The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet #142 – May 5 2000

A marcescent newszine produced for the Australian National Science
Fiction Association by Marc Ortlieb, P.O. Box 215, Forest Hill,
Vict, 3131, AUSTRALIA
	Postal subscriptions $6-00 for ten.(Cheques made out to Marc
Ortlieb please. Stamps accepted). Available for items of gossip.
E-mailed direct, a once off $10 fee.  Free copy from aus.sf on
Internet or at


"Border Guards" by Greg Egan (Interzone 10/99) has been nominated
for a Hugo in the best Novelette category. The Matrix has been
nominated in Best Dramatic Presentation (The complete list appears
later in this issue.)

The Chesley Awards are given each year by the Association of
Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA). This Year Marianne
Plumridge has been nominated in three categories Best Interior
Illustration, Best Color Work, Unpublished and Best
Three-Dimensional Art

	Orb #1 is now available. Included stories are: "Schroedinger's
Catamaran"  Adam Browne, "Sisters of the Moss" Bryce Stevens, "The
Left Behind" Kaaron Warren, "Moon Born" Robert Stephenson, "The
Olympics of '44" Richard Womack, "Timelines" Rick Kennett,
"Nahlia's Call" Ann Abrahmsen and "Reading in Bed" Rob Riel. Also
included is an interview with Andrs Vaccari and reviews by Lucy
Schmeidler, Sue Isle and Anthony Oakman. Check your local sf
specialty shop or P.O. Box 1621 South Preston Vic 3072

	Sophie Masson has a piece on abortion in The Australian 19/4/2000.
Damien Broderick contributes an article on genetic engineering and
aging to The Age 19/4/2000. Terry Dowling reviews Stephen Dedman's
The Lady of Situations and Richard Harland's Hidden From View,
along with an assortment of overseas novels, in The Weekend
Australian Review April 22-23. The Australian Magazine 29-30/4/2000
features an article about Arthur C. Clarke. Murray MacLachlan notes
that the March Locus contains a good review of Sean  McMullen's
story ''Colours of the Soul'' (From the February Interzone)

	A Random House Press Release notes that Mary Doria Russell, author
of The Sparrow and Children of God, will be touring Australia this
May. Further information is available from Penny Page at Random
House 02 8923 9831

	Alan Stewart notes that Melbourne fan Lindsay Jamieson has moved to

	Karen Pender Gunn reports that Beky Tully had a premature baby boy,
Callum, on April 21. Beky wasn't well for a while but Callum is
doing well.

	Frances Papworth reports "Renaldo wishes to thank everyone for
their support during his reign as FFANZ administrator and announce
that he is passing the baton to:Ta Da Mr Paul EwinsCheer, cheer,
whistle, cat call. Renaldo mentions that while Paul may be over 4
inches tall, he is just as lovely as the woolly one himself.
Renaldo asks that he be excused so he can chase up Phil about the
final report for FFANZ 2000." Paul will attend Con d'Or, the 2000
New Zealand NatCon.
	Karen Pender Gunn notes "The Ian Gunn Memorial fund will hold a
"weird-shit" video night at the MSFC on the 12th of May.Videos will
be a selection from the vast collection of Ian's and will include
some very strange stuff.  It is a gold coin entry. I will  have all
the stuff for sale from the Fund."
	As reported in the previous BS, the GUFF candidates are Eric
Lindsay & Jean Weber vs Damien Warman and Juliette Woods. A ballot
form is available at
Please note the bit about $A cheques and money orders being made
out to GUFF. Any cheques made out to KPG will be considered as
donations to the "Help Make Karen Pender Gunn a Rich Lady" Fund.

