c98-001.jpeg[24KB] Comics Jam |
c98-002.jpeg[40KB] Dealers Room |
c98-003.jpeg[48KB] Jean-Pierre Normand and Forrest J. Ackerman in the dealers' room |
c98-004.jpeg[26KB] Forrest J. Ackerman |
c98-005.jpeg[37KB] Larry Stewart acceptence speech, Aurora Award Ceremony. |
c98-006.jpeg[32KB] Aurora Awards left Jean-Pierre Normand, illustration, right Jean-Pierre Guillet, best novel in French |
c98e001.jpeg[47KB] Original first edition of Jules Verne's Mysterious Island in French, Art Show |
c98m001.jpeg[24KB] Masquerade |
c98m002.jpeg[30KB] Hawkwoman |
c98m003.jpeg[27KB] Media Costumes by Krikor Adjemian on the right |