Eastercon 2007 - April 6th to 9th - Chester UK
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Programme v5.0 - April 2nd
Panellists and Moderators - how does it all work?
Kings Fri 14:30 - 15:30A guide to being a panellist or a moderator, especially if you're new to this sort of thing. Explains the difference between the roles, and what Green Room's for.
John Richards, Fran Dowd
Beginner's Guide to Eastercon
Roodee Fri 14:30 - 15:30New to this sort of thing? Come along and talk to some Eastercon attenders old and new about what you can expect.
The Magician, John Coxon, Flick
Kings Fri 15:30 - 16:30Stand up on stage and say welcome to the con. Accepted wisdom is that this gives those who are not familiar with things a chance to identify the committee and thus know who to avoid and to whom to suck up. Swiftly followed by the Black versus White mixer games.
Fran Dowd, Hayley, Steve, John Dowd, Official Cuddly Toy, Chris, Jim de Liscard, Meike, Jess, The Magician
Greek Theatre
Charles 1 Fri 17:00 - 18:30Tony Keen repeats his audience participation introduction to the conventions of Greek drama. Only this time the bits from Comedy will be Funny.
Tony Keen
Climate change - fans and carbon footprints
Roodee Fri 17:00 - 18:30What can we do as a community do to reduce our carbon footprint? Should we consider offsetting funds to match air travel for the fan funds, for example? Or are we just kowtowing to the latest puritan fad?
Judith Proctor, Dave Clements, Charles Stross, Pat McMurray
Trailer Park
Christleton Fri 17:00 - 18:30A collection of trailers for films, TV, games, software, music - whatever we can find that's going to be aimed at you in the next year.
Hayley, John Richards
Not The Oscars
Charles 1 Fri 18:30 - 20:00The Oscars list this year isn't big on SF - what should have been in there?
Lilian Edwards, Dave Hicks, Nick Gibbins, Andrew Ducker, Zara Baxter
What makes a good book review?
Edward 1 Fri 18:30 - 20:00What makes a good book review? Do you read book reviews? Do you take any notice of them? Do writers and publishers take notice of them? Do they serve the reader, the industry, or no one at all? Do you give a flying squid?
Penny Hill, Niall Harrison, John Jarrold, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Paul Raven a.k.a. Armchair Anarchist
Play Rehearsal (1)
Roodee Fri 18:30 - 20:00<blank>
David Wake
Bug's Taff Trip
Christleton Fri 18:30 - 20:00Bug presents a slideshow report of her TAFF trip last year.
Bridget Bradshaw
Book Launch - Anne Sudworth
Malpas Fri 19:30 - 20:30The Art Show officially opens with Anne Sudworth's book launch.
Anne Sudworth
The Great Clomping Foot of Nerdism
Charles 1 Fri 20:00 - 21:00M John Harrison sparked debate with his statement that "Every moment of a science fiction story must represent the triumph of writing over worldbuilding", that "...worldbuilding is not technically neccessary. It is the great clomping foot of nerdism. It is the attempt to exhaustively survey a place that isn’t there. A good writer would never try to do that, even with a place that is there."
Farah, Graham Sleight, Tanya Brown, John Richards, Richard Morgan
Superscience in the Victorian era
Edward 1 Fri 20:00 - 21:00How did contemporary SF handle the explosion in science and technology in the 19th century, and how has it been portrayed since?
SMS, Marcus Rowland, dave lally, Nikkums
Conrunning 101
Roodee Fri 20:00 - 21:00Want to get into conrunning? Don't know where to start?
Martin Hoare, Hayley, Simon Bradshaw, Mad Elf, Chris
Pub Quiz
Charles 1 Fri 21:00 - 22:00Get your teams together!
Marcus Streets
Continuity of Identity
Edward 1 Fri 21:00 - 22:00Questions about continuity of identity have long intrigued philosophers and psychologists, but they have a habit of cropping up in SF too. Is The Doctor still the same Doctor after a regeneration? Is an uploaded mind the same person as its flesh-and-blood predecessor, or just a really good copy? And is a Star Fleet transporter room more like a bus depot – or an execution chamber?
