A tonneup newszine produced for the Australian National
Science Fiction Association by Marc Ortlieb, P.O. Box 215,
Forest Hill, Vict, 3131, AUSTRALIA
Postal subscriptions $6-00 for ten.(Cheques made out to
Marc Ortlieb please. Stamps accepted). Available for items of
gossip. E-mailed direct, a once off $10 fee. Free copy from
aus.sf on Internet or at
Niall Doran reports "The 1998 Ditmars winners were:
Best Long Fiction - The White Abacus - Damien Broderick (Avon
Best Short Fiction - "Niagara Falling" - Janeen Webb & Jack
Dann (Black Mist)
Best Dramatic Presentation - Spellbinder 2 (9 Network)
Best Artwork/Artist - Nick Stathopoulos
Best Fanzine - Eidolon
Best Fan Writer - Leanne Frahm
William Atheling Award - Sean McMullen & Steven Paulsen *
Australia: Australian Contemporary Fantasy (Encyclopedia of
Fantasy * Orbit).
Marjorie Lenehan was responsible for making the awards,
and they looked absolutely stunning.
As for the convention, it was small (80-100 people? - I
haven't seen the final tally yet) but hopefully people found it
relaxing and enjoyable (again, other people's con reports will
be the judge of that). Our guests - Leanne Frahm, George RR
Martin (with Parris McBride), Neil Gaiman, Jack Dann, Janeen
Webb, and Sara Douglass - were all fantastic, and really gave
their all to make the convention fun. The small size allowed
for guests and attendees to sit and mingle around the fire in
the bar, and gave everything a friendly and informal feel.
Notable events were the launches of Sara's new book
"Pilgrim" and MUP's "Encyclopaedia of Australian Science
Fiction and Fantasy", and an interesting debate on fantasy as
serious or popular literature. Sean McMullen made a big
entrance with a hire-car sporting a seriously deep wallaby
imprint in its bonnet, and Neil Gaiman kindly provided the
original, unedited cut of his Babylon 5 episode "Day of the
Dead". For me, the highlights were Saturday's banquet (which
lived up to its name) and Sunday's "Good Science Week" quiz
(which I had spent most of the weekend writing and panicking
over). Local entertainers Craig Wellington (as compere), Spot
Cullen and John X combined with the talents of Jack Dann,
George RR Martin, Justin Ackroyd, Neil Gaiman, Parris McBride
and Nick Stathopoulos, not to mention a competitive audience,
to make Good Science Week the panel that was really worth
seeing. There were heaps of classic moments, but Neil Gaiman
probably stole the show with his attempts to mime the accurate
measurement of breast size (using glasses, beer jugs and
Parris), and his reading of a controversial letter from the
current issue of "Australasian Poultry". Jack Dann also proved
himself remarkably adept at identifying the bizzarest of
mystery objects...
The program book is also a rather special memento of
the event, with contributions of fiction from Neil Gaiman
(unpublished), George RR Martin (an excerpt from a forthcoming
novel), Jack Dann (a reprinted short story as well as an
excerpt from a forthcoming novel), and some work from local
writers. There is also a tribute to the recently departed
artist Bill Rotsler, biographical information on our guests, an
essay on bioethics, the written results of the World Building
panel promised at the last Thylacon, listings of previous
Ditmar, Hugo and Nebula Award winners, and a preliminary
listing of Australian SF small presses (as a bonus, there's
also the obligatory typos and a couple of poorly reproduced
pictures that are the scourge of program books everywhere).
I'm sure you'll get a lot more feedback from other
sources, including Robin Johnson (Convener) if he hasn't been
in touch already. It may not have been the best organised
convention in history (we certainly had some great disasters in
the planning stages) but hopefully people still had a very good
Footage of Terry Frost being arrested for prostitution
and drug dealing was shown on The Bill, on ABC Television on
June 9th. Terry had obviously dressed in drag for the occasion
and was sporting a terrible blonde wig.
Dave Luckett's Dark Winter features in the May/June
Scholastic Star Book Club magazine.
Karen Pender-Gunn reports "Ian will be undergoing stem cell
transplant (mislabelled as bone marrow transplant) using the
stem cell from his own blood.
The oncologist on Wednesday calmed the fears we had and
said the procedure, although yes it was dangerous, was not as
serious as the manual we were given from the Alfred Hospital
makes out. Ian had a blood test Wednesday, Friday and will
have another today. If his count is high enough, he will be
given the growth hormone-sort-of-stuff on Wednesday and if that
is then okay and brings up his stem cell count he will go to
the Alfred for however long next week. We think he will go as a
day patient and come home at night, we aren't sure yet. I will
go with him and stay with him in any case. Then he will get a
week off just to recover. Then into Box Hill Hospital for a
week, for chemotherapy treatment which shouldn't be as bad as
he has been getting, then gets the stem cells back, and he then
may be allowed home depending on how he takes it all. Dr Joe
said he would then probably catch some sort of infection and
would come back into hospital. So, that's how things stand at
present. Not as serious but sooner. I'll let you know as soon
as we know how his blood tests are going.
