There is no description of SciCon available. Any information that you would care to provided would be greatly appreciated. Thank you -- Fanac Webmaster.
In the collection of photographs that follows there are many faces that are not known to its current custodians. If you recognize individuals that have not been identified in that photo's caption, or you know any other iformation about the photo that has not been included, please use the form that has been provided to update the photo's caption of credits. Thank you.
When you get to a photo that you may want to copy to your system simply click on the photo and then use your browser to save the image file. Clicking on the photo will give you a clean copy of the image file without the caption and other text that makes up the Web page. Because many of these photos may be copyrighted by the photographer or by other parties, care must be taken in their use for other than strictly personal enjoyment.
To access the Photo Album for a specific SciCon, please click on the Title of the convention in the table.
1980 – | SciCon | ![]() |
1991 – | SciCon | ![]() |
Updated February 2, 2015. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.
Copyright © 2015 by F.A.N.A.C. Inc.