Trivial Pursuits #70 (3/25)                          Gelb                  9 
16. The Passing of Jeanne Gelb (3/25)                    Gelb                 11 
17. Life Changes...Again (3/26)                          S Hughes              5 
18. Mars Attacks the English Patient (3/28)              Wells                 4 
19. Tennessee Trash 26 (3/28)                            Robe                 12 
20. Radio Daze (3/28)                                    Ackerman              8 
21. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 59 (3/28)           Hlavaty               7 
22. Oblio #109 (3/28)                                    Brown                13 
23. The Sphere #167 (3/28)                               Markstein             6 
24. Allie's Computer Publishing Co (3/29)                A Copeland            9 
25. Tyndallite vol 2, #70 (3/29)                         Metcalf               8 
26. Devil Dust (3/29 via fax)                            weber                 5 
27. Home with the Armadillo (3/29)                       L Copeland            1 
28. In Memorium: Seth Goldberg (3/29)                    J&L Copeland          1 
29. SFPA 00                                              L Copeland            4 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                              262 

                               The Southerner
   Mailing number 197, Volume 19 No. 3                   April-May 1997 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                             TABLE OF CONTENTS 
    Title and date received                            Contributor      Pages 
 1.  The New Port News 173 (4/22)                      Brooks              8 
 2.  The Afab Gazette (4/24)                           Frierson            8 
 3.  Spider Pie #9                                     S. Hughes          10 
 4.  Peter, Pan, & Merry #11 (5/9)                     Schlosser          14 
 5.  Spiritus Mundi 159 (5/12)                         Lillian            25 
 6.  Jewel of the Senile (5/14)                        Warner             10 
 7.  Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #45 (5/20)       Dengrove           19 
 8.  The Sphere Vol. 168 no. 1 (5/27)                  Markstein           6 
 9.  (Title Goes Here) #3 (5/27)                       Lynch               1 
 10. This is Not a Minaczine #81 (5/27)                Lynch               4 
 11. Afterburner #8 (5/28)                             B. Hughes          10 
 12. Seasons #28 (5/28)                                B. Hughes          14 
 13. Trivial Pursuits #71 (5/29)                       Gelb               17 
 14. Radio Daze (5/29)                                 Ackerman            6 
 15. drive on... (5/30)                                weber               1 
 16. Tennessee Trash #27 (5/30)                        Robe               16 
 17. Sfpazine 5/97 (5/30)                              Wells               2 
 18. Oblio No. 110 (5/30)                              Brown              11 
 19. Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 71 (5/30)             Metcalf             8 
 20. Fluffy (5/31)                                     Weisskopf           6 
 21. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 60 (5/31)        Hlavaty             2 
 22. Home With the Armadillo (5/31)                    L Copeland         12 
 23. The Measure of Man (5/31)                         J Copeland         24 
 29. SFPA 00                                           L Copeland          4 
     TOTAL PAGES                                                         238 

                                   The Southerner
     Mailing number 198, Volume 19 No. 4                   June-July 1997 
                             President: Gary Brown 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS 
    Title and date received                             Contributor      Pages 

 1.  The AFAB Gazette #97-4 (6/6)                       Frierson             6 
 2.  The AFAB Gazette #97-5 (6/18)                      Frierson             6 
 3a. The Making of a One-shot (6/19)                    S. Hughes            1 
 3b. I Knew I Would Catch You Doing Disgusting Things   Weisskopf, et al     7 
 4.  Derogatory Reference 85 (7/2)                      Hlavaty              6 
 5.  The New Port News 174 (7/8)                        Brooks              12 
 6.  This is what happens when I get board (7/12)       A. Copeland          7 
 7.  Twygradsil and Treehouse Gazette (7/14)            Dengrove            26 
 8.  The Jewel of the Senile (7/15)                     Warner              10 
 9.  Peter Pan & Merry (7/19)                           Schlosser           18 
10.  This is Not a Minaczine #82 (7/21)                 Lynch                3 
11.  Spiritus Mundi 160 (7/24)                          Lillian             21 
12.  Tyndallite (7/26)                                  Metcalf              7 
13.  The Sphere (7/28)                                  Markstein            6 
14.  Trivial Pursuits #72 (7/30)                        Gelb                11 
15.  Restricted Entry #1 (7/30)                         S. Hughes            3 
16.  Whaam! (7/30)                                      J. Copeland         36 
17.  Radio Daze (7/31)                                  Ackerman             8 
18.  Afterburner #9 (7/31)                              B. Hughes            6 
19.  Oblio #111 (8/1)                                   Brown                7 
20.  Scratch the Devil Girl from Mars #1 (8/1)          Wells                6 
21.  Tennesee Trash #28 (8/1)                           Robe                14 
22.  Home With the Armadillo (8/1)                      L. Copeland          6 
23.  there's a little boy (8/2)                         weber               14 
24.  The Bums Must Roll, Volume II, Number 1            Weisskopf            3 
25.  SFPA 00                                            L. Copeland          4 
     TOTAL PAGES                                                           254 

        Mailing number 198.1, Volume 19 No. 4a                               August 1997 
                                     President: Gary Brown 
                                Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS 
      Title and date received                           Contributor       Pages 
26.  Yngvi is a Louse, and other Graffitos, #48 (8/4)    Weisskopf          10 
27.  The Southerner 198.1                                L Copeland          1 
     REVISED TOTAL FOR SFPA 198                                            265 

                                 The Southerner
   Mailing number 199, Volume 19 No. 5                    August-September 1997 
                              President: Gary Brown 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                              TABLE OF CONTENTS 
   Title and date received                                Contributor    Pages 
1.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar 61 (8/11)             Hlavaty          2 
2.  Derogatory Reference 86 (8/20)                         Hlavaty          6 
3.  The New Port News 175 (8/26)                           Brooks           8 
4.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar 62 (9/2)              Hlavaty          2 
5.  It Goes On The Shelf No. 18 (9/6)                      Brooks          24 
6.  Oblio No. 112 (9/8)                                    Brown           24 
7.  The New Poet News 199.5 (9/11)                         Brooks           2 
8.  The Jewel of the Senile (9/13)                         Warner          10 
9.  Spider Pie Directions (9/13)                           S. Hughes        1 
10. Spider Pie (9/13)                                      S. Hughes       18 
11. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #47 (9/15)            Dengrove        26 
12. Peter, Pan & Merry #13 (9/19)                          Schlosser       15 
13. Spiritus Mundi 161 (9/22)                              Lillian         19 
14. The Sphere Vol 170 no. 1 (9/22)                        Markstein        6 
15. Trivial Pursuits #73 (9/24)                            Gelb            15 
16. Texas Tales (9/24)                                     Gelb            11 
17. The A.F.A.B. Gazette #97-6 (9/24)                      Frierson         4 
18. This is Not a Minaczine #83 (9/24)                     Lynch           10 
19. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores no. 5 (9/25)         Brown            1 
20. Tennessee Trash  #29 (9/26)                            Robe            12 
21. Potatoes in Peril - SFPA edition (9/26)                Wells            5 
22. Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 73 (9/26)                  Metcalf          7 
23. Yngvi Is A Louse... And Other Graffitos #49 (9/27)     Weisskopf       12 
24. Hey there! This is your 2nd reminder re SFPA 200(9/27) Weisskopf        2 
25. ...and thare was grayt rejoycing... (9/27)             weber           14 
26. Home With the Armadillo (9/30)                         L. Copeland     18 
27. News and Rumors (9/30)                                 J. Copeland     32 
25. SFPA 00                                                L. Copeland      4 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                           310 

                                 The Southerner
 Mailing number 200, Volume 19 No. 6                   October-November 1997 
                             President: Gary Brown 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS 
   Title and date received                              Contributor         Pages 

 1.  Gatewood newsletter (5/12)                          Gatewoods               2 
 2.  1997 Southern Fandom Confederation Handbook (6/14)  Weisskopf             126 
 3.  Grovel Gravel (9/24)                                Lillian                 1 
 4.  Challenger 6 (9/24)                                 Lillian                90 
 5.  DSC flyer (10/20)                                   Weisskopf frank         2 
 6.  The New Port News 176 (10/20)                       Brooks                  8 
 7.  SFPAns in the Index for SFPA 200 (10/28)            Brooks                 10 
 8.  the MimeMeow of Bill Bridget (10/30)                Bridget                 5 
 9.  Seasons #29 (11/1)                                  B. Hughes              26 
10.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #6 (11/10)        Brown                   1 
11.  Soufpaw (11/10)                                     Brandt                  2 
12.  the MimeMeow of Bill Bridget (#2) (11/10)           Bridget                 3 
13.  The Jewel of the Senile (11/13)                     Warner                 16 
14.  Spiritus Mundi 162 (11/14)                          Lillian                25 
15.  The Northern Californian Number 2 (11/15)           Lichtman               12 
16.  Offline Reader Volume 1 Issue 1 (11/17)             Koch                    8 
17.  The AFAB Gazette (11/19)                            Frierson               26 
18.  Peter, Pan & Merry #14 (11/20)                      Schlosser              15 
19.  Wallywhirled (11/20)                                W. Weber                9 
20.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar (11/21)            Hlavaty                14 
21.  Utgard 53 (11/21)                                   Hulan                   2 
22.  A Little Night Minac (11/24)                        Lynch                  17 
23.  The Sphere vol. 171 no. 1 (11/24                    Markstein               6 
24.  Souf paw Number Five (11/24)                        Brandt                  4 
25.  Total Assault Cantina Numero Seven-o (11/24)        Burke                  15 
26.  Talk About a Blast from the Past.... (11/25)        Larson (nee Davis)     10 
27.  Barship Stupors #1 (11/26)                          Wells                   9 
28.  Trivial Pursuits #74 (11/26)                        Gelb                   19 
29.  My Fannish Career (11/26)                           Gelb                   17 
30.  Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #48 (11/26)        Dengrove               33 
31.  7 Come 11 (11/26)                                   Lillian                10 
32.  That's Why Tigers Sleep in the Buff! (11/26)        May                     2 
33.  The Deadline Mambo (11/26)                          Judkowitz               1 
34.  Tennessee Trash #30 (11/27)                         Robe                   38 
35.  Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 74 (11/27)              Metcalf                 9 
36.  My last SFPA (11/27)                                A. Copeland             2 
37.  Thanksgiving Dinner with the OE (11/27)             L. Copeland             6 
38.  Home with the Armadillo (11/28)                     L. Copeland            14 
39.  Just Another Guest at the Mad Tea Party (11/28)     J. Copeland            44 
40.  Sugar Magnolia #40-bazillion (11/28)                Montalbano              2 
41.  Radio Daze (11/28)                                  Ackerman                9 
42.  Oblio #113 (11/28)                                  Brown                  29 
43.  (Title Goes Here) #4 (11/28)                        Lynch                   1 
44.  Time Out of Space #1 (11/28)                        N. Lynch                5 
45.  Fingertip Reality #81 (11/28)                       Moudry                 13 
46.  Spider Pie #10 (11/28)                              S. Hughes              31 
47.  Apres la Guerre (11/29)                             Phillips                7 
48.  A Hundred Rock'n'Roll Wars (11/30)                  weber                  16 
49.  "Yngvi is a Louse" and other Graffitos (12/1)       Weisskopf              38 
50.  Lousy Set of Statistics Meets Frankenstein (12/1)   J. Copeland            12 
51.  SFPA Egoboo Poll Ballot - 1997 (11/28)              L. Copeland             1 
52.  SFPA Official Editor Election - 1997 (11/28)        L. Copeland             1 
53.  SFPA 00 (12/1)                                      L. Copeland             8 
     TOTAL PAGES                                                               830 

                                The Southerner
  Mailing number 201, Volume 19 No. 7                     December-January 1998 
                     Co-Presidents: Guy Lillian, Jeff Copeland 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                             TABLE OF CONTENTS 
   Title and date received                             Contributor           Pages 

 1. The New Port News 177 (1/2)                        Brooks                  18 
 2. rear-ender '97 (1/5)                               Lillian                  1 
 3. The A.F.A.B. Gazette for the SFPA 201 (1/5)        Frierson                 4 
 4. The Marsh Creek Gazette (1/6)                      S. Hughes                4 
 5. The Northern Californian No 3 (1/11)               Lichtman                 4 
 6. The Jewel of the Senile (1/15)                     Warner                  10 
 7. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #7 (1/16)        Brown                    1 
 8. Offline Reader Vol 1 Issue 2 (1/17)                Koch                     8 
 9. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #49 (1/20)        Dengrove                44 
10. Trivial Pursuits #75 (1/21)                        Gelb                    19 
11. Spiritus Mundi 163 (1/21)                          Lillian                 23 
12. A Blast from the Past #2 (1/22)                    Larson                  18 
13. Peter, Pan & Merry #15 (1/22)                      Schlosser               16 
14. Home with the Armadillo (1/22)                     L. Copeland              4 
15. This is Not a Minaczine #84 (1/23)                 Lynch                    2 
16. Apres la Guerre (1/23)                             Phillips                 7 
17. Guilty Pleasures (1/23)                            Ackerman                 4 
18. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 64 (1/23)         Hlavaty                  7 
19. Seasons #30 (1/28)                                 B. Hughes               10 
20. Oblio No. 114 (1/28)                               Brown                   34 
21. The Sphere (1/28)                                  Markstein                6 
22. Yngvi Is a Louse (1/29)                            Weisskopf                8 
23. The Moonpie is a Harsh Volcano 41 (1/30)           Wells                    6 
24. Comments (1/30)                                    S. Hughes               15 
25. noona's revenge (1/30)                             weber                    7 
26. Egoboo Poll Results (1/30)                         L. Copeland              6 
27. Welcome to Washington (1/30)                       J. Copeland             32 
28. Tyndallite Volume2, Number 75 (1/31)               Metcalf                  9 
29. Tennessee Trash 431                                Robe                     2 
30. SFPA 00 (1/30)                                     L. Copeland              4 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                               323 

                                The Southerner 
  Mailing number 202, Volume 19 No. 8                       February-March 1998 
                     Co-Presidents: Guy Lillian, Jeff Copeland 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS 
   Title and date received                             Contributor         Pages 

 1  The Marsh Creek Gazette (2/20)                     S. Hughes             4 
 2. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 65 (2/23)         Hlavaty               5 
 3. This is Not a Minaczine #85 (2/23)                 Lynch                 8 
 4. Seasons #31 (2/27)                                 B. Hughes            36 
 5. The New Port News 178 (3/2)                        Brooks               14 
 6. Spider Pie #11 (3/11)                              S. Hughes            25 
 7. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #8 (3/12)        Brown                 1 
 8. Challenger 7 (3/13)                                Lillian              20 
 9. The Jewel of the Senile (3/16)                     Warner               10 
10. The Northern Californian Number 4 (3/16)           Lichtman              8 
11. Derogatory Reference 88 (3/13)                     Hlavaty               6 
12. Spiritus Mundi 164 (3/19)                          Lillian              25 
13. Armadillo Redux (3/20)                             L. Copeland          10 
14. Pie in the Face (3/21)                             J. Copeland          44 
15. Offline Reader (3/21)                              Koch                  4 
16. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #50 (3/23)        Dengrove             31 
17. Peter, Pan & Merry #16 (3/23)                      Schlosser            15 
18. The Lawyer at Tenth Court #1 (3/24)                Frierson              4 
19. Trivial Pursuits #76 (3/25)                        Gelb                 15 
20. Afterburner #10 (3/25)                             B. Hughes             4 
21. The Sphere Vol. 173 no. 1 (3/25)                   Markstein             6 
22. Soufpaw Number Six (3/26)                          Brandt                6 
23. Tennessee Trash #32 (3/26)                         Robe                 12 
24. Guilty Pleasures (3/26)                            Ackerman              8 
25. A Blast from the Past (3/26)                       Larson                6 
26. Tyndallite Vol. 2, Number 76 (3/26)                Metcalf               5 
27. Oblio no. 115 (3/27)                               Brown                25 
28. This is  "I Messed Up..." (3/27)                   weber                 1 
29. SFPAzine March 1998 (3/28)                         Wells                 1 
30. Yngvi is a Louse (3/28)                            Weisskopf            16 
31. SFPA 00 (1/30)                                     L. Copeland           4 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                            379 

                                    The Southerner
  Mailing number 203, Volume 19 No. 9                    April-May 1998 
                     Co-Presidents: Guy Lillian, Jeff Copeland 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS 
    Title and date received                         Contributor          Pages 

 1. Refinement for Efficiency's Sake (4/14)         J. Copeland              5 
 2. It Goes on the Shelf (4/15)                     Brooks                  22 
 3. An Island in the Moon (4/15)                    Brooks frank            36 
 4. The New Port News 179 (4/16)                    Brooks                   8 
 5. Seasons #32 (5/4)                               B. Hughes                8 
 6. The 1976 Deep South Convention Program (5/4)    B. Hughes frank         14 
 7. (Title Goes Here) #5 (5/4)                      Lynch                    1 
 8. The Lawyer at Tenth Court South #2 (5/9)        Frierson                 6 
 9. This is Not a Minaczine #86 (5/11)              Lynch                   10 
10. Offline Reader, Vol. 1, Issue 4 (5/16)          Koch                    10 
11. Spiritus Mundi 165 (5/17)                       Lillian                 27 
12. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #51 (5/21)     Dengrove                32 
13. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 66 (5/22)      Hlavaty                  7 
14. The Sphere, vol. 174 no. 1 (5/22)               Markstein                6 
15. Peter, Pan & Merry #17 (5/23)                   Schlosser               15 
16. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #9 (5/26)     Brown                    1 
17. Trivial Pursuits #77 (5/28)                     Gelb                    15 
18. The Marsh Creek Gazette, Volume 1 Number 3 (5/28)
                                                    S. Hughes                4 
19. Comments (5/28)                                 S. Hughes               12 
20. Soufpaw Number Seven (5/28)                     Brandt                  10 
21. Stomp Your Hat Like Uncle Ned #1 (5/29)         Wells                    6 
22. Our Wedding (5/28)                              S. Hughes                3 
23. Tennessee Trash #33 (5/29)                      Robe                    12 
24. oblio no. 116 (5/29)                            Brown                   30 
25. The Northern Californian Number 5 (5/29)        Lichtman                 4 
26. Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 77 (5/29)           Metcalf                  8 
27. deepsouthcon 36 (5/30)                          Weisskopf frank          4 
28. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #53 (5/30)
                                                    Weisskopf                2 
29. Guilty Pleasures (5/30)                         Ackerman                 6 
30. ...You're not Pressing Hard Enough on the Pillow... (5/30)
                                                    weber                   16 
31. Home with the Armadillo (5/30)                  L. Copeland              2 
32. Ceci n'est pas une pipe (5/30)                  J. Copeland             16 
31. SFPA 00 (5/30)                                  L. Copeland              4 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                            362 

                                     The Southerner 
     Mailing number 204, Volume 19 No. 10                       June-July 1998 
                      Co-Presidents: Guy Lillian, Jeff Copeland 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS 
    Title and date received                               Contributor    Pages 
 1.  Hands Free (6/10)                                    S. Hughes        4 
 2.  Seasons #33 (6/15)                                   B. Hughes       20 
 3.  A Blast from the Past #4 (6/15)                      Larson           8 
 4.  Janice and Tucker ... Wild Night of Passion (6/19)   Weisskopf frank  5 
 5.  The New Port News 180 (6/22)                         Brooks           8 
 6.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #10 (6/26)         Brown            1 
 7.  Ibid 175 (7/3)                                       Brown            2 
 8.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar 67 (7/6)            Hlavaty          9 
 9.  Derogatory Reference 89 (7/6)                        Hlavaty          6 
10.  Spider Pie #12 (7/6)                                 S. Hughes       29 
11.  Days of Future Passed (7/11)                         Larson          11 
12.  Peter, Pan & Merry #18 (7/13)                        Schlosser       14 
13.  Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #53                 Dengrove        24 
14.  Ceci n'est pas une pipe (7/14)                       J. Copeland     40 
15.  ConStellation XVII flyer (7/14)                      Weisskopf frank  2 
16.  Correspondence (7/16)                                Hlavaty          1 
17.  This is Not a Minaczine #87 (7/16)                   Lynch            4 
18.  The Northern Californian Number 6 (7/16)             Lichtman         8 
19.  Tennessee Trash 34 (7/16)                            Robe            10 
20.  Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 78 (7/17)                Metcalf          8 
21.  Toni for OE, The Internet Email One Shot (7/18)      S. Hughes frank 18 
22.  The Sphere Vol. 175 no. 1 (7/19)                     Markstein        6 
23.  Spiritus Mundi 166 (7/20)                            Lillian         40 
24.  Afterburner #11 (7/20)                               B. Hughes        2 
25.  Offline Reader Vol 1 Issue 5A (7/20)                 Koch             4 
26.  Trivial Pursuits #78 (7/22)                          Gelb            20 
27.  Soufpaw Number Eight (7/23)                          Brandt           6 
28.  Guilty Pleasures (7/23)                              Ackerman         6 
29.  Oblio No. 117 (7/24)                                 Brown           30 
30.  Time Keeps on Slipping into the Future (7/24)        J. Copeland     24 
31.  Liz's Hugo Reading Checklist (7/24)                  L. Copeland      6 
32.  Home with the Armadillo (7/25)                       L. Copeland     15 
33.  Tennessee Trash #34.5 (Postcards from the Road) (7/25) 
                                                          Robe             4 
34.  Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #54 (7/28)     Weisskopf       16 
25.  SFPA    00  (7/25)                                   L. Copeland      4 
     TOTAL PAGES                                                         415 

                                  The Southerner 
 Mailing number 205, Volume 19 No. 11                    August-September 1998 
                      Co-Presidents: Guy Lillian, Jeff Copeland 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS 
    Title and date received                             Contributor       Pages 

 1. The Day I Destroyed Dad... (8/7)                       Brown              2 
 2. The Marsh Creek Gazette (8/8)                          S. Hughes          4 
 3. Adventures in Graphic Design (8/17)                    S. Hughes          1 
 4. The New Port News 181 (8/19)                           Brooks            12 
 5. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #11 (8/20)           Brown              2 
 6. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #54 (9/14)            Dengrove          26 
 7. The Northern Californian Number 7 (9/15)               Lichtman           8 
 8. Spiritus Mundi 167 (9/18)                              Lillian           17 
 9. This is Not a Minaczine #88 (9/17)                     Lynch              8 
10. The Lawyer at Tenth Court South 4 (9/21)               Frierson           7 
11. Offline Reader Vol 1 Issue 6 (9/21)                    Koch               4 
12. The Sphere, vol. 176 no. 1 (9/21)                      Markstein          6 
13. Trivial Pursuits #79 (9/22)                            Gelb              17 
14. Bucky and Business (9/22)                              Gelb              12 
15. Peter, Pan & Merry #19 (9/23)                          Schlosser         14 
16. Spider Pie #13 (9/24)                                  S. Hughes         46 
17. Souf'paw Number Nine (9/24)                            Brandt             8 
18. Toni is Running For OE flyer (9/25)                    Weisskopf          1 
19. Seasons #34 (9/25)                                     B. Hughes         24 
20. Oblio #118 (9/25)                                      Brown             23 
21. Just When You Thought It Was Safe... (9/26)            J. Copeland       36 
22. Days of Future Passed #3 (9/26)                        Larson             6 
23. Tennessee Trash #35 (9/26)                             Robe              24 
24. Tyndallite Vol 2, Number 79 (9/26)                     Metcalf            7 
25. Saving Private Barney (9/26)                           Wells              1 
26. Home With the Armadillo (9/26)                         L. Copeland       11 
27. (Not Quite) Perpetual Calendar (9/27)                  J. Copeland        2 
28. Monks Collected A Lousy Set of Statistics (9/27)       J. Copeland        8 
29. 1998 SFPA OE Ballot (9/28)                             L. Copeland        1 
30. SFPA Egoboo Poll - 1998 (9/28)                         L. Copeland        1 
31. Life Goes On, Even When We Wish It Wouldn't (9/29)     weber              6 
32. SFPA 00 (9/29)                                         L. Copeland        6 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                             351 

                                The Southerner 
      Mailing number 206, Volume 19 No. 12             October-November 1998 
                     Co-Presidents: Guy Lillian, Jeff Copeland 
                           Official Editor: Liz Copeland 
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS 
     Title and date received                             Contributor    Pages 

 1. The New Port News 182 (10/28)                        Brooks            10 
 2. Seasons #35 (10/28)                                  B. Hughes         24 
 3. This is Not a Minaczine #89 (11/7)                   Lynch             10 
 4. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 68 (11/12)          Hlavaty            7 
 5. The Marsh Creek Gazette Vol 1 No 6 (11/14)           S. Hughes          4 
 6. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #12 (11/16)        Brown              2 
 7. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #55 (11/16)         Dengrove          28 
 8. Derogatory Reference 90 (11/19)                      Hlavaty            6 
 9. Challenger selections 8 (11/19)                      Lillian           46 
10. Offline Reader Vol 1 Issue 7 (11/21)                 Koch               4 
11. Peter, Pan & Merry #19 (11/21)                       Schlosser         11 
12. Trivial Pursuits #80 (11/24)                         Gelb              17 
13. Janice for DUFF! (11/24)                             Lynch frank        4 
14. The Duff Ballot 1999 North America to Australasia (11/24) 
                                                         Gelb frank         2 
15. The SFPA Christmas Decal Sheet (11/25)               S. Hughes          2 
16. Spiritus Mundi 168 (11/25)                           Lillian           17 
17. The Man From S.P.A.M. #1 (11/26)                     Wells              8 
18. Tennessee Trash #36 (11/26)                          Robe              14 
19. Tyndallite Vol 2, Number 80 (11/27)                  Metcalf            5 
20. Soufpaw Number Ten (11/27)                           Brandt             4 
21. The Sphere Vol. 177 no. 1 (11/27)                    Markstein          6 
22. Ygnvi is a Louse #55 (11/28)                         Weisskopf         30 
23. Home with the Armadillo (11/28)                      L. Copeland       15 
24. Then & Now (11/28)                                   J. Copeland       32 
25. SFPA Egoboo Poll Results 1998 (11/28)                L. Copeland        6 
26. Oblio No. 119 (11/28)                                Brown             22 
27. Guilty Pleasures (11/30)                             Ackerman          10 
28. Quidam (11/30)                                       weber              1 
29. We've Lost Our Cormorants (11/30)                    Wells frank       10 
30. SFPA 00 (11/30)                                      L. Copeland        4 
    TOTAL PAGES                                                           361 

                           The Southerner      
       The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
     Mailing number 207, Volume 20 No.1     December 1998-January 1999 
 President: Liz Copeland 
 Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf 

 1.     YNGVI IS A LOUSE and Other Graffitos #56 (12/11/98)      Weisskopf                   8 
 2.     The New Port News 183 (12/12/98)                         Brooks                     10 
 3.     Offline Reader, Volume 1 Issue 8 (12/28/98)              Koch                        6 
 4.     rear-ender '98 (1/5/99)                                  Lillian                     2 
 5.     Derogatory Reference 91 (1/12/99)                        Hlavaty                     6 
 6.     Peter, Pan & Merry # 20 (1/15/99)                        Schlosser                  16 
 7.     Twgdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #56                      Dengrove                   18 
 8.     Trivial Pursuits #81 (1/22/99)                           Gelb                       17 
 9.     This is Not a Minaczine #90 (1/22/99)                    Lynch                      18 
 10.    Spiritus Mundi 169 (1/23/99)                             Lillian                    19 
 11.    Where Did You Want To Go Today (1/27/99)                 J. Copeland                36 
 12.    Home With the Armadillo (1/27/99)                        L. Copeland                23 
 13.    Souf'paw (1/27/99)                                       Brandt                      8 
 14.    The Sphere (1/27/99)                                     Markstein                   6 
 15.    Comments (1/27/99)                                       S. Hughes                  15 
 16.    Stop the world, I want to get off; or, when will this craziness         
        end? (1/28/99)                                           Larson                      6 
 17.    Avatar Press (1/28/99)                                   Cleary                     12 
 18.    Cleary Clip-Art Collection (1/28/99)                     Cleary                     12 
 19.    Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #13 (1/29/99)          Brown                       2 
 20.    Season's #36 (1/29/99)                                   B. Hughes                  28 
 21.    Oblio #120 (1/29/99)                                     Brown                      34 
 22.    Guilty Pleasures (1/29/99)                               Ackerman                    6 
 23.    Tennessee Trash #28 (1/29/99)                            Robe                       18 
 24.    Confessions of a Consistent Liar 69 (1/30/99)            Hlavaty                     2 
 25.    The Season Begins (1/30/99)                              Hlavaty                     2 
 26.    YNGVI IS A LOUSE and Other Graffitos #57 (1/30/99)       Weisskopf                  16 
 27.    The Lawyer at Tenth Court South (1/31/99)                Frierson                    6 
 28.    'cause you never really loved me (2/1/99)                weber                       6 
 29.    The Southerner (2/1/99)                                  Weisskopf                   4 
        TOTAL PAGES:                                                                       362 

                                  The Southerner
                   The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
          Mailing number 208, Volume 20 No.2            February 1999-March 1999 
       President: Liz Copeland 
       Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf 
       Colophon designed by Wade Gilbreath 
    Title of zine & date receive                                   Contributor                   Pages

    1.     KAY AND IRV'S WEDDING (2/3/99)                                      Koch                       4
    2.     The New Port News (2/16/99)                                         Brooks                     8 
    3.     Resignation Letter (2/21/99)                                        Lichtman                   1 
    4.     Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #57 (3/17/99)                      Dengrove                  21 
    5.     This is Not a Minaczine #91 (3/18/99)                               Lynch                      6 
    6.     Peter Pan & Merry #21 (3/19/99)                                     Schlosser                 14 
    7.     Offline Reader, Volume 1 Issue 9 (3/19/99)                          Koch                       5 
    8.     Trivial Pursuits #82 (3/23/99)                                      Gelb                      15 
    9.     Janthology (3/23/99)                                                Gelb                      17 
    10.    Tennessee Trash #28 (3/23/99)                                       Robe                      10 
    11.    Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #14 (3/23/99)                     Brown                      2 
    12.    Home With the Armadillo (3/24/99)                                   L. Copeland               13 
    13.    The Natural Cycle (3/24/99)                                         J. Copeland               28 
    14.    Spiritus Mundi 170 (3/24/99)                                        Lillian                   29 
    15.    Avatar Press, Volume 2, Issue 2 (3/25/99)                           Cleary                    12 
    16.    New Computer News, Volume 1, Issue 1 (3/25/99)                      Brown                      2 
    17.    The Marsh Creek Gazette, Volume 2 Number 1 (3/26/99)                S. Hughes                  6 
    18.    The Sphere (3/26/99)                                                Markstein                  6 
    19.    Seasons #37 (3/26/99)                                               B. Hughes                 18 
    20.    The Lawyer at Tenth Court South, March of 1999 (3/27/99)            Frierson                   4 
    21.    An Ocean of Waffle Irons #1 (3/27/99)                               Wells                      6 
    22.    Oblio, No. 121 (3/27/99)                                            Brown                     19 
    23.    Guilty Pleasures (3/27/99)                                          Ackerman                   4 
    24.    "YNGVI IS A LOUSE" And Other Graffitos #58 (3/28/99)                Weisskopf                 18 
    25.    And Diplomats Die in Bed (3/28/99)                                  weber                      4 
    26.    BABBs 1 (3/28/99)                                                   Gilbreaths                10 
    27.    The Southerner (3/28/99)                                            Weisskopf                  4 
           TOTAL PAGES:                                                                                 286 