Swancon 2000
	Traces of information are filtering out of Perth regarding Swancon
2000. No complete listings have found their way in my direction,
but Eidolon apparently received a Silver Swan, and John Samuel
received the Marg Hughes ("Mumfan") award.
	Colin Sharpe posted a preliminary report which mentioned, among
other things, the following
	"There were several book launches: Cheapass Games. 'Short Stories
for Short Attention Spans' was put together by our gratuitous
interstate guest Mitch. Paul Kidd launched several of his books
followed by the relaunch, or what was dubbed the wake by some, of
Ticonderoga's books." Colin also noted a Harper Collins launch and
an Eidolon launch, plus the launch of Swancon 26, so it appears
that the phrase "Let's do launch" was uttered on several occasions.
	"The Masquerade was well attended this year, with some amazing
entries. The Darth Maul was particularly stunning, and deserves to
be seen by more folks than the people attending the con."
	"Highlights of the Sunday were Garth Nix's GoH speech, the
traditional Doctor Who panel, the great debate, and the incredible
silliness that was Aaron Jacks' freeform 'Thumbmania'. The Awards
ceremony was delayed slightly by a technical hitch which gave rise
to an amazing rendition of 'And they called it science fiction' to
the tune of Greensleeves, sung by Dave Luckett and Grant Stone."
	As noted in the previous BS, the Ditmars have been held over. Much
of the following information comes from a brief conversation with
Justin Ackroyd, who was at the business session and who is involved
in the Ditmar revamping. A group is thrashing out the categories
which, apparently, include three for Australian Fiction, with the
potential to amalgamate the two proposed short fiction Ditmars if
necessary. There will be an award for fan production, but no
specific fanzine award.
	In addition another group is looking at a brand new constitution
for the Australian National Science Fiction Convention. Rohan
Wallace notes the following "The URL for the proposed constitution
of the natcons organisation (draft 1.1) is:
	This version is slightly updated since the version seen by some at
Swancon. The constitution is open for discussion with a view to
providing a proposal for consideration at the 2001 natcon business
	I am happy to field questions/provide explanations. I also welcome
suggestions, although I am not proposing to mediate discussion. I
feel the appropriate forum for discussion is the natcons group, so
please join if you are interested and not a member.  I am not a
member of the eidolist and therefore will not entertain discussion
	I rather like the bit that states "A member may be expelled from
NSFCO by resolution of the board where it appears that his conduct
has been detrimental to the objectives of NSFCO."
	Those objectives are
To foster an appreciation of Science Fiction in Australia;
To coordinate and assist in the organizing of an annual national science fiction convention;
To coordinate national science fiction awards;
To raise funds for the achievement of the objectives; and
To co-operate with other groups with similar aims.
	Okay let's see who can break all of those objectives first and thus
be the first person to be expelled from NSFCO! Ready...Set....Go!!!
(And please remind me not to read Heinlein novels before commenting
on verbose constitutions in future. I keep coming out of them with
the feeling that semantics means something...)

	Eric Lindsay passed on the following from Garry Dalrymple,
regarding the recent Sydney Freecon. "I estimate sixty plus people
attended on the Saturday and twenty plus people attended on Sunday
not that bad for two months effort and a date up against Swancon,
The Easter Show, The Sydney Triathlon and a rainy weekend.
	Expenses were in the vicinity of $150 which were split three ways
between John August, David Bofinger and myself. We had seven
authors and a large number of panels and presentations of varying
impact. For the future it was generally agreed to repeat the
convention next year (probably earlier than mid April ) as well as
to try for another Freecon later this year.
	One gauge of success of Freecon 00 is that an enlarged committee
stepped forward on Sunday to lend a hand for the next Freecons."

	Masquerade, Swancon 2001, the 2001 Australian NatCon, has released
its first progress report, with details on GsoH, Rosaleen Love,
Marilyn Pride, Lewis Morley, Kate Orman and Sue Ackerman. They are
running a short film festival and invite submissions prior to
August 20 2000.