Richard Morgan, Charles Stross, Chris Beckett, Colin Gavaghan, Fran Dowd
Roodee Fri 21:00 - 22:00Technology has changed the way we interact with Art. Some changes are obvious (CGI film effects, opera surtitles, Ipods) some we hardly notice (theatre sound and lighting, comic strips). The panel discusses the impact of technology on art in the real world and speculates on possible art forms of the future.
Steve Davies, Colin Fine, Clare Goodall, Dave Clements
Gytha North Memorial Drunken Rabble Pick Play or Pass Filking Event
Christleton Fri 21:00 - 22:00Gytha North was a multi-talented and inspirational fan, who sadly passed away since the last Eastercon. Please drop in and join in a rousing chorus to her memory.
Life on Mars - wtf?
Charles 1 Fri 22:00 - 23:00Series Two is ending, and there will definitely be a resolution. But what will it be? and more importantly, when will they show it?
Simon Bradshaw, Lilian Edwards, Wendy Bradley, DC
Current SF - a Fireside Chat
Edward 1 Fri 22:00 - 23:00Paul Cornell, author and scriptwriter, chats with Dave Bradley, editor of SFX, about the current world of SF.
Paul Cornell, Dave Bradley
X-Factor SF
Roodee Fri 22:00 - 23:00Got a piece of sf or fantasy writing you think has the X-Factor? bring it along and read a few lines for our judges to criticise. The audience will vote on the finalists …
Vincent Docherty, Tanya Brown, Nick Mills, Alice Lawson
Web 2.0
Christleton Fri 22:00 - 23:00Is this just the latest in a series of buzzwords, and just as meaningless? Or is it actually an important change in the way in which we are going to use the Internet in the future? This session looks at the phenomena of Web 2.0 and cuts to the heart of the matter, with an overview and suggestions of resources you can use to actively change the way in which you use the Internet. Forever.
Phil Bradley
I'm Sorry I Haven't an SF-ing Clue
Roodee Fri 23:00 - 00:00The fannish version of the Radio 4 panel game.
Simon Bradshaw, Dougs, Ian Sorensen, Flick, Tony Keen, Mike Scott
Shooting Chester
Outside Sat 08:45 - 10:00Anyone who wants to come 'Shooting Chester' with Sue Jones, should please be at the main hotel entrance at 8:45 am sharp, with their cameras charged and loaded.
Not quite sure where we'll go -- probably up to the cathdral and back if fine and into the market hall if wet. We will return to the hotel by ten. (If people want to leave the group and wander off, that's fine. Non-photographic hangers-on are welcome provided they don't get bored. I am aiming for 'interesting picture' stuff rather than tourist snaps. Also, if you want to go INTO the cathedral, please note that there is an admission fee.
Sue Jones
Morning Feedback
Roodee Sat 09:00 - 10:00Anything going wrong for you? If it's something the hotel, Ops or Registration can't handle, come and tell us.
Fran Dowd, The Magician
Kids TV
Christleton Sat 09:00 - 11:00for details of all video programme, please see the separate guide in your pack
What Does This Knob Do?
Charles 1 Sat 10:00 - 11:00What Does This Knob Do? How to run a sounddesk.
Nolley, Clare Goodall
Climate Change - planning our environment
Edward 1 Sat 10:00 - 11:00Can we design our living environment to reduce the effects of climate change? and should we try?
Peter Harrow, Judith Proctor, Peter Westhead, Nikkums, John Dallman
Roodee Sat 10:00 - 11:00read the best bits out of today's papers, discuss the programme for the day, yesterday's restaurant and shopping finds - generally get yourself geared up to face the day
John Richards
Space - Inge Heyer
Charles 1 Sat 11:00 - 12:00Inge spoke at Novacon 2001, and at Worldcon 2005, on the Hubble.