                                 The Southerner 
         The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                       Mailing number 209, Volume 20 No. 3 
                              April 1999-May 1999 
 President: Liz Copeland 
 Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf 
      Title of zinc & date received                    Contributor               Pages 
 1.   The New Port News # 185 (4/13/99)                  Brooks                     10 
 2.   Comments + (4/17/99)                               S. Hughes                   7 
 3.   This is Not a Minaczine #92 (4/22/99)              Lynch                       6 
 4.   Derogatory Reference 92 (4/22/99)                  Hlavaty                     6 
 5.   Crescent City Con 14/DSC 37 flyer (4/28/99)        Lillian frank               1 
 6.   Twgsdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #58 (5/10/99)     Dengrove                   22 
 7.   Challenger 9 (5/12/99)                             Lillian                   106 
 8.   It Goes on the Shelf (5/16/99)                     Brooks                     22 
 9.   Tennessee Trash #29 (5/20/99)                      Robe                       16 
10.   Peter, Pan & Merry #22 (5/24/99)                   Schlosser                   9 
11.   The Sphere (5/24/99)                               Markstein                   6 
12.   Avatar Press: Volume 2, Issue 3 (5/24/99)          Cleary                      6 
13.   Offline Reader, Volume 1 Issue 10 (5/24/99)        Koch                        6 
14.   Spiritus Mundi 171 (5/25/99)                       Lillian                    21 
15.   Rotary Cutting with the Armadillo (5/25/99)        L. Copeland                10 
16.   Bummer of a Birthmark (5/25/99)                    J. Copeland                16 
17.   Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #15 (5/25/99)    Brown                       2 
18.   Oblio #122 (5/25/99)                               Brown                      20 
19.   Passages #1 (5/27/99)                              Larson                     11 
20.   "YNGVI IS A LOUSE" And Other Graffitos (5/27/99)   Weisskopf                  14 
21.   Guilty Pleasures (5/27/99)                         Ackerman                    6 
22.   Seasons #Last (5/27/99)                            B. Hughes                   8 
23.   Afterburner #12 (5/27/99)                          B. Hughes                  11 
24.   Chucklin' Like Fiends (5/27/99)                    weber                       4 
25.   Tyndallite, Volume 2, Number 81 (5/29/99)          Metcalf                     7 
26.   The Lawyer Mail at 10th Court South is disth...picable 
                                                         Frierson                    4 
27.   L(0)SE(R)                                          Frierson                    2 
28.   BABBs 2                                            Gilbreaths                 11 
29.   The Southerner                                     Weisskopf                   4 
      TOTAL PAGES:                                                                 374 

           The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                    Mailing number 209, Volume 20 No. 3.1 
                           April 1999-May 1999 
 President: Liz Copeland 
 Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf 
 Emergency Officer: Meade Frierson III 
 1.    Trivial Pursuits #83 (6/7/99)                      Gelb                       13 
 2.    Late-Breaking News (6/7/99)                        Gelb                        7 
 3.    The Southerner (6/8/99)                            Weisskopf                   1 
       TOTAL PAGES for Postmailing:                                                  21 
       TOTAL PAGES for Mlng. #209:                                                  395 

           The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                            Mailing number 210, Volume 20 No. 4 
                                      June 1999-July 1999 
President: Liz Copeland 
Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf 
Emergency Officer: Meade Frierson III 

 1.    The New Port News 186 (6/9/99)                                   Brooks                   8 
 2.    Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #16 (6/18/99)                  Brown                    2 
 3.    This is Not a Minaczine #93 (7/16/99)                            Lynch                   19 
 4.    Twgdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #59 (7/23/99)                    Dengrove                28 
 5.    Offline Reader Volume 1 Issue 11 (7/27/99)                       Koch                     6 
 6.    Spiritus Mundi 172 (7/27/99)                                     Lillian                 19 
 7.    The Nostalgic Route (7/27/99)                                    Lillian                 21 
 8.    Peter Pan & Merry #23 (7/28/99)                                  Schlosser               15 
 9.    Guilty Pleasures 9 (7/28/99)                                     Ackerman                12 
10.    Two Sacks of Mud (7/28/99)                                       J. Copeland             48 
11.    Home with the Armadillo (7/28/99)                                L. Copeland             15 
12.    Avatar Press: Volume 2, Issue 4 (7/29/99)                        Cleary                  14 
13.    Souf'paw Number 12 (7/29/99)                                     Brandt                   7 
14.    Comments 5 (7/29/99)                                             Hughes                   7 
15.    Confessions of a Consistent Liar 70 (7/29/99)                    Hlavaty                  1 
16.    Trivial Pursuits #84 (7/30/99)                                   Gelb                    19 
17.    Oblio No. 123 (7/31/99)                                          Brown                   29 
18.    Comments 5 Part 2 (7/31/99)                                      Hughes                   7 
19.    July 1999 SFPA (7/31/99)                                         Wells                    6 
20.    a scholarly interesting discussion on literature by two          Wells & 
       rational people (7/31/99)                                        Reinhardt                1 
21.    The Sphere (7/31/99)                                             Markstein                6 
22.    Tennessee Trash #30 (7/31/99)                                    Robe                    32 
23.    The Lawyer at Tenth Court South--7-Month Countdown               Frierson                 2 
       Edition (8/1/99) 
24.    "YNGVI IS A LOUSE" And Other Graffitos #60 (8/1/99)              Weisskopf               28 
25.    Satan Laughing With Delight (8/2/99)                             weber                    8 
26.    The Southerner                                                   Weisskopf                4 
       TOTAL PAGES:                                                                            364 

                             The Southerner 
       The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                          Mailing number 211, Volume 20 No. 5 
                              August 1999-September 1999 
President: Liz Copeland 
Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf * Emergency Officer: Meade Frierson  III 


 1.   There Was This Guy... A oneshot done for DSC 37(8/7/99)  Weisskopf,            6 
                                                               Hughes, Lillian, 
                                                               Cleary, et al. 
 2.   The Larry Zybysko Project (8/13/99)                      Brown & Brown         2 
 3.   The New Port News 187 (8/13/99)                          Brooks                8 
 4.   This is Not a Minaczine #94 (8/19/99)                    Lynch                 5 
 5.   C.C.C. (Si si si) IT'S THE DSC (9/7/99)                  Lillian              15 
 6.   The Lawyer Poorhouse at 10th Court South (9/9/99)        Frierson              8 
 7.   Derogatory Reference 93 (9/13/99)                        Hlavaty               6 
 8.   Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #60 (9/15/99)           Dengrove             26 
 9.   Spiritus Mundi 173 (9/21/99)                             Lillian              17 
10.   The Sphere Vol. 182, no. 1 (9/27/99)                     Markstein             6 
11.   Peter, Pan & Merry #23 (9/27/99)                         Schlosser            15 
12.   Offline Reader Volume 1 Issue 12 (9/29/99)               Koch                  4 
13.   Moving with the Armadillo (9/29/99)                      L. Copeland           9 
14.   A Software Offer We Couldn't Refuse (9/29/99)            J. Copeland          20 
15.   Passages #2 (9/29/99)                                    Larson                7 
16.   Trivial Pursuits #85 (9/30/99)                           Gelb                 15 
17.   Tennessee Trash #31 (9/30/99)                            Robe                 10 
18.   "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #61 (9/30/99)     Weisskopf            16 
19.   Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #17 (10/1/99)          Brown                 2 
20.   Oblio No. 124 (10/1/99)                                  Brown                22 
21.   Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 82 (10/1/99)                 Metcalf               7 
22.   Charlotte 2004 Organization version 0.03 (10/2/99)       Koch                 10 
23.   Souf'paw Number 14 (10/2/99)                             Brandt                6 
24.   Guilty Pleasures (10/2/99)                               Ackerman              4 
25    Caution— May Contain Fnords! (10/2/99)                   weber                12 
26.   no big deal (10/2/99)                                    Frierson              1 
27.   Avatar Press Volume 2, Number 5 (10/2/99)                Cleary               12 
28.   Spiritus Supplementus 173 (10/2/99)                      Lillian               2 
29.   The Northerner (10/3/99)                                 Weisskopf             4 
30.   The Southerner & EgoBoo Poll '99 (10/3/99)               Weisskopf             8 
      TOTAL PAGES:                                                                 285 

                                 The Southerner 
               The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                                         Mailing number 212, Volume 20 No. 6 
                                               October 1999-November 1999 
 President: Liz Copeland 
 Emergency Officer: Ned Brooks 
 Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf 

 1.       The New Port News #188 (10/18/99)                             Brooks                  8 
 2.       This is Not a Minaczine #95 (10/19/99)                        Lynch                  12 
 3.       Frequent Flyer (11/19/99)                                     Feller                  8 
 4.       Peter Pan & Merry #24 (11/22/99)                              Schlosser              11 
 5.       Twygdasil And Treehouse Gazette #61 (11/22/99)                Dengrove               30 
 6.       Trivial Pursuits #86 (11/23/99)                               Gelb                   11 
 7.       Passages #3 (11/23/99)                                        Larson                  6 
 8.       Dealing With Reality (11/24/99)                               J. Copeland            32 
 9.       String Saving with the Armadillo (11/24/99)                   L. Copeland             2 
 10.      Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #18 (11/24/99)              Brown                   2 
 11.      Weird Stuff 01 (11/24/99)                                     Hughes                  7 
 12.      Challenger Ten (11/24/99)                                     Lillian               104 
 13.      Offline Reader Volume 1 Issue 13 (11/25/99)                   Koch                    4 
 14.      Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 83 (11/25/99)                     Metcalf                 3 
 15.      It Tolls for Thee (11/26/99)                                  weber                   8 
 16.      "YNGVI IS A LOUSE" And Other Graffitos #62 (11/29/99)         Weisskopf              18 
 17.      Spiritus Mundi 174 (11/29/99)                                 Lillian                14 
 18.      The Sphere Vol. 183 no.1 (11/29/99)                           Markstein               6 
 19.      Beyond the Towers of Ice Inside the Polar Wilderness of the   Wells                   6 
          Farthest Planet of SIRIUS, the Dog-Star, Someone May 
          Know How to Play the Piano, But THIS ZINE is More 
          Important than THAT . . . #1 (11/29/99) 
 20.      Oblio No. 125 (11/29/99)                                      Brown                  18 
 21.      Tennessee Trash #32 (11/29/99)                                Robe                   12 
 22.      An Exchange on the Highest Planes of Literary Discourse       Wells &                 1 
                                 (11/30/99)                               Reinhardt 
 23.      Avatar Press (11/30/99)                                       Cleary                  6 
 24.      ConNuptial: The One Shot (11/30/99)                           Cleary,                 6 
                                                                          Weisskopf, Feller, 
                                                                          Robe, et al. 
 25.      Egoboo Poll & Election Report (11/30/99)                      Weisskopf               6 
 26.      The Southerner (11/30/99)                                     Weisskopf               4 
          TOTAL PAGE                                                                          344 

                            The Southerner 
         The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
  Mailing number 213, Volume 20 No. 7  *         January 2000-February 2000 
       President: Guy H. Lillian III * Emergency Officer: Ned Brooks 
                  Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf
 1.   Derogatory Reference 94                           Hlavaty              8
 2.   New Port News 189                                 Brooks               8 
 3.   It Goes on the Shelf No. 21 (1/6/00)              Brooks              18 
 4.   This is Not a Minaczine #96 (1/11/00)             Lynch                7 
 5.   Rear-Ender '99 (1/4/00)                           Lillian              2 
 6.   Strawberries will never taste so good again (1/19/00) 
                                                        Brown                1 
 7.   Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #62 (1/19/00)    Dengrove            26 
 8.   Peter, Pan & Merry #27 & Tagalong (1/20/00)       Schlosser           15 
 9.   Spiritus Mundi 175 (1/21/00)                      Lillian             21 
10.   Near the orange ocean on the middle planet of the farthest solar 
      system in the Andromeda galaxy, an intelligent lizard-like life- 
      form expresses its love to its beloved, only to be told to leave and 
      go away, forever; and as it walks away it feels alone in its pain, 
      and perceives an uncaring universe, but we have thought about 
      this creature and imagined what it is experiencing and how it 
      feels, and we care and it just doesn't know... #1 (1/25/00) 
                                                        Wells               10 
11.   Offline Reader Volume 1 Issue 14 (1/25/00)        Koch                 4 
12.   Avatar Press 2.7 (1/27/00)                        Cleary               6 
13.   Home With the Armadillo #39 (1/27/00)             L. Copeland         14 
14.   (Almost the) Fin de Siecle (1/27/00)              J. Copeland         20 
15.   Trivial Pursuits #87 (1/27/00)                    Gelb                19 
16.   The Sphere (1/27/00)                              Markstein            6 
17.   Frequent Flyer (1/27/00)                          Feller               6 
18.   Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #19 (1 / 27/00) Brown                2 
19.   Oblio No. 126 (1/27/00)                           Brown               32 
20.   Souf'paw Number 14 (1/27/00)                      Brandt               7 
21.   Guilty Pleasures (1/27/00)                        Ackerman            10 
22.   Tennessee Trash #33 (1/27/00)                     Robe                10 
23.   Here it Comes Again Ma! (1/28/00)                 Hughes               3 
24.   Son of BeachCon flyer (1/28/00)                   Weisskopf frank      1 
25.   "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos (1/28/00)  Weisskopf           18 
26.   Who is Richard Mellon Scaife? (1/28/00)           Weisskopf frank     13 
27.   Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 84 (1/29/00)          Metcalf              4 
28.   Comments 6 (1/31/00)                              Hughes               7 
29.   The Iron Giant (1/31/00)                          weber               18 
30.   The Marsh Creek Gazette Volume 3 Number 1 (1/31/00) 
                                                        Hughes               6 
31.   The Southerner                                    Weisskopf            4 
      TOTAL PAGES:                                                         324 

                            The Southerner 
         The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
  Mailing number 213, Volume 20 No. 7  *         February-March 2000 
       President: Guy H. Lillian III * Emergency Officer: Ned Brooks 
                  Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf

Title of fanzine & date received                                             contributor 
 1.     Passages #4 (1/31/00)                                                Larson 
 2. (2/2/00)                          Wells, Weisskopf              6 
                                                                             & Davis 
 3.     This is Not a Minaczine #97 (2/7/00)                                 Lynch                         6 
 4.     The New Port News 190 (2/11/00)                                      Brooks                        8 
 5.     Hands Free 2 (2/15/00)                                               Hughes                        5 
 6.     Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 85 (2/18/00)                             Metcalf                       7 
 7.     The Joy of Mimeography (2/24/00)                                     Hughes                        4 
 8.     This is Not a Minaczine #98 (2/29/00)                                Lynch                         6 
 9.     Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores # 20 (3/22/00)                     Brown                         2 
10.     Peter, Pan & Merry #28 (3/23/00)                                     Schlosser                    13 
11.     Spiritus Mundi 176 (3/29/00)                                         Lillian                      18 
12.     Twgsdrasil And Treeouse Gazette (3/29/00)                            Dengrove                     28 
13.     Frequent Flyer (3/29/00)                                             Feller                        8 
14.     Oblio No. 127 (3/29/00)                                              Brown                        22 
15.     Off line Reader (3/29/00)                                            Koch                          4 
16.     You better use all those bits, young lady — There are                J. Copeland                  46 
        children in India who don't have high-speed internet access 
        (3/ 29/ 00) 
17.     Home With the Armadillo (3/29/00)                                    L. Copeland                  25 
                    1                                                        Larson                        4 
18.     Passages 4  /2 (3/29/00) 
19.     Trivial Pursuits #88 (3/29/00)                                       Gelb                         17 
20.     DUFF 2K: The Newsletter (3/29/00)                                    Gelb frank                    2 
21.     DUFF Ballot 2000 (3/29/00)                                           Gelb frank                    2 
22.. Guilty Pleasures (3/30/00)                                              Ackerman                      6 
23.    Avatar Press (3/30/00)                                                Cleary                        4 
24.    Tennessee Trash (4/ 2/ 00)                                            Robe                         10 
25.    The Marsh Creek Gazette Vol. 3 Number 2 (4/3/00)                      Hughes                        4 
26.    Comments 7 (4/3/00)                                                   Hughes                       11 
27.    The Sphere (4/ 3/ 00)                                                 Markstein                     6 
28.     "Yngvi is a Louse" And Other Graffitos (4/3/00)                      Weisskopf                    14 
29.    Useless Cyber Falderal (4/3/00)                                       weber                         1 
30.    The Southerner (4/3/00)                                               Weisskopf                     4 
TOTAL PAGES:                                                                                             298 
                               The Southerner 
         The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
  Mailing number 215, Volume 20 No. 9  *         March 2000-April 2000
       President: Guy H. Lillian III * Emergency Officer: Ned Brooks 
                  Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf
        Title & date received                                           Contributor                Pages

 1.     COOL, If Obsolete, TOYS (4/11)                                    Hughes                      4 
 2.     The New Port News 191 (4/17/00)                                   Brooks                     10 
 3.     This is Not a Minaczine #99 (4/26/00)                             Lynch                       6 
 4.     Revenant #1 (5/16/00)                                             Strickland                  8 
 5.     Frequent Flyer (5/16/00)                                          Feller                      6 
 6.     Charlotte in 2004 flyer (5/19/00)                                 Koch frank                  2 
 7.     IT MAY BE BETTER TO LIGHT A SINGLE CANDLE                         Wells                       4 
 8.    Guilty Pleasures (5/20/00)                                        Ackerman                     4 
 9.    Home With the Armadillo #41 (5/20/00)                             L. Copeland                 24 
 10.   Cross-Train at the Office (5/20/00)                               J. Copeland                 40 
 11.   Spiritus Mundi 177 (5/22/00)                                      Lillian                     15 
 12.   Trivial Pursuits #89 (5/22/00)                                    Gelb                        15 
 13.   Offline Reader Volume 1 Issue 16 (5/22/00)                        Koch                         5 
 14.   Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #21 (5/22/00)                   Brown                        2 
 15.   Derogatory Reference 95 (5/22/00)                                 Hlavaty                      6 
 16.   Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #64 (5/22/00)                    Dengrove                    33 
 17.   Passages #5 (5/25/00)                                             Larson                       2 
 18.   Avatar Press (5/25/00)                                            Cleary                      10 
 19.   Peter, Pan & Merry #29 (5/25/00)                                  Schlosser                   14 
 20.   Three Dinguses, Two Yucky Things and A Soft Shell Crab            Hughes, sundry               7 
       That Went Squish: A DSC One Shot on Jekyll Island                 others 
 21.   The Marsh Creek Gazette, Volume 3 Number 3 (5/29/00)              Hughes                       4 
 22.   The Sphere Vol. 186, no. 1 (5/29/00)                              Markstein                    6 
 23.   Tennessee Trash #35 (5/29/00)                                     Robe                        12 
 24.   Oblio No. 128 (5/29/00)                                           Brown                       20 
 25.   "YNGVI IS A LOUSE" And Other Graffittos (5/29/00)                 Weisskopf                   28 
 26.   mikey doesn't work her any more                                   weber                       12 
 27.   A Modest (Constitutional) Proposal (5/29/00)                      J. Copeland                  2 
 28.   The Southerner (5/29/00)                                          Weisskopf                    4 
       TOTAL PAGES:                                                                                 305 

                                   The Southerner, SFPA #215 Page 1 

                               The Southerner 
           The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                        Mailing number 216, Volume 20 No. 10
                            June 2000-July 2000 
President: Guy H. Lillian III 
Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf 
Emergency Officer: Ned Brooks 

 1.   Beach Blanketed (6/12/00)                                  Lillian                 12 
 2.   New Port News (6/13/00)                                    Brooks                  10 
 3.   This is Not a Minaczine #100 (7/5/00)                      Lynch                   22 
 4.   Twygsdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #65 (7/18/00)            Dengrove                22 
 5.   Restless #1 (7/21/00)                                      Lynch frank              6 
 6.   Spiritus Mundi 178 (7/21/00)                               Lillian                 15 
 7.   Peter Pan and Merry #30 (7/24/00)                          Schlosser               13 
 8.   Frequent Flyer (7/24/00)                                   Feller                   4 
 9.   Offline Reader Volume 1 Issue 17 (7/24/00)                 Koch                     4 
 10.  Revenant #2 (7/24/00)                                      Strickland               7 
 11.  Guilty Pleasures (7/26/00)                                 Ackerman                10 
 12.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #22 (7/26/00)            Brown                    2 
 13.  Oblio No. 129 (7/26/00)                                    Brown                   23 
 14.  Comments 8 (7/26/00)                                       Hughes                  13 
 15.  "Yngvi is a Louse" And Other Graffitos #66 (7/27/00)       Weisskopf               34 
 16.  Passages #6 (7/27/00)                                      Larson                   7 
 17.  Home with the Armadillo #42 (7/27/00)                      L. Copeland             20 
 18.  Geek Rant (7/27/00)                                        J. Copeland             28 
 19.  The Frozen Weblog 1 (7/27/00)                              Hlavaty                  2 
 20.  The Sphere vol. 187 no. 1 (7/27/00)                        Markstein                6 
 21.  Avatar Press #9, Vol. 2. (7/28/00)                         Cleary                  10 
 22.  Tennessee Trash #36 (7/28/00)                              Robe                     6 
 23.  Ohmighod! There are Actual MCs in Here!!! (7/29/00)        weber                   16 
 24.  C4 #1 (/7/31/00)                                           Wells                    1 
 25.  Trivial Pursites #90 (7/31/00)                             Gelb                    13 
 26.  Palm Trees and Beaches (7/31/00)                           Gelb                    17 
 27.  The Southerner                                             Weisskopf                4 
      TOTAL PAGES:                                                                      327 

                               The Southerner, SFPA #216 Page 1 

           The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                        Mailing number 216, Volume 20 No. 10.1 
                                  June 2000-July 2000 
President: Guy H. Lillian III 
Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf 
Emergency Officer: Ned Brooks 
  1.   Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 86 (7/1/00)                   Metcalf                  5 
  2.   The Southerner (7/7/00)                                   Weisskopf                1 
TOTAL PAGES for Postmailing:                                                              6 
TOTAL PAGES for 216                                                                     333 

                               The Southerner 
           The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                        Mailing number 217, Volume 20 No. 11
                            July 2000-August 2000
President: Guy H. Lillian III 
Official Editor: T.K.F. Weisskopf 
Emergency Officer: Ned Brooks 
      Title of zine & date received                     Contributor            Pages 
 1.   First Zine in the Mailing (8/14/00)               J. Copeland                4 
 2.   Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 87 (8/14/00)          Metcalf                    4 
 3.   Uncle Lon's Unoffical Box Scores #23 (8/14/00)    Brown                      2 
 4.   The New Port News 193 (8/14/00)                   Brooks                    10 
 5.   The Amazing Virtual RiverCon Oneshot (8/22/00)    Hughes et al               5 
 6.   Long Live The Duck Man (8/31/00)                  Brown                      5 
 7.   Father (8/31/00)                                  J. Copeland               24 
 8.   Variations on a Theme #1 (9/12/00)                R. Lynch                   8 
 9.   Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #66 (9/15/00)    Dengrove                  24 
10.   Variations on a Theme #2 (9/20/00)                R. Lynch                   6 
11.   Son (9/20/00)                                     J. Copeland               28 
12.   Wiring up SFPA! (9/22/00)                         Weisskopf                  2 
13.   Revenant #3 (9/25/00)                             Strickland                 6 
14.   Offline Reader Volume 1 Issue 18 (9/25/00)        Koch                       2 
15.   Frequent Flyer (9/25/00)                          Feller                     8 
16.   Peter, Pan & Merry #23 (9/27/00)                  Schlosser                 13 
17.   Spiritus Mundi 179 (9/27/00)                      Lillian                   15 
18.   Oblio No. 130 (9/27/00)                           Brown                     29 
19.   Tennessee Trash #37 (9/27/00)                     Robe                      10 
20.   Holy Ghost (9/28/00)                              J. Copeland               40 
21.   Home With the Armadillo #43 (9/28/00)             L. Copeland               17 
22.   "YNGVI IS A LOUSE" and Other Graffitos #67(9/28)  Weisskopf                 40 
23.   Passages #7 (9/28/00)                             Larson                     1 
24.   The Sphere (9/29/00)                              Markstein                  6 
25.   Guilty Pleasures (9/29/00)                        Ackerman                   6 
26.   Trivial Pursuits #91 (9/29/00)                    Gelb                      19 
27.   If It's Wednesday, This Must Be Chicon (9/29/00)  Gelb                      16 
28    It Goes on the Shelf No. 22 (10/2/00)             Brooks                    22 
29.   Comments 9 (10/2/00)                              Hughes                    13 
29.   C4 #2 (10/2/00)                                   Wells                      5 
30.   On the Road Again (10/2/00)                       Weber                      1 
31.   Egoboo Poll & OE Ballot & Constitutional          Weisskopf                  4 
      Amendment Vote Ballot (10/2/00) 
32.   The Southerner & Constitution (10/2/00)           Weisskopf                  6 
      TOTAL PAGES:                                                               403 

                           The Southerner, SFPA #217 Page 1 

                                The Southerner 
           The Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance 
                        Mailing number 218, Volume 20 No. 12
                            August 2000-September 2000 
1.     Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 88 (10/5/00)                          Metcalf                     5 
2.     The New Port News 194 (10/13/00)                                  Brooks                      8 
3.     Challenger at Chicon (10/20/00)                                   Lillian                    22 
4.     ConGlomeration flyer (10/20/00)                                   Weisskopf frank             2 
5.     Confessions of a Consistent Liar (11/1/00)                        Hlavaty                     2 
6.     Derogatory Reference 96 (11/1/00)                                 Hlavaty                     6 
7.     Variations on a Theme #3 (11/20/00)                               Lynch                      12 
8.     Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 90 (11/20/00)                         Metcalf                     5 
9.     Phooey (11/20/00)                                                 Lillian                     2 
10.    Spiritus Mundi 180 (11/20/00)                                     Lillian                    22 
11.    Trivial Pursuits #25 (11/24/00)                                   Gelb                       21 
12.    DUFF 2001: Westward Ho (11/24/00)                                 Gelb                        1 
13.    DUFF 2001 Ballot (11/24/00)                                       Gelb                        2 
14.    Frequent Flyer (11/ 24/00)                                        Feller                      6 
15.    Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 91 (11/27/00)                         Metcalf                     4 
16.    Peter, Pan and Merry #34 (11/27/00)                               Schlosser                  15 
17.    Revenant #4 (11/28/00)                                            Strickland                 14 
18.    Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 89 (11/28/00)                         Metcalf                     2 
18.    Tyndallite Volume 2, Number 92 (11/28/00)                         Metcalf                     7 
19.    Twgsdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #67 (11/28/00)                   Dengrove                   34 
20.    Offline Reader Volume 1 Issue 19 (11/29/00)                       Koch                       10 
21.    Passages #8 (11/30/00)                                            Larson                      6 
22.    Avatar Press 2.12 (11/30/00)                                      Cleary                     10 
23.    The Sphere Vol. 189 no. 1 (12/1/00)                               Markstein                   6 
24.    Guilty Pleasures 16 (12/1/00)                                     Ackerman                    4 
25.    Home With the Armadillo #43 (12/1/00)                             L. Copeland                17 
26.    Caught in the Headlights (12/1/00)                                J. Copeland                36 
27.    Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #24 (12/2/00)                   Brown                       2 
28.    C4 #3 (12/2/00)                                                   Wells                       2 
29.    Oblio No. 131 (12/2/00)                                           Brown                      24 
30.    Tennessee TraYNGVI8 (12/2/00)                                     Robe                       18 
31.    "YNGVI IS A LOUSE"  And Other Graffitos #68 (12/3)                Weisskopf                  22 
32.    Learning to Hang Glide (12/4/00)                                  Hughes                      1 
33.    Moon of Three Rings (12/4/00)                                     weber                       6 
34.    The 2000 Egoboo Poll Results                                      Weisskopf                   6 
35.    The Southerner & SFPA Constitution                                Weisskopf                   6 
       Total:                                                                                      378 

                                   The Southerner, SFPA #218 Page 1                    THE SOUTHERNER 
   Title & arrival date                             Contributor        Pages

 1. First Zine in the OEship (12/3)                     Brown              2 
 2. The New Port News #195 (12/18)                      Brooks            10 
 3. Variations on a Theme #4 (1/3)                      Lynch              7 
 4. Rear-Ender '00 (1/5)                                Lillian            2 
 5. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 72 (1/8)           Hlavaty            2 
 6. Challenger 13 (1/8)                                 Lillian           82 
 7. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #25 (1/20)        Brown              2 
 8. Technical Toys (1/20)                               Hughes             3 
 9. Frequent Flyer (1/22)                               Feller             6 
10. Peter, Pan & Merry #35 (1/22)                       Schlosser         13 
11. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #68 (1/23)         Dengrove          28 
12. Spiritus Mundi #181 (1/23)                          Lillian           13 
13. Avatar Press 2.13 (1/24)                            Cleary             6 
14. Offline Reader Volume 1, Issue 20 (1/24)            Koch               2 
15. Oblio No 132 (1/24)                                 Brown             43 
16. Trivial Pursuits #93 (1/25)                         Gelb              15 
17. More Travel Tales (1/25)                            Gelb              17 
18. "YNGVI IS A LOUSE" and Other Graffitos #69 (1/25)   Weisskopf         18 
19. Sing the Praises of the Wolflord: A Birthday 
                   One-shot Paean (1/25)                Weisskopf (frank)  2 
20. Guilty Pleasures (1/25)                             Ackerman           6 
21. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 93 (1/25)               Metcalf            5 
22. Random Thoughts (1/25)                              Hughes             4 
23. The Sphere vol #190, no 1 (1/26)                    Markstein          6 
24. Crouching Tiger, Itchy Swimsuit #1 (1/26)           Wells              4 
25. Tennessee Trash #39 (1/26)                          Robe              12 
26. Home With the Armadillo #45 (1/27)                  LCopeland         15 
27. Pluto: The Planet That Used to Be (1/27)            weber              2 
28. Fantasy and Reality (1/27)                          JCopeland         36 
29. The Southerner 219 (1/27)                           JCopeland          4 
                                   TOTAL                                 367 

The Southerner 219 

                    THE SOUTHERNER 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                           Contributor           Pages 