	Darren Witt reports "The 41st Australian NatCon will be held in
Melbourne in 2002. Convergence 2002 features an  excellent list of
international and local guests who between them have won  nearly
every writing award in the English language. Guest of  Honour is
Joe Haldeman, who in a career spanning nearly 30 years has won
multiple Hugo awards, as well as most other awards for SF writing.
Local guests  include Sean Williams and Lucy  Sussex, and the
Toastmaster will be Jack Dann.  To Celebrate the 50th anniversary
of the first Australian NatCon the Fan Guest will be Race Mathews
who was a member of the  first NatCon, as well as a founder of the
Melbourne Science Fiction Group. Also  attending will be Gay
Haldeman long time fan and  Magazine correspondent.
 	For more information on the program, Guests of  Honour and
Membership information, check out the Web site at or email us at"


Mini-Con May 6 2000  10:00am to 6:00pm Guest Nicole deBoer:. $50
FSF members and $60 nonmembers (02) 9523 8385
Website Box 797, Fairfield, NSW, 1860.

May 13 2000 - A day with Nicole deBoer Edmund Barton Centre,

Mid 2000 tba 

The 2000 New Zealand National SF Convention June 3 to 5 2000 West
Plaza Hotel Wellington GsoH Tad Williams Sean McMullen and Maree
Sole. Contact or

sinpOZium 2000 
The Australian Slash Con June 10 to 12 2000 (Queens Birthday
Weekend). Sydney. Convener Bernice
Official website
Mailing list

Gaming Convention June 29 to July 2 2000 Collingwood Education
Centre Victoria Special Guest Shane Lacey Hensley

BOBW  9 
Stargate July 1st & 2nd 2000  Sydney Guests: Christopher Judge
(Teal'c) Teryl Rothery (Dr. Janet Frasier)
(02) 9453 0290.

CHICON 2000 
The 58th World Science Fiction Convention August 31 to September 4,
2000 - Hyatt Regency Chicago IL GsoH Ben Bova, Bob Eggleton, Jim
Baen, Bob and Anne Passovoy, Toastmaster: Harry Turtledove
$US135.00 for residents of North America $US150.00 rate for bona
fide residents of other continents P. O. Box 642057, Chicago IL
60664, fax: 312-946-3779

October 6 to 8 2000 Brisbane Convention Centre GPO Box 1376
Brisbane 4001

BOBW 10 
Babylon 5/Crusade October 14th & 15th 2000Sydney Guests:Tracy
Scoggins, Peter Woodward Maggie Egan David Allen Brooks   (02) 9453 0290.

a relaxacon 17-19 November, 2000  The Country Comfort Motel, Port
Stephens N.S.W.. Membership $20 Accommodation $57 per night per
person Edwina Harvey by  e-mail at or by snail
mail c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville. 2036

10-11 February 2001 Auckland New Zealand $7
entry  Guests tba

40th Australian National Science Fiction Convention April 12-16
2001. GsoH Rosaleen Love, Marilyn Pride, Lewis Morley, Kate Orman
and Sue Ackerman The Rydges Hotel Perth. P.O. Box 162 Nedlands W.A.
6909.Attending $60 until June 4; $80 after that. $100 at the door.
Supporting $20 P.O. Box 162 Nedlands W.A. 6909

The 2001 New Zealand National SF Convention Auckland.

The 59th World Science Fiction Convention  August 30 to September
3, 2001 The Pennsylvania Convention Center & Philadelphia Marriott
Hotel GsoH Greg Bear, Stephen Youll, Gardner Dozois, George
Scithers Toastmaster: Esther Friesner. Attending $135 until
30/4/2000 then $145 Supporting  $US40 Millennium Philcon Post
Office Box 310 Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006-0310 U.S.A.

February 15-18 2002 Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre
$A50Daily Admission $100 until Dec 31st 2000; $A130 Jan 1st 2001 -
Dec 31st 2001 $160 Jan 1st 2002 - Feb 15th 2002 The Australian
Costumers' Guild PO Box 322 Bentleigh Vic 3204

41st Australian National Science Fiction Convention June 7  - 10
2002  GsoH  Joe Haldeman, Sean Williams Lucy  Sussex, and Race
Mathews Toastmaster Jack Dann Cato Conference Centre Melbourne

The 60th World Science Fiction Convention August 29 to September 2,
2002  San Jos McEnery Convention Centre GsoH Vernor Vinge, David
Cherry, Bjo & John Trimble, Ferdinand Feghoot Toastmaster Tad
Williams. P.O. Box 61363 Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363 U.S.A. Attending $A150.
Supporting $A50.

