The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet #140 – April 7 2000

A malacophilous newszine produced for the Australian National
Science Fiction Association by Marc Ortlieb, P.O. Box 215, Forest
Hill, Vict, 3131, AUSTRALIA (e-mail:
	Postal subscriptions $6-00 for ten.(Cheques made out to Marc
Ortlieb please. Stamps accepted). Available for items of gossip.
E-mailed direct, a once off $10 fee.  Free copy from aus.sf on
Internet or at

	Robin Johnson notes "I passed the site of the pissoir used in the
Aussiefan movie in '72 t'other day, and there was this shiny
horrible new thing.  I bet you have to pay, too. Does anyone know
where the original cast-iron effort went."
	I have vague memories of an article, either in The Age or in the
Herald Sun. If anyone has further information, please contact Robin

	Murray MacLachlan sent a cutting from The Age, 22/3/2000, featuring
a piece on Sian O'Neale, concentrating on his role as a student
teacher, but also noting his interest in science fiction.
	Clive Newall noted that Derek Screen had a "week-in-the-life diary"
in The Age.

	Ralph Buttigieg notes that he has taken over Infinitas Bookshop, in
Parramatta as Graham South, the previous owner will be spending his
time with other business interests.
	Steve S Reports "The Fantastic Fiction bookstore is no longer. You
have it listed in the SA bookstores section."

	Murray and Natalie MacLachlan put in a late bid for a write-in FFANZ
vote. The results of the race are not yet available.
	To follow up on the 2000 DUFF ballot, Terry Frost & Janice Gelb have
released the DUFF 2K Newsletter, with a ballot form, DUFF Finances,
Terry's thoughts about New York and Janice's thoughts about
	The Queensland Conquest has released its latest newsletter, in which
it notes that some types of rooms have already been booked out. The
newsletter also notes that "Staying at the hotel multipyes the
fun..." I've never tried a multipye.
	The Nieuw Amsterdam in '04 WorldCon Bid is reconsidering its
options, and is looking to a later date, possibly 2008.
	Sonja van den Ende  notes "Highlander DownUnder is are absolutely
thrilled to announce that Elizabeth Gracen will be joining us for
	Elizabeth will be attending the Aussie BBQ in Peter Wingfield's
place, as well as doing Q&A sessions, autographs etc.  As an
extraordinarily special treat, Elizabeth will bring along the
documentary she completed a year ago. She will screen it at the con
as its world premiere!!! The 'cast' of this documentary is none
other than Peter Wingfield."


HIGHLANDER DOWN UNDER 3 April 14-16 2000 Mercure Hotel Brisbane GsoH
Elizabeth Gracen, Valentine Pelka, Anthony De Longis and Maureen
Russell  $165 P.O. Box 198 Brisbane Albert St Qld 4002  ph (07) 3282

FREECON 00 April 15 - 16 2000. The Discovery area,Second Floor,
Australian Museum, corner of College and William Streets Sydney C/O
PO Box 2, Bexley North, 2207.

SWANCON 25  39th National Australian Science Fiction Convention
April 20th-24th, 2000.  Ascot Inn, Belmont, WA. GsoH Connie Willis
and Ian Nichols. Gratuitous interstate guest  "Mitch" Other guests
include Stephen Dedman, Sue Isle, Jack Dann, Janeen Webb, Sean
Williams and Tess Williams $80 until April 16th $90 thereafter.
Swancon 25  GPO Box G429 Perth W.A. 6892

KITTEN KON The Goodies Convention 2000 April 21-23 2000 Dallas
Brooks Centre Melbourne GsoH Tim Brooke Taylor & Graeme Garden
[o.c.p.]  Contact The Goodies Rule - OK! P.O. Box 325 Chadstone Vic
3148 $100 until 20/1/99 $120 until 14/3/2000

CONQUEST Easter Games Convention April 21-24 2000 University High
School Melbourne

FRIENDS OF SCIENCE FICTION  Mini-Con May 6 2000  10:00am to 6:00pm
Guest Nicole deBoer:. $50 FSF members and $60 nonmembers (02) 9523
8385 Website Box 797,
Fairfield, NSW, 1860.