  1. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 94 (2/7-2/10)                 Metcalf                 7 
  2. The New Port News #196 (2/8-2/16)                         Brooks                 10 
  3. Challenger sub-micron (2/15-2/20)                         Lillian                 2 
  4. Variations on a Theme #5 (2/27-3/5)                       Lynch                  11 
  5. As We May Think by Vannevar Bush (3/12)                   Copeland frank         16 
  6. Tenacity 1/DSC 39 flyer (3/12-3/15)                       Lillian frank           1 
  7. Spiritus Mundi #182 (3/13-3/16)                           Lillian                17 
  8. Offline Reader Volume 1, Issue 21 (3/16-3/17)             Koch                    4 
  9. Frequent Flyer (3/14-3/17)                                Feller                  8 
 10. Revenant #5 (3/14-3/19)                                   Strickland              6 
 11. Comments 10 (3/16-3/19)                                   Hughes                  9 
 12. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #69 (3/17-3/19)          Dengrove               28 
 13. Peter, Pan & Merry #36 (3/16-3/21)                        Schlosser               7 
 14. Aristotle Meets Gernsback (3/25)                          JCopeland              36 
 15. Marching Through Oneshot (?-3/26)                         Hughes/Weisskopf        4 
 16. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #26 (3/23-3/26)         Brown                   2 
 17. Dewachen (3/26-3/27)                                      Khadro                 16 
 18. Planet of the APAs (3/26-3/27)                            Khadro                  8 
 19. Trivial Pursuits #94 (3/26-3/27)                          Gelb                   13 
 20. Snow and Shmoozing (3/26-3/27)                            Gelb                   14 
 21. Tennessee Trash #40 (3/27-3/28)                           Robe                   12 
 22. Steve vs. The Printer (?-3/28)                            Hughes                  3 
 23. Guilty Pleasures 8 (3/28-3/29)                            Ackerman                4 
 24. George Wells's Only an Idiot (3/28-3/29)                  Wells                  12 
 25. Avatar Press 2.14 (3/28-3/29)                             Cleary                 16 
 26. Home With the Armadillo #46 (3/29)                        LCopeland               3 
 27. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 73 (3/29-3/30)           Hlavaty                 5 
 28. Passages #9 (3/29-3/30)                                   Larson                  5 
 29. Oblio No 133 (3/28-3/30)                                  Brown                  29 
 30. Ev'rybody's Got Something to Hide (3/28-3/30)             weber                   6 
 31. The Sphere vol #191, no 1 (3/28-3/30)                     Markstein               6 
 32. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #70 (3/30-3/31)    Weisskopf              18 
 33. The Southerner 220 (3/31)                                 JCopeland               4 
                                         TOTAL                                      342 
The Southerner 220             

                    THE SOUTHERNER 
    Title & postmark/arrival dates                         Contributor    Pages 
  1. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 95 (4/17-4/19)                Metcalf        6 
  2. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 74 (4/17-4/20)           Hlavaty        2 
  3. The New Port News #197 (4/12-4/26)                        Brooks        10 
  4. Variations on a Theme #6 (?-5/3)                          Lynch          8 
  5. Offline Reader Volume 1, Issue 22 (5/4-5/7)               Koch           4 
  6. Life is a Oneshot (?-5/19)                                Various        6 
  7. Derogatory Reference 97 (5/19-5/21)                       Hlavaty        6 
  8. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #70 (5/19-5/21)          Dengrove      36 
  9. Spiritus Mundi #183 (5/18-5/22)                           Lillian       11 
 10. Trivial Pursuits #95 (5/24-5/25)                          Gelb          17 
 11. Comments 11 (5/24-5/26)                                   Hughes        11 
 12. Frequent Flyer (5/22-5/29)                                Feller         6 
 13. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #27 (5/23-5/29)         Brown          2 
 14. Peter, Pan & Merry #37 (5/24-5/29)                        Schlosser     11 
 15. Revenant #6 (5/25-5/29)                                   Strickland    14 
 16. Tennessee Trash #41 (5/30-5/31)                           Robe          20 
 17. You've Got Mars (5/31)                                    JCopeland     24 
 18. Oblio No 134 (5/29-6/1)                                   Brown         21 
 19. New Tools, Old Me (5/30-6/1)                              weber         24 
 20. May Meanderings (5/31-6/1)                                Gelb          14 
 21. Avatar Press 2.15 (5/30-6/2)                              Cleary         8 
 22. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Grafffitos #71 (6/1-6/2)     Weisskopf     14 
 23. Home With the Armadillo #47 (6/2)                         LCopeland     10 
 24. The Zine With No Title (6/1-6/3)                          Wells         10 
 25. THIS IS A SFPA ZINE...MY ZINE IS BEING PRINTED (5/31-6/3) Wells          2 
 26. Commonplace Book, part one (6/3)                          JCopeland     42 
 27. The Sphere vol #192, no 1 (5/30-6/4)                      Markstein      6 
 28. The Southerner 221 (6/3)                                  JCopeland      4 
                                     TOTAL                                  349 
The Southerner 221 — April - May 2001 

                     THE SOUTHERNER 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                             Contributor    Pages 

  1. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 96 (6/19-6/21)                 Metcalf            6 
  2. The New Port News #198 (6/18-6/23)                         Brooks            10 
  3. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #28 (7/7-?)              Brown              2 
  4. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #71 (7/7-?)               Dengrove          30 
  5. Variations on a Theme #7 (7/10-?)                          Lynch             11 
  6. Revenant #7 (7/10-?)                                       Strickland        11 
  7. The Frozen Weblog 2 (7/17-?)                               Hlavaty            2 
  8. Offline Reader Volume 1, Issue 23 (7/21-7/22)              Koch               4 
  9. Spiritus Mundi #184 (7/17-7/23)                            Lillian           11 
 10. Dewachen (7/20-7/23)                                       Khadro            20 
 11. Day of the Palm D'Or (7/23)                                various            4 
 12. Peter, Pan & Merry #38 (7/20-7/25)                         Schlosser          8 
 13. Avatar Press 2.16 (7/25-7/26)                              Cleary             6 
 14. Trivial Pursuits #96 (7/25-7/26)                           Gelb              11 
 15. June/July Jaunts (7/25-7/26)                               Gelb              15 
 16. Oblio No 135 (7/26-7/27)                                   Brown             22 
 17. Guilty Pleasures (7/26-7/27)                               Ackerman          12 
 18. Comments 12 (7/25-7/27)                                    Hughes            10 
 19. The Sphere vol #193, no 1 (7/25-7/27)                      Markstein          6 
 20. The Notorious Jumping Zine of Calaveras County (7/28)      Copeland          32 
 21. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #72 (7/27-7/28)     Weisskopf         32 
 22. Tennessee Trash #42 (7/27-7/28)                            Robe              16 
 23. Home With the Armadillo #48 (7/29)                         LCopeland         13 
 24. Liz & Jeff's Alaska Trip Report (7/29)                     LCopeland         14 
 25. The False Knight on the Road (7/28-8/1)                    weber             20 
 26. Ooooops! (7/28-8/1)                                        weber              4 
 27. The Southerner 222 (7/30)                                  JCopeland          4 
                                          TOTAL                                  336 
The Southerner 222 — June - July 2001 

                    THE SOUTHERNER 
       Title & postmark/arrival dates                      Contributor      Pages 

  1. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #29 (8/11-8/14)          Brown           2 
  2. The New Port News #199 (8/11-8/16)                         Brooks          8 
  3. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 97 (8/16-8/18)                 Metcalf         8 
  4. DeepSouthCon 40 flyer (8/29-9/1)                           Lillian frank   2 
  5. Markstein is Acting Like an Obnoxious Jerk (But So What 
      Else is New?) (9/6-9/10)                                  Lynch           2 
  6. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #72 (9/17-9/19)           Dengrove       36 
  7. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #72 Corrected Table       Dengrove        1 
      of Contents (9/17-9/19) 
  8. Variations on a Theme #8 (9/17-9/20)                       Lynch          10 
  9. A Page for SFPA (9/19-9/21)                                weber           1 
 10. Spiritus Mundi #185 (9/17-9/22)                            Lillian        11 
 11. Peter, Pan & Merry #39 (9/20-9/24)                         Schlosser      12 
 12. Revenant #8 (9/20-9/24)                                    Strickland      3 
 13. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 75 (9/18-9/26)            Hlavaty         5 
 14. Random Thoughts (9/24-9/26)                                Hughes          2 
 15. Trivial Pursuits #97 (9/25-9/26)                           Gelb           15 
 16. Philly Follies (9/25-9/26)                                 Gelb           17 
 17. Offline Reader Volume 1, Issue 24 (9/25-9/26)              Koch            2 
 18. The Sphere vol #194, no 1 (9/24-9/27)                      Markstein       6 
 19. The Shot Heard Round the World (9/24-9/27)                 Feller frank    4 
 20. Frequent Flyer (9/24-9/27)                                 Feller         16 
 21. Werewolf with Fleas (9/27-9/28)                            Wells           6 
 22. Avatar Press 2.17 (9/27-9/28)                              Cleary         12 
 23. Cleary Clip-Art Collection II (9/27-9/28)                  Cleary          8 
 24. "Yngvi is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #73 (9/27-9/28)     Weisskopf      26 
 25. Passages #10 (9/28-9/29)                                   Larson          5 
 26. Tennessee Trash #43 (9/28-9/29)                            Robe           12 
 27. Meade Frierson III (9/27-9/29)                             weber           2 
 28. Another Rude Supergirl Cartoon (9/27-9/29)                 weber          40 
 29. Shocked and Sleepless with the Armadillo #49 (9/29)        LCopeland      13 
 30. Words Fail Me (9/29)                                       JCopeland      36 
 31. The Seven Statisticians (Shichinin no Tousotsujin) (9/30)  JCopeland      12 
 32. Guilty Pleasures (9/25-?)                                  Ackerman        6 
 33. Oblio No 136 (9/25-?)                                      Brown          20 
 34. 2001 Egoboo Poll & OE Ballot (9/28)                        JCopeland       2 
 35. The Southerner 223 (9/30)                                  JCopeland       6 
                                     TOTAL                                    369 
The Southerner 223 - August - September 2001 

                    THE SOUTHERNER 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                       Contributor         Pages 

 1. To George Wells from Allie Copeland (10/14)        LCopeland (frank)          1 
 2. The New Port News #200 (10/19)                     Brooks                    10 
 3. It Goes on the Shelf 23 (10/25)                    Brooks                    22 
 4. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 98 (10/26)             Metcalf                    8 
 5. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #72 (11/5-11/7)   Dengrove                  26 
 6, Challenger 14 selections (11/1-11/8)               Lillian                   59 
 7. Variations on a Theme #9 (11/13-11/16)             Lynch                      4 
 8. Peter, Pan & Merry #40 (11/12-11/19)               Schlosser                  8 
 9. Spiritus Mundi #186 (11/20-11/24)                  Lillian                   11 
10. Offline Reader Volume 1, Issue 25 (11/23-11/24)    Koch                       2 
11. Revenant #9 (11/23-11/28)                          Strickland                13 
12. Comments 13 (11/16-11/28)                          Hughes                    19 
13. Trivial Pursuits #98 (11/27-11/28)                 Gelb                      17 
14. Avatar Press 2.18 (11/27-11/28)                    Cleary                     8 
15. Frequent Flyer (11/21-11/29)                       Feller                     4 
16. Home With the Armadillo #50 (11/29)                LCopeland                 16 
17. Handcuffs and Peanut Butter (11/29)                JCopeland                 28 
18. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #30 (11/26-11/30)Brown                      2 
19. AaaaYiii (11/26-11/28)                             Lillian                    4 
20. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #74 (11/29-11/30) 
                                                       Weisskopf                  6 
21. Mysterious Destinations (11/29-12/1)               weber                     26 
22. Tennessee Trash #44 (11/30-12/1)                   Robe                      12 
23. Passages #11 (11/30-12/1)                          Larson                     6 
24. Portraits of Grief (12/1)                          JCopeland                  6 
25. All Things Must Pass (11/30-12/3)                  Brown                      1 
26. Guilty Pleasures (11/27-12/4)                      Ackerman                   4 
27. The Sphere vol #195, no 1 (11/27-12/4)             Markstein                  6 
28. Oblio No 137 (11/27-12/8)                          Brown                     37 
29, Egoboo Poll & Ballot Results — 2001 (12/8)         JCopeland                  5 
30. Bartland's Unfamiliar Quotations, part 2 (12/9)    JCopeland                 52 
31. The Southerner 224 (12/9)                          JCopeland                  4 
                                      TOTAL                                     427 
The Southerner 224 — October - November 2001  

                   THE SOUTHERNER 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                            Contributor     Pages 

   1. The New Port News #201 (12/24-1/3)                        Brooks            8 
   2. Rear-ender '01 (1/2-1/11)                                 Lillian           2 
   3. Variations on a Theme #10 (1/14-1/16)                     Lynch             6 
   4. Derogatory Reference 98 (1/15-1/17)                       Hlavaty           8 
   5. Spiritus Mundi #187 (1/17-1/19)                           Lillian          15 
   6. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #74 (1/19-1/22)          Dengrove         29 
   7. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 99 (1/19-1/22)                Metcalf           6 
   8. Tennessee Trash #45 (?-1/25)                              Robe              8 
   9. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #31 (1/22-1/25)         Brown             2 
  10. Frequent Flyer (1/25-1/28)                                Feller            8 
  11. Peter, Pan & Merry #41 (1/25-1/28)                        Schlosser        14 
  12. Offline Reader Volume 1, Issue 26 (1/26-1/28)             Koch              4 
  13. The Sphere vol #196, no 1 (1/26-1/29)                     Markstein         6 
  14. Trivial Pursuits #99 (1/28-1/29)                          Gelb             11 
  15. Yawning in York (1/28-1/29)                               Gelb             10 
  16. Revenant #10 (1/26-1/30)                                  Strickland        8 
  17. Just a Page for SFPA in Case (1/28-1/30)                  weber             2 
  18. Oblio No 138 (1/29-1/30)                                  Brown            26 
  19. Random Thoughts (1/29-1/31)                               Hughes            6 
  20. Can't Believe Everything You Read on the Internet (2/1)   JCopeland        20 
  21. Home With the Armadillo #51 (2/1)                         LCopeland         7 
  22. Passages #12 (2/1)                                        Larson            2 
  23. Guilty Pleasures 2 (1/31-2/1)                             Ackerman          6 
  24. Avatar Press 2.19 (1/31-2/1)                              Cleary            6 
  25. The Werewolf is Napping #1 (1/31-2/2)                     Wells             6 
  26. Yngvi Is a Wimp (2/3)                                     Weisskopf         2 
  27. The Southerner 225 (2/3)                                  JCopeland         4 
                                          TOTAL                                 232 
The Southerner 225 — December 2001 - January 2002 

                   THE SOUTHERNER 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                          Contributor     Pages 

 1. For Your Consideration (2/12)                            JCopeland         1 
 2. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 100 (2/12-16)                Metcalf           4 
 3. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 76 (2/13-2/16)          Hlavaty           2 
 4. The New Port News #202 (2/12-2/19)                       Brooks           10 
 5. The Patriotic Route (3/6-3/9)                            Lillian          19 
 6. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #74 (3/9-3/11)          Dengrove         28 
 7. Christmas Card (3/9-3/11)                                Dengrove          1 
 8. Variations on a Theme #11 (3/11-3/13)                    Lynch             5 
 9. The Sphere vol #197, no 1 (3/20-3/22)                    Markstein         6 
10. Spiritus Mundi #188 (3/21-3/23)                          Lillian          19 
11. Peter, Pan & Merry #42 (3/21-3/25)                       Schlosser         8 
12. Revenant #11 (3/22-3/25)                                 Strickland        8 
13. Frequent Flyer (3/22-3/25)                               Feller            4 
14. Offline Reader Volume 1, Issue 27 (3/25-3/26)            Koch              4 
15. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #32 (3/22-3/26)        Brown             2 
16. Oblio No 139 (3/25-3/27)                                 Brown            30 
17. Trivial Pursuits #100 (3/26-3/27)                        Gelb             17 
18. February Flights (3/26-3/27)                             Gelb             12 
19. Travelers Tales (3/26-3/28)                              Hughes            6 
20. Avatar Press 2.20 (3/27-3/28)                            Cleary           10 
21. Guilty Pleasures 3 (3/26-3/29)                           Ackerman          6 
22. Tennessee Trash #46 (3/28-3/29)                          Robe             12 
23. A Monument That Neither Government Nor Time Can          weber            10 
      Eradicate (3/27-3/30) 
24. Home With the Armadillo #52 (3/30)                       LCopeland         2 
25. Playing Pepe le Pew (3/30)                               JCopeland        36 
26. Three foreign countries, Six airports, Nine flights, Eighteen
      days: The Asian Tour (3/30)                            JCopeland        39 
27. Passages #13 (3/29-3/30)                                 Larson            4 
28. The Southerner 226 (3/30)                                JCopeland         4 
                                         TOTAL                               309 
The Southerner 226 — February - March 2002 

                     THE SOUTHERNER 
    Title & postmark/arrival dates                             Contributor    Pages 

 1. Variations on a Theme #12 (4/1-4/4)                        Lynch              2 
 2. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 101 (4/10-4/13)                Metcalf            4 
 3. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #33 (4/10-4/13)          Brown              2 
 4. The New Port News #203 (4/8-4/15)                          Brooks             8 
 5. Bruce Pelz: 11 August 1936 - 9 May 2002 (5/13)             JCopeland          1 
 6. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #76 (5/11-5/13)           Dengrove          27 
 7. Variations on a Theme #13 (5/13-5/15)                      Lynch             12 
 8. Trivial Pursuits #101 (5/23-5/24)                          Gelb              13 
 9, The Ellison Webderland Experience (5/23-5/24)              Gelb              10 
10. Frequent Flyer (5/22-5/25)                                 Feller             4 
11. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 77 (5/23-5/28)            Hlavaty            2 
12. Spiritus Mundi #189 (5/24-5/28)                            Lillian           14 
13. Peter, Pan & Merry #43 (5/24-5/28)                         Schlosser          8 
14. Revenant #12 (5/24-5/28)                                   Strickland         6 
15. Offline Reader Volume 1, Issue 28 (5/28-5/29)              Koch               2 
16. Home With the Armadillo #53 (5/30)                         LCopeland          1 
17. Oblio No 140 (5/28-5/30)                                   Brown             16 
18. George's Zine (5/28-5/30)                                  Poulette           1 
19. Tennessee Trash #47 (5/29-5/30)                            Robe              10 
20. Comments 14 (5/29-5/30)                                    Hughes            11 
21. All the Stars in the Sky (5/31)                            JCopeland         40 
22. The Sphere vol #198, no 1 (5/28-5/31)                      Markstein          6 
23. Avatar Press 2.21 (5/30-5/31)                              Cleary             8 
24. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #76 (5/30-5/31)     Weisskopf         34 
25. A Hand Wrotten Page (5/31-6/1)                             weber              1 
26. Fractured Fairy Tales, part three (6/1)                    J Copeland        52 
27. The Southerner 227 (6/1)                                   JCopeland          4 
                                           TOTAL                                299 
The Southerner 227 — April - May 2002  

                  THE SOUTHERNER 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                            Contributor   Pages 
 1. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #77 (6/11-6/12)     Reinhardt        10 
 2.  The New Port News #204 (6/12-6/18)                        Brooks            8 
 3.  Derogatory Reference 99 (6/24-6/26)                       Hlavaty           7 
 4.  Moodling, Canoodling & Oogling (The Traditional Com-      (all hands)       7 
     pletely Unplanned SFPA DSC Oneshot) (6/28-7/1)  
 5. Variations on a Theme #14 (7/10-7/12)                      Lynch             4 
 6. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #76 (7/13-7/15)           Dengrove         28 
 7. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #34 (7/13-7/16)          Brown             2 
 8. Murphy Makes a House Call (7/19-7/22)                      Strickland        1 
 9. Peter, Pan & Merry #44 (7/19-7/22)                         Schlosser         9 
10. Adventures in Graphic Design (7/20-7/22)                   Hughes            1 
11. This old typewriter / What I know (7/20-7/22)              Poulette          1 
12. Frequent Flyer (7/19-7/23)                                 Feller            8 
13. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 102 (7/22-7/24)                Metcalf           3 
14. Oblio No 141 (7/22-7/24)                                   Brown            19 
15. All the Mailing Comments That Fit in Print (7/24)          JCopeland        44 
16. The Sphere vol #199, no 1 (7/23-7/25)                      Markstein         6 
17. Offline Reader Volume 1, Issue 29 (7/24-7/25)              Koch              4 
18. Guilty Pleasures 4 (7/24-7/26)                             Ackerman         10 
19. Comments 15 (7/24-7/26)                                    Hughes            5 
20. Random Thoughts (7/24-7/26)                                Hughes            6 
21. Send Out the Pace Zamboni (7/24-7/26)                      weber             8 
22. An Unanticipated Denouement (7/24-7/26)                    weber            32 
23. Everything Will Be All Right #1 (7/25-7/26)                Wells             6 
24. Trivial Pursuits #102 (7/25-7/26)                          Gelb             15 
25. Trans-Pacific Tales (7/25-7/26)                            Gelb             34 
26. Avatar Press 2.22 (7/25-7/26)                              Cleary            6 
27. Spiritus Mundi #190 (7/16-7/27)                            Lillian          23 
28. Passages #14 (7/26-7/27)                                   Larson            2 
29. Tennessee Trash #47 (7/26-7/27)                            Robe             16 
30. Home With the Armadillo #54 (7/27)                         LCopeland         7 
31. The Southerner 228 (7/27)                                  JCopeland         4 
                                      TOTAL                                    336 
The Southerner 228 - June-July 2002  

                  THE SOUTHERNER 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                            Contributor       Pages 

 1.  Variations on a Theme #15 (7/31-8/6)                      Lynch                 2 
 2.  Revenant #13 (8/7-8/9)                                    Strickland           10 
 3.  "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #78 (8/12-8/13)    Reinhardt            35 
 4.  The New Port News #205 (8/8-8/14)                         Brooks               10 
 5.  Variations on a Theme #16 (8/20-8/22)                     Lynch                 6 
 6.  Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 103 (8/24-8/26)               Metcalf               6 
 7.  Luke Skywalker is Gay? (9/2)                              JCopeland (frank)     6 
 8.  Historical Hugo Hysterics (9/2)                           JCopeland            31 
 9.  Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #78 (9/14-9/16)          Dengrove             32 
10.  What I thikn of Evolition and Other Horse Manor (9/14-    Poulette              1 
11.  Spiritus Mundi #191 (9/12-9/22)                           Lillian              15 
12.  Remembering 9/11/2001 (9/17-9/21)                         weber                 3 
13.  osushigumi (9/22)                                         JCopeland            40 
14.  timewarp (9/24)                                           JCopeland             4 
15.  Frequent Flyer (9/20-9/24)                                Feller                8 
16.  Revenant #14 (9/23-9/25)                                  Strickland            2 
17.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #35 (9/23-9/26)         Brown                 2 
18.  Peter, Pan & Merry #45 (9/23-9/26)                        Schlosser            12 
19.  The Sphere vol #200, no 1 (9/24-9/26)                     Markstein             6 
20.  Oblio No 142 (9/24-9/26)                                  Brown                46 
21.  Travelers Tales vol 1, no 2 (9/24-9/26)                   Hughes                6 
22.  Trivial Pursuits #103 (9/25-9/26)                         Gelb                 11 
23.  Cruising ConJose (9/25-9/26)                              Gelb                 18 
24.  Confessions of a Consistent Liar 78 (9/23-9/27)           Hlavaty               2 
25.  Guilty Pleasures 25 (9/25-9/27)                           Ackerman              8 
26.  Comments 16 (9/25-9/27)                                   Hughes                9 
27.  Avatar Press 2.23 (9/26-9/27)                             Cleary                8 
28.  "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #79 (9/26-9/27)    Reinhardt            20 
29.  E-mail filler (9/27-9/27)                                 Wells                 1 
30.  Passages #15 (9/27-9/28)                                  Larson               12 
31.  Tennessee Trash #49 (9/27-9/28)                           Robe                 12 
32.  Ticklish Situation, Indeed (9/26-9/28)                    weber                20 
33.  Oxbridge Dictionary of Misplaced Quotes, part four        JCopeland            52 
34.  Home With the Armadillo #55 (9/28)                        LCopeland             7 
35.  Night of the Living Statistics (9/28)                     JCopeland            12 
36.  2002 Egoboo Poll & OE Ballot (9/2-9/28)                   JCopeland             2 
37.  The Southerner 229 (9/28)                                 JCopeland             6 
                                     TOTAL                                         483 
The Southerner 229 - August-September 2002 

               THE SOUTHERNER 
   Title & postmark/arrival dates                             Contributor     Pages 

 1. Hugo Box Scores (10/5)                                    JCopeland           4 
 2. The New Port News #206 (10/10-10/19)                      Brooks              8 
 3. It Goes on The Shelf #24 (10/15-10/22)                    Brooks             24 
 4. Peter, Pan & Merry #46 (11/8-11/12)                       Schlosser          11 
 5. The Curse of Cthulhu by Timothy C Marion (11/9-11/12)     fr Brooks          17 
 6. Variations on a Theme #17 (11/13-11/15)                   Lynch               9 
 7. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 79 (11/16-11/18)         Hlavaty             2 
 8. Derogatory Reference 100 (11/16-11/18)                    Hlavaty             7 
 9. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 104 (11/16-11/18)             Metcalf             8 
10. Anoit4her Issue I been thnnkin bout (11/16-11/18)         Poulette            1 
11. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #78 (11/16-11/18)        Dengrove           28 
12. Spiritus Mundi 192 (11/18-11/20)                          Lillian            19 
13. Trivial Pursuits #104 (11/21-11/23)                       Gelb               19 
14. The Giants Win the Pennant! The Giants Win the Pen-       Gelb                8 
     nant! (11/21-11/23)  
15. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #36 (11/21-11/25)       Brown               2 
16. Revenant #15 (11/22-11/25)                                Strickland          6 
17. Frequent Flyer (11/23-11/26)                              Feller              4 
18. The Sphere vol #201, no 1 (11/25-11/27)                   Markstein           6 
19. Guy and Rosy for DUFF (11/27)                             Lillian             2 
20. Weasel Crossing (11/28)                                   JCopeland          26 
21. Ascending/Descending (11/22-11/29)                        weber              40 
22. That Was the Year That Was (CD) (11/22-11/29)             weber               0 
23. Passages #16 (11/26-11/29)                                Larson              6 
24. Random Thoughts (11/26-11/29)                             Hughes              4 
25. A Christmas Ornament for SFPA (11/26-11/29)               Hughes              2 
26. Oblio No 143 (11/25-11/29)                                Brown              18 
27. Avatar Press 2.24 (11/27-11/29)                           Cleary              6 
28. The SFC Bulletin (11/27-11/29)                            Cleary             30 
29. Tennessee Trash #50 (11/29-11/30)                         Robe                4 
30. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #80 (11/29-11/30)  Reinhardt          10 
31. Guilty Pleasures 26 (11/26-11/30)                         Ackerman            6 
32. Comments 17 (11/27-11/30)                                 Hughes              9 
33. Under the Knife With the Armadillo #56 (11/30)            LCopeland           2 
34. All the Quotes That Didn't Fit Anywhere Else, part five   JCopeland          62 
35. SFPA Egoboo Poll & Ballot Results 2002 (12/1)             JCopeland           6 
36. Somewhere, Under the Danube, Bluebirds Snorkle and        Wells               6 
     Some Day We Will Get There Riding Out Oldsmoborkle 
     #1 (11/30-12/2)   
37. The Southerner 230 (11/30)                                JCopeland           4 
                                      TOTAL                                     426 
The Southerner 230 - October-November 2002 

                                    The Southerner
    Title & postmark/arrival dates                      Contributor    Pages 

  1. The New Port News #207 (12/10-12/29)                Brooks            8 
  2. TAFF 2003 Ballot (12/27-12/30)                      fr JCopeland      2 
  3. Variations on a Theme #18 (12/27-12/30)             Lynch             8 
  4. Rear-Ender '02 (1/2-1/4)                            Lillian           2 
  5. Hundred (1/21-1/23)                                 Hlavaty           2 
  6. The Sphere vol #202, no 1 (1/22-1/24)               Markstein         6 
  7. Spiritus Mundi 193 (1/22-1/24)                      Lillian          17 
  8. Peter, Pan & Merry #47 (1/24-1/27)                  Schlosser        11 
  9. How to catcjh a Sasquatch (1/25-1/27)               Poulette          1 
 10. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #80 (1/25-1/27)    Dengrove         37 
 11. Revenant #16 (1/25-1/27)                            Strickland       11 
 12. Thirty (1/27)                                       Lillian           2 
 13. Frequent Flyer (1/27-1/29)                          Feller            8 
 14. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #37 (1/27-1/30)   Brown             2 
 15. Weird Stuff 2 (1/28-1/30)                           Hughes            5 
 16. Oblio No 144 (1/29-1/30)                            Brown            34 
 17. Trivial Pursuits #105 (1/29-1/30)                   Gelb             13 
 18. Winter Wanderings (1/29-1/30)                       Gelb             18 
 19. Guilty Pleasures 27 (1/30-1/31)                     Ackerman          6 
 20. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #81 (1/31-2/1) ... 
                                                         Reinhardt        17 
 21. Tennessee Trash #51 (1/31-2/1)                      Robe             12 
 22. I Send Them Up (2/1)                                JCopeland        28 
 23. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 105 (1/31-2/2)          Metcalf           3 
 24. Avatar Press 2.25 (1/30-2/3)                        Cleary            6 
 26. The Southerner 231 (2/2)                            JCopeland         4 
                                       TOTAL                             263  

The Southerner 231.1                            December 2002 - January 2003 
  1. Crude Joke (1/31-3/8)                               weber             1 
  2. The Southerner 231.1 (3/9)                          JCopeland         4 
                                       TOTAL in this bundle  2 

                                          REVISED TOTAL for mailing 231  266  

                           The Southerner 
    Title & postmark/arrival dates                   Contributor          Pages 
 1. Columbia is Lost (2/7-2/10)                        Brown                 2 
 2. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 106 (2/17-2/20)        Metcalf               6 
 3. The New Port News #208 (2/15-2/21)                 Brooks                9 
 4. Variations on a Theme #19 (2/21-2/24)              Lynch                 6 
 5. Last Minute Stuff (3/12-3/14)                      Hughes                4 
 6. Travelers Tales (3/12-3/14)                        Hughes                4 
 7. The Complete Comic Comments and Gremlin Index      Brown                32 
 8. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #81 (3/15-3/17)   Dengrove             26 
 9. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #38 (3/17-3/20)  Brown                 2 
10. Peter, Pan & Merry #48 (3/17-3/20)                 Schlosser             8 
11. Frequent Flyer (3/19-3/21)                         Feller                8 
12. Spiritus Mundi 194 (3/21-3/24)                     Lillian              21 
13. The Sphere vol 203, no 1 (3/21-3/24)               Markstein             6 
14. Harry Warner, Jr — 1922-2003 (3/24)                Lynch                 2 
15. Oblio No. 145 (3/24-3/26)                          Brown                29 
16. Revenant #17 (3/25-3/27)                           Strickland            4 
17. Trivial Pursuits #106 (3/26-3/27)                  Gelb                 13 
18. Boskone and the Blizzard (3/26-3/27)               Gelb                 10 
19. Then and Now (3/22-3/28)                           weber                24 
20. House Joint Memorial 40 (3/22-3/28)                weber                 4 
21. Avatar Press 2.26 (3/26-3/28)                      Cleary               12 
22. Tennessee Trash #52 (3/27-3/28)                    Robe                 16 
23. Hello Kitty 40000 (3/28)                           JCopeland            28 
24. Guilty Pleasures 28 (3/27-3/29)                    Ackerman             10 
25. Insert Dignified Title Here: the ones with the toilet train-  
    ing of tenrecs were just not working out and the bears 
     and vampires to the tune of Sound of Music was less 
     than insipid #1 (3/28-3/29)                       Wells                 6 
26. Home With the Armadillo #57 (3/29)                 LCopeland             7 
27. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #82 (3/28-3/31)
                                                       Reinhardt            13 
28. The Southerner 232 (3/29)                          JCopeland             4 
                                                                    TOTAL  316 

