It would be far more honest to call this a summary and not a report, in     
 seven weeks so much can happen, and did happen, that it would take a full        
 size doorstopper novel to recount everything properly.  My first intention       
 was to write about. each day and what happened in a chronological order          
 with nothing omitted but after I'd written about forty thousand words            
 of first draft with only a handful of days covered it became only too            
 obvious that I was taking the wrong approach.   John Berry and his trip          
 report "The Goon Goes West" was partly  to blame for this for though it is       
 not the best piece of fan writing I have seen it is most likely the most         
 interesting and I felt that I should do no less  of a good job than he.          
 However John had been in the United States for three weeks and we had            
 spent seven weeks there if I included the couple of days leading up to           
 the trip.  On an average I found that I was writing five thousand words          
 on each day and a quick mental calculation led me to the conclusion that         
 continuing that way would occupy about a quarter of a million words.  I          
 had no intention of writing that much, not to mention publishing it, so          
 there had to be another solution.                                                
 This report and the manner in which it is presented is that solution, not        
 the best possibly but l leave it up to others  to imagine what else I            
 could have done.  As I survey the stack of stencils that are the virgin          
 report I can only feel sorry for all that is left out of it, mostly the          
 little incidents which should have been mentioned and would not fit the          
 format.  I also wish that there were more larger articles but in the            
 time and space limitations that was not possible.  There is simply no            
 way possible of giving a full expression of those glorious seven weaks           
 and I beg you to take this as a humble token and some attempt to repay           
 the kindness of every fan who made the trip possible.                            
                                                     Leigh Edmonds