1950s One Shots


1950 - 1959
Country: Multinational

Scan by Joe Siclari

Issue Country Editor Whole Volume Number Month Day Year Pages Mailing Notes
Adversaries US Kent Moomaw 1959 published by Ted White
Aleph-Null V1#1 US Bill Venable 1 August 1950 26
The Alger Story US Alice Douglas Fall 1952 12 SAPS 21 Date approximate, Alice Douglas was a hoax name
All-Warped US May 1950
Alors Switzerland Ellis Mills August 1957 15
Aonia 1 US Bob Pavlat April 1951 6 SAPS 27
Art Gallery US Richard Ward 1953 12
Bad Day at Lime Rock US Lee Hoffman October 30 1959 12
Bloodshot US Jon Magus / Dick Clarkson July 1 1954 18
The BNF of Iz US Terry Carr / Ron Ellik / Ted White 1959 32
Brood 1 UK Michael Moorcock 1 December 1957 4 scan by Rob Hansen
Building the AHMF $3.75 Mimeo US G.M. Carr / Martin Alger 1952 7 Datte approximate; This is VERY similar but different to the Feb 52 issue of Revoltin'Development
Bull Shot US Karen Anderson 1955 6 date approximate
Cambridge Scene US Larry Stark November 1959 16 FAPA 89
Cincinnati Fantasy Group US Don Ford July 1957 31
Comedy of Errors UK Joy Clarke May 11 1958 4 OMPA 16 scanned at Chicon 8
Con-Science UK Eric Bentcliffe / Eric Jones / Terry Jeeves April 1954 24
Confusion 1 US Gar Williamson 1 September 1952 16
CUSTard US Walter Coslet August 1956 6 FAPA 76
D'Journal d'Art US Richard Bergeron January 1953 6 FAPA 62
Detention 5 US George Young 5 February 1958 23 one shot bidding item
Earth Women's Burden US Karen Anderson / Djinn Faine 1958 12
Egad! US Shelby Vick August 1953 10 bound with Birdsmith 2,
End of a Fine Old Tradition US Lee Hoffman February 1957 8 FAPA 78
Eofandom US Bob Pavlat 1959 1
Fairy Tales for Fabulous Faps US Marion Zimmer Bradley / Royal Drummond November 1953 16 FAPA 65
Fan Maggot US Bob Pavlat / Robert Briggs July 28 1954 12 SAPS 28
Fanachronism 1 US Dean Grennell 1 May 1959 2
The Fannish Case of Ashworth V Lindsay UK Ethel Lindsay March 1955 14 OMPA 3 Postmailing
Fan Press 1 UK Ken Slater November 1952 10
Fan Warp 1 US Lyle Kessler 1 1 1 1953 30
A Fanzine for Ger Steward US Lee Hoffman Fall 1959 16 FAPA 89
A Fanzine for Richard Eney and also anyone else who is willing to read it US Lee Hoffman / Lee Shaw February 1957 4 FAPA 78
Fanzine for W.M. Danner, Harry Warner, Larry T Shaw, Marion Zimmer Bradley... US Lee Hoffman November 1959 22 FAPA 89
Fapanthology US Art Rapp February 1950 20 FAPA 50
The Flesh Eaters US Basil Wells 1951 12 scanned at Chicon 8
Foggy Day 1 US Bob Pavlat March 1958 4
Gods, Graves and TV Sets US Lee Hoffman August 1955 8 FAPA 72 as by C.W. Youngfan
Galleon of Dream, Poems of Fantasy and Wonder US Lin Carter March 10 1953 24 Autographed, with illustrations by the author
Gee US W. Jacques Bellygrease June 1953 20 HOAX
Girl's Hearld 0 US William Clyde August 1955 5 FAPA 72
High Level 1 BE Jan Jansen 1 1956 10 scan by Rob Hansen
How to Make Fans & Influence Slans US George Young 1959 2
Hymen Ireland Chuck Harris / Arthur Thomson May 17 1955 14 A one of a kind wedding gift for James and Peggy White
I Dreamt I Crept In Marble Crypts UK Mal Ashworth November 1955 10 FAPA 73
iEHEU! US Andrew Young January 26 1957 2
Indian Lake....There I Went US Bob Tucker 1953 6
Inscrewtibobble UK Ken Slater December 1956 12 OMPA 10
InVention Report US Richard Elsberry / Hal Shapiro July 1952 20 SAPS 20
It's a Long Way to Tipperary US Lee Hoffman 1955 36 Clevention report
It's Tycho's Floor in '54 Ireland Chuck Harris / Ken Slater Summer 1953 6
Le Gruesome Zombie 1 US Bob Tucker / Dean Grennell 1 1 1 July 26 1955
Lilith US Delcie Austin Summer 1953 14 FAPA 65
Little Name Faaan US Don Durward January 1959 8
Mallophagan .5 US Bill Danner August 1956 8
Master of the Monsters US Seattle Fandom 1955 26 date approximate