The Southerner 232 — February - March 2003                                    1 
                                    The Southerner  
  MAILING NUMBER 233, VOLUME 21, NUMBER 15                 APRIL - MAY 2003 
    Title & postmark/arrival dates                         Contributor    Pages
  1. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #39 (4/1-4/4)       Brown             2 
  2. The New Port News #209 (4/9-4/15)                     Brooks            8 
  3, Variations on a Theme #20 (4/15-4/17)                 Lynch            12 
  4. SFC Bulletin vol 8, no 2 (4/12-4/18)                  Cleary (fr)      28 
  5. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 107 (4/28-4/30)           Metcalf           5 
  6. Nice Distinctions 1 (5/16-5/19)                       Hlavaty           6 
  7. Wer Saddam is Hidden (5/19-5/21)                      Poulette          1 
  8. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #82 (5/19-5/21)      Dengrove         33 
  9. stricklaNice Distinctions 18 (5/24-5/27)              Hlavaty           6 
 10. Frequent Flyer (5/24-5/27)                            Feller            8 
 11. The Sphere vol 204, no 1 (5/24-5/27)                  Markstein         6 
 12. Peter, Pan & Merry #49 (5/23-5/28)                    Schlosser         8 
 13. Avatar Press 2.27 (5/28-5/29)                         Cleary            6 
 14. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #83 (5/28-5/29) 
                                                           Reinhardt        12 
 15. Oblio No. 146 (5/27-5/29)                             Brown            18 
 16. It's Because We're Proud of You (5/30)                JCopeland        36 
 17. Home With the Armadillo #58 (5/30)                    LCopeland         6 
 18. Spiritus Mundi 195 (5/27-5/30)                        Lillian          25 
 19. A Little Behind, I'm Afraid... (5/28-5/30)            weber             4 
 20. Passages #17 (5/29-5/30)                              Larson            6 
 21. Trivial Pursuits #107 (5/29-5/30)                     Gelb             11 
 22. My Month of Fame (5/29-5/30)                          Gelb             15 
 23. Tennessee Trash #53 (5/30-5/31)                       Robe             11 
 24. Leftover Quotations, part six (2/18)                  JCopeland        52 
 25. The Southerner 233 (5/31)                             JCopeland         4 
                                         TOTAL                             329 
The Southerner 233 — April-May 2003 

                               The Southerner
      MAILING NUMBER 234, VOLUME 21, NUMBER 16     JUNE—July 2003 
    Title & postmark/arrival dates                      Contributor      Pages 

 1. Last Minute Stuff (5/29-6/2)                        Hughes              4 
 2. The New Port News #210 (6/12-6/19)                  Brooks             18 
 3. You Bettwr Watch Out for thbe Antichrist (7/5-7/7)  Poulette            1 
 4. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #83 (7/5-7/7)      Dengrove           30 
 5. Nice Distinctions 2 (7/7-7/9)                       Hlavaty             6 
 6. Fox Troop (7/12-7/15)                               weber frank         1 
 7. The Traditional "Free 3D Glasses" (7/19-7/21)       Hughes              1 
 8. Travelers Tales (7/19-7/21)                         Hughes              4 
 9. Challenger 18 (selections) (7/16-7/22)              Lillian            50 
10. Variations on a Theme #21 (7/22-7/24)               Lynch              14 
11. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 108 (7/22-7/24)         Metcalf             5 
12. Revenant #19 (7/23-7/25)                            Strickland          8 
13. Ducks' odyssey nears end / Employment strikes (7/22-7/26) 
                                                        weber               2 
14. Spiritus Mundi 196 (7/25-7/28)                      Lillian            13 
15. Avatar Press 2.28 (7/25-7/28)                       Cleary              6 
16. Tennessee Trash #54 (7/25-7/28)                     Robe               10 
17. Frequent Flyer (7/25-7/28)                          Feller              8 
18. Peter, Pan & Merry #50 (7/25-7/28)                  Schlosser           6 
19. Cats on Ritalin (7/29)                              JCopeland          28 
20. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #40 (7/26-7/29)   Brown               2 
21. Trivial Pursuits #108 (7/28-7/29)                   Gelb               17 
22. Convention flyers: ConStellation XXII & MidSouthCon 
     22/DSC 42 (7/28-7/31)                              frank Lillian       4 
23. The Sphere vol 205, no 1 (7/29-7/31)                Markstein           6 
24. Guilty Pleasures 29 (7/29-7/31)                     Ackerman            8 
25. Oblio No. 147 (7/30-7/31)                           Brown              26 
26. Cow drifters, off to eat some grass they dumbly fish 
       for bass, today: with low udders, those slow walking 
       mudders, trample the one thing that serves for repast. 
       Moon chickens, wider than a duck, go out at night to 
       suck the dew. It makes them to cough when near is a 
       trough all filled with water for drinking, but nooooooo. 
       #1 (7/31-8/2)                                    Wells               6 
27. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #84 (8/1-8/2) 
                                                        Reinhardt          22 
28. Home With the Armadillo #59 (8/2)                   LCopeland           6 
                                                                   TOTAL  312 
The Southerner 234 — June-July 2003     

                            The Southerner 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                      Contributor   Pages 
 1. 2003 Egoboo Poll & OE Ballot (8/5)                 JCopeland          2 
 2. Bob's Infected Nose (7/30-8/8)                     weber             28 
 3. The New Port News #211 (8/11-8/18)                 Brooks            12 
 4. Old Iron Butt is Back! (?-8/19)                    Lillian            8 
 5. The SFC Bulletin, vol 8, no 3 (8/28-9/2)           Cleary (fr)       30 
 6. ...gang oft astray ... (9/10-9/12)                 weber              2 
 7. Variations on a Theme #22 (9/11-9/13)              Lynch              6 
 8. Travelers Tales, vol 2, no 3 (9/11-9/13)           Hughes             4 
 9. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #84 (9/13-9/15)   Dengrove          28 
10. Space Travel An You don't Even hafta get 
    into a SWEAT bout T (9/13-9/15)                    Poulette           1 
11. Nice Distinctions 3 (?-9/15)                       Hlavaty            6 
12. Adventures in Graphic Design (9/12-9/15)           Hughes             1 
13. The 29th National Stereoscopic Association 
     Convention (9/11-9/19)                            Hughes (fr)       36 
14. The Sphere vol 206, no 1 (9/17-9/19)               Markstein          6 
15. Frequent Flyer (9/19-9/22)                         Feller             4 
16. Deep South Con One-Shot (9/19-9/22)                Usual Suspects     6 
17. Spiritus Mundi 197 (9/20-9/22)                     Lillian           16 
18. Revenant #20 (9/20-9/22)                           Strickland        12 
19. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #41 (9/22-9/25)  Brown              2 
20. Peter, Pan & Merry #51 (9/23-9/26)                 Schlosser         10 
21. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 109 (9/24-9/26)        Metcalf            3 
22. Guilty Pleasures 30 (9/24-9/26)                    Ackerman           6 
23. Oblio No. 148 (9/24-9/26)                          Brown             22 
24. Avatar Press 2.29 (9/24-9/26)                      Cleary             6 
25. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #85 (9/25-9/26) 
                                                       Reinhardt         22 
26. Passages #18 (9/26-9/27)                           Larson             6 
27. Tennessee Trash #55 (9/26-9/27)                    Robe              12 
28. Trivial Pursuits #109 (9/26-9/27)                  Gelb              19 
29. Home With the Armadillo #60 (9/27)                 LCopeland          4 
30. Wave to the Nice Mountain, Dear (9/27)             JCopeland         26 
31. The Southerner 235 (9/28)                          JCopeland          6 
                              TOTAL                                     352 
The Southerner 235 — August-September 2003 

                           The Southerner 
    Title & postmark/arrival dates                    Contributor    Pages 

 1. The Song the Never Ends, part seven (10/12)          JCopeland     64 
 2. The New Port News #212 (10/10-10/15)                 Brooks         8 
 3. Variations on a Theme #24 (10/15-10/17)              Lynch          6 
 4. It Goes on The Shelf #25 (11/2-11/11)                Brooks        24 
 5. The Sphere vol 207, no 1 (11/18-11/20)               Markstein      6 
 6. Spiritus Mundi 198 (11/14-11/21)                     Lillian       21 
 7. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #42 (11/19-11/22)  Brown          2 
 8. Peter, Pan & Merry #52 (11/20-11/24)                 Schlosser      9 
 9. Frequent Flyer (11/21-11/24)                         Feller         4 
10. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #85 (11/22-11/25)   Dengrove      32 
11. Trivial Pursuits #110 (11/24-11/25)                  Gelb          20 
12. Oblio No. 149 (11/24-11/26)                          Brown         30 
13. Guilty Pleasures 31 (11/24-11/26)                    Ackerman       4 
14. Revenant #21 (11/24-11/26)                           Strickland     7 
15. Travelers Tales, vol 2, nr 4 (11/24-11/26)           Hughes         2 
16. More 3D Stuff? (11/24-11/26)                         Hughes         1 
17. Avatar Press 2.30 (11/26-11/28)                      Cleary        10 
18. Tennessee Trash #56 (11/26-11/28)                    Robe          14 
19. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos #86 (11/26-11/28) 
                                                         Reinhardt     17 
20. Small change (11/24-11/28)                           weber          1 
21. Tyndallite Volume 3, Number 110 (11/25-11/28)        Metcalf        4 
22. Tired of London (11/25-11/28)                        weber         26 
23. Long Cool Woman of Tenrec #1 (11/28)                 Wells          2 
24. Home With the Armadillo #61 (11/28)                  LCopeland     15 
25. Southern Fandom Press Alliance Egoboo Poll & Ballot  JCopeland      6 
     Results 2003 
26. Turkey Day 2003 (11/28)                              LCopeland      2 
27. Geeks are Different (11/28)                          JCopeland     36
28. The Southerner 236 (11/29)                           JCopeland      4 
                                      TOTAL                           377 
The Southerner 236 — October-November 2003  

                            THE SOUTHERNER 
   Title & postmark/arrival dates                           Contributor               Pages 

 1. Variations on a Theme #25 (11/28-12/01)                 Lynch                       4 
 2. Rule 4 Redux (12/1-12/3)                                J. Copeland                 1 
 3. New Port News 213 (12/11-12/16)                         Brooks                      8 
 4. Nice Distinctions 4 (?-12/29)                           Hlavaty                     6 
 5. Rear-Ender '03 (12/31-1/02)                             Lillian                     2 
 6. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 80 (?-1/12)            Hlavaty                     2 
 7. Variations on a Theme #26 (1/09-1/12)                   Lynch                       6 
 8. The Copeland Family Xmas Letter (1/09-1/13)             L. Copeland                 1 
 9. Wgo Wants to be Luffed (1/10-1/14)                      Poulette                    1 
10. Twygdrasil and Treehous Gazette #86 (1/10-1/14)         Dengrove                   34 
11. Tyndallite Vol. 3, No.11 (1/14-1/16)                    Metcalf                    12 
12. Peter, Pan, & Merry #53 (1-15)                          Schlosser                   7 
13. Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Down                     J. Copeland                36 
       at the Beach (1/20-1/22) 
14. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #43 (1/21-123)        Brown                       2 
15. Spiritus Mundi 199 (1/20-1/23)                          Lillian                    13 
16. Oblio (1/26-1/1/28)                                     Brown                      41 
17. Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Open                         J. Copeland                22 
       for Elvis (1/26-1/28) 
18. Birding With the Armadillo:                             L. Copeland                16 
       Texas 2003 (1/26-1/28) 
19.  Frequent Flyer (1/26-1/28)                             Feller                     6 
20.  The Sphere (1/26-1/28)                                 Markstein                  6 
21.  Danny Madison Goes Home (1/26-1/28)                    weber                      8 
22.  Avatar Press Vol. 2, No.31 (1/27-1/29)                 Cleary                    10 
23.  Earth Invades Mars (?-1/29)                            Hughes                     5 
24.  Last Minute Stuff#3 (?-1/29)                           Hughes                     2 
25.  Revenant #22 (1/29)                                    Strickland                 8 
26.  Guilty Pleasures #32 (1/28-1/30)                       Ackerman                   4 
27.  Trivial Pursuits #111 (1/28-130)                       Gelb                      16 
28.  From Winter to Warm (1/28-1/30)                        Gelb                      16 
29.  Tennessee Trash #57 (1/28-1/30)                        Robe                      10 
30.  "Yngvi Is A Louse" and Other Graffitos (1/30-1/31)     Reinhardt                 17 
31.  January 2004 #1 (1/29-1/31)                            Wells                      4 
32.  The Southerner (1/31)                                  Strickland                 4 
                                         Total                                       330 

                            THE SOUTHERNER 
   Title & postmark/arrival dales                         Contributor                      Pages 

 1. Variations on a Theme #27 (1/31-2/02)                 Lynch                             4 
 2. The New Port News 214 (2/?-2/12)                      Brooks                            8 
 3. Nippon 2007 (2/11-2/17)                               Copeland frank                    1 
 4. Tyndallite Vol. 3, Number 112 (2/12-2/17)             Metcalf                           4 
 5. Variations on a Theme #28 (3/11-3/12                  Lynch                             6 
 7. Peter, Pan & Merry #54 (3/12-3/15)                    Schlosser                        10 
 8. New Diat Book (3/13-3/15)                             Poulette                          1 
 9. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #87 (3/1/-3/15)      Dengrove                         32 
10. Nice Distinctions 5 (?-3/17)                          Hlavaty                           6 
11. The Sphere (3/17-3/19)                                Markstein                         6 
12. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #44                 Brown                             2 
13. Home with the Armadillo #62 (3/22-3/24)               L. Copeland                       2 
14. Invader From Another World! (3/22-3/24)               J. Copeland                      36 
13. Trivial Pursuits #112 (?-3/25)                        Gelb                             18 
14. Balmy Boskone  (?-3/25)                               Gelb                              6 
15. Spiritus Mundi (3/26)                                 Lillian                          26 
16. DUFF Ballot 2004                                      Lillian frank                     2 
17. Tennessee Trash #58 (3/26)                            Robe                              8 
18. Avatar Press (3/26)                                   Cleary                            6 
19. Frequent Flyer (3/26)                                 Feller                            6 
20. The Ballad of Barbara Ellen (3/26)                    Wells                             4 
21. Oblio (3/25-?)                                        Brown                            22 
22. SpaceShipOne (3/25-?)                                 weber                            24 
23. "Yngvi is a Louse!" (3/27-3/29)                       Reinhardt                        16 
24.  Revenant #24 (3/29)                                  Strickland                        1 
25.  The Southerner                                       Strickland                        4 
                                        Total                                             261 

                          THE SOUTHERNER 
       Title & postmark/arrival dates                         Contributor                    Pages 

 1. Variations on a Theme #29 (3/29-3/31)                     Lynch                          2 
 2. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 81 (4/14-4/19)           Hlavaty                        2 
 3. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #88 (5/08-5/10)          Dengrove                      26 
 4. Is Sqirils Alians Fom Outr Space? (5/08-5/10)             Poulette                       1 
 5. The New Port News 215 (?/4/14)                            Brooks                         8 
 6. Trivial Pursuits #113 (5/17-5/19)                         Gelb                          12 
 7. Memphis Memories (5/17-5/19)                              Gelb                           9 
 8. Spiritus Mundi 201 (5/18-5/19)                            Lillian                       16 
 9. Tyndallite Vol. 3, No. 113 (5/18-5/20)                    Metcalf                        3 
10. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #45 (5/18-5/20)         Brown                          2 
11. Atlanta for DSC 2007 (5/20-5/22)                          Brooks frank                   1 
12. Variations on a Theme #30 (5/21-5/24)                     Lynch                          6 
13. The Sphere, Vol. 210, No. 1 (5/22-5/24)                   Markstein                      6 
14. Words and wails and Armadillo Tails 
      (5/24-5/26)                                             L. Copeland                   6 
15. Home with the Armadillo #63 (5/24-5/26)                   L. Copeland                   4 
16. Square Earth Society (5/24-5/26)                          J. Copeland                  22 
17. Peter, Pan & Merry #55 (5/22-5/26)                        Schlosser                    10 
18. Oblio #152 (5/24-5/26)                                    Brown                        26 
19. Guilty Pleasures #33 (5/25-5/27)                          Ackerman                      8 
20. Avatar Press Vol.. 2, No. 33 (5/25-5/27)                  Cleary                        8 
21. Thus Arises Young Frogs, Tadpoles from Galaxy 
      "X," Seeking to Attack Earth!!! Quick Neuter the 
       Nazi Newts, Arm the Armadillos, and Milk the 
       Marsupials, you soldiers you, it Looks like It's Going 
       to be a War (or a tv Pilot) #1                         Wells                         2 
22. Last Minute Stuff 4 (5/25-5/28)                           Hughes                        6 
23. The Senior Service Satisfy (5/26-5/28)                    weber                        21 
24. Revenant #25 (5/28)                                       Strickland                   10 
25. 20 Million Miles to Graceland 
     ( DSC 40 One Shot) (5/28-5/30)                           Divers hands                  4 
26. Tennessee Trash #59 (5/28-5/30)                           Robe                         18 
27. The Southerner                                            Strickland                    4 
                                   Total                                                  243 

            THE SOUTHERNER 

                 MAILING NUMBER 239, VOLUME 22, NUMBER 3.1 JUNE 2004 
                          OFFICIAL EDITOR: SHEILA STRICKLAND 

Toni has decided that she really, really did not want to wait until the next mailing for her zine to 
be read and has offered to pay postage on a post mailing. Enjoy! 

      title & postmark date/arrival date              Contributor         Pages 
        AND OTHER GRAFFITOS #89 (5/28-6/1)            Weisskopf Reinhardt    28 
   The Southerner                                     Strickland              1 
                              Total                                          29 
Total pages for Mailing #239                                                272 

                             THE SOUTHERNER 
        Title & postmark/arrival dates                           Contributor       Pages 

    1. Variations on a Theme #31 (?-6/09)                            Lynch             2 
    2. Nice Distinctions 6 (?-6/12)                                  Hlavaty           6 
    3. The New Port News 216 (?-6/15?)                               Brooks           10 
    4. Kennedy Space Center Brochure (6/21-6/25)                     Brown frank 
    5. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #46 (7/02-7/06)             Brown             2 
    6. Spiritus Mundi 202 (7/15-7/16)                                Lillian          14 
    7. Variations on a Theme #32 (7/16-7/19)                         Lynch             6 
    8. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #89 (7/17-7/19)              Dengrove         30 
    9. TH OBCD EdeMIC (7/17-7/19)                                    Poulette          1 
   10. The Sphere Vol. 211 No 1 (7/21-7/23)                          Markstein         6 
   11. Peter, Pan & Merry #56 (7/23-7/26)                            Schlosser        20 
   12. Frequent Flyer ((7/26-7/27)                                   Feller            6 
   13. "Yngvi is a Louse" 
        And Other Graffitos #90 (7/27-7/28)                          Reinhardt        18 
   14. Last Minute Stuff 5 (7/26-7/28)                               Hughes            5 
   15. Home with the Armadillo #64 (7/26-7/28)                       L. Copeland       2 
   16. Descartes (7/26-7/28)                                         J. Copeland      28 
   17. Da Horse (7/26-7/28)                                          J. Copeland      28 
   18. Oblio No. 153 (7/26-7/28)                                     Brown            22 
   19. Guilty Pleasure #34 (?-7/29)                                  Ackerman          6 
   20. Tyndallite Vol. 3, Number 114 (7/28-7/30)                     Metcalf           4 
   21. Trivial Pursuits #114 (7/28-7/30)                             Gelb             16 
   22. Tons o' Travel (7/28-7/30)                                    Gelb             18 
   23. Separated at Birth (7/29-7/31)                                weber             1 
   24. Revenant #26 (7/31)                                           Strickland        4 
   25. Tennessee Trash #60 (7/30-8/01)                               Robe             12 
   26. The Southerner                                                Strickland        4 
                           Total                                                     243 
                       THE SOUTHERNER 
          Why you shouldn't trust DSL to get your 
                        tines in on time 
   Produced on August 2, 2004 as an addition to the earlier edition 

    Randy Cleary let me know that his zine was sent off Wednesday, July 28 with an expected arrival 
    date of Friday the 30th. DSL, got it to Baton Rouge early that morning and apparently sat around 
    with it all weekend. They finally got it here today. I was not confident of its arrival and printed 
    up the Southerner on Sunday. Thus, a revision to the Table of Contents. 
  27. Avatar Press Vol. 2, No. 34                                    Cleary             8 
  28. The Southerner Addendum                                        Strickland         1 
                             Revised Total                                            252 

                           THE SOUTHERNER 
    Title & postmark/arrival dates                       Contributor          Pages 

 1. Variations on a Theme #33 (8/02-8/06)                    Lynch              2 
 2. The New Port News 217 (?-8/13)                           Brooks             8 
 3. Tyndallite Vol.3, No.115 (8/10-8/13)                     Metcalf            4 
 4. Nice Distinctions 7 (9/15-9/17)                          Hlavaty            6 
 5. War God of Israel (9/16-9/20)                            J. Copeland       20 
 6. Government Technology (9/16-9/20)                        L. Copeland frank 12 
 7. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #90 (9/18-9/20)         Dengrove          29 
 8. Spiritus Mundi 203 (9/22-9/24)                           Lillian           10 
 9. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #47 (9/22-9/24)        Brown              2 
10. The Wolfman fought the Moleman. Theye fought with 
    karate. The Wolfman gave a positive Chop and the 
    Moleman gave a negative Chop. They tried with 
    wrestling. The Moleman put the Wolfman in a Half 
    Nelson but the Wolfman put the Moleman in a Nelson 
    Mandela. Finally the Moleman won when they tried 
    Who Hits Who. #1 (?-9/25)                                 Dengrove         4 
11. Peter, Pan & Merry #57 (9/24-9/28)                        Schlosser       11 
12. Frequent Flyer (9/27-9/29)                                Feller           6 
13. Xanadu/DeepSouthCon 43 flyer (9/27-9/29)                  Feller frank     1 
14. Variations on a Theme #34 (9/27-9/29)                     Lynch           10 
15. The Sphere Vol. 212, #1 (9/27-9/29)                       Markstein        6 
16. Oblio No. 154 (9/28-9/30)                                 Brown           40 
17. Avatar Press 35 (?-9/30)                                  Cleary           6 
18. Trivial Pursuits #115 (9/29-10/01)                        Gelb            18 
19. Noreascon 4 Natter (9/29-10/01)                           Gelb            18 
20. Noreascon 4 Souvenir Book (10/02)                         Lillian, ed.   240 
21. Yngvi is a Louse and Other 
     Graffitos #91 (9/28-10/02)                               Reinhardt       22 
22. The Beast With Three Souls (9/29-10/04)                   J. Copeland     20 
23. Tennessee Trash #61 (10/01-10/04)                         Robe            18 
24. Revenant #27 (10/04)                                      Strickland      10 
25. The Southerner                                            Strickland       9 
                                                     Total                   532 

                        THE SOUTHERNER 
       MAILING NUMBER 241.5 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 4.5 - OCTOBER 2004 
        Title                                               Contributor      pages 

 1. Semper Paratus!                                            weber           2 
 2. The Southerner                                             Strickland      1                         THE SOUTHERNER 
     Title & postmark/arrival date                         Contributor     Pages 

 1. Variations on a Theme #35 (10/03-10/06)                   Lynch           6 
 2. The New Port News 218 (10/?-10/15)                        Brooks          8 
 3. From #1 (10/18-10/?)                                      Wells           2 
 4. Butterfly Dreams (10/25-10-28)                            Syrjala         8 
 5. Variations on a Theme #36 (11/09-11/13)                   Lynch           6 
 6. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #91 (11/16-11/18)        Dengrove       30 
 7. Spiritus Mundi 204 (11/17-11/18)                          Lillian        12 
 8. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #48 (11/17-?)           Brown           2 
 9. The Sphere Vol. 213, No. 1 (11/?-11/22)                   Markstein       6 
10. Peter, Pan & Merry #58 (11/19-11/22)                      Schlosser      14 
11. Tyndallite Vol. 3, No. 116 (11/22-11/24)                  Metcalf         3 
12. Trivial Pursuits #116 (11/22-11/25                        Gelb           20 
13. Guilty Pleasures (11/23-11/26)                            Ackerman        6 
14. Oblio No. 155 (11/23-11/26)                               Brown          24 
15. Zine in Need of Viagra (11/24-11/26)                      J. Copeland    20 
16. Last Minute Stuff 6 (11/23-11/26)                         Hughes          6 
17. Twenty-Nine Years On... (11/23-11/26)                     weber           1 
18. Tennessee Trash #62 (11/24-11/27)                         Robe           10 
19. "Yngvi Is A Louse" and other Graffitos #92 (11/24-11/27)  Reinhardt      16 
20. Revenant #28 (11/25)                                      Strickland      4 
21. Send Me Dead Flowers (11/24-11/27)                        weber          28 
22. The Weerwolf and Gary tEsser. A Morality tale with a 
    mesage. Gary thought Nothing Could be Any Good if 
    There were No Werewolves in It. And I said IT wuld 
    be OK if here were just Molemen. Somewhere in Here 
    is a Great Moral Message. I just can't find It. 
    Issue No. 1 1/2. (11/26-11/29)                            Dengrove        4 
23. How Ta Tell the Auntie Christ From A Smake Pit (11/26-11/29) 
                                                              Poulettte       1 
24. The Wag and the Grudge #1 (11/26-11/29                    Wells           2 
25. The Galactic Route (11/30-12/2)                           Lillian        31 
26. SFPA Egoboo Poll & Official Editor Election (12/02)       Strickland      6 
27. The Southerner (12/03)                                    Strickland      4 
                                                   Total                    280 

                            THE SOUTHERNER 
    Title/Postmark & Arrival Dates                        Contributor             Pages 

 1. Variations on a Theme #37 (11/27-11/?)                   Lynch                  4 
 2. It Goes On The Shelf #26(?-?)                            Brooks                22 
 3. The New Port News (?-12/17)                              Brooks                 8 
 4. Trivial Pursuits #117 (12/20-12/?)                       Gelb                  16 
 5. Fear-Tender (12/30-12/31)                                Lillian                2 
 6. Variations on a Theme #38 (1/07-1/11)                    Lynch                  2 
 7. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #49 (1/18-1/20)        Brown                  2 
 8. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #92 (1/18-1/20)         Dengrove              30 
 9. The Sphere (Vol 214, No.1) (1/18-1/20)                   Markstein              6 
10. Frequent Flyer (1/21-1/24)                               Feller                 6 
11. Xanadu/DeepSouthCon flyer                                Feller frank           2 
12. Peter, Pan & Merry (1/21-1/24)                          Schlosser              17 
???????????? [The ToC is thus, but no zines are missing from my copy of the mailing.]
18. Spiritus Mundi 205 (1/24-1/26)                          Lillian                11 
19. Tyndallite Vol. 3, No. 117 (1/23-1/26)                  Metcalf                 5 
20. Oblio No. 156 (1/24-1/27)                               Brown                  42 
21. This Is Not A Hat (1/25-1/27)                           J. Copeland            30 
22. Rise of the Zombie Armadillo #65 (1/25-1/27)            L. Copeland             8 
23. Nice Distinctions 8 (1/24-1/27)                         Hlavaty                 6 
24. Travelers Tales Vol. 3, No.1 (1/25-1/27)                Hughes                 20 
25. Guilty Pleasures #36 (1/26-1/28)                        Ackerman                4 
26. Avatar Press Vol. 2, No. 36 (1/27-1/28)                 Cleary                 12 
27. Yngvi is a Louse (1/27-1/280                            Reinhardt              11 
28. Let Me Tell You What Happened 
     This Month (1/26-1/28)                                 weber                   2 
29. From #2 (1/27-1/29)                                     Wells                   4 
30. Tennessee Trash #63 (1/28-1/30)                         Robe                   14 
31. Revenant #29 (1/31)                                     Strickland              6 
32. The Southerner                                          Strickland              4 
                                                               Total              296 

                          THE SOUTHERNER 
    Title/Postmark & Arrival Dates                        Contributor                      Pages 

 1. Variations on a Theme #39 (1/29-?)                      Lynch                             2 
 2. The New Port News 220 (2/14-2/17)                       Brooks                            8 
 3. Let Me Count the Ways (2/24-2/28)                       weber                             2 
 4. Barbie Doll From Hell (2/24-2/28)                       weber                            40 
 5. Variations on a Theme #40 (3/04-3/06)                   Lynch                             6 
 6. Trivial Pursuits #118 (?-3/10)                          Gelb                             12 
 7. Wintering Down Under (?-3/10)                           Gelb                             13 
 8. Spiritus Mundi 206 (3/14-3/17)                          Lillian                          20 
 9. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #92 (3/21-3/22)        Dengrove                         32 
10. The Truf in de Siupermerket (3/21-3/22)                 Poulette                          1 
11. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores #50 (3/21-3/24)       Brown                             2 
12. The Sphere (3/22-3/25)                                  Markstein                         6 
13. Tyndallite Vol.3, No.118 (3/22-3/25)                    Metcalf                           5 
14. Peter, Pan & Merry #60 (3/23-3/28)                      Schlosser                        11 
15. Frequent Flyer (3/28-3/30)                              Feller                            6 
16. DUFF ballot (3/28-3/30)                                 Lillian frank                     2 
17. Avatar Press Vol. 2, No. 37 (3/29-3/31)                 Cleary                           10 
18. Oblio (3/29-3/31)                                       Brown                            30 
19. Guilty Pleasures (3/30-4/01)                            Ackerman                          8 
20. Revenant #30 (4/01)                                     Strickland                        8 
21. Gene Simmons Never Had a 
       Personal Computer (3/30-4/02)                        Copeland, J.                     18 
22. Tennessee Trash #64 (3/31-4/02)                         Robe                             12 
23. "Yngvi is a Louse" and other Grafittos (4/01-4/03)      Reinhardt                        17 
24. The Southerner                                          Strickland                        4 
                                                             Total                          295 

                       THE SOUTHERNER 
        MAILING NUMBER 245 VOLUME 23, NUMBER 3 - MAY 2005 
     Title/Postmark & Arrival Dates                        Contributor                    Pages 