Inge Heyer
These Are Not the Tits You're Looking For
Edward 1 Sat 11:00 - 12:00A follow-on item from Concussion last year, discussing fandom as a safe space for any sex or gender, what to do about inappropriate behaviour.
Liz Batty, James, Simon Bradshaw, Fran Dowd, Claire Brialey
Flash Fiction Workshop 1
Roodee Sat 11:00 - 12:00This workshop won't tell you how to write, what to write, or anything at all about writing. It'll just get you to do it. No experience required, just bring a pen and some paper (or a laptop if you really must, but we can't be responsible for providing power for everyone).
Kate Bodley
Video Block (1)
Christleton Sat 11:00 - 14:00for details of all video programme, please see the separate guide in your pack
Eastercon Identity
Charles 1 Sat 12:00 - 13:30Over the last couple of years there's been a lot of discussion about what Eastercon is and should be. A moderated discussion where everyone can contribute.
Judith Proctor, James, Greg Pickersgill, Vincent Docherty, Peter
BSFA Awards Taster
Edward 1 Sat 12:00 - 13:30Readings by the authors (or their chosen readers), from the BSFA novels shortlist. Just in case you haven't got around to reading them all yet.
Ian Snell, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Jo Fletcher, GOLLANCZ, Liz Williams, Farah
Play Rehearsal (2)
Roodee Sat 12:00 - 13:30<blank>
David Wake
George Hay Lecture: The Braintrix
Kings Sat 14:00 - 15:00by Dr Guillaume Thierry. "I will demonstrate that what we take for "reality" is nothing other than an illusion constructed by our brain. Based on a series of visual illusions, considerations on animal peception and review of patients with brain lesions, I will show how the world in which we live is a mental representation which can be decieved and distorted. The immediate philosophical and fictional consequences of this scientific fact will be considered in closing."
Dr Guillaume Thierry, Simon Bradshaw
LJ isn't just a blog
Roodee Sat 14:00 - 15:00How do you use LJ - is it a diary, or is it now standing in for emails, phone calls, is it the first thing you think of to get in touch with an individual or a group? With personal emails so often caught in spam filters, is this method now more reliable? If you haven't got one - why not?
Max, Lilian Edwards, James
Universal Donor
Kings Sat 15:00 - 16:30Is it time for science fiction to stop bleeding? Other genres - fantasy, technothriller, historical - have been recently reinvigorated by taking a science-fictional approach: the New Weird in fantasy, the recent work of (e.g.) Greg Bear, the resurgence of alternate history and time travel. Authors identified with SF have 'bled' towards the mainstream or other genres. Science fiction has become the default multimedia landscape. Is SF making a blood donation - or bleeding to death?
Freda Warrington, Ian Watson, Jo Fletcher, GOLLANCZ, Paul Cornell, Graham Sleight
Komodo Dragons
Roodee Sat 15:00 - 16:30Kevin Buley, Curator of Lower Vertebrates & Invertebrates, on Komodo Dragons, the recent hatchings and conservation at Chester Zoo generally.
Kevin Buley, Peter Harrow
An Inconvenient Truth
Christleton Sat 15:00 - 16:30Film showing: Former Vice President Al Gore presents a compelling look at the state of global warming in the fascinating and startling documentary AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH.
Fran Dowd
Un-American Futures
Kings Sat 16:30 - 18:00SF has traditionally had a white western bias, in literature and in the fanbase. That's changing rapidly. British SF has been described as "the most dynamic movement in global science fiction of the past decade and arguably one of the most important forces in world culture during that period" - why us and not the Americans?
Charles Stross, Conor Kostick, Ian McDonald, John Richards, Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Belly Dancing Workshop
Roodee Sat 16:30 - 18:00Anyone welcome, male or female, no audience, you come, you dance, wear loose comfortable clothing, hippy skirts are groovy and scarves for round your hips, but t-shirt and jeans will do at a pinch.
Sue Mason
Urban Exploring
Christleton Sat 16:30 - 18:00What is ‘urban exploring’? It’s the art of spending time in abandoned buildings, be they industrial, commercial, medical, military, educational – in fact, any building that isn’t being used any longer. This programme item will look at how you go about it, where to do, what to do and what not to do and so on, with some photographs of Phil and Jill’s explorations – including an insane asylum.