If you would like to know any more, please contact us
and we will try and let you know. "
AussieCon Three Programme
The generally accepted truth about Worldcon programming is that
it is not worth considering in a detailed manner until you are
within 12 months of the convention. There are a number of
reasons for that (including the major fact that the organising
committee is unsure who will and who won't be attending) but it
is still possible for some planning and development of the
programme to begin early.
Some items on the programme nominate
themselves. These include (but are not restricted to) the
Guest-of Honor speeches for Greg Benford and Bruce Gillespie,
the Opening and Closing ceremonies, the Hugo Ceremony and
Masquerade. We will fulfil our WSFS commitments with a series
of Business Sessions; we will run collector and fan auctions;
and there will be a number of fixed exhibits and functions such
as an Art Show, an Internet Lounge, and a dealers room. We aim
to put a programme in place that deals with all aspects of the
sf genre: literary, media, fannish, gaming, costuming,
readings, film, book signings, etc. Whatever you can think of
we'll probably cover it, or at least attempt to. At present we
have people working on specific items relating to the history
of Australian sf fandom and science fiction, and doubtless we
will have many other such panels offered to us leading up to
the convention.
At this time, it is our intention to get the
Programming Division structure in place, to timetable the
required items and to begin developing others as they are
suggested or recommended. This process will require a lot of
work and a lot of suggestions. As we proceed further down the
development track we will begin soliciting programme
suggestions from members and interested parties alike. Keep an
eye on our website at and
expect a number of changes over the coming months.
If you have any questions or suggestions at
this point please contact us at the general email address of
Perry Middlemiss, Chair and David McDonnell,
Perth has won the right to hold the 2000 Australian NatCon.
I've heard nothing about the 1999 NatCon. From comments in
aus.sf, it would seem that Perth definitely doesn't want that.
ARCANACON XVI Role Playing Games July 2-6 1998 Collingwood
Education Centre Melbourne ph 03 9481 5564 email PHANCON 98. Literary sf/fantasy
convention July 11-12 Parramatta Gazebo Hotel. Guests Terry
Pratchett, David Gemmell and Sara Douglass. For info kit email or phone 1800 817 298.
BUCCONEER 56th World Science Fiction Convention. August 5 - 9
1998, Baltimore Convention Center and Inner Harbor hotels,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA. GOHs: C.J. Cherryh, Milt Rothman,
Stanley Schmidt, and Michael Whelan, Special Guest: J. Michael
Straczynski, Toastmaster: Charles Sheffield. Attending $130
Supporting $30 Children 4-12 $65 (Rates apply until 15 June,
1998). BucCONeer, P.O. Box 314, Annapolis Junction, Maryland
20701 USA. E-mail: URL:
CONQUEST 98 October 9-11 1998 Mercure Hotel Brisbane GsoH.
Peter Jurasik (Londo), Walter Koenig (Bester) Richard Arnold
$250 attending. GPO Box 13676 Brisbane Qld 4001
FORCE THREE June 12-14 1999 3rd National Star Wars Convention
Karralyka Centre Ringwood Vict GsoH tba $150 until 1/6/99.
P.O. Box 427 Northcote Vic 3070 (03) 9416-8998
AUSSIECON THREE 1999 World Science Fiction Convention.
September 2-6 1999 World Congress Centre, Melbourne GsoH George
Turner, Greg Benford and Bruce Gillespie. Aussiecon Three, GPO
Box 1212K, Melbourne, 3001, Australia Attending $200
Supporting $45 Child in tow $45 email
CHICON 2000 The 58th World Science Fiction Convention
August 31 to September 4 2000 - Hyatt Regency Chicago IL GsoH
Ben Bova, Bob Eggleton, Jim Baen, Bob and Anne Passovoy,
Toastmaster: Harry Turtledove P. O. Box 642057, Chicago IL
60664, fax: 312-946-3779
GoH = Guest of Honour
O.C.P. = Other Commitments Permitting
tba= to be announced.
In the interests of keeping the Bullsheet lean, taut and
terrific into its second century, I'm cutting this section
down. I will, from this issue, publish details of club events,
if given the date for the event. I will attempt to maintain an
up-to-date club listing on the web site
GEORGE R.R. MARTIN SIGNING June 14 from 3pm.Light refreshments
will be served. Galaxy Bookshop 222 Clarence St Sydney 02 9267
SOUTHERN SCIENCE FICTION GROUP June 20 12.30pm Mortdale Hotel
Bistro contact 15 Shade Place Lugarno (02) 534-3595.
