Here's a little background about the two 1975 Trek cons: a friend, Ben, who attended and worked on the committee of the "first" one in 1972 said this:
"The original committee that had put on the cons in 1972-4 had split up. Al Schuster, who had chaired them, ran a con in January 1975. Most of the rest of the committee ran a con in February at the Commodore Hotel. The guests at the February con were Asimov, Barrett, Clement, Gerrold, Lansing, Roddenberry, Shatner, Takei, and Bill Theiss."
I wrote "first" in quotations because the con in '72 was the first, large-scale con–the real first Trek con was held in a library in 1969 somewhere in New Jersey.
However, since we're dealing with the larger cons, the 1972 will be our first. It's funny to read this part in Joan Winston's best selling book, "The making of the Trek conventions" which goes into great detail about the cons that ran in NYC from 1972 thru 1976. Btw–Joan's book is a must for any Trekker–it's great!
"Organizer Al Schuster had expected about 500 to attend the convention. But, four hours before it was officially due to start, he looked around at the mob scene on the 18th floor [of the Statler Hilton Hotel] and said, "It's wild. We're going to have at least 3,000 people here. They're coming in from all over, Arizona, California, Canada. There's a whole busload from Toronto."
...and thus a major cultural phenomenon was born...
Al Schuster ran his con, "The International Star Trek Convention", in New York City, January 10-12, 1975, at the Statler Hilton while the Committee's con, simply called "The Star Trek Convention", ran in February 14-17, 1975, at the Commodore Hotel.
Star Trek had become such a huge success that it had gone from three cons in 1972 to forty cons all across the US and Canada. In 1975, there were no less than three–count'em three– Trek cons in the NY area in the early part of the year!
Man! Those were great days! (daze?)
— Angelique Trouvere
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1974 – | International Star Trek Convention | ![]() |
1975 – | International Star Trek Convention | ![]() |
1975 – | Star Trek Convention | ![]() |
Updated February 2, 2015. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.
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