Generated by the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules CD-ROM 2.0 on 11/01/98 23:53:34 --> Torin
Personal Information
Name: Torin Player: Tropicon98
Race: Deep gnome (svirfneblin) Gender: Male Height: 2'3" Weight: 84 lbs
Classes: Thief/Illusionist Levels: 10/9 Alignment: Neutral Good
XP: 160,000/162,500 Next Level: 220,000/250,000
Kit: None
Ability Scores
Str: 15 Stamina: 15 Weight Allowance: 55 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 7%
Muscle: 15 Attack Adj.: +0 Damage Adj.: +0 Max. Press: 170 lbs Open Doors: 8
Dex: 18 Aim: 18 Missile Adjustment: +2 Pick Pockets: +10% Open Locks: +15%
Balance: 18 Reaction Adjustment: +2 Armor Class: -4 Move Silently: +10% Climb Walls: +10%
Con: 14 Health: 14 System Shock: 88% Poison Save: +0
Fitness: 14 Hit Point Adjustment: +0 Resurrection Chance: 92%
Int: 17 Reason: 17 Max. Spell Level: 8th Max. Spells Per Level: 14 Illusion Immunity: None
Knowledge: 17 Bonus Proficiencies: 6 Chance to Learn New Spell: 75%
Wis: 13 Intuition: 13 Bonus Clerical Spells: 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 0%
Willpower: 13 Magic Defense Adjustment: +0 Spell Immunity: None
Cha: 12 Leadership: 12 Loyalty Base: +0 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 5
Appearance: 12 Initial Reaction Adjustment: +0
Saving Throws
Paralyzation: 11 Poison: 11 Death Magic: 11 Petrification: 10 Polymorph: 10
Rod: 9 Staff: 9 Wand: 9 Breath Weapon: 13 Spell: 10
Hit Points: 30
Base THAC0: 16
Melee THAC0: 16
Missile THAC0: 14
Natural armor class 10
Boots of Speed magic adj. -2
Bracers of Defense AC 3 -7
Balance Defensive adj. -4
Weapon Proficiencies
Crossbow, hand
Sword, short (Chosen Weapon, Specialist)
Swords: Short
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Brewing 12
Gem Cutting 11
Blind Fighting 11
Reading Lips 11
Reading/Writing 12
Spellcraft 11
Native Languages
Common, Earth elemental, Elf - dark (drow) dialect, Gnome, Gnome - deep (svirfneblin) dialect, Illithid, Undercommon
THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage Range (-2) (-5)
Weapon Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size Short Medium Long
Crossbow, hand 14 1 5 None S
Crossbow, hand quarrel +2 1d3+2 1d2+2 P S 4 8 12
Sword, short of Quickness 17 1 3 1d6+2 1d8+2 P/S S
Rogue Skills
Skill Base Racial Mods Ability Scores Discretionary Points Armor Final
Climb walls 60 -15 +10 +0 +10 75%
Detect noise 15 +10 +0 +0 +0 35%
Find/remove traps 5 +10 +5 +0 +0 20%
Hide in shadows 5 +5 +10 +0 +5 30%
Move silently 10 +5 +10 +0 +10 45%
Open locks 10 +5 +15 +0 +0 30%
Pick pockets 15 +0 +10 +0 +5 35%
Read languages 0 +0 +0 +0 +0 0%
Racial Abilities
Dart bonus - +1 bonus to attack rolls with darts.
Freeze - The ability to "freeze" in place in their native environment. (ie., a forest for a Forest Gnome, a rocky or mountainous area for a Rock Gnome, and underground for a Deep Gnome.) This gives them a 60% chance not to be noticed by passersby.
Infravision [Deep Gnome] - 120' infravision range.
Melee combat bonus [Deep Gnomes] - Gnolls, bugbears, ogres, half-ogres, ogre magi, trolls, giants, and titans suffer a -4 penalty on their attack rolls vs. gnomes.
Mining detection abilities - A character with this skill is familiar with mining, tunneling, and stonework. By concentrating for one round the character can:
Determine the approximate depth underground, 1-4 on 1d6.
Determine approximate direction underground, 1-3 on 1d6.
Detect any grade or slope in the passage they are passing through, 1-5 on 1d6.
Detect unsafe walls, ceilings, or floors, 1-7 on 1d10.
Saving throw bonus - Gnomes receive a bonus to their saves vs. wand, staves, rods, and spells. For every 3.5 points of their
Constitution/Health score, the gnome will receive a +1 bonus to the save.
Stealth - If the gnome is not in metal armor, a -4 penalty is applied to opponent's surprise rolls if the gnome is at least 90 feet ahead of a party of characters without this ability, or accompanied only by characters with equivalent stealth skills. The gnome is also difficult to surprise himself and receives a +2 bonus to his own surprise rolls.