Phil Bradley, Jill Bradley
Battle of the Butlers
Roodee Sat 18:00 - 19:00The great butlers, gentlemen's gentlemen, valets - the balloon is overloaded, who will be first to dive to their doom? And last to remain?
Malcolm Davies, Fran Dowd, Peter Harrow, KEN SHINN, Steve, Michael Abbott
Dr Who (probably)
Kings Sat 19:00 - 20:00<blank>
The Magician
Transitional Comics
Roodee Sat 20:00 - 21:00The panel looks at the changing face of graphic novels, and argues the case for their current favourites.
James, Tony Keen, Richard Morgan, Michael Abbott
Mine Your Own Business
Christleton Sat 20:00 - 22:00Film - Mine Your Own Business: A Documentary About the Dark Side of Environmentalism, produced by filmmakers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney, which investigates controversial proposed mining projects in impoverished villages. Their main focus in the film is the village of Rosia Montana in Romania. There, McAleer and McElhinney interview western environmentalists who oppose the project as well as the local people that are in favour of the project. The movie portrays western environmentalists as wealthy elites who are working counter to the interests of the local people
Fran Dowd
BSFA Awards
Kings Sat 21:00 - 22:00Presentation of the BSFA Awards.
Ian Snell, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Ian McDonald, Liz Williams, John Jarrold
Teledu Challenge
Roodee Sat 21:00 - 22:00The Bible, vomit, great works of art, SF and sex. All these and many more are subjects in the Teledu Challenge, an exercise in Creative Stupidity. Take part, act fast, think sideways and you may just win the Teledu Crown!
Jim de Liscard, Meike, Chris, Jess
karaoke Disco
Kings Sat 22:00 - 01:00Celebrate the end of Life on Mars with a retro 70s karaoke disco
bad people bad sex bad wolf
Roodee Sat 22:00 - 23:00Torchwood billed itself as "adult", was it? what actually made it so? Why is Stargate on at 8 pm and Battlestar Galactica at 9? What does "adult" really mean?
Dougs, Kari, Penny Hill, John Richards, Deborah J. Miller
Filking Time (1)
Christleton Sat 22:00 - 01:00Bring your instruments and voices for informal filking.
Blake's 7 Wobblevision
Unallocated Sat 22:00 - 00:00There will be a Blake's 7 Wobblevision event, meet in the convention bar.
Steve Rogerson
First Fumblings
Roodee Sat 23:00 - 00:00What is this slash stuff anyway?
Dougs, Serena Culfeather, Fran Dowd, Elanor
Songs of Praise
Kings Sun 09:00 - 10:00If you'd rather stay in the con than go to church, or just feel nostalgic for primary school assemblies, come and join in. Musicians and lead singers especially welcome.
Morning Feedback (2)
Roodee Sun 09:00 - 10:00Anything going wrong for you? If it's something the hotel, Ops or Registration can't handle, come and tell us.
Fran Dowd, The Magician
Kids TV
Christleton Sun 09:00 - 10:00for details of all video programme, please see the separate guide in your pack
Kings Sun 10:00 - 11:00Not the real thing, but as close as we could get! Martin Hoare covers the basic types of fireworks and what they do, dipping a toe in the water about chemistry and construction and how to put together and fire a display without blowing up Griff Rhys Jones (as seen on BBC2).
Martin Hoare
Easter Bonnet Parade
Roodee Sun 10:00 - 11:00Bring along your Easter Bonnets, prizes for the best - there are no limitations on design other than the general convention and hotel policies on weapons, explosives, and general public health and safety. There will be prizes, including vouchers from The Hat Company shop in Chester who are kindly sponsoring this event.
Alice Lawson, SMS, Margaret Austin
Archers - listen-in and panel
Christleton Sun 10:00 - 12:00Listen to the Archers omnibus edition, and discuss …
Peter Harrow
Is UK SF publishing overly masculine?
