Tropicon XVIII - November 19-21, 1999

Panel Discussions & Other Goodies

Programming: This year Joe Siclari is running programming at Tropicon, and he has some neat stuff cooking. Here's a tentative schedule of what you can look forward to. Please note that this schedule is subject to change as circumstances may require and that those program participants whose names appear in red in the following table have not yet confirmed their participation.

Tropicon 18 Program Schedule

(Program descriptions can be found in the Program Book and following this table.)


Time Programming Room 1 Programming Room 2 Other
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM TV Fantasy in 1999-2000

Adam-Troy Castro, Carlos Perez, Bill Wilson (m)

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM SF & Fannish Web Sites

Peter Barker, Carlos Perez, Joe Siclari (m)

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

6:30 Opening Ceremony

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Trivia Free-for-All

Learn and earn tokens to spend in the Dealers room.

Trivia Master: Edie Stern

08:00 PM - 09:00 PM Infamous Women

Lynn Abbey, Adam-Troy Castro, Barbara Delaplace (m), Kathleen Ann Goonan, Mike Resnick

09:00 PM - 10:30 PM     Velvet Comet Meet the VIPs party & casino by the Tiki Bar near the pool. To 10:30 PM.
10:30 PM - 11:30 PM RoboFilker:

Joe Ellis in Concert

11:30 PM - Open Filk

Jacuzzi Horror Stories

Adam-Troy Castro, Peter Rawlik. Yes, in the heat of the jacuzzi our writers will freeze your blood!


Time Programming Room 1 Programming Room 2 Other
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Buffy the Archetype

George Peterson, Edie Stern (m), Laurie Sutton, Bill Wilson

11:00 AM - Noon Things you Can't Get Away With Anymore in Hard SF and how to get away with them anyway --

A Hal Clement slideshow

Readings: 11-12:30 PM

Adam-Troy Castro & Mike Resnick

Noon - 01:00 PM SF Roadshow

Judi Goodman, Cynthia Plockelman, Joe Siclari (m), Ron Walotsky, W> ingenfeld???

Continued readings until 12:30


01:00 PM - 02:00 PM How Did We Get Here? An alternate approach to alternate history

Lynn Abbey, Hal Clement, Joseph Green (m), Rick Wilber

Charms to Soothe the Savage Breast (or maybe to enrage it)

Joe Ellis, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Glenn Hammer, David Kushner (m)

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM Technology Today

Peter Barker, Jack Haldeman II, Jeff Mitchell, Edie Stern (m), Peter Woods

Whither Harry Potter, Alice and Dorothy - Children's Fantasy & SF Shirlene Ananayo-Rawlik (m), Charles Fontenay, Holly Lisle, Glenn Meganck>  
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM Righting for Pleasure, Righting for Fun

Barbara Delaplace, Joseph Green (m), Holly Lisle, Glenn Meganck, Rick Wilber

Narrated Slide Show of His Art by Guest of Honor Ron Walotsky  
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM Film From Different Angles - Herschell Gordon Lewis, interviewed by Carlos Perez Africa, My Africa

Carol Resnick, Mike Resnick, Pat Sims, Roger Sims(m), Dick Spelman

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM Not Your Grandma's SF

Lynn Abbey, Judi Goodman (m), Laurie Sutton, Ron Walotsky

Art & Charity Auctions  
06:00 PM - 06:30 PM

06:30 PM - 07:00 PM


6:30 Cash bar

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM

  Guest of Honor Banquet
08:00 PM - 09:00 PM

  GoH Speeches
09:00 PM - 10:00 PM

  Extra Special Program
10:00 PM - 11:00 PM

11:00 PM - Open Filking

  Irish Wake and Reading for the Wheels of IF


Time Programming Room 1 Programming Room 2 Other
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Trivia Master Competition

