Boskone is the New England regional convention held (usually) in Greater Boston, MA. There were two series of Boskone, one in Ancient Days and the other (which still continues) beginning in the 60s.
Convention Dates GoHs
Boskone 1 February 24, 1941
Boskone II February 22, 1942
Boskone III February 28, 1943 Claude Degler
Boskone IV February 3-4, 1945 Milt Rothman, Jack Riggs, Art Widner, N. F. Stanley, R. D. Swisher
Boskone V September 2, 1945
Boskone 1 September 10-12, 1965 Hal Clement, Dr. Robert Enzmann
Boskone 2 March 11-13, 1966 Frederik Pohl, Dwight Wayne Batteau, Prof. Igor Paul, Prof. Oliver Selfridge
Boskone 3 October 1-3, 1966 John W. Campbell, Oliver Selfridge
Boskone 4 April 1-2, 1967 Damon Knight, Marvin Minsky
Boskone 5 March 23-24, 1968 Larry Niven, Warren McCulloch
Boskone 6 March 22-23, 1969 Jack Gaughan, Stephen Fabian, Louis Sutro
Boskone 7 March 27-29, 1970 Gordon R. Dickson, George Barr, Donald Menzel
Boskone 8 March 12-14, 1971 Larry Niven
Boskone 9 April 14-16, 1972 L. Sprague de Camp, Don Simpson, Richard Rosa
Boskone 10 March 9-11, 1973 Robert A. W. Lowndes, Frank Kelly Freas, Phyllis Brauner
Boskone 11 March 1-3, 1974 Isaac Asimov, Eddie Jones
Boskone 12 February 28-March 2, 1975 Anne McCaffrey, Bonnie Dalzell, Robert Enzmann
Boskone 13 February 13-15, 1976 Poul Anderson, Rick Sternbach
Boskone 14 February 18-20, 1977 Ben Bova, John Schoenherr
Boskone 15 February 17-19, 1978 John Brunner, Arthur Thomson (ATom), Marvin Minsky
Boskone 16 February 16-18, 1979 Frank Herbert, Mike Symes, Marc C. Chartrand
Boskone 17 February 15-17, 1980 Spider & Jeanne Robinson, Victoria Poyser
Boskone 18 February 13-15, 1981 Tanith Lee, Don Maitz
Boskone 19 February 12-14, 1982 Donald A. Wollheim, Michael Whelan
Boskone 20 February 18-20, 1983 Mack Reynolds*, Wendy Pini, Jeff Hecht
Boskone 21 February 17-19, 1984 Gene Wolfe, Vincent Di Fate, David Hartwell
Boskone 22 February 15-17, 1985 Kate Wilhelm & Damon Knight, Carl Lundgren, Shawna McCarthy
Boskone 23 February 14-16, 1986 Robert Bloch, Bob Eggleton, Tom Doherty
Boskone 24 February 13-15, 1987 C. J. Cherryh, Barclay Shaw, Tom Clareson
Boskone 25 January 29-31, 1988 Greg Bear, David Mattingly, Ellen Asher
Boskone 26 January 27-29, 1989 Tim Powers, James Gurney, Tom Whitmore
Boskone 27 February 16-18, 1990 Glen Cook, David A. Cherry, Charles Ryan
Boskone 28 February 15-17, 1991 Mike Resnick, Ed Emshwiller, Brian Thomsen
Boskone 29 February 14-16, 1992 Jane Yolen, Jody Lee, Dave Langford
Boskone 30 February 19-21, 1993 Joe Haldeman, Tom Kidd, Beth Meacham
Boskone 31 February 18-20, 1994 Emma Bull & Will Shetterly, Nicholas Jainschigg, Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden
Boskone 32 February 17-19, 1995 Diana Wynne Jones, Ruth Sanderson, Fred Lerner & Patricia Wrede
Boskone 33 February 16-18, 1996 Lois McMaster Bujold, Gary Rudell, Bob Madle
Boskone 34 February 14-16, 1997 John M. Ford, Ron Walotsky, Jerry Kaufman, and Suzanne Tompkins
Boskone 35 February 13-15, 1998 Walter Jon Williams, Omar Rayyan, Stanley Schmidt
Boskone 36 February 12-14, 1999 Connie Willis, Stephen Youll, Teddy Harvia and Diana Thayer
Boskone 37 February 18-20, 2000 Michael Swanwick, Rick Berry, Peter Weston
Boskone 38 February 16-18, 2001 George R. R. Martin, Charles Vess, Jack Cohen
Boskone 39 February 15-17, 2002 Neil Gaiman, Steve Hickman, Marv Wolfman
Boskone 40 February 14-16, 2003 David Brin, Jim Burns, Charlie Brown
Boskone 41 February 13-15, 2004 Stephen Baxter, Richard Hescox, Betsy Mitchell
Boskone 42 February 18-20, 2005 Orson Scott Card, Alan Pollack, Mike Glyer
Boskone 43 February 17-19, 2006 Ken MacLeod, Donato Giancola, Cory Doctorow
Boskone 44 February 16-18, 2007 David Gerrold, Gary A. Lippincott, Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ
Boskone 45 February 15-17, 2008 David Weber, Dean Morrissey, Bruce Coville
Boskone 46 February 13-15, 2009 Jo Walton, Stephan Martiniere, Irene Gallo
Boskone 47 February 12-14, 2010 Alastair Reynolds, John Picacio, Tom Shippey
Boskone 48 February 18-20, 2011 Charles Stross, Gregory Manchess, Charlaine Harris
Boskone 49 February 17-19, 2012 John Scalzi, Daniel Dos Santos, Toni Weisskopf
Boskone 50 February 15-17, 2013 Vernor Vinge, Lisa Snellings, John Hertz
Boskone 51 February 14-16, 2014 Seanan McGuire, David Palumbo, Ginjer Buchanan
Boskone 52 February 13-15, 2015 Steven Brust, Charles Lang, Wendy Snow Lang, Robert K. Wiener
Boskone 53 February 19-21, 2016 Garth Nix, Richard Anderson, Arnie Fenner, Cathy Fenner
Boskone 54 February 17-19, 2017 Brandon Sanderson, Maryelizabeth Yturralde, Dave Seeley
Boskone 55 February 16-18, 2018 Mary Robinette Kowal, Craig Miller
Boskone 56 February 15-17, 2019 Elizabeth Hand, Christopher Golden, Jim Burns, Cindy Pon
Boskone 57 February 14-16, 2020 Kim Stanley Robinson, Holly Black, Eric Wilkerson, Cheshire Moon
Boskone 58 February 12-14, 2021 Joe Abercrombie, Julie Dillon, Tamsyn Muir, Marc Gunn
Boskone 59 February 18-20, 2022 Ted Chiang, Sara Felix, Tamsyn Muir, Tim Griffin
Boskone 60 February 17-19, 2023 Nalo Hopkinson, Victo Ngai, Tui T. Sutherland and Dave Clement
Boskone 61 February 9-11, 2024 Ben Aaronovich, Emily Hurst Pritchett, Bradford Lyau
Boskone 62 February 14-16, 2025 Jasper Fforde, Thersa Mather, Kelley Armstrong, Madison Metricula Roberts

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