Convention Dates Location GoHs
Norwescon 1 March 24-26, 1978 Theodore Sturgeon, John D. Berry
Norwescon 1.5 November 4-5, 1978 relaxacon
Norwescon 2 March 23-25, 1979 Philip José Farmer, Loren MacGregor
Norwescon III March 29-30, 1980 Alfred Bester, Fred Pohl
Norwescon 3.5 October 25-26, 1980 relaxacon
Norwescon IV March 27-29, 1981 Samuel R. Delany, Rowena Morrill, Jack Palmer, Pauline Palmer, Tilda Palmer
Norwescon 4.5 November 21-22, 1981 relaxacon
Norwescon V March 18-21, 1982 Thomas M. Disch, Michael Whelan, Bob Shaw
Norwescon 5.5 October 30-31, 1982 relaxacon
Norwescon VI March 17-20, 1983 Jack Williamson, Richard Powers, Art Widner
Norwescon VII March 22-25, 1984 L. Sprague de Camp, Catherine Crook de Camp, Don Maitz, Jack Speer
Norwescon VIII March 14-17, 1985 Brian Aldiss, Jack Gaughan, rich brown, Gregory Benford
Norwescon 8.5 November 2-3, 1985 relaxacon
Norwescon IX March 20-23, 1986 Anne McCaffrey, Kelly Freas, Greg Bennett, James Oberg
Alternacon March 26-29, 1987 Orson Scott Card, Dan Reeder, Marty Cantor and Robbie Cantor
Norwescon 9.5 August 15, 1987 relaxacon
Norwescon X March 24-27, 1988 Marion Zimmer Bradley, Rick Sternbach, Jon Gustafson, Avram Davidson
Norwescon 10.5 1988 relaxacon
Norwescon XI March 23-26, 1989 Algis J. Budrys, David Mattingly, Mike Glyer, Dr. Alan E. Nourse, Avram Davidson
Norwescon XII March 29-April 1, 1990 Roger Zelazny, David Cherry, Pat Mueller, John G. Cramer
Norwescon XIV March 28-31, 1991 Stanley Schmidt, James Warhola, Becky Thomson, Forrest J Ackerman, Joe Laybourn
Norwescon 14.5 September 6-8, 1991
Norwescon XV March 26-29, 1992 Poul Anderson, Alan Gutierrez, Willie Siros, Celia Smith
Norwescon XVI March 25-28, 1993 Betty Ballantine, Janny Wurts, Pat Mueller, Chris Jonientz-Trisler, Anne McCaffrey, Mike Jittlov, Teresa Janssen
Norwescon XVII March 31-April 3, 1994 Katherine Kurtz, Scott MacMillan, Darrell K. Sweet, Peggy Rae Pavlat, Deborah A. Wood
Norwescon XVIII April 6-9, 1995 Robert Silverberg, James Gurney, Dr. Jane Robinson, Danny Rudesill
Norwescon XIX April 4-7, 1996 A. C. Crispin, Tom Kidd, Kitty Canterbury, David Valentine
Norwescon XX March 27-30, 1997 Larry Niven, A. E. van Vogt, Vincent Di Fate, Brad Foster, Robert L. Forward, Glenda Hedden
Norwescon XXI April 9-12, 1998 Neil Gaiman, Brian Froud, John Lorentz, Ruth Sachter, Patricia MacEwen, Anthony Ward
Norwescon XXII April 1-4, 1999 Harry Turtledove, Richard Hescox, Jack Chalker, Eva Whitley, Jack Horner, Susan Allen
Norwescon XXIII April 20-23, 2000 David Brin, Gregory Benford, Barclay Shaw, Bjo Trimble, John Trimble
Norwescon XXIV April 12-15, 2001 Connie Willis, Bob Eggleton, Charles N. Brown, James P. Hogan, Dragon Dronet
Norwescon XXV March 28-31, 2002 Jack Vance, Brom, Andrew I. Porter
Norwescon XXVI April 17-20, 2003 Jane Yolen, Jim Burns, Geoffrey Landis, Michael Whelan
Norwescon XXVII April 8-11, 2004 Mike Resnick, Don Dixon, Joe Haldeman, Ben Bova
Norwescon XXVIII March 24-27, 2005 Michael Bishop, John Howe, Alan Dean Foster, Suzette Haden Elgin
Norwescon XXIX April 13-16, 2006 Lois McMaster Bujold, Donato Giancola
Norwescon XXX April 5-8, 2007 Kim Stanley Robinson, Luis Royo, Donna Shirley
Norwescon XXXI March 20-24, 2008 Dan Simmons, Ciruelo, Naomi Novik
Norwescon XXXII April 9-12, 2009 R. A. Salvatore, Todd Lockwood, Geno Salvatore
Norwescon XXXIII April 1-4, 2010 Vernor Vinge, John Jude Palencar, John G. Cramer, Cory Doctorow
Norwescon XXXIV April 21-24, 2011 Patricia McKillip, Kinuko Y. Craft, Marie D. Jones, Jim Butcher, Shannon Butcher
Norwescon XXXV April 5-8, 2012 Stephen Baxter, John Picacio, Bridget Landry
Norwescon XXXVI March 28-31, 2013 Catherine Asaro, Lee Moyer, Edward Tenner, Gardner Dozois
Norwescon XXXVII April 17-20, 2014 Michael Moorcock, Robert Gould, Catherine Plesko, Seanan McGuire, Animal X
Norwescon 38 April 2-5, 2015 George R. R. Martin, Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell, Amy Mainzer
Norwescon 39 March 24-27, 2016 Tanya Huff, Janny Wurts, William K. Hartmann, and DAW Books
Norwescon 40 April 13-16, 2017 Ian McDonald, Cory Ench, Catska Ench, Ethan Siegel, Angry Robot Books
Norwescon 41 March 29-April 1, 2018 Ken Liu, Wayne Barlowe, Mathew Wedel, Green Ronin Publishing
Norwescon 42 April 18-21, 2019 Mary Robinette Kowal, Tran Nguyen, Dan Koboldt, Nancy Pearl, Neil Clarke, Subterranean Press
Norwescon 43 April 1-4, 2021 Online Jacqueline Carey, Sana Takeda, Susan Langley, Tor Books, Claire Eddy
Waypoint Norwescon
Norwescon 44 April 14-17, 2022 Cat Rambo, Rob Carlos, Fairwood Press, Connor Alexander, and Lydia K. Valentine
Norwescon 45 April 6-9, 2023 P. Djèlí Clark, Grace P. Fong, Greg Dubos

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