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the previous evening, offered to escort me that day. I found a box but then
ran into trouble. I was doing something wrong though I could not discover
what; there is no button B to recover your money if the call does not go
through. I quickly used up all my 10 cent pieces. Getting change, this time
I rang the operator, explained my predicament, and she kindly put me through.
Miri, I could tell at once, was in the throes of a nasty cold. When I said
that, considering this, I could manage fine to amuse myself, she would not
hear of it; shortly after she and Jerry appeared in their car. They took me
first to a music shop as I was after a particular record wanted by a friend.
This was in the University district as the many book shops seemed to indicate.
When we went to a small selfservice place for lunch-I made a note of the
prices-Burger on French bread 55 cents. Salad 5 cents.Tea 10 cents-and I assure
you it was a mighty filling meal.
  Miri called in at her Wells Fargo Bank and I picked up a leaflet describing
the TV program sponsored by the Bank called SCIENCE IN ACTION. This featured
   That evening we drove to the University of California where we had been
invited to dinner by Joe Gibson. We went to the Students Union. This was
built by the students and alumni "without the use of a single tax or state
dollar" an event of which they were all proud. It housed "the whole social,
recreational, and cultural life of the students". It held beautiful lounges,
a ballroom, meeting rooms, games rooms, an art activities centre, a bowling
alley, and quiet rooms for studying. I saw shoeshine stalls, snack bars,
whole store at which practically anything could be bought at low prices; but
I was most impressed by the large amount of space devoted to the art activi-
ties room. Here students could embark upon projects that would have been
impossible at home or in the classroom.
  Miri and I went off to the Ladies Room and discovered that a room led off
this furnished with divans complete with pillows and blankets. This was
labeled QUIET ROOM! We were also puzzled for a little by some unusual-look-
ing toilets, till we figured out that they were especially designed for the
use of paraplegic students! We all met up and our crowd turned into the Gib-
sons, the Knights, Pat Ellington with Poopsie, and Calvin Demmon. Calvin had
a cold also which, I think, made him more solemn than I had expected. Both
he and the Gibsons were working at the University; they described to us the
natural chaos that was reigning due to it being the start of a new session at
the University. Pat appeared awfully young to be the mother of Poopsie, and
she was obviously enjoying the outing.
  Joe led the way into the canteen; although that seems a very dim name for
such a magnificent layout. The self-service was handling a large amount of
people; I have never got through this type of service so quickly before. I
could see that the layout had been well planned to facilitate a quick service.
I wish now that I had made notes of just how this was done! There were no
holdups whilst someone dithered about, or waited for their order; this was
quite amazing to me. In no time at all we were through. One reason for the
quickness was the service tables. From these you collected such things as
napkins, cutlery, sauces (a large variety) sugar, in fact all the staple items.
As there were many of these tables this helped to eliminate congestion on the
service line. We carried our trays over to the table; there was no need to
look round for a place to stow them-you ate off the tray. When finished these
were carried to a conveyer belt which whisked them off to the kitchen. I
craned my neck to watch this and Joe declared.."We almost lost her there!"