GoH = Guest of Honour
O.C.P. = Other Commitments Permitting
tba= to be announced. 

	National Science Week has produced a number of interesting items
with sf connections. Unfortunately I didn't get this information
until late in the piece, but some of it might still be useful.
	Susan Batho reports " ScreenSound Australia, the National Film and
Sound Archive, is once again taking part in the Australian Science
Festival by celebrating a lighter aspect of science. For the past
three years, ScreenSound has presented classic science fiction
movies at their famous art deco theatre in Acton, always with an
underlying theme. This year presents five acknowledged classics of
science fiction cinema, each of which will be introduced by a
renowned science fiction aficionado, or by an expert in a field of
science which is covered by the film. There will be two screenings
of each movie, but bookings will still be essential.
	Monday 1 May 5pm & 7.30pm Blade Runner (1982) M
	Tuesday 2 May 5pm & 7.30pm Close Encounters of the Third (1977) PG
	Wednesday 3 May 5pm & 7.30pm The Time Machine (1960) G
	Thursday 4 May 5pm & 7.30pm The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) G
	Friday 5 May 5pm & 7.30pm Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1959) G
The weekend of 6-7 May will host a Star Trek marathon. Admission
prices for these screenings are $7 (adults) and $5 (concessions)
	For more information, or photographs, contact Mark Juddery (Public
Affairs) at ScreenSound Australia, on (02) 6248 2087 or email

	Niall Byrne notes the following regarding space related items
linked to Science Week. "Amongst this year's overseas guests are
Heather Couper and Nigel Henbest who produced the recent ABC series
"Universe".  Both astronomers, they have an international
reputation for making science accessible through their films and
books. They are participating in several sessions. Everything is
free and at Jeff's Shed (Melbourne Exhibition Centre) except
Science in the Pub which is $5 and in a pub!
	Wednesday 3 May  Life OFF Earth: are we alone? A Science in the Pub with Paul Davies, Heather Couper, Nigel Henbest guided by ABC Quantum's Paul Willis and recorded for ABC Radio $5 "Upstairs" at the Redback Brewery, 75 Flemington Road, North Melbourne. For more information and bookings visit 
	Thursday 4 May 10.30 am and 1.15 pm Doing Science in Space,An interactive presentation featuring Kevin Manning of the Aerospace Education Australia, and live video conferencing with astronauts from SPACE HAB in Florida.
	Saturday, 6 May 1 pm ET - Please Phone Earth With Nigel Henbest & Heather Couper, makers of the recent ABC documentary "Universe"
	Saturday 6 May 3 pm"Hollywood meets the Labcoats," Rod Quantock, Heather Couper, Jim Schembri, Gael Jennings, David Vaux, David Smith and Kevin Manning. Discussion of the way science and scientists are presented in film
	Thursday, 4 May 11.30 am Fresh Science: young Australian researchers present their discoveries to the public and media for the first time.
	Sunday 7 May 11.30 am Dr. Daniel Solomon, DSTO Adelaide, Meteor Echoes Improve Jindalee Radar
	Friday, 5 May 9.45 am Flight through the Universe Launch of Anglo Australian Observatory/Swinburne University computer simulation
	For details, check
Niall Byrne PO Box 199 Drysdale 3222 Australia,

Note that there is an annual calendar available on the Vicnet SF
web site at


SKYFORCE SYDNEY May 21 12:00pm to 5:00pm Lidcombe Catholic
Workmen's Club 24 John Street, Lidcombe


CONQUEST May 7 Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane GPO Box
1376 Brisbane Qld 4001

QUEST May 14 Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane GPO Box 2084
Brisbane Qld 4001