Kings Sun 11:00 - 12:00"I hear that a number of women writers have felt that the atmosphere in the UK is very hard science, hard men at present -- not that all the editors of male or whatever, but that the culture seems to be be for quite macho type books." True?
Jaine Fenn, Liz Williams, Graham Sleight, Jo Fletcher, GOLLANCZ, John Richards, Gareth L. Powell
Local fan groups
Roodee Sun 11:00 - 12:00Do you run or want to start a local fan group? Some people who already do so talk about their experiences and swap ideas.
Mark Young, ½r, Fran Dowd, DC
Bid Session
Kings Sun 12:00 - 13:30Your chance to elect the Eastercon for 2009.
John Richards, John Dowd, Steve, James, Judith Proctor, Alice Lawson, Peter Harrow
Play Rehearsal (3)
Roodee Sun 12:00 - 13:00<blank>
David Wake
Video Block (2)
Christleton Sun 12:00 - 18:30for details of all video programme, please see the separate guide in your pack
Library Cataloguing
Roodee Sun 13:00 - 14:00Library Thing, Delicious Library, specialist software, what else is out there to help you?
Fran Dowd, Rae Streets, Hayley, Nick Mills
Walking Roman Chester
Outside Sun 13:00 - 15:00In a moment of seriousness, Tony Keen leads a walk around the sites of Roman Chester. Numbers limited to 25, you can sign up at Registration.
Tony Keen
George Hay spinoff
Charles 1 Sun 14:00 - 15:30A discussion of the issues raised in the George Hay lecture yesterday, and how they relate to SF
Simon Bradshaw
Art Auction
Edward 1 Sun 14:00 - 17:00Now that you've seen what's on offer in the Art Show, this is your opportunity to fight for it! If you want to know how the Auction works, please go and talk to the Art Show staff who will explain the process.
John Harold
Adamist or Edenist?
Roodee Sun 14:00 - 15:30Biotech vs nanotech as applied to humans -- is there a difference? How have different writers, from Bruce Sterling to Justina Robson to Peter Hamilton to Peter Watts, explored the difference? Where is the line, and which side of it would you be on?
Richard Morgan, Nikkums, Peter Harrow, Paul Raven a.k.a. Armchair Anarchist
Post-BSFA awards discussion
Charles 1 Sun 15:30 - 17:00The panel look at the results of yesterday's vote.
Chris Hill, Kari, Liz Batty, Martin McGrath
But That's Not SF!
Roodee Sun 15:30 - 17:00What's SF really? What's not SF that we think we should claim?
Phil Nansen, John Richards, Julia Daly, John Dallman, dave lally
Military - reality vs fiction
Charles 1 Sun 17:00 - 18:30Digicams and email bring modern soldiers' views of war right onto our computer screens. How do their experiences compare with sf's depictions of future conflict?
Richard Morgan, Martin Easterbrook, Simon Bradshaw, Charles Stross
Edward 1 Sun 17:00 - 18:30There are many conventional images of artists (in whatever medium they work). For example, there is the iconoclast, the rebel, the self-absorbed and so on. To what extent are these archtypes reflected in SF and fantasy? Are there different archetypes that are unique to these genres?
Peter Wareham, Michael Abbott, Paul Dormer, Deirdre Counihan
Paper Doll Masquerade
Roodee Sun 17:00 - 18:30In your PR there was a paper doll for you to dress, in whatever way took your fancy. Here's your opportunity to show off your work, and to be judged by your peers.
Sue Mason, Alice Lawson, Flick, James Steel
Play Setup
Charles 1 Sun 18:30 - 20:00<blank>
David Wake
Not the Clarke Awards
Edward 1 Sun 18:30 - 20:00A discussion of the 2006 Clarke shortlist.
Caroline Mullan, Claire Brialey, Farah, Iain Emsley, Tony Cullen
What would you like to see at Orbital?
Roodee Sun 18:30 - 20:00Come along with programme suggestions for next year's Eastercon.