Meander 1 UK Chuck Harris 1 December 1954 8 OMPA 2 scan by Rob Hansen
Michelism Note found in the Hydracon Program Book US unknown 1950 1
Mish Mosh US Ted White March 1955 20 for WAPA
A Modest Proposal IE Walt Willis 1957 2
Move UK Vince Clarke August 1958 4
My First Real Convention UK Mal Ashworth September 1954 14 OMPA 1 scan by Rob Hansen
Namelessentials US William Austin 1 February 1952 16
Off of This Planet Adventures with built-in comic strips US Lee Hoffman / Charles Wells 1952 14
Olympus US Jack Speer August 1959 12 FAPA 88
One/fourteen US Dick Eney October 1956 26 NYCon II report, scan by Andy Hooper
One Shot for WAW US Walt Willis / Rick Sneary 1957 2
ONSHE UK Dave Cohen December 1956 1 scan by Mark Olson
One-Shot Wonder #1 Pal Maxy Science Fiction US Richard Lupoff 1 Spring 1952 10
Oolong US Bob Pavlat November 1959 4 FAPA 89
The Outhouse on the Asteroid US Martin Alger / Ralph Fluette / Bill Groover / Art Rapp March 8 1950 6 SAPS 11
Outworlds US Robert Lichtman 1 Fall 1959 28
Pavlat-Evans Fanzine Index US Bob Pavlat / Bill Evans December 1952
Peregrinations in Blue 1 - Egoboo New Zealand Toni Vondruska May 1958 28
Persepctive 1 US Harvey Segal 1 April 1955 15
Philosophical Dissertation on Abtruse Phenomena... US Bob Pavlat 1950 14
Potshot US Karen Anderson June 1955 10 Not a one-shot, it's a potshot
Prodigal 1 UK Dave Newman Summer 1958 10 BSFA, scan by Rob Hansen
The Punxsutawny, Pittsburgh and Mars Picayune US Bill Danner Spring 1952 4 FAPA 59
Ray Bradbury Review US William Nolan 1952 64
Revolution US John Koning 1959 50
Revolution LoC from Rick Sneary US Rick Sneary November 1959 2
Sackcloth and Ashes US Lee Hoffman November 1955 2
Sand in the Beer US Art Rapp November 1959 4 FAPA 89 Poetry
Sandalwood and Jade - Poems of the Exotic and the Strange US Lin Carter 1951 24
Science Fiction Market Survey 1956 US Sam Moskowitz 1958 16
The Shaw Retort: A Further Symposium on Fannish Behavior in the Human Pro US Bob Pavlat November 1959 10 for Nov 59 FAPA mailing
Slimy Tails - The Bottomless Pit of Detroit Fandom, An Expose US Howard DeVore 1955 6 date approximate, Insurgent publication
Smirch - The Blot on Fandom US Wally Weber / Royal Drummond / Burnett R. Toskey / William N. Austin September 1952 14 SAPS 21
Smithereen US Ted White 1954 2 one of the smallest fanzines ever published
Smorgasbord US Poul Anderson 1959 30
Some Important Information Concerning Unicorn Productions US John Trimble / Bjo Trimble 1958 2 absolute guess at the year
Space Legion US Larry Touzinsky 1 Fall 1954 12 scanned by Mowgli Assor
Space Travel US Gerry de la Ree 1953 17
STF Habba No #1 US Art Rapp 1 December 28 1951 4 carbonzine
Stigma 1 US Ronald Fleshman 1 January 1955 44
The Sullied Soul and others US Richard Bergeron 1952 4
Tasfic In Retrospect US Bill Venable 1953 50
This #1 US Pete Graham 1 May 25 1958 2
This Sceptred Isle UK Joy Clarke June 1956 21 OMPA 8
Through Darkest Ireland with Knife Fork & Spoon UK Chuck Harris December 1954 30 OMPA 2
Thump US Larry Shaw / Lee Shaw / A. J. Budrys November 1956 8 FAPA 78 Lee Shaw is aka Lee Hoffman
Trouble's Child US Lee Hoffman November 1952 2
Twin Set UK Ken Slater August 1954 2 FAPA 69
Tyke US Jack Harness February 1958 10 FAPA 82
Typo 1 UK Michael Moorcock / Jim Linwood 1 Spring 1957 30 scan by Rob Hansen
Voice of the Prophet 1 US Fred Prophet 1 July 1958 6 for SAPS, scan by Mark Olson
Void #1 UK George Clements November 1952 25
Wans Burrow Ings US Howard DeVore April 1958 6 SAPS 43
Who is this Man US Nick Falasca / Noreen Falasca 1958 14 WSFS Inc
Ye Cats 1 US Neal Clark Reynolds 1 August 1952 10

Updated March 05, 2025. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.