29th April 1994

A fast, grubby and frequent little science fiction newsletter produced
for the Australian National Science Fiction Association by Marc
Ortlieb, P.O. Box 215, Forest Hill, Vict, 3131, AUSTRALIA (e-mail:

Postal subscriptions $5-50 for ten issues or its equivalent in new
Australian stamps. Available for items of juicy gossip.

E-mail copies free. Ask to be put on the mailing list, or grab it from
aus.sf on Internet.


Beverly Macdonald, once a Space Age Books employee, has sold her first
novel to Pan MacMillan. It is due for release in January 1995. Part Two
of William Esrac's Dance to the Sun  appeared in Tomorrow April 1994.


Mainlander Justin Ackroyd has resigned from the Thylacon Committee,
increasing its Tasmanian content. Meanwhile, the Australia in '99 bid
is looking for a treasurer and a few committee members. Volunteers to
Donna Heenan P.O. Box 99 Bayswater, Vic 3153 AUSTRALIA


The Duff voting deadline has been extended to May 31st.


New Era Publications, the Hubbard mob, are offering a free poster to
anyone who can answer this trivia question "In a series written in the
1980s Earth is referred to as Blito - P3… What is the name of the
series and who wrote it?" Answers to Shola Paice Level 3, 68-72
Wentworth Place, Surry Hills 2010. (I'm laying odds that the answer to
part two of the question is Elron. Any further such competitions sent
to me will be considered advertising and will be charged for


Following a visit to New Zealand—June 21 to 27—Terry Pratchett will be
in Brisbane on the 28th, Sydney on the 29th, Canberra on the 30th,
Melbourne that evening and Perth the following evening. Rumours that he
is undertaking an experiment on the Lorenz-Fitzgerald contraction to
explain the shape of the Diskworld seem worthy of further

Note:— All information here is taken from fliers, Internet, or information
given to me. If a convention lists a GoH then it's their responsibility to
inform prospective members if that GoH cannot come. I won't waste space with
"pending confirmation" notes. (I would rather conventions did not list
unconfirmed GsoH;"Other commitments permitting" is equally annoying.)

STARFEST  Media, June 18-19 (Brisbane) June 25-26 (Melbourne)
Melbourne—Southern Cross, Brisbane—Mayfair Crest, GsoH Majel
Barrett-Roddenberry & Dave McDonnell, Att $60, Bookings: Melbourne— Bass;

???? Star Trek June 19 Darling Harbour Sydney GoH Michael Dorn (02) 311-2624

CONFUSION '94 W. A. convention. 15-17 July Perth International Hotel. GsoH
Sylvia Anderson, Lewis Morley, Marilyn Pride & Danny Heap.Att  $50, Supp $20
P.O. Box 190, Mt Lawley, 6050

CONDUCKTOR 6-7 August level 5, Union Building Adelaide University  AUSFA ,

TREXPO, Star Trek, 21 August, Austrek GPO Box 5206AA, Melbourne 3001

COMEDYCON, Media Comedy?, 16-18 September, Tradewinds Hotel Maroubra, GoH
Robert Llewellyn (Red Dwarf), $70, P.O. Box 627, Ryde, 2112.

CONQUEST 94, Star Trek 23-25 September Lennon's Hotel Brisbane GsoH
Jonathan del Arco & Richard Arnold, Att $80 till 30/4/94. GPO Box 1376
Brisbane 4001

SURVIVAL 94 Dr Who convention, 25-27 November  Novotel  on Collins GsoH
Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred & Kate Orman. $85/3day $25 Banquet. PO Box
804, Croydon 3136 Ace@csource.pronet.com

VOYAGER Star Trek 30/12/94—1/1/95. GsoH Jonathan Frakes, Dwight Schultz.
Hilton on the Park Melbourne $85/3day $45 Banquet G.P.O. Box 474 Rosebud
3939 059-82-25-20  Ace@csource.pronet.com

NOVACON '95 Dr Who, 13-15 January 1995, Radisson Hotel Newcastle, $70, P.O.
Box 140, Kotara Fair 2289 iandix@scorch.hna.com.au

CONCINNITY '95 January 27-29 1995, Melbourne, Att $60-00 until 1/7/95. Ali
Kayn GPO Box 972G, Melbourne, 3001.