Class Abilities
    Backstab - Suprise attack may inflict additional damage based on the thief's level. For every four levels, the damage will be doubled.
    Climb walls* 75% - Able to climb vertical or smooth surfaces.
    Detect noise* 35% - May hear faint noises.
    Find/remove traps* 20% - Skill at finding and disarming traps.
    Hide in shadows* 30% - Grants the ability to hide in shadows.
    Move silently* 45% - May move without making a sound.
    Open locks* 30% - Skill at opening locks with the proper tools.
    Pick pockets* 35% - Skill at pilfering small items from pockets or purses.
    Read languages* - Skill at deciphering unknown texts.
    Weapon specialization - May specialize in one weapon.
    Automatic spells - Gains one free spell every time the mage gains a new level of spells.
    Learning bonus - +15% bonus to learning any spell in the chosen school.
    Learning penalty - -15% penalty to learning rolls on spells outside the chosen school.
    Research bonus - When researching spells in the chosen school, treat the spell as one level lower.
    Saving throw bonus - +1 bonus on saves against spells in their chosen school.
    Schools of Magic - Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment/Charm, Greater Divination, Illusion/Phantasm

Ambidexterity - reduces two weapon fighting penalty by 2.
Keen Hearing - +1 bonus to suprise rolls when sound may be a factor. Hear Noise checks are granted a +10% bonus.

  • Items Carried
    • Crossbow, hand quarrel +2 x16
    • Potion of Extra-healing x4
  • Items Readied
    • Crossbow, hand
    • Sword, short of Quickness
  • Items Worn
    • Boots of Speed
    • Bracers of Defense AC 3
    • Ring of Mind Shielding
Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Illusionist 4 3 3 2 1
Spells Known
Spell Time Range Area of Effect Components
1st Level
Audible Glamer 1 60 yds + 10 yds/lvl Hearing range V, S, M
Change Self 1 0 The caster V, S, M
Confuse Languages 1 rd. Touch 1 speaking creature or written text V, S, M
Dancing Lights 1 40 yds + 10 yds/lvl Special V, S, M
Detect Magic 1 0 10 x 60 ft V, S
Detect Secret Passages and Portals 1 0 10 x 10 ft area/lvl V, S
Find Familiar 2d12 hrs 1 mile/lvl 1 familiar V, S, M
Grease 1 10 yds 10 x 10 ft V, S, M
Hypnotism 1 5 yds 30 ft cube V, S
Metamorphose Liquids 1 rd Touch 1'-cube/lvl V, S, M
Nystul's Magical Aura 1 rd Touch Special V, S, M
Phantasmal Force 1 60 yds + 10 yds/lvl 400 sq ft + 100 sq ft/lvl V, S, M
Read Magic 1 rd 0 Special V, S, M
Reduce 1 5 yds./lvl 1 creature or object V, S, M
Spook 1 30 ft 1 creature V, S
Taunt 1 60 yds 30-ft radius V, S, M
Ventriloquism 1 10 yds/lvl, max 90 yds 1 creature or object V, M
2nd Level
Blindness 2 30 yds + 10 yds/lvl 1 creature V
Blur 2 0 The caster V, S, M
Continual Darkness 2 60 yds. 60-ft. radius V, S
Continual Light 2 60 yds 60-ft radius V, S
Darkness, 15' Radius 2 10 yds/lvl 15-ft radius V, S, M
Deafness 2 60 yds 1 creature V, S, M
Detect Invisibility 2 0 10 yds/lvl V, S, M
Fool's Gold 1 rd 10 yds 10 cubic inches/lvl V, S, M
Glitterdust 2 10 yds/lvl 20 ft cube V, S, M
Hypnotic Pattern 2 30 yds 30-ft cube S, M
Improved Phantasmal Force 2 60 yds + 10 yds/lvl 200 sq ft + 50 sq ft/lvl V, S, M
Invisibility 2 Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Magic Mouth 2 10 yds 1 object V, S, M
Mirror Image 2 0 6-ft radius V, S
Misdirection 2 30 yds 1 creature or object V, S
Obscure Object 2 0 20 yds./lvl V, S, M
Scare 2 30 yds + 10 yds/lvl 15-ft radius V, S, M
Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter 2 60 yds 1 or more creatures in a 30-ft cube V, S, M
Whispering Wind 2 1 mile/lvl 2-ft radius V, S
3rd Level
Blink 1 0 The caster V, S
Haste 3 60 yds 40-ft cube, 1 creature/lvl V, S, M
Phantom Steed 1 turn Touch Special V, S
Sepia Snake Sigil 3 5 yds 1 sigil V, S, M
Spectral Force 3 60 yds + 1 yd/lvl 40-ft cube + 10-ft cube/lvl V, S
Suggestion 3 30 yds 1 creature V, M
Wraithform 1 0 The caster S, M
4th Level
Dimension Door 1 0 The caster V
Evard's Black Tentacles 1 rd 30 yds 30 sq ft/lvl V, S, M
Fear 4 0 60-ft cone, 30-ft diameter at end, 5 ft at base V, S, M
Fire Charm 4 10 yds 15-ft radius V, S, M
Illusionary Wall 4 30 yds 1 x 10 x 10 ft V, S
Improved Invisibility 4 Touch Creature touched V, S
Phantasmal Killer 4 5 yds/lvl 1 creature V, S
Shadow Monsters 4 30 yds 20-ft cube V, S
Stoneskin 1 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
5th Level
Demi-shadow Monsters 5 30 yds 20-ft cube V, S
Magic Staff Special Touch The wizard's staff V, S, M
Major Creation 1 turn 10 yds Special V, S, M
Nightmare 1 turn Touch 1 creature V, S
Shadow Door 2 10 yds Special S
Shadow Magic 5 50 yds + 10 yds/lvl Special V, S
6th Level
Shades 6 30 yds 20-ft cube V, S
PSPs: 0 MTHAC0: 16 MAC: 9
Power PSPs Range Area of Effect MAC
Wild Talent

Generated by the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules CD-ROM 2.0 on 11/01/98 23:53:34