Edie Stern

11:00 AM - Noon The Body Alien Hal Clement, Jack Haldeman II, David Kushner, Holly Lisle (m), Judy Wilson    
Noon - 01:00 PM Facts to Fiction: Newspapermen & SF Charles Fontenay, Mike Resnick, Rick Wilber (m) Masks, a workshop on creation and design by Ron Walotsky Peter Woodward introduces Crusade
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM End of the World Prophecy - Hal Clement (m), Charles Fontenay, Joseph Green, Janice Scott-Reeder, Laurie Sutton Writers Workshop - Holly Lisle  
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM Indigenous Peoples

Kathleen Ann Goonan (m), Jack Haldeman II, Mike Resnick

Art & Charity Auctions

Auctioneer: Joe Siclari

Performing, Writing & Producing - Peter Woodward interviewed by George Peterson
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM SF Lists, Part 1

Judi Goodman, George Peterson, Joe Siclari (m), Dick Spelman,

  Peter Woodward signing
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM Closing Ceremony


TV Fantasy & Science Fiction in 1999 - 2000

Friday 4PM

There is so much SF&F on TV now. Our experts give you a considered view on what will be worth wasting your time on for the rest of 1999 and the new millenium.

SF & Fannish Web Sites

Friday 5 PM

Peter Barker, Carlos Perez, Joe Siclari (m)

Favorite search arguments. Egoscanning the web. How to find what you're looking for, or at least a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to what you're looking for. Sites, pictures, stories, mythology, fannish intercourse. Come and find out the web sites that will keep you fascinated until the next Tropicon.

Opening Ceremonies

Friday 6:30PM

Welcome to Tropicon XVIII.

Trivia Free for All

Friday 7PM

Edie Stern, Joe Siclari

Learn and earn tokens to spend in the dealer's room. Everyone can play. The first person with the correct answer earns a wooden nickel worth a dime (inflation you know) which can be spent with the Tropicon dealers. Questions on SF, Fantasy, Fandom, Science, Space, and Tropicon.

Infamous Women

Friday 8PM

Women you've known & loved in SF. What makes them interesting? Characters, characters based on real people, real people who should be SF characters. Are current female creations significantly different than Helen O'Loy? Do women write better women characters? Do men write women as men with breasts? What character is the best realized of SF women characters? What character is the worst? Why do readers sometimes think that women can write male characters, but that men can't write female characters?

Velvet Comet Meet the VIPS

Friday 9PM

Meet the VIPs, and be one yourself. The Velvet Comet welcomes all our guests, attendees, and high rollers. Try our chancy games,and enjoy the ambience patterned on the immor(t)al venue of some of Mike Resnick's finest tales.

Concert by Joe Ellis

Friday 10:30PM

Joe Ellis, Glen "Scruffy" Hammer

Robofilker concert.

Jacuzzi Horror Stories

Friday 11PM

Adam-Troy Castro, Peter Rawlik

Have a taste for the outre? Join our resident horror mongers in or around the jacuzzi to hear tales you never heard around the campfire. If you've a delectable, dispicable, disquieting few words to add, they will be most welcome.

Open Filking I

Friday 11:30PM

Bring a song on your lips, a guitar or bodhran if you play one (or whatever instrument you do play) and join the musically desirous as we sing of things that will be, and a few that never were.

Buffy the Archetype

Saturday 10 AM

George Peterson, Edie Stern (m), Laurie Sutton, Bill Wilson

What's going on with television? Where have all the fantasies come from? Is SF losing its popularity to TV fantasy? Buffy the Vampire Slayer has reached large popularity. What does it say to teenagers, and to adults? Buffy is not a shrinking violet, and neither is Seven of Nine, Xena, or other TV fantasy females. Do men find this threatening or interesting? Is the emphasis on fantasy detrimental to the desire of the young to aspire to scientific and technological careers? Are these heroines still bimbos?