Steve Rogerson, Mark Young
Battlestar Galactica Season 3 summary
Christleton Sun 18:30 - 20:00If you've been diddled by Virgin, and want to be informed for the Politics and Ethics in Battlestar Galactica panel tomorrow, why not come along for an overview of Season 3?
John Richards
Politics and Ethics in Ankh-Morpork
Roodee Sun 20:00 - 21:00How does Ankh-Morpork actually work? Is there anything we should adopt from it? What would it really be like to live there? Are there any bits of it that, however amusing, are deeply unacceptable?
Peter Harrow, John Richards, Andrew Ducker, Abi Brown, Farah
Borrowed Worlds
Christleton Sun 20:00 - 21:00Some writers develop their own worlds. Marcus Rowland prefers to find the ones he likes and borrow them, using copyright-expired sources and parodies of current events as the inspiration for his role-playing games. He'll be talking about Forgotten Futures, Diana: Warrior Princess, and The Original Flatland Role Playing Game, and possibly brain-storming some ideas for some or all of these games.
Marcus Rowland
Kings Sun 21:00 - 22:00An SF play by David Wake
Peter Harrow, David Wake
League of Fan Funds Auction
Kings Sun 22:00 - 00:00After the play, it's the Triumphant Return of the Fan Funds Auction. Your intrepid auctioneers present a wide variety of rare and marvellous objects culled from attics around the globe. But will this see the last of 1/2r's mutton chops? Bring stuff! Buy stuff! Marvel at weird late-night antics! Sorry, we don't have Obi-Wan Kenobi's cloak...
Flick, Bridget Bradshaw, ½r, Claire Brialey, Alison Scott
Hey Dude, Where's My Ice Age?
Roodee Sun 22:00 - 23:00Social and scientific predictors have been warning us of a coming catastrophe for all of history - in the late nineteenth century it was gridlock and nine metres of horseshit in the street, not so long ago it was the coming Ice Age. Why should we believe them this time round?
Fran Dowd, Nikkums, Stephen Cooper, Vincent Docherty, Dave Clements
Obscene Filk Workshop
Christleton Sun 22:00 - 23:00Obscene filking - a chance to sing and write those filk songs that happily plumb the depths of depravity and perversion.
Judith Proctor, Dougs
The BC Intermission Games
Roodee Sun 23:00 - 00:00Beyond Cyberdrome put their own bizarre spin on a few of your favourite Radio 4 comedy games.
Filking Time (2)
Christleton Sun 23:00 - 01:00Bring your instruments and voices for informal filking.
Paper Doll Masquerade (Adult)
Roodee Mon 00:00 - 01:00In your PR there was a paper doll for you to dress, in whatever way took your fancy. Here's your opportunity to show off your work, and to be judged by your peers. This one is for those of you who have chosen a slightly more *ahem* theme.
Alice Lawson, Ian Watson, Flick, Sue Mason
Flash Fiction Workshop 2
Roodee Mon 09:00 - 10:00Feedback and discussion on the writing we did in workshop 1. The format will depend on numbers and interest. Please bring your work from the first session.
Kate Bodley
Kid's TV (3)
Christleton Mon 09:00 - 10:00for details of all video programme, please see the separate guide in your pack
Everything You Can Expect At A Weekend SCA Event In One Hour
Charles 1 Mon 10:00 - 11:00Costumes, fencing, armour, music, dancing, sweetmeats and general merriment
Nikkums, Gonz
Professionals in Publishing
Edward 1 Mon 10:00 - 11:00What exactly is an agent, and editor, a publisher and how can they help you?
John Richards, Roy Gray, Deirdre Counihan, Jo Fletcher, GOLLANCZ, Christian Dunn
Eastercon Forum
Roodee Mon 10:00 - 11:00This year's discussion is: Customers Or Members?