1.  A Stone for Bessie Smith (4/02-4/04)                     weber                          27 
2.  Nice Distinctions Nine (4/?-4/05 }                       Hlavaty                         6 
3.  The New Port News 221 (4/?-4/15)                         Brooks                          8 
4.  Variations on a Theme #41 (4/05-4/09)                    Lynch                           2 
5.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (5/10-5/13)            Brown                           2 
6.  Tyndallite Vol. 3, Number 119 (5/11-5/14)                Metcalf                         3 
7.  Spiritus Mundi 207 (5/16-5/19)                           Lillian                        22 
8.  Variations on a Theme #42 (5/18-5/20)                    Lynch                           8 
9.  The Sphere Vol. 216, No. 1 (5/17-5/21)                   Markstein                       6 
10. Trivial Pursuits #119 (5/?-5/22}                         Gelb                           14 
11. Examining the Empire (5/?-/22)                           Gelb                           14 
12. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette (5/20-5/23)             Dengrove                       30 
13. Peter, Paul & Merry (5/19-5/23)                          Schlosser                      10 
14. Oblio (5/24-5/26)                                        Brown                          22 
15. Buck Rogers in the 21st Century (5/24-5/26)              J. Copeland                    30 
16. Mourning with the Armadillo (5/24-5/26)                  L. Copeland                     4 
17. Revenant #31 (5/26)                                      Strickland                      9 
18. Guilty Pleasures (5/24-5/27}                             Ackerman                        4 
19. Avatar Press (5/?-5/27)                                  Cleary                          6 
20. Tennessee Trash 95/25-5/27)                              Robe                           16 
21. Xana-duh! (5/25-5/27)                                    Various hands                   4 
22. "Yngvi is a Louse" and Other Graffitos #95 (5/?-5/29)    Reinhardt                      18 
23. Like I'm fixin' to Die...(5/?-5/31)                      weber                          51 
24. Revenant #31.1 (5/31)                                    Strickland                      1 
25. The Southerner                                           Strickland                      4 
                                                      Total                                321 

                            THE SOUTHERNER 
          MAILING NUMBER 246 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 10 - JULY 2005 
    Title & postmark/arrival dates                          Contributor                    pages 

 1. Variations on a Theme #43 (6/02-6/04)                    Lynch                         2 
 2. The New Port News 222 (6/09-6/13)                        Brooks                        8 
 3. At least I am trying now (6/10-6/13)                     Wells                         2 
 4. The Bear Facts (6/18-6/20)                               weber                         1 
 5. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (7/05-7/08)            Brown                         2 
 6. pdbdecode - Extract Palm Electronic 
      Book Contents (7/07-7/11)                              Copeland                     55 
 7. Tyndallite Vol. 3, Number 120 (7/16-7/19)                Metcalf                       3 
 8. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #95 (7/18-7/20)         Dengrove                     30 
 9. Nice Distinctions 10 (7/?-7/20)                          Hlavaty                       6 
10. Spiritus Mundi 208 (7/20-7/23)                           Lillian                      16 
11. Peter, Pan & Merry (7/19-7/23)                           Schlosser                    13 
12. The Sphere (7/23-725)                                    Markstein                     2 
13. Weird things I find Online (7/22-7/25)                   weber                         2 
14. Frequent Flyer (7/23-7/26)                               Feller                        6 
15. Variations on a Theme #44 (7/25-7/27)                    Lynch                         4 
16. InVAShun fum Mars (7/?-7/27)                             Poulette                      1 
17. Guilty Pleasures #39 (7/26-7/28)                         Ackerman                      6 
18. Oblio (7/25-7/28)                                        Brown                        30 
19. The New Forger (7/25-7/28)                               J. Copeland                  26 
20. Home with the Armadillo #67 (7/25-7/28)                  L. Copeland                   6 
21. Trivial Pursuits #120 (7/26-7/29)                        Gelb                         12 
22. Avatar Press Vol. 2, No. 39 (7/?-7/29)                   Cleary                        6 
23. Tennesee Trash (7/27-7/29)                               Robe                          8 
24. the star in the wind is a word (7/?-7/29)                weber                        44 
25. Yngvi is a Louse (7/27-7/30)                             Reinhardt                    18 
26. Poster girl #1 (7/28-7/30)                               Wells                        14 
27. Revenant #32 (8/02)                                      Strickland                    5 
28. The Southerner                                           Strickland                    4 
                                                                             Total       332 

                               The Southerner

            MAILING NUMBER 247 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 11 - SEPTEMBER 2005 
      Title & postmark/arrival dates                        Contributor    pages 

 1. Uncle Lon's VERY Unofficial Box Scores (8/04-8/06)         Brown          1 
 2. The New Port News 223 (8/?-8/11)                           Brooks         8 
 3. The Fake Yorker (9/?-9/15)                                 J. Copeland   22 
 4. Tyndallite Vol. 3, No. 121 (9/15-9/19)                     Metcalf        4 
 5. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #96 (9/17-9/20)           Dengrove      26 
 6. Spiritus Mundi 209 (9/17-9/20)                             Lillian       17 
 7. Variations on a Theme #45 (9/17-9/20)                      Lynch         13 
 8. Peter, Pan & Merry #63 (9/19-9/23)                         Schlosser      9 
 9. Cal Edonia, and his dog, Scott (9/19-9/27)                 Schlosser     24 
10. The Sphere (9/20-9/26)                                     Markstein      6 
11. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (9/23-9/27)              Brown          2 
12. Yngvi is a Louse (9/26-9/28)                               Reinhardt     16 
13. The Adventures of Bruce Beefcake at Cascadiacon 
    (9/26-9/28)                                                Various       11 
14. A Black & White World on Color film (9/26-9/29)            J. Copeland   40 
15. Home With the Armadillo (9/26-9/29)                        L. Copeland    8 
16. already gone (9/27-9/29)                                   weber         50 
17. Fred's fund (9/26-9/30)                                    Brown          1 
18. Oblio No. 160 (9/26-9/30)                                  Brown         26 
19. Avatar Press Vol. 2, No. 40 (9/28-9/30)                    Cleary         6 
20. Trivial Pursuits #121 (9/28-9/30)                          Gelb          18 
21. Tales From the Bunker (9/28-9/30)                          Gelb          18 
22. Tennessee Trash #67 (9/30-10/01)                           Robe          18 
23. Revenant #33 (10/01)                                       Strickland     6 
24. The Southerner                                             Strickland     7 
25. SFPA Egoboo Poll and OE Election Ballot                                   2 
                                                        Total               359 

                                The Southerner
               MAILING #248 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 12 - NOVEMBER 2005 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                  Contributor       Pages

 1.  The New Port News 224 (?-10/20)                 Brooks               8 
 2.  Nice Distinctions 11 (?-10/22)                  Hlavaty              6 
 3.  Variations on a Theme #46 (11/10-11/15)         Lynch                8 
 4.  Spiritus Mundi 210 (11/16-11/18)                Lillian             19 
 5.  Marge (11/14-11/19)                             J. Copeland         36 
 6.  Trivial Pursuits #122 (11/18-11/20)             Gelb                13 
 7.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (11/17-11/21) Brown                2 
 8.  The Sphere Vol. 219, No. 1 (11/18-11/22)        Markstein            6 
 9.  Peter, Pan & Merry #64 (11/15-11/22)            Schlosser            8 
10.  Oblio No. 261 (11/21-11/23)                     Brown               23 
11.  Frequent Flyer (11/20-11/25)                    Feller               6 
12.  Tyndallite Vol. 3, No. 122 (11/20-11/25)        Metcalf              4 
13.  Homer (11/21-11/25)                             J. Copeland         20 
14.  Home with the Armadillo #69 (11/20-11/25)       L. Copeland         10 
15.  Avatar Press Vol. 2, No. 41 (11/23-11/26)       Cleary               6 
16.  Tennessee Trash #68 (11/23-11/26)               Robe                14 
17.  Revenant #34 (11/27)                            Strickland           8 
18.  Guilty Pleasures #40 (11/22-11/28)              Ackerman             7 
19.  Maggie (11/25-11/28)                            J. Copeland         20 
20.  Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #97 (11/23-11/28) 
                                                     Dengrove            24 
21.  "...just a number..." (11/23-11/29)             weber                2 
22.  Phone Etiquette (11/23-11/29)                   weber               34 
23.  Irv Koch obit from AJC (11/23-11/29)            weber frank          1 
24.  The Southerner                                  Strickland           8 
                                                     total pages        293 

                                 The Southerner
             MAILING NUMBER 249 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 13 - JANUARY 2006 
      Title & postmark/arrival dates                 Contributor       pages 

 1. It Goes On The Shelf No. 27 (?-12/16)            Brooks               24 
 2. The New Port News 225 (?-12/16)                  Brooks                8 
 3. Tear Mender '05 (12/28-12/30)                    Lillian               4 
 4. Nice Distinctions 12 (?-1/09)                    Hlavaty               6 
 5. Alan Hutchinson's 2006 Carl Barks Calendar 
    (1/12-1/17)                                      Brown                27 
 6. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #98 (1/13-1/17) Dengrove             30 
 7. Why I hiveint rattan a Bobi Jorj Zeen in 
      a While (1/13-1/17)                            Whatsisname           1 
 8. Peter, Pan & Merry #65 (1/13-1/17)               Schlosser            16 
 9. Spiritus Mundi 211(1/17-1/19)                    Lillian              19 
10. Tyndallite Vol. 3, No. 123 (1/17-1/19)           Metcalf               4 
11. The Sphere Vol. 220, No. 1 (1/19-1/21)           Markstein             6 
12. Frequent Flyer Special European 
     Trip Report (1/20-1/23)                         Feller                6 
13. Frequent Flyer (1/20-1/23)                       Feller                6 
14. Variations on a Theme #47 (1/18-1/24)            Lynch                 8 
15. Britney Spears was known for her spears 
     but they couldn't past muster with the 
     Jolly Green Giant (1/21-1/25)                   "Wells"               2 
16. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (1/23-1/26)    Brown                 2 
17. Oblio No. 162 (1/23-1/26)                        Brown                31 
18. "Yngvi is a Louse" #98 (1/25-1/26)               Reinhardt            13 
19. Dos Bolivars #1 (1/24-1/26)                      Wells                 7 
20. Alpha-bytes (1/23-1/27)                          J. Copeland          40 
21. Home With The Armadillo (1/23-1/27)              L. Copeland          11 
22. Trivial Pursuits #123 (1/23-1/27)                Gelb                 21 
23. My Name is Emily Cecilia Noviembre (1/2?-1/27)   weber                62 
24. Guilty Pleasures (1/26-1/30)                     Ackerman              5 
25. Two Bits (1/27-1/30)                             Lillian              14 
26. Tennessee Trash #69 (1/27-1/30)                  Robe                 12 
27. Revenant #35 (1/30)                              Strickland            2 
28. The Southerner                                   Strickland            4 
                                                         total           391 

                                 The Southerner 
              MAILING NUMBER 250 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 14 - MARCH 2006 
      Title & postmark/arrival dates                              Contributor            pages 

 1. 100 things about me (?-2/11)                                     Hlavaty                1 
 2. SFPA Core Sample (2/11-2/160                                     Brooks                32 
 3. Tyndallite Vol. 3, No. 124 (2/13-2/16)                           Metcalf                4 
 4. The New Port News (?-2/18)                                       Brooks                 8 
 5. Variations on a Theme #48 (3/14-3/16)                            Lynch                  6 
 6. Peter, Pan & Merry #66 (3/17-3/200                               Schlosser             11 
 7. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #99 (3/20-3/23)                 Dengrove              28 
 8. Bobby Georgte Makes his Own Purpetchewal 
     Motion Machine If he Doesn't say so himself (3/20-3/23)         Poulette               1 
 9. Trivial Pursuits #124 (3/24-3/27)                                Gelb                  18 
10. Spiritus Mundi 212 (3/21-3/27)                                   Lillian               19 
11. The Sphere Vol. 221, No. 1 (3/24-3/27)                           Markstein              6 
12. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (3/23-3/28)                    Brown                  2 
13. Frequent Flyer (3/26-3/30)                                       Feller                 6 
14. Nice Distinctions 13 (3/27-3/30)                                 Hlavaty                6 
15. Guilty Pleasures #42 (3/29-3/31)                                 Ackerman               6 
16. Avatar Press Vol. 2, No. 42 (3/?-3/31)                           Cleary                 6 
17. Buzzword Bingo (3/29-3/31)                                       J. Copeland           52 
18. Ed Anger Editorial (3/29-3/31)                                   J. Copeland  frank     2 
19. Birding With the Armadillo: California 2005 (3/29-3/31)          L. Copeland           23 
20. Yngvi is a Louse #99 (3/30-3/31)                                 Reinhardt             12 
21. Oblio #163 (3/30-4/01)                                           Brown                 22 
22. Tennessee Trash #70 (3/31-4/02)                                  Robe                  20 
23. Concave Program Book (3/31-4/02)                                 Robe frank            16 
24. Revenant #36 (4/02)                                              Strickland            14 
25. Money for Nothin' (3/30-4/03)                                    weber                 34 
26. A Couple From My Blog (3/30-4/04)                                weber                  2 
26. The Southerner                                                   Strickland             4 
                                                                   total pages            361 

                           The Southerner 
             MAILING NUMBER 251 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 15 - MAY 2006 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                    Contributor        pages 

 1.  The New Port News 227 (?-4/12)                        Brooks            8 
 2.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (5/01-5/06)         Brown             2 
 3.  Home with the Armadillo #71 (5/05-5/08)               L. Copeland      15 
 4.  Variations on a Theme #49 (5/05-5/09)                 Lynch             9 
 5.  Oblio #164 (5/12-5/15)                                Brown            18 
 6.  Tyndallite Vol. 3, No. 125 (5/13-5/16)                Metcalf           5 
 7.  Frequent Flyer (5/15-5/17)                            Feller            6 
 8.  Spiritus Mundi 213 (5/17-5/19)                        Lillian          17 
 9.  Great Galloping Gosper Glider Gun (5/17-5/20)         J. Copeland     100 
 10. Great Galloping Gosper Glider Gun: 
      The Program (5/17-5/20)                              J. Copeland      11 
 11. The Sphere Vol. 222, No. 1 (5/19-5/22)                Markstein         6 
 12. Peter, Pan & Merry #67 (5/18-5/22)                    Schlosser        12 
 13. Avatar Press Vol. 2, No. 43 (5/?-5/24)                Cleary            6 
 14. Uncooperative Cats (5/22-5/24)                        J. Copeland      20 
 15. Poem (5/23-5/25)                                      weber             1 
 16. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #100 (5/?-5/25)      Dengrove         32 
 17. Bobby Jorge unvents reacshunless Drive: 
      Dean eat yer hart out (5/?-45/25)                    Poulette          1 
18.  Trivial Pursuits #125 (5/25-5/26)                     Gelb             12 
19.  One Tin Soldier (5/24-5/26)                           weber            34 
20.  Tennessee Trash #71 (5/26-5/28)                       Robe             20 
21.  Guilty Pleasures (5/25-5/30)                          Ackerman          6 
22.  Yngvi is a Louse (5/26-5/30)                          Reinhardt        10 
23.  Revenant #37 (5/30)                                   Strickland        2 
24.  The Southerner                                        Strickland        4 
                                             total pages                   357 

                           The Southerner     
         MAILING NUMBER 252 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 16 - JULY 2006 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                     Contributor     pages 
 1. Three Bits of Ephemera (05/30-6/01)                 Copeland           4 
 2. Confessions of a Consistent Liar 84 (6/03-6/05)     Hlavaty            1 
 3. The New Port News 228 (6/05-6/09)                   Brooks            10 
 4. Memorandum (6/13-6/19)                              weber              4 
 5. Nice Distinctions 14 (6/?-6/22)                     Hlavaty            6 
 6. Tyndallite, Vol. 3, No. 126 (7/02-7/05[?])          Metcalf            5 
 7. Spiritus Mundi 214 (7/05-7/07)                      Lillian           14 
 8. Peter, Pan & Merry #68 (7/05-7/08)                  Schlosser         19 
 9. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #101 (7/08-7/10)   Dengrove          28 
10. Bobby Gorge lechers on Feeziks (7/08-7/10)          Poulette           1 
11. Variations on a Theme #50 (7/17-7/19)               Lynch              4 
12. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (7/18-7/20)       Brown              2 
13. Oblio, No.165 (7/18-7/20)                           Brown             42 
14. Captain Golem Vs. Captain Goyim (7/22)              Wells/Dengrove     4 
15. DSC One Shot (7/22)                                 Various            5 
16. The Sphere Vol. 223, No. 1 (7/21-7/24)              Markstein          6 
17. space oddity (7/21-7/24)                            weber             38 
18. Chocolate From Paris (7/24-7/26)                    J. Copeland       32 
19. Home With the Armadillo #72 (7/24-7/26)             L. Copeland       11 
20. Trivial Pursuits 126 (7/24-7/26)                    Gelb              23 
21. Guilty Pleasures 44 (7/26-7/28)                     Ackerman           6 
22. Revenant (7/30)                                     Strickland         5 
23. Tennessee Trash #72 (7/28-7/31)                     Robe              10 
24. The Southerner                                      Strickland         4 
                                                      total pages        284 

                              The Southerner 
     Title & postmark/arrival dates                   Contributor           pages 

 1.  Let's Out-early Uncle Ned #1(8/02-8/04)         Wells and Tesser           6 
 2.  The New Port News 229 (8/?-8/14)                Brooks                     8 
 3.  The Grad Illusion (8/11-8?)                     Lillian                    9 
 4.  Attack of the Crab Monsters (8/12-8/?)          Davis, Wells, 
                                                     Dengrove, Tesser          12 
 5. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #102 (9/05-9/07) 
                                                     Dengrove                  24 
 6. Spiritus Mundi 215 (9/15-9/18)                   Lillian                   13 
 7. Peter, Pan & Merry #69 (9/14-9/18)               Schlosser                 16 
 8. Cartoons from Belgium (9/23-9/25)                J. Copeland               32 
 9. Home with the Armadillo #73 (9/23-9/25)          L. Copeland                2 
10. Frequent Flyer (9/23-9/25)                       Feller                     6 
11. Frequent Flyer Special Report on 
     Trip to Greece (9/23-9/25)                      Feller                    10 
12. Trivial Pursuits # 127 (9/23-9/25)               Gelb                      13 
13. Ion Trails (9/23-9/25)                           R. and G. Lillian frank   36 
14. The Sphere vol. 224, No. 1 (9/22-9/25)           Markstein                  6 
15. Tyndallite Vol. 3, No. 127 (9/23-9/25)           Metcalf                    3 
16. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (9/25-9/27)    Brown                      2 
17. Oblio No. 166 (9/25-9/27)                        Brown                     20 
18. Variations on a Theme #51 (9/25-9/28)            Lynch                      6 
19. Avatar Press Vol. 2, No. 44 (9/-9/29)            Cleary                     8 
20. Guilty Pleasures No. 45 (9/28-9/30)              Ackerman                   6 
21. For you der vor iss over! (9/28-9/30)            J. Copeland               20 
22. Reviewing My ABCs (9/28-9/30)                    Gelb                      17 
23. ...and I thought "Sneaker Pimps" was 
      just a band name (9/28-9/30)                   weber                      2 
24. Revenant #39 (9/30)                              Strickland                 9 
25. Tennessee Trash #73 (9/30-10/02)                 Robe                      26 
26. The Fantastic Route (9/30-10/04)                 Lillian                   35 
27. Variations on a Theme #52 (10/02-10/04)          Lynch                      2 
28. Nice Distinctions 15 (10/3-10/05)                Hlavaty                    6 
27. The Southerner                                   Strickland                 7 
28. SFPA Egoboo Poll and OE Election Ballot                                     2 
                                                              total pages     364 


 1. CSI: Correspondents' Statistical Inquiry (10/7)   J.Copeland               12 
 2. The Southerner (10/7)                             Strickland                1 
         total                                                                 13 
previous total for mailing 247                                                364 
 revised total for mailing 247                                                377 

                             The Southerner
           MAILING NUMBER 254 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 18 - NOVEMBER 2006 
    Title & postmark/arrival dates                      Contributor         pages 

 1. The New Port News 230 (10/16-10/19)                     Brooks            10 
 2. It Goes on the Shelf 28 (10/17-10/23)                   Brooks            28 
 3. Peter, Pan & Merry #70 (11/07-11/10)                    Schlosser         13 
 4. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #103 (11/13-11/15)     Dengrove          28 
 5. Spiritus Mundi 216 (11/16-11/20)                        Lillian           17 
 6. The Sphere Vol. 225, No. 1 (11/22-11/25)                Markstein          6 
 7. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (11/24-11/27)         Brown              2 
 8. Frequent Flyer (11/24-11/27)                            Feller             6 
 9. Trivial Pursuits #128 (11/24-11/27)                     Gelb              18 
10. Variations on a Theme #53 (11/24-11/27)                 Lynch              8 
11. Tyndallite Vol. 3, No. 128 (11/24-11/27)                Metcalf            4 
12. Tennessee Trash #74 (11/25-11/27)                       Robe              10 
13. Guilty Pleasures No. 46 (11/28-11/30)                   Ackerman           8 
14. Oblio No. 167 (11/28-11/30)                             Brown             22 
15. Avatar Press Vol. 2, No. 45 (11/?-12/01)                Cleary             8 
16. My Brain is Full (11/27-12/01)                          J. Copeland       36 
17. Jeff Can't Type (11/27-12/01) 
      (contained within "My Brain is Full")                 J. Copeland        1 
18. Home with the Armadillo #74 (11/27-12/01)               L. Copeland        2 
19. When I'm 64 (11/29-12/01)                               weber             45 
20. Revenant #40 (12/01)                                    Strickland         2 
21. The Southerner                                          Strickland         4 
22. SFPA Egoboo Poll and OE Election Results                Strickland         4 
                                                       total pages           282 

                            The Southerner
            MAILING NUMBER255 VOLUME 23   NUMBER 1 - January,2007 
        PRESIDENT: Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Guy Lillian III 
        Title & Postmark/arrival date                       Contributor                    Pages 

1.   The OE's Family (12/12)                                David Schlosser                  1 
2.   The New Port News 231 (12/16 - 12/22)                  Ned Brooks                       8 
3.   Beer Blender '06 (1/4 - 1/8)                           Guy Lillian III                  2 
4.   Variations on a Theme #54 (1/8 - 1/11)                 Rich Lynch                       6 
5.   Peter, Pan and Merry #71 (1/15)                        David Schlosser                 14 
6.   Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #103 (1/15-1/20)      Richard Dengrove                26 
7.   Revenant #41 (1/20-1/23)                               Sheila Strickland               12 
8.   The Sphere (1/20-1/23)                                 Don Markstein                    4 
9.   Spiritus Munch 217 (1/16-1/24)                         Guy H. Lillian III              15 
10.  Frequent Flyer (1/20-1/24)                             Tom Feller                       6 
11.  Oblio No. 168 (1/22-1/25)                              Gary Brown                      26 
12.  Tyndallite Vol.3 No. 129 (1/22-1/25)                   Norm Metcalf                     6 
13.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (1/22-1/25)          Gary Brown                       2 
14.  Relocation (1/22-1/26)                                 Jeff Copeland                   52 
15.  Home with the Armadillo (1/22-1/26)                    Liz Copeland                    10 
16.  Trivial Pursuits #129 (1/22 - 1/26)                    Janice Gelb                     17 
17.  Those Were The Days (1/25-1/29)                        mike weber                      20 
18.  Guilty Pleasures (1/26 - 1/29)                         Eve Ackerman                     4 
19.  Just in Case (1/26 - 1/29)                             mike weber                       1 
20.  The Southerner (--)                                    David Schlosser                  4 
                                                                     total pages           216 

                   The Southerner
      MAILING NUMBER 256 VOLUME 23,NUMBER 2 - March,2007 
 PRESIDENT: Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 
      Title & Postmark arrival date                   Contrbutor           Pages 

 1. Tennessee Trash #75 (1/27 - 1/30)                   Gary Robe                 10 
 2. Let's Out-Early Uncle Ned #2 (2/01 - 2/03)          George Wells/ Gary Tesser  6 
 3. Uncle Lon's Unoffical Box Scores (2/12 - 2/16)      Gary Brown                 2 
 4. The New Port News #232 (2/12 - 2/22)                Ned Brooks                 8 
 5. Peter, Pan and Merry #72 (3/9)                      David Schlosser           14 
 6. Variations on a Theme #55 (3/13-3/16)               Richard Lynch              9 
 7. Spiritus Mundi #218 (3/8-3/17)                      Guy Lillian III           23 
 8. The Sphere (3/23-3/26)                              Don Markstein              6 
 9. Frequent Flyer (3/23-3/27)                          Tom Feller                 6 
10. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #104 (3/24-3/27)   Richard Dengrove          23 
11. Trivial Pursuits #130 (3/26-3/29)                   Janice Gelb               23 
12. It's Sopwith Camel Time (3/26-3/29)                 mike weber                28 
13. Surfing with the Armadillo #76 (3/26-3/29)          Liz Copeland               2 
14. Revenant #42 (3/26-3/29)                            Sheila Strickland          4 
15. Une apologie francais (3/26-3/29)                   Jeff Copeland             24 
16. A Place Called England (3/26-3/29)                  Maggie Holland (fr weber)  2 
17. Guilty Pleasures (3/27-3/30)                        Eve Ackerman               6 
18. Oblio #169 (3/27-3/30)                              Gary Brown                20 
19. Tyndallite Vol.3, Number 130 (3/27-3/30)            Norm Metcalf               3 
20. Nice Distinctions 16 (3/30-3/31)                    Arthur Hlavaty             6 
21. Tennessee Trash #76 (3/29-3/31)                     Gary Robe                 14 
22. The Southerner (3/31)                               David Schlosser            4 
                                                 total pages                     243 
23. "Zines, the CD" (3/26-3/29)                         mike weber                NA 

                   The Southerner
    MAILING NUMBER 257 VOLUME 23, NUMBER 3 - May, 2007 
 PRESIDENT: Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland
      Title & Postmark/arrival date                  Contrbutor        Pages 

 1. The New Port News #233 (4/12 - 4/18)               Ned Brooks          8 
 2. Tyndallite Volume 3 Number 131 (5/10 - 5/14)       Norm Metcalf        4 
 3. Peter, Pan and Merry #73 (5/17)                    David Schlosser    14 
 4. Spiritus Mundi 219 (5/11 - 5/18)                   Guy Lillian III    29 
 5. Runnelled Coins #1 (5/16 - 5/22)                   George Wells        2 
 6. Variations on a Theme #56 (5/21 - 5/24)            Richard Lynch       8 
 7. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #105 (5/21-5/26)  Richard Dengrove   28 
 8. Unlce Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (5/22 - 5/26)    Gary Brown          2 
 9. Frequent Flyer (5/24 - 5/29)                       Tom Feller          6 
10. Tennessee Trash #77 (5/25 - 5/29)                  Gary Robe           8 
11. Trivial Pursuits #131 (5/26-5/29)                  Janice Gelb        19 
12. The Sphere (5/26 - 5/29)                           Don Markstein       6 
13. Home with the Armadillo #77 (5/26-5/29)            Liz Copeland       11 
14. The Return of Guarded Optimism (5/26-5/29)         Jeff Copeland      52 
15. Rockette Racoon (5/26 - 5/30)                      Guy Lillian III     4 
16. Oblio #170 (5/29 - 6/1)                            Gary Brown         18 
17. Revenant #43 (5/30 - 6/2)                          Sheila Strickland   9 
18. Guilty Pleasures (5/30 - 6/2)                      Eve Ackerman        4 
19. The Southerner (6/2)                               David Schlosser     4 
                                                   total pages           235 

PRESIDENT: Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 
   Title & Postmark/arrival date                         Contributor     Pages 

20. Paper (5/29 - 6/07)                                 mike weber        20 
21. Southerner addenda (6/08)                           David Schlosser    1 
                                      amended total pages for SFPA 257   256 

                    The Southerner
PRESIDENT: Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 
      Title & Postmark/arrival date                  Contributor            Pages 

 1. Let's Out-Early Uncle Ned #3 (6/8-6/9)            George Wells             2 
 2. The New Port News 234 (6/10-6/20)                 Ned Brooks               8 
 3. The New Port News 234.25 (6/18-6/23)              Ned Brooks               2 
 4. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (7/12 - 7/16)   Gary Brown               2
 5. Molemen, Light the Corners of my Mind, 
      Misty Water-colored Molemen... (7/12 - 7/16)    George Wells             2 
 6. Bywater Press Visits Bywater Street (7/17 - 7/20) Jeff Copeland           22 
 7. Peter, Pan and Merry #74 (7/22)                   David Schlosser         18 
 8. Frequent Flyer (7/20 - 7/24)                      Tom Feller               6 
 9. Oblio #171 (7/21 - 7/24)                          Gary Brown              36 
10. Spiritus Mundi #220 (7/21 - 7/24)                 Guy Lillian III         19 
11. Revenant #44 (7/21 - 7/24)                        Sheila Strickland        8 
12. The Sphere (7/21 - 7/24)                          Don Markstein            6 
13. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #106 (7/21-7/25) Richard Dengrove        26 
14. Trivial Pursuit #132 (7/23 - 7/26)                Janice Gelb             21 
15. Variations on a Theme #57 (7/23 - 7/26)           Rich Lynch               6 
16. English (7/23 - 7/26)                             Mike Weber              28 
17. Traveling with the Armadillo (7/23 - 7/26)        Liz Copeland             8 
18. On the Third Day of Vactation I Began to Relax (7/23-7/26) 
                                                      Jeff Copeland           28 
19. Tyndallite Vol 3, Numbe 132 (7/23 - 7/26)         Norm Metcalf             4 
20. Consurgito #1 (7/24 - 7/27)                       Warren Buff             20 
21. Tennessee Trash #78 (7/25 - 7/27)                 Gary Robe               26 
22. The Southerner (7/28)                             David Schlosser          4 
                                                   total pages               302 

                        The Southerner
PRESIDENT: Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 
        Title & Postmark/arrival dale                           Contributor                 Pages 

1.  English - An Addenum (8/8 - 8/11)                           mike weber                     6 
2.  The New Port News 235 (8/9 - 8/16)                          Ned Brooks                     8 
3.  Spiritus Mundi 221 (9/7 - 9/10 )                            Guy Lillian III               17 
4.  Variations on a Theme #58 (9/10 - 9/13)                     Rich Lynch                    12 
5.  Peter, Pan and Merry #75 (9/20)                             David Schlosser               16 
6.  Curmudgeon Corner (9/19 - 9/24)                             Diverse Hands                  6 
7.  The Sphere (9/20 - 9/24)                                    Don Markstein                  6 
8.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (9/21 - 9/24)             Gary Brown                     2 
9.  Oblio #172 (9/21 - (9/24)                                   Gary Brown                    27 
10. Bobby Gorge politte REVOOS Hidi (9/22 - 9/26)               Bobby Gorge politte            1 
11. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette (9/22 - 9/26)              Richard Dengrove              26 
12. Guilty Pleasures (9/24 - 9/27)                              Eve Ackerman                   4 
13. Revenant #45 (9/24 - 9/27)                                  Sheila Strickland              1 
14. Consurgito! #2 (9/24 - 9/28)                                Warren Buff                   28 
15. Trivial Pursuit #133 (9/24 - 9/28)                          Janice Gelb                   25 
16. Sci-Fi Geeks Battle Comics Dorks (9/24 - 9/28)              Jeff Copeland                 44 
17. Tennessee Trash #79 (9/26 - 9/28)                           Gary Robe                     12 
18. The Question is...who is the question? (9/24 - 9/29)        mike weber                    24 
19. The Southerner & SFPA Constitution                          David Schlosser                7 
20. 2007 Egoboo Poll and OElection Ballot                       David Schlosser                2 
                                                                        total pages          274 

                        The Southerner
PRESIDENT: Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 
       Title & Postmark/arrival date                            Contributor                 Pages 

