Kathy Sanders, Rosel George Brown, Kris Lundi, Mike Resnick, Angelique Trouvere
n01m001.jpeg [28KB]: "Sybil Sue Blue" Kathy Sanders recreated this gorgeous costume of Rosel George Brown's intergalactic female detective from the cover of her novel, "The Waters of Centaurus". Kathy points out that by the time she did this challenging costume, she had "discovered the wonders of double face tape." It made the small, gravity-defying pieces in front much easier to stay put. -- (Amen, sister!-angee) She was a finalist at the NaSFic masquerade and a few years later, redid the costume and won "Best Science Fiction Costume" at the 1978 Westercon.

NOTE-from Angelique: My friend Kris Lundi & I also attended the 1975 NaSFic and entered our costumes into the masquerade. Kris was a stunning, white-haired centauress and I was a green-haired mermaid, so we went as "Half-sisters". I think that we may have won something but I'm desperate to find any photos of our costumes from this particular NaSFic! If anyone can help, please let the Webmaster know. Thanks!

Photo by Mike Resnick
From the collection of Angelique Trouvere

Updated September 18, 2014. If you have a comment about these Web pages, please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster.

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