Convention Dates GoHs
ZerCon November 1981 none
Con*Stellation I: The Pleiades July 16-19, 1982 Phyllis Eisenstein, Ken Moore, Lou Moore
Con*Stellation II: Gemini March 25-27, 1983 Jack C. Haldeman II, Joe Haldeman, Kevin Ward, Charlie Williams
Con*Stellation II.V: Ursa Minor December 10-11, 1983 none
Con*Stellation III: Ursa Major October 19-21, 1984 Gordon R. Dickson, Mark Maxwell, Maurine Dorris, "Uncle Timmy" Bolgeo
Con*Stellation IV: Aquarius October 11-13, 1985 Bob Tucker
Con*Stellation V: Andromeda October 24-26, 1986 Orson Scott Card, Ron Lindahn, Val Lakey Lindahn, Rusty Hevelin
Con*Stellation VI: Lyra October 9-11, 1987 Julius Schwartz
Con*Stellation VII: Centaurus October 21-23, 1988 John Varley, Todd Cameron Hamilton, Ricia Mainhardt
Con*Stellation VIII: Cetus October 13-15, 1989 Gary K. Wolfe, Debbie Hughes, Mark Paulk
Con*Stellation IX: Sagittarius October 19-21, 1990 Lois McMaster Bujold, Tom Kidd, Susan Honeck
Con*Stellation X: Draco November 8-10, 1991 Algis Budrys, Bob Giadrosich, Buck Coulson, Juanita Coulson
Con*Stellation XI: Scorpio November 6-8, 1992 Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Dean Wesley Smith, Stephen Hickman, Mike Glicksohn
Con*Stellation XII: Orion November 12-14, 1993 Jim Baen, Julius Schwartz, David O. Miller, Marcia McCoy
Con*Stellation XIII: Musca November 4-6, 1994 Spider Robinson, Alan M. Clark, Sue Thorn
Con*Stellation XIV: Monoceros November 3-5, 1995 Rick Shelley, Ruth Thompson, Adrian Washburn
Con*Stellation XV: Aquila November 8-10, 1996 Stanley Schmidt, Chloie Airoldi
Con*Stellation XVI: Eridanus October 17-19, 1997 Jack L. Chalker, Randy Cleary, Sue Toker
Con*Stellation XVII: Hydra October 9-11, 1998 Mike Resnick, Bob Eggleton, David O. Miller
Con*Stellation XVIII: Lupus October 29-31, 1999 Allen Steele, Charles Keegan, Anita Feller, Tom Feller
Con*Stellation XIX: Virgo October 13-15, 2000 Debra Doyle, James D. Macdonald, Kenneth Waters, Julie Wall
Con*Stellation XX: Camelopardalis October 19-21, 2001 John Ringo, David Mattingly, Steve Francis, Sue Francis
Con*Stellation XXI: Pavo October 18-20, 2002 Eric Flint, Darrell K. Sweet, Sandy McDade
Con*Stellation XXII: Pegasus October 10-12, 2003 Mercedes Lackey, Don Maitz, Guy H. Lillian III, Rosy Lillian
Con*Stellation XXIII: Delphinus October 15-17, 2004 Lawrence Watt-Evans, Kinuko Y. Craft, Grant Kruger
Con*Stellation XXIV: Lepus October 7-9, 2005 James P. Hogan, Guy Gordon
Con*Stellation XXV: Cygnus October 20-22, 2006 David Drake, Theresa Mather, Glen Cook
Con*Stellation XXVI: Ophiuchus October 12-14, 2007 Mike Shepherd Moscoe, Pat McAdams
Con*Stellation XXVII: Cassiopeia October 17-19, 2008 Diana Duane, Bill Holbrook
Con*Stellation XXVIII: Vupecula September 18-20, 2009 David Weber, John Picacio, Gary Shelton
Con*Stellation XXIX: Leo September 17-19, 2010 Wen Spencer, Vincent Di Fate, Warren Buff
Con*Stellation XXX: Corona Borealis September 16-18, 2011 Gene Wolfe, Lubov, Gay Haldeman, Joe Haldeman
Con*Stellation XXXI: Perseus October 12-14, 2012 David B. Coe, Melissa Gay, Julie Wall, Toni Weisskopf, Linda Zielke
Con*Stellation XXXII: Columba October 11-13, 2013 Larry Correia
Not-A-Con October 18, 2014
Con*Stellation XXXIII: Coma Berenices October 16-18, 2015 Orson Scott Card
Con*Stellation XXXIV: Mensa October 14-16, 2016 Jody-Lynn Nye, Howard Tayler, Stephanie Osborn
Con*Stellation XXXV: Horologium October 13-15, 2017 Mary Robinette Kowal, David O. Miller, Toni Weisskopf

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