 1. The New Port News 236 (10/12 - 10/17)                       Ned Brooks                     8 
 2. Spiritus Mundi 222 (10/25 - 10/29)                          Guy Lillian III               17 
 3. Variations on a Theme #59 (11/6 - 11/10)                    Rich Lynch                     6 
 4. Peter, Pan and Merry #76 (11/11)                            David Schlosser               17 
 5. Tyndallite Vol 3 #133 (11/14 - 11/17)                       Norm Metcalf                   4 
 6. Spiritus Tuesday #222 (11/16 - 11/21)                       Guy Lillian III                8 
 7. It Goes On The Shelf #29 (11/14 - 11/23)                    Ned Brooks                    20 
 8. Tyndallite Vol 3 #134 (11/16 - 11/23)                       Norm Metcalf                   3 
 9. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette (11/19 - 11/24)            Richard Dengrove              26 
10. Frequent Flyer (11/20 - 11/24)                              Tom Feller                    10 
11. The Sphere Vol 231 #1 (11/21 - 11/24)                       Don Markstein                  6 
12. Revenant #45 (11/26 - 11/28)                                Sheila Strickland              7 
13. Trivial Pursuit #134 (11/26 - 11/29)                        Janice Gelb                   15 
14. Consurgito! #3 (11/26 - 11/29)                              Warren Buff                   30 
15. Home with the Armadillo #79 (11/26 - 11/29)                 Liz Copeland                  12 
16. The Reinhardt Roast (+ Intro) (11/26 - 11/29)               Guy Lillian III, et al        15 
17. This Machine Kills Fascists (11/26 - 11/29)                 Jeff Copeland                 62 
18. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (11/27 - 11/30)           Gary Brown                     2 
19. Oblio #173 (11/27 - 11/29)                                  Gary Brown                    12 
20. Tennessee Trash #80 (11/29 - 11/30)                         Gary Robe                      8 
21. As the world continues to go to Hell (11/28 - 12/1)         mike weber                     1 
22. Guilty Pleasures (11/28 - 12/1)                             Eve Ackerman                   2 
23. The Southerner (12/1)                                       David Schlosser                4 
24. 2007 Egoboo Poll and OElection Results (12/1)               David Schlosser                3 
                                                                  Total                      298 

                           The Southerner
        MAILING NUMBER 261 VOLUME 23, NUMBER 7 - JANUARY, 2088  
      PRESIDENT:Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 
        Title & Postmark/arrival date                            Contributor                  Pages 

 1. Steer-Gender '07 (12/7 - 12/11)                              Guy Lillian III                 4 
 2. The New Port News 237 (12/14 - 12/21)                        Ned Brooks                      8 
 3. Variations on a Theme #60 (12/21 - 12/26)                    Rich Lynch                      6 
 4. Peter, Pan and Merry #77 (1/14)                              David Schlosser                16 
 5. Twydrasil and Treehouse Gazette (1/21 - 1/25)                Richard Dengrove               26 
 6. Spiritus Monday #223 (1/22 - 1/26)                           Guy Lillian III                15 
 7. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (1/22 - 1/26)              Gary Brown                      2 
 8. The Sphere Vol 232 #1 (1/23 - 1/26)                          Don Markstein                   6 
 9. Bein N Nothingnest Review (?? - 1/29)                        Booby Gorge Pullet              2 
10. Get Off My Lawn! Vol 1, Issue 1 (1/25 - 1/29)                Laura Haywood-Cory              7 
11. Frequent Flyer (1/27 - 1/31)                                 Tom Feller                      8 
12. The Nerdhouse Effect (1/28 - 2/1)                            Jeff Copeland                  40 
13. Home with the Armadillo #80 (1/28 - 2/1)                     Liz Copeland                    5 
14. Trivial Pursuit #135 (1/28 - 2/1)                            Janice Gelb                    27 
15. Oblio #174 (1/29 - 2/1)                                      Gary Brown                     26 
16. Consurgito! #4 (1/29 - 2/1)                                  Warren Buff                    40 
17. Revenant #47 (1/29 - 2/1)                                    Sheila Strickland               8 
18. TYNDALLITE Vol 4 #135 (1/27 - 2/2)                           Norm Metcalf                    6 
19. Tennessee Trash #81 (1/31 - 2/2)                             Gary Robe                       6 
20. The Southerner (12/1)                                        David Schlosser                 4 
                                                                                  Total        262 

                         The Southerner
 PRESIDENT: Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 
       Title & Postmark/arrival date                          Contributor                 Pages 

 1. The New Port News 238 (2/16 - 2/22)                        Ned Brooks                    8 
 2. Peter, Pan and Merry #78 (2/29)                            David Schlosser              16 
 3. Variations on a Theme #61 (2/27 - 3/1)                     Rich Lynch                    8 
 4. Spiritus Mundi 224 (3/7 - 3/11)                            Guy Lillian III              21 
 5. The Subterranean Route (3/10 - 3/18)                       Guy Lillian III              16 
 6. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (1/22 - 1/26)            Gary Brown                    2 
 7. Heinz: It's a Ketchup Zine (3/17-3/20)                     Jeff Copeland                32 
 8. The Sphere Vol 233 #1 (3/20 - 3/24)                        Don Markstein                 6 
 9. Oblio #175 (3/21 - 3/24)                                   Gary Brown                   22 
10. Tyndallite Vol 4 #136 (3/22 - 3/25)                        Norm Metcalf                  6 
11. Revenant #48 (3/24 - 3/27)                                 Sheila Strickland             8 
12  Gray Poupon (3/24-3/27-28)                                 Jeff Copeland                32 
13. Peeing on Electric Fences (3/24 - 3/27-38)                 Wells & Dengrove              3 
14. Trivial Pursuit #136 (3/24 - 3/27-28)                      Janice Gelb                  21 
15. Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #111 (3/24 - 3/27-2 8)      Richard Dengrove             26 
16. Home with the Armadillo #81 (3/24 - 3/27-28)               Liz Copeland                  7 
17. The War on Satire (3/25 - 3/28)                            mike weber                   14 
18. Get Off My Lawn! Vol 1, Issue 2 (3/26 - 3/28)              Laura Haywood-Cory            9 
19. Guilty Pleasures (3/26 - 3/29)                             Eve Ackerman                  8 
20. Consurgito! Issue 5 (3/26 - 3/29)                          Warren Buff                  27 
21. Dining at the Armadillo (3/26 - 3/29)                      Wells & Dengrove              6 
22. Lava Luminescence (3/26 - 3/29)                            The Usual Suspects            4 
23. Tennessee Trash # 82 (3/27 - 3/29)                         Gary Robe                    12 
24. The Southerner (3/29)                                      David Schlosser               4 
                                                                                 Total     318 

                    The Southerner
 PRESIDENT: Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 
    Title & Postmark/arrival date                     Contributor            Pages 

 1. The New Port News 239 (4/10 - 4/16)                Ned Brooks               10 
 2. Tyndallite Vol 4, #137 (5/9 - 5/13)                Norm Metcalf              3 
 3. Peter, Pan and Merry #78 (5/17)                    David Schlosser          23 
 4. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (5/14 - 5/19)    Gary Brown                2 
 5. Spiritus Mundi 225 (5/16 - 5/20)                   Guy Lillian III          25 
 6. Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #112 (5/19 - 5/22)  Richard Dengrove         30 
 7. Oblio #176 (5/19 - 5/22)                           Gary Brown               24 
 8. Variations on a Theme #62 (5/20 - 5/23)            Rich Lynch               10 
 9. Guilty Pleasures (5/21 - 5/24)                     Eve Ackerman              4 
10. The Sphere Vol 233 #1 (5/22 - 5/27)                Don Markstein             6 
11. Frequent Flyer (5/28 - 5/29)                       Tom Feller                6 
12. Home with the Armadillo #82 (5/26 - 5/30)          Liz Copeland              6 
14. Trivial Pursuit #137 (5/26 - 5/30)                 Janice Gelb              21 
15. Five Years Later (5/26 - 5/30)                     Jeff Copeland            24 
16. Revenant #49 (5/27 - 5/30)                         Sheila Strickland         4 
17. World's Greatest Father (5/27 - 5/30)              mike weber               26 
18. Revenant #49.1 (5/27 - 5/30)                       Sheila Strickland         3 
19. Tennessee Trash  #  82 (5/29 - 5/31)               Gary Robe                 8 
20. The Southerner (5/31)                              David Schlosser           4 
                                                                        Total  239 

                           The Southerner
        MAILING NUMBER 264 VOLUME 23, NUMBER 18 - JULY, 2008 
      PRESIDENT:Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER:Liz Copeland 
        Title & Postmark/arrival date                               Contributor                   Pages 

 1.  Let's be Earlier and Squirrelier Than Uncle Ned #1 (6/11-6/12) George Wells                     2 
 2.  Verses from the Vault (6/13 - 6/16)                            Warren Buff                     28 
 3.  The New Port News 240 (6/12 - 6/20)                            Ned Brooks                      10 
 4.  Peter, Pan and Merry #80 (7/12)                                David Schlosser                 18 
 5.  Variations on a Theme #63 (7/15 - 7/18)                        Rich Lynch                       7 
 6.  Spiritus Mundi 226 (7/15 - 7/18)                               Guy Lillian 111                 21 
 7.  Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (7/22 - 7/25)                Gary Brown                       2 
 8.  Frequent Flyer (7/22 - 7/25)                                   Tom Feller                       6 
 9.  Oblio #177 (7/22 - 7/25)                                       Gary Brown                      20 
10.  Tyndallite Vol 4, #138 (7/23 - 7/26)                           Norm Metcalf                     3 
11.  Revenant #50 (7/24 - 7/28)                                     Sheila Strickland               14 
12.  When in Doubt - Mutate #1 (5/25 - 5/28)                        George Wells                     8 
13.  The Sphere Vol 235 #1 (5/22 - 5/27)                            Don Markstein                    6 
14.  Wackiness Ensues (7/24 - 7/29)                                 mike weber                       2 
15.  Consurgito #7 (7/26 - 7/29)                                    Warren Buff                     20 
16.  Get Off My Lawn! Vol. 1, Issue #4 (7/26 - 7/29)                Laura Haywood-Cory               8 
17.  Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #112 (7/26 - 7/29)              Richard Dengrove                32 
18.  Spring Fling (7/26 - 7/30)                                     Janice Gelb                     16 
19.  Trivial Pursuit #138 (7/26 -  7/ 30)                           Janice Gelb                     21 
20.  La bonheur du vivre (7/28 - 7/30)                              Jeff Copeland                   20 
21.  Sailing with the Armadillo #83 (7/28 7/30)                     Liz Copeland                     9 
22.  Tennessee Trash # 82 (7/29 - 7/31)                             Gary Robe                       12 
23.  The Southerner (7/31)                                          David Schlosser                  4 
                                                                                       total pages 289 

                       The Southerner
  PRESIDENT:Jeff Copeland - EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 
     Title & Postmark/arrival date                                  Contributor                   Pages 

  1. SCREAM like a girl (7/24 - 8/1)                                 mike weber                      16 
  2. Comics We Love: The Index (8/2 - 8/6)                           Gary Brown                      26 
  3. Rebel Phantoms (8/6)                                            Warren Buff                      2 
  4. Variations on a Theme #64 (8/7)                                 Rich Lynch                       4 
  5. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (8/13 - 8/16)                 Gary Brown                       2 
  6. All the Nudes that Fit in Print (8/18 - 8/12)                   Jeff Copeland                   24 
  7. The New Port News 241 (8/16 - 8/26)                             Ned Brooks                      10 
  8. Dancing with the Blue Bear (8/29 - 9/2)                         The Usual Suspects               9 
  9. Inter-Twygdrasil #1 (8/30 - 9/4)                                Richard Dengrove                14 
 10. The Altitudinous Route (9/2 - 9/8)                              Guy Lillian III                 25 
 11. Variations on a Theme #65 (9/16 - 9/19)                         Rich Lynch                       8 
 12. Oblio #178 (9/17 - 9/20)                                        Gary Brown                      28 
 13. Peter, Pan and Merry #81 (9/21)                                 David Schlosser                 21 
 14. The Sphere Vol 236 #1 (9/18 - 9/22)                             Don Markstein                    6 
 15. Spiritus Mundi 227 (9/19 - 9/22)                                Guy Lillian III                 21 
 16. Rockies Road Trip (9/21 - 9/22)                                 Janice Gelb                     18 
 10. Tyndallite Vol 4, #139 (9/22 - 9/25)                            Norm Metcalf                     5 
 11. Revenant #51 (9/22 - 9/25)                                      Sheila Strickland                3 
 12. Trivial Pursuit #139 (9/22 - 9/25)                              Janice Gelb                     21 
 13. Get Off My Lawn! Vol 1, Issue #5 (9/22 - 9/25)                  Laura Haywood-Cory               4 
 14. Consurgito #8 (9/22 - 9/25)                                     Warren Buff                     20 
 15. Traveling with the Armadillo #83 (9/22 - 9/25)                  Liz Copeland                     8 
 16. Tennessee Trash # 85 (9/23 - 9/26)                              Gary Robe                       12 
 17. Foldouts (9/24 - 9/26)                                          Jeff Copeland                   34 
 18. Guilty Pleasures (9/24 - 9/27)                                  Eve Ackerman                     7 
 19. SFPA Constitution                                               OE                               3 
 20. Egoboo Poll Ballot                                              OE                               2 
 21. The Southerner (7/31)                                           David Schlosser                  4 
                                                                                  total pages       357 

            MAILING NUMBER 265.1 VOLUME 23, NUMBER 11 - OCTOBER, 2008 
            PRESIDENT: Jeff Copeland EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 
                       OFFICIAL EDITOR: DAVID SCHLOSSER 

    Title & Postmark/arrival date                                    Contributor                   Pages 

 1. Stat Wars                                                        Jeff Copeland                    36 
 2. The Southerner 259.1                                             David Schlosser                   1 
                                                  postmailing total                                   37 
                                                  previous total pages                               357 
                                                  new total for mailing 265                          394 

                       The Southerner
        Title & Postmark/arrival date                           Contributor                 Pages 

  1. Let's Out Early Uncle Ned #5 (10/1 - 10/3)                 George Wells                   1 
  2. Reno Flyer (fr. Lillian) (10/3 - 10/7)                     RCFI, Inc                      2 
  3. The New Port News 242 (10/9 - 10/14)                       Ned Brooks                     8 
  4. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (10/14 - 10/18)          Gary Brown                     2 
  5. Peter, Pan and Merry #82 (10/24)                           David Schlosser               11 
  6. Variations on a Theme #66 (11/5 - 11/8)                    Rich Lynch                    13 
  7. Oblio #179 (11/10 - 11/14)                                 Gary Brown                    27 
  8. Trivial Pursuit #140 (11/12 - 11/14)                       Janice Gelb                   24 
  9. It Goes on the Shelf #30 (11/(10) - 11/21)                 Ned Brooks                    20 
 10. Spiritus Mundi 228 (11/17 11/21)                           Guy Lillian III               21 
 11. The Sphere Vol 237 #1 (11/19 - )                           Don Markstein                  6 
 12. Frequent Flyer (11/20 - )                                  Tom Feller                     6 
 13. Frequent Flyer: Special Report (11/20 - )                  Tom Feller                    10 
 14. Tyndallite Vol 4, #140 (11/22 )                            Norm Metcalf                   1 
 15. Get Off My Lawn! Vol 1, Issue #6 (11/24 - )                Laura Haywood-Cory            10 
 16. Stoned with the Armadillo #84 (11/24 - )                   Liz Copeland                   2 
 17. Scenes from the Revolution (11/24 - )                      Jeff Copeland                 16 
 18. Consurgito #9 (11/25 - )                                   Warren Buff                    6 
 19. Revenant #52 (11/25 - )                                    Sheila Strickland              6 
 20. Tennessee Trash # 86 (11/26 - )                            Gary Robe                     16 
 21. Egoboo Poll Results (11/30)                                OE                             3 
 21. The Southerner (11/30)                                     OE                             4 
                                                                total pages                  215 

     Title & Postmark/arrival date                              Contributor                Pages 

 22. That's Really Super, Supergirl... (11/26 - 12/1)           mike weber                     2 
 23. The Sign of the Dodo (11/22 - 12/3)                        Diverse Hands                  2 
 24. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #113 (11/22 - 12/3)       Richard Dengrove              34 
 25. The Southerner addenda (12/4)                              David Schlosser                1 
                                              updated total pages                            254 

                         The Southerner 
         Title & Postmark/arrival date                               Contributor                   Pages 

  1. Let's Out Early Uncle Ned #6 (12/10 - 12/12)                    George Wells                     2 
  2. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (12/11 - 12/15)               Gary Brown                       2 
  3. The New Port News 243 (??? - 12/22)                             Ned Brooks                       8 
  4. Variations on a Theme #67 (1/2 - 1/6)                           Rich Lynch                       6 
  5. Cheer-Sender '08 (1/8 - 1/12)                                   Guy Lillian III                  6 
  6. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #114 (1/10 - 1/13)             Richard Dengrove                24 
  7. Peter, Pan and Merry #83 (1/14)                                 David Schlosser                 16 
  8. Oblio #180 (1/12 - 1/15)                                        Gary Brown                      17 
  9. Spiritus Mundi 229 (1/22 - 1/26)                                Guy Lillian III                 21 
 10. The Sphere Vol 238 #1 (1/22 - 1/26)                             Don Markstein                    6 
 11. Tyndallite Vol 4, #141 (1/24 - 1/29)                            Norm Metcalf                     6 
 12. Dubya Souvenir Special (1/26 - 1/29)                            Jeff Copeland                   40 
 13. Get Off My Lawn! Vol 2, Issue #7 (1/26 - 1/29)                  Laura Haywood-Cory               7 
 14. Dancing with the Armadillo #86 (1/26 - 1/29)                    Liz Copeland                     5 
 15. Godwin's Law (1/26 - 1/29)                                      mike weber                      16 
 16. Trivial Pursuit #141 (1/26 - 1/29)                              Janice Gelb                     23 
 17. Revenant #53 (1/26 - 1/30)                                      Sheila Strickland                9 
 18. Guilty Pleasures (1/27 - 1/30)                                  Eve Ackerman                     6 
 19. Tennessee Trash # 87 (1/29 - 1/31)                              Gary Robe                       16 
 20. "You're Tearing Me Apart, Lassie!!!" #1 (1/29 - 1/31)           George Wells                     8 
 21. The Southerner (1/31)                                           OE                               4 
                                                                     total pages                    248 

                     The Southerner                                                           
        Title & Postmark/arrival date                           Contributor                 Pages 

 1. Consurgito! Issue 10 (1/30 - 2/2)                           Warren Buff                    8 
 2. The New Port News (2/12 - 2/18)                             Ned Brooks                    10 
 3. Spath'ik (2/18 - 2/21)                                      Jeff Copeland                 21 
 4. Variations on a Theme #68 (2/20 - 2/24)                     Rich Lynch                    11 
 5. Peter, Pan and Merry #84 (2/27)                             David Schlosser               12 
 6. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (2/25 - 3/2)              Gary Brown                     2 
 7. Oblio #181 (3/11- 3/14)                                     Gary Brown                     2 
 8. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #115 (3/16 - 3/19)         Richard Dengrove              26 
 9. Frequent Flyer (3/16 - 3/19)                                Tom Feller                     6 
10. Spiritus Mundi 230 (3/18 - 3/21)                            Guy Lillian III               27 
11. The Sphere Vol 239 #1 (3/19 - 3/23)                         Don Markstein                  6 
12. Get Off My Lawn! Vol 2, Issue #8 (3/19 - 3/24)              Laura Haywood-Cory            12 
13. Tyndallite Vol 4, #142 (3/21- 3/25)                         Norm Metcalf                   4 
14. Freezing in February (3/23 - 3/26)                          Janice Gelb                    9 
15. Garden & Gun (3/23 - 3/26)                                  Jeff Copeland                 36 
16. Trivial Pursuit #142 (3/23 - 3/26)                          Janice Gelb                   21 
17. Revenant #54 (3/23 - 3/27)                                  Sheila Strickland              8 
18. Consurgito! Issue 11 (3/24 - 3/27)                          Warren Buff                   12 
19. Caution! Watch for Falling Succubi (3/24 - 3/27)            mike weber                    19 
20. Tennessee Trash # 88 (3/26 - 3/28)                          Gary Robe                     18 
21. Guilty Pleasures (3/25 - 3/28)                              Eve Ackerman                   6 
22. The Southerner (3/28)                                       OE                             4 
                                                                total pages                  280 

                        The Southerner
        Title & Postmark/arrival date                                Contributor                   Pages 

 1. Let's Out Early Nephew George Trying to 
           Out Early Uncle Ned #1 (3/28 - 4/1)                      Gary Brown                        2 
 2. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (4/4 - 4/8)                   Gary Brown                        2 
 3. The New Port News 245 (4/4 - 4/11)                              Ned Brooks                        8 
 4. Get Off My Lawn! Vol 2, Supplement (4/24 - ?)                   Laura Haywood-Cory                1 
 5. Variations on a Theme #69 (4/27 - ?)                            Rich Lynch                       10 
 6. Tyndallite Vol 4, #143 (5/8 - 5/11)                             Norm Metcalf                      3 
 7. Peter, Pan and Merry #85 (5/20)                                 David Schlosser                  15 
 8. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #116 (5/18 - 5/21)             Richard Dengrove                 30 
 9. Spiritus Mundi 230 (5/15 - 5/22)                                Guy Lillian III                  17 
10. Trivial Pursuit #143 (5/21 - 5/23)                              Janice Gelb                      18 
11. Oblio #182 (5/21 - 5/26)                                        Gary Brown                       20 
12. The Sphere Vol 240 #1 (5/22 - 5/26)                             Don Markstein                     6 
13. Revenant #55 (5/26 - 5/29)                                      Sheila Strickland                 3 
14. Do I Have Your Attention (5/25 - 5/30)                          mike weber                       10 
15. Home with the Armadillo #87 (5/25 - 5/30)                       Liz Copeland                      6 
16. Intimidator (5/25 - 5/30)                                       Jeff Copeland                    24 
17. Guilty Pleasures (5/27 - 5/30)                                  Eve Ackerman                      4 
18. Tennessee Trash # 88 (5/28 - 5/30)                              Gary Robe                        14 
19. The Southerner (5/31)                                           OE                                4 
                                                                    total pages                     197 

                       The Southerner
      MAILING NUMBER 270 VOLUME 23, NUMBER 16 - JULY, 2009 
                Title & Postmark/arrival date                   Contributor                 Pages 

  1. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (6/8 - 6/12)             Gary Brown                     2 
  2. The New Port News 246 (6/10 - 6/14)                        Ned Brooks                    10 
  3. Peter, Pan and Merry #86 (7/4)                             David Schlosser               13 
  4. Comics We Love, The Index 2 (7/2 - 7/6)                    Gary Brown                     5 
  5. Oblio #183 (7/13 - 7/16)                                   Gary Brown                    17 
  6. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette 4117 (7/13 - 7/16)        Richard Dengrove              26 
  7. The Oompah Octomom Loves You (7/18 - 7/22)                 R Dengrove & G Wells           4 
  8. Spiritus Mundi 232 (7/22 - 7/25)                           Guy Lillian III               17 
  9. Variations on a Theme #70 (7/23 7/27)                      Rich Lynch                     8 
 10. Tyndallite Vol 4, #144 (7/23 - 7/27)                       Norm Metcalf                   5 
 11. Trivial Pursuit #144 (7/24 - 7/27)                         Janice Gelb                   15 
 12. Wapsipuff (7/24 - 7/27)                                    mike weber                    17 
 13. Con Catch-Up (7/24 - 7/27)                                 Janice Gelb                   10 
 12. The Sphere Vol 241 #1 (7/25 - 7/28)                        Don Markstein                  6 
 13. We Come In Peace (7/25 - 7/28)                             Tom Feller, et al              4 
 14. Frequent Flyer (7/25 - 7/28)                               Torn Feller                    6 
 15. Home with the Armadillo #88 (7/26 - 7/30)                  Liz Copeland                   2 
 16. Live Long and Hope (7/26 - 7/30)                           Jeff Copeland                 36 
 17. Guilty Pleasures (7/28 - 7/31)                             Eve Ackerman                   6 
 18. Revenant #56 (7/28 - 7/31)                                 Sheila Strickland              6 
 19. Consurgito #13 (7/29 - 7/31)                               Warren Buff                    6 
 20. The Southerner (8/1)                                       OE                             4 
                                                                total pages                  225 

                               The Southerner

        MAILING NUMBER 271, VOLUME 23 NUMBER 17          SEPTEMBER, 2009

      PRESIDENT: Guy Lillian III           EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 

        Title & Postmark/arrival date                   Contributor              Page

  1. GHL III for SFPA OE (7/31 - 8/3)                   Guy Lillian II              2 
  2. The New Port News 247 (8/7 - 8/12)                 Ned Brooks                  8 
  3. Tennessee Trash #90 (7/29,8/10 - 8/12)             Gary Robe                  18 
  4. A Change of Heart (8/14 - 8/17)                    Laura Haywood-Cory, et al  24 
  5. Rut-Rao #1 (8/16 - 8/19)                           George Wells                4 
  6. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (8/17 - 8/24)    Gary Brown                  2 
  7. Yes We Can-ada (8/30)                              David Schlosser            12 
  8. Oblio #184 (9/10 - 9/15)                           Gary Brown                 19 
  9. The Panoramic Route (9/16 - 9/19)                  Guy Lillian III            35 
 10. The Sphere Vol 242 #1 (9/18 - 9/21)                Don Markstein               6 
 11. Trivial Pursuit #145 (9/20 - 9/24)                 Janice Gelb                17 
 12. I Know That My Liver Redeemeth (9/20 - 9/24)       Jeff Copeland              36 
 13. Montreal Meandering (9/20 - 9/24)                  Janice Gelb                19 
 14. Revenant #57 (9/21 - 9/24)                         Sheila Strickland          10 
 15. Spiritus Mundi 233 (9/21 - 9/24)                   Guy Lillian III            15 
 16. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #118 (9/21 - 9/24)Richard Dengrove           28 
 17. The Molemen Don't Want Your Oys (9/21 - 9/24)      George Wells                8 
 18. Get off my lawn! Volume 2, issue #10 (9/22 - 9/24) Laura Haywood-Cory          1 
 19. Variations on a Theme #70 (9/22 - 9/24)            Rich Lynch                  9 
 20. Peter, Pan and Merry #87 (9/24)                    David Schlosser            11 
 21. How Did This Happen (9/22 - 9/24)                  Laura Haywood-Cory          9 
 22. Tyndallite Vol 4, #145 (9/22 - 9/25)               Norm Metcalf                7 
 23. Tennessee Trash #91 (9/23 - 9/25)                  Gary Robe                  10 
 24. Tiny Mini, Minor, No (9/23 - 9/26)                 mike weber                 26 
 24. The Southerner (8/1)                               OE                          4 
 25. Egoboo Poll / °Election Ballot                     OE                          2 
 26. SFPA Constitution                                  OE
                                                        total pages               344

The Southerner
       MAILING NUMBER 272, VOLUME 23 NUMBER 18          NOVEMBER, 2009
    PRESIDENT: Guy Lillian III            EMERGENCY OFFICER: Liz Copeland 

        Title & Postmark/arrival date                    Contributor             Pages

  1. The Bums of SFPA Live! (10/5)                       David Schlosser            1 
  2. The New Port News 248 (? - 10/13)                   Ned Brooks                10 
  3. Tyndallite Vol 4, #146 (10/13 - 10/16)              Norm Metcalf               5 
  4. Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores (10/21 10/24)     Gary Brown                 2 
  5. Peter, Pan and Merry #88 (10/30)                    David Schlosser           14 
  6. Spiritus Mundi 233 (9/21 - 9/24)                    Guy Lillian 111           17 
  7. The Fall of the House of Escher (11/9 - 11/12)      Jeff Copeland              8 
  8. Bobby George Write without Margins (11/16 - 11/19)  Bobby George Poulette      1 
  9. Oblio #184 (11/16 - 11/19)                          Gary Brown                22 
 10. Twygdrasil And Treehouse Gazette (11/16 -11/19)     Richard Dengrove          30 
 11. Variations on a Theme #72 (11/17 - 11/20)           Rich Lynch                12 
 12. Trivial Pursuit #146 (11/19-11/23)                  Janice Gelb               21 
 13. The Sphere Vol 243 #1 (11/20 - 11/23)               Don Markstein              6 
 14. Hummers from Space #89 (11/19-11/23)                Liz Copeland               6 
 15. Hummers from Space (11/19-11/23)                    Jeff Copeland             32 
 16. Revenant #58 (11/21 - 11/24)                        Sheila Strickland          1 
 17. Get off my lawn! Volume 2, issue #11 (11/23 - 11/25)Laura Haywood-Cory         4 
 18. Why is this only Two Pages (11./24 - 11/27)         mike weber                 2 
 19. Tennessee Trash #91 (11/24 - 11/27)                 Gary Robe                 12 
 20. 20009 Egoboo Poll Results (11/29)                   OE                         3 
 21. The Southerner (8/1)                                OE                         4 
                                                         total pages              211 

                                       NO. 272.5 
             An official postmailing of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance
                       GUY H. LILLIAN III, OFFICIAL EDITOR 
                             JEFF COPELAND, PRESIDENT 
                                NED BROOKS, ARCHIVIST


  1. The Bride and the Buccaneer bookmark                Ackerman frank              2 (12/9/09)
  2. Guilty Pleasures #60                                Ackerman                    6 (12/9/09)
  3. The Southerner no. 272.5                            GHLIIIOE                    1 (12/10/09

New Pagecount Total for SFPA 272                                                   220

* VOL. 24 NO. 1 *  JANUARY 2010 *
NO. 273


1.Impeach GHLIII, OE!!                  J. Copeland             1 
2.Get Off My Lawn! Vol. 3 #12           Haywood-Cory            2 
3.The New Port News 249                 Brooks                  8 
4.It Goes on the Shelf 31               Brooks                 24 
5.Late-Breaking News!                   Brooks                  1 
6.Uncle Lon’s Box Scores #78            Brown                   2 
7.Giant Dell Giant Index                Brown                  45 
8.Clear-Spender ’09                     Lillian                 4 
9.Tyndallite Vol. 4, No. 147            Metcalf                 5 
10.Twyggdrasil … #120                   Dengrove               28 
11.Peter, Pan & Merry #89               Schlosser              14 
12.An E-mail I Sent Out                 weber                   2 
13.The Sphere vol. 244 no.1             Markstein               6 
14.Variations on a Theme #73            Lynch                  11 
15.Spiritus Mundi 235                   Lillian                17 
16.Revenant #59                         Strickland              6 
17.Collaging with the Armadillo         L. Copeland             4 
18.Trivial Pursuits #147                Gelb                   19 
19.Festive Fun & Frozen SMOFs           Gelb                    7 
20.Cat Puppets                          J. Copeland            20 
21.Tennessee Trash #93                  Robe                   12 
22.Oblio No. 186                        Brown                  25 
23.John Galt Got Run Over by a Reindear	Wells                   3 
24.Guilty Pleasures #61                 Ackerman                4 
25.The Southerner no. 273               GHLIIIOE                6 
   TOTAL PAGECOUNT:                                           276 

