There ain't no such thing as free BULLSHEET

Well, not quite.

For the last two years, I've been offering the electronic version
of THE BULLSHEET free. I will continue to do so, on the aus.sf
news group and at the web site

However, if you wish to have THE BULLSHEET sent directly to your e-mail
address, then I'm asking a once only $10 fee that will also apply to
all new electronic subscribers. Initially that money will go to pay off
the Arcon debt. Should I pay that off, then the money will be split
evenly between the Fan Funds, DUFF, GUFF and FFANZ.

The BULLSHEET #63 will be the last one I send to you directly unless
you subscribe. I won't take offense if you decide not to subscribe.

Note that it is a once only charge and will keep you on the
BULLSHEET list for as long as I have a working e-mail address for

Cheques for $10 should be made out to Marc Ortlieb and should be sent to

Marc Ortlieb
P.O. Box 215
Forest Hill
Vic 3131

Please include your e-mail address so that I can enter it properly.