As this is being written, I've been home about 10 days from the trip. the longer one puts off the less reliable your memory will be. There is no attempt on my part to try to exceed in length the wonderful write ups that Walt Willis, Bob Madle and John Barry have done of their travels. I'm simply going to set out to tell the story of the TAPF trip: 1960 and whatever it takes, that'll be it. Likewise, I'm not the master of the polished phrase, clever quips, and sterlirg prose that these fine gentlemen are. Since TAFF is a go- ing thing and is likely to continue foz years and years there will be some space devoted to the differences in our two countries, the prob- lems of travel, and anything else I think may be of some use to future TAFF representatives from the U.S. I feel that each TAFF winner owes it to fandom to produce a write up of his trip. This should be clearly understood from the moment of enter- ing the race. In England I found several people who were unaware of this phase of TAFF; probably due to this point never having been actually stressed too much. However, this has been one of the original aims of TAFF since its inception back in 1953. One more thing and then we're off: as I face the task of writing this report, I don't see how I can avoid using the pronoun I thousands of times, so why not just pretend that you are reading a personal letter from me to you and that way it won't sound too much like I've suddenly gotten the big-head or something. |