BUFFY  May 27 Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane

BRISBANE DR WHO CLUB May 28  Red Cross Centre, 409 Adelaide St
Brisbane P.O. Box 10308, Adelaide St, Brisbane, Qld 4000

STARGATE:SG1 June 18  Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane


CRITICAL MASS June 7 2000 Roman Orszanski title tba  PO Box 3355,
Rundle Mall, Adelaide, SA 5000


MSFC May 5  Food Night, Mexican, May 12, Crazy Video Night, May 19
Collectible Card Games Explained 8:00 pm St. David's Uniting Church
Hall, 74 Melville Road, West Brunswick P.O. Box 212 World Trade
Centre Melbourne 3005

FRIDAY NIGHT MOB May 5 ,May 12, May 19 6:00-7.30pm. Informal eating
and nattering. Myers Cafeteria Melbourne

MULTIVERSE May 15 6:30pm Free advance preview screening of Pitch
Black  Greater Union Russell Cinemas. For your chance at tickets
check out the Multiverse Web page at

ENTERPRISE  May 27  AGM and Mock Prime Directive Trial (Note
changed date) P.O. Box 466 World Trade Centre Melbourne 3005 0418
56 1701

NOVA MOB June 7  Kirsten McDermott on Michael Marshall Smith 13
Frederick St Brunswick

SKYFORCE 2000 June 10 1:00 to 5:00pm Charles Pearson Theatre ERC
University of Melbourne P.O. Box 427 Northcote Vic 3070


PITCH BLACK VIEWING May 18 6:30 pm Grand Cinemas Warwick, Beach Rd,
Warwick $7 a ticket from Tactics, Valhalla and Jump Point. Contact
Stephen Powell for details on 9249 7492 or at
Proceeds go to WASFF

SWANCON 2001 ICE CREAM PICNIC June 4  2000 2.00pm The top of the
Aboriginal Art Gallery Kings Park

SWANCON 2001 ICE SKATING July 1 2000 1.00pm Mirrabooka Ice Rink


MUMBLINGS FROM MUNCHKINLAND 15 Chris Nelson 23 Henty St Invermay
Tas 7248

ETHEL THE AARDVARK 90 Paul Ewins for the MSFC P.O. Box 212 World
Trade Centre Melbourne Vic 3005



FANS ACROSS THE WORLD NEWSLETTER 97 B. Wilkinson, c/o 15 Manor
Drive, Southgate, London, N14 5JH, Great Britain

eFNAC #3 John Foyster This is produced as an
Acrobat file. To be sent a copy, contact John at the above e-mail

Bullsheet #143			May 16 2000.
ANZAPA 195			June 9 2000
Swancon 2001 Short Films	August 20 2000 
GUFF 2001			November 13 2000

This Fanzine Supports The Minneapolis in '73 WorldCon Bid The
Toronto in 2003 WorldCon Bid. and the Australia in 2007 WorldCon
Bid Warman & Woods for GUFF!


2000 Hugo Awards and John W. Campbell Award Nomination List

Contact Michael Nelson, for more details

Best Novel (334 nominations for 183 novels)
A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold (Baen)
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson (Avon)
Darwin's Radio by Greg Bear (HarperCollins UK; Del Rey)
A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge (Tor)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling (Bloomsbury; Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic Press)

BEST NOVELLA (191 nominations for 58 novellas)
 "The Astronaut From Wyoming" by Adam-Troy Castro and Jerry Oltion
(Analog 7-8/99)
 "Forty, Counting Down" by Harry Turtledove (Asimov's 12/99)
"Hunting the Snark" by Mike Resnick (Asimov's 12/99)
"Son Observe the Time" by Kage Baker (Asimov's 5/99)
"The Winds of Marble Arch" by Connie Willis (Asimov's 10-11/99)

BEST NOVELETTE (168 nominations for 130 novelettes, six nominees
due to a tie)
"Border Guards" by Greg Egan (Interzone 10/99)
 "The Chop Girl" by Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's 12/99)
"Fossil Games" by Tom Purdom (Asimov's 2/99) 
"The Secret History of the Ornithopter" by Jan Lars Jensen (F&SF
"Stellar Harvest" by Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's 4/99)
"1016 to 1" by James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's 6/99)

