TAFF - pg 47

   The INNER SANCTUM with its muralled St Fantony on the wall, noted
for the Round Table, and the Bard's piano (which is deliberately out
of tune as when it is used none of the members are in any condition
to appreciate HI FI), the relics of the great Tourney which was held
between the Knights of the London Circle and the Knights of St Fantony
at the Whitsuntide gathering of '59 were shown in all their battered
glamour, ...the silver shoes of Sir Tubb encased in a block of crystal
....but all too soon it was time to depart and so, after Don had used
up all his film we moved on, traditionally to GYMIKS HAMBURGER BAR,
there to compare the value of the British hamburger, ...apparently it
passed its test quite satisfactorily.

   On Thursday Bobbie took Don to the one and only Witchcraft Exhi-
bition in Britain at Bourton-on-the-Water, and in the evening the
intricacies of THE BRITISH FOOTBALL POOL system was described to
him in detail, whereupon he traded a 'LUCKY ENTRY PEN' for some out-
dated coupons, so next season we hope to win 75,000 pound at least

   On the Friday we said farewell - though nearly missed the rendez-
vous at the railway station as we were looking for Don near the
Booking office.  On enquiring from the Booking clerk whether a tall
American had recently booked a first-class seat to Liverpool and re-
ceiving an answer in the negative things started to look as though he
would miss the train, however, he turned up on the platform where he
had been all the time and upon being challenged to the fact that he
didn't have a ticket, promptly produced one which he had bought a
few minutes previously from that dumb-head of a Booking clerk.

   The C.S.F.C. saboteurs were working away violently on the track
in a desperate attempt to remove the rails before the train came in,
but unfortunately didn't finish the job in time and so we said fare-
well and told him to beware the LaSFaS knockout potions....

Eric & Margaret Jones