MULTIVERSE May 13 2000 - A day with Nicole deBoer Edmund Barton
Centre, Moorabbin

MULTIVERSE 4 Mid 2000 tba

CON D'OR The 2000 New Zealand National SF Convention June 3 to 5
2000 West Plaza Hotel Wellington GsoH Tad Williams Sean McMullen and
Maree Sole. Contact or

sinpOZium 2000 The Australian Slash Con June 10 to 12 2000 (Queens
Birthday Weekend). Sydney. Convener Bernice
Official website
Mailing list

ARCANACON 1800S Gaming Convention June 29 to July 2 2000 Collingwood
Education Centre Victoria Special Guest Shane Lacey Hensley

BOBW  9 STARGATE July 1st & 2nd 2000  Sydney Guests: Christopher
Judge (Teal'c) Teryl Rothery (Dr. Janet Frasier)   (02) 9453 0290.

CHICON 2000 The 58th World Science Fiction Convention August 31 to
September 4, 2000 - Hyatt Regency Chicago IL GsoH Ben Bova, Bob
Eggleton, Jim Baen, Bob and Anne Passovoy, Toastmaster: Harry
Turtledove  $US135.00 for residents of North America $US150.00 rate
for bona fide residents of other continents P. O. Box 642057,
Chicago IL 60664, fax: 312-946-3779

CONQUEST 2000 October 6 to 8 2000 Brisbane Convention Centre GPO Box
1376 Brisbane 4001

BOBW 10 BABYLON 5/CRUSADE October 14th & 15th 2000Sydney
Guests:Tracy Scoggins, Peter Woodward Maggie Egan David Allen Brooks   (02) 9453 0290.

NELCON A RELAXACON 17-19 November, 2000  The Country Comfort Motel,
Port Stephens N.S.W.. Membership $20 Accommodation $57 per night per
person Edwina Harvey by  e-mail at or by snail
mail c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville. 2036

SWANCON 2001 the Masquerade, 40th Australian National Science
Fiction Convention April 13-16 2001. GsoH tba The Rydges Hotel
Perth. P.O. Box 162 Nedlands W.A. 6909.

ODYSSEY CON The 2001 New Zealand National SF Convention Auckland.

THE MILLENNIUM PHILCON The 59th World Science Fiction Convention
August 30 to September 3, 2001 The Pennsylvania Convention Center &
Philadelphia Marriott Hotel GsoH Greg Bear, Stephen Youll, Gardner
Dozois, George Scithers Toastmaster: Esther Friesner. Attending $135
until 30/4/2000 then $145 Supporting  $US40 Millennium Philcon Post
Office Box 310 Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006-0310 U.S.A.

COSTUME CON 20 February 15-18 2002 Melbourne Exhibition and
Convention Centre $A50Daily Admission $100 until Dec 31st 2000;
$A130 Jan 1st 2001 - Dec 31st 2001 $160 Jan 1st 2002 - Feb 15th 2002
The Australian Costumers' Guild PO Box 322 Bentleigh Vic 3204

CON JOSE The 60th World Science Fiction Convention August 29 to
September 2, 2002  San Jos McEnery Convention Centre GsoH Vernor
Vinge, David Cherry, Bjo & John Trimble, Ferdinand Feghoot
Toastmaster Tad Williams. P.O. Box 61363 Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363
U.S.A. Attending
$A150. Supporting $A50.

GoH = Guest of Honour
O.C.P. = Other Commitments Permitting
tba= to be announced. 

	Multiverse notes "Each Tuesday night from March 21st onward there
will be a Sci Fi night at the Cherry Tree Hotel in Richmond. At
present, this is Star Trek with episodes being screened on the big
screen from 7:00pm until late and includes 2 classic or TNG episodes
plus the Ch9 televised episode.
	Entry is $5.00 each and Enterprise members should show membership
cards on  entry to receive a free drink.
	The Cherry Tree hotel is located in Balmain Street Richmond. Contact
Marcin on 0410 540 345 for further information"

Note that there is an annual calendar available on the Vicnet SF web
site at


VORTEX DAY April 8  10:00am to 4:00pm Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide
St Brisbane

QUEST April 9 Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane GPO Box 2084
Brisbane Qld 4001

HIGHLANDER DOWN UNDER April 16 Red Cross Centre, 409 Adelaide St
Brisbane P.O. Box 198 Brisbane Albert St 4002

STARGATE:SG1 April 16  Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane

BUFFY  April 23 Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane

CONQUEST May 7 Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane GPO Box
1376 Brisbane Qld 4001