* VOL. 24 NO. 2 *  MARCH 2010 *


1.The New Port News 250                 Brooks          	8 
2.Variations on a Theme #74             Lynch                   6 
3.Spiritus Mundi 236                    Lillian                17 
4.Peter, Pan & Merry #90                Schlosser              13 
5.Uncle Lon’s … Box Scores #80          Brown                   2 
6.Twyggdrasil … #121                    Dengrove               32 
7.The Sphere  vol. 245 no.1             Markstein               6 
8.Tyndallite Vol. 4, no. 148            Metcalf                 3 
9.Frequent Flyer                        Feller                  6 
10.Oblio No. 187                        Brown                  19 
11.You Know: Morons                     weber                  12 
12.callipygian                          J. Copeland            20 
13.Trivial Pursuits 148                 Gelb                   19 
14.Revenant #60                         Strickland              9 
15.Tennessee Trash #94                  Robe                   14 
16.Disgrace is Better than Realism #1   Wells                   4 
17.Get Off My Lawn Vol.3#13             Haywood-Cory            1 
18.Guilty Pleasures #62                 Ackerman                6 
19.Consurgito! #14: Overdue Notice      Buff                   12 
20.Spiritus Tuesday #236                Lillian                 3 
21.Challenger #31                       Lillian               108 
22.The Southerner no. 274               GHLIIIOE                6 
23.TOTAL PAGECOUNT:                                           346 

* VOL. 24 NO. 3 *  MAY 2010 *
NO. 275


1.The New Port New 251                  Brooks         12 
2.PMc                                   Brown           3 
3.Uncle Lon’s Box Scores #81            Brown           2 
4.Spiritus Mundi 237                    Lillian        18 
5.SFPA: Time for a Change               Brown           2 
6.Variations on a Theme #75             Lynch           8 
7.Peter, Pan & Merry #9l                Schlosser      16 
8.Twyggdrasil #122                      Dengrove       32 
9.The Sphere  vol. 246 no.1             Markstein       6 
10.Never Trust a Werewolf #1            Wells           2 
11.Tyndallite Vol. 4, No. 149           Metcalf         4 
12.Oblio No.188                         Brown          17 
13.Who’s Your Daddy?                    J. Copeland    20 
14.Weaving with the Armadillo           L. Copeland     4 
15.Five Tons of Brass                   J. Copeland     4 
16.Trivial Pursuits 149                 Gelb           17 
17.April Adventures                     Gelb            9 
18.Revenant #61                         Strickland      8 
19.Tennessee Trash #95                  Robe            6 
20.Frequent Flyer: Special Report       Feller          6 
21.Angry Mob               weber          14 
22.Guilty Pleasures #63                 Ackerman        4 
23.“Luke, It is Your Density!”          Lillian         6 
24.The Southerner no. 275               GHLIIIOE        4 
25.TOTAL PAGECOUNT:                                   224 

      Guy Lillian, OE
* VOL. 24 NO. 4 *  JULY 2010 *
NO. 276


1.The New Port New 252                  Brooks	                8 
2.Fadeaway #16                          Jennings               24 
3.The Typo King #1                      Jennings                6 
4.Be It Known...                        Markstein               1 
5.Graphic Novel Review                  Markstein              20 
6.Variations on a Theme #76             Lynch                   7 
7.Peter, Pan & Merry #9l                Schlosser              13 
8.Uncle Lon’s Box Scores #82            Brown                   2 
9.Spiritus Mundi 238                    Lillian                17 
10.Twyggdrasil #123                     Dengrove               34 
11.Frequent Flyer                       Feller                  6 
12.The Sphere vol.247 no.1              Markstein               6 
13.Fantazius Mallare                    Wells/Dengrove          4 
14.Oblio No.188                         Brown                  18 
15.Square Peg, Round Hole               J. Copeland            24 
16.Nerve Pain with the Armadillo        L. Copeland             6 
17.The Quiet Coup                       J. Copeland   frank    11 
18.Trivial Pursuits 150                 Gelb                   17 
19.Toto, We’re in Kansas                Gelb                   11 
20.Tyndallite Vol. 4 No. 150            Metcalf                 4 
21.Revenant #62                         Strickland              6 
22.Your Papers, Please, Senorita        weber                   2 
23.Off on Highway 61                    Lillian                 2 
24.Tennessee Trash #96                  Robe                   16 
25.The Southerner no. 276               GHLIIIOE                4 
26.TOTAL PAGECOUNT:                                           269 

* VOL. 24 NO. 5 * SEPTEMBER 2010 *
NO. 277


1.Fadeaway #17                          Jennings                24
2.Vampires are not funny...             Wells                    2
3.Uncle Lon’s... Box Scores #83         Brown                    2
4.The New Port News 153                 Brooks                   8
5.The Typo King #2                      Jennings                 6
6.Challenger no. 32                     Lillian                 80
7.Comics We Love:The Index 3            Brown                    5
8.Dumbfounding Stories #1               McDaniel                16
9.Spiritus Mundi 239                    Lillian                 13
10.Twyggdrasil...#124                   Dengrove                28
11.Variations on a Theme #77            Lynch                   11
12.SFCHum Triumphant!                   Schlosser                1
13.Peter, Pan & Merry #93               Schlosser               11
14.Finally: Vacation Time               J. Copeland             24
15.The Sphere vol. 248 no.1             Markstein                6
16.Oblio No. 190                        Brown                   20
17.Tyndallite Vol. 4 No. 151            Metcalf                  5
18.Trivial Pursuits 151                 Gelb                    19
19.Tennessee Trash #97                  Robe                    16
20.Frequent Flyer                       Feller                   6
21.Home with the Armadillo #93          L. Copeland              1
22.Revenant #c                          Strickland               5
23.Get Off My Lawn Vol. 3 #17           Haywood-Cory             1
24.A Poor Thing, But My Own             weber                    4
25.On Alprazolem and a Prayer           Lillian                  2
26.2010 OEgoboo Poll Ballot             GHLIIIOE                 2
27.The Southerner no. 277               GHLIIIOE                 4
28.TOTAL PAGECOUNT:                                            322

1. Stat Trek                            Copeland                 6
2. The Southerner 277.1                 GHLIIIOE                 1
    Nwe Total Pagecount:                                       329

* VOL. 24 NO. 6 *  November 2010 * NO. 278

1.Fadeaway #18                                  Jennings        30 
2.Giant Dell Giant Index:Follow-Up              Brown            6 
3.The New Port News #254                        Brooks          10 
4.The Typo King #3                              Jennings        14 
5.Uncle Lon’s Box Scores #83                    Brown            3 
6.The Aboriginal Route (I)                      Lillian         30 
7.Dumbfounding Stories 2                        McDaniel        17 
8.It Goes on the Shelf 32                       Brooks          22 
9.Oblio No.191                                  Brown           22 
10.The Four Color Four Color                    Brown            1 
11.Peter, Pan & Merry #94                       Schlosser       13 
12.The Sphere vol.249 no.1                      Markstein        6 
13.Revenant #64                                 Strickland      12 
14.Variations on a Theme #78                    Lynch           10 
15.Spiritus Mundi #240                          Lillian         17 
16.Twygdrasil … #125                            Dengrove        36 
17.Fadeaway #19                                 Jennings        26 
18.Homeless with the Armadillo #94              L. Copeland      6 
19.Where’s My Litterbox?                        J. Copeland     28 
20.Toasted Skin                                 weber            8 
21.Trivial Pursuits #152                        Gelb            23 
22.Janice’s Cover Photo                         Lillian          1 
23.Crisscross                                   Gelb            24 
24.Tennessee Trash #97                          Robe            14 
25.Tyndallite Vol.4 No.152                      Metcalf          5 
26.Get Off My Lawn Vol.3 #18                    Haywood-Cory     6 
27.Guilty Pleasures #64                         Ackerman         6 
28.The Aboriginal Route (II)                    Lillian         36 
29.2010 OEgoboo Results                         GHLIIIOE         4 
30.The Southerner no.278                        GHLIIIOE         6 
   TOTAL PAGECOUNT:                                            442 

* VOL. 24 NO. 7 *  JANUARY 2011 * NO. 279

1.“In My Father’s House…”               Lillian                 1 
2.The New Port News No. 255             Brooks                  8 
3.Friends, Romans, 
   Country-Western Singers              Wells                  10 
4.The Typo King #4                      Jennings               16 
5.Sheer Splendor '10                    Lillian                 4 
6.Uncle Lon’s … Box Scores #85          Brown                   2 
7.Variations on a Theme #79             Lynch                  11 
8.Dumbfounding Stories #3               McDaniel               15 
9.The Sphere vol.250 no.1               Markstein               6 
10.Peter, Pan & Merry #95               Schlosser              15 
11.Twyggdrasil … #127                   Dengrove               38 
12.Crisscross Part Deux                 Gelb                   11 
13.Here’s My Litterbox!                 J. Copeland            16 
14.New Home with the Armadillo          L. Copeland             4 
15.Trivial Pursuits 153                 Gelb                   25 
16.Baby Bowler #1                       Pickett                 4 
17.Tyndallite Vol.4, no.153             Metcalf                 7 
18.Oblio No.192                         Brown                  24 
19.Spiritus Mundi 241                   Lillian                21 
20.Revenant #65                         Strickland              4 
21.Tennessee Trash #99                  Robe                   10 
22.Guilty Pleasures #65                 Ackerman                4 
23.Jingle All the Way                   weber                   2 
24.Fadeaway #21                         Jennings               26 
25.The Southerner no.279                GHLIIIOE                8 
TOTAL PAGECOUNT:                                              292


* VOL. 24 NO. 8 *  MARCH 2011 * NO. 280

1. SFPA Reflections                   Plott (ex)             4 
2. The New Port News No.256           Brooks                10 
3. Uncle Lon’s Box Scores #86         Brown                  2 
4. The Typo King #5                   Jennings              22 
5. Variations on a Theme #80          Lynch                 12 
6. Fadeaway #20                       Jennings              26 
7. Tyndallite Vol.4, no.154           Metcalf                5 
8. Peter, Pan & Merry #96             Schlosser             12 
9. Twyggdrasil … #127                 Dengrove              34 
10. Dumbfounding Stories #3           McDaniel              28 
11. Spiritus Mundi 242                Lillian               25 
12. Baby Bowler #2                    Pickett                9 
13. New Knee with the Armadillo #96   L. Copeland           12 
14. Trivial Pursuits 154              Gelb                  19 
15. Snow Stories                      Gelb                  14 
16. Schrodinger’s Terrorist           J. Copeland           24 
17. Oblio No.193                      Brown                 19 
18. Forty Five Years                  weber                 12 
19. The Food Stamp Gourmet Project    weber                  8 
20. The Sphere #251                   Markstein              5 
21. Get Off My Lawn Vol.3 #13         Haywood-Cory          12 
22. Guilty Pleasures #62              Ackerman               6 
23. Tennessee Trash #100              Robe                  14 
24. Challenger #33                    Lillian               91 
25. The Southerner #280               GHLIIIOE               6 
TOTAL                                                      420 

* VOL. 24 NO. 9 * MAY 2011 * NO. 281 *


1.The New Port News 257                 Brooks                  10 
2.Fadeaway #22                          Jennings                32 
3.The Typo King #6                      Jennings                20 
4.Revenant #66                          Strickland              12 
5.Uncle Lon’s… Box Scores #87           Brown                    2 
6.Revenant #67                          Strickland               2 
7.Peter, Pan & Merry #97                Schlosser               12 
8.Variations on a Theme #81             Lynch                    8 
9.Baby Bowler #3                        Pickett                  5 
10.Tyndallite Vol.4 No.155              Metcalf                  5 
11.Twygdrasil… #128                     Dengrove                35 
12.Oblio No.194                         Brown                   21 
13.Frequent Flyer                       Feller                   6 
14.Airman                               J. Copeland             16 
15.Trivial Pursuits 155                 Gelb                    19 
16.A Milestone                          weber                   10 
17.Spiritus Mundi 243                   Lillian                 15 
18.Tennessee Trash #101                 Robe                    12 
19.The Southerner No.281                GHLIIIOE                 6 
 PAGECOUNT:                                                    238 

Postmailing 281.1 June 2011
1.Guilty Pleasures #60                  Ackerman                10 
2.The Southerner 281.1                  GHLIIIOE                 1

Total pagecount for mailing                                    249


* VOL. 24 NO. 10 * JULY 2011 * NO. 282 *


1  Fadeaway #23                         Jennings                26 
2  The New Port News No.258             Brooks                   8 
3  The Typo King #7                     Jennings                22 
5  Dumbfounding Stories #5              McDaniel                34 
6  One Hundred                          J. Copeland             36 
7  Uncle Lon’s Box Scores #88           Brown                    2 
8  Variations on a Theme #82            Lynch                    8 
9  The 1100 Club                        Lillian                 13 
10 Oblio No. 195                        Brown                   17 
11 Oh Geeze, I’ve Done It Again         weber                    2 
12 Tyndallite Vol.4 No.156              Metcalf                  5 
13 Peter, Pan & Merry #98               Schlosser               12 
14 Twygdrasil #129                      Dengrove                35 
15 Art Show with the Armadillo #97      L. Copeland              6 
15 Trivial Pursuits 156                 Gelb                    23 
16 Traveling in Style                   Gelb                    10 
17 The Story of Rapunzel                J. Copeland             28 
18 Frequent Flyer                       Feller                   6 
19 My July 2011 Zine                    Wells                    4 
20 Revenant #68                         Strickland               8 
21 This is Yers Trooly                  Bobby George             1 
22 Tennessee Trash #102                 Robe                    16 
23 Get Off My Lawn Vol.4 #20            Haywood-Cory             8 
24 Guilty Pleasures #68                 Ackerman                 4 
26 Spiritus Mundi 244                   Lillian                 13 
27 The Southerner #282                  GHLIIIOE                 6 
   TOTAL                                                       353

Postmailing: SFPA 282.1
1  The Tower #1                         Emerald Pickett          8 
2  The Southerner No.282.1              GHLIIIOE                 1 
   New Total                                                   362


* VOL. 24 NO. 11 * September 2011 * NO. 283 * 50th Anniversary *

1. Tower 1.5                                    Pickett                 16
2. Fadeaway #24                                 Jennings                32
3. The New Port News No. 259                    Brooks                  10
4. Uncle Lon’s…Box Scores #89                   Brown                    2
5. Bob Jennings for SFPA OE!                    Jennings                 2
6. The Typo King #8                             Jennings                28
7. Con Confessions #9                           Brown                   18
8. Comics We Love - The Index 4                 Brown                    5
9. Bob Jennings for SFPA OE! Part 2             Jennings                 2
10 Dumbfounding Stories #6                      McDaniel                14
11 Cork                                         B. Hughes (ex)           5
12 Burning Bunnies #1                           Wells/Markstein          1
13 Remembrance                                  B. Hughes (ex)           2
14 Ignight!                            Guidry(ex)/R. Lillian/A. Winston  4
15 Tyndallite Vol.4, No.157                     Metcalf                  4
16 Variations on a Theme #83                    Lynch                   14
17 9-6-11 and Anon                              Wells                    1
18 Twygdrasil and Treehouse #130                Dengrove                31
19 Are They Friendly Spirits?                   Judkowitz(ex)/Kyla       2
20 Frequent Flyer                               Feller                   6
21 Tennessee Trash #103                         Robe                    14
22 Consurgito!                                  Buff (ex)               14
23 “It’s Bigger in Texas!”                      several                  8
24 DeepSouthCon 80:Lunar Party                  Weisskopf (ex)           2
25 Utgard for September 2011                    Hulan (ex)               3
26 Peter, Pan & Merry 399                       Schlosser               12
27 Diary Out Loud #1                            N. Lynch (ex)            2
28 Best Knifefighter: An Apazine                Garcia                   6
29 Cliffhangers and Others                      Mysterious Waitlister    4
30 Sugar Magnolia                               Montalbano (ex)          3
31 Spiritus Mundi 245                           Lillian                 29
32 … Happy Birthday, SFPA!                      L. Copeland              6
33 Purina Zombie Chow                           J. Copeland             20
34 Westward, Ho!                                Gelb                    23
35 Trivial Pursuits #157                        Gelb                    19
36 Happy Anniversary SFPA                       Crayne (ex)              1
37 Now … Where Was I?                           Hutchinson (ex)          5
38  “Yngvi is a Louse” #102                     Weisskopf (ex)           7
39 Guilty Pleasures #69                         Ackerman                 6
40 Revenant #69                                 Strickland              12
41 I Am a Camera                                weber                   30
42 Oblio #196                                   Brown                   22
43 Get Off My Lawn! Vol.4 # 21                  Haywood-Cory             5
44 Chinese Fireworks in the Night               Phillips (ex)            4
45 Celko                                        Celko (ex)               2
46 My Destiny is Mostly Fulfilled               Krawecke (ex)            1
47 The Southerners Part I                       Lillian                 15
48 2010 Egoboo Poll Ballot                      GHLIIIOE                 2
49 The Southerner no. 283                       GHLIIIOE                10
TOTAL                                                                  471

1 Dear GHLIII                                   Diedre Taylor (ex)       1
2 Statistics in a Plain Brown Wrapper           J. Copeland             14
3 The Southerner 283.1                          GHLIII                   1
New Total                                                              487


* VOL. 24 NO. 12 * December 2011 * NO. 284 *


1   Have Gnu, Will Travel                       Wells                    2 
2   Fadeaway #25                                Jennings                26 
3   The New Port News No.260                    Brooks                  12 
4   It Goes on the Shelf 33                     Brooks                  22 
5   The Typo King #9                            Jennings                24 
6   Variations on a Theme #84                   Lynch                   15 
7   Uncle Lon’s ... Box Scores #90              Brown                    2 
8   SFPA Promo Pages                            Jennings                 2 
9   SFPA: The Southern Fandom…                  Jennings                 2 
10  Fadeaway #25                                Jennings                26 
11  Nervous Norvus                              Wells/Dengrove           4 
12  Twygdrasil #131                             Dengrove                33 
13  Peter, Pan & Merry #100                     Schlosser               17 
14  Spiritus Mundi 246                          Lillian                 27 
15  Tyndallite Vol.4, No.158                    Metcalf                  8 
16  Cooler than All of Us                       weber                   20 
17  Don Markstein Update                        Jennings                 1 
18  Trivial Pursuits 158                        Gelb                    27 
19  Norman Rockwell’s Last...                   J. Copeland             20 
20  You Say Tomato, I Say Flamingo #1           Wells                    2 
21  Tennessee Trash #104                        Robe                    14 
22  Oblio #197                                  Brown                   15 
23  A House Denied – An Apazine                 Garcia                   6 
24  The Southerners Part II                     Lillian                 16 
25  2011 OEgoboo Poll Results                   GHLIIIOE                 6 
26  The Southerner #284                         GHLIIIOE                 4
    TOTAL                                                              350

    Dumbfounding Stories 7                      McDaniel                 9
    The Southerner 284.1                        GHLIIIOE                 1
    New TOTAL                                                          363

The Southerner
Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance
Vol 25, #1; January 2012; whole number 285

                                  Contents of Mailing #285

1.  The New Port News                        Brooks        12-20-2011     10
2.  Dumbfounding Stories #8                  McDaniel      12-31-2011      7
3.  The SFPA Quote Book For 2011             Jennings      1-1-2012        3
4.  Gear-Render 2011                         Lillian       1-7-2012        2
5.  Uncle Lon’s Official Box Scores #91      Brown         1-10-12         2
6.  Variations on a Theme #85                Lynch         1-12-12        11
7.  Oblio #198                               Brown         1-19-12        30
8.  Frequent Flyer                           Feller        1-20-12         6
9.  Peter, Pan & Merry #101                  Schlosser     1-20-12        14
10. Thanks For Being My Friend               Weber         1-21-12        20
11. Fifty Years & Thousands of Zines Later…  Jeff Copeland 1-21-12         1
12. Spiritus Mundi #247                      Lillian       1-21-12        13
13. Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #132      Dengrove      1-23-12        38
14. Tyndallite Vol 3, #159                   Metcalf       1-25-12         4
15. Revenant #70                             Strickland    1-25-12         6
16. Tricontinental                           Gelb          1-25-12        20
17. Trivial Pursuits #159                    Gelb          1-25-12        19
18. Do Not Chase Lost Greyhounds             Copeland      1-25-12        20
19. The Typo King #10                        Jennings      1-26-12        26
20. Fadeaway #27                             Jennings      1-26-12        28
21. Tennessee Trash #105                     Robe          1-28-12        10
21. The Southerner #285                      Jennings      1-28-12         7

TOTAL                                                                    297

The Southerner
Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance
Vol 25, #2; March 2012; whole number 286

                                  Contents of Mailing #286

1.  The Doctor Will See You Now             Weber              2-8-2012          20
2.  The New Port News #262                  Brooks             2-13               8
3.  Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #92   Brown              2-17               2  
4.  Con Confessions #10                     Brown              3-12               6
5.  Dumbfounding Stories #9                 McDaniel           3-12              14
6.  Tyndallite Vol 4 #160                   Metcalf            3-14               5
7.  Spiritus Mundi #248                     Lillian            3-15              17
8.  Variations on a Theme #86               Lynch              3-17              14
9.  Peter, Pan & Merry #102                 Schlosser          3-21              15
10. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #133   Dengrove           3-21              29
12. Revenant #71                            Strickland         3-24               8
13. Oblio #199                              Brown              3-24              21
14. I’m Cheating On FAPA With You!          Cochrane           3-28               8
15. Myriad Remembers You!                   Cochrane           3-28               1
16. promo                  Cochrane           3-28               1
17. electronic Poetry Workshop promo        Cochrane           3-28               1
18. Life Is Short                           Copeland           3-28              28
19. Winter Wanderings                       Gelb               3-28              11
20. Trivial Pursuits #160                   Gelb               3-28              23
21. Tennessee Trash #106                    Robe               3-29              14
22. Frequent Flyer                          Feller             3-29               6
23. The Typo King #11                       Jennings           3-30              16
24. Fadeaway #28                            Jennings           3-30              46
25. The Southerner #286                     Jennings           3-30               5
TOTAL                                                                           319      

                                         THE SOUTHERNER
		       Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance
			       Vol; 25, #3; May 2012; whole number 287
                                  Contents of Mailing #287
1. Journal of Human Suffering & Pez #2             Wells             3-31-2012   5 
2. The New Port News #263                          Brooks               4-12     8 
3. Life Goes On                                    weber                4-16    15 
4. Dumbfounding Stories #10                        McDaniel             5-4     21 
5. Variations On a Theme #87                       Lynch                5-7      6 
6. Tyndallite Vol 4, #151                          Metcalf              5-18     5 
7. Frequent Flyer Special Issue                    Fuller               5-19     6 
8. Spiritus Mundi 249                              Lillian              5-19    19 
9. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #134           Dengrove             5-23    34 
10.Southern Is As Southern Does                    Cochrane             5-25     4 
11.Metal Mouth!                                    Cochrane             5-25     5 
12.Pissing the Night Away                          Cochrane             5-25     2 
13.An On-Line Comic Worth Checking Out             weber                5-26     3 
14.Peter, Pan & Merry #103                         Schlosser            5-26    16 
15.Revenant #72                                    Strickland           5-30     8 
16.Tennessee Trash #107                            Robe                 5-31    10 
17.The Typo King #12                               Jennings             5-31    28 
18.Fadeaway #29                                    Jennings             5-31    32 
19.The Southerner #287                             Jennings             5-31     5 
   TOTAL                                                                       232 

1.  Geek Pride                  Copeland                  18 
2.  Trivial Pursuits #161       Gelb                      20 
2.  Oblio #199a                 Brown                      1 
3.  The Southerner #287.1       Jennings                   1 
TOTAL                                                     40 
NEW GRAND TOTAL FOR ALL OF MAILING 287                   272 

                                        THE SOUTHERNER
		       Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance
			       Vol; 25, #4; July 2012; whole number 288
                                  Contents of Mailing #288

1. Improved Weaponry                     weber      6-9-2012         20
2. The New Port News #264.1              Brooks     6-11              2
3. The New Port News #264                Brooks     6-13              8
4. The Duchess DSCon One Shot            Lillian    6-25              6
                                     (officially credited)
5. Tennessee Trash Talk #1               Robe       6-25              1
6. Boom!                                 weber      7-2              20
7. Sporadic #13                          Plott      7-7              19
8. Reelect Bob Jennings SFPA OE #1       Jennings   7-7               2
9. Spiritus Mundi 250                    Lillian    7-12             38
10.My Back Pages #1                      Montgomery 7-16              8
11.Dumbfounding Stories #11              McDaniel   7-16             22
12.Peter, Pan & Merry #104               Schlosser  7-18             14
13.Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #93 Brown      7-19              2
14.Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #94 Brown      7-19              2
15.A History of Southern SF Fandom       Rogers     7-21             31
                                     (franked by Jennings)
16.Variations on a Theme #88             Lynch      7-23             14
17.Ayn Ran Spelled Backwards 
          is Narnya V2 #1                Wells      7-25              4
18.Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #135   Dengrove   7-25             39
19.Know the Signs of Palaeontology       Copeland   7-25             24
20.Cruise/Con                            Gelb       7-25             28
21.Trivial Pursuits #162                 Gelb       7-25             19
22.Bats In the Belfry                    Lillian    7-26              2
23.Hello I Must/Will Be Going            Cochrane   7-27              4
24.Revenant #73                          Strickland 7-27              2
25.Frequent Flyer                        Feller     7-27              6
26.Get Back To Hell, Spawn of the Devil! weber      7-28             20
27.Oblio #200                            Brown      7-28             42
28.The Typo King #13                     Jennings   7-31             26
29.Fadeaway #30                          Jennings   7-31             38
30.The Southerner                        Jennings   7-31              6
TOTAL FOR MAILING 288                                               469

                                     THE SOUTHERNER
		       Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance
			   Vol.25, #5; September 2012; whole number 289

0.      Tennessee Trash Talk #2                         Robe            8-2-2012     1 
1.      Tennessee Trash #108                            Robe            8-2-2012    14 
2.      Who’s Who                                       weber           8-5          1 
3.      My Deep South Con 50 Con Report                 Jennings        8-7          7 
4.      Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #95           Brown           8-11         2 
5.      The New Port News #265                          Brooks          8-13         8 
6.      Two Shoes                                       Brown           8-16         2
7.      The Kobb Log Volume 1                           Kobb            8-25        13 
8.      Happy 200th Birthday to Caligula                Lillian         8-28         2 
9.      The Typo King #14                               Jennings        8-31        26 
10.     10:30 AM, 19 August 2012                        weber           9-5          4 
11.     Spiritus Mundi #251                             Lillian         9-17        15 
12.     Summer Breeze #2                                Montgomery      9-17        20 
13.     Lollipop Chainsaw                               weber           9-18        20 
14.     Sporadic 15                                     Plott           9-20        20 
15.     Peter, Pan & Merry #105                         Schlosser       9-21        15 
16.     Frequent Flyer September 19, 2012               Feller          9-22         6 
17.     The CONventional                                Larn            9-24         6 
18.     Variations on a Theme #89                       Lynch           9-24        12 
19.     Fall Follies                                    Gelb            9-26        16 
20.     Trivial Pursuits #163                           Gelb            9-26        15 
21.     The Escalated Route                             Lillian         9-26        15 
22.     Dumbfounding Stories #12                        McDaniel        9-26         8 
23.     Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #135           Dengrove        9-26        38 
24.     Excreted                                        Copeland        9-26        22 
25.     Molemen, Light Up the Corners… Vol.2 #1	        Wells           9-27         9 
26.     Tennessee Trash #109                            Robe            9-27        20 
27.     Oblio #201                                      Brown           9-27        24 
28.     Revenant #74                                    Strickland      9-27        10 
29.     Heartbreaker                                    weber           9-28        16 
30.     Tyndallite Vol 4, #162                          Metcalf         9-29         1 
31.     Chicon 7 Sunday Funnies                         Cleary 
          (franked by Jennings)                                         9-29         4 
32.     Fadeaway #31                                    Jennings        9-29        54 
33.     SFPA 2012 Egoboo Poll                           Jennings        9-29         2 
34.     The Southerner #289                             Jennings        9-29         7 
35.     Romancing the Stats                             Copeland        10-3-2012   12 
        TOTAL PAGES THIS MAILING                                                   467 

                                        THE SOUTHERNER
		       Official Organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance
			   Vol.25, #6; November 2012; whole number 290

1.      The New Port News 266                   Brooks                  10-13-2012                 12 
2.      Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #96   Brown                   10-23                       2 
3.      Did You Have Something to Say?          Copeland                10-25                      20 
4.      The Typo King #15                       Jennings                10-31                      30 
5.      Kobblog #2                              Kobb                    11-1                       11 
6.      Spiritus Mundi 252                      Lillian                 11-10                      25 
7.      It Goes on the Shelf 34                 Brooks                  11-13                      22 
8.      Dumbfounding Stories #14                MacDaniels              11-15                      16 
9.      Sporadic 16                             Plott                   11-19                      19 
10.     Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #136   Dengrove                11-20                      32 
11.     I Left My Smurf In Moleman City… V2 #1  Wells                   11-21                      29 
12.     Peter, Pan & Merry #106                 Schlosser               11-23                      13 
13.     Frequent Flyer November 13, 2012        Feller                  11-23                       6 
14.     Variations on a Theme #90               Lynch                   11-24                      11 
15.     League of Frightened Smurfs V2 #1       Wells                   11-24                      16 
16.     Oblio #202                              Brown                   11-26                      24 
17.     Pumpkinhead                             Lillian                 11-28                       4 
18.     Trivial Pursuits #164                   Gelb                    11-28                      22 
19.     Engineer’s Victory Dance                Copeland                11-28                      32 
20.     Mystery Date                            weber                   11-29                      20 
21.     Tyndallite V4 #163                      Metcalf                 11-29                       3 
22.     Tennessee Trash Dump #1                 Robe                    11-30                       1 
23.     Tennessee Trash #110                    Robe                    11-30                      18 
24.     Fadeaway #32                            Jennings                11-30                      50 
25.     SFPA 2012 Egoboo Poll Results           Jennings                11-30                       3 
26.     The Southerner #290                     Jennings                11-30                       5 
        TOTAL                                                                                     446 

The Southerner
       Official Editor - Gary Robe    Archivist - Ned Brooks
          Vol. 26, No. 1; January 2013; Whole Number 291
                  SFPA MAILING #291 TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.   asprin sherbert #1                     Wells       12/07/2012     7
2.   Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 165       Metcalf     12/19/2012     4
3.   Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 166       Metcalf     12/31/2012     8
4.   Maui                                   Schlosser   12/31/2012     8
5.   The New Port News #267                 Brooks      12/31/2012     8
6.   Reincarnated Essene #3                 Montgomery  12/31/2012    20
7.   The SFPA Quote Book for 2012           Jennings     1/8/2013      6
8.   The Typo King #16                      Jennings     1/8/2013      8
9.   ear-bender ‘12                         Lillian      1/8/2013      3
10.  Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #97  Brown        1/9/2013      2
11.  Peter, Pan & Merry #107                Schlosser    1/12/2013    14
12.  Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 164       Metcalf      1/12/2013     8
13.  Spiritus Mundi # 253                   Lillian      1/20/2013    17
14.  Variations on a Theme #91              Lynch        1/23/2013    12
15.  The Kobb Log #3                        Kobb         1/23/2013    10
16.  Sporadic #17                           Plott        1/23/2013    25
17.  Twigdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #137  Dengrove     1/23/2013    32
18.  I Will Hit You So Hard Your Grandmother Will Fall Down
                                            Weber        1/24/2013    16
19.  Oblio #203                             Brown        1/25/2013    20
20.  Long Loud Silence #4                   Montgomery   1/25/2013     8
21.  Hotel Hop                              Gelb         1/28/2013    17
22.  Trivial Pursuits #165                  Gelb         1/28/2013    22
23.  The View From The Thirty-First Floor #134
                                            Copeland     1/28/2013    22
24.  The Little White Rabbit #1             Larn         1/30/2013     6
25.  You Had Me At Contagious #1            Wells        1/30/2013     5
26.  Revenant #75                           Strickland   1/31/2013     6
27.  Tennessee Trash #111                   Robe         1/31/2013    12
28.  The Southerner #191                    Robe         2/4/2013      4
     TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                                330

