
The 53rd World Science Fiction Convention

Programme Questionaire

August 24-28 1995,

Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow, Scotland.

[This has been transcribed from the paper questionnaire. You will probably want to print out this page so that you can write your answers in and return it to us. Sometime in the future this will be made into an interactive form for automatic replies.]

The '95 Worldcon in Scotland plans to be Intersection by name and Intersection by nature. The convention's themes are "The Gathering of the Flannish Clans" and "Space and Time", and much of the progr amme will be about the way different genres and forms affect each other, but we'll be making sure that each stream has interesting items of its own. As such we are interested in your ideas. We are planning to use this questionnaire as a way of getting new and popular items to include in the programme. THIS FORM IS NOT AN INVITATION TO ATTEND AS A PAID GUEST. Unfortunately our budget does not all ow for this. Participants other than the Guests of Honour, Guest Artist, and Toast Mr and Mrs will be drawn from the membership, those people who have paid their registration fee and are attending the convention. We are planning to make this a varied and packed programme and need your help to tailor it to your interests.

After this first form we will send a more detailed follow up letter to those people who have volunteered ideas and services. We would be most grateful is you would complete (in Block letters if you are writing on paper) and return this form as soon as possible. There will be some constraints on what we are able to do such as legal restraints, finances, resources, and time so please do not be off ended if your ideas / suggestions are not used. We will be most grateful for any ideas or information we receive.

Areas of Interest:

There are various strands to the Intersection Programme structure. Although the Programme will often fall bertween these boundaries we still want to know your fellings about the strands themselves. Please denote your particular areas of interest; Go on, tick more than one, they might even intersect!


  1. Prepared to do a solo item
  2. Happy to organise something
  3. Like to take part in
  4. Might well attend
  5. Don't really care about
  6. Will avoid like the plague


If we could provide you with an internet connection at the convention would you use it to:-

Your Internet Expertise:-

And now - the bit you've been waiting for... Your chance to tell us what you really want (and what you really don't want).

1) I've Got An Idea...









2) I Want To See...

(Please include your suggestions on details, participants and any other relevant information)








3) It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know...

(If you are friends with or have contacts with people who can help with information, exhibits, programme items, publicity, etc., and you think we should know about them then please help by putting us into contact with them. Please obtain permission first where this is necessary.)








4) If I Can Help...

(We always need help with participants, but also with stewards, technical helpers, etc. While experience is a bonus, everyone starts out at the beginning so don't feel excluded from volunteering. It's a great way to meet people. Please drop us details if you haven't already filled out a volunteers form.)








5) My Favourite Bits Are...








6) My Pet Hates Are...








7) I Always Get Bored At...

(Please mention any times that you find a lack of things to do, such as evenings etc.)








Don't be afraid to give too much information, or cover more than one aspect of the programme. We'll be happy to look at suggestions, however odd or bizarre they may seem.


Intersection Contact Details:


Admail 336,
Phone/Fax +44 181 522 1995

USA and Canada:

PO Box 15430,
Washington DC,
Phone/Fax: +1 301 345 5186


This file has been htmlised by Alex McLintock - 7 January 1995. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome - please email me at