DeepSouthCon started in 1963 and has been held every year since. I was at the 1965 DeepSouthCon III. The previous two I'm told had only a handful of attendees. And I was at every one after than until sometime in the new millennium when I quit going to cons. DeepSouthCon started as a creation of the members of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance (SFPA), an apa that started in 1961 and is still going at Mailing 270. It was always a rather conventional convention.... Guests of Honor, three awards (the Phoenix for pros, the Rebel for fans, and the Rubble as a friendly insult), a dealer's room, costumes, sometimes a banquet. Some of the members were also in the Society for Creative Anachronism and gave thud and blunder demonstrations. Another tradition was a series of Hearts games for the Championship of the Known Universe.
DSC was always held in a difereent city (or resort) in the south - the next site voted on by the attendees after a bid by candidates. At some point, as the convention became larger, it became necessary to vote two years in advance. The convention has been held in Atlanta, Birmingham, Huntsville, Knoxville, Jekyll Island (GA), New Orleans, Jackson (MS), Memphis, Nashville - I haven't been to the latest and may have missed some locales. There was a period when it was held the weekend before Worldcon - in 1969 it was in Knoxville and many of the fans went on to StLouisCon.
– Ned Brooks
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