The Southerner
       Official Editor - Gary Robe    Archivist - Ned Brooks
          Vol. 26, No. 2; March 2013; Whole Number 292
                  SFPA MAILING #292 TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.  Baseball and Time Travel                Plott        2/04          9
2.  The New Port News 268                   Brooks       2/14         10
3.  Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #98   Brown        2/19          2
4.  The Typo King #17                       Jennings     2/19         16
5.  Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 165        Metcalf      2/19          8
6.  Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 167        Metcalf      2/19          1
7.  Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 168        Metcalf      2/26          4
8.  Peter, Pan & Merry #106                 Schlosser    3/18         11
9.  Dumb-founding Stories 15                McDaniel     3/22         15
10. Variations on a Theme #92               Lynch        3/20          8
11. Sporadic #18                            Plott        3/20         29
12. Spiritus Mundi 254                      Lillian      3/25         19
13. Frequent Flyer                          Feller       3/15          6
14. False Alarm                             Weber        3/26          3
15. Twigdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #137   Dengrove     3/26         33
16. Revenant #76                            Strickland   3/27         12
17. Trivial Pursuits #166                   Gelb         3/28         24
18. Popsicle Toes                           Gelb         3/28         14
19. House Porn #135                         Copeland     3/28         22
20. Steampunk Cheesecake                    weber        3/28         16
21. The Kobb Log #4                         Kobb         3/28          4
22. Oblio #204                              Brown        4/3          22
23. Con Confessions #11                     Brown        4/3           5
24. Tennessee Trash #112                    Robe         4/3          12
25. The Southerner #292                     Robe         4/4           4
    TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                                 309

                         The Southerner
       Official Editor - Gary Robe    Archivist - Ned Brooks
          Vol. 26, No. 3; May 2013; Whole Number 293

1. The J. T. Oliver Photo Collection     Plott          4/16          2
2. The New Port News 269                 Brooks         4/16          8
3. The Typo King #18                     Jennings       4/16          6
4. Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 169      Metcalf        4/25          6
5. The Cheese Wheel of Time. Whey Good   Lillian,  4/27          4
6. Frequent Flyer                        Feller         5/17          6
7. Ya Think?                             weber          5/17         27
8. Trivial Pursuits #167                 Gelb           5/27         17
9. Twigdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #137 Dengrove       5/27         30
10.Spiritus Mundi 254                    Lillian        5/27         17
11.Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #98 Brown          5/27          2
12.Peter, Pan & Merry #109               Schlosser      5/27         13
13.Sporadic #19                          Plott          5/27         24
14.He Stopped Loving Her Today           Montgomery     5/27         14
15.Misfile Calendar 2013                 weber          5/27         28
16.One Little Corner of The Universe     weber          5/30         16
17.The Kobb Log #4                       Kobb           5/30         21
18.Summer is Coming #136                 Copeland       5/30          6
19.Revenant #77                          Strickland     5/31         12
20.Oblio #205                            Brown          5/31         18
21.Artifice of Complicatedness #1        Wells          6/1           4
22.Tennessee Trash #112                  Robe           6/1          14
23.The Southerner #293                   Robe           6/2           4
   TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                                 299


1. Variations on a Theme #93             Lynch          4/16         12
   ADJUSTED TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                        311

                          The Southerner
       Official Editor - Gary Robe    Archivist - Ned Brooks
          Vol. 26, No. 4; July 2013; Whole Number 294

1. The New Port News 270                  Brooks         6/16          8
2. The Typo King #19                      Jennings       7/8          10
3. Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 170       Metcalf        7/8           4
4. Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #100 Brown          7/16          2
5. Dumbfounding Stories #16               McDaniel       7/16          9
6. Peter, Pan & Merry #109                Schlosser      7/17         12
7. Sporadic #20                           Plott          7/18         25
8. Spiritus Mundi 254                     Lillian        7/18         23
9. Twigdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #137  Dengrove       7/21         30
10.Anything is Possible                   weber          7/22         34
11.GINZER RIP #7                          Montgomery     7/22          2
12.Variations on a Theme #94              Lynch          7/24         14
13.Frequent Flyer                         Feller         7/24          6
14.Bird Brain                             weber          7/25         22
15.Revenant #78                           Strickland     7/25         11
16.Trivial Pursuits #168                  Gelb           7/25         16
17.From Oz to Kansas                      Gelb           7/25         15
18.Hamlet With Animals 137                Copeland       7/25         32
19.The Kobb Log #6                        Kobb           7/26         34
20.Oblio #202                             Brown          7/26         23
21.Aspirin Sherbert # 1½                  Wells          7/27          2
22.Hamlet With Animals 137½               Copeland       7/27         34
         [replacement covers]
23.MP Should Move To North Carolina       weber          7/27          3
24.Spartacus #1                           Lillian        7/27          6
25.Tennessee Trash #114                   Robe           7/27         14
26.The Southerner #294                    Robe           7/28          4
   TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                                  395

                           The Southerner
       Official Editor - Gary Robe    Archivist - Ned Brooks
          Vol. 26, No. 5; October 2013; Whole Number 295
1.  DeepSouthCon 52/Contrails Flyer         Robe              8/2    2 
2.  Ginzer – George Inzer 1948-2013         Plott             8/4    3 
3.  The New Port News 271                   Brooks            8/12   8 
4.  Remembering Al Andrews                  Plott/Montgomery  8/12  27 
5.  Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #101  Brown             8/27   2 
6.  Peter, Pan & Merry #111                 Schlosser         9/10  12 
7.  The Typo King #20                       Jennings          9/14   8 
8.  Twigdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #141   Dengrove          9/21  27 
9.  Spiritus Mundi 257                      Lillian           9/23  14 
10.  Sporadic #21                           Plott             9/23  22 
11.  Fingertip Reality #82                  Moudry            9/23   9
12.  Frequent Flyer                         Feller            9/23   8 
13.  Oblio #207                             Brown             9/26  25 
14.  The Kobb Log #7                        Kobb              9/26  38 
15.  Trivial Pursuits #169                  Gelb              9/26  16 
16.  Hot Time in the Old Towns              Gelb              9/26  20 
17.  A Dance With Daughters #138            Copeland          9/26  30 
18.  Variations on a Theme #95              Lynch             9/26   6 
19.  Revenant #79                           Strickland        9/26   9 
20.  Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 171       Metcalf           9/26   6 
21.  Disclaimers                            weber             9/27  23 
22.  I. R. Regular                          I. Robe           9/29   6 
23.  Tennessee Trash #115                   G. Robe           9/29  22 
24.  The 2013 SFPA OE Ballot / Egoboo Poll  G. Robe           9/29   2 
25.  The Southerner #295                    G. Robe           10/1   4 
     TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                              349 

                          The Southerner
       Official Editor - Gary Robe    Archivist - Ned Brooks
          Vol. 26, No. 6; December 2013; Whole Number 296
1.  Con Confessions # 12                          Brown         10/7   5 
2.  The Typo King #22                             Jennings      10/10  6 
3.  The New Port News 272                         Brooks        11/8   8 
4.  The Emphatic Route                            Lillian       10/16 14 
5.  Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #102        Brown         10/21  2 
6.  Captain Actuary: 
     the First Statistician #19
     – 2013 SFPA Index                            Copeland      11/7   8 
7.  It Goes on the Shelf #35                      Brooks        11/8  22 
8.  Variations on a Theme #96                     Lynch         11/18 14 
9.  Peter, Pan & Merry #112                       Schlosser     11/26 12 
10.  Spiritus Mundi 258                           Lillian       11/26 16 
11.  Twigdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #142        Dengrove      11/26 28 
12.  The Kobb Log #8                              Kobb          11/26 36 
13.  Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 172             Metcalf       11/26  4 
14.  Sporadic #22                                 Plott         11/26 17 
15.  Midnight Wind #8                             Montgommery   12/2  10 
16.  Sparticus 2                                  Lillian       12/2   8 
17.  Revenant #80                                 Strickland    12/2  10 
18.  Dumbfounding Stories #17                     McDaniel      12/2  15 
19.  Trivial Pursuits #170                        Gelb          12/2  20 
20.  Very Seriously #139                          Copeland      12/2  44 
21.  Frequent Flyer                               Feller        12/3   6 
22.  Fingertip Reality #83                        Moudry        12/4   6 
23.  Oblio #208                                   Brown         12/4  24 
24.  Happy Birthday, Pop Hollinger                Brown         12/4   7 
25   If you can’t see this message,
      click here                                  weber         12/5   2 
26.  I. R. Regular                                I. Robe       12/6   2 
27.  Tennessee Trash #116                         G. Robe       12/6  20 
28.  The 2013 Egoboo Poll 
     / OE Election Results                        G. Robe       12/8   2 
29.  The Southerner #295                          G. Robe       12/10  4 
30.  The Southerner #294 – Corrected              G. Robe       12/12  4 
     TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                                376 

                                      The Southerner
    Official Editor - Gary Robe  President - Bill J. Plott  Archivist - Ned Brooks
                      Vol. 26, No. 7; January 2014; Whole Number 297 
                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.  Dear Billy, BJP, Bill…                          Plott                12/19   29
2.  The New Port News #273                          Brooks               12/31    8
3.  The Typo King #23                               Jennings             12/31   30
4.  The Typo King #23½                              Jennings             12/31   14
5.  Mere Surrender ‘13                              Lillian               1/12    3
6.  Northern Routes #1                              Moe                   1/12    6
7.  The SFPA Quote Book for 2013                    Jennings              1/19    6
8.  Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #103          Brown                 1/24    2
9.  All is Vanity                                   weber                 1/24   30
10. Sporadic 23                                     Plott                 1/24   15
11. Spiritus Mundi 259                              Lillian               1/24   21
12. Peter, Pan & Merry #113                         Schlosser             1/27   14
13. Variations on a Theme #97                       Lynch                 1/27   14
14. Twigdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #145           Dengrove              1/27   30
15. Frequent Flyer                                  Feller                1/27    6
16. Oblio #209                                      Brown                 1/30   16
17. Chiles and Chilly                               Gelb                  1/30   12
18. Trivial Pursuits #170                           Gelb                  1/30   20
19. Speed Sled Base Snow Ball #139                  Copeland              1/30   24
20. Tyndallite; Volume 4, Number 173                Metcalf               2/1     5
21. Against the Fall of the Night                   Montgomery            2/1    10
22. Fingertip Reality # 84                          Moudry                2/1     7
23. A Day at the Beach                              weber                 2/1    24
24. I. R. Regular                                   I. Robe               2/1     6
25. Tennessee Trash #116                            G. Robe               2/1    18
26. The Southerner #297                             G. Robe               2/3     4
    TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                                            374

                                    The Southerner
    Official Editor - Gary Robe  President - Bill J. Plott  Archivist - Ned Brooks
                      Vol. 26, No. 8; March 2014; Whole Number 298 
                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.  The New Port News # 274                         Brooks                2/14    8 
2.  The Noctuary #7                                 Moudry                2/19    2 
3.  The Typo King #24                               Jennings              2/25   22 
4.  Two for TAFF (frank)                            Foster                2/25    2 
5.  Northern Routes #2                              Moe                   3/7     6 
6.  Twigdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #116           Dengrove              3/20   23 
7.  Variations on a Theme #98                       Lynch                 3/20   13 
8.  Spiritus Mundi 260                              Lillian               3/21   15 
9.  The Land of Snow and Bagels                     Gelb                  3/23   10 
10.  Trivial Pursuits #172                          Gelb                  3/23   22 
11.  Sporadic 24                                    Plott                 3/24   21 
12.  Dumbfounding Stories #18                       McDaniel              3/24    6 
13.  Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores              Brown                 3/24    2 
14.  The Kobb Log #9                                Kobb                  3/24   38 
15.  Frequent Flyer                                 Feller                3/24    5 
16.  Peter, Pan & Merry #114                        Schlosser             3/24   11 
17.  “Nerd’s” Still Pretty Good                     Copeland              3/27   40 
18.  Revenant #81                                   Strickland            3/27   10 
19.  Fingertip Reality #85                          Moudry                3/27    8 
20.  Tyndallite V.4 No.174                          Metcalf               3/27    5 
21.  The Largest Elizabeth in the World             weber                 3/27   22 
22.  Don’t Fear the Reaper #10                      Montgomery            3/27    8 
23.  I.R.R.egular #4                                I. Robe               3/30    8 
24.  Tennessee Trash #118                           G. Robe               3/30   24 
25.  The Southerner #298                            G. Robe               3/30    4 
     TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                                           335 
Postmailing: SFPA 298.1
1.   No Throwing Dwarfs                             Wells                 4/1     6
     NEW TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                                       341
                                 The Southerner
    Official Editor - Gary Robe  President - Bill J. Plott  Archivist - Ned Brooks
                      Vol. 26, No. 9; May 2014; Whole Number 299

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.The Noctuary #8            Moudry         4/6               2
2.The New Port News # 275    Brooks         4/10              8
3.The Typo King #25          Jennings       4/24             24
4.Northern Routes #3         Moe            4/24              5
5.I can remember when this
  was all craters            Copeland       4/24             24
6.Uncle Lon’s Unofficial
  Box Scores                 Brown          4/26              2
7.Oblio #210                 Brown          4/26             12
8.Con Confessions #13        Brown          5/12              5
9.It’s So Cute               Weber          5/12             31
10.Tyndallite V. 4 No. 175   Metcalf        5/12              7
11.Variations on a Theme #99 Lynch          5/17             18
12.Barbecue and Bosons
   in Bristol 
   (DSC 52 One-Shot)         divers hands   5/17              5
13.DeepSouthCon 52
   Program Book              Robe           5/19             24
14.The Twelve Days of
   Regencypunk Christmas     Weber          5/20              8
15.Twigdrasil And
   Treehouse Gazette #147    Dengrove       5/20             28
16.Spiritus Mundi 261        Lillian        5/22             37
17.Time Enough for Love #10  Montgomery     5/22              8
18.Peter, Pan & Merry #115   Schlosser      5/22             13
19.Frequent Flyer            Feller         5/25              6
20.Oblio #211                Brown          5/27             21
21.…if I could hear a
    loud guitar all night…   Weber          5/27             23
22.Sporadic 25               Plott          5/27             32
23.The Kobb Log #10          Kobb           5/27             38
24.I’m Here From
    the Internet             Copeland       5/27             36
25.Trivial Pursuits #173     Gelb           5/28             20
26.Fingertip Reality #85     Moudry         5/29              8
27.Spartacus 3               Lillian        5/29             10
28.Revenant #82              Strickland     5/30              7
29.I.R.R.egular #4           I. Robe        6/1               6
30.Tennessee Trash #118      G. Robe        6/1              10
31.The Southerner #299       G. Robe        6/2               4
   PAGE COUNT                                               482

                                 The Southerner
    Official Editor - Gary Robe  President - Bill J. Plott  Archivist - Ned Brooks
                      Vol. 26, No. 10; July 2014; Whole Number 300

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

     Title                            Author        Date Received    Page Count

1. Feeding Tigers, 
        Tossing Dwarves            Dengrove/Wells       6/6                6
2. The Noctuary #9                 Moudry               6/6                2
3. A Few Southern Ancestor
    Charts for SFPA 300            Montgomery           6/6               14
4. Northern Routes #4              Moe                  6/23               6
5. The Typo King #26               Jennings             6/23              26
6. DeepSouthCon 4
    Huntsville, AL 
    8/22-24, 1966                  Montgomery           6/23              10
7. Challenger #37                  Lillian              9/23              79
8. All Along the Watchtower v.3, No.105
                                   Montgomery           6/27              12
9. Behind I Am; Need Pages I Do    weber                7/5                2
10.Dumbfounding Stories #19        McDaniel             7/7                6
11.The New Port News # 276         Brooks               7/7                8
12.Remembering Pittcon, 1960       Plott                7/15              20
13.Variations on a Theme #100      Lynch                7/15              20
14.My Back Pages                   Lynch                7/15              38
15.Diary Out Loud #2               Lynch                7/15               2
16.PANdemic                        B.Hughes             7/18               2
17.Twigdrasil And Treehouse
    Gazette #147                   Dengrove             7/18              40
18.Uncle Lon’s Unofficial
    Box Scores                     Brown                7/19               2
19.CA and KC                       Gelb                 7/20              12
20.Trivial Pursuits #174           Gelb                 7/20              25
21.Sporadic #26                    Plott                7/21              30
22.Revenant #83                    Strickland           7/21              12
23.Oblio #212                      Brown                7/21              20
24.Don't Grow Up #144              Copeland             7/21              40
25.Antlers on the Moon             Wells                7/22               2
26.Frequent Flyer                  Feller               7/23               6
     and Other Grafittos           T.K.F.Weisskopf      7/24               4
28.Peter Pan & Merry 116           Schlosser            7/24              14
29.Spiritus Mundi 262              Lillian              7/24              29
30.Fingertip Reality 87            Moudry               7/24              11
31.Tyndallite 176                  Metcalf              7/25               7
32.I.R.R.egular 6                  I. Robe              7/25               3
33.Tennessee Trash 120             G. Robe              7/25              10
34.The Southerner 300              G. Robe              7/30               4
   TOTAL PAGE COUNT                                                      529

                                       The Southerner
    Official Editor - Gary Robe   President - Bill J. Plott  Archivist - Ned Brooks
                      Vol. 26, No. 11; September 2014; Whole Number 301

       Title                               Author            Date Mailed          Page Count

1. The New Port News # 277                 Brooks               8/10                  8
2. Meanwhile on the Yellow Submarine       Moe                  8/13                  2
3. The Typo King #27                       Jennings             9/2                  22
4. The Official Editors…of SFPA, 
                      Mailings 1-300       Lillian              9/3                  16
5. Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores       Brown                9/6                   2
6. Sparticus #4                            Lillian              9/10                 10
7. Variations on a Theme #101              R. Lynch             9/11                 16
8. Hey Mrs. Peel                           weber                9/11                 28
9. Spiritus Mundi 263                      Lillian              9/15                 19
10.Peter, Pan & Merry #116                 Schlosser            9/16                 13
11.Sporadic #27                            Plott                9/19                 26
12.The SFPA Tricentpublicational Index*    Copeland             9/19                 12
13.The Campaign Tentacle #2                Moudry               9/19                  1
14.Oblio #213                              Brown                9/22                 30
15.Tyndallite V.4 No.177                   Metcalf              9/19                  6
16.Twigdrasil And Treehouse Gazette #147   Dengrove             9/22                 36
17.All Along the Watchtower Vol.3 #106     Montgomery           9/22                  5
18.Sex Organs of Flora                     Copeland             9/22                 28
19.Frequent Flyer                          Feller               9/22                  6
20.Castles and Cons                        Gelb                 9/23                 22
21.Trivial Pursuits #175                   Gelb                 9/23                 26
22.Fingertip Reality #88                   Moudry               9/24                  9
23.IRRegular #7                            I. Robe              9/26                  7
24.Tennessee Trash #121                    G. Robe              9/26                 36
25.2014 SFPA Egoboo and OE Election Ballot G. Robe              10/6                  4
26.The Southerner #301                     G. Robe              10/6                  4
    Mailing Page Count                                                              394

                                   The Southerner
    Official Editor - Gary Robe  President - Bill J. Plott  Archivist - Ned Brooks
                      Vol. 26, No. 12; November 2014; Whole Number 302

    Title                               Author        Date Recieved              Page Count

1. The Noctuary #10                     Moudry            10/13                      2
2. It Goes on the Shelf #36             Brooks            10/13                     22 
3. Catching Up With Friends             Copeland          10/14                     16 
4. Robert Jenning’s 2014:
   a statistics odyssey                 Copeland          10/14                      8 
5. Sasquan – The 73rd 
   World Science Fiction Convention     (Frank)Lillian    10/18                      4 
6. The New Port News # 278              Brooks            10/20                      8 
7. Northern Routes #5                   Moe               10/25                      1 
8. The Typo King #28   MISSING          Jennings          11/04                     26 
9. Tyndallite V.4 No. 177               Metcalf           11/07                      6 
10.Spartacus #5                         Lillian           11/14                     14 
11.Uncle Lon’s Unofficial
   Box Scores #301                      Brown             11/20                      2 
12.Spiritus Mundi 264                   Lillian           11/20                     15 
13.Peter, Pan & Merry #118              Schlosser         11/20                     10 
14.Variations on a Theme #102           R. Lynch          11/20                     12 
   And Treehouse Gazette #147           Dengrove          11/21                     30 
16.All Along the Watchtower, v.3 #107   Montgomery        11/26                     10 
17.Frequent Flyer                       Feller            12/2                       6 
18.Trivial Pursuits #176                Gelb              12/4                      18 
19.Revenant #84                         Strickland        12/5                       6 
20.Measure Your Unexploded Bomb Risk    Copeland          12/5                      32 
21.Sporadic #28                         Plott             12/5                      24 
22.Oops! Did It Again                   weber             12/5                       2 
23.Fingertip Reality #89                Moudry            12/5                      10 
24.Tennessee Trash #122                 G.Robe            12/8                       8 
25.Oblio #214                           Brown             12/8                      34 
26.The 2014 OElection 
        and Egoboo Poll Results         G.Robe            12/18                      2 
27.The Southerner #302                  G.Robe            12/19                      4 
   Total Page Count                                                                332

                                    The Southerner
                 Official Editor - Joe Moudry        President - Guy Lillian  
                 Emergency Officer - Bill Plott       Archivist - Ned Brooks
                      Vol. 27, No. 1; January 2015; Whole Number 303

1.  The New Port News #279                      Brooks            2015.01.05    8
2.  Schmear Oleander '14                        Lillian           2015.01.05    4
3.  Sidney the Crooked Parrot                   Wells             2015.01.08    4
4.  Southwest Saunter                           Gelb              2015.01.11   14 
5.  The SFPA Quote Book for 2014 
           (n.b.: 2015 on cover)                Jennings          2015.01.15    5
6.  The Typo King #29                           Jennings          2015.01.15   24 
7.  The Journal of Hyperbolic
              Procrastination #3                Moudry            2015.01.19   10
8.  Uncle Lon’s Unofficial Box Scores #109      Brown             2015.01.20    2
9.  Tyndallite Vol.4 #179                       Metcalf           2015.01.22    5
10. All Along the Watchtower #108               Montgomery        2015.01.23    8 
11. Trivial Pursuits #177                       Gelb              2015.01.25   17
12. Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #150       Dengrove          2015.01.26   30
13. Variations on a Theme #103                  Lynch             2015.01.26   13 
14. Peter, Pan & Merry #119                     Schlosser         2015.01.26   14
15. Spartacus no. 6                             Lillian           2015.01.26   10
16. Spiritus Mundi 265                          Lillian           2015.01.26   15
17. Sporadic 29                                 Plott             2015.01.27   11 
18. Fingertip Reality #90                       Moudry            2015.01.27   14
19. ROM                                         Feller            2015.01.27    4
20. my mind’s got a mind of its own             weber             2015.01.27    6
21. It’s not always black and white             Copeland          2015.01.28   36 
22. Revenant #85                                Strickland        2015.01.28    7
23. The Pie in the Face in the Abyss #1         Tesser & Wells    2015.01.29   17
24. Oblio No. 215                               Brown             2015.01.30   16 
25. Tennessee Trash #123                        G.Robe            2015.01.31   16
26. The Southerner #303                         jŒ                2015.01.31    4 

                                      Total for Mailing 303                   314

                                          The Southerner
                 Official Editor - Joe Moudry        President - Guy Lillian  
                 Emergency Officer - Bill Plott       Archivist - Ned Brooks
                      Vol. 27, No. 2; March 2015; Whole Number 304

 1.   The New Port News 280               Brooks        2015.02.14      8
 2.   The Typo King #30                   Jennings      2015.02.16      6
 3.   The S.F.P.A. News & Views
         August issue                     Jennings      2015.02.16      4
 4.   Spiritus Mundi 266                  Lillian       2015.02.28     21
 5.   Tyndallite V4 #180                  Metcalf       2015.03.12      6
 6.   Variations on a Theme #104          Lynch         2015.03.12     12
 7.   The Magic Bus                       weber         2015.03.18      2
 8.   Fuzzy Bunny Slippers of Authority	  weber         2015.03.18     32
 9.   All Along the Watchtower #109       Montgomery    2015.03.20      8
10.   Spartacus #7                        Lillian	2015.03.20     10
11.   Peter, Pan & Merry #120             Schlosser     2015.03.21     10
12.   Uncle Lon’s 
         Unofficial Box Scores #110       Brown         2015.03.23      2
13.   ROM                                 Feller        2015.03.23      6
14.   Snowmageddon                        Gelb          2015.03.23     12
15.   Sporadic 30                         Plott         2015.03.25     28
16.   Fingertip Reality #91               Moudry        2015.03.25     12
17.   Trivial Pursuits #178               Gelb          2015.03.25     19
18.   Revenant #86                        Strickland    2015.03.26      4
19.   The Other Is a Dalek                Copeland      2015.03.26     40
20.   Oblio no. 216                       Brown         2015.03.26     16
21.   Twygdrasil & Treehouse Gazette #154 Dengrove      2015.03.26     25
22.   Tennessee Trash #124                G. Robe       2015.03.28      8
23.   I.R.R.egular #8                     I. Robe       2015.03.28      4
24.   Не Волнуйся Мама (Ничего Не Будет Хорошо)
                                          weber         2015.03.28     26
25.   The Southerner #304                 jŒ            2015.03.30      2
      Total for Mailing 304:                                          323

                              The Southerner
             Official Editor - Joe Moudry   President - Guy Lillian  
             Emergency Officer - Bill Plott  Archivist - Ned Brooks
                 Vol. 27, No. 3; May 2015; Whole Number 305

                Title           SFPAn   Date

 1.  The New Port News 281      Brooks          2015.04.10       8
 2.  The Typo King #31          Jennings        2015.04.13      16
 3.  The S.F.P.A. News & Views
           October issue        Jennings        2015.04.13       9
 4.  The Typo King #31½         Jennings        2015.04.23       8
 5.  Uncle Lon’s Unofficial
        Box Scores #111         Brown           2015.04.24       2
 6.  Con Confessions
     issue number 14            Brown           2015.04.27       7
 7.  CONtraflow 5               Strickland      2015.05.02       1
     Deep South Con 53           [frank]
 8.  Peter, Pan & Merry #121    Schlosser       2015.05.12      10
 9.  Jewels and Binoculars #25  McGovern        2015.05.12      14
10.  Trivial Pursuits #179      Gelb            2015.05.13      23
11.  The Noctuary #11           Moudry          2015.05.17       2
12.  Variations on a Theme #105	Lynch           2015.05.18      10
13.  Sporadic 31                Plott           2015.05.20      34
14.  Tyndallite V4 #181         Metcalf         2015.05.20       7
15.  Spiritus Mundi 267         Lillian         2015.05.22      15
16.  Twygdrasil and Treehouse
         Gazette #152           Dengrove        2015.05.22      24
17.  Fingertip Reality 92       Moudry          2015.05.24      12
18.  Spartacus #8               Lillian         2015.05.25      12
19.  All Along the Watchtower
             #110               Montgomery      2015.05.25       6
20.  ROM                        Feller          2015.05.26       6
21.  madness is all in the mind weber           2015.05.27      24
22.  The Son of Watermelon      Copeland        2015.05.28      32
23.  Revenant #87               Strickland      2015.05.29       9
24.  High School Reunion
        Confession              Brown           2015.05.29       7
25.  Oblio no. 217              Brown           2015.05.29      14
26.  Tennessee Trash #125       G. Robe         2015.05.30      18
27.  I.R.R.egular #9            I. Robe         2015.05.30       6
28.  Sabre Dance                weber           2015.05.30      24
29.  The Southerner #305        jŒ              2015.05.31       2
     Total for Mailing 305:                                    362

                               The Southerner
             Official Editor - Joe Moudry   President - Guy Lillian  
             Emergency Officer - Bill Plott  Archivist - Ned Brooks
                 Vol. 27, No. 4; July 2015; Whole Number 306

 1.  Waterloo Sunset                  weber       2015.06.11         24
 2.  New Port News #282	              Brooks      2015.06.15          8
 3.  Challenger #39 
     (Special SFPA edition)           Lillian     2015.06.22         24
 4.  The Typo King #33                Jennings    2015.07.10         22
 5.  To the Cosmosphere!              Gelb        2015.07.14         14
 6.  The Noctuary #12                 Moudry      2015.07.15          2
 7.  Spartacus #9                     Lillian     2015.07.17         12
 8.  Jewels and Binoculars #26        McGovern    2015.07.17         13
 9.  All Along the Watchtower #111    Montgomery  2015.07.18         10
10.  Spiritus Mundi 268               Lillian     2015.07.18         15
11.  Peter, Pan & Merry #122          Schlosser   2015.07.23         14
12.  Twygdrasil and 
     Treehouse Gazette #153           Dengrove    2015.07.23         35
13.  Variations on a Theme #106       Lynch       2015.07.23         13
14.  bathwater                        weber       2015.07.23          2
15.  Tyndallite V4 #182               Metcalf     2015.07.27          4
16.  ROM                              Feller      2015.07.27          6
17.  To Dance Beneath the Diamond Sky weber       2015.07.27         26
18.  Trivial Pursuits #180            Gelb        2015.07.27         25
19.  Velociraptor-Free Workplace      Copeland    2015.07.29         28
20.  Fingertip Reality 93             Moudry      2015.07.30          8
21.  Sporadic 32                      Plott       2015.07.31         28
22.  Uncle Lon’s 
     Unofficial Box Scores #112       Brown       2015.07.31          2
23.  Oblio No. 218                    Brown       2015.07.31         12
24.  Revenant #88                     Strickland  2015.07.31         10
25.  I.R.R.egular #10                 I. Robe     2015.08.01          4
26.  Tennessee Trash #126             G. Robe     2015.08.01         12
27.  The Southerner #306              jŒ          2015.08.03          4
     Total for Mailing 306:                                         377

On October 26 2011, the following duplicate SFPA mailings were donated to the "southern apazine" archive at the Georgia Institute of Technology:

From Stven Carlberg: #75, 95, 96, 99, 101, 102, 108-114, 116, 120-123, 125, 126-134, 141, 146, 147, 150, 151, 155-157, 159, 160

From A Nony Mouse (meaning that I forgot make a note of it): 258-262, 268-273

From Richard Dengrove: #274-277, 279

Cuyler W Brooks Jr
4817 Dean Lane
Lilburn GA 30047

Ned Brooks

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