SYDNEY SKYFORCE August 16 10am-5pm Lidcombe Catholic Workmen's
Club, 24 John Street, Lidcombe PO Box 804 Kensington NSW 2033
(03) 9416 89981
QUEENSLAND STAR TREKKERS (Quest) June 14 GPO Box 2084 Brisbane
4001 Email
CONQUEST July 5 Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St GPO Box 1376
Brisbane Qld 4001
HIGHLANDER July 19 Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Postal
address 11 Perrett St Bundamba Qld 4304
Newsletter The Buzz
VORTEX August 2 Red Cross Centre 397 Adelaide St G.P.O. Box
2004 Brisbane 4001
MSFC June 12 Book Club June 19 Future Visions June 26
Obsessions 8.00pm St David's Church Hall 74 Melville Rd West
Brunswick P.O. Box 212 World Trade Centre Melbourne 3005
GEORGE R.R. MARTIN SIGNING June 12 5pm. Slow Glass Book 305
Swanston St Melbourne
FRIDAY NIGHT MOB June 12 Anzapa distribution night June 19,
June 26 6-7.30pm. Informal eating and nattering. Myers
Cafeteria Melbourne
STAR TREK THE EXHIBIT February 27 to July 19 Science Works
SKYFORCE (Star Wars) June 13 1-5 pm Melbourne Uni, Copeland
Theatre, Economics and Commerce Building P.O. Box 427 Northcote
3070 Email Address:
JACK DANN June 13 Masterclass - Aspects of the Fantastic
Victorian Writer's Center 156 George St Fitzroy $120 for
ENTERPRISE June 27 Annual Winter Olympics P.O. Box 466 World
Trade Centre Melbourne 3005 (03) 9583 7404
NOVA MOB July 1 First dinner at about 6:00pm at The Arian
Restaurant on Sydney Road, followed by the meeting at about
8:00pm at13 Frederick St Brunswick.
AUSTREK July 7 Starfleet Exam & Trekivia details to be
announced email: GPO Box 5206AA Melbourne
Forest Hill Vic 3131
AUSTRALIAN BABYLON 5 FAN CLUB July 19 1:00pm Bowling Day: Box
Hill Bowling Centre Whitehorse Road P.O. Box 610 Ballarat Vic
3353 Babbling On
AUSTRALIAN COSTUMERS GUILD July 26 Anniversary of the 2nd
Annual Costumers Ball and Panic before the 3rd Annual
Costumer's Ball stitch 'n' bitch (03) 9568 0708 P.O. Box 322
Bentleigh Vic 3204 email Telephone
(03)9557 7088
THIRD ANNUAL COSTUMERS' BALL August 15 6:30pm Streeton Room,
The Centre Ivanhoe. $48. The Australian Costumers' Guild P.O.
Box 12345 A'Beckett St Melbourne 8006
Fremantle Hotel, Fremantle 7pm.
Paper Fanzines
THYME 121 Alan Stewart P.O. Box 222 World Trade Centre
Melbourne 8005
ANSIBLE 131 Dave Langford, 94 London Road, Reading, Berkshire,
RG1 5AU, UK.
EMERALD CITY 33 Cheryl Morgan or
FANS ACROSS THE WORLD 73 & 74 B. Wilkinson, Ground Floor Flat,
8 West Avenue Road, Walthamstow, E17 9SE, Great Britain
TOMMYWORLD 40 Tommy Ferguson 40 Deramore
Avenue, Belfast, BT7 3ER, Northern Ireland
For a full listing,
Stuart Davis
Craig Macbride
Aurealis Competition June 30 1998
ANZAPA 183 August 7 1998
Guff Nominations September 30 1998
Guff Voting March 30 1999
Alan Stewart, Cath Ortlieb, Karen Pender Gunn, Niall Doran,
Perry Middlemiss
Tuesday June 23th.
Distribution Friday June 26th.
Dear friends,
We are from Yugoslavia. That is a small country
(probably known to you as Serbia and Montenegro) which lays in
the SouthEast Europe. The capital of our country is Belgrade
and our little town, Bela Crkva (14000 inhabitants), is 100 km
(60 miles) east from Belgrade.
Two years ago, about thirty of us formed a science
fiction fan club and we named it "FAROS". At the moment there
are only four SF clubs in our country and our club is the most
active one. Our activities are publishing our magazine,
organising literary evenings and lectures, SF movie projections
and discussions about all SF areas. We are keeping meetings to
once a week (every Tuesday).
We wish to make contact with people who have interests
in science fiction and who organised clubs like ours.
Our contact addresses are: Poste address:
1. oktobra 24
26340 Bela Crkva
Phone number: 381-13-851-102
(Wednesdays from 5.00 to 8.00 am,at your time)
Magazine: "FAROS"
The club's president Zdenko Zak
The Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Srdjan Stankovic