Fancyclopedia 3
All Worldcons
ConStellation was held September 1-5, 1983 in Baltimore, MD. The GoHs were John Brunner and Dave Kyle.
Photos and Video
Photo Album
Masquerade Video on FANAC YouTube channel
PR 1
(4.5 MB; 32 pp)
PR 2
(4.9 MB; 25 pp)
PR 3
(4.7 MB; 48 pp)
PR 4
(7.9 MB; 60 pp)
PR 5
(1.9 MB; 6 pp)
Program Book
(22.9 MB; 155 pp)
Gaming schedule
(0.4 MB; 2 pp)
Programming notes
(0.5 MB; 3 pp)
Beautiful Steamers
(2.0 MB; 4 pp)
(Steve Stiles' Crab Feast contribution)
Crab Feast mallets
Crab Feast hat
(0.1 MB)
Name badges
(0.4 MB)
Con Reports
Constellation Evelyn Leeper con report
(1 pp)
MT Void Constellation Report
(14.2 MB; 25 pp)
Bidding Materials
Baltimore in '83 multi-language flyer
(0.4 MB; 4 pp)
Other Bidders
Australia In 83 Statement bidding
(0.1 MB; 1 pp)
Australia in 83 Bulletin 1
(7.0 MB; 16 pp)
Australia in 83 Bulletin 2
(16.9 MB; 8 pp)
Australia in 83 Bulletin 3
(5.4 MB; 10 pp)
Australia in 83 Bulletin 4
(6.0 MB; 10 pp)
Australia in 83 Bid postcard
(0.2 MB; 2 pp)
Hoax Bids
The Water Closet 2 - Johnstown in '83
(1.3 MB; 6 pp)
FANAC on YouTube
Chicon IV
L.A.con II
Brian Knapp, scan of the Australia in 83 statement by Irwin Hirsh; Rich Lynch; Alan Stewart
Friday February 28, 2025 10:57:37 AM EST
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