SWANCON '95 W.A. regional April 13-17 1995. Perth Sheraton Hotel. GoH Pat
Cadigan. Att $50. P.O. Box 318 Nedlands  6009

FORCE ONE (1st National Star Wars Con) 15-17 April 1995, Melbourne Sheraton,
GsoH Steve Sansweet, Hugh Fleming & a Lucas-film employee. $110. P.O. Box
118 Springvale 3171.

CONDIMENT 1995 Media NatCon Melbourne Town Hall.

THYLACON 1995 Lit NatCon,June 9-12 1995, Wrest Point Hotel Casino, Hobart.
GsoH Kim Stanley Robinson, Peter Nichols and Grant Stone. $60-00 to 1/1/95.
Sup $20-00. Voting $5-00. GPO Box 580D, Melbourne 3001.

MUTAGEN '96 January 26-29 1996, Dr Who  Att $80-00. GPO Box 910G Melbourne

Easter 1996. University of W.A.Supp $15.



SOUTHERN SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY GROUP Sf discussion group. 15 Shade Place
Lugarno NSW 02 534 3595.  May 21st 2-00pm. Computers in science fiction.

GARGOYLE CLUB Horror artists & writers. Back Garden The Royal Exhibition
Hotel . First Friday of each month.

THURSDAY NIGHT MOB, Sf Natter, Elysee Coffee Shop cnr Bathurst & Pitt,
Sydney, 5-00 to 6-30pm Thursdays


EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY IN-FRIENDS  Media.  Fridays 6:30pm Building 17, Edith
Cowan University Mt Lawley Campus


NOVA MOB  Wed. May 4th  Charles Taylor on Eric Frank Russell.  Erawan
Restaurant 205 Swan St Richmond at 6-00pm. Meeting at Alan Stewart's place
at 8-00pm.

AUSTREK, Star Trek, Sat May 7th, St Luke's Church Hall, Sth Melbourne,
2-5pm. Trekkie Moments. GPO Box 5206AA, Melbourne 3001

COLLECTROCUTION COLLECTORS' FAIR. May 8th 9am—4pm. Lower Melbourne Town Hall
Followed by Austrek Video evening 5pm Enquiries 03 5342752

SKYFORCE, Star Wars, June 11th 1pm -5pm St Mark's Church Hall, Camberwell.
PO Box 118, Springvale 3171.

THE MELBOURNE SCIENCE FICTION CLUB Every Friday 7.30 pm, St David's Hall, 74
Melville Rd, West Brunswick.

THE DOCTOR WHO CLUB OF VICTORIA Second Saturday of month St Luke's Church
Dorcas Street Sth Melbourne  12-30 to 5pm. GPO Box 4782UU, Melbourne,3001

ENTERPRISE Star Trek, Third Saturday of month  St Luke's Church Hall, Dorcas
Street Sth Melbourne, 1-5pm 03-384-1918

TIME TREKKERS SF CLUB OF CENTRAL VICT Community House 21 Carpenter St,
Bendigo. 6th May. P.O. Box 934, Bendigo 3550

VICTREX Star Trek Seymour Scout Hall Seymour. Bi-monthly.  Larry Kostopoulos
2a Grattan St Seymour 3660. 057-92-1996


CANBERRA SF SOCIETY, May 5, ANU Chem LT2, 7:30pm. Ken Ward PO Box 47 Civic
Square  2608. (06) 288 6391.


CRITICAL MASS SF  group.May 4th 8-00pm SA Writers' Centre, 242 Pirie Street,
Adelaide. Damien Warman 08-382-7128

S.A. DR WHO CLUB P.O. Box 3227, Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000


CONQUEST CLUB Media May 29th Metro Arts Centre, 109 Edwards St Brisbane.
12-00—5-00pm. GPO Box 1376, Brisbane 4001

Ultrawarp 6  Assorted media Michael Cloonan for Time-Trekkers P.O. Box 934,
Bendigo 3550

The Communicator 3  Derek Screen for Enterprise no address

Duff		May 31st
ANZAPA		June 3rd-
Guff		March 31st 1995


Roman Orszanski & Sue Peukert, GUFF,doxa!, AVOP. PO Box 178,Kensington Park,
SA 5068


Dennis & Jo's son is Dominic Liam Piero Callegari.

Matthew Proctor, Roman Orszanski, Justin Ackroyd, Internet, Phil Ware,
Captain's Log, Sundance Bilson-Thompson, Dennis Callegari, Shola Paice, Sue
Ann Barber, Joyce Scrivner,Ali Kayn, Mary Draganis


Tuesday May 10th. Distribution date Friday May 13th