BRISBANE DR WHO CLUB May 28  Red Cross Centre, 409 Adelaide St
Brisbane P.O. Box 10308, Adelaide St, Brisbane, Qld 4000


MSFC April 7 Food Night: SPAM & Toast (to be confirmed). Book Group:
Centurion's Empire by Sean McMullen.April 14  What elements are
involved in the best SF movies? We examine various SF films
including Blade Runner, Starship Troopers and Fifth Element.April 21
No meeting 8:00 pm St. David's Uniting Church Hall, 74 Melville
Road, West Brunswick P.O. Box 212 World Trade Centre Melbourne 3005

FRIDAY NIGHT MOB April 7 ANZAPA contributions collected April 14
ANZAPA distributed 6:00-7.30pm. Informal eating and nattering. Myers
Cafeteria Melbourne

AUSTREK April 8 AGM St Mark's Church Hall Cnr Canterbury & Burke
Rds, Camberwell commencing 2pm. GPO Box 5206AA, Melbourne Vic 3001

SKYFORCE 2000 April 8 1:00 to 5:00pm Charles Pearson Theatre ERC
University of Melbourne P.O. Box 427 Northcote Vic 3070

AUSTRALIAN BABYLON 5 FAN CLUB .April 15 2:00pm Club Meeting
Horticultural Hall Cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts Melbourne. Discussion.
Did JMS lose his creativity somewhere between the 4th season of B5
and the beginning of Crusade?  P.O. Box 437 Sunshine Vic 3020

ROBIN HOBB AT SLOW GLASS April 18 from 5:00pm. Slow Glass Books 305
Swanston St Melbourne

ENTERPRISE  April 21 Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal We
start out the front of the Hoyts Cinemas in Bourke Street Melbourne
at 8:00am and march through the city down to South Melbourne where
we will have a tent up, plenty of seats, and one of the busiest
intersections for collecting in Melbourne. Enterprise will put on a
full BBQ lunch with drinks and tea and coffee as well as Easter eggs
for all those who attend the day and help out. If you are interested
in helping out on the day, please email Enterprise

ENTERPRISE  April 22  AGM and Mock Prime Directive Trial P.O. Box
466 World Trade Centre Melbourne 3005 0418 56 1701

NOVA MOB May 3  Neal Stephenson discussion 13 Frederick St Brunswick

MULTIVERSE May 15 6:30pm Free advance preview screening of Pitch
Black  Greater Union Russell Cinemas. For your chance at tickets
check out the Multiverse Web page at


David.Bofinger Films


CONQUEST NEWSLETTER GPO Box 1376 Brisbane Qld 4001

PHILOSFY #14 Alexander R. Slate 8603 Shallow Ridge San Antonio TX
78239-4022 USA

DUFF 2K: The Newsletter Terry Frost & Janice Gelb  4/8 Walker St
West Brunswick Vic 3055 & 1070 Mercedes Ave #2 Los Altos CA 94022

PLACEBO EFFECT #1 Matthew Rayner 2 Guildford Place Leumeah NSW 2560


EMERALD CITY ISSUE 55 Cheryl Morgan or

TOMMYWORLD 50 Tommy Ferguson New Address: 17 Delhi St, Belfast, BT7

FANS ACROSS THE WORLD NEWSLETTER 96 March 2000 B. Wilkinson, c/o 15
Manor Drive, Southgate, London, N14 5JH, Great Britain

Bullsheet #141			April 18 2000.
ANZAPA 194			April 7 2000 
GUFF Nominations		April 14 2000
DUFF Voting			April 30 2000

This Fanzine Supports The Minneapolis in '73 WorldCon Bid The
Toronto in 2003 WorldCon Bid. and the Australia in 2007 WorldCon Bid


	Irwin Hirsh notes " I have some copies of New Routes In America
(Peter Roberts report of his 1977 TAFF trip) for sale.
	Dave Langford published the report and it is 'spiffily bound', runs
to about tiny-type 32 pages, and is well illustrated. Some of the
chapters first saw publication in British and US fanzines in the
late 70s.
	Dave sent me 8 copies so that Aussies can easily purchase
copies. Four copies have already been spoken for (though only I have
actually coughed up....) They cost A$16 each (postage included) with
the net proceeds going to the Trans Atlantic Fan Fund (TAFF)."
	Contact Irwin Hirsh