Saturday 11AM - 12:30

Adam-Troy Castro, Mike Resnick

Things you can't get away with anymore in hard SF, and how to get away with them anyway

Saturday 11AM

Hal Clement (slide show)

Tenderfoot on Venus seem a little out of date? Hard to imagine yourself fighting Lunar denizens (or Lunarians) with umbrellas? Hal Clement on "Things you can't get away with anymore in hard SF, and how to get away with them anyway".

SF Roadshow

Saturday 12 Noon

Judi Goodman, Cynthia Plockelman, Joe Siclari (MC)

You've seen the Antiques Roadshow on TV. Now bring your SF related books, art, toys and memorabilia for evaluation by our panel of experts. Come prepared with one or two pieces and we will evaluate your treasures. Have the experts tell you about it, appraise it, and maybe tell you where to find more like it. Find out about your treasures and your white elephants.

Charms to Soothe the Savage Breast

Saturday 1PM

Uses of music to tell a story.

How Did We Get Here? An alternate approach to alternate history

Saturday 1PM

Alternate histories are certainly a popular form of SF. Why are we drawn to Alternate history? Does it fulfill a different need than other forms of SF or fantasy? Watching the pivot points unfold and the shape of the history make itself clear is a large part of the fun, and often taxing to the imagination. This panel is part challenge round. We'll give you five scenarios at the start of the panel, and ask you to brainstorm how you would shape an alternate history to achieve these moments. Example: Amerindian nation lands on the moon on 1945.

Technology Today

Saturday 2PM

Edith Stern (IBM), Peter Barker (Florida Atlantic University)

A sample of what's available thanks to the benefits of modern technology. Have you heard about what's coming in pervasive computing? Supercomputers out of PCs? Have you heard about digital VCR technology such as TiVO and Replay? Everyone knows about on line trading, but what about the Nokia 9000? Everyone is getting into the media business - and technolgies include scene detection, face detection, voice recognition, speaker identification. What's new with rocket science? What's available in agricultural techniques? What's new in fertilizers? What genetically engineered crops are enraging European housewives? How is patent law aiding and abetting the new technologies? Rocket and e-books?

Whither Harry Potter, Alice and Dorothy - Children's Fantasy & SF

Saturday 2PM

Harry Potter is redefining children's literature. What are the differences between children's literature these days and in the days of Heinlein and Norton's juveniles. How sophisticated are these kids? With SF taking over the mainstream, is SF and fantasy also taking over the children's books? Is fantasy or SF easier to sell? At what age does sex come into it?

Righting for pleasure, righting for fun - Heroism in SF

Saturday 3PM

Heros, antiheros, and the rest of us. Morality in SF and Fantasy. Are virtue and righteousness victims of modernity? Have cynics made it unfashionable to have heroes? What's the difference between the protagonist and the hero? Why is it sometimes easier in modern fiction to identify with the antagonist? Have we settled for mundane characters, that sometimes act heroically instead of heroic role models? Is that good? Is it realistic? As we discover feet of clay on our national figures, have we lost our heroic goals? Who are your heros in fact or fiction? Who would you like to be?

The Work of Ron Walotsky

Saturday 3PM

A narrated slide show of his art, by Tropicon XVIII Guest of Honor, Ron Walotsky. He has done many book, magazine and album covers, among other things. You may be surprised at how familiar you are with his art.

Film at Different Angles

Saturday 4PM

An interview with Hershell Gordon Lewis.

Africa, My Africa in Fact and Fiction

Satruday 4PM

Africa, the birthplace of man, the inspiration of Resnick(s), and apparently Mike's favorite spot for impressing (antiquated definition) fans. A personal view of Africa by four Resnick companions.

Art & Charity Auction I

Saturday 5PM

Not your grandma's SF

Saturday 5PM

SF was once the province of lurid magazines, and the occasional comic strip. These days we also have graphic novels, cards, spinoffs, toys, games, too much television, movies (both grand and cheesy), etc. What's going on? Do these things challenge the imagination or stifle it? What's hot and what's not. What's interesting to work on? What's tiresome or repetitive? Who do you like to work with? What do you do to make the tedious worthwhile besides think of the paycheck? We're always talking about print and film. What's different about working in these industries?