James, dave lally, Fran Dowd, The Magician, Farah, Mark Young, Simon Bradshaw, Peter Harrow
Kids TV (4)
Christleton Mon 10:00 - 11:00for details of all video programme, please see the separate guide in your pack
Human Factors in Space Travel
Charles 1 Mon 11:00 - 12:00Dr Sarita Robinson, lecturer in Psychology, explores the human side of space exploration, covering everything from spaceship design to the practical issues surrounding sex in space.
Sarita, The Magician
Children's literature
Edward 1 Mon 11:00 - 12:00Our panel discusses the nature of children's literature - why are some classics are no longer considered "suitable"? What do children today want, and what do parents want for them?
Paul Cornell, Conor Kostick, Elizabeth Wein, Alison Scott, Caroline Mullan, Marianne Cain
Other Kinds of Conventions
Roodee Mon 11:00 - 12:00Eastercon is only one kind of convention, there are all sorts of other events going on out there.
James, Elanor, Hayley, Chris
Video Block (3)
Christleton Mon 11:00 - 13:00for details of all video programme, please see the separate guide in your pack
Going Japanese
Charles 1 Mon 12:00 - 13:00Are you planning on going to the Worldcon in Japan? Because it's a Worldcon, or because it's in Japan? Come along and share what you know about Japan: culture, language, food, travel recommendations … goodies for this item sponsored by The Japanese Shop in Chester
Pat McMurray, Carolina, Peter Harrow
Politics and Ethics in Battlestar Galactica
Edward 1 Mon 12:00 - 13:00Spoiler Alert - this discussion will be wide-ranging, and may well cover episodes of Season 3 you might not have seen on Sky, even if you can get Sky any more, who knows.
Simon Bradshaw, Phil Nansen, John Richards, Paul Cornell
Monorails - A One Track Mind
Charles 1 Mon 13:00 - 14:30A presentation on monorails by an enthusiast. (If you're looking for something to do after the con, you can ride the one at Chester Zoo.)
Feòrag NicBhride
Glorifying Terrorism
Edward 1 Mon 13:00 - 14:30"Glorifying Terrorism" is a recently published anthology of sf short stories written in protest of the Terrorism Act. The editor, a few of the contributors, and interested parties discuss the influences and ideas behind the project.
Kari, Charles Stross, Farah, Ian McDonald
If the Swan had sunk
Roodee Mon 13:00 - 14:30What would the world be like if Shakespeare had not existed? Peter and Gwen give an outline of the career of William Shakespeare, and discuss how different the world might have been if his works had never written.
Peter Wareham, Gwen Funnell
Why I Want to Gafiate
Edward 1 Mon 14:30 - 16:00People leave fandom, or stop coming to conventions, all the time. Why? We talk all the time about getting in new fans, why can't we keep the old ones?
Pat McMurray, Greg Pickersgill, John Richards
Healthier Fans
Roodee Mon 14:30 - 16:00Why are so many of us overweight, or diabetic? Many of us also have food intolerances or minor disabilities. What are we doing about it? How can we help each other?
Fran Dowd, Bridget Bradshaw, The Magician
Scriptwriter's Skills - Structure
Christleton Mon 14:30 - 16:00David Wake leads a course on structure in your scripts, with examples.
David Wake
Closing Ceremony and Awards
Charles 1 Mon 16:00 - 16:30Time to say an official bye-bye … various awards will be presented, including Phlosque and the Doc Weir.
Official Cuddly Toy, SMS, Steve, John Dowd, Hayley, Fran Dowd, The Magician, Eira
Feedback to Future Eastercons
Charles 1 Mon 16:30 - 17:30Orbital is the Eastercon for 2008, and by now we also have an Eastercon for 2009 (we hope ...). Following the Closing Ceremony, representatives from future Eastercons will take the stage for you to give them constructive feedback and contribute to their planning.
Judith Proctor, James, Peter Harrow
DeadDog Party
Charles 1 Mon 19:00 - 00:00Come along and celebrate!
The Magician
Once More With Feeling singalong
Christleton Mon 19:00 - 20:00<blank>
Fran Dowd
High School Musical singalong
Christleton Mon 20:00 - 22:00this could get ugly …