BEST SHORT STORY (189 nominations for 158 short stories)
"Ancient Engines" by Michael Swanwick (Asimov's 2/99)
"Hothouse Flowers" by Mike Resnick (Asimov's 10-11/99)
"macs" by Terry Bisson (F&SF 10-11/99)
"Sarajevo" by Nick DiChario (F&SF 3/99)
"Scherzo with Tyrannosaur" by Michael Swanwick (Asimov's 7/99)
BEST RELATED BOOK (167 nominations for 74 related books)
Minicon 34 Restaurant Guide by Karen Cooper and Bruce Schneier
(Rune Press)
The Sandman: The Dream Hunters by Neil Gaiman and Yoshitaka Amano
(DC Comics/Vertigo)
Science Fiction of the 20th Century by Frank M. Robinson
(Collectors Press)
The Science of Discworld by Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart, and Jack
Cohen (Ebury Press)
Spectrum 6: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art edited by Cathy
and Arnie Fenner (Underwood)
BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION (304 nominations for 106 dramatic
Being John Malkovich (Single Cell Pictures/Gramercy
Pictures/Propaganda Films) Directed by Spike Jonze; Written by
Charlie Kaufman
Galaxy Quest (DreamWorks SKG) Directed by Dean Parisot; Story by
David Howard; Screenplay by David Howard and Robert Gordon
The Iron Giant (Warner Bros. Animation) Directed by Brad Bird; Book
by Ted Hughes; Screenplay by Brad Bird and Tim McCanlies
The Matrix (Village Roadshow Productions/Groucho II Film
Partnership/Silver Pictures) Directed by Andy and Larry Wachowski;
Written by Andy and Larry Wachowski
The Sixth Sense (Spyglass Entertainment/Hollywood Pictures)
Directed by M. Night Shyamalan; Written by M. Night Shyamalan

BEST PROFESSIONAL EDITOR (203 nominations for 66 editors)
Gardner Dozois (Asimov's Science Fiction)
David G. Hartwell (Tor/Forge; Year's Best SF)
Patrick Nielsen Hayden (Tor Books; Starlight)
Stanley Schmidt (Analog Science Fiction and Fact)
Gordon Van Gelder (St. Martin's Press; Fantasy & Science Fiction)

BEST PROFESSIONAL ARTIST (196 nominations for 103 artists)
Jim Burns; Bob Eggleton; Donato Giancola; Don Maitz; Michael Whelan
BEST SEMIPROZINE (168 nominations for 38 semiprozines)
Interzone edited by David Pringle; Locus edited by Charles N.
Brown; The New York Review of Science Fiction edited by Kathryn
Cramer, Ariel Hamion, David G. Hartwell, and Kevin Maroney; Science
Fiction Chronicle edited by Andrew I. Porter; Speculations edited
by Kent Brewster

BEST FANZINE (195 nominations for 94 fanzines)
Ansible edited by Dave Langford; Challenger edited by Guy H.
Lillian III; File 770 edited by Mike Glyer; Mimosa edited by Nicki
and Richard Lynch; Plokta edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and
Mike Scott

BEST FAN WRITER (191 nominations for 147 fan writers)
Bob Devney; Mike Glyer; Dave Langford; Evelyn C. Leeper; Steven H

BEST FAN ARTIST (164 nominations for 101 fan artists)
Freddie Baer; Brad Foster; Teddy Harvia; Joe Mayhew; Taral Wayne
writers) An award for the best new writer whose first work of
science fiction or fantasy appeared during 1998 or 1999 in a
professional publication. Sponsored by Dell Magazines.
Cory Doctorow (2nd year of eligibility); Thomas Harlan (1st year of
eligibility); Ellen Klages (2nd year of eligibility); Kristine
Smith (1st year of eligibility); Shane Tourtellotte (2nd year of