Looking Back

Well, the end of the issue is at hand and I'm just about beat. The mag itself is a good month late ... I'll try to get the next one out on time.

I'm looking forward towards greater improvements -- one of these days I'll learn this photo-offset business -- right now I can't say how it'll turn out. I'm most afraid of the size of the print. 4 time reduction of normal type can render it pretty unreadable. However, I don't have the money for full or half-size, so this'll have to do.

Sorry, no Fan-Fare #11 -- next issue. Denis Moreen, who's supposed to be one of AB's five steady columnists could not make it this issue due to sickness. However, DenMo said he'll try and make it for the next issue. Let's hope he can make it.

Next issue we'll find our five columnists, the regular features, plus two special articles which I'm working on now.

I suppose most of you remember the call I made for photographs about a year ago, promising an all-fan cover -- well, I'm asking for them again -- I hope you can send them -- I'd like to print them.

ABstract is published six times per year, edited by Peter J. Vorzimer, at the University of California at Santa Barbara - 104 Toyon Hall - Goleta, Calif.

Single Copy: 25¢ Yearly Subscription: $1.20

Next Deadline: February 10th Next issue: March 1st

Updated September 21, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.