Guest of Honor Banquet

Saturday 8PM

Guest of Honor Speeches

Saturday 8PM

Chairman George Peterson, GoH Mike Resnick, GoH Ron Walotsky, Filk Guest Joe Ellis, Joe Siclari (MC), Media Guest Peter Woodward

Our Guests of Honor speak.

Open Filking II

Saturday 11PM

The Body Alien

Sunday 11AM

Hal Clement, Jack C. Haldeman II, David Kushner, Holly Lisle, Judy Wilson

Creating reasonable alien creatures. How do you use the physical aspects of the alien in the story? What do you consider when you're creating an alien mind vs a human mind? What aliens have worked the best? Which are the most memorable? What aliens have worked the worst? Have you come across fictional aliens that just don't ring true? Why? Is it the physiology or the mental aspects? What humans are the most alien? James White created a classification system for aliens. Is it workable? Can you create an alien classification system without aliens to base it on?

Trivia runoff

Sunday 11AM

Edie Stern & leaders of Trivia contest

Facts to Fiction: the newspaper biz and SF

Sunday Noon

Newspaper writing sometimes leads to science fiction, with authors such as Cliff Simak having an illustrious newspaper and SF career. Does it prepare one for the craft? Do you have habits to learn and unlearn? What's different? What's the same? Does fanzine writing and editing teach you some of the same crafts? Does newspaper assignment writing prepare you to write things you really don't like in exchange for money?


Sunday Noon

A demonstration of mask design and creation by our artist Guest of Honor, Ron Walotsky.

Peter Woodward introduces Crusade

Sunday Noon

End of the World Prophecy - Milleniumism

Sunday 1PM

The Past, the Present, the Future. It's already so late, you better be right or people will remember you're wrong. Earthquakes in Turkey, mud in Mexico, nuclear accidents in Japan. What can you do for the end of the world in 41 days? What were the prophecies of the past and have they come true? What do the mystics or new age people say now? What do our sage SF forecasters say about the future?

Writers Workshop

Sunday 1PM

Holly Lisle is running a writer's workshop. No, you don't have to bring a story with you. Holly will run everything onsite, working with people to develope story ideas and characters from scratch. Seating is limited to 25 active participants (others can look on). A sign-up sheet will be available at registration, but sign up early with your advance membership to guarantee a spot.

Art & Charity Auction II

Sunday 2PM

Indigenous Peoples

Sunday 2PM

Recent SF has used various indigenous cultures as the base for development of alien species and cultures. Fantasy has mined the mythology and history of nearly every group from Australian aborigines (Roessner) to Celtic (everybody) to Hawaiian and American Indian and African. Has SF been politically correct? Why is this a good springboard for fantasy and SF. Is SF sucking the soul out of indigenous cultures? Is this analogous to earlier economic imperialism? Have any cultures escaped and why?

Peter Woodward - Performing, Writing & Producing

Sunday 2PM

Peter Woodward showcase of upcoming media events he is involved in. Interview by George Peterson.

SF Lists Part 1

Sunday 3PM

Judi Goodman, George Peterson, Joe Siclari (m), Bill Wilson

Fun with your new/old century. Listen to our experts' list the best of the century in books, magazines, movies, television, radio, writers, artists, artists' models, and conventions and fanzines and filksongs and games and ... Join us and find out what you've missed, and what you can still go back and find. The profundity of our experts in unmatched in SF circles. Maybe their rotundity too.

Closing Ceremonies

George Peterson, Joe Siclari, Cindy Warmuth

Handing over of the baton. Next year's location and guests. Fanhistoricon. Fan Fund. And have you